Beautiful posters in pencil. Examples of wall newspapers and posters for the New Year

What to teach children at school, if not healthy lifestyle? Teachers annually organize scheduled competitions for drawing wall newspapers, posters, or simply ask students in grades 1, 2, 3, 4 to prepare drawing or at least redraw the picture on the topic “Healthy lifestyle” or “I am for a healthy lifestyle.” Since this topic is extensive, it is difficult to immediately understand that it is difficult to draw, so we will give examples already finished works.

How to draw a picture about a healthy lifestyle for children?

Think about what you can depict on a poster or picture about healthy lifestyle. For a hint, look at this picture:

Poster "Six Components" healthy image life"

This wall newspaper has all the components healthy life:

  • nutrition(more fruits and vegetables - less sweets and fatty foods);
  • sport(football, hockey, tennis, gymnastics, athletics, swimming - any activity);
  • healthy sleep(at least 8 hours a day);
  • self-control training(yoga classes, meditation, discipline);
  • emotional health(be able to control your emotions, not become depressed and despondent);
  • social health(participate in circles, clubs, communicate with peers, do not withdraw into yourself).

Each of these components of a healthy lifestyle can be depicted in a separate picture. For example, a girl can draw the following picture, which shows what foods are best to eat:

Poster “Proper nutrition is the basis of a healthy lifestyle.”

Drawing healthy food is easy - the main thing is to understand how to draw fruit. To do this, you can view two step by step lesson in the photo below. The first picture is about how to draw an apple:

Step-by-step instructions “How to draw an apple for a poster about healthy lifestyle.”

And the second picture is about how to draw a pear step by step:

How to draw a pear step by step for a drawing about a healthy lifestyle.

Take pencils and try to draw something like that yourself. When you learn how to draw fruit, try to draw a person on a piece of paper, combining several factors of a healthy lifestyle. For example, this figure combines sports and nutrition:

Figure “A healthy lifestyle is sports and proper nutrition

This picture shows a girl meditating - this picture is suitable for depicting self-control as an aspect of a healthy lifestyle:

Poster “Meditation is a way of self-control for a healthy life.”

How to draw a poster (wall newspaper) for elementary school students (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th grade) about healthy lifestyle?

A health poster will be more difficult to draw, since it must consist of several elements at once. You can use the first picture for this. Or draw a wall newspaper in the form of steps to health to show your classmates or junior schoolchild m what you need to do to achieve health, moral and physical:

Wall newspaper in English: “5 steps for a healthy lifestyle.”

It is important to depict sports on the poster so that children do not forget to be active. This picture shows enough varieties of sports to interest every student, especially boys:

Wall newspaper “Sport is health.”

And the highest manifestation of talent will be the depiction of all the factors of a healthy life in one drawing. Here good example the kind of picture that would get an “A” if you put it up for a wall newspaper or poster competition at school:

Poster on the theme "Health"

Coloring pages about a healthy lifestyle for children

For the little ones, kindergarten students, first graders and schoolchildren up to 4th grade, we have prepared special coloring books. It will be enough to print one of them so that your child can use pencils, paints or felt-tip pens to decorate the drawing as he pleases. In any case, it will turn out beautifully:

Coloring page “Work is a component of a healthy lifestyle.”

Canva has over 8,000 templates to help you create posters quickly. The service allows you to customize the background and add text, uploaded images, as well as illustrations and other decorations from the Canva library to your posters. Some templates and decorative elements are available for free, others can be purchased individually or received as part of a paid subscription.

Canva is available as a web editor and an iOS app. There is no version for Android yet.

This editor is as powerful as Canva. With Desygner, you too can create posters and other graphics by combining images, text, stickers and other decorations on one canvas. offers hundreds free templates, illustrations and photographs as sources. To gain access to the full collection of materials, as well as convenient search through them, you need to subscribe to a paid subscription.

Desygner can be used in the browser and programs for mobile devices on Android and iOS.

3. Fotor

Fotor is a multifunctional service for working with graphics. It allows you to do approximately the same as the poster editors listed above: upload images, overlay text, stickers and other elements on them.

And even more: Fotor has many tools for editing images and creating collages. However, the service does not have as many source materials as Canva and Desygner. By subscribing to a paid subscription, you will receive more sources and functions for editing graphics.

Fotor is available in the browser and as programs for major desktop and mobile platforms.

The Bambinic project deserves special attention. This is not a universal poster editor, but a highly specialized service designed for creating children's metrics. For this purpose, Bambinic has several templates with cartoon illustrations and memorable captions. To create a bright poster for your child, you just need to select a template and fill it out, indicating information about the child (for example, number of teeth, height, weight, first words).

Bambinic exists only as a website; the service has no applications.

The main attribute New Year's holidays a Christmas tree is considered, but an elegant spruce should not be the only decoration of the house, office or school corridor. You can complement the festive decorations with balloons, tinsel and colorful posters. We will be happy to help you draw a wall newspaper on New Year Pigs for those who didn't graduate art school and does not have the innate talent of an artist.

A bright and cheerful wall newspaper consists of 8 graphic files, which as a whole form large drawing with windows for congratulations and wishes. In order to get a poster, you will need white A4 paper, a printer and tools for coloring.

Download fragments of the New Year's wall newspaper 2019

How to make a newspaper for the New Year of the Pig

  1. Download 8 graphic fragments to your computer or immediately print them on a black and white printer.
  2. Assemble a whole picture from its components, focusing on serial numbers images.
  3. Glue the elements together using a glue stick or tape, securing it on the back side.
  4. If desired, duplicate the poster with whatman paper or thick paper.
  5. Color the wall newspaper with pencils, paints or felt-tip pens, using bright and pearlescent paints, and leave “clouds” for congratulatory inscriptions.
  6. Add new year poster tinsel, sparkles, broken toys.
  7. Enter in the “windows”.

The resulting wall newspaper can be hung anywhere, it will create festive mood and will make you smile!

New Year's wall newspaper No. 2

The wall newspaper consists of eight graphic fragments, each of which corresponds to the format of a standard A4 sheet. You can use any black and white printer to print fragments.

Download wall newspaper fragments

How to make a New Year's newspaper

  1. First of all, you need to download fragments of the wall newspaper to your computer (but you can print immediately, directly from the browser).
  2. Print the images one by one on the printer.
  3. Create a whole poster from the existing parts: the sheets can be glued together with tape or any glue, and if you need a thicker newspaper, stick it on a corresponding sheet of Whatman paper or cardboard of a suitable size.
  4. Now all that remains is to color the blank with paints, colored pencils or felt-tip pens and write it into each cloud.
  5. To obtain a “New Year’s effect,” the picture can be additionally decorated with tinsel, fragments of broken toys, cotton wool or sparkles.

This article offers you ways and tips to create beautiful congratulatory poster for a girl's birthday.

Beautiful poster for the birthday of a girl 8 - 11 years old: templates, ideas, photos

You can surprise your daughter, friend, granddaughter, sister or niece on her birthday with the help of. For this you will come in handy large leaf Whatman paper(A1 format) and Additional materials: paints, brushes, markers, scissors, colored paper, glitter, glue, photographs and poems.

Such a poster will definitely impress a child, because the memories at 8, 9, 10 and 11 years old remain very vivid, and most importantly, for life. Try to remember the hobbies of the birthday boy in advance:

  • What kind of sweets does he like?
  • What cartoons or TV series does he watch?
  • What does he like to play?
  • What collects
  • What are you interested in?
  • What books does he read?
  • His favorite color
  • Favorite flowers

This data will help you collect a large number of decorations and cutouts that will perfectly complement the greeting poster. In addition, you can always stick to one specific style. For example, a poster in the style of “Hello Kitty” or a poster from “Princess Sofia”.

IMPORTANT: Don’t forget to leave space on the poster so that guests coming to the house can leave their wishes - this is important for the child himself, who is unlikely to listen carefully to congratulations on his birthday, but will be happy to read them afterwards.

If you paste photos, choose only those that your girl definitely loves, because although she is small, she is a woman. And women are often offended if those who are not their best are exposed to public scrutiny. good photos. Good idea– post a series of photos “from small to large”, i.e. Use a photo to track your child’s growth from 1 year to the date you are celebrating.

Poster ideas for a girl's birthday:

Congratulatory poster in the style of “Smeshariki”, drawn on whatman paper

Congratulatory poster in the style of "Masha and the Bear" for a girl

Colorful DIY poster for a girl's birthday

Beautiful poster from the whole family for a girl's birthday

Wide hanging poster for a girl's birthday

Hand-drawn poster with a photo of a girl for her birthday

Poster with poems and wishes

Colorful birthday poster for a girl from loved ones

Beautiful poster for the birthday of a girl 12 - 15 years old: templates, ideas, photos

Poster for adult girl 12, 13, 14 and 15 year olds should be different from the posters for young children. At this age, the child begins to feel himself as an individual and therefore it is important to fully take into account all preferences. As a rule, teenage girls love movies and music, modern TV shows and social networks.

Try to take into account your teenager’s hobbies, because such a poster will not only be interesting, but also pleasant. You can also fill the poster with wishes and poems, because at this age the child perceives all the pleasant words and is happy. You can decorate the poster with artificial or homemade flowers from corrugated paper, draw and cut out flags, and inflate balloons.

Poster ideas for teenage girls:

Poster from friends for a girl's birthday

You can draw a poster by hand and paste your photos

DIY poster for a girlfriend with photos and sweets

Drawn poster with personal photos for girl

How to make a poster for a girl's birthday from sweets?

A poster of sweets can make anyone happy on their birthday, because absolutely everyone loves sweets and chocolates, especially teenage girls. You can use sweets with original names, which can continue your phrases.

For example:

  • You are my Miracle"
  • You are my favorite... "KINDER"
  • You are my child the most... “KIND”
  • Let your life be colorful like... “SKITLES”
  • I wish you to go with your friends to... “PICNIK” more often
  • May life give you real... “LOVE IS”
  • I would like to fly to… “MARS” while traveling
  • I wish you in life to be like... “CRASH BEE”
  • I wish you to be happy "7 DAYS" a week

IMPORTANT: There are a lot of ideas for wishes using sweets and each one depends only on your imagination and the product that you can find in the store!

Ideas for ready-made sweets posters for girls:

Birthday sweets poster

Poster with sweets in the form of a painting on the wall, birthday greetings

Poster with wishes and sweets for a girl on her birthday

Small birthday poster for a girl with sweets

Handmade colorful sweets poster

Sweets as a continuation of birthday wishes

How to make a birthday poster for a girl with photos and wishes?

A poster with photos for a girl can be a great Happy Birthday greeting. Most often, such posters are made by friends, pasting joint photographs with captured happy moments.

Parents can also use photographs, but which can record all the happy times they have lived Last year: trips, family holidays and events, beautiful portraits.

Another idea is to make a “dream collage”. To do this, you should cut out the face of your birthday girl and substitute her in various scenes of luxurious and beautiful life, or at least in this way to fulfill those dreams that have not yet come true.

Unusual way make a greeting from photos

Poster with wishes and photos

An unusual way to wish a happy birthday

Poster for a girl from photos and birthday wishes

Poster-collage of photos and clippings with wishes

How to draw a poster for a girl's birthday?

The poster can be printed on a computer using ready-made templates, you can buy a ready-made one, or you can draw it yourself. To do this, you can use ready-made poster ideas or print special coloring posters.

Options for templates for a greeting poster:

Baby girl cake poster template

Simple template with birthday cake

Unusual template for coloring poster

Poster with spongebob birthday template

Coloring book template for greeting poster

What to write on a Happy Birthday poster for a girl, what wishes and congratulations?

A congratulatory poster must definitely please. What to write on the poster:

  • Poetry
  • Congratulations
  • Wishes for a happy life
  • Compliments
  • Lyrics of favorite songs
  • Quotes from cartoons and films

What words to write on a poster for a girl:

Beautiful poems for a girl on her birthday

Beautiful wishes for a girl's birthday

Congratulations for girls

Poems for a congratulatory poster Poems for children for a congratulatory poster

How to buy a template for a poster for a girl’s birthday on Aliexpress?

The modern Aliexpress store offers you to purchase any necessary paraphernalia for a birthday celebration. Here you will find everything you need.

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Photo gallery: Wall newspaper for Teacher's Day with your own hands on whatman paper: templates and step by step photos. How to draw a poster for Teacher's Day

New academic year It’s only just arrived, but the first troubles are already making themselves felt. Teacher's Day is just around the corner, which means it's time to think about preparing congratulations, gifts and posters for your favorite teachers. Today, like 30 years ago, a wall newspaper for Teacher’s Day is considered an individual and unique gift, imbued with the warmth of children’s hands. Inexpensive, but cute and memorable present, teachers will definitely like it too junior classes, And class teachers high school students. A DIY wall newspaper on whatman paper is not a relic of the past, but a magnificent product self made, where every stroke and every line carries something important, kind, genuine. And the poems, photographs, and pictures on the poster for Teacher’s Day will long remind the “cool mom” of her favorite students. If they, in turn, try hard, using their own imagination or a simple master class!

Beautiful wall newspaper for Teacher’s Day with your own hands on whatman paper, photo

To make a beautiful wall newspaper for Teacher’s Day with your own hands, you only need 8 A4 sheets or a large white Whatman paper and popular stationery. But in order to design a poster in at its best, you'll have to work a little harder. To do this, you can use one of three methods for making wall newspapers:

  • print out the necessary elements of the wall newspaper, and then glue them to whatman paper. Alternatively, you can print a large black and white image on several sheets, and then glue the poster together in parts and color it yourself;
  • make the poster completely “man-made” - write all the texts, inscriptions and wishes yourself, draw beautiful illustrations, add decorative elements V different techniques handmade;
  • combine the two previous methods of making wall newspapers. For example, print out photographs of the teacher and students, cut out a suitable plot from colored paper (wishing tree, sun with rays, petals big flower), add warm congratulations, etc.

Most often, it is the third method of preparing a beautiful wall newspaper for Teacher’s Day that is used. But even in such a seemingly understandable process, it is worth following the sequence of actions of the master class so as not to waste all the work.

  1. Think over the plot and style of a wall newspaper for Teacher's Day;
  2. Prepare the basis for the poster - buy whatman paper or glue 8-12 sheets into a canvas thick paper A4;
  3. Prepare congratulatory texts and wishes, funny stories from school life, a funny horoscope for the teacher for next year. They can be written in beautiful handwriting, printed on a printer, cut out in parts from postcards, newspapers or magazines;
  4. If necessary, print out a photo of your teacher, class students, interesting moments from school and extracurricular life of the team;
  5. Design a congratulation headline for the wall newspaper "Happy Teacher's Day." It can also be cut out from a printout or colored paper, or drawn by hand using paints or colored pencils;
  6. Glue previously prepared texts and photographs to the poster according to the planned plot. Outline them with decorative frames;
  7. Fill the remaining space with handmade elements: hand-drawn patterns or funny school-themed characters, voluminous flowers, fabric bows, small compositions made of beads, rhinestones, ribbons, buttons, etc.
  8. A beautiful do-it-yourself wall newspaper on whatman paper for Teacher’s Day is ready. Attach the poster to the wall using pushpins.

How to draw a poster for Teacher's Day with your own hands, master class with step-by-step photos

The question of how to draw a poster for Teacher’s Day with your own hands has worried every schoolchild at least once in their life. But if it was very difficult for students of the USSR period (there were few stationery supplies, and materials were in short supply, and no printed preparations), then today’s students have absolutely nothing to worry about. It is enough to stock up on the necessary time, tools, materials and follow the instructions of the master class on making wall newspapers. The lesson provided below is suitable even for younger students, as it is completely devoid of complex processes.

Necessary materials for a DIY poster master class for Teacher's Day

  • whatman
  • shiny self-adhesive yellow (or other) color
  • tinted paper A4 pale yellow or cream color
  • colored paper red, orange, green and yellow flowers
  • PVA glue
  • stationery scissors
  • watercolor or gouache paints
  • brushes and glass
  • simple pencil

Step-by-step instructions for a DIY poster master class for Teacher's Day

DIY wall newspaper for Teacher's Day with congratulations and poems

Another master class on making a wall newspaper with congratulations and poems for Teacher’s Day may be useful for today’s talented and well-rounded schoolchildren. Unlike the previous one, this lesson is more suitable for high school students. Creating a poster for our second master class is more difficult, but the result is completely worth all the effort.

Necessary materials for the master class: wall newspapers with congratulations and poems for Teacher's Day

  • Whatman paper white
  • beige paper
  • colored and tinted paper
  • designer decorative paper
  • openwork paper napkins
  • ground down short pencils
  • ribbons, cords, threads
  • clippings of books, birds, clocks
  • stamps for cardmaking
  • paints
  • black marker or ink
  • foam rubber
  • white cardboard
  • scissors
  • pencil
  • ruler and eraser
  • PVA glue
  • Decorative buttons, paper clips, etc.

Step-by-step instructions for a master class on a poster with congratulations and poems for Teacher's Day

Wall newspaper for Teacher's Day: templates, pictures and photos

If you need beautiful wall newspaper On Teacher's Day, and there is practically no time left, use ready-made templates and pictures. With their help, you won't get a real handmade product, but the resulting poster will still be quite good. To do this, print out the finished parts of the wall newspaper and carefully glue the edges along the contour. Then paint the image with bright gouache paints and let the poster dry thoroughly.