Describe the picture of a birch grove. “Description of a birch grove” essay

Canvas " Birch Grove"was created over four years. Levitan always knew how to see something solemn in the most ordinary things. The artist fills the landscapes that we witness every day with new meaning. It forces you to attract rapt attention to those natural objects, which seem to be ordinary and are no longer capable of surprising anything. You need to be extraordinarily talented to put a boundless flow of emotions into the canvas, to endow the plot with insight and the ability to reach the heart of not only a true connoisseur of painting, but also a simple layman. The picture reveals a part of a birch forest, shrouded in bright sunlight. Slender trees literally bathe in radiance. The glare emphasizes the whiteness of the stately trunks and starts a game with fresh greenery.

Delicate flowers appear among the grass carpet. Levitan endowed them with bluish-lilac and snow-white tones. The intricate interweaving of streams of light and shadows gives the canvas amazing realism. The life-affirming canvas evokes dreams of endless summer, long walks in nature, enjoying the fragrance of wildflowers and the breath of a gentle, subtle breeze. Birches, a symbol of the Russian people, radiate energy. It seems as if the trees are reaching out to the sun with all their might, trying to be saturated with warmth from all sides. The grove is enveloped in a festive atmosphere, generously shares its playful mood and inspires positive attitude. There is a desire to expand the boundaries of the plot seen, to be mentally transported to endless spaces. The work of Isaac Levitan is as close as possible to the style of impressionism. The artist’s canvases make you hold your breath, freeze, plunging into a stormy whirlpool of feelings.

Isaac Levitan

Birch Grove. 1885—1889

Paper on canvas, oil. 28.5? 50 cm

State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

“Birch Grove” is a painting by Russian artist Isaac Levitan (1860-1900), painted in 1885-1889. The painting is part of the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery(inv. 15511). The size of the painting is 28.5? 50 cm

History and description

Four years passed from the start of work on the painting to its completion. Levitan conceived this painting and began work on it in the Moscow region, when he spent the summer of 1885 at the Kiselyovs' Babkino estate, located on the Istra River, not far from New Jerusalem. And Levitan finished this picture in 1889, while in Plyos - small town, located on the right bank of the Volga, where the artist came during three years, from 1888 to 1890, and where he created many famous paintings. In the 19th century, Plyos belonged to the Kostroma province, and in the 20th century it became part of the Volga region of the Ivanovo region. The Plyos birch grove, which Levitan chose, was located on the outskirts of the city, not far from the cemetery church called Pustynka. The artist came there with a painting begun in the Moscow region, and eventually completed it.

The painting is based on the play of light and shadow on birch trunks, as well as on fresh green grass and tree foliage. This is achieved using a wide range of shades Green colour, as well as the expressive possibilities of texture, so that the impression of radiance and radiation of optimistic energy is created. Portraying sun glare on trees, transitions and vibration of color, the artist partly uses impressionist painting techniques.

Birch Grove

In the birch forest,
where the birds sing,
Where in the silk grass
rays shine through the shadow...

I feel good and carefree
On the grass, among the green birches,
In a quiet and unknown side!
“The forest rustles with an indistinct, even noise”

Such a masterpiece by Levitan as Birch Grove (1885-1889) was started in Babkino and completed a few years later in Plyos on the Volga. In this image of a fertile corner of a birch forest, everything shines, radiating a feeling of vivacity, participation in the bright energy of living life. Skillfully using expressive capabilities textures, the artist conveys the play of sun rays on white trunks, the play of green foliage of birch trees and sunny grass, among which blue sparkles of flowers are visible. In Levitan's painting, birches are the most cheerful and light-loving of the trees, smiling towards the sun and living, like everything around them, their own life, spiritually close to the artist.

Vladimir Petrov

“Birch Grove,” begun in Babkino in 1885, was completed only in the summer of 1889. In this image of a birch grove with shadows from the swaying leaves of the trees seemingly moving across the light grass, Levitan again builds the picture on movement, on the play of lighting. And here this play of light, this movement of shadows serves as the basis and means of expressing “mood.” Spots of light and shadow invite the viewer to go deeper into the image, where the clarity of the outlines of objects is lost and the birch grove merges into common green spots. The play of light on the trunks of birch trees makes them not only vibrant and alive, but also seemingly transparent. This transparency and tenderness is given to them by the rich color, which conveys the play of light and shadows on the trunks. We see here, along with white, pasty spots, smaller pink, brown and additional bluish-green colors. They find support in the image of small purple flowers and yellow reflections of light in the grass and above in the foliage.

The shadows were interpreted there as either bluish or pearly. In the painting “Birch Grove”, permeated by the sun, shining, as if emitting emerald light, the color rendering of the relationships between light and dark acquired remarkable purity and spontaneity. The picture seems to emanate the freshness and smells of summer sunny day In the woods.

Never before has Levitan come so close to impressionism in his painting; he approached it independently, not yet knowing the works French artists and not seeing any other manifestations of impressionism other than the sketches of his peer and comrade K. Korovin. In fact, the composition itself is impressionistic with its cut of birch tree trunks and their tops at the edge of the picture, a composition that immediately leads us into the depths of the image, onto this grass under the canopy of birches, plunging us into the air filled with the fragrance of sun-warmed greenery, permeated with light . The dynamics of the image are also impressionistic, manifested in the seeming “randomness” of the choice of point of view and the location of the trunks and in that lung the rhythm of movement that permeates everything in the picture. This is a movement that does not have a specific direction, but seems to “flutter”.

Polenov himself, in a response letter about this painting, expressed joy “that Levitan has stepped forward.” Perhaps the paintings created as a result of the third trip to the Volga include the review attributed to Chekhov by Kuvshinnikova: “You know,” he remarked to Levitan, “a smile even appeared in your paintings.” She really was in them - and in “Birch Grove” in particular.

A.A. Fedorov-Davydov

Essay based on a painting by student 6B Sergeev Oleg

Today I will introduce you to the painting “Birch Grove” by the 19th century Russian painter Isaac Ilyich Levitan, which takes us to warm summer days. It was started in Babkino and completed a few years later in Ples.

On this canvas, birches are shown in unusually bright, rich, vibrant and warm colors. They fall on the bark of birches Sun rays. And due to this, a contrast is created between the illuminated corners of the trees and dark green leaves. The dark pieces of birch bark also emphasize this. Birch trees with leaves are depicted very naturally; Levitan seems to let us hear their whispers.

More on this painting radiant grass is visible. It contributes well to the selection of birch trees. Various wildflowers grow among it. This meadow is full of freshness. It seems to expand, increase the size of the grove depicted here.

This grass spreads unusually smoothly across the canvas. Looking at it, you just want to run along it, lie down, think about something lofty and look through the rustling leaves at the azure sky.

This picture lifts your spirits, gives you vigor and reminds you that winter does not last forever.

An essay on the painting “Birch Grove” is a standard topic for students. Each such essay should begin with words about the artist. Description of the painting “Birch Grove” is an essay with details that accurately convey the image.

Domestic master of landscape

Isaac Ilyich Levitan is an outstanding talented Russian landscape artist of the late nineteenth century. Among the experts visual arts his name is always heard. As an artist, he could amazingly accurately convey pictures of nature, from which it was simply impossible to take your eyes off. Many art lovers want to see his landscapes in their living rooms at home. Such paintings lift your spirits, charge you with energy, and also instill a love for it. It is very interesting to write the essay “Birch Grove”. 5th grade is a suitable period.

History of the painting

Isaac Levitan painted the painting “Birch Grove” over several years. Today it is in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery. Four years passed from idea to completion of the film. The artist was inspired by the expanses of the Kiselev estate in Babkino near Moscow. But Levitan finished his “grove” already in Plyos, which is located on the right bank of the Volga. It turns out that Levitan wrote many of his masterpieces in this place. The Plyos birch grove was located on the outskirts of the city, not far from it a church called Pustynka was built, adjacent to which small cemetery. It was in this place that the artist completed his creation.

Analysis of the picture

The main object of the picture is a birch tree. Lush greenery is pleasing to our eyes. These tones of green calm the audience. Levitan skillfully combined dark and light shades green. The artist depicted a sunny day on the canvas. Many white and thin-trunked birches fill the canvas. Often poets compare their trunk with the figure of a young and slender Russian beauty. It would be nice to find yourself in a place like a birch grove. We continue the composition and move on to sounds. Imagine yourself in such a grove, you can hear the chirping of birds and the movement of fauna. Taking a sip fresh air, you feel how it is filled with the aromas of meadow flowers and herbs. It seems as if a butterfly with velvet wings flew from flower to flower. Sweet and sour strawberries love to grow among such thick grass.

Art critics appreciated the artist’s play with light and shadow, as well as the richness and brightness of the colors. The radiance of shades of green, as well as the texture of the canvas, creates the impression that it radiates the energy of goodness and optimism. To depict the artist used the technique inherent in the impressionists.

In general, birch is one of the main trees of the pagan religion of the Slavs. Perhaps that is why the artist so carefully and diligently depicted the national tree of our people.

Description of Levitan’s painting “Birch Grove”

The artist began painting this picture in 1885, and finished it in 1889, when he was in Plyos on the Volga.
This painting reflects how talented and smart the artist is.
Levitan is famous for his landscapes, and “Birch Grove” is one of my favorite paintings.

We see in front of us a forest in which birch trees grow.
Levitan plays realistically with light, showing us the glare of the sun both on the ground and on the entrances of birch trees.
The color was chosen, in my opinion, very accurately; the bright green shades of the grass and the white trunks of the birches are very contrasting.
By playing with the shadow, Levitan seems to be able to bring his painting to life.
We close our eyes and hear the chirping of birds; when we open our eyes, we are no longer in real world, it’s as if we are one with the picture, and we want to run through this grove and scream loudly to throw out negative energy.

In my opinion, birch trees enjoy a sunny day.
Everything around is blooming and smelling, and the picture undoubtedly emanates warmth and joy.
The author takes us deep into the forest using his writing technique.
From others similar paintings, this canvas is distinguished by its dynamism, it seems that just a little more and everything will end, the trees will turn yellow, and autumn will come, and you want to enjoy every day, not to miss a single day.
Enjoy every moment.
Levitan manages to depict a light-air environment, he manages to achieve all this thanks to his unique writing technique, for example, in in this case, important role played by a rich palette of colors and superimposed spots of light and shadow.

Each painting by Levitan is imbued with love for its nature and homeland.
This picture is distinguished from others by the spontaneity and freshness of feelings.
Chekhov really liked this work, he told Levitan that this picture would be recognized and loved by many generations.