Learn to bet on football. The best types of sports betting: ratings, odds and recommendations

Every year, many major sporting events take place in the world: championships, tournaments, cups, etc. Today, betting on their results is gaining very high popularity. If you have luck and a sufficient level of knowledge on your side, you can literally make a fortune betting.

The first question that every beginner faces is: which sport is best to bet on. Let's agree right away. There are no easy ways to earn a tidy sum. By pure luck you can win once or twice. Then the outcome is decided by the collection of information, analysis, and comparison.

Football betting

Football is one of the most popular sports in the world. Well-known betting sites offer a lot of analytical calculations and statistics. Using this information, it is easier for a beginner to navigate and choose a bet.

However, in football, as in any other sport, it is not always possible to predict the exact outcome of the match. For example, who expected that the Icelandic team would be able to reach the quarterfinals at Euro 2016? The final outcome of the match is influenced by a number of factors, from the weather to the mood of the players. And it is always possible that the team’s potential has unexpectedly increased, which journalists did not write about, but only the coaches and the walls of the locker rooms knew about.

Individual or team?

It is believed that predicting the outcome of team games is much more difficult than predicting individual ones. To study a specific athlete, you need to know how he lives and trains, and what he eats. In the case of a football bet, you will have to study the lifestyle and habits of two dozen people, including injured people and newcomers.

However, this does not give a clear answer to the question of which sport is better to bet on. Even during an individual competition, such as a tennis tournament, an experienced athlete can suffer an injury that will affect his performance. Or just go on court in a bad mood. And in this case, the potentially winning bet is automatically “merged”. If this happens in team sports, the player can simply be replaced and this will have almost no effect on the outcome of the match (the exception is the unconditional leaders on whom the entire team’s game rests).

One more thing: team sports traditionally have the highest stakes and the biggest winnings. If the underdog basketball or hockey team wins the tournament, there is a chance to increase the initial amount by a hundred times. In individual events, the rates are usually more modest.

Popular or unpopular?

The most profitable bets on sports are made on the world's largest tournaments and championships. If the popularity of a sports competition is not great enough, there is a possibility that you will have to bet “blindly”, having no idea about injuries, statistical calculations, disqualifications of athletes, since the media will not provide much information about local competitions.

Tip: You can use different sites to analyze and compare odds and quotes. Some quoters may have access to data that is not available to ordinary users.

What else to look for when choosing a sport to bet on

There are several factors that can influence victory in a particular sport.

  1. Weather. This indicator is important for competitions that take place outdoors. Before placing a profitable bet on sports, it is worth visiting weather forecast sites. For games that take place outdoors, it is advisable to place live bets.
  2. Possible number of outcomes. In some sports, such as tennis, there are only two possible outcomes: one or the other athlete or team winning. In football or hockey, a third outcome option is added - a draw (unless we are talking about the playoffs, of course). Accordingly, the likelihood that your bet will lose increases.
  3. When analyzing a sporting event, gaming and non-game aspects are taken into account. The first includes the composition of players, place in the standings, training sessions, coach qualifications and other similar indicators. Non-gaming ones include bookmaker odds and statistical data.

It is important that the person placing bets understands the chosen sport and can independently evaluate certain events. “Owning” the sport at a high level, you will be able to analyze the available information with greater willingness and understanding. This is the main secret: what you love and understand works best.

There is no definitive answer to the question of what is the best sport to bet on. For some it is classic English football, for others it is the rugby championship. Choose for yourself what you understand better. Identify several championships in your chosen sport (optimally 2-3) and work with them. Thanks to this, you can really delve into it and earn money, and not constantly look for a new “testing ground” for the next bets.

Beginners often bet for the sake of betting - they are interested in the process itself. Few people want to work on their bets. For example, you can often see how players who have no idea about the sport of floorball actively bet on it. You won't get a stable profit with this approach. If you are aiming to make money on bets, then we suggest using our tips on choosing the best sport for sports betting.

The best sport in betting

When thinking about how to increase the profitability of their bets, young players often try to find ways to “deceive” the bookmaker, grasping at the most incredible theories. One of them is the statement that there is the most profitable sport for playing bookmakers. Some people call it football, others consider tennis a sport created to win against the bookmaker. But both of them turn out to be wrong.

Any bookmaker’s office employs a whole group of analysts, each of whom is a professional in his own field, so it would be naive to expect that the probabilities of outcomes in any sport will be distorted. The principles for constructing coefficients are approximately the same, with a few exceptions. Therefore, we can absolutely say that there are no profitable and profitable sports in betting. Everything is purely individual for each player.

The player's profit largely depends on the bookmaker's margin. The higher it is, the less chance you have of earning consistently. In most cases, the margin in the office depends on the popularity of the sport and the event itself. For example, for Champions League football matches the margin is minimal and the player has a much higher chance of staying in the black in the future. But when betting on little-known events, the player complicates the situation for himself in advance, since the margin there is always high and it is not easy to regularly make a profit with such bets.

Tip 2. Bet on events about which you have a complete understanding

First of all, you should start from a sport that you have a real idea about. It is not enough to understand the rules of the game; you need to know all the nuances that affect the final result. When placing bets on a little-known sport, a player equates betting on sports to roulette, where even an experienced player ultimately loses.

If you look at the experience of the best players, you will notice that they mostly place bets on the same tournaments. Basically, these are leading championships, about which the player knows almost everything. Taking football as an example, such tournaments include the Russian championship, European cups, TOP-5 European championships, as well as championships in a number of other countries (Holland, Portugal, Belgium). They account for about 90% of the total volume of bets made in bookmakers.

If you are well versed in football, but at the same time it is surprising to you that there is a regular championship in Malta, it is better to refuse bets on games of this championship.


Among experienced players, it is difficult to find those who bet randomly on different sports. Therefore, at the beginning of his journey in betting, everyone must decide on the sport that can be predicted most successfully. The best sport for betting is different for everyone.

Place bets in bookmaker 1xBet. The best bookmaker with the highest odds and a large number of events for betting.

Beginning players often wonder what sports are best to bet on. More experienced players have already made their choice (often this is the sport in which they are most knowledgeable). Unfortunately, there is no single answer or formula, otherwise everyone would have been millionaires long ago, and the bookmakers would have gone bankrupt. Each sport has its own advantages and disadvantages for betting; you simply need to study and understand each one separately. Let's try to figure out which sport is better to bet on.

It should be noted right away that the bookmaker employs people who understand all types of sports, only some better, some worse (most often these are little-known sports competitions or virtual matches). Therefore, their errors in predicting matches and compiling odds can be minimal. There is no point in relying on the bookmaker's incompetence, for example, in matches of the second divisions of African football leagues. However, the more popular the event, the more profitable it is to bet on it. And here it is not so much the type of sport that comes to the fore, but the popularity and scale of a certain event.

Popular sports. The more players bet on a particular game, the lower the bookmaker's margin. For example, for the central matches of the Champions League football, the margin is significantly lower than, for example, for matches of the regular championship in Austria. More people - more money - less margin. It's simple. Therefore, making a profit from a popular event is much easier. True, there are some nuances here, such as the frequent underestimation of the odds for the leader’s victory or the cutting of maximums.

Limited range of tournaments. Often, beginners rush to bet on dozens of different championships in completely different sports. They still have no idea what sport is best to bet on, so they try themselves everywhere and often lose. More experienced bettors gradually outline for themselves several of the most profitable tournaments, in which they feel like a fish in water. This leads to another piece of advice.

A sport you are good at. It sounds trivial, but you need to know not only which site is better to bet on sports, but also think - in which competition do you have the most knowledge and experience? If a player is well versed (even, perhaps, has personal experience with the game), but does not follow closely and does not understand the intricacies of the game, then it is better for him not to enter into uncharted territory right away. Of course, it's always useful to learn something new. But you shouldn’t go, so to speak, with a saber drawn, into the wilds of an unfamiliar sport. So you can simply lose half of your bank, or even more. It is much more useful to study the rules of the game, familiarize yourself with the statistics of the last five or seven years and monitor the situation currently occurring. Having collected the necessary base, you can safely go for larger amounts. This leads to another rule.

Games with maximum information. To successfully make money on bets, it is better not only to understand a particular championship, but also to know about upcoming games. Disqualifications, injuries to leading players, changes in the team's tactical formation, even morale and tournament motivation - all these factors can have an impact on the match.

Team sports. There are both pros and cons. An advantage may be a wide range of offers and high odds for popular tournaments. Also, experienced and famous teams are more predictable than individual players. However, in games like this, anything can happen. Here there are blatant leaks from leaders who will walk across the field, and unfair refereeing. But it can change the outcome of the game in a direction that the bettor does not need.

Single sports. One of the main advantages is the presence of two outcomes (as opposed to the presence of a draw in team sports), for example, in tennis. However, the smallest details should be taken into account - the athlete’s health, the surface of the court, rainy weather. Again, there is the possibility of bribing the referee and the unpredictability of the match. But if you constantly monitor the careers of 2-3 athletes, then you can make the most objective bets.

As we can see, there is no universal sport for betting. Perhaps you are well versed in the algorithmic probabilities of the outcome of robotic games, so betting on virtual sports will be easy for you. Ordinary average users with a general set of knowledge should still pay attention to,

Before placing bets in bookmakers, a novice player needs to learn a number of concepts, without which it will be difficult to comprehend the basics of sports betting.

By betting 100 rubles on Arsenal, you can win 400 rubles.

In turn, the outcome can be on one event (single bet or single), or maybe on an “express” - this is also a bet, but on several events independent of each other. A participant wins an express when all the events in it were correctly predicted, but if at least one of them did not come true, this means a loss.

Team 1 Team 2 Victory 1 Draw X Victory 2
Spartacus Zenith 2.0 2.5 2.6
Dnieper Dynamo K 2.8 3.2 3.5
Bayer Bavaria 2.1 2.6 3.4

For example, by placing a bet of 100 rubles on three outcomes: the victory of Zenit, the victory of Dynamo K and Bayern - the player can win: 2.6 * 3.5 * 3.4 * 100 = 3094 rubles, but if one of the specified teams plays a draw or loses - the entire bet also loses.

  • A system is a combination of several express bets. The participant places bets on several different games, and if he wins more than half of them, then he will be in the black.
  • Total is a bet not on the result of the match, but on a certain event in it, for example, the total number of goals scored, yellow cards, etc. There are three total betting options: over, under and equal. In other words, the participant, depending on the odds, determines what is better to bet on at the bookmaker - either both teams will score more goals than the number indicated on the line, or less, or perhaps by the exact number of goals.

Basic designations

To place a bet at a bookmaker, you also need to know how to mark it correctly. In most bookmakers, the outcomes are indicated as follows:

  • victory of the first team (hosts) – 1;
  • winnings of the second team (guests) – 2;
  • draw – X;
  • victory of the first team or draw – 1X;
  • guest win or draw – X2;
  • bet on a game taking into account the advantage – F. A handicap is a win (positive) or loss (negative) of a team, expressed in the number of goals scored, goals, sets played, etc., which the office provides to the bettor. In simple words, after the result of the game, the participant adds the specified handicap to the goals or points. If in the end the total of goals matches the bet, then he wins.

For example, the handicap for the game is set as follows: Team 1 (-1.5) 1.7 - Team 2 (+1.5) 1.8. If you bet on the second team, it turns out that the team will lose a maximum of one goal, win or draw. The match ends with the score 2:1. By adding the second team's handicap of 1.5, we get 2:2.5 and win the bet.

A few rules for beginners

Before placing bets at a bookmaker's office, it is recommended to set some rules for yourself.

First of all, set a strict limit on the amount of money you don’t mind spending on bets. You should constantly monitor all events and be aware of all possible nuances regarding the games where you plan to place bets.

Don’t forget to look at the statistics of teams or athletes, read articles about them, because the more information you know about the participants in the competition, the more knowledge you have to correctly predict the outcome of the match. The main thing for a beginner to remember is that you cannot always be 100% sure of the outcome. Moreover, if you bet on the favorite, you won’t earn much, since low odds will always be given for it.

Another reason why you shouldn’t bet on obvious favorites: firstly, the odds are low, and secondly, the leader does not always win, he can play a draw or even lose. Therefore, experienced players recommend not making large bets on the favorite right away, because the loss may be too big.

It is recommended to play at large and well-known bookmakers. They value their reputation greatly and will not disappear the next day, taking the players’ money with them. In this regard, remember, seeing high odds in little-known offices, that free cheese only comes in a mousetrap.

Beginners should not immediately start with express bets, but first need to learn how to place and win simple bets on one event. If the player believes that he is ready to place a bet at a bookmaker on several events (express), then it is recommended to first select a small chain of events, no more than 2-3, with a coefficient of no higher than 2.

Never be led by your emotions. If all the bets are winning, that’s good, you can continue to play, but if on the contrary, one bet didn’t work, then the second, you don’t need to lose your composure and continue, because in this case you can lose absolutely everything and never win back.

It is recommended to always adhere to the chosen strategy - bet no more than a certain amount, increase the bet by so many percentages, play a certain number of times a week, etc. If a player begins to deviate from his own rules, this can end in disaster for him. There is no need to bet on your favorite athletes or favorite teams. If you look at things realistically, they don’t always win; as a result, you can lose your entire bank.

And most importantly: you should not allow yourself to be “drawn” into the game when it is already impossible to live even a day without betting. This could end very badly. You must always remember about family and friends. When the first signs of psychological problems begin to appear, you need to find strength and take a break, forget about the bets for a while, and be distracted by something else.

How to start playing

  • methods for replenishing your account and withdrawing funds. Are there any restrictions, minimum balance amounts, what fees are set for transactions, etc.;
  • once again pay attention to the reliability and reputation of the company;
  • a list of events on which you can bet, the number of sports presented for betting;
  • additional services – poker, casino, etc.;
  • How the company implements a loyalty system for regular customers (bonuses for cooperation).

If the bookmaker’s office is satisfied with all of the above, then you can register on its website. To do this, you will need to spend a few minutes and fill out the appropriate form on the office’s page. There you will need to provide contact information, after which a password will be sent to the user’s e-mail to access your personal account.

Greetings, dear readers of the online magazine “site”! Today we will talk about betting and football forecasts: where you can get free football forecasts from professional experts and how to correctly bet on football matches online using working strategies and betting systems.

This article is intended specifically to help you make the right bet, multiplying the money spent and getting not only moral satisfaction from your favorite team winning, but also adding some rustling banknotes to your wallet.

After familiarizing yourself with it, you can significantly increase your chances of winning, guided not only by the intuition and experience of a fan, but also by relying on statistics, following special football betting strategies .

The article turned out to be voluminous, so we recommend using summary below. So here we go!

Read about how to correctly bet on football matches online and where you can find free football predictions from professional bettors (experts) for today and the coming days.

1. Betting on football/soccer matches as a way to generate income

There is an opinion that it is impossible to make serious money by placing sports bets at a bookmaker's office. Many people believe that betting game it's just hobby and one of the ways to get a dose of adrenaline.

Indeed, at first glance, it seems that the probability of a big win in this case is as small as in a lottery or casino. However, after reading the article to the end, you will understand that this is not at all true. By the way, we talked about this in the last issue.

Football It’s not for nothing that it’s considered the world’s most popular sports game. Not a single important event in this sport is ignored by traditional and electronic media. Attention is focused on the key games of the largest tournaments millions specialists and fans. Therefore, almost everyone has been familiar with the rules of the game since childhood.

Why not try your luck by combining devoted pain with the opportunity to actually replenish your budget? After all, with the right approach, your hobby can become a source of, if not your main, then quite tangible income. Professional gamblers who have made competition with bookmakers a source of permanent income are called handicappers .

How to become a professional capper?

First of all It must be remembered that even great fan experience and some gift of foresight are not enough to develop an accurate forecast, which can bring a fortune. Anthropometric data of football players and team statistics do not mean everything.

This sport decides a lot emotional mood of the players And many other nuances, because of which he is capable of making a mistake in the outcome of the match even the most stellar former athlete or the most experienced coach.

Besides , do not forget that you are playing with a bookmaker, whose specialists have at their disposal super-productive computers, have long calculated what can be calculated by incorporating statistical risks into the proposed coefficients. But it is still necessary to analyze all possible information. You just need to draw the right conclusions from it.

When embarking on the thorny path of a handicapper, it is worth psychologically preparing yourself for possible defeats .

Whatever one may say, until all the intricacies of the professional game are comprehended, you will have to be guided, in many respects, by your intuition . And she, in this case, not always reliable assistant.

But, if you firmly pursue your goal, despite the losses, constantly improving your analytical skills, identifying the causes of failures and comparing the sequence of events and results, success will certainly come and a big jackpot will be won!

So, the decision has been made, and you are already eager to fight. Remember again what is required of you to achieve the result:

  1. The desire to constantly learn new things and learn from your own mistakes.
  2. The ability to maintain composure without giving in to temptation.
  3. Some knowledge of probability theory and mathematical statistics.
  4. Resistance to stress, which can cause several losses in a row.
  5. Desire to compare facts and analyze diverse information.
  6. Ability to think outside the box independently.

There is one more important nuance. There are many sites online that offer (the results of matches and tournaments). If you are tempted to use their services, remember the famous saying about the cheese and the mousetrap.

It’s enough just to turn on your reason to make the obvious conclusion: if a seer is sitting at a computer on the other side of the network, why is he trying to earn quite a bit of money from you, when he could easily provide himself with a comfortable life by placing bets on his own. Everything will immediately fall into place.

And one moment. Never place bets on a whim or on emotions. A true handicapper always controls himself and does not take rash steps. This is not the type of activity where rushing can bring results.

We wrote in more detail about what you need to do to earn money in the previous article.

Main types of bets on football matches

2. Types of bets on football - TOP 7 most popular

There is no other sport that offers such a variety of bet types as football. With a BC (bookmaker's office) you can bet on which team will hit the opponent's goal first, in what period of time a goal will be scored or not scored, whether a strict referee will send off a football player or even a coach, and how many times the players will show the yellow card.

In the list of proposals for a newbie sometimes difficult even just to get your bearings. Therefore, when starting a career as a handicapper, you should not risk serious amounts by betting on such exotic offers. The probability of winning here is not very high.

True, sometimes especially crazy lucky ones manage to rip off huge jackpot, risking a very small amount, due to the fact that the odds for incredible results are usually very impressive.

The majority of players prefer to bet on understandable and more predictable events. The most popular type of bet is considered bets on the result of the competition . Everything is simple here. There can be only three probable outcomes of any football match during regular time:

  1. home team win – P1;
  2. guest victory - P2;
  3. draw - X.

If the game is played on a neutral field, P1 It can be any of the teams at the discretion of the bookmaker.

In addition, there are several other types of bets that are consistently very popular.

View 1. Match total

Under the word "total" refers to the number of goals that the opponents will score against each other during the entire match. Bookmaker offers to bet money on two outcomes. One of themTB, assumes that there will be more balls in the goal than the number set by the bookmaker. Second outcome TM, will bring a win to the one who bets on fewer goals.

Check digit, as a rule, is determined from the statistics of goals scored and conceded by today's opponents behind five or more recent matches adjusted for the average performance of these teams in games with each other.

In addition, one can conclude bet on the number of goals, which will be scored by one of the teams according to the same scheme. In this case, it doesn’t matter at all in whose favor the final score on the scoreboard turns out to be. One of the opponents may concede, For example , 2:5 , but you will receive winnings if you choose a bet TB 1.5 on him.

Additionally, you can insure yourself by choosing a bet with a guarantee, when the check digit has not a fractional, but whole view. In this case, bookmakers return the money if the final result is equal to the total value.

There are many reasons to take into account when making a bet like this. Performance in each specific match depends on the class and form of the goalkeepers, the mood and skill of the forwards.

A separate conversation about weather conditions. Any long-range shot by a true master on a slippery lawn after rain poses a serious threat to the goal. In the summer heat, players move less in order to maintain strength until the end of the game. This means that the probability of an abundance of goals in the first case increases, and in the second, vice versa, is decreasing.

It’s still not worth building a strategy on total bets. Firstly, the odds here are not too high, because not only bookmakers can count and monitor statistics. Secondly, the temptation is too great to bet on your favorite team, from which an effective and brilliant game is implicitly expected. However, the coach’s attitude for a particular match may be completely different.

View 2. Total of individual players

By analogy with bets on team totals, bookmakers offer to conclude performance betting separate football player. This could be a star forward, a reserve player, a defender or a goalkeeper. The main thing is that he was announced for this match.

It is not at all easy to predict whether a football player will be able to score. A large number of different factors can influence this:

  • presence of microtraumas;
  • emotional mood;
  • fatigue accumulated during the championship;
  • and even how well he slept on game day.

Much also depends on the class and athletic form of the opposing goalkeeper. In general, beginners should not make such bets, although the odds here are quite tempting .

If you decide to take a risk, listen to the following advice: in matches at home stadiums Local young and ambitious players often “shoot out”, trying to show themselves in front of “their” stands, where there are many friends and relatives. In away games, especially against serious and principled opponents, experienced football players score more often.

Type 3. Betting on the number of corners

This bet, like betting on the number of warnings, will be of interest to everyone interested in football statistics. It can be done both for an individual team and for the match as a whole.

Despite all the apparent simplicity, predicting the result is not so easy. Much will depend on the strategy and tactical formation chosen for the match by the coaches.

It is worth remembering that if the team you plan to bet on has fast “edges” whose input is long lobbed passes, there will be quite a lot of corners, because in such a situation the opposing defenders are forced to constantly play tackles and takeaways, interrupting passes and crosses into the penalty area.

Type 4. Bets on the outcome of the half and match

Another popular type of bet offered by bookmakers are bets on the outcome of the first half and the entire match as a whole. This is a rather complex forecast with a very interesting coefficient. It’s not easy to do, but the winnings can be impressive.

Among the possible nuances, the following should be highlighted:

  • In a game of equal opponents, you shouldn’t expect a hail of goals in the first half. It's likely to end draw, while the teams will take a closer look at each other and identify weak points in the defense.
  • Even an outsider team that has suffered several defeats in a row is able to tune in and produce a fantastic first half on its home field, taking the lead in a match with the championship leader. True, after the break everything usually falls into place, and victory goes to the favorite.
  • Teams from the southern regions, in the summer heat and on a familiar turf, are able to beat the team higher in the table, putting the finishing touches on it due to their endurance in the second half, after losing the first.

In general, with a carefully performed analysis and study of available information about opponents, it is quite possible to take a risk.

Note. One of the most fantastic football comebacks happened in 2012 Manchester city, leading in the English Championship, then met with a modest inhabitant of the basements of the standings QPR (Queens Park Rangers). For the Mancunians, who lost the first half, victory brought them the championship, but by the start of the 90th minute they were losing 1:2 . In the next 150 seconds, Aguero and Dzeko scored TWO goals, becoming the creators of a small miracle.

View 5. Which opponent will score first

This is also a very interesting bet, for which a quite acceptable odds are offered. Here it is possible lots of options. The biggest win will come from betting that the team with a lower rank will score the first goal, especially if it is visiting famous opponents.

It is always difficult for leaders to get ready for matches with an outsider, and the temptation to beat their opponent completely is always very serious. Unencumbered by the pressure of the stands and their own authority, less famous teams often strike first. True, in the end they lose more often, and sometimes they are completely torn apart by the enraged favorite.

Type 6. Handicap

This type of bet was developed by bookmakers specifically to make betting on matches involving obviously unequal opponents more attractive for players.

Ordinary total for such a meeting it is unlikely that anyone will be interested in the meager odds, with the exception of that small category of players who would risk betting on an obvious outsider in the hope of a miracle. Putting it on negative head start in relation to the strongest team, you can win even if it loses by a serious score.

The betting mechanism, upon closer examination, is simple. By choosing one of the handicap values ​​offered by the bookmaker, you place a bet. Let it be -2 to a stronger team. If the leader wins with a score 2:1 , the handicap coefficient will be deducted from the goals he scores. Thus, the bet will win, because 2:1 turns into 0:1 or virtual defeat of the favorite.

Type 7. Bet on the correct score

This is one of the most complex types of football bets. If an experienced handicapper using cyber assistant analytics can predict the outcome of the game with a fairly high probability, then predicting the exact score is very, very difficult. The share of chance in determining the correct forecast is extremely high.

Often only players with fantastic intuition endowed with the gift of foresight. However, the odds offered are really good. Therefore, everyone can afford to take a risk from time to time.

Based on all that has been said, it is not difficult to conclude that it will not be possible to play seriously without a specific system, rushing from one type of bet to another. You can win decent sums a couple of times, but then very quickly lose them and, in general, go to hell. minus.

This means that the time has come, having gained an understanding of the main types of bets on football, to talk about strategy, without which the most refined tactics will not bring success.

The best systems and strategies for betting on football in bookmakers

3. Strategies and systems for betting on football - TOP-8 working gaming systems

Only purposeful and strict adherence to the chosen game strategy can lead to an impressive result. This path will not be simple and smooth. Handicapper needs to arm himself patience And stress resistance, because local lesions are inevitable. But even they should not shake confidence in overall success.

Playing according to plan will allow you to achieve greater efficiency of current bets and provide a stable income in the medium and long term.

Football betting is especially attractive due to the fact that attention is drawn to the matches of significant tournaments millions fans. Many people turn to bookmakers who want to win, which means that the maximum bet level increases and can reach very impressive amounts, up to up to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Let's look at some of the most famous gaming systems and football betting strategies.

1) Martingale strategy

This system also has another name, used in common parlance - catch up . Its essence is simple. If the bet is not successful, a new bet is made for the amount twice exceeding the loss.

Football is attractive to Martingale followers because bookmakers significantly raise the bar for maximum bets on matches of even very average teams.

The strategy is applicable both for various football tournaments and for betting on one team throughout the championship. It doesn't matter what you bet on: match outcomes, totals or effectiveness. Success will come anyway. This system is often used when playing public beta , or, in other words, the most popular bets on the central matches of the day.

An interesting way to make the odds more attractive is to express bet , which will include several public bets and games of obvious favorites against obvious outsiders. In this case the coefficients multiply each other, and it becomes possible to increase the level of profitability due to very predictable outcomes.

Note! Although theoretically the strategy is considered win-win, there is one BUT. If you use it, there will be more losses than wins. In order to compensate for losses, it is necessary enough big bank. Therefore, in the early stages of a handicapper’s career, it is better to avoid the Martingale system in its pure form.

2) Oscar Grind system

The strategy is considered a variant of the previous system. It does not involve doubling bets, but increase in profit at a percentage determined by the player. In this case, the next bet after losing a bet in some situations will be on outcomes that are more likely to be predicted, including totals for specific tournaments and public bets with suitable odds.

The rate is doubled only after a successful iteration. Optimal ratio should not be lower two , but it’s okay to take risks not more than 5 % jar.

The goal of the strategy is to win two bets in a row. After this, the cycle is considered completed and the next one begins.

Optimal coefficient rates considers the value not lower 2 . If a suitable option is not in the line, you should wait until it appears.

3) Strategy 60%

Another subtype of the system Martingale involves betting on the top matches of the gaming day with odds, not exceeding the value 1,7 , due to which the probability of more than four losses in a row is fatal for the system, significantly reduced.

Anyone wishing to follow this strategy should be advised to take special care in selecting the games on which to place bets.

Ideally, the system should bring about 60% profit per month, provided that it is done daily three rates. Experienced handicappers advise never starting a new strategy cycle until the previous iteration is completely completed.

4) Danish strategy

The strategy under this name implies increase in rates arithmetic progression. Even if one of the bets ends in loss, the losses will be compensated by the high odds of the other winning bet. Danish system suitable for inventive players with an unconventional approach.

You will need to look for the most interesting odds among the not very popular types of bets. Some experienced handicappers prefer to bet against favorites, other for the exact result of the game. For fans of these types of bets, the strategy is interesting because the probability of losing is minimized . Because at least one of the bets with high odds will definitely win.

The system is considered very reliable, since, with strict adherence to its rules, the bank is able to withstand up to 14 defeats contract. For a handicapper who takes the game seriously, such a number of consecutive misses is unlikely.

Particularly attractive is the use of the Danish strategy by followers express trains, because the optimal coefficient for the game, in our case, will correspond to the value 2,5 . To do this, you need to put together two very predictable matches and one game in a block, where the odds for the favorite will be equal to no more than 1.6 . Lose in a row 13 It is difficult for a person who places bets on a regular basis to agree with such express bets.

Some people prefer to bet using this system on totals, where the coefficients are quite large. The main thing is not to make rash bets on dubious outcomes.

5) Practical Flat and cautious D'Alembert

Two more subtypes of the main strategy Martingale. Flat system involves the use of a fixed share of the bank amount in the game, which usually does not exceed the value 20 % . The optimal coefficient is considered 1,5 . The actual rate increases as the bank grows, but remains unchanged as a percentage.

D'Alembert's strategy even more careful and perfect for newbies . Here the minimum bet, called a unit, usually does not exceed 1 The percentage of the bank amount from which the cycle begins is determined by the player himself. The bet increases by one after a loss and decreases after a win.

6) Counter move or counter bet strategy

This strategy will be of interest to handicappers who prefer to do not ordinary, but block rates . It is used if several matches you included in the express ended favorably, and only one game remained unplayed. In this case, the bet is placed on the outcome directly opposite to that indicated in the express bet.

Thus, the handicapper does not face material losses in any case, since one of the forecasts will definitely work. Here it is important to correctly calculate how much you need to bet.

The formula is quite simple: The express odds are multiplied by the amount of the express bet and divided by the counter bet odds.

Counter traffic very good as insurance in cases where key team players are injured before the game, which can change the balance of power and refute your initial forecast.

No less interesting is the method called tank strategy . The favorites of the football championships play the role of formidable machines, sweeping away everything in their tracks. The probability that two or at least one of your chosen For example, three grandees will win against the middle peasant, very great.

The cycle can be repeated several times, you just have to remember that you should bet on a “tank” that plays successfully all the amount of prize money he received during the previous iteration.

7) Miller's financial management

This type of strategy is sure to please for cautious handicappers and beginners , who have no experience in battles with bookmakers. The degree of risk when using it is minimized, since the creator of the system suggests placing bets not exceeding 1 % jar.

The strategy is quite simple and works great for football. True, in order to apply it in practice, you will have to work hard, looking for undervalued bets on matches with a fairly predictable outcome in bookmaker lines. Ideally, the odds of the selected games should be as close as possible to 2 , which means 50 % the likelihood of a successful outcome.

To increase the total value of the bet called in the strategy "raising the plateau" Miller is no less conservative. Considering the rather high probability of both favorable and unfavorable outcomes, he proposes to increase the base rate on 10 % only after your bank grows by the same 10%. Well, there is beauty in being careful and taking reasonable risks.

8) Bets against draws

Very interesting strategy for experienced and seasoned players allowing to achieve stable results. It is better to use the system for bets made in the Live.

The situation in a football match is constantly changing; accordingly, bookmakers correlate the odds for the outcome of the match. It is recommended to place bets against a draw at the peak of their values, in the last 10 -15 minutes of the match with an equal score on the stadium scoreboard.

There are several rules that should be followed to minimize the level of risk:

  1. It is better to choose matches in which there are opponents who differ high effectiveness.
  2. Preferably as good as possible understand the opponents' game and know the capabilities of the players who may eventually come on as substitutes.
  3. Bookmaker odds for a draw should be less 4,2 , A to win favorite below 2 .

If you decide to try your hand at using this strategy, Don't forget a few important principles . It’s worth choosing a couple of teams that are maximally loaded on the market. It is recommended to withdraw profits immediately after a goal that puts the favorite of the match ahead.

If the outsider scores the first goal, it is better to close the deal after 15 minutes of waiting with minimal losses. When the favorite equalizes the score during this period, you should not withdraw your profit until the odds for a draw drop to 2 .

Now that you have an idea of ​​the most popular and reliable gaming strategies, all that remains is to choose the most suitable option for yourself.

They can be changed over time, but not worth it do it too quickly, despairing of possible local failures at first. In order for the system to begin to produce results, a fairly long period of time is required.

8. How to Bet on Football Online - 13 Steps to Place a Bet Online

Of course, nowadays almost no one goes to real bookmakers (ground betting points) to place a bet on the outcome of a particular sporting event. With the advent of modern technology, there is no need to leave home to make money on a team's game.

In order to place bets, you can use the Internet and services online bookmakers . They very often have various promotions, including those associated with a bonus account (the player has the opportunity to try his hand at virtual deposit without investing real money), and their coefficients may be slightly higher due to the fact that you do not need to rent premises and hire many employees.

Despite the apparent simplicity of the process, placing bets on the Internet not always very simple, because you need to take into account many nuances and not succumb to the imaginary simplicity of the process, because it is always easier to part with the numbers on the screen and make rash bets in 1 click than sitting in a real bookmaker's office and giving away real banknotes.

So, in order to get started with football betting, you need to follow a certain algorithm.

Step 1. Collecting starting capital and choosing the maximum gaming budget

As mentioned earlier, money must be allocated from unused volume and cannot be withdrawn, For example , from the family budget or borrowed from someone. We wrote about how and earlier in one of our articles.

Such warnings are relevant solely because so many players have quarreled with their loved ones due to the desire to increase their playful bank. In such things you should rely on yourself, which means you need to independently find the maximum amount that will not be too offensive to lose in case of failure.

It is important to note that it is not worth starting with a solid starting capital, but small amounts of bankroll will simply limit your gaming opportunities.

Experts say that for most simple strategies the amount will be at 35,000 rubles. This will be enough for a quick start and the optimal number of bets at the initial stage.

Step 2. Determining the bet size for one outcome of a specific match

In this case, we are talking about the optimal strategy for a beginner, which was discussed earlier. Flat implies choice fixed rate, which is not very large compared to the bank itself.

It is advised to start from 3-5%, so that you can cover several events at once, because not a single professional player advises betting with a bookmaker on only one outcome of a particular match.

It is best to share risks by choosing an average bet size equal to 1750 rubles With a budget of 35 thousand, this will be exactly 5%. In turn, this will make it possible, following the strategy of constancy (flat), to make 20 the same rates.

Step 3. Selecting the most effective betting line

In this case we are talking about selection of events , in which the money will be invested. All sorts of statistics claim that the most effective and profitable bets in the long term are bets like "Match Result" And "Total". In the first In this case, you will need to determine the winning team or settle on a draw. In the second you will have to predict how many goals will be scored.

At the very beginning of your handicapping career, you shouldn’t waste your time on exotic bets(Asian total, double result, etc.). Of course, beginners are also advised to avoid bets by type "Exact result", where you will need to indicate the final score. The odds in such bets are the most attractive, but without proper experience you can lose everything.

Step 4. The process of preliminary study of the outcome of a sporting event

Of course, no one can say for sure what the score will be and who will be the winner. The thing is that the outcome is influenced by a large number of factors. Despite this, the likelihood of a particular game event may vary from 0 % (it is impossible) to 100 % (the bet will definitely pass).

In practice you will never encounter either of these extremes. The sum of the probabilities of the outcome of the same event should add up to 100%.

For example , if the victory of team No. 1 is estimated at 70%, and the second at 10%, then the chance of a draw in this case is 20% . However, this does not mean that the first football club will be the favorite. This only indicates that the chances of him winning are higher.

The same thing applies to bets. “Total over/under 2.5”. The sum of their probabilities must be equal 100 % , because during the game either more goals will be scored than 2.5 (for example, 3, 4 or even 5) or fewer (from 0 to 2).

In fact, the probability of a particular outcome determines the faith in it not only of the players themselves, but also of specialists (expert forecasters), whose opinions can be found without any problems on thematic sites on the Internet.

It is especially important to review all available forecasts, and also try to evaluate chances this or that event in order to understand what to bet on.

Selecting a resource with free football predictions from experts with analysis

Step 5. Search for a site with forecasts from experts

In order not to make a mistake with your bets, you need to rely not only on your opinion and the available odds, but also on the thoughts of professional handicappers, most of whom run their own blogs, and people involved in mathematical statistics.

Need to find a site with maximum realistic football predictions. In this case, it is best when the difference with the opinion of bookmakers is greatest, because in this case you will be able to get the maximum profit.

Step 6: Explore available “fixed odds”

You need to choose those bookmakers who offer the selected outcome of events greatest coefficient, because the size of the final profit will depend on it.

There are fixed odds for bets "Match Result" And "Total" .

For example, suppose , that the bookmakers put 3.6 on a draw, 5.8 on a guest win, and 1.5 on a home win. Thus, with a bet of 1,750 rubles on the most anticipated event with odds of 1.5, you will be able to receive as a reward 2625 rubles Of course, it is additionally necessary to subtract the size of the original bet.

Step 7. Consideration of the relationship between odds and probabilities of certain outcomes

Any player understands that the multipliers (coefficients) by which the bet must be multiplied to calculate profit are calculated in a certain way through the chance of a certain event occurring, expressed as a percentage.

To understand this dependence, you can use the previously described example with commands. First you need to determine the inverse indicators for the odds: 1/5.8, 1/3.6, 1/1.5, and then multiply the resulting numbers by 100.

As a result, we get the following probabilities: 68% for a home win, 17% for a away team and 27% for a draw. The strange thing at first glance is that the total will not be the cherished 100%, but 110 %. Actually it's not a mistake, but the same one margin , which was mentioned earlier. In fact, this difference includes the bookmakers’ profit if approximately the same number of people place bets on all events.

Step 8. Selecting a bookmaker on the Internet

At this stage the fun begins.

Of course, it is best to start playing at the bookmaker that offers the best odds for bets selected for a specific sporting event.

At the same time, there is no need to independently visit the websites of all existing organizations involved in sports betting. It is best to find special information sites with sports forecasts and bookmaker ratings along with their odds.

Step 9. Comparative analysis of available odds with the probabilities of various outcomes

In fact, before starting the game, you should definitely multiply the specific odds with the chance of it being played in order to get a kind of indicator of the effectiveness of such a bet.

In theory, everything looks like this: The higher the number, the higher the probability of making a profit. In this case, we are talking about multiplying the odds not by the bookmaker’s odds of events, but by those predicted personally (or taken from the website of a well-known handicapper).

For the numbers discussed earlier, For example, the player’s expectation regarding an away victory is clearly too high, because the product is equal to 1.45 (5.8 * 25%), despite the fact that the event is less likely than the victory of the opponents (those who play at home).

Step 10: Finding a Potentially Profitable Bet

To find the optimal bet size, you can use a simple formula, substituting everything you need into it.

Bet size calculation: Bid= 1/100 * Game capital * (Event chance – (100% – Event chance) / (Game coefficient – ​​1)).

As a result, with test numbers (odds = 3, probability = 40%) we get the sum 3500 . Considering that the rule above limited the upper threshold of bets, the selected direction will be invested exactly 1750 rubles.

Step 11. Analysis of the forecast quality by league

The more accurate the prediction of the outcome of the next game on the chosen information resource, the better.

Football predictions from experts

In this case, it is best to pay attention to sites with correct forecasts, but with large differences in essence with bookmakers, in order to get more profit.

Step 12. Forecast unexpected factors

The outcome of the match is influenced by a lot of nuances that you should try to take into account: illnesses, injuries and transfers of players, the type of match itself, its value to the team, etc.

It is worth noting that forecasts for friendlies, as well as the bulk of cup games, are generally unreliable.

Step 13. Bet and profit

At this stage, the player only has to transfer the money to the bookmaker and, after winning, collect his income.

The main sources of paid and free football predictions

5. Where to get paid and free football predictions - 3 main sources

Now is the time to talk in more detail about predictions for football matches . As already mentioned in this article, the network space is flooded with offers from various predictors. Not all of them charge money for this; by following the advice given, you can win, And lose .

Each player decides for himself whether to use or not to use the services of such assistants, testing the accuracy of the predictions by placing a bet.

So, all forecasters are usually divided into three categories. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Source 1. Online communities of bettors

On such forums may be published experienced players, scorched by the experience of battles with bookmakers and beginners, who have just embarked on the path of handicapping. There are a lot of similar sites on the Internet, so it is difficult to conduct a qualitative analysis of the forecasts offered there.

It should be remembered that anyone can give advice and make forecasts here: from a gambler who imagines himself to be a genius, but who, in fact, does not have a single winning to his name, to a gambler. The latter are especially convincing. They not only make predictions, but also try to involve newcomers in dubious adventures type joint bets. Some simply try to test their own strategies on gullible and inexperienced players.

Not so long ago, one of the ways to make good money was underrated for various reasons bids. After all, even the most modern computers, not to mention people, sometimes make mistakes and produce amazing coefficients.

A strategy based on the use of such blunders is called Value betting. Of course, bookmaker software is also constantly being improved, but betting monsters will continue to find new ways to beat bookmakers.

Source 2. Tips from bookmakers

No matter how fantastic it may sound, bookmakers also often publish their forecasts. The main goal that is being pursued is not the desire to help you win after losing your own money. In this way, new players are simply attracted.

Indeed, by predicting a clearly guessed result, the odds of which will be low, bookmakers can lose quite a bit, but the beginner will smell the money.

The imaginary ease of winning will awaken greed and encourage you to make a new bet for a larger amount and with a high odds. But here it depends. But the bookmakers will definitely have a new regular customer.

It is clear that using bookmaker’s forecasts in the long term will not lead to stable income. In the most favorable case, victories will be replaced by defeats. Therefore, it is better not to pay attention to such tips when building a strategy on them, but to rely on own experience and intuition.

Source 3. Professional analysts

In fact, there are quite a lot of people who can make a fairly accurate prediction about the result of a football match. Professionals like Mostovoy And Karpin, Bubnov And Semin, who are well versed in all the intricacies of the game, constantly do this on television programs and on the pages of sports publications.

However, a pure game forecast is not exactly what a handicapper needs. It does not take into account the specifics of calculating odds in bookmakers and many other technical nuances, having a very average level of passability.

Analysts who are professional forecasters get to the point comprehensively. But the trouble is, to find real pros among the masses of amateurs and scammers trying to profit from a newcomer, not easy at all . In addition, the most authoritative of them work in English-speaking segment of the Internet.

Such specialists, also called cappers , give advice based on the odds offered by the bookmaker. Forecasts from them are sent via mailing list after you subscribe. The services of well-known positive cappers are very, very expensive. A beginner may simply not have that kind of money. In addition, one interesting feature was noticed: After subscribing, the performance of forecasts decreases.

There can be only one conclusion from the above: No matter how great the temptation is to use other people's tips, it is better to live by your own mind.

By improving your analytical skills, increasing your knowledge and gaining invaluable experience, you will be able to earn income from playing with bookmakers. If you still decide to use the forecast, then choose professional analysts with a solid reputation.

Practical tips to help novice players understand how accurate football predictions are given by experts

6. How to determine the accuracy of a free football forecast from professional experts - 5 useful tips

Before building a game on extraneous forecasts, you need to understand that you can evaluate their effectiveness only after a certain period of time. The capper needs to be chosen slowly and carefully, because, in a certain sense, you are buying "pig in a poke" .

There are several tips that can make it easier to find a sufficiently reliable forecaster with whom you can actually work for the future.

At certain intervals, analyze the effectiveness of bets made based on the capper’s forecasts.

It may well turn out that positive balance is achieved only through betting with high odds from time to time, and other predictions come true with probability no more than 50%. You can make predictions with a similar level of passability yourself.

You shouldn’t take risks and often bet on games of football teams in exotic leagues. Believe me, that a capper making forecasts for matches of the second group of the championship Nigeria or Vietnam, understands the situation no better than you. At best, statistics are taken from the websites of national football federations and local media.

The capper's assurances that his predictions are based on reliable data should also cause caution. insider information about arranged meetings and other football-related frauds. IN 99 % In cases, this is just a bluff and an attempt to increase one’s worth. Having such an exclusive, anyone will make money from it myself.

Note. Insiders who are able to obtain truly important information will be much more willing to sell it to bookmakers for serious money and will never give it away to some forecasters for pennies.

It is always useful to find out what people who have already used his services say about the forecaster. By comparing opinions, it is not difficult to get an idea of ​​his professionalism.

True, there are some pitfalls here too. Enterprising scammers can easily fill your profile with the most favorable reviews. The abundance of calls to work with this particular capper speaks more about the entrepreneurial spirit of the owner of the Internet page than about his qualities as a specialist.

Tip 4. Opt for forecasts with analytics

To gain additional confidence in the effectiveness of the capper, you should choose a specialist to accompany the forecast analytical calculation. Having studied the application, it is not difficult to conclude how professionally it approaches making a forecast and what it is based on.

True, there are also super-professionals on the network who limit themselves to sending out only forecasts, without any explanations. But they all know them by name, because such trust must be earned.

Tip 5. Always stay up to date

Even when working with a professional, try to constantly stay up to date with the events of championships and other football tournaments. The most popular cappers are the same people not insured from serious miscalculations and mistakes. A timely adjustment to the prediction can save you money, or even make good money.

Summarizing all that has been said, it should be noted that tips from betting gurus, of course, can seriously help at the initial stage of a handicapper’s career. However, rely solely on specialist forecasts do not do it. It’s always better to double-check everything, because, unlike a capper, you take a risk own money.

The main stages of purchasing predictions for football matches with analysis from professionals

7. Where and how to buy football forecasts for today and tomorrow with analysis from professional tipsters - instructions in 5 steps

For handicappers who do not have the time or desire to conduct a thorough analysis of football statistics on their own, appropriate calculations, as an addition to forecasts, are offered websites of professional cappers . In order to use their services, you have to go through five simple steps.

Stage 1. Selecting an event for betting

Most online tipsters offer predictions for matches of a wide variety of football tournaments, from Italian series A And IN, Spanish Examples And Segundas, Russian championship, before the cup draw African And Asian confederations. Such “versatility” rather indicates a superficial approach to making forecasts.

True professionals specialize in just a few national championships. It is worth choosing these particular cappers, since the likelihood that they have really studied all the nuances of local football well, in this case, increases significantly. Having settled on one of the leagues, you should concentrate on it and implement the chosen strategy in this niche.

Note. The teams participating in the Dutch championship are distinguished by their rate of fire and effectiveness. It is very profitable to bet here total.

Stage 2. Site selection

Upon request on the Internet, the search engine will instantly return the addresses of several dozen sites offering capper services. Unfortunately, not all of these “specialists” truly understand their business. Among them there are often frank scammers .

It is best to look for professionals called tipsters , on the English-language network. The likelihood of running into crooks in this case is significantly reduced.

Stage 3. Selecting a forecast

Experienced handicappers prefer to focus on flair And professionalism forecaster. They don’t care what to bet on, as long as it becomes successful and generates income.

It’s easy to get an idea of ​​how effective the tipster’s forecasts are by studying the data published on the page.

Completely eliminate falsification, of course. it is forbidden, but still, thanks to certain technical limitations, obvious manipulation of statistics on foreign sites is impossible.

But from offers that guarantee the profitability of bets made on the basis of the proposed forecasts, promising more than 20% monthly profitability, you should refuse IMMEDIATELY. The norm even for the most successful handicappers is 5 -10 % margin per month.

Stage 4. Payment for football forecast

All without exception tipsters And cappers work on the principle full prepayment . Until the performer receives your money, the forecast will not be sent. There are no exceptions to this rule.

A more reliable way is to pay for the forecast through the website. Transferring money directly to a personal account specified by the capper is quite risky. This can only be done when you have been working with a specialist with a high reputation for a long time.

Eg, tipsters TOP-levels prefer this method of calculation. However, we are talking about quite decent amounts, sometimes exceeding $500 per month.

Stage 5. Obtaining a forecast

The paid forecast arrives by mail at the time agreed with the customer, with the necessary reserve in order to place a bet in the bookmaker.

Worth considering that the coefficient indicated by the tipster may differ from the value in the line of bookmakers, who are free to change it before the start of the event. Therefore, if the forecast is acceptable for a one-time bet, then when using the strategy it may not give the required result.

As practice shows, a game based solely on paid forecasts rarely brings significant profits. For a truly professional prediction you need to pay decent money. As a result, it may well turn out that the amount of winnings for the period will not exceed the cost of the capper’s services.

8. Where is the best place to bet on football based on the forecasts received - review of the TOP 4 bookmakers

Each handicapper chooses a bookmaker for himself; fortunately, there are plenty of offers online. Several dozen bookmakers offer to place bets with them, offering extensive lines on football matches.

However, everything related to money requires a certain amount of caution and accuracy. So it's better to play in trusted offices who have a strong reputation and honestly transfer winning amounts to the winner’s account.

No. 1. 1Хstavka

BC 1xBet is part of the bookmaker organization and registers bets through TsUPIS. It has gained popularity among handicappers due to its reliability And mandatory towards the players.

BC attracts with the breadth of the offered line and detailed description of the games of teams participating in the championships of leading football powers. The odds are very high and winnings are paid out without delay.

The offices are considered a peculiar highlight from bookmakers live- "PlayZone" type bets. You are asked to predict which event in a match at a certain point will happen before others:

  • warning;
  • goal scored;
  • deletion;
  • penalty;
  • or out.

Beginners are provided with a wagering bonus in the amount of 2000 R.

No. 2. BC League Betting

The bookmaker is one of the favorites in the rating according to several criteria. This and impeccable reputation, And undoubted tolerance to state supervisory authorities, and absolute loyalty in relation to clients. It’s a pleasure to play on this site, and all problems are promptly resolved by the relevant services.

The organization is part of the self-regulatory union of bookmakers. This means that all interactive bets are registered in a special center for their registration - TsUPIS. By playing here, you are not breaking the law, which means you don’t have to worry about paying out your prize money.

The odds offered by the bookmaker will be of interest not only to beginners, but also to experienced handicappers. Bets are placed on upcoming football matches and current games in the Live. New players are offered "Welcome free bet"– bonus amount 500 r., which is then won back.

No. 3. Leon

The company has an official license to organize and conduct gambling on the territory of the Russian Federation, and it consists of SRO "Association of Bookmakers". Thus, the activities of the bookmaker are completely legal, the conditions are transparent, and payments are guaranteed.

You can start playing and placing bets on the official website of BC Leon.


BC is one of the patriarchs of the Russian bookmaker market. For more than 20 -year period of work, she deserved popularity And found regular players who place bets only on this site.

Despite the fairly average level of odds, many people prefer Fonbet, which has earned a high reputation. The list here is not particularly detailed, but a lot of bets are offered on a variety of statistical indicators of teams and individual football players.

Another attractive point is regular sweepstakes . A very significant number of players participate in it; the pool often reaches 10 million, and the jackpot sometimes reached up to $1,000,000.

Below you can get acquainted with the comparative characteristics of the leaders in the rating of Russian bookmakers and make the best choice for yourself in favor of one of them.

Comparative table of bookmakers by main indicators:

Bookmaker's name Reliability Pros Pro Arguments Contra
1 1XBet 5 Has a license and a mobile application, offers high odds and a bonus Tax deducted from prize money, no TV broadcasts
2 Betting League 5 Licensed, has a mobile version, newbies are offered a bonus Tax is charged on winnings, odds could be higher
3 Leon 5 Licensed, has a mobile version, offers various bonuses Tax is charged on winnings (as in all official bookmakers)
4 4 High reputation, variety of bets, betting with a large pool and jackpot Average odds, not too detailed description

9. How to successfully bet on football matches - 5 important rules

Concluding the article, we cannot help but mention several rules, following which a beginner can eventually become a successful handicapper who receives a substantial income using own experience, acquired skills And intuition.

Rule 1. The key to success in analytics

Today, traveling on the Internet, it is easy to find any information about football, which, if used correctly, can make winning bet .

First of all, you should carefully study the sites on whose pages you publish free forecasts And independent analytics, and choose among them several of the most reliable ones, in your opinion.

Various data on the physical condition and injuries of football club players are offered by a number of domestic And foreign paid sites. Having reached a certain level, when the bet amounts become quite serious, you will have to resort to their services more than once, because the cost of a mistake will be high. Do not neglect any reliable source of information, scrupulously analyzing literally everything.

Rule 2: Don't risk the whole bank

Following the chosen strategy requires the handicapper composure And prudence. Never bet more than 1,5 % of the amount of funds you have available for the game. No matter how great the temptation, you cannot deviate from the principle.

If you manage to hit the jackpot once or twice, the excitement will force you to take risks again and again. A series of subsequent losses will not only deprive you of your prize money, but also of your entire bank. It’s best to hone your skills and test your strategies on small rates.

Rule 3. The handicapper is not the brother of the fan

Experienced players never bet on the results of matches involving the football teams they support. It is very difficult to abstract from personal sympathies in this case. Meanwhile, an accurate forecast requires cold heads. Just enjoy the game of your favorite team, and earn money from its competitors.

Rule 4: Always keep your cool

Emotions are considered not the best advisors for a handicapper, and the most dangerous of them is excitement. In fact, it is through him that bookmakers make money.

Note! Any person who has made an unsuccessful bet and lost a certain amount is overcome by the desire to compensate for the loss as quickly as possible. Moreover, on an emotional high, it seems that it is extremely easy to do this.

Only a handicapper who is able to get over himself, who is accustomed to looking for the cause of defeats, without rushing headlong to restore his status. quo, over time will definitely become a player with a CAPITAL P.

Rule 5. Avoid betting on super matches

This rule may seem somewhat strange, however, upon closer examination it is extremely simple.

Football players prepare purposefully for the decisive matches of any tournament. They are pumped up physically and emotionally. Accordingly, any statistics and analytics go here on second plan. In the finals, it is not those who are more experienced and stronger who win, but those who want it more and have the will to achieve results.

Therefore, the probability of victory of one of the opponents equal size . For any of the strategies you choose, this is clearly not what you need. In addition, bookmakers offer not very attractive odds for decisive matches. So just sit down in front of the TV and cheer.

So, by following simple rules, you can protect yourself from serious gaming troubles, save And increase bank. Sober calculation and lack of emotions will guarantee that the bet you place will bring you a win.

10. Frequently asked questions (FAQ) on football betting and predictions

As practice shows, for novice players, at the initial stage, as soon as they move from theories To practice, certain questions arise. This section will provide answers to the most common ones.

Question 1. Where can I find free football forecasts from professionals for today and for the next week?

Of course, every player wants to rely not only on his own opinion, but also on the thoughts of experts regarding the upcoming match. There are sites on the Internet ( For example, vprognoze.ru, etc.), where you can get All necessary forecasts 100 percent free, as well as useful information that will allow you to make the most successful and profitable bet.

It is worth noting that such thematic sites contain analytical materials both for those matches that will take place in the coming days and in a week.

To everything else, it should be added that it is important to take into account not only the result of the match “Team A will win”, but also the forecasts regarding goals in order to diversify your bets and make the game in the bookmaker’s office more interesting and profitable.

Question 2. What is a handicap, total, time match in football betting?

All listed terms refer to types of bets , which were discussed earlier in the corresponding section. Let's try to briefly characterize them again.

Handicap - a bet, which is also called a handicap and implies the choice of a certain outcome of events (match result) with an adjustment. She might be like positive for obvious outsiders, and negative for the favorite team.

In this case, the handicap can be both points and seconds, however V football used for heads.

In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems: This kind of bet (handicap) wins when the described outcome of the event is fulfilled even taking into account the addition of an adjustment indicator, which for clear winners will be negative.

For example, the bookmakers are confident that Team A will win, so they register a “Handicap -1” bet for it. As a result, the player who chooses it will have to expect a result in which the difference from a draw will be at least 2 goals.

Total- a type of bet that involves choosing the number of goals in the match. In this case, the player will have to decide which outcome is more likely: TB2.5 or TM2.5.

The first means “Total over 2.5”, that is, 3 or more goals will be scored, and the second “Total less than 2.5”, that is, during the entire match there will be less than 3 goals scored.

This type of football bet belongs to the main line and is available in almost all bookmakers.

Time match- a type of bet that requires the player to predict the outcome of both the first half and the entire match as a whole. As a result, he needs to actually predict the outcome, taking into account how events will develop.

Let's look at a small example. Bet “W2W1”, where P stands for "victory", A number means team number, will mean: in the first half, club No. 2 will score more goals, but in the match, the second team will ultimately be the favorite.

Question 3. How to play football betting?

Tote It is considered the most popular type of bet that bookmakers offer to players. It is played by both professional handicappers and ordinary people, driven by the desire to win an impressive bank, many times the amount of the bet.

What is football betting?

First of all, it is worth understanding what the essence of this game is and what its rules are. Basically, tote– this is a complex rate, which usually includes from 12 before 15 football matches, the outcome of which is proposed to be predicted. All of them are combined into one coupon.

Football betting game

Usually, betting draws appear on bookmaker websites a week before the start of matches, and you can place a bet a few minutes before the referee’s whistle, indicating the start of the first game included in the coupon.

Opposite the title of each match, there are three fields P1, P2 or X. By checking one of them, you are betting on victory any opponent or draw. Having predicted the results of all matches included in the betting in this way, all that remains is to indicate the bet amount and issue a coupon at the bookmaker.

The minimum bet amount for the totalizator is set by each office at its own discretion. Its average level is 40 R. The player has the opportunity to increase the probability of winning by betting immediately on 2 , or even for everything 3 the outcome of the most difficult match to predict.

However, in this case, each additional forecast automatically increases the minimum bet size V arithmetic progression. So, indicating in the coupon to 14 matches with one outcome for each game, you will pay 40 R. At 15 options, the bet amount will be already 80 r., at 16 – 160 r., at 19 – 1280 R. and so on.

The tote attracts with the opportunity to win a big pot by making a small bet. For a minimum win it is enough to guess, as a rule, 9 outcomes. The more results you predict correctly, the more impressive the prize money will be.

The one who guesses all the outcomes also takes jackpot or shares it with other winners if there are several lucky ones.

The following factors influence the amount of possible winnings:

  • Pool value – the amount wagered by all participants in the current betting;
  • The size of the bet placed in the bookmaker;
  • The amount of interest that bookmakers take from the pool for themselves;
  • The total number of participants in a particular betting;
  • The number of winners who correctly guessed the number of outcomes required to receive the prize money.

The prize fund is distributed among the winners in the proportion established by the bookmaker, and the unplayed jackpot is added to the total amount of bets placed on the next total.

Note. The largest betting winnings paid out by Russian bookmakers were recorded in 2012 Then the Muscovite was able to predict the outcome of the Primera and Spanish third division matches, the championship games of Oman, Bulgaria and Mexico, the Italian Cup, the meeting of the English league reserves and junior teams at the European Championship. In addition, he accurately predicted the results of two NHL games. Thus, rate is 50 rubles. for 15 betting results, brought him 139,458,997 rubles.

How to win at football betting?

First of all, you should decide gaming strategy, which will be the key to future success. There is no point in rushing from one extreme to another, because the result comes from following the chosen system over the long term.

When predicting the outcome of football matches included in the betting, it is necessary to carefully analyze statistics, the latest news from opponents’ camps, the emotional mood that arose after the last successful or unsuccessful matches, the motivation of players based on the tournament position and many other nuances.

A superficial approach will not bring the expected result, and relying on luck is contrary to the principles of a true handicapper.

Before making a bet with bookmakers, you should carefully study the betting rules adopted in this bookmaker. They may have individual nuances. This particularly applies to the means of determining the outcome of football matches that have been cancelled, postponed or interrupted for one reason or another. The approach to such force majeure varies from bookmaker to bookmaker.

Question 4. What is the football betting odds and how to calculate it?

Betting odds is the number indicated by the bookmakers in the line for each event on which it is proposed to bet. When winning bets, its amount is simply multiplies for this number.

Eg by betting on one of the football teams to win 1000 r., with a coefficient 2 If the outcome is successful for you, the bookmakers will pay 1000 R. above initial bet, with odds 3 2000 r., and with a coefficient 1,5 500 R.

Odds are calculated by bookmaker analysts. Essentially, they represent the probability of each outcome, expressed in terms of fractional or decimal form. First option more familiar to American players, second used by European and Russian bookmakers.

So, if bookmaker forecasters believe that victory of one of the teams in the match is likely 20 %, the decimal coefficient will be calculated as follows: 1/20*100 , which ultimately gives the value 5 .

In addition, bookmakers include their own margin and risk insurance into the coefficient, adjusting it according to my benefit by 2 -5%.

Question 5. What are mathematical football predictions and how are they made?

Any handicapper who plays according to a certain strategy cannot do without the application of exact sciences. Some people prefer to rely entirely on probability theory and base the game system on pure mathematics.

Cuppers' mathematical predictions for football

Indeed, it is difficult to argue with science. Mathematical predictions are often justified in long term in the long term, but they are unlikely to be suitable for those who like to bet for the sake of betting. Statistics does not tolerate haste, and patterns tend to manifest themselves over a fairly long time period.

You should immediately understand that the mathematical forecast is based on in numbers, and no attention is paid to lyrics such as the physical form of football players, emotional mood and other factors that cannot be expressed in numbers when compiling it.

In-depth statistical analysis cannot be done using a calculator. This requires a very powerful computer and special application programs. Therefore, mathematical forecasts are mainly purchased on special capper sites.

Mathematical predictions for football are calculated by going through a number of successive stages:

  1. Selection of the most important statistical criteria on which the forecast will be based and their combination into a constantly updated single database.
  2. Development of a mathematical model capable of working with multidirectional criteria and taking into account changing errors. It is tested and tested on specific examples, achieving maximum accuracy.
  3. Determining the more likely outcome for a particular match, based on the statistical data of each of the meeting teams.
  4. Checking the calculation result and identifying a probable error that could affect the accuracy of the calculation.
  5. Drawing up a forecast in a language understandable to the customer and sending it to the address.

It is worth recalling once again that mathematical forecasts guarantee a tangible result only after a sufficiently large number of consecutive bets, the number of which can reach before hundreds .

If you are ready to be patient and not pay attention to local failures, use the services of cappers who offer these types of forecasts. It is easy to find their sites through any popular search engine.

Question 6. Where can I bet on the Russian/World Cup?

Among the best, it is worth highlighting the bookmaker's office "1xBet" . This bookmaker has a state license, its sites are not blocked, and winnings are paid without any delays or unexpected deductions.

The odds offered here cannot be called particularly high, but systematic adherence to the system can bring quite tangible gains. A pleasant surprise is receiving a valuable gift from bookmakers after accumulating a sufficient number of points awarded for both winners, and for lost rates.

The office successfully operates on the Russian market with 2016 and was able to earn a stable positive reputation. There were no cases of cancellation of payments or their serious delay.

The football betting line offered by the bookmaker is quite good, as are the odds. Here we are ready to place bets on most matches of both famous and rather exotic football championships.

Bets are accepted on long-term and upcoming games, as well as in Live. Players who top up their wallets on the site are awarded bonuses.

It’s definitely not worth risking your capital and playing in little-known bookmakers that do not have a license for gambling in the Russian Federation. These companies may delay payments or even confiscate your winnings.

11. Conclusion + video

We hope that this article was able to answer all the questions of those who want to try their hand at competitions with bookmakers, betting on the results of such a wonderful game as football.

Despite the fact that the career of a handicapper is not easy, quite a few who take this thorny path achieve their goal - earn decent money with his knowledge, tenacity and composure. We also recommend that you read our article “”, which describes more than 40 proven ways to make money.

All that remains is to wish success in the game to newcomers: control your emotions, increase your knowledge, carefully study forecasts and place only successful bets!

Questions for readers!

Do you have your own football betting systems and are you able to make successful football predictions?