Stars born on February 10th. Catholicism: religious holidays

Aquarius, the zodiac sign of those born on February 10, has endowed its wards with a truly inexhaustible supply of energy. These people are like a small, indomitable whirlwind that knows no rest. They always become workaholics and their way of thinking is admirable.

They do not think with logic, but with some kind of intuition, creative inspiration, which helps them generate many innovative ideas at an unrealistic speed - any doubts about what zodiac sign is on February 10th disappear. Sometimes it may seem that these people are devoid of feelings, but this is not so, they simply live in a world of ideas, behind which they often do not notice anything.

Diseases of those born on February 10

The weak spot in the body of these fast-moving people is the nervous system, which is subject to severe overload. Due to the large number of projects and ideas, due to frequent changes in mood and emotions, those born on February 10 may experience a real nervous breakdown. They often also suffer from insomnia.

They need to try to make the house as comfortable as possible so that they can truly relax and unwind, forgetting about work. Their home should become their fortress and protection from the worries and bustle of the world around them. Those born on February 10 usually do not pay any attention to their diet and eat everything, this is destructive for them, they should choose a reasonable, balanced diet.

Be careful with sports activities, try not to overexert yourself. You need to seek for yourself, first of all, not active activity, but rest and peace.

Work and career of those born on February 10

The date of February 10th corresponds to the zodiac sign of Aquarius, and, like real Aquarians, people born on this day try to realize their talents and abilities for the benefit of all humanity. They are looking for that one area that suits them more than others, and they crave recognition and glory, including from those in power. The glory of their inventions excites them much more than their calm and collected appearance suggests.

Their cold mask of restraint and indifference is just a mask, and also a consequence of some detachment of the real inventor. Those born on February 10 are extremely confident in themselves, their abilities and talents, so they often achieve the success they expect. Sometimes, in order to gain popularity, they need to change their image - and these people are very reluctant to make such sacrifices.

As for their business principles, they either act as they see fit, or if they encounter obstacles or opposition from any influential persons, they... simply quit. This reaction may seem to indicate grumpiness and intolerance, but this is not the case.

Those born on February 10 are so confident in the correctness of their projects that they do not tolerate interference or amendments even in small things. And yet these complex natures manage to find people who completely accept them as they are and follow them as mentors.

Despite the vulnerability of the nervous system, those born on February 10 rarely experience truly deep feelings. So the accusation of insensitivity may be partly justified. They themselves greatly influence the emotions of those around them, but at the same time they are detached in another world.

In the world of ideas, this is how Aquarians were created, and on February 10th - what zodiac sign do we remember?
These people direct all the energy of their souls to achieving the desired result, and this is what they owe to their luck in business. Those born on February 10 need to learn to let friends and loved ones also express themselves, humbling their ambitions and pride. On their own, they try to maintain relationships with family and friends at a minimum, devoting all their strength and energy to the world of ideas and inventions.

Individual sympathy is also alien to these people. At the same time, those born on February 10 are not without responsibility; for example, in their work they tend to shoulder it in unprecedented quantities. The life task of these people is to learn to be responsible towards their loved ones, whom they often openly neglect for the sake of their favorite work.

Even work colleagues need to be praised and celebrated, to see them as individuals, and not just tools. The path to success can lead to a dead end if you do not learn in time to sacrifice your interests for the sake of living people, to sincerely rejoice for others and praise them. Otherwise, you may be waiting for fame, but at least a lonely old age.

Therefore, try to learn how to switch your obsession with projects and innovations to attention and warmth towards the people near and dear to you. Believe me, fame and brilliant ideas cannot replace them for you.

Day of joyful greeting.

February 10th celebrity birthday- actress Lyudmila Artemyeva, actress Chloe Moretz, poet Boris Pasternak, actress Emma Roberts, singer Sergei Penkin, actress Irina Poladko

Personality of Aquarius born on February 10th- Those born on February 10 are actively searching for the most suitable area to apply their strength and strive to be recognized. Many of them seriously dream that their achievements will be appreciated in the highest echelons of power. More developed natures born on this day, as a rule, manage to achieve what they want, and too much zeal on their part is usually not required. They behave so confidently and consistently that others can only recognize their success.

Those born on February 10 are extremely reluctant to change their style in order to become even more popular. Their basic principle is: “Take it or leave it,” and not at all because they are belligerent or quarrelsome, they just know how best to organize things and are absolutely confident in the correctness of their approaches. Unfortunately, others often perceive the emphasized equanimity of these people as stubbornness or even insensitivity. However, people whose birthday is February 10th can find someone who will love them with all their flaws, fears and eccentricities.

Those born on February 10th are able to deeply touch the emotions of those living around them, although they themselves rarely experience violent feelings. These people seem to somehow channel all their energy into active efforts to achieve meaningful results while remaining fairly dispassionate. Perhaps this feature is the basis of their success. As performers of responsible roles on the stage of life, those born on February 10 are well aware that they have an enormous responsibility for loved ones (family, friends, colleagues), and, like a pilot flying an airplane, they will do everything necessary so that the plane does not crash, but_ nothing more. People whose birthday is February 10th should learn to step into the shadows at least occasionally. After all, others should also have a chance to shine.

For those born on February 10, the issue related to the problem of responsibility is very important. Usually those born on this day feel total responsibility for the work entrusted to them, but they are harmed by the fact that they do not know how to sympathize with people on a personal level. They must learn that family members cannot be ignored, friends cannot be neglected, and colleagues cannot be discouraged. Caring, sincere admiration for the successes of others, and to some extent, sacrifice - this is what these people must keep in mind when scoring their countless goals.

What kind of people are whose zodiac sign is February 10th? Those born on this day run the risk of being recognized and adored by everyone, but lonely. However, they can avoid such a fate if they take all measures in time so as not to remain in a vacuum. It's never too late. Those born on February 10th are not at all devoid of empathy for others; rather, it is a matter of inner orientation and awareness.

Advice for Aquarius born on February 10th- Pay attention to detail. Simple things benefit your abstract nature. Avoid strong impulses that can lead you in the other direction. Look carefully at what's ahead of you.

Every day of the year is special. Someone is born and dies, enters into grandiose agreements and makes discoveries. Days contain preserved memories of past events. We will focus our attention on the winter day of February 10 - the date that marks the anniversary of the wounded two days earlier in a duel with Dantes. However, this calendar sheet is not only marked by a tragic mood. We will talk about what we celebrate on this day in our article.

Orthodox holidays celebrated on this day

The Orthodox Christian calendar offers us many dates associated with the lives of saints. A church holiday also fell on February 10: it is the day of Ephraim the Syrian. We will talk further about the Day of Ephraim, the signs that can be seen at this time, and their meaning.

Ephraim's day - the name day of the brownie

The Monk Ephraim the Syrian is noted in the history of the Christian religion as a compiler of church hymns. He is also revered as a teacher of repentance and a preacher. The authorship of Sirin is attributed to the prayers that are read during Lent.

The holiday has many names that have been used for a long time: this is Syrian Day, and Pribautnik, and Zapechnik. The name Cricket Protector is interesting for its meaning. In connection with it, there is a belief: on the day of Ephraim, no midges, even cockroaches and other pests, should be killed in the house. Otherwise, the brownie will be offended and will do dirty tricks all year until the next day of Ephraim. What does the brownie have to do with it? And this is another belief associated with Sirin.

In addition to all the named roles, Ephraim the Syrian is considered the teacher of the brownie, and the holiday on February 10 is the name day of this good home spirit. People call a spirit who helps a good owner with housework. The family, in turn, thanked the brownie for his help: on Ephraim’s day they fed the spirit. They put porridge in a secluded place in the house, pronouncing special words. The brownie appears from behind the stove at midnight and eats the treat. However, if suddenly the owners forgot to serve food or neglected the tradition, he becomes dashing and harms the house.

In addition to the belief about the brownie, people notice natural phenomena on this day. Our article in honor of the date of February 10 would be incomplete without folk signs. Thus, a strong winter wind on Ephraim's day (remember here the church holiday of Sirin) foreshadows a cold, damp year.

Name day

On this date, as mentioned above, Ephraim’s name day falls. Next - Olga. It is worth citing a few facts about the second name and its owners.
Women named Olga are individuals prone to introspection, concentrating on their feelings. They are good wives, excellent housewives who clearly define the spheres of their spouse’s dominance and their own. In matters concerning the home, Olga will not allow her husband to make final decisions. Olga is a person with excellent diplomatic skills. They are promoted by such opposites as isolation and activity. Together they help Olga to be calculating, which is what a real diplomat needs.

Also on February 10, those with the names Vladimir, Ignatius, Fedor, Georgy, Yakov celebrate their name days.

Other holidays

We further expand our knowledge about February 10th. What other holiday falls on this date?
On October 31, 2002, the Day of Diplomatic Worker was approved in Russia by decree of the President of the Russian Federation. The establishment of the holiday was prepared for the 200th anniversary of the Russian Foreign Ministry. The official fixation of the date indicates that it is highly valued.

History is updated with interesting events every day. Many significant and not so, but interesting facts are tied to February 10th. There's a lot to learn about history! And that's what we'll get to right now.

What holiday is celebrated on February 10 in Sevastopol?

In 1784, on this day, the Empress issued a decree naming the port on the Black Sea coast the name Sevastopol. The word was taken from Greek origin and meant “city of glory.” Sevastopol was at that time a naval port and fortress. Prince Potemkin himself chose the place to found the city, and he built it entirely according to his own design. For these merits, Potemkin is considered the father of the city.

The first mention of an iron

Not only the dates of birth and the founding of cities have reached us. Other interesting events on February 10 are also worth attention. So, an ordinary object, an iron, used to be a curiosity. And even earlier, people eliminated wrinkles in clothes in various intricate ways. What was it worth just using a hot rod by the ancient Greeks, persistent attempts to “drive out” bruises with mugs of hot water!

On February 10, 1636, the first mention of the iron as such in Russian written sources - the book of the queen's expenses - was dated. She reported the payment of 5 altyns to a certain “blacksmith Ivashka Trofimov” for casting an iron iron for use in the royal chambers.

Death of a legend: Pushkin A.S.

In the winter of 1837, namely on February 10, Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich, a significant figure in world literature, died from a wound received two days earlier, on February 8, in a duel with. This event is known to everyone who is even slightly familiar with the poet’s work .

The poet's death was a heavy blow for his friends. Contemporaries did not believe in this loss for the country and world culture. Mikhail Pogodin, who was in Moscow at the time of the news, remembered the prediction made by Alexandra Kirkhoff for Pushkin. The fortune teller’s words said that the poet could die at the age of 37 at the hands of a blond man. Kirkhoff’s other predictions also came true: about great glory, marriage, exile. Tragically, the worst of what she said happened with terrifying precision.

The Day of Remembrance of the death of the great classic is held in St. Petersburg every year on February 10. Pushkin once again finds himself in the spotlight. In house 12 on the Moika, a circle of Russian intelligentsia gathers - representatives of creative professions, government bodies of the country and St. Petersburg in particular, in order to remember the reformer of the Russian language and the creator of literary poetic treasures of the people.
The memorial day of A.S. Pushkin is undoubtedly a significant event. But we will now move on to more positive ones, we will find out who was born on this day and what other significant things this calendar page stores.

Who was born on February 10?

Perhaps one of the most interesting aspects of dates are the birthdays of famous people. Let us remember: those born on this day are protected by the zodiac sign Aquarius. People born under this constellation have innate charisma, charm, they are dreamy and loved by others.

Now let’s move on to outstanding personalities and find out who was born on February 10th. Undoubtedly, among these there are many people interesting for their achievements. Their originality and attractiveness contribute to their fame.

So, celebrities born on February 10th. There are many such famous personalities, but we will remember only a few. Let's start with the names of those who are no longer with us, but their legacy remains in the memory and hearts of people.

Boris Pasternak

Russian poet, one of the greatest geniuses of the twentieth century, Boris Leonidovich Pasternak, was born on February 10 in Moscow. His poems are still read today. Pasternak's significant achievements in the literary field were reflected in the fact that he was nominated as a candidate for the Nobel Prize for many years in a row.

Despite many trials, including intense pressure due to nomination for a high award, the award ceremony took place in 1958. Thus, on February 10, it is worth getting a volume of Pasternak’s poems and remembering once again about the great man recognized by the world.

Bertolt Brecht

On February 10, 1898, another famous cultural figure, Bertolt Brecht, was born in the German city of Augsburg. He is known as a theater playwright and director. Brecht's plays were controversial, as were his theories on theatrical art. However, very soon his ideas took a strong place in the European theater world. Despite the fact that Bertolt Brecht himself devoted most of his life to poetry, it was his plays that made him famous.

Cliff Burton

Fans of heavy rock music should know what a holiday is on February 10th. On this day, the idol of millions was born, a master of playing the bass guitar - a member of the band Metallica.

The rock legend has gained worldwide recognition: in 2011, he was ranked among the best bass players in history according to Rolling Stone.

Sergey Penkin

Another Russian cultural figure, our contemporary, also celebrates his birthday on February 10. He was born in 1961 in the city of Penza, and began his career in Moscow, at the famous Gnessin School.

Unique data and a voice with a range of four octaves made Sergei Penkin a famous vocalist. In 1991, his first solo concert took place. During his musical career, the singer has accumulated a good repertoire. It contains folk songs, romances, and dynamic Western hits. Director Igor Klebanov even made a documentary about Penkin's path to success in music.

Radamel Falcao Garcia - football star

Colombian football star Garcia, known to fans around the world, was born on February 10, 1986 in the Colombian town of Santa Marta.

Garcia is known for his aggressive style of play and unpredictability. Sometimes, as the athlete himself claims, he himself does not understand why at one point or another in the game he is drawn to the opponents’ goal. Naturally, in the team (AS Monaco FC) Garcia plays as a striker. Hundreds of goals scored, an interesting game - and now the footballer’s birthday is celebrated by fans all over the world. Famous people born on this day serve as role models for millions of fans.

Character of those born on this day

Let us dwell further on the personality characteristics of those born on the designated date.

Those born on February 10 are distinguished by originality of thinking from an early age. They have powerful charisma. However, fate can play out the character traits of such people in different ways. She emphasizes positive qualities as well as negative ones. Therefore, it is important for them to consciously adhere to a highly moral line of behavior.

The peculiarity of Aquarius is that they easily evoke emotions in others. At the same time, they themselves show their feelings rather restrainedly. Thanks to this, they make excellent leaders and mentors. Sometimes they need to give up the dominant place and allow someone else from the environment to manifest themselves, because against the backdrop of such a bright personality as a person born on February 10, it is difficult to be proactive.

Life paths

If those born on February 10 have enough effort to develop, first of all, their personality, the path to power is easily given to them. Self-confidence and charisma, which we have talked about more than once, contribute to success. However, before deciding on the type of activity, you have to go through many different directions.

These people do not change their ideas about how to do this or that. They can only apply new methods, but not abandon the old ones. The ability to maintain super-equanimity often confuses others. This often misleads others about the identity of those born on February 10th.


Our educational article was dedicated to the winter date - February 10. What holiday falls on this day, what significant events took place in history, what signs people tried to see - all this is extremely curious to modern people.
In addition to the tragic death of Pushkin, the church holiday of Ephraim the Syrian and name day, the date in question contains several. What is worth mentioning about a real iron in Rus' and the decree on the founding of Sevastopol!
But each person supplements the dates in the calendar with his own personal events. We wish you that every day becomes a holiday for you!

41st day of the year in the Gregorian calendar

National and public holidays on this day

Russia celebrates Diplomat's Day;
- day of memory of the Russian poet and writer Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

Catholicism: religious holidays

Memorial Day of Blessed Catherine du Verdier de la Sorinière and Austreberthe of Paville;
- Memorial Day of Saint Scholastica.

Orthodox Christianity: religious holidays

Memorial Day of Saints Ephraim the Syrian, Theodosius of Totem (Sumorin), Bishop of Pereyaslav Ephraim of the Pechersk, Leonty the Confessor, Palladius of Antioch (Syria), Bishop of Nineveh Isaac the Syrian and Ephraim of Novotorzh;
- day of remembrance of the holy martyrs Vladimir the presbyter, Bishop Ignatius and Bartholomew of Skopinsk;
- day of remembrance of the martyrs Olga and Kharisa and the martyr Plutodor;
- day of remembrance of the presbyter Saint Theodore the Confessor;
- St. George's Memorial Day;

Horoscope for newborns

Such people attach great importance to public opinion. In all their affairs they strive to be approved by their environment. They succeed, but it leads to the fact that their own desires remain unfulfilled. No changes can make them change their behavior or attitude towards activities. Paradoxically, even gaining more recognition and popularity cannot change anything. Due to constant approval from society, they gradually gain greater self-confidence, which negatively affects family and friends.

Stars and cultural figures born on this day

- Sergei Mikhailovich Penkin (born February 10, 1961) is one of the most famous Russian pop performers. He has a unique vocal range spanning four octaves. Penkin is considered one of the most shocking artists of the post-Soviet era.

- Clifford (Cliff) Lee Burton (born February 10, 1962) is one of the most famous rock musicians of the era of the birth of the trash style. Known for being the first bassist of the cult rock band Metallica. The playing style and non-standard effects that Burton used are still being tried by many musicians to this day. He is recognized as one of the best bass players of all time.

- Lyudmila Viktorovna Artemyeva (born February 10, 1963) is one of the most sought-after and popular contemporary theater and film actresses in Russia. She became widely known to television viewers thanks to her work in the television series “Who’s the Boss” and “Matchmakers.”

Political, military and public figures born on February 10

- Leonty Leontyevich Bennigsen (born February 10, 1745) is one of the most talented Russian commanders. Bennigsen was the leader of the military operation during which Napoleonic troops suffered the first defeat in their history.

- Alma Adamkiene (born February 10, 1927) - one of the most active and influential public figures, President of the Republic Valdas Adamkus. Her charitable foundation annually raises more than $500 thousand to donate to boarding schools and orphanages across the country.

Scientists and inventors born on this day

- Mstislav Vsevolodovich Keldysh (born February 10, 1911) is one of the most influential mechanics and mathematicians of the Soviet era. Keldysh is the founder of the Soviet field of computer development. It was his decision to copy the IBM-360 for the further development of Soviet electronic computing mathematics that determined the future fate of the field.

Representatives of sports born on this day

- Mark Andrew Spitz (born February 10, 1950) is one of the most outstanding American swimmers in history. He is one of four nine-time Olympic champions, and the first person in history to win 7 gold medals at one Olympics.

- Radamel Falcao Garcia Zarate (born February 10, 1986) is one of the most famous and promising Colombian football players. He plays for Atlético. His value during transfers to other teams is growing at a record pace. If in 2009 Porto paid 5.5 million dollars for him, now City is offering 50 million pounds.

Popularity on February 10 in Yandex

More than 292.7 thousand requests on February 10, 2012;
- an average of 12 thousand requests monthly.

Numerology for those born on February 10

In such people, good and bad qualities such as stubbornness, determination, condescension and affection interact harmoniously. In different periods, different aspects of character dominate and those born on February 10 themselves cannot control this. Autumn is attentive to their appearance. Other people with unstable character and mood do not attract them, but even repel them. A neglectful attitude towards love and loved ones will result in negative factors, the manifestation of which should be expected in adulthood. Such people can master several professions and become specialists in each. High goals will serve as motivation, the final achievement of which may not be possible, but the intermediate stages will bring a lot of pleasure and material results.

The magic number is 1;
- stone of health and longevity - agate;
- lucky numbers - 1, 19, 37;
- favorable days of the week - Wednesday and Saturday;
- the best months of the year are April and August;
- favorable dates of the month - 1, 10, 19, 28;
- Sexual horoscope: it is best to establish relationships with those born in August, as well as Aquarius, Libra and Gemini.

The zodiac sign of those born on February 10 is Aquarius. These people are endowed with hard work, willpower and energy. They have a vivid imagination and out-of-the-box thinking, which makes them innovators and pioneers. They do not tolerate laziness and idleness. They cannot imagine their life without a goal.

Since childhood, such people differ from their peers in their more developed intellectual abilities and erudition. They show interest in learning and strive to find an area in which they can demonstrate their abilities. Throughout life they are reluctant to change their field of activity. In work and personal relationships they strive to take control of everything. These are conservatives. They don't like change.

In communication, they are good-natured and gentle personalities. Thanks to their witty jokes and sociability, they become the life of any company. They happily come to the aid of people who are in trouble. Their optimism and love of life become an example and inspire others.

Characteristics of women born on February 10

Such women are individual, determined and independent individuals. They strive for public recognition. They often choose creative or public professions. Behind their external willpower and calmness hide vulnerable and sentimental natures.

They are sociable, gentle and friendly personalities, thanks to which they have many friends. They are valued for their optimism, hospitality, ability to listen and give wise advice.

Characteristics of men born on February 10

Such men are active, diligent and strong-willed individuals. Throughout their lives they strive for self-education and self-improvement. They are endowed with developed mental abilities and insight. They are interested in psychology and have a good understanding of people's hidden motives. This makes them difficult to deceive or mislead.

Love horoscope

Those born on this day are passionate and romantic in relationships. A love affair plays an important role for them. When choosing a partner, they are guided by feelings and the practical side. As the other half, they want to see a like-minded and comprehensively developed person.

In a family, such men and women value harmony and comfort. They feel responsible for their household and surround them with care. In the families of these people, the cause of disagreements and quarrels is their unwillingness to give in and change their priorities for the sake of the other half.


Aquarians born on February 10 are well compatible with Sagittarius, Aries, Libra, and Gemini. They have difficult relationships with Capricorns, Scorpios, and Cancers.

The most suitable partner for those born on February 10

People born on such days are best suited for love and marriage:

January: 15, 19, 29
February: 4, 6, 10, 20
March: 4, 20, 31
April: 7, 11, 14, 16
May: 7, 10, 12, 17, 19, 29
June: 2, 17, 25, 29
July: 8, 16, 21, 31
August: 8, 14, 21, 29, 31
September: 8, 13, 15
October: 11, 14, 15, 20, 24, 28
November: 7, 19, 22, 28
December: 5, 16, 22

Business horoscope

Those born on this day are distinguished by hard work and diligence. It is important for them to enjoy their work. Therefore, they are looking for an area in which they can realize their talents. They strive to achieve a high social position and recognition of the results of their work by others. Business sense and developed intuition help them to notice profitable offers.

These people do not tolerate rules and regulations. They often choose solo practice or become supervisors. Thanks to organizational skills and communication skills, they can unite the team and competently manage the work of the department. They often succeed in sports, art, social or government activities, and politics.

Health horoscope

Aquarians born on February 10 neglect their health. They often work overtime without paying due attention to proper sleep, nutrition and rest. Because of this, the digestive and nervous systems become vulnerable places in their body. Such people are prone to nervous tension and depression. A regular daily routine will help them cope with stress. Weekends are best spent in nature or doing active recreation. The horoscope recommends not skipping meals and not snacking on the go. In your diet, you should give preference to plant and dairy products, lean meats.

Don't take on more than you can handle

You have a heightened sense of responsibility and hard work, which is why you strive to control all processes and take on more tasks than you can handle. Soberly assess your capabilities and trust your partners more.

Pay attention to family

Due to your passion for work, you often deprive your loved ones of attention. Spending time with your family will bring relaxation and positive emotions.

Be gentle with others

Learn to accept people's shortcomings. Don't turn away from those who don't fit your ideals. More often notice the achievements and positive qualities of your colleagues and household members.