Bashkir ornament: photo and description, features of the pattern and traditional elements. Decorative and applied arts among the Bashkirs Bashkir painting

The folk decorative and applied art of the Bashkirs absorbed the cultural features of different eras. It brought to us its best traditions, into which the people invested their understanding of beauty and the desire to create beauty.

The decorative and applied arts of the Bashkir people are diverse. The Bashkirs decorated household and household items, clothes, and shoes with patterns.

In the folk art of the Bashkirs there is no figurativeness due to the strong influence on the spiritual life of the religion of Islam, which prohibited the depiction of any material objects, but still the art itself has been preserved as “a rich storehouse of ornaments, materials, processing techniques and manufacturing techniques, giving rise to a variety of combinatorial methods and further stylization and schematization of the plot side of art"

In folk art, ornament is the main type of art, representing a unique and important layer of the artistic memory of the people.

In terms of color, the Bashkir ornament is polychrome, bright, multi-colored, the coloristic image is based on contrasts of strong and pure colors, which predominates:

red is the color of warmth and fire

yellow - the color of abundance and wealth

black - the color of earth and fertility

green - the color of eternal greenery,

white - the color of purity of thoughts, peacefulness

blue is the color of freedom,

brown is the color of old age and withering. The patterns of the headbands - haraus - had a yellow-orange and red-brown color scheme. The background of the products is most often red, black, less often yellow and white, which the Bashkirs identified with the fertility of the earth, the luminary, the dawn and everything beautiful in nature.

Ornament is an essential component of the artistic design of things. Among the Bashkirs, this is a pattern that is formed by a combination of geometric, zoomorphic and plant figures and elements. Depending on the purpose, the ornament was arranged as a border, individual rosettes or a continuous mesh. To decorate clothes, they used mainly an ornament of geometric and floral elements arranged in a border, less often with rosettes.

In the Bashkir ornament there are the following clearly defined groups of motifs:

Kuskar is a symbol of curled ram horns and a symbol of grass - the theme of the nomadic pastoral people and its later modifications: spiral and S-shaped curls

as well as diamonds with its multifaceted variations.

Kuskar is a symbol of human productive activity and fertility.

The rhombic motif forms the agricultural basis of the Bashkir ornament, and the rhombus gradually becomes an ideogram of Life and Good.

The origin of the ornament and its semantic meaning are connected with the religious worldview of people who sought to appease evil spirits, protect themselves from the evil eye, or give themselves strength by decorating clothes and household items.

One of the elements of the Bashkir ornament is the solar sign - O circle, a simplified image of the sun in the form of a circle with rays or a vortex rosette _, which are mainly used to decorate Yelyany.

The swastika element, found in the Bashkir ornament, is a symbol of fertility, the sun, a crossed hammer, lightning, and is used as an ornamental motif in the folk art of many ancient cultures, in the ancient world, in Central and South America, and Medieval Europe. It was given a certain meaning as a guardian, a protector from evil forces, a symbol of the sun, life and goodness. The heart-shaped element denoting hospitality is also common to other nations.

Craftswomen also gave names to the elements, sometimes in different ways in different regions based on associations with objects and phenomena. For example, in some places a large rhombic element is called a “tray” ¦,

The branches of the rhombus are “bird heads”, small elements in the form of columns and squares - “bug” is also the letter of the runic script, a rhombus like the Russian burdock “flower”, a pattern of paired rhombuses - “ant’s waist”, an oblique cross with a small rhombus in in the center is “cancer”, a strip of rhombuses connected by corners - “anise branch” and others.





2.2. The meaning of the symbols of the Bashkir ornament

Kuskar – a symbol of curled ram horns and a symbol of herbs. The improvisation of this symbol through additional spiral curls led to the formation of various ornamental patterns and many other variations.

One of the elements of the Bashkir ornament is the solar sign - circle, a simplified image of the sun in the form of a circle with rays or a vortex rosette.

E The heart-shaped element denotes hospitality.

The origin of the ornament and its ancient meaning are associated with the religious worldview of people who sought to appease evil spirits by decorating clothes and household items, protect themselves from them, or give themselves strength. Many of these elements are found among other peoples.

When decorating their products, the people talked about themselves, about their family, about the surrounding life, nature, so we can give another definition to ornament - it is the symbolic-graphic language of the people, expressing their feelings and concepts.

The ornament is characterized by geometric and floral elements, as well as curvilinear elements, patterns in the form of curls, spirals, and heart-shaped figures.

M It is possible to catch certain patterns in pattern creation and identify series of ornaments. The basis of the ornamental series is usually a composition of two, three, four curls. The root figure is placed on the “horizon line”, less often on the central vertical; it stands out in color. From it, the ornament is built up and to the sides, less often down. A couple of curls produced several traditional connections.

First of all, these are the options. horn-shaped motifs. Derived from one point, slightly spread to the sides, with curls facing downwards, the horns could be flat or steep. The horns with a wavy upper contour looked elegant. The horn-like image was overgrown with hooks and supplemented with leaves, finger-like projections, and petals.

Close to the described series patterns in which the horns touched with convex backs; the “legs” of the couscars spread to the sides gave balance to the figure.

The outlines of the peak definitely appeared in the “cuskar” compositions, the basis of which was lyre-like motifs - curls turned towards each other and lowered down from a point on the original line. The development of the pattern went upward - from a sharp protrusion and sloping side walls.

Integral figure, which S.I. Rudenko especially singled out medieval nomadic pastoralists for their pattern-making; it was divided into two parts and, essentially, consisted of two curls. Individual integrals and sockets were often placed on the frame covering of the saddle cloth.

Patterns were common, in the center of which was placed a shape similar to a capital letter "x". In some embroideries, intersecting integrals were visible in its outlines, while the background surface gave the image of opposing peaks.

A separate group includes vertically elongated rod-shaped figures with double-sided curls (elongated x). Overgrown with hooks, brackets, leaves, or bifurcating, the rod expanded, forming a rhombus in the middle. “Cuscar” ornaments, enriched with leaves and fan petals, approached plant ones. The drawing showed slender trees or lush bushes, garlands, and curved shoots.” 3

Common ornamental subjects were the sun, stars, and solar signs. Images of birds and animals in traditional patterns were rare. However, the names of many motifs were associated with a “zoological” theme: doe (camel neck), bure tabany (wolf footprint), karlugas kanata (swallow’s wings), kubelek (butterfly), teke mogozo (ram horns), kikrek (cockscomb) and other. The Bashkirs' belonging to the Muslim world is also reflected in the ornament. The embroidered pattern could be supplemented with texts of sayings and prayers in Arabic graphics. A star and a crescent were sometimes embroidered on prayer rugs (namazlik), and on a tablecloth (kumgan), which was used during readings of the Koran at ceremonies, funerals, etc. Images of the mosque were found on the ends of woven towels.

Bashkir ornament- a pattern based on the repetition and alternation of geometric, plant or zoomorphic elements, intended for decorating objects, weapons, textiles, and the interior of the Bashkirs.

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    ✪ ORNAMENT (BLS, 01/28/2015) Studios "Magic Needles" and "Kudesnitsa"



The Bashkir ornament reflected the ancient ideas of the Bashkirs about the triple rhythm of existence, characteristic of most peoples.

Ornament, as the oldest form of human visual activity, was formed gradually among the Bashkirs. The first images were simple: a twig, a shell fragment drawn across damp clay, or plant seeds pressed into it. Over time, the drawings became more complex and became thoughtful, compositionally verified, and filled with symbolic content.

Bashkir ornament is characterized by geometric, curvilinear floral patterns. Usually patterns were applied to wood, leather, metal, and linen.


Bashkir ornament is symmetrical and reflects people’s perception of the world. It contains contrasting phenomena: day - night, life - death, light - darkness, male - female, left - right, etc. The opposition is shown by the symmetry of opposing figures. To preserve the integrity of the composition, a central element of the ornament is introduced.

The central element of the ornament is a female figure, an image of a tree or a symbolic rhombus. The female figure symbolizes the image of the goddess of all things, the tree - the tree of life, the rhombus ♦ - a symbol of the arable land.

The elements of the ornament have a semantic meaning: kuskar ¥ - a symbol of curled ram horns and a symbol of herbs, a solar sign ֔֕ - a circle, an image of the sun in the form of a circle with rays, a heart - denotes hospitality.

Bashkir ornaments reflect the ideas of the Pre-Islamic period of the history of the Bashkirs.

Collars, necklines, fasteners, edges of sleeves and hems of clothing were decorated with ornaments. Edges with ornaments were considered inaccessible to damage. The elements of the house decorated with ornaments made the house inaccessible to evil spirits. Gates, shutters, window frames, and roof edges were decorated. The shapes of the ornament, a triangle and a rhombus, a circle, are a symbolic image of the eye: a triangle in profile, a rhombus in the front. It was believed that the image of a triangle could protect against harmful external influences.

Ornamental complexes

In Bashkir decorative and applied art, there are 6 main ornamental complexes associated with performance techniques.

Embroidery ornament

Embroidery is characterized by a floral pattern. The color scheme is red, yellow and green. Contrasting alternation of colors is used. Spiral patterns in the ornament are used for fabric appliqué and oblique mesh embroidery, diamond-shaped and x-shaped patterns are used for weaving and contourless satin stitch embroidery.

The following techniques are used in embroidery: the elements of the ornament are arranged in a border, rosettes or a continuous mesh.



  • Avizhanskaya S. A., Bikbulatov N. V., Kuzeev R. G. Decorative and applied art of the Bashkirs. Ufa, 1964.
  • Bashkirs: Ethnic history and traditional culture. Ufa: Scientific publishing house "Bashkir Encyclopedia", 2002.
  • Bashkir encyclopedia. Ch. ed. M. A. Ilgamov vol. 1. A-B. 2005. - 624 pp.; ISBN 5-88185-053-X . vol. 2. V-Zh. 2006. −624 p. ISBN 5-88185-062-9 .; v. 3. Z-K. 2007. −672 p. ISBN 978-5-88185-064-7.; v. 4. L-O. 2008. −672 p. ISBN 978-5-88185-068-5.; v. 5. P-S. 2009. −576 p. ISBN 978-5-88185-072-2.; v. 6. People's advice. farms. -U. 2010. −544 p. ISBN 978-5-88185-071-5 ; v. 7. F-Ya. 2011. −624 p.. scientific.. ed. Bashkir encyclopedia, Ufa.
  • Bashkir ornament // Essays on the culture of the peoples of Bashkortostan. Textbook for the course “History, literature and culture of Bashkortostan” / Comp. Benin V.L. - Ufa: Kitap, 1998. - P. 51 - 57.
  • On the issue of the Finno-Ugric component in the Bashkir ornament // Tez. report regional conference "Problems of interaction of national cultures." - Astrakhan: Astrakhan Pedagogical Publishing House. Institute, 1995. - Part 1: Interethnic communication in a multiethnic region. - P. 44-46.
  • On parallels in the embroidery of the northern Udmurts and Bashkirs: Materials of the international. conf. “Christianization of the Komi region and its role in the development of statehood and culture.” In 2 vols. - Syktyvkar, 1996. - P. 199-204.
  • Kazbulatova G. Kh. Historical memory and symbolism of costume //


Topic: “Bashkir ornament in a circle.”

Objectives: 1) to instill a love for the history of the past people; 2) improve skills in drawing Bashkir ornaments; 3) cultivate perseverance and accuracy.

Equipment: visibility of Bashkir costumes, samples of plant, animal, geometric elements, coat of arms of the Republic of Bashkortostan, concept: “ornament”, items for the silent game, illustration of different peoples, product made from plant elements, visibility of a Bashkir girl and boy, illustration of types of ornaments, visualization of structure of the ornament, illustration of symbols, clarity of the “Bashkir ornament in a circle”, diagram of the sequence of the image of the ornament, template, clarity with the name of the topic.



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Slide captions:

"Bashkir ornament in a circle."

Goal: to introduce the decorative and applied arts of the Bashkir people.

Objectives of the lesson: 1) to instill a love for the history of the past people; 2) improve skills in drawing Bashkir ornaments; 3) cultivate perseverance and accuracy.

Equipment: Visualization of Bashkir costumes, samples of plant, animal, geometric elements, coat of arms of the Republic of Bashkortostan, concept: “ornament”, items for the “silent game”, illustration of different peoples, product made from plant elements, visibility of a Bashkir girl and boy, illustration of types of ornaments, clarity of the structure of the ornament, illustration of symbols, clarity of the “Bashkir ornament in a circle”, diagram of the sequence of the image of the ornament, template, clarity with the name of the topic.

Lesson type: decorative drawing.

Lesson structure: Organizational part Main part Practical part Final part

Organizational part Carrying out the “game of silence”

Main part The concept of “Ornament” is one of the elements of decorative and applied art, which is the decoration of household items, clothing, jewelry, and home decoration.

The folk decorative and applied art of the Bashkirs absorbed the cultural features of different eras and brought to us their best traditions, into which the people invested their understanding of beauty and the desire to create beauty.

The decorative and applied arts of the Bashkir people are diverse. The Bashkirs decorated household and household items, clothes, and shoes with patterns. While decorating their products, people talked about themselves, their family, the life around them, and nature.

Types of Bashkir ornaments: 1) plant-animal ornament; 2) geometric shapes; 3) zaomorphic.

Structure of the ornament: 1) ornament in the carpet; 2) ornament in a circle; 3) ornament in a rectangle and in a square.

The location of the ornament in the circle: 1) along the edge; 2) from the center with a gradual increase; 3) in the center along the edge.

Colors used for the ornament: RED YELLOW BLACK GREEN


Sequence of the image of the ornament in a circle.

The practical part is aimed at improving the skill of drawing Bashkir ornaments, developing perseverance and accuracy.

Final part Exhibition of children's works with analysis of drawings. - What did you do today? - What new did you learn? - What did you like about this job? - Where can these drawings be used?

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Summary of an integrated lesson with middle group children. Theme: "Acquaintance with the life of the Bashkir people." Application "Bashkir Palace".

Program content: - expand children's understanding of the life of the Bashkir people; - learn to decorate rugs with elements of Bashkir ornament; - strengthen the skill of gluing, master working with scissors...

Getting to know the Bashkir national ornament

To acquaint children with the Bashkir national costume, elements of ornament, traditions of the Bashkir people, to give children an idea that the Republic of Bashkortostan is located on...

Inna Nikitina

In our kindergarten we pay great attention to patriotic education. We introduce the children to the work and life of people of different nationalities and nationalities. We teach children to understand that all people should live in peace and harmony. We cultivate love and respect for work, interest in folk fine arts. We cultivate an aesthetic attitude and instill interest in various types of folk crafts, in the various materials from which craftsmen made various products. Explained how it was born painting by Bashkir masters. We examined product samples, elements murals. Children learned what colors Bashkir craftsmen use in murals.


organized educational activities

educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development"

"Painting towels

Bashkir ornament»

preparatory group

Integration of educational regions: "Cognitive Development", "Music", "Artistic and aesthetic creativity", "Speech development".

Integrated Tasks:

Educational: Continue to teach children to introduce Bashkir folk craft. Teach children to recognize objects from Bashkir painting.

Developmental: To develop in children the ability to create compositions and harmoniously place a drawing on a sheet. Introduce children to the art of beauty. Improve your drawing skills Bashkir painting using characteristic elements and colors.

Educational: Cultivate interest in Bashkir decorative and applied arts.

Material: Drawing sheets, gouache or paint, brushes, Bashkir products(spoons, bowls, tray, etc.) Towel, embroidered Bashkir painting, sample elements Bashkir painting.

Organizing time:

Guys, what republic do we live in?

(In the Republic Bashkortostan)

What national instrument is made in Bashkortostan from reed?


Listen Bashkir melody, which is played on the kurai, and I will read it to you poem:

Bashkiria is mine! Earth and sky!

My love, my nightingale land,

I feel sorry for the one who has never been here,

I feel sorry for the one who didn’t sing kurai!

Today we will go to the museum "Decorative Arts" Bashkir people» , where we will see a lot of interesting things. Close your eyes, let's count 1,2,3 - open your eyes, here we are in the museum.

(In a separate place there is a table with products Bashkir masters is a museum, the teacher tells and shows, the children look)

Look how many different products there are here. Who do you think made them?

(Bashkir masters)

Look these things

Today they came to visit us,

To tell us the secrets of ancient beauty.

To bring us into the world Bashkiria,

Into the world of legends and goodness,

To say what is in Bashkiria

Miracle people-masters!

-Bashkir people have long decorated with bright decorate your homes, wooden dishes, clothes, shoes. While decorating their products, people talked about themselves. Why did he do this?

(To make it beautiful)

-Bashkir art varied: this includes weaving, embroidery, and woodworking, tableware painting. The main occupation in the old days was cattle breeding: women wove and embroidered felts, carpets, rugs. Now in modern times we have a lot of folk arts and crafts in Bashkiria where the products are made. This includes the Birsk factory of artistic products, souvenir shops of Gafuriysky and Burzyansky timber industry enterprises, stone-cutting workshops in the cities of Sibay and Uchaly. The largest is Bashkir artistic association "Agidel" in Ufa. The main products of this association are painted wood products. Look how beautiful the spoons and cups are. What do they remind you of? painting, Guys?

(Russian Khokhloma painting)

Right. A few years ago, masters of Khokhloma paintings arrived in Bashkiria. A new association was opened here "Agidel", but only the technology was taken, but the composition, color Bashkir the artists developed it themselves. Russians and Bashkirs lived in friendship. As you already know, more of your products Bashkir craftsmen decorate with ornaments. Bashkirs closely connected with nature, in ornament there are natural forms, This: waves, mountains, sun, kurai flower. Masters also depict animals using characters: ram horns, crow's feet, eyes, etc.

Did you enjoy your tour of the museum?

Do you want to become a master yourself for a while?

Let's close our eyes and find ourselves back in our group. Sit down at the tables.

Let's remember the elements again Bashkir ornament.

(The teacher shows samples ornaments, children call)

(Flocks of sheep, mountains, sun, ram's head, pasture, comb, ram's horns)

Now tell me how it is located Bashkir pattern on a sheet?


Name the primary colors in ornament.

(Red, yellow, green, less often blue)

What background is the pattern shown on?

(On black, red, yellow, less often white)

Let's remember that Bashkir The masters associated each color of paint with nature.

(Color of life)

(Color of the earth)

(Grass color)

(Color of the sun)

(The color of purity)

Well done! Guys, look, I embroidered towel with Bashkir pattern.

And you will draw for me Bashkir pattern on paper towels. Look again at the elements of the patterns, think about the sketch and get to work.

(Children look at the samples and begin to draw)

(While drawing, the melody of the kurai sounds quietly.)

(During the drawing process, the teacher monitors the drawing technique, reminds how to draw, gives advice)

Let's finish. Now we will look at all our towels. How beautiful they turned out. Today we learned a lot about Bashkir crafts Well done, you showed your knowledge! Our Motherland is rich in talents. I want you to grow into good masters of your craft. The main thing is that you put your soul, all your efforts and skills into your work! Thank you.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of direct educational activities using ICT in the “Butterflies” preparatory group Educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Artistic and aesthetic.

Summary of the educational activities of the preparatory group (The number of children present at the lesson is 8 people).

Summary of direct educational activities in the preparatory group “Listopad” Program content: 1. Clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about seasonal changes in nature - the change of seasons: 2. Form a generalized one.

Summary of direct educational activities in the preparatory group “We are astronauts” Goal: To consolidate the acquired knowledge about space, planets, and the Sun. Introduce children to the history of the development of astronautics. Tasks directly.

Summary of direct educational activities in the preparatory group "Cosmos" Objectives: Educational: 1. Expand children’s understanding of Space and the planets of the Solar system. 2. Give an idea of ​​how craters are formed.