“A Russian is not the one who bears a Russian surname, but the one who loves Russia and considers it his fatherland.”

Spring Cosmopolitanism is called both a bourgeois ideology and a philosophy of world citizenship; its essence is that it denies the right to nationality and cultural heritage ancestors People who recognize themselves as cosmopolitans called for considering themselves citizens of the world in order to eradicate divisions between residents different countries

and prove that all mankind should live in peace.

What is "cosmopolitanism"?

  1. The term “cosmopolitanism” includes several interpretations, which were formulated taking into account political emphases:
  2. Expanding the idea of ​​unity of all people who should feel like one people.
  3. Bourgeois ideology, which declared patriotism unnecessary.

A set of ideas that reject the right of peoples to independence. A cosmopolitan is a person who renounces his citizenship and roots, recognizing himself as a citizen of all countries of the world at the same time. In philosophy, such individuals were called residents single state

– Cosmopolis, the same Universe. During the Enlightenment, this idea was interpreted as a challenge to feudal law, declaring that a person belongs not to a country or a ruler, but to himself.

Symbol of cosmopolitanism The sign of cosmopolitanism is the emblem on the flag of the World Government of World Citizens, an organization that extols the idea of ​​world citizenship. They issue world citizen passports; to date, 750 thousand people from different countries have registered with it. So far, only Mauritania, Tanzania, Togo and Ecuador accept such documents. The flag depicts a human figure inscribed in a globe, as if in a circle. This symbolizes the right of any person to consider any point on the planet his homeland, because motherland

- this is the whole huge world.

Cosmopolitanism - pros and cons The concept of "cosmopolitanism" in Soviet time had negative traits , although many famous figures

  1. boldly called themselves adherents of this idea. The researchers came to the conclusion that it has pronounced pros and cons. Main positive points:
  2. It does not exclude love for one’s homeland, but only defines the highest categories for assessing the public good.
  3. Blocks manifestations of chauvinism and attempts to elevate one nation over others.

Arouses interest in the culture of other peoples.

  1. It erases and levels the memory of ancestors, spiritual and national values ​​in the human mind.
  2. Reduces the feeling of pride in one's country.

How to become a cosmopolitan?

  1. There are no specific countries and nationalities, there is one land and one human race.
  2. The good of society comes before the personal.
  3. It is not acceptable to persecute people for the color of their skin, their faith, or their physical disabilities.

IN modern interpretation Cosmopolitans are people who are sympathetic to the preferences of others and respect individuality rather than belonging to a particular nation. International law presents adherents of these ideas as individuals who do not recognize racial or political privileges, manifestations of Nazism and the proclamation of the exclusivity of a particular nation.

Exposing cosmopolitanism

“Cosmopolitan” or “citizen of the world” - such a position free from the usual foundations could not suit the rulers. Since pride in one’s country, the desire to protect and defend it, has always been an important component patriotic education And domestic policy any state. Soviet leaders were especially zealous against cosmopolitanism, starting with Stalin, who paid great attention to exposing this ideology.

The fight against cosmopolitanism

The struggle against cosmopolitans in the middle of the last century in the Soviet Union was clearly manifested in the repressions against intellectuals who were considered sympathizers with the ideas of the West. The campaign against supporters of this ideology manifested itself not only in discussions, they received the label “enemy of the people” along with exile to camps; those caught in such dissent were fired from their jobs and persecuted.

The second round of the fight against this ideology occurred during the Cold War, when the people needed to be united in loyalty to the ideals of the party. Recognizing oneself as a citizen of all countries at once, including those hostile to the existing system, was practically equated with treason. Periodically, noisy campaigns were organized against cosmopolitans; for some reason, Jews were always chosen for this role. Although they have a greater sense of patriotism and chosenness of their people than other nationalities.

Famous cosmopolitans

The worldview “cosmopolitanism” was considered attractive by many famous personalities, and each of them had his own idea and interpretation of this concept.

  1. The philosopher Diogenes was the first to declare himself a cosmopolitan, emphasizing that personal interests are above local patriotism.
  2. The famous physicist Einstein announced that humanity must unite and recognize a single government - a congress created under the UN General Assembly.
  3. American President Truman extolled the idea of ​​​​creating a world republic, with the leadership of the United States.
  4. Actor Harry Davis proclaimed himself a citizen of the world, and even founded an organization that issues such passports to everyone.

Books about cosmopolitanism

The policy of cosmopolitanism attracted many researchers from different countries, each of them tried to find their own arguments for and against existing theories.

  1. Yu. Kirshin “Cosmopolitanism is the future of humanity”. The author reveals the ideas of cosmopolitanism in Ancient Greece, China and other countries, analyzes goals that are important for the future.
  2. Zuckerman Ethan. New connections. Digital cosmopolitans in the communicative era". A scientist and popular blogger describes social media and new technologies that will change the future.
  3. A. Potresov “Internationalism and cosmopolitanism. Two lines of democratic politics". The book raises issues
  4. the confrontation between these two trends in the Menshevik Party, their fatal significance is analyzed.
  5. D. Najafarov. “Stalin and cosmopolitanism 1945-1953. Documents of Agitprop of the CPSU Central Committee". Considers the campaign against this ideology as an important part of the policy of the Soviet leadership.
  6. Fougere de Montbron. "Cosmopolitan or Citizen of the World". The author describes how ideology separates one from the fatherland, emphasizing that the world is like a book, and those who are only familiar with their own country have read only one of the pages.



(Greek kosmopolites, from kosmos - universe, and polites - citizen). A person who takes part in the interests of all mankind, rejecting the predominance of attachment exclusively to his fatherland, homeland and family, and considering the entire universe as his fatherland.

Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. - Chudinov A.N., 1910 .


Greek kosmopolites, from kosmos, universe, and polites, citizen. A citizen of the universe, a person who considers the entire earth to be his fatherland.

Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots. - Mikhelson A.D., 1865 .


treating all people equally, regardless of nationality, i.e., belonging of this person to one state or another; able to subordinate the interests of the fatherland and his own to the interests of all humanity; not seeing the difference between a compatriot and a foreigner.

A complete dictionary of foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. - Popov M., 1907 .


man subjugating national interests interests of all mankind and considers himself a citizen not only of his fatherland, but of the whole world.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Pavlenkov F., 1907 .


(gr. cosmopolites citizen of the world)

1) supporter of cosmopolitanism; a person devoid of a sense of patriotism, cut off from the interests of his homeland, alien to his people, who does not consider himself to belong to any nationality;

2) cosmopolitans - in biology - species of animals or plants that are widespread across to the globe (eg, shore swallow, nettle); Wed

endemics. New dictionary, 2009 .

foreign words.- by EdwART,

Cosmopolitan cosmopolitan, m. [ Greek kosmopolites from kosmos – universe and polites – citizen

] (book). A person who does not consider himself to belong to any nationality, who recognizes the whole world as his fatherland. Big dictionary, 2007 .

foreign words.- by EdwART,

foreign words.- Publishing house "IDDK" A, (m. fr. cosmopolite Greek
1. kosmopolitēs citizen of the world). shower Supporter cosmopolitanism
, a person who does not consider himself to belong to any nationality. Cosmopolitan
|| - woman-k. Wed.
2. kosmopolitēs citizen of the world). And stateless, apolid.., inanimate biol. eg An animal or plant that is widely distributed around the globe, without a specific geographic location (

, shore swallow, nettle)., 1998 .

Explanatory dictionary of foreign words by L. P. Krysin. - M: Russian language:


    See what "COSMOPOLITE" is in other dictionaries: cosmopolitan - a, m. cosmopolite gr. cosmopolites citizen of the world. 1. A person who does not consider himself to belong to any nationality, who recognizes the whole world as his fatherland. Sl. 18. Cosmopolitan... sometimes it means a person who loves everything equally... ... Historical Dictionary

    Gallicisms of the Russian language Citizen of the universe, citizen of the world Dictionary of Russian synonyms. cosmopolitan citizen of the world (or universe) Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011…

    Synonym dictionary COSMOPOLITE, cosmopolitan, husband. (Greek kosmopolites from kosmos universe and polites citizen) (book). A person who does not consider himself to belong to any nationality, his own. recognizing the whole world as his fatherland. Dictionary… …

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary COSMOPOLITE, huh, husband. 1. Follower of cosmopolitanism. 2. A plant or animal found in most of the inhabited areas of the earth (spec.). | wives cosmopolitan, and (to 1 value). | adj. cosmopolitan, aya, oe (to 1 value) and cosmopolitan, aya ...

    See what "COSMOPOLITE" is in other dictionaries:- Species of plants and animals that live in different conditions and have extensive habitats (for example, common reed grows from the tropics to the Arctic, in water bodies and on land) are contrasted with endemic species. Syn.: ubiquist; eurytopobiont… Dictionary of Geography

    foreign words.- by EdwART,- (from the gr. kosmopolites citizen of the world; English cosmopolite, cosmopolitan; French citoyen du monde; German Weltkind) a person who does not consider himself to belong to any nationality, a citizen of a certain state, but recognizes himself as his fatherland... ... Encyclopedia of Law

    Global Citizen Wed. Maintaining a decent appearance, Those who are smarter call themselves: cosmopolitan. I call people like this differently... Are you cosmopolitans? away with big words! I have always despised and still despise Vagabonds who do not remember their kinship! A.M. Zhemchuzhnikov. Crazy... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    Cosmopolitanism (from other Greek: κοσμοπολίτης cosmopolitan, citizen of the world) worldview of world citizenship, putting universal human interests and values ​​above interests separate nation. Contents 1 History 2 Cosmopolitanism and patriotism ... Wikipedia

    See what "COSMOPOLITE" is in other dictionaries:- COSMOPOLITE, a, m A person who preaches the rejection of national traditions and culture, putting forward the ideas of a “world state” and “world citizenship.” // f cosmopolitan, and, plural gender. current. date tkam. My friend, a convinced cosmopolitan, nevertheless... ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns

    Through him. Kosmopolit or French cosmopolite from lat. sosmorolita, Greek κόσμος universe, πολίτης citizen... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Vasmer


  • Cosmopolitan. Geographical fantasies, Genis A.. Alexander Genis - writer, cultural scientist, radio host, author of many books (" Tower of Babel", "Ivan Petrovich died", "Dovlatov and the surrounding area", "Kolobok", "Wrappers", "The Scribe's Kama Sutra" and...

Radik Mansurovich Gafurov was born in 1978 in Ulyanovsk. In 2001 he became individual entrepreneur, in 2005 he headed a transport company. Nowadays he is the chairman of the board of directors of the Global Group of Companies, the president of the Ulyanovsk regional public organization of Tatar businessmen “Sember”.

In 2010, for conscientious work and professional excellence, he was included in the Board of Honor " The best people Ulyanovsk region".

He studies at UVAUGA (specialty “economist”).

Married, has a son.

— Radik Mansurovich, the Tatars are an enterprising, hardworking people. When did you feel the entrepreneurial spirit in you?

- Almost in at a young age felt. For half of my childhood and adolescence I grew up in the village, as long as I can remember, my old man taught me: “Radik, you have to be nimble!” That's right, not cunning, but nimble. I saw from my grandfather’s example how to work: get up at four in the morning and go to bed at twelve at night. And I am grateful to my parents for showing me an example of hard work. From the age of six I went to haymaking. And this hardening, the understanding that a man must “plow” in life, helped me in the future.

— How did your business start?

— In 1999, I left for St. Petersburg, where I was offered an interesting, highly paid job. Two years later he returned to Ulyanovsk and registered as an individual entrepreneur. I built a business without any special commercial skills. Not everything worked out right away, I made a lot of mistakes, I lost money. He worked a lot with his hands and mastered two or three specialties. For example, on furniture production- to earn money more money and use them to develop the company. It was difficult to get loans back then, and I had nothing to borrow against. But I set myself a goal - to achieve something in business. And he achieved it.

In 2005, I opened my own company, where I and a visiting accountant worked, then we recruited specialists, a year later my younger brother, my friends. Over the course of four years, the total team of the group of companies amounted to over two hundred people. The transport and logistics company Globaltrans (now undergoing a major restructuring) is among the five largest in the Volga region. In addition to the transport line of business, our holding is developing the production of furniture, corrugated packaging, and doors.

— Which of these areas is most interesting to you personally?

— Now I’m interested not so much in the business processes themselves, but in the activities of our public organization. There is such a huge flow of information here, such unique communication, such wide circle dating! At one point, the understanding came that you had already earned enough money to provide for your family, drive a good car, and be able to relax sometimes. But if you don’t share this money, then there will be no moral satisfaction from it. The endless pursuit of profit, acquisitiveness kills human qualities I'm not interested in being with people like that.

For us Muslims, one of the basic principles is this: you have to work all the time to be successful, success is encouraged, but it must be combined with other virtues. And, first of all, a person must help people. Many members of “Sember”, outside the framework of the club, are involved in charity work; no one forces them - they spend their time and money at the behest of their souls and do not regret it. And one of the main positive traits club is that when he comes to us new person(even if only with selfish intentions - to meet influential businessmen, to develop their business), then seeing how these people help others, how they build relationships with society, he is sincerely imbued with these noble ideas.

I myself joined Sember in 2007, and two years later I was elected president of the club. It’s nice that they showed me such trust, but at the same time there was an understanding of what kind of work needs to be done, what a burden of responsibility you have to people, to what you do. Although our club is not a political organization, we exist in a political society, constantly in contact with other public organizations and with the authorities. We are impressed that the governor responds to our initiatives and sees that we are people of real action.

— You had experience doing business in St. Petersburg and Kazan. Is it possible to talk about a more favorable business climate in our region?

— When I left for St. Petersburg, this city was definitely more attractive for doing business; at that time I did not see any prospects in Ulyanovsk. Now I see good development trends in our region, the investment climate is becoming more attractive, and what we do in our public organization often intersects with what the authorities are doing. At a recent meeting of the governor with members of the Sember club, we proposed to lower the threshold of requirements when assigning priority status in order to create more attractive conditions for doing business in the region investment project Ulyanovsk region.

Now people are more willing to go into business - if you are hardworking, if you want to achieve something, then you can not be afraid of anything and open your own business. It’s generally easier for young people: they don’t have the burden of responsibility for the family. When I started to put my business on a serious footing in 2005, I was not yet married, and it was easier for me.

- By Russian standards, you got married a little late - at 30 years old...

- This is ours family tradition(laughs): grandpa paternal line he got married when he was in his fourth decade, at the age of 33 his first daughter was born, and in total he and his grandmother raised seven children, all of whom grew up worthy people. Another woman, on my mother’s side, has five children. My father got married at 31. True, he broke the tradition of having many children: he only has two sons. My son Abdul-Malik is one year old, and I hope that my wife and I still have everything ahead, that the Almighty will give us at least five children. Although, of course, it’s hard: my family lives in Kazan - my wife has a business there, or rather, now family business. Gulnur, even before we met her, was selling equipment, cosmetics for beauty salons. While we have youth and energy, we need to realize ourselves. But we dream of a big family.

The trouble with Russia is that many of our families are small. People justify it this way: how will I feed my children, and what if I won’t be able to give them a decent education... But in Islam there is such a concept as “rizyk” - this is everything that living creatures eat, drink and use. As the Almighty said: “There is not a single living creature on earth that Allah, by His Mercy, would not provide with food.” In turn, a person’s duty is to earn rizyq in a permitted way, according to the commands of Allah.

— Your surname comes from the Tatar word “gafu”, which means “forgiveness, apology.” What would you not be able to forgive?

“Most likely, if some bad deeds are committed against my family and people close to me, then I will take a very tough position. But in general, I am an optimist by nature, I have this life credo: trust, be open people. Sometimes it hits me, but I’m not mentally prepared to be a callous person, to ruin my soul, and I won’t respect myself for that. However, as my friend says: I am a kind person, but some people confuse kindness with weakness.

— How do you feel about cosmopolitans, people who consider the whole world to be their fatherland and reject their belonging to any nationality?

— It’s unpleasant to hear that the second largest nation living abroad is Russian, that people are losing their roots. Among the Tatars, especially among the young, there are also cosmopolitans. Maybe this is an echo of the Soviet past, when they were blurred national traditions, But it's not right. I always say: just as the Tatars must revive their traditions, so do the Russians. I participated in the work of various congresses of entrepreneurs, I saw that unions of Orthodox businessmen had been created, and this was being done not to aggravate national hatred, but in defiance of cosmopolitanism.

And we, Tatar entrepreneurs, are heartbroken about our people, our religion, culture, art, language, we want to preserve all this. But we live in the same big country and we feel not just Tatars, but Russians. Our business club is open to other nationalities. We have an economic association, and we sponsor the events that we hold, both Tatar-oriented and interethnic, strengthening friendship between peoples and patriotism. For example, “Sember” became the organizer and sponsor of the cadet ball in Karsun. Maybe we can set an example for others. Every entrepreneur must understand that he will not be fully prosperous until the society in which he lives becomes prosperous - from a moral and economic point of view.

— In March, the Government of the Ulyanovsk Region entered into an agreement with the Sember business club on measures to improve the standard of living of working citizens. Do you plan to implement the fundamental theses of this agreement at your enterprise?

“We need to approach this issue from an economic point of view. If your manager works effectively and brings you income, then in any case you will motivate him - raise his salary, introduce additional social guarantees. In our group of companies, for example, I concluded long-term life insurance contracts for key employees and top managers.

— At a recent meeting with the governor, you made a report on the creation of the first halal meat processing plant in the region. Are you satisfied with the Ulyanovsk halal catering market?

- Not satisfied at all. In Kazan, for example, there are more than a hundred halal cafes, not counting various fast food outlets where there is halal shawarma and other dishes that are allowed by Islam, but not prohibited by other religions. Moreover, as my Kazan entrepreneur friends note, during the Great Orthodox Lent the attendance of such establishments falls, and this clearly shows that among the consumers of halal products there are many non-Muslims. Halal is tasty, inexpensive, high quality, and our city lacks this.

We decided that we would develop the market with internal investments, we would build a whole system, starting with production, which we would organize in Staraya Kulatka on the site of a closed meat processing plant. We are planning to open an agricultural halal market in Ulyanovsk, on the Upper Terrace. Unlike fairs, it will operate year-round. Every farmer and agricultural producer will be able to exhibit their products, and for the city population this will be an opportunity to profitably buy fresh, environmentally friendly products. Next we will develop a network of halal cafes and shops.

– You are a member of the board of the World Association for the Promotion of Tatar Entrepreneurs. Than this public organization could it be useful for Ulyanovsk business?

— The association includes the largest Tatar entrepreneurs in Russia from the construction, oil and other industries - with their own businesses, connections and great opportunities. Through this organization we can make ourselves known, find new markets, and give a new impetus to the development of our enterprises. We are now implementing a large logistics project through this association, organizing a conference to which we plan to attract logisticians from all over Russia.

— Last year you took part in the Second International Summit of Islamic Business and Finance in Kazan, at which a presentation of the Ulyanovsk region took place. Are there any concrete results already?

– The main result is that many Islamic investors heard about the existence of our region for the first time. The summit was covered in 65 countries Muslim world– this is one billion 600 million people, these are the fast-growing “tigers” of the economy South-East Asia, Middle East, Africa, Europe. They are interested in any potential markets where they can introduce their ideas that they have already implemented in their homeland. They are not afraid to invest in developing countries; they themselves were like that, went through and are still going through thorns. Free market Money halal (that is, permitted by Islam) investments is the largest in terms of capital intensity. It was estimated last year at one trillion dollars, in 2015 it will increase to five trillion. This money has to come somewhere.

We need to seize the moment, especially when the situation is so unstable in Arab world and investors are unlikely to actively invest there.

At the forum in Tatarstan we showed Ulyanovsk region potential investors, and this year we will again participate in the open summit - it will be held in Kazan and will become the largest such event in the territory former USSR and the European Union. Last year we presented five projects, now we need to bring them to a more attractive level. Our entrepreneurs understand that if you create a worthy “wrapper” for a project, you can attract really real money.

— How do you see the Sember business club in five years?

- I think we will build a clearer organizational structure, we will more actively develop our economic potential. With our actions, I am sure that we will attract even more businessmen to our association, and we will begin to cooperate even more actively with the regional authorities and with society. The words “Sember” and Simbirsk have common roots. For hometown, we have done a lot of things for the region that we can be proud of. And how many more good things are ahead!

“A Russian is not the one who bears a Russian surname, but the one who loves Russia and considers it his fatherland.”

These words belonged to Denikin. And as accurately said. Today, more than ever, Russia needs to unite those who care. Those who are indifferent in today’s situation are not indifferent, they are people who, out of ignorance, have sided with obvious traitors to Russia. If you do not help your country, then, to put it mildly, you are helping the enemies of your country.

You cannot limit yourself only to the interests of your family.

I would complement Denikin’s statement with the words of the philosopher Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilyin:

“Being Russian means not only speaking Russian.

But it means to perceive Russia with your heart, to see its precious originality and unique originality, to understand that this originality is a Gift of God given to the Russian people, and at the same time - an order from God, which has to protect Russia from the encroachments of other peoples and demand for this gift - freedom and independence on earth.

To be Russian means to believe in Russia, as all Russian great people, all its geniuses and builders believed in it."

The time has come for the people to understand why it is necessary to change the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

“A nation that cannot govern itself, but gives itself up as a slave to its own desires, will be enslaved by other masters whom it has not chosen, and will serve them not voluntarily, but against its will.” (Milton John)

Stop making people feel their own worthlessness, continue to develop an inferiority complex in ordinary respectable people, drawing parallels between good taste and blue cheese.

The American recipe for prosperity: do as the Americans say, and perhaps you will begin to prosper, has led to nothing good.

We prospered long enough to watch as miners went to the rails, people went without wages for months, businesses went bankrupt, the army became impoverished and collapsed.

Tired of it. We took fate into our own hands. The elderly senile man was replaced by a purposeful and far-sighted head of state. Only a fool would not notice how Western politicians and bureaucrats in Brussels are now furious at the name of Putin.

At the same time, Russia is not invading anywhere, no matter how the Americans, together with the weak-minded Kyiv politicians and Nazis, fantasize. Russia does not welcome the lawlessness of LGBT minorities, gay parades, the destruction of sovereign states through color revolutions, the outbreak of wars and the cultivation of terrorists who can be used in their geopolitical games.

We have different values ​​- we need peace, stability and equality of sovereign states. There is no greater supporter of peace than Russian President. We have lived through enough wars to appreciate peace.

But Putin is not omnipotent and he needs the help and support of the people, especially in the internal affairs of the Country.


NOD is so far the only non-political structure that is taking real steps towards unity ordinary people in support of Russia. NOD is not a party. This is the direction

And NOD members are the same workers and employees, pensioners and entrepreneurs, farmers, they are their own free time They are used to explain articles of the Constitution, distribute newspapers, and participate in rallies and pickets. Voluntarily and in any weather, at any time of the year.

The NOD is fighting for sovereignty, for changing the American Constitution of the Russian Federation, and therefore for the future of our children.

NOD calls on people to join. The more of us there are, the faster we will defeat the 5th column, the faster the Referendum on changing the Constitution of the Russian Federation will be.


And the indifferent, who do not want to read and understand the Constitution of the Russian Federation, help the 5th column to turn people against the REFERENDUM. It has reached the point where the legitimate actions of the NODA in the fight for sovereignty are put on a par with Navalny’s provocative rallies.

They, like real slaves of an enslaved state, are ready to continue feeding the United States. tolerate genocide of the nation and youth. endure a decline in living standards.

The head of the American intelligence and analytical company Stratfor, George Friedman, said:
"The strength of the Russians is the ability to endure what would break other nations."


The problem with Ukraine is that only older generation refuses to forget what real patriotism is. Veterans are trying to preserve their history from last bit of strength, while their descendants happily betray it, sell it and desecrate it. That is why Ukraine has no future, and it is still breathing (at least ideologically) only thanks to veterans and pensioners, whom the Maidan patriots are literally trampling into the dirt without any allowance for age.

We have three clear examples - Ukraine, Novorossiya, Crimea.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation itself, in Article 3, suggests a legal solution - a REFERENDUM!!!
And I really want the words of the writer and poet Konstantin Simonov to be justified in this regard:

"Russians - stubborn people, and if it once occurred to them good idea, they will sooner or later implement it on a truly Russian scale!”

Russianness is not a call to expectation, it is a call to action.
Russianness is a reason to make the world a better place, to help those in need, and to punish those who do evil.

Russians are not only people of words, but also people of action.

To be Russian today means helping other Russians, trying to answer every cry for help, every request for support. One person is fragile and weak. Ten people are already stronger. And a thousand people... a thousand people is a people's gathering.

We will never build a nation if we don’t care about the Russians around us.

To be Russian today means to do everything to bring Russians home. To a place that Russians could call “home.” To a place where Russians will be loved and welcome simply because they are Russians. Rich and poor, good and evil, beautiful and ugly, smart and stupid - the main thing is that they are Russian. Previously, such a place was the USSR.

To be Russian today is to be a preacher; it is always and everywhere, at every convenient and inconvenient opportunity to awaken the sleeping hearts of fellow citizens. Do not let not only yourself, but also others, sink into apathy, indifference, and the dull fatigue of despair. People are usually kinder than we think of them. People are usually braver than we think they are. People are usually wiser than we think they are. People are usually better than we think they are. You just need to wake them up, make them wake up from their hibernation, convince them that they are better than they think about themselves. That they are capable of much more if they wake up.

The example of thousands of Russian volunteers in Novorossiya - just yesterday managers and doctors, engineers and programmers, designers and journalists - shows that it is possible to wake up.

To be Russian today means to study Russian history. Study not as a collection of stories, but as a collection of examples of what we were and what we can become again if we truly awaken ourselves. Russian history differs from all other stories in that it was with us. That she was us, and we were her.

To be Russian is not to be afraid that you will not be understood, that you will be judged.

The group was created in order for us, the PEOPLE, to understand what is happening in Russia, to help each other understand under what false and harmful Constitution of the Russian Federation for Russia and the people we live, observing its Laws and where it will ultimately lead us.

We support the policies of our President. The President, as the guarantor of the Constitution, cannot himself initiate a referendum on amending the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
This can only be done by the PEOPLE in accordance with Article 3 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The group's topics about the Constitution and the need for a Referendum to change it are given so that each participant can, after thinking about it, make the right decision.

For some, “Fatherland”, “Motherland” and the state are completely different concepts. Is this really so?

If we reveal the essence of the bourgeois state, then, as V.I. wrote. Lenin, " it is a weapon of suppression masses, maintaining existing orders" At the same time, in a socialist state there was no “suppression” of all classes except the proletariat?
K. Marx said: “ The dictatorship of the proletariat is a form government system, which is established as a result of the socialist (proletarian) revolution and will exist until the construction of “full” communism».

Since the USSR has had four editions of the Constitution throughout the history of the state (and was almost on the verge of introducing the next, fifth), then to understand what this “dictatorship of the proletariat” is as a form of government:
– a representative-democratic state (but not for all classes and estates);
– republic Soviet type, with subordination (and not separation) of the legislative, executive and judicial powers;
– a state with national (or state, which is essentially a tautology) ownership of all basic means and resources of production;
- a state with a permanent constituent power represented by the CPSU, and in essence this is statehood in an ideologically consistent mono-party (ideocratic) paradigm (from the Greek παράδειγμα, “example, model, example”).

Now a verbatim quote without editing the text:
“Constitutionally, the Soviet statehood, in fact, until its destruction in 1991, was and continued to be a one hundred percent, “conda” dictatorship of the proletariat, even despite all the equivocations of Gorbachev’s gang, which mutilated and literally raped the Constitution of the USSR of 1977.”

What kind of state do we have in Russia after 1993? As soon as we had a counter-revolution, the socio-political system changed - we returned to capitalism, in its worst manifestation - literally in a few years, the “Gaidar-Chubais” quickly created “oligarchic capitalism”.

It goes without saying that in the 90s the concept of “state” can be interpreted as V.I. wrote about it. Lenin. And the majority of Russian citizens immediately remembered what exploitation is (which in essence is the appropriation of surplus value by employers).
Several hundred “families” (clans) controlled the “lion’s share” of capital, property, means of production, took millions, if not trillions of dollars offshore, bought real estate abroad, yachts, sports clubs, etc.
Of course, our state stood guard over their interests.

We realized it in time, but what about the 1993 Constitution? There, in addition to the fact that we have democracy (that is, the power of the people), the very principles of statehood are a socially oriented society. It should not be confused with public ownership of all fixed assets and resources of production - or 100% state ownership.
And the consistent ousting of oligarchs from the highest echelons of power began. What did we get by 2004? Just capitalism (in form government controlled) became “state-oligarchic”, replacing the “dictatorship of the bourgeoisie”, which is inherent in “oligarchic capitalism”.

And now it’s worth returning to the consideration of the concepts of “Fatherland”, “State”, “Motherland” (“big” and “small”), “Family”.
A person is born into a family (from his mother), in his “small Motherland,” in a state that was once called the USSR, and now lives in his Fatherland, the path and borders of the state have changed, and all state symbols have also changed.
Those republics that separated and did not become part of the CIS formed their own states and their citizens have their own Fatherland.
But for some, ambivalence arose; they will not forget the states of the USSR.
Let them have dual citizenship with Russian citizenship, since the Russian Federation is the legal successor of the USSR, but without a number of obligations and obligations to them on the part of Russia.
well and government agencies management - this really depends on the socio-political structure and economic system of the state.
Whoever doesn’t like it, let him campaign for their changes in a constitutional way, get nominated, vote, and promote his views.
What is closer to me is a rather long, gradual transition to a multi-structured economy with the minimum possible level of economic stratification and a developed system social support. Of course, strengthening the role of socio-political forces by expanding the powers of local elected bodies.

That’s why I chose this photo as a screensaver; I don’t want to engage in “denigration” of my Motherland, my state. We just need to consistently, reasonably, based on specific facts, work out ways to reform the system that we inherited from the USSR and the “bastard” 90s.