What are the spiritual traditions? Spiritual traditions about the peculiarities of energy exchange

Some people eat only natural products, some turn to healers, but there is a category of people who believe that a complete cleansing of the intestines gives them permanent hope for improved health.

There are different cleaning methods. You can use a regular enema, laxatives and herbal decoctions at home, or you can contact a specialist to undergo an irrigation (rinsing) procedure. People who are especially keen on total cleansing of the body believe that this method supposedly removes harmful toxins and completely frees the body from old elements of feces. In our next publication, we will look at whether it is worth getting so carried away with colon cleansing.

Claim 1: Cleansing draws toxins out of the blood.

Did you know that there are only two organs in our body that are responsible for neutralizing toxins? We are talking about the liver and kidneys. When these important organs are working well, the body is able to handle the filtering of toxins on its own. Detoxification occurs directly in the liver and kidneys, and waste is eliminated naturally. Also, some of the toxins leave our body through the skin through sweat, and sometimes through the lungs when exhaling. It is precisely because the body is equipped with a powerful system for removing toxins that there is no need to invent additional cleansing measures.

Statement 2: cleansing the intestines rids its walls of accumulated waste

Ardent proponents of cleansing believe that elements of old stool remain on the intestinal wall, thereby preventing the elimination of toxins and contributing to the creation of further health problems. But experts say that such claims have no physiological meaning. After all, the cells that form the walls of the colon are renewed every 72 hours, which means that the turnover of elements within the system itself does not allow old feces to remain on the walls.

Statement 3: Cleansing can strengthen the immune system.

Experts are perplexed how some people cannot understand basic things and focus on cleansing the body, instead of looking after their health and reducing stress? Immune system help to strengthen obvious things known to every person since childhood. Doctors do not understand how colon cleansing can be linked with the production of leukocytes and antibodies in tissues and organs. Even though some cleanses include vitamins, minerals and probiotics, there is little evidence that these products can boost immunity. Also, do not forget about back side cleansing - removing beneficial bacteria from the body.

Statement 4: Cleansing the body helps you lose weight

Yes, cleansing regimens can cause diarrhea or increased frequency of urination. True, with these methods a person loses weight equal to the amount of food eaten or drunk the day before. This method does not in any way affect the removal of fat deposits from tissues. On the other hand, excessive dehydration of the body, as well as the loss of important electrolytes such as potassium and sodium, should not be allowed.

5 statement: colon cleansing will give your skin radiance

The next theory is very controversial. So, some people believe that colon cleansing keeps the pores clean, which is why the skin looks smooth and glowing. According to supporters of today's method, the more efficiently the intestines work, the more toxins are eliminated, bypassing the skin cells. However, scientists still do not have evidence regarding this theory.

6 statement: this procedure cleanses all body systems

By the time food reaches the colon, most of nutrients and microelements are already absorbed into small intestine. And all that remains is waste, water and only some vitamins and minerals. And, as we already know, the body itself is able to cope with the elimination of waste and toxins, so it does not require any additional cleaning procedures. Additional procedures, such as colonoscopy, act as diagnostic measures only.

7th statement: the body after cleansing is energized

So, according to proponents of cleansing, removing toxins from the body releases additional energy for the body, precisely that which the body did not spend on eliminating digestive waste. However, having heard people’s delight in their feelings immediately after the procedure, one cannot discount the notorious placebo effect.

Hello, dear visitors. If you suddenly begin to notice that your head has become heavy, an unpleasant taste has appeared in your mouth, and your complexion has changed, this may mean that your body is demanding general cleaning. To help the body, there are various ways body cleansing - folk, Tibetan, from yogis, from doctors. Let's try to cover at least a few today.

Why do you need to cleanse your body?

Perhaps you doubt whether the body needs cleansing? Yes, we do! We clean the house, the summer cottage.

The human body can cleanse itself, but it is better to help it than to watch it begin to work for wear and tear due to poor ecology and poor nutrition.

Where to start cleansing the body

Cleansing should begin with intestines, since it contains the most toxins and wastes. Due to lack of daily consumption clean water, intake of low-quality products, improper nutrition, food cannot be completely digested, so it begins to ferment there, rot, poisoning our body.

And his poisoning leads to excess weight, headaches, lethargy, apathy. Following this are serious illnesses, up to cancer. Now do you understand how seriously you need to take cleansing this organ?

In addition, the liver secretes bile, which promotes the breakdown of fats. Is a clogged organ really able to cope with its task?

Then we clean kidneys- another blood filter. It is important to know that after cleansing the liver, the kidneys themselves begin to cope with the cleansing task.

These recipes have been known for a very long time. With their help, you can get rid of waste and toxins in blood vessels, the liver, and cleanse the blood and lymph.

Lemon with garlic for cleaning blood vessels

In the morning, pour 1 tbsp. l. liquid in 50 ml of water, drink on an empty stomach. When the composition is finished, do the second, third, fourth. Your blood vessels will be so cleansed that you will not walk, but fly!

Even simpler - black currant!

Pour 30 - 35 g of currant leaves, no matter fresh or dry, with 200 ml of boiling water, let stand for 30 minutes. Then drain the broth. Take 100 ml three times a day 25 minutes before meals. With this decoction you, the walls of blood vessels, the heart, the lymph, remove toxins!

Cleansing the body with activated carbon

The miraculous ability is due to its ability to attract and retain almost all harmful substances.

How to properly clean with activated carbon? The method is simple, safe, which means it can be used at home:

  • For every 10 kg of a person’s weight, you need to take 1 tablet of coal. For example, you weigh 80 kg, which means you need to take 8 tablets of charcoal;
  • this amount should be divided into 2 doses: 4 in the morning and 4 in the evening;
  • they should be crushed before taking;
  • drink plenty of water;
  • Drink 2 liters of water during the day.

Course - 2-3 weeks.

Coal should not be taken if you have a stomach ulcer or bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

Recipes from Tibet

Cleaning with rice

The Tibetan recipe for cleansing the body with rice was considered the secret of Tibetan lamas.

It's simple but very effective method.

  1. Take round rice, take as many heaped tablespoons as you are old.
  2. In the evening, pour it into the pan, rinse it, add boiled cold water so that it covers the grains of rice.
  3. Place in the refrigerator until the morning.
  4. In the morning take one tbsp. l. rice, add water, place on a gas stove, cook for 5 minutes. That's it, you can eat!
  5. Fill the remaining rice with new water.
  6. Do this procedure every morning until 7-30 o’clock, until the rice runs out.
  7. The rice grains should be eaten on an empty stomach; after this procedure, do not drink or eat anything for 3 hours.

Keep in mind: it draws out not only salts, but also potassium. To avoid feeling unwell during the cleansing period, eat figs, raisins, dried apricots, potatoes, drink tea with honey, and viburnum.

As a result you will get:

  • clear skin, beautiful complexion;
  • improved metabolism;
  • restoration of liver cells;
  • pain and crunching go away from the joints;
  • Lightness appears in the body, a surge of strength is felt.

Why rice? It's all about the structure of the grains. When they pass through the intestines, the “lattice” obtained after washing out the starch absorbs all harmful substances.

Garlic tincture

Tibetan monks' tea

Cleansing fasting according to Bragg

Drug recipe:

  • Grind 100 grams of flax seeds in a coffee grinder, pour in 250 grams. sunflower oil (unrefined).
  • Let stand for 7 days, shaking daily.
  • Drink 1 tbsp three times a day. spoon in 45 minutes. before meals.

Course - 10 days. Shake before use.
During this period, exclude flour, sweets, fried foods from your diet, eat fish and vegetable dishes.

Attention: in case of cholecystitis, exacerbation of cholelithiasis, pancreatitis, you should not drink the drug in oil. It's better to do it on the water. For this, 1 tsp. pour the seeds into a thermos, brew 1 tbsp. boiling water Reception: 150 ml of infusion along with seeds. Course – 2 – 3 weeks.

The most powerful Siberian healing method

To cleanse the lymph, blood, intestines, liver, kidneys, you can use another Siberian method - with cedar resin or resin.

This is a powerful antiseptic given to us by nature itself. By taking the drug, you will improve your joints, cleanse your blood vessels, and heal all organs of the body. In a word, where a person’s illness is lodged, that’s where recovery begins. The entire procedure will last 80 days.

  • Buy an insulin syringe at the pharmacy, as well as oleoresin (12%), remove the needle from the syringe.
  • Start the procedure in the morning on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast, with 5 units of oleoresin dissolved in a teaspoon of water.
  • After taking it, do not eat or drink for 30 minutes.
  • Then you need to add 5 units every day to bring it to 200 units or 5 ml.

From the 40th day, begin to reduce the dose by 5 units daily. The procedure is carried out once a year.

A simplified method of healing with resin

But not all people can take advantage of such a health improvement scheme. There is a simplified cleansing schedule for them. At night, drink half a teaspoon of 10% with a tablespoon of water. Take one month. Repeat 2 or 3 times a year.

Flaxseed oil for cleansing and weight loss

Flaxseed oil is suitable for cleansing the intestines. In the morning, drink 2 tbsp. linseed oil, and after 30 minutes 1 tbsp. raw water.

Cleaning will begin in 30 minutes and can continue all day. If you carry out this procedure for several days in a row, you will lose up to 2 kg.

Cleansing the body with soda

There is no clear answer about the cleansing properties of soda. Some say it’s harmful, others say oh, how well it cleans. Let's figure out why you need to take soda?

  1. Soda creates an alkaline environment in which all viruses, cancer cells, bacteria, as well as harmful protozoa cannot live and reproduce.
  2. Soda improves immunity.

Be careful, if sodium bicarbonate is taken incorrectly, it will only cause harm.

How to drink soda correctly: first take a dose on the tip of a knife, gradually increase to 1 teaspoon, stir in small quantities hot water, then add cold water to 1 glass to get a warm solution, drink. To cleanse the stomach we drink the solution slowly, for other organs a little faster.

You should drink 2-3 times daily on an empty stomach. Course: from 1 week to 1 month. You can take it once a week for the rest of your life, in the morning on an empty stomach.

Sensation from Professor Neumyvakin

Professor Neumyvakin, while conducting research, noticed that to destroy cancer cells and other pathologies, the lymph of the small intestine produces hydrogen peroxide. But over time, it becomes clogged and stops producing it. We can help her if we drink 3% hydrogen peroxide daily.

Interview with Alexander Khakimov for the newspaper “New Epoch”

Alexander Khakimov visited us -

renowned specialist in Vedic culture, writer, psychologist, artist, philosopher.

“Family Spiritual Life”, “The Last Exam” and others.

Alexander Khakimov is honorary director of the John Favors Institute of Applied Spiritual Technologies.

Its wise philosophical view will certainly be of interest to the reader today.

"Spiritual Traditions"

« New era": The new era is characterized, in our opinion, by two contradictory trends in man and in society: on the one hand, increasing degradation, moral and cultural impoverishment, and on the other hand, the awakening of interest in spiritual knowledge, in particular Vedic knowledge. What do you think this contradiction will lead to?

Alexander Khakimov: The Vedas explain that people are divided into three types depending on their ability to acquire life experience. The first type are those who gain experience by ear. It is enough for them to simply hear or read about the Truth to understand what is good and what is bad. This is the most reasonable people, there are very few of them in our age. For the majority, in order to establish themselves in something, they need a practical result, real confirmation by their own example of this or that judgment. Having received some experience - positive or negative - in the form of punishment or simply remorse - they accept this Truth. The third type of people are the least intelligent, those to whom the Truth does not reach either theoretically or practically. Neither suffering nor punishment changes them. They do not learn, either from their own mistakes or from the mistakes of others. Their condition is hopeless, they are rapidly deteriorating. The first type of people will find the Truth in any case. But the second type needs help. They need experience to change their lives for the better. So, the contradictory trend in society that you are talking about gives people of this type the opportunity to gain both positive and negative experiences and make their choice based on this experience.

The material world presents a person with only ideas - here you go, free love, consumer mood. You can soak in these realities for a while and feel their deceptiveness and unreliable essence. And nearby there is other information - about piety, about God, about spiritual happiness. It can also be tested, tasted, compared with the taste of illusory material joys. Man of sense draw the correct conclusions based on this experience.

"New era": In our time in everything Western world, including ours, the institution of family is collapsing, 60 percent of families are breaking up, and even in those that have survived, harmony rarely reigns. Answer as the director of the Institute of Applied Spiritual Technologies, what spiritual technology can be offered to save a family, a unit of society?

Alexander Khakimov: A family is bound by love - this is the opinion in society. We are trying to make a small adjustment: the family exists on the basis of love for God. This is a spiritual statement made on the basis of a commandment. After all, “Love God” is the first commandment, and others follow. This is the Truth we, as scientists, as an Institute, are trying to apply to the family. Without God, there is no family, because love for a person is fickle, it can easily transfer to another person, which often happens now, and families are destroyed. This is why the Vedas say that if you love only a person, then sooner or later you will become fed up with this love. But if you love God and extend this love to a person, then you will not only save your family, but also embrace your children, grandchildren, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, etc. with your love. Ultimately you will understand that the world is big family, family of God. Our Institute teaches how to build a family on the basis of love for God and service to society, how to move from the small space of one’s own family to the family of God. If there is no divine understanding of the integrity of society, then every family is for itself. Families compete, quarrel, steal each other's wives and husbands, and take away property.

Spiritual technologies are as follows: first you need to establish a connection with God, and therefore create everything else human values-family, education, raising children, economics, politics. Then politics will be peaceful, the economy will be healthy, the family will be permanent, children will be obedient, traditions will be maintained, because the highest reason for why this needs to be done will be clear. If there is no such reason, then it will be like in “The Brothers Karamazov” by Dostoevsky. Remember, there brother Alyosha says: “If there is no God, then everything is possible.” That is, there is no starting point. It is necessary to restore the institution of the spiritual family, this will make society healthier.

“New Era”: What spiritual traditions does your Institute work on?

Alexander Khakimov: We use many traditions. But the Vedic tradition is very well classified, so we mainly use this system. In fact, all religions fit into it. Perhaps everything is not set out in them as systematically as in the Vedas, but in these religions one can find and highlight the same points: karma yoga, jnana yoga, mystical yoga and, finally, the yoga of love for God. -gu. “Love God” is bhakti-yoga, “Don’t steal, don’t lie, don’t commit adultery” is kar-ma-yoga. Using the classification of the Vedas, we can navigate in any religion. The Vedas are not exactly a religion, but rather a scientific classification of religions and value systems.

“New Age”: Sometimes it seems that all religions are unfair to women. In religious teachings, a woman is allocated minor role in society. There she is “number two”, a kind of annex to the man. A modern life shows just the opposite: women have become an active part of society. Many of them successfully make careers, run businesses, and earn more than their husbands. Is there a refutation of religious postulates here?

Alexander Khakimov: Society can be built in accordance with divine or, on the contrary, demonic principles, on the basis of pride, egoism, vanity, and then the value system turns out to be upside down. One of the main principles proclaimed in the Veda is the protection of women. It is said that a woman should always be protected by love. If she loses protection, then she loses beauty, health and plunges into sorrow. A woman is protected by a man - her father in childhood, family - husband, and in mature years- sons. That is why she is given not the first, but the second role in society. The leading position in the social mind and in the economy is given to men. But in the house, in the family, “number one” is a woman, first of all, as an inspiring force. Thanks to her communication, a man achieves success. It has a more subtle material nature and inspires a man to do great things. It is said that if there is a Caesar, then the figure of Cleopatra is definitely visible behind him.

What is happening in modern society? Due to the fact that a man communicates excessively with other people's women, he loses the power that gives protection to his wife. She intuitively feels this and becomes worried, since she has children (a woman has higher responsibility for children than a man). And then she artificially takes on the role of a man: she dresses like a man, drives a car, and, taking on unfeminine tasks, tries in every possible way to convince herself: “I can do this.” And she really succeeds. However, this reminds me of how primitive hunters, armed with wooden spears, went after bears. Going after a bear with a wooden spear is a big risk. To get rid of fear, they lit a fire, stood in a circle and, moving in a circle, repeated the same thing for a long time: “We will kill the bear.” And, having convinced themselves in this way, they went and actually killed the bear. It is clear that their strength and courage were somewhat artificial. Something similar is seen in behavior modern women. A woman takes a difficult but highly paid job with great risk and loss for herself, and achieves success. Success is only in work, because no one can replace her as a mother. She does this instead of a man, although in fact her true task is to push her husband to the top, raising his authority. That's where her greatness lies. Of course, for this, a woman needs appropriate knowledge that allows her to fulfill her role in the family in such a way as to benefit herself and her loved ones, without resorting to artificial methods that are risky for the family.

“New Era”: You said that a woman who follows a “male” path through life is expected to suffer. Outwardly, many business women are satisfied with their lives. What kind of losses are we talking about?

Alexander Khakimov: The main one is that on the way to a career and success in society, a woman cannot fully fulfill the role of a mother. Children do not receive maternal protection, maternal strength. You can see that in such families the children are left to their own devices. They turn out to be weaker in character than their mother, and her maternal energy acts in such a way that it simply covers up their shortcomings at the expense of financial situation. I recently had a conversation with one quite rich woman. She said: “I have an adopted son. I did everything I could for him. I have money, he is an orphan, and I was more worried about him than about my own child. He has grown up and is not getting out of prison...” This happened because, not having time to pay enough attention to him, she covered his shortcomings at the expense of her financial capabilities. The world is structured in such a way that a woman should receive her material well-being and position in society from her husband. Then she will be a full-fledged mother. When she receives all this separately from her husband or without him, her motherhood will be incomplete.

“New era”: The commandments of religion recommend their followers to live virtuously, that is, to be honest, peaceful, open, and not vindictive. On the other hand, society lives according to rather cruel laws. Is it right to prepare people for life who will be deceived and offended by everyone?

Alexander Khakimov: If evil is active and virtue is passive, it will lose. You need to do the opposite: so that goodness is active and evil is passive. Good must be able to defend its rights. In this case, you need to fight not for your own benefit, but for the principles of virtue. Active goodness means spreading knowledge and law around oneself. When people see that laws work, evil becomes passive, because evil is ignorance. When society begins to understand the laws of karma, that is, inevitable responsibility for evil committed, evil loses its activity.

“New Era”: But this is too general an answer. How to be, for example, to an honest man in relationships with partners or managers who deceive him and exploit his positive qualities in every possible way? Is it necessary to tolerate bad treatment for oneself out of virtuous motives?

Alexander Khakimov: No no need. The Vedas say: “Do not allow yourself to be exploited. You must leave the place where you are being exploited immediately.” If everyone does this, the world will change in one second. But people, attached to their position, allow themselves to be exploited for the sake of some tiny benefit. They themselves are to blame for this. Allowing yourself to be exploited is not a virtue. True virtue is like fire. The fire illuminates everything around and at the same time protects itself - you can’t touch it. A truly virtuous person is under the highest protection, under the protection of universal laws.

Dnepropetrovsk, May, 2012

For what to modern man who wants to become stronger and more secure, to know what ancient religions, teachings and traditions thought about this? In addition to the aroma of ancient cultures and the color of the past, which is born when immersed in the history of the issue, knowledge of the point of view that spiritual systems contain always clarifies the picture. After all, behind every tradition there is an endless line of transmission of the subtlest spiritual impulses, the experience of millennia, every particle of which was paid for with the blood of the hearts of entire generations of seekers. The high canons that set religious and esoteric approaches to the problem of security help to observe moral standards when repelling unfair blows: after all, the ethical position based on the principle of conscience, with all its external vulnerability, is the most powerful. And finally, religious-esoteric experience is indispensable for searching and finding the highest, true and reliable protector from all misfortunes - the Lord God.

Eastern tradition

The Eastern tradition devoted considerable space to the problem of human protection from evil forces, dark energies, influences and blows. She divided attacks into those that come from a person and are aimed at oppressing the personal principle (slander, insult, argument, pressure, deception, etc.), and those that are generated by the influence dark forces from the subtle world. At the same time, subtle blows can be aimed both against a person’s energetic shell and against his deep spiritual essence, free will, higher aspirations and motives. Protection from psychological attacks, offered by Eastern teachings, lies in changing the very perception of attack. One should not exaggerate its importance, as all self-absorbed people do, but, on the contrary, try to look at unexpected circumstances, blows, the people who inflict them, and one’s own reaction, as something insignificant, tertiary, illusory in the eyes of God and Eternity. Yoga, Vedanta, Taoism, and Buddhism advised the use of a similar methodology.

The history of Buddhism has left many legends about the protection of spiritual masters, saints and, finally, Gautama Buddha himself. A holy life and spiritual concentration on the Highest ultimately led to the fact that a person wrapped himself in a powerful protective network that diverted the most strong blows. The highest example of a being who ideally controls this power in Buddhism was, of course, considered the Buddha himself. Let us remember his fight with the eternal enemy, the Buddhist Judas - Devadatta, in which he did not disdain the darkest means - he dropped a huge stone on Buddha from a height, sent a huge mad elephant at him, sent robber-murderers. But in all cases these attempts were in vain. Some unknown force deflected the fatal blows. The stone deviated from its target and did not kill the Buddha, but only slightly injured his toe. The elephant, a few meters before the location of the Buddha, suddenly stopped rooted to the spot, pacified by a powerful impulse of love and kindness emanating from the Great Teacher. The robbers, coming closer to the Buddha, suddenly abandoned their criminal plan, repented and asked the founder of the Buddhist teaching to take them as disciples.

The Buddha acquired this power as a result of titanic efforts aimed at achieving enlightenment and liberation from the influence of the circumstances of earthly existence.

In the case of psychoenergetic or magical blows, it does not matter whether they are inflicted by people or evil spirits from the invisible world - Eastern methodology relied either on the utterance of protective mantras, or on the visualization of protective yantras - sacred images and symbols. Spiritual protection was intended to combat illusions that break into the consciousness of the aspiring student in order to lead him astray, as well as to repel strong magical blows that could damage the soul of their victim. The East associated such protection with those methods that develop spiritual insight in a person, as well as the ability to sacrifice personal desires to the divine will. As a result of such a sacrifice, the Supreme Deity begins to fight all attacking forces. The sacred book of Hinduism, the Bhagavad Gita, invites one of the main characters, Prince Arjuna, to submit his will to the commander Krishna so that he can lead his battle with his enemies.

The Eastern system of defense emphasized repelling subtle and spiritual blows (if we're talking about about higher yoga), as well as on protecting your body (if we are talking about martial arts). Psychological methods of repelling blows were not developed in detail - a person of ancient eras was internally more holistic, harmonious and united than a modern vulnerable neurotic.

Western spiritual traditions

Western spiritual traditions had fairly well-developed systems for repelling various blows. Thus, the ancient systems of ethics and spirituality set a person up either for heroism, with the help of which a person defeated all types of evil, including those directed against him personally, or for stoic patience, which helped to endure unexpected blows of fate and adversity. Occult-hermetic systems relied on the construction of thin energy shields, the creation of magic circles, and the utterance of formulas and spells. The Christian tradition taught its followers to repel the enemy's machinations with the power of the name of Christ and the power of grace, in which they had to clothe their spirit at the moment of attack.

Multi-volume Christian literature captures great amount cases when a prayerful appeal to God attracted protective forces and warded off blows and attacks that a person could not cope with on his own. The prayer reached the Divine World, which sent a person spiritual power, helping to cope with insults, humiliation and persecution at the psychological level of communication with hostile people. The protective divine power turned into an indestructible fortress, easily repelling all subtle dark blows and attacks from magicians, sorcerers and simply evil dark haters. Prayerful energy protected Christians from numerous temptations and seductions that awaited them in the world. spiritual path and representing a type of attack. Prayer helped conserve spiritual energy (acquire the Holy Spirit) and helped defeat any type of energy vampirism.

The power of the sincere Christian prayer was so great that it helped people repel not only psychological or psychoenergetic attacks, but even direct blows of fate and circumstances. One day I had to talk to a deeply Orthodox person who passed through the Great Patriotic War. He told me an amazing incident from his life at the front, which convinced him of the reality of Divine protection.

A column of German tanks broke through the defenses of our troops and came close to the pitiful shelters behind which the scattered remnants of the retreating unit were hiding. My interlocutor told me what horror he experienced in those minutes: first he saw how literally a few meters near him a German tank flattened his comrade, and then he noticed that another tank was moving straight towards him. Since he had nowhere to run - there was open area, and the frail tubercle behind which he hid clearly could not be saved, he realized that he had no more than thirty seconds to live. And, having crossed himself, he prayed with all his being: “Lord, if You exist, hear me and save me!” The request to God, which he shouted several times, was so powerful and shook his being so much that he almost lost consciousness. He no longer hoped for anything, when suddenly a miracle happened: about ten meters from him, the tank suddenly turned around and moved to the side, firing at some distant targets. This is how a person really encountered the protective power of Christian prayer.

Western religious methods as well as eastern schools spiritual protection, as expected traditional systems, did not attach of great importance repelling psychological blows. “Human, all too human” has never been a subject of special concern for either world or national religions. They proceeded from the fact that it was much more important to protect the soul from temptations and the spirit from damage.

Esoteric teachings reveal in detail the methods and secrets of defense against attacks. As a rule, they talk about protecting a person at all levels - psychological, emotional, and spiritual. Eastern esotericism invites a person to change his very view of the “attack-defense” problem, generated by the dual perception of the world, and to rise to such spiritual heights where there is neither an attacker nor a defender, but everything is in indivisible unity. Western esotericism relies primarily on hermeticism and therefore sees defense as the erection of walls, complete isolation from the source of attack, deep withdrawal into oneself, and the delineation of magic circles. Characteristic protective means offered by esoteric teachings - unlike religions, they are significantly to a greater extent include psychology. And the closer to the 20th century, the more in esoteric systems psychological methods protection. This is due to the fact that the personality of an ancient person traditional society was a transparent conductor of higher spiritual forces and influences, but over time it lost its integrity, became multiple, complex, vulnerable to conflicts, requiring special measures for its harmonization.