Holiday scenario: musical living room in a dhow. The music room invites “Such different music...

Organization: Municipal educational institution kindergarten No. 128

Locality: Volgograd region, Volgograd

Target: introduce parents and children to cultural and leisure centers of the city, where you can hear classical music

Progress of the event

Under a low volume sounding music(“Waltz-Boston” (retro) disc “Ballroom Dancing” Gustav Brom Orchestra) children with their parents enter the hall, take seats according to the tickets (chairs are numbered).

Educator: Hello, friends! Forty years ago, in 1973, it was decided to hold October 1 International Day music. Our evening today is dedicated to this amazing art.

Traveling around the world

Circling the planet

Fairy of music now-

Here she is! Visiting us!

To the music, the Fairy of Music (musical director) enters the hall with “ with a magic wand" in hand.

Fairy: Hello, dear guests,

Small and big!

I travel around the world a lot,

I dropped in to see you at the kindergarten first.

Educator: I suggest you say hello to our guest. And let this greeting be musical.

Children and parents stand in a circle. A communicative game “Hello!” is being held. music and lyrics by M. Kartushina.

Fairy: We greeted with musical sounds. They are distinguished by their special beauty and melodiousness. Unlike noise sounds ( children and adults imitate the rustling of leaves, the sound of rain, the howling of the wind, the cries of birds), which exist as if by themselves, musical sounds invented by a man.

Educator: Fairy of Music, tell me where I can meet you?

Fairy: Ask the same question with music!

The teacher performs the first verse of the song “Where is music’s home?” M. Eremeeva (music) and S. Eremeev (lyrics).

Fairy: To answer your question, I suggest you make musical journey around our city. And the guys and their parents will take us to the places where music lives.

I'll wave my magic wand

I’ll take you to the land of music!

Adult (or older sibling) and child junior group who visited music school, they talk about it, showing a joint drawing, a homemade book about a musical instrument (on the screen there is a photograph).

Fairy: Today, students from this children’s school came to visit us with their musical instruments to perform for you. Let's greet them with applause!( applause)

Fairy: The violin will sound first ( the violinist comes out). The sound source of this instrument is 4 strings and a bow. Listen to how the violin sounds.

Violinist performance. A violin slide is shown on the screen.

Fairy: You are already familiar with the piano. The sound is produced by pressing the keys loudly (forte) or softly (piano). Let's listen to its sound performed by a young musician.

Performance by a pianist (you can invite children to approach the instrument).

Fairy: It's time to refresh yourself!

The cunning pot cooked something for us,

She cooked something for us, covered it with a handkerchief,

She covered it with a handkerchief and is waiting for us,

And he’ll wait for us until someone comes! (V.Pikuleva)

One of the children comes up and opens the handkerchief. Inside the pan are wooden spoons.

While stirring the “porridge” in a glass with a wooden stick, children and parents sing along with “Cook, porridge!” (technology " Musical rhythm" Zatyamina T.A.)

Fairy: It's time to continue our journey. My other home is in... a trolleybus! Yes, yes, you heard right! They will tell us about this...( names the names of children and parents who took a musical excursion route as part of the Blue Trolleybus project).

A story by children and parents about the “Blue Trolleybus” with a display of photographs and child-parent drawings of a guitar.

Fairy: The songs that sound in this unusual trolleybus are performed to the accompaniment of strings plucked instrument– guitars.

Performance by a guitarist (slide with an image of a musical instrument).

Fairy: One of the songs that sounds in this trolleybus is “ Colorful game" I suggest you dance to its sound.

I ask you all to rise

And stretch out a little!

The phonogram of the song “Multi-Colored Game” sounds (A.I. Burenin’s program “Multi-Colored Mosaic”). Children and parents dance.

Fairy: Central Concert Hall ( slide show) another place where Her Majesty Music lives. We'll be there too. But first I have questions for the parents:

1) Who composes the music? (composer)

2) Who performs musical works? (musicians)

3) If a poet and composer work together, then it turns out... (song)

4) Who leads the orchestra? (conductor)

5) What is the main thing musical performance? (music).

The story of a mother and a junior group student who visited concert hall, demonstration of photographs, jointly produced posters.

Fairy: The flute is the most ancient wind musical instrument. Its variety, the whistle, has been known for a long time. Let's listen to its sound.

Flutist performance.

The game “Magic Bag” is played to the accompaniment of a flute (technology “Musical rhythm” by T.A. Zatyamina)

Fairy: The Museum of Musical Instruments named after E.N. Pushkin, located in the Kirovsky district of Volgograd, has become a real home for not one, but more than three hundred musical instruments. This year it turns 110 years old. Let's listen to those who visited it.

A story told by museum visitors with a demonstration of a homemade drum.

Children with their parents perform “Dance with Musical Instruments” (Suvorova T.I. “Dance, baby!” collection 2)

Fairy: Our musical journey through the city has come to an end. Time to say good-bye! Now you know where the music lives. I invite everyone to visit the places you learned about today and enjoy the wonderful music sounding there.

Joint round dance of children, parents and pupils of the Children's Music School "Farewell" (Zheleznova's method)

Thank you young musician for their performances, to the children and their parents for their stories.

There is applause. Children give flowers to the musicians. To remember the meeting, students and parents receive musical souvenirs

Fairy: And now you can come up and play any of the musical instruments.

Children approach instruments freely and play them under the supervision of adults.

The musical living room invites “Such different music…»

Meet some biographical information from the life of P.I. Tchaikovsky; Hearing individual works in music classes;

Goal: To familiarize children and parents with the work of the Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky, a cycle of musical works « Children's album» .

Objectives: To introduce children to the music of the Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky and his cycle of works "Children's Album"

To create conditions for listeners to enjoy communication with classical music, presenting auditory images to visual ones.

Instill the skills of a culture of listening to classical music.


Multimedia installation, screen, presentation for notes;

Sounds "Waltz" from "Children's album." P.I. Tchaikovsky

Children enter the hall and take their seats.

The music flows, sparkles, sparkles!

Joy and celebration! Sun and light!

It’s as if he’s telling all sorrows to be forgotten, generously giving musical greetings.

Dear guests, guys! Today you are invited to a meeting with the music of the great Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Do you know what it can? What can music do?

(Makes you happy, sad, Can make you laugh, make you angry, calm, lull, can tell...)

Indeed, music is a real magician

Today we were invited to our meeting by the music of the famous Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Who is the composer?

(person who writes music)

In the spring of 1878, Tchaikovsky returned to his homeland from abroad and decided to stay in Ukraine, with the family of his beloved sister Alexandra Ilyinichna Davydova.

He lived in a cozy room specially prepared for him, and most importantly, what was in his room? how do you come up with what? What musical instrument?

IN free time P.I. loved to play with his little nephews. Alexandra Ilyinichna had seven children, and Tchaikovsky tirelessly came up with holidays for them with bonfires, fireworks and, of course, dancing, where he himself accompanied on the piano.

His little nephew had difficulty mastering the intricacies of playing the piano during the hours allotted for practice. Sitting on the veranda over tea, Pyotr Ilyich heard the unlucky “pianist” tormenting scales and etudes in the next room. He felt sorry for the baby, and he decided to create "Children's Album"

Do you know what could be in this album?

"Children's Album" is 24 easy pieces for piano. On title page first edition: "Dedicated to Volodya Davydov. Children's album. Collection of easy plays for children."

Here you can find pictures of nature and Fairy tale characters and names of children's games. dance tunes

All works are varied in character, with interesting names. Mother. Baba Yaga, Russian song, nanny's fairy tale, winter morning.

want to see and hear what's on the first page "Children's Album"

Bom-bom, bom-bom,

The album opens.

Now cheerful, now sad,

Not simple, but musical

He sat on his golden-headed horse and raced around the house, around the room,

Past the table, whatnot and bedside table, past the cat lying on the sofa,

Past a grandmother sitting knitting, past a ball and a box of toys.

Music is playing "Horse Game"

Girls always played with dolls, 100 and 170 years ago, when P.I. Tchaikovsky lived, but toys for boys have changed, what do modern boys play with?

(Guns, cars, robots)

They clearly mark a firm step - no, they are not afraid of the fierce enemy

With a drum, in an even formation, they march like heroes.

And don’t look at how small they are - they are battle-hardened! (A.I.Burenina)

Brand new, beautiful soldiers just attract you. They are just like the real thing, you can line them up and send them to the parade. So they know how to march like real people, and it’s so cool that you just feel like marching with them

Sounds "March of the Wooden Soldiers"

Was the sound loud or soft?

Whether the melody was smooth, melodious or clear. jerky?

What pace will be fast, rapid, or calm, moderate?

What kind of character will there be: cheerful, perky, or sad, sad?

One day, a friend came to visit Sasha’s girl’s dad. He had some kind of box in his hands.

This is for you, Sasha! - he said.

“What is it?” Sashenka thought, burning with curiosity.

An acquaintance untied the ribbon, opened the lid and handed the box to the girl...

There lay beautiful doll. She had big blue eyes. When the doll was rocked, the eyes opened and closed. The pretty little mouth smiled at the girl.

Light curly hair fell on the shoulders. And from under the velvet dress white stockings and black patent leather shoes were visible. A real beauty!

Sashenka looked at the doll and couldn’t get enough of it.

The girl reached over and took the doll out of the box. A feeling of joy and happiness overwhelmed her. The girl impulsively pressed the doll to her chest and spun around the room with it, as if in a waltz.

What a joy to receive such a gift! – thought Sasha

Listen to the play "New Doll"

What kind of music sounded, what did it say?

The music is light, danceable, joyful, bright.

The child's day is coming to an end. There were games, walks, activities, reading books about travel to different countries. And in the evening Nanny's fairy tale.

M.R.: Now guess the riddle: what is the fairy tale about?

Who's the scary one flying over the forest with a broom?

Lives in a hut with a chicken leg? (Baba Yaga)

Music is playing "Baba Yaga"

conversation (music is harsh, loud, angry)

as if Baba Yaga is circling over the forest on her broom.

The polka began to sound in the hall, there was joy everywhere, ringing laughter,

It's easy bright dance V New Year will make friends with everyone!

I suggest taking musical instruments and performing a polka dance.

(Video illustration used)

Musical and didactic game "Guess the melody" (carried out on the basis of the plays listened to. Children and parents, after listening to a musical fragment, select the desired card and show it)

Bom-bom-bom-bom! The album is closing!

Who gave it to us, composed it for children?

(Children call the name of P.I. Tchaikovsky

Tchaikovsky's music inspired screenwriters and animators to create a cartoon "Children's Album"

(View a fragment of the cartoon)

May music always live and joy conquer everywhere!

Let the Russian heart sing! Tchaikovsky is known everywhere!

M.R. thanks everyone for your attention.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Department of Education and Youth Policy


Administration of the city of Usolye - Sibirskoe

Municipal preschool educational institution

"General developmental kindergarten No. 1"

Adaptive, combinatorial, radical

“Musical living room” as a means of optimizing the interaction between the music director and preschool teachers.

Kharitonova Irina Vladimirovna

music director of VKK

MBDOU "D/S OV No. 1"

Usolye - Sibirskoe,

Explanatory note Relevance: during the accreditation procedure of the MDOU “D/S OV No. 1”, an expert in music education was asked to summarize the experience of the music director working with teachers.

In our opinion, one of the most current problems, standing in front

modern society - the threat of spiritual impoverishment of the individual, the danger

loss of moral guidelines.

A turn to life is needed important values, opposition, lack of spirituality, consumerism. The role of the teacher in this regard is paramount. The great Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy said that science proves the truth, and art infects it. A teacher must not only know the methods and techniques of teaching and upbringing, but also be an artist who “infects” children, filling them with aesthetic joy.

Musical director should help the teacher enter the world musical images, develop musicality and artistic taste, creative aspirations. The end result of such work will be the musical and aesthetic development of a preschool child.

Based on the above, the need arose to create an original pedagogical development: “Musical Living Room”, as a means of optimizing the interaction between the music director and preschool teachers.

Novelty: the author's pedagogical development "Musical Living Room" presents a system of measures to optimize interaction in the dyad "Musical director - teacher", including the author's seminars, classes - trainings, music - poetry hours.

Methodological basis

The basis of the author’s pedagogical development was the ideas of N. A. Vetlugina, A. V. Keneman, who note that success collaboration The teacher-musician and educators depend on mutual interest in the common cause and results of musical education of children.


Identification and development of the musical and creative potential of teachers, as a result - improving the quality of work with children preschool age on musical education.

1. Ensuring the musical development of teachers;

2. Interaction between the music director and teachers;

3. Increasing the level of musical development of children.

Implementation period: 1 year.

Expected results:

Teachers’ mastery of modern music educational programs and technologies that ensure the harmony and integrity of their musical development;

High-quality interaction between the music director and preschool teachers;

Development of the creative potential of the music director and teachers;

Improving the quality of musical education of children in preschool educational institutions.

Author's pedagogical development includes three sections. The first section describes the working methodology. The second section presents the contents of the “Musical Living Room” - long-term plan work. The third section contains diagnostic technique identifying the level of musical and artistic abilities of teachers. The author's development is completed by an appendix and a list of references.

Section 1. Working method Methodological recommendations have been compiled for one year of targeted, systematic and consistent work with teachers to develop their musicality and creative potential.

Work must be carried out on the basis of the following principles:

1. Principle comprehensive development. Communication with art is a powerful educational and developmental factor, and in the learning process it is important to select a meaningful, highly artistic repertoire (music, poetry, painting, etc.) that spiritually elevates and enriches each teacher;

2. The principle of systematicity and consistency is manifested in the gradual complication of the repertoire;

3. The principle of predictability – reflects in goals and actions today’s and future requirements for musical aesthetic development teachers and children;

4. The principle of rationality - allows you to determine goals and ways to achieve them to ensure maximum results;

5. The principle of realism - helps to determine final and intermediate results.

2. Theater stages;

4. Musical game.

Depending on the volume of program material, the duration of studying the topic varies - from two to three months.

Each topic is covered through a variety of teaching forms.

Stages of training

Stage 1 - preparatory, includes self-analysis "Activities

teacher for music lesson"; survey “Job Analysis”

music director preschool teachers"; input diagnostics

in sections: “Perception of Music”, “Song Creativity”,

“Elementary music-making”, “Theater - gaming creativity».

Stage 2 – the main one, includes the following forms of work:

1. Introductory consultation;

2. Music workshop;

3. Seminar – workshop;

4. Classes – trainings;

5. Master classes;

6. Competitions;

7. Musical KVny;

8. Publication of sound newspapers “Rattle” and “ROSTOK”;

9. Musical and poetic evenings;

10. Musical and theatrical performances.

Forms of training in the “Musical Living Room” program are divided into active and passive.

Passive - mainly intended for the transfer of knowledge in the sense of information: consultations - obtaining information on a specific issue from a specialist; seminars - training in the process of processing, systematizing and reproducing information.

Active - forms of learning (workshops, competitions, music workshops, games, trainings, etc.) are focused not only on the acquisition of knowledge, but also on ways to obtain it, on the development of the creative potential of teachers; are characterized high degree teachers' involvement in

V educational process, increased degree of motivation, emotionality, focus on mastering the material in the shortest possible time.

Stage 3 – final. The goal of the work at this stage is to obtain final diagnostic data in the sections: “Perception of Music”, “Song Creativity”, “Elementary Music-Making”, “Theatrical and Play Creativity”, analysis of the teacher’s activity in a music lesson.

The long-term plan for the “Musical Lounge” is recommended for use on academic year with a group of teachers of 12–16 people.

The frequency of meetings in the “Music Lounge” is once a week.

It is possible to make additions and changes to the planning depending on the individual characteristics of the group and the creative potential of the teachers.

Diagnostic tasks Musical and artistic abilities of teachers.

1 section “Perception of Music” Goal: To determine the level of emotional responsiveness of the teacher to music of different nature, the ability to determine the genre and form of a musical work.

Task No. 1

Material: Card set different colors and shades, audio cassettes with recordings of music of different genres.

Musical repertoire: Classical music, jazz, rock and roll, waltz, folk music.

Methodology: Each teacher has an envelope with a set of cards.

Musical director: Listen musical composition.

Questions: What mood does this music convey?

What color would you color this music?

(Teachers show cards of a certain color and explain their choice)

Task No. 2

Material: Audio cassettes with recording of instrumental and vocal music(march, song, dance)

Methodology: Teachers listen to musical excerpts of works, identify and correlate the illustrations with the music they listened to.

Musical repertoire: R. Schumann “Soldier's March”, P. Tchaikovsky “Waltz”, b. adv. chalk. “I walk with the vine.”

3 points – high emotional responsiveness to music of a different nature, the teacher independently and correctly determines musical genres and the form of the musical work.

2 points – shows interest in musical activity, but finds it difficult to complete tasks.

1 point – low musical responsiveness, the teacher is not able to independently determine musical genres.

2. Section "SINGING" Task No. 1

Goal: To determine the ability to cleanly intonate a melody with musical accompaniment and accopel.

Methodology: Invite the teacher to sing any song at will, with or without musical accompaniment.

Task No. 2

Goal: Determine the level expressive performance acquaintance

songs, the ability to dramatize the content of a song.

Material: Mask hats, theatrical props (basket, tools, toys, etc., a set of cards conveying the content of the song.

Methodology: A group of teachers (4-5 people) is asked to choose a card illustrating the content of the song. Teachers, remembering the lyrics of the song, consider options for playing out the content of the song. Having put on mask caps and taking attributes, teachers stage songs.

Musical repertoire: Songs “Antoshka”, “Two Cheerful Geese”, “Grasshopper Song”, etc.

Task No. 3

Goal: Determine the level of purity of melody intonation, the ability to sing with a natural sound, the ability to compose your own melody to a given text.

Methodology: Teachers are offered small quatrains, pondering the options, teachers compose their own melody, find the right intonation.

Note: The nature of the invented melody must correspond to the nature of the text.

3 points – high level singing abilities, clearly intones the melodies of songs, emotionally conveys their content, and shows creative activity.

2 points – average level singing abilities, does not always intonate clearly, but shows interest in singing, and is emotional.

1 point – low level of singing ability, not active, little emotional

3. Section “Elementary music making” Task No. 1

Goal: To identify the ability to produce rhythmic pulsation and rhythmic pattern.

Material: Metallophone, triangles, tambourines, bells, etc.

Methodology: The music director invites teachers to listen to music. excerpt of a Russian folk melody. Next, he invites teachers to decorate the melody by playing instruments, rhythmically tapping the melody of the piece.

Note: The rhythm of the performance and the correctness of sound production are noted.

Task No. 2

Goal: To reveal the teacher’s ability to independently come up with a melody in musical instruments.

Material: Set of musical instruments (metallophone, xylophone, noise instrument set)

Methodology: The music director invites the teacher to compose a song for the toy and come up with a name for it.

Example: “The bear is sad”, “Little white bunny”, “Song about a cat”.

3 points – high level of elementary music-making, accurate rendering of the rhythmic pattern.

2 points – average level of elementary music-making, not always accurate rhythmic sound production.

1 point – low level of elementary music-making, undeveloped sense of rhythm.

4. Section “Basic theater skills” Task No. 1

Goal: Reveals the ability to convey the expressiveness of an image in sketches and dramatization games.

Material: phonograms with different types of music, caps and masks.

Methodology: The music director invites the teacher to listen to a piece of music. The teacher needs to correlate the music he hears with the corresponding animal mask and, using facial expressions and plastic movements, depict this animal to the music.

Task No. 2

Purpose: To determine the level of expressiveness of the teacher’s speech, the ability to understand emotional condition character, expressing it through speech, facial expressions and gestures.

Material: Small excerpts of a poem.

Methodology: The music director invites teachers to read short excerpts of poems from the perspective of different characters I use facial expressions, gestures, and intonation.

Example: “Cowardly Hare”, “Sly Fox”, “Evil Wolf”, “Terrible Bear”, etc.

3 points – high level acting, accurate and creative transmission of images using facial expressions, gestures, and expressiveness of speech. High emotionality and initiative.

2 points – average level of acting skills, emotional responsiveness, desire to get involved in activities, insufficient level of skills in creating images.

1 point – low level of acting skills, “stiffness”, the teacher is not emotional, speech is monotonous, not expressive, and has no interest in completing tasks to create images.

For each section of the program, tables are compiled to analyze the results at the beginning and end of the academic year.

The examination of teachers is carried out in subgroups and individually.

The summary table shows the level of skills of teachers in 3 point system(3 points – high; 2 points – average; 1 point – low).

The results are then analyzed:

1. Ranking and frequency distribution of scores.

2. Distribution of grouped frequencies:

Action 1 – determining the range R=(max-min)+1

Action 2 – select the section interval (if max is more than 100, then R: 12; if less than 50, then R: 4);

3. determination of the number of teachers with high, average and low levels musical and artistic abilities.

Used Books

Artsemendi A. L., “Preschool musical education» translation from Spanish. Toolkit. M.; Progress, 1989

Burenina A. And “Kuklandia”. Educational - methodological manual on theatrical activities - St. Petersburg; publishing house "Musical Palette" 2008

Vetlugina N. A., Keneman A. V. “Theory and methodology of music education in kindergarten». Tutorial: “Preschool pedagogy and psychology.” M.; "Enlightenment", 1983

Gogoleva M. Yu. “Logorhythmics in kindergarten.” Toolkit. – Yaroslavl; Development Academy. 2006

Davydova M. A. “Musical education in kindergarten.” Benefit - M.; Waco, 2006

Devyatova T. N. “Sound wizard.” Materials educational program on musical education of children of senior preschool age. M.; Linko – Press, 2006

Komissarova L.N.; E. P. Kostina “Visual aids in the musical education of preschool children.” A manual for teachers and music directors of kindergartens. – Moscow “Enlightenment” 1986

Kononova N. G. “Teaching preschoolers to play children's musical instruments; A book from work experience. M.; Enlightenment, 1990

Metlov N. A. “Music for children”; A manual for kindergarten teachers and music directors. M.; Enlightenment, 1985

Kutsakova L. V.; Merzlyakova S.I. “Raising a preschool child”; The program is a methodological manual “Rosinka”. M.; - Humanitarian. Vlados Publishing Center, 2004

Radynova O. P. Musical development children. - Tutorial. M.; Humanite ed. Center Vlados. 1997

Root Z.Y. “Musically didactic games for preschool children"; A manual for music directors. M.; Iris – press, 2004

Suvorova T.I. “Dance baby.” Toolkit. ; St. Petersburg; 2007

Sauko T. N.; Burenina A.I. “Top - clap, kids.” Program for musical and rhythmic education of children 2-3 years old - St. Petersburg; 2001

Tyutyunnikova T. E. “Elementary music-making”, Program “Elementary music-making with preschoolers”; St. Petersburg; Loiro, 2003

“Creativity is the direct unity of thought and deed, and is realized only in continuous activity, in creation.

Creativity is a triumph with creation, for outside creation there is no creativity.


Involve parents in joint activities with children in kindergarten, aimed at forming the foundations musical culture for all participants pedagogical process.
Develop creative potential adults and children.
Activate the mental-search activity of adults and children.
Promote the harmonization of child-adult relationships through the organization of joint activities and communication.

Progress of the event:

The presenter comes out to the music, holding a bouquet of multi-colored notes in her hands.
Presenter:(reads a poem by I. Volobueva)

How multifaceted music is! How young
She, sounding through layers of time,
Touches strings in people's hearts
Love, sadness, memory, dreams.

Hello, big and small guests of our music room! Look, I have seven magic notes in my hands. Today they will tell us a lot of interesting things about music. Do you know their names?
Children Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si
Children read poetry:

H what are notes?
These are seven chicks.
What are notes?
This is the trill of starlings,
It's nightingales in the gardens before dawn...
There's nothing in the world
More wonderful music
Because music is in our hearts!

Presenter: Once upon a time V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote that “the child’s soul is equally sensitive to native word, and to the beauty of nature, and to musical melody. If in early childhood the beauty of a piece of music is brought to the heart, if the child feels the multifaceted shades in the sounds human feelings, he will rise to such a height of culture that cannot be achieved by any other means. The feeling of the beauty of a musical melody reveals to the child his own beauty - small man realizes his dignity." His words are still relevant today.
Children read poetry:

Music is more than just sound
Music is movement
And flies out of your hands like a bird
The notes of restless whirling.
Music takes us back to past centuries,
After all, there is no other way for us to get there,
There are many miracles waiting for us there, but for now
The minuet sounds for everyone today.

Children perform the dance "Minuet"


You will greet the day with a cheerful song,
And in the evening you will sing a song -
Life becomes more interesting
And the world is incredibly good.

The next note is a song. I invite all guests to help the guys perform song “Smile” by V. Shainsky.

A wonderful union - music and children!
What a joy it is to hear voices
There are none more wonderful in the world,
And see grateful eyes.

And now I invite all participants to play a music quiz. I will ask questions and you will answer them. For the correct answer you will receive a funny note.

Questions music quiz:

1. What is the name of the profession of a person who composes music? (Composer)
2. What dance made Vienna famous throughout the world? (Viennese Waltz)
3. What item does a singer need to make his voice louder? (Microphone)
4. What musical instrument was tied to the Russian troika? (Bell)
5. What piece of music made Mendelssohn famous? ( Wedding March)
6. What is the largest musical instrument in the world? (Organ)
7. What musical instrument do all the kids in the world play? (Rattles)
8. What is the name of the profession of a person who performs different songs?). (Singer)
9. What is the name of the most famous Russian folk instrument? (Balalaika)
10. What bird is the singer compared to? in a beautiful voice? (With the nightingale)


There are many wonderful sounds in nature -
A nightingale sings in a quiet grove...
But the magical sounds of melodies,
The composer creates for us.

And the next note is my mother’s speech. She will perform a piece for us on the guitar. And if you know the words to the song, sing along.

Presenter Helping the course of history,
Awakening conscience and honor,
Heroic oratorios
And there are symphonies in the world.
But between them I protect and have mercy,
Loving people selflessly
There is a sweet smile -
Dance of the little swans.(M. Aliger)

Children perform "Dance of the Little Swans"

Presenter: I have the following note in my hands. Mothers sing lullabies to all babies at night, let's organize a competition among mothers today for best performance lullaby song.

The “Lullaby Song” competition is being held.

Winners and participants are awarded treble clefs.
Girl reading a poem

Birch Grove- this is a harp:
The wind plays on it
A simple, unpretentious song...
A copse of trees approached the road,
Like a guy, he stretched out his accordion -
The broad melody of Rus'!
And the pine forest is a golden organ,
And his music is almost visible:
It flies up with the movement of the crown.
And I see in the hazel tree - a horn,
And I hear in the aspen - a balalaika,
And the maple is ringing,
Like a real tambourine!
And now I'm not at all surprised
How many musical instruments
Man noticed in nature...

Presenter: Dear guests, our guys also love to play musical instruments and now they will perform for you
Presenter. And here is a rainbow, magical note.

I dreamed about music. She
Easily changed shape:
Like a cloud and like a wave
Like a snowy day, like a blind night,
Sometimes sweet, sometimes salty,
It's green on the bends,
It's golden blue
I dreamed of music... In the darkness
Such strength shone in her!
And everything that was on earth.
Everything came from her.

(Vladimir Lazarev)

Children perform the dance "Magic"

Presenter: Famous Russian teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky believed that musical education is not the education of a musician. This is the education of a person." That is why it is so important to develop in a child musical abilities from the early childhood, introduce the child to the magical, beautiful and amazing world music. And today I want to end our meeting wonderful poem E. Vinokurova:

There is an inner music of the soul...
She is like a memory of a half-forgotten
It's like a distant noise. Don't drown it out
Her everyday life and everyday life over the years!
She lurks in the depths, shining
Sometimes in a random word, in a weak gesture.
Many people have it. Child
Only possesses it perfectly.

The waltz from the movie “My affectionate and gentle beast"composer E.Doga, children and adults dance and go home.

Li pak
Project “Musical living room in a preschool educational institution”, with the goal of educating children in high culture and psycho-emotional health

Relevance project:

- psycho-emotional health preschoolers are the foundation of the younger generation. Healthy children – healthy nation.

Promotion cultural level of children in all areas and directions musical development.

Objective of the project:

To form in children and parents an understanding of the importance of all sound information in people’s lives, its influence on psyche, emotions and, as a result, for the rest of life. Create a need to listen and perform "useful" music and"live sounds".

Tasks project:

1. Provide children and parents with the necessary information about the influence of sounds on nervous system of people.

2. Introduce various musical directions.

3. Expand listening experience in the field of traditional, classical, church, modern children's song and dance music.

4. Enrich children's knowledge through musically-theatrical productions, educational and entertainment events and competitions with the direct participation of children and parents.

Participants project:

Group teachers, children, parents.

Type project: educational and entertaining.

Project designed for the period from October to April.

Expected results project:

1. Development of the concept of importance in children and their parents mental health.

2. Nurturing musical culture.

3. Enriching children and parents with knowledge in the field musical directions of song, instrumental and dance creativity.

4. Nurturing love for native culture and respect for the Fatherland.

In the process of implementation project the following Events:

Consultations for parents;

Conversations with children;

Getting to know musical material;

Homework for children and parents;

Conducting educational and entertainment events and competitions;

Project divided into four stage:

The first stage is organizational (month of October).

Selection of literature;

Conversations with parents;

Themes: “Metrorhythmic and sound impact on psyche of preschool children", "Listen "correct" music», “The influence of folklore on the development of speech”, "The influence of folklore on the development different abilities children", “Why does a child need dancing?”, “We develop our horizons and interest in the Kuban culture» . "Background" music in a child's life. "The world of dance through the eyes of a child".

Development of questionnaires;

The second stage is practical (November – April).

Conversations with children about the influence of sounds on mental health, about the existence "useful" And "harmful" music, as well as various sounds, about the dangers of television programs.

Getting to know musical material;

Learning songs, nursery rhymes, ditties, carols;

- music games;

The third stage is final (end of every month).

Conducting competitions and educational and entertainment events.

Questioning parents (month of May).

Exhibition of children's drawings "I'll draw music» , as a result of the work carried out on the subject psychological test about the state of psycho-emotional perception of music by children.

Stage four - protection project(presentation).

Publications on the topic:

January 27 MBUK "Usolsky Historical - local history museum" "We won't forget besieged Leningrad"- framed literary and musical living room.

Musical living room Music is playing. IN music hall parents and children gather. Musical director Good evening, dear parents! We have gathered here.

Musical lounge “We are Russians” Scenario for the music room “We are Russians!” Purpose: To educate good relations To home country, the concept of traditions, its history, instill.

Musical lounge "Children's music by S. Prokofiev" Goal: Formation of the foundations of musical culture through classical music. Materials and equipment: - Multimedia equipment: projector,.

The musical workers of our kindergarten "Beryozka" gave the children wonderful music flax holiday. The living room is held for the purpose of instilling.

Musical lounge “Gennady Gladkov is 80 years old!” The author of music for the most popular Russian films and cartoons, Gennady Gladkov, is 80 years old (senior groups) V. – Hello, dears.