What is Russia associated with in the West? What do foreign citizens associate Russia with?

A treasure for a copywriter [Technology for creating exciting texts] Slobodyanyuk Elina Petrovna

Question No. 2. “What is it associated with?”

When creating a name for a Japanese restaurant, you need to ask yourself: what Japanese words might a typical representative know? target audience? The answers will be: “Kyoto”, “sakura”, “geisha”, “netsuke”, “samurai”, “Tokyo”... In those times when the market Japanese cuisine was poorly branded, these stereotypical answers became the names of the restaurants. If you strain a little more, you can guess that the target audience has probably heard a lot about the writer Murakami (that’s the name of one establishment in Kyiv). However, you should not call a Japanese restaurant “Harakiri” or “Kamikaze”. These are well-known Japanese concepts, but they have a strong negative connotation.

When first-level solutions are already staked out by competitors, it becomes increasingly difficult to come up with names. The more competitive the market, the harder it is to create a new name. (In my opinion, the most difficult market for naming is the vodka market.)

To perform an in-depth search for a name, it is necessary to define semantic fields and build associative rows for them.

As an example, let’s build semantic rows for a line of healthy food products:



Extension of youth;



After this, you need to imagine what associations are possible in each of the semantic fields. (Are you expecting me to break it all down for you? No, let’s do it ourselves now.)

However, I will still show you one example of working out semantic fields when creating the name of a stationery store.

So, imagine that our competitors are: “Autograph”, “Notepad”, “ Big change"", "Globe", "Golden Pen", "Golden Blot", "Calligrapher", "Chancellor", "Kantselyarkin", "Canceler", "Pencil", "Blot", "Button", "Knopych", "Excellent Student" ", "Paragraph", "Cool School", "Preposition", "Skrepkin", "Socrates", "Uma Chamber", "Caesar", "Cherniloff", "Schoolboy".

When starting work, you first need to identify semantic fields, and then gradually build associations around them. A strong name will most likely include several semantic fields.

Names can arise through the use of the following elements:

1. words everyday speech , including jargon: “Easy” (semi-finished products), “AlfaVIT” (vitamins), SEMKI (seeds), “Brownie” ( women's magazine), “Laska” (fabric conditioner), “Losk” (washing powder);

2. rarely used words: “Zhivchik” (drink), “Kamchadal” (caviar), “Vorozheya” (cosmetics), “Elder” (cognac);

3. surnames– in the era of the birth of capitalism, naming a product in honor of the owner was a kind of guarantee of quality, and to this day 46 of the 100 most expensive brands contain the names of their founders; however, even in our time this is a completely working technique: “Myagkov” (vodka), “Solodov” (beer), “Dymov” (sausages), “Barentsev” (dried fish), “Bystrov” (porridge);

4. historical and geographical names with rich connotations: “Khortytsya” (vodka), “Alaska” (water), “Borodino” (billiard club);

5. words and proper names from other languages: Nord (Ukrainian refrigerators), “Jean-Jacques” (Ukrainian cognac);

6. literary borrowings: “Morozko” (frozen semi-finished products), “Aibolit” (veterinary clinic), “Aramis” (men's perfume);

7. transferring names from one group to another: Soap ( software), Apple (high-tech corporation), Macintosh (computers), Divan TV (TV channel), Kafka (cafe);

8. mythological: "Eva" (chain of cosmetic stores; line women's clothing), "Adam" (men's clothing line);

9. abbreviations– only in very limited cases;

10. neologisms(that is, through the creation of new words).

Let's take a closer look at the last two items on the list.

I'll explain why I think acronyms should only be used in exceptional cases. To do this, I will give an excerpt from my real conversation with the customer.

Me: I see IBM on your desk. What kind of car do you have?

Client: BMW.

I'm fine! And what does it mean?

Client (wrinkles his forehead for a long time, then answers): I don’t know.

Me (expecting exactly this answer): IBM is the most famous brand in a post-Coca-Cola world. However, people who have been using it for decades often have no idea that it is an acronym for International Business Machines Corporation. And BMW is an abbreviation for Bayerische Motoren Werke (“Bavarian Automobile Plant”).

Client: So you can’t call a brand an abbreviation?

Me: You can, but very carefully. Names such as “ABV Technika”, “VTB Bank”, FUIB, VAB, MTS, ATB, etc. are emotionally useless and, accordingly, are difficult to brand.

I know of only two cases where the abbreviation is justified.

Firstly, it can be used if it is already fixed in the minds of the target audience. For example, the name of cognac “ZhZL” implies that in Soviet time The series of books “The Lives of Remarkable People” was very popular.

It is also permissible to refer to an abbreviation if it is an independent word. English company clothing was purposefully named French Connection UK to get the scandalous acronym FCUK. I really like the name of the publishing house “Mann, Ivanov and Ferber” - MYTH. This is an independent word that is directly related to literature, and at the same time – the first letters of the surnames of the company’s founders: Igor Mann, Mikhail Ivanov and Mikhail Ferber.

And the love of some customers for incomprehensible designs made of letters can only be explained by the Soviet past, stuffed with meaningless abbreviations.

Finally, I will talk about the most important direction of modern naming - the creation of neologisms. I studied the technology of constructing new words for trademarks for a long time and carefully and as a result I identified nine methods:

1. adding/modifying ending:"Coffeeum" (cafe), "Appetitnitsa" (seasonings), "Aromatika" (seasonings), "Dietika" (magazine), "Molokolamsk" (dairy products), "Vkusnoteevo" (dairy products), "Ozonika" (products company) sale and installation of air conditioners), "Rastishka" (fermented milk products for children), Comfi (chain of electronics stores), "Uyutkino" (residential complex), "Talismaniya" and "Maidan's" (TV show), "Truffle" (sweets);

2. adding a prefix: “Negrustin” (antidepressant), “Nestarit” (dietary supplements);

3. mechanical connection two words or parts thereof, sometimes with a vowel added between them:"Domotechnika" (chain of supermarkets for household appliances), Faberlic (cosmetics), "Euroland" (shopping mall), "BabyLand" (supermarket for children's goods), "Yaponahata" (chain Japanese restaurants), "Mamamag" (online store of children's goods), "FrutoNyanya" ( baby food), “ShoShop” (Ukrainian online store), “Spelenok” (juices for children);

4. connecting two words by “flowing”, when the first word ends with at least one letter with which the next one begins:"ReklaMaster" (marketing portal), "Oknova" (window production company), "Ecollagen" (face cream), "Gurmaniya" (soup), "Uyuterra" (chain of household goods stores), "FrukTalia" ( breakfast cereals), “Aromart” (perfume store), “Sportugalia” (sporting goods store) (Alexander Filyurin claims that words of foreign origin are best connected through the letter “T” - as an example, we can name the name “Fruktonik” he created);

5. changing a word to create a new meaning while maintaining the allusion: BeerBarry (bar), "Kofta" (cafe), "Zhar-Pizza" (pizzeria chain), "Kislorot" (sweets), "Kurlion" ( ready meals from chicken), “Around Color” ( Publishing House), “Pivasik-telesik” (live beer store), “Khvostunishka” (veterinary clinic), “Champivon” (sports bar), “Chitaygorod” (book club-store), “Teapiter” (traveling tea ceremonies in St. Petersburg) , “Chocolapki” (candies);

6. abbreviation of the word (sometimes with some distortions):"Chaikoff" (cafe); inventing a word, part of which has a certain association: “Lukoil” (oil company);

7. stylization of words to resemble a foreign or archaic language: Roshen (confectionery);

8. word division:“Crepe de Chine” (restaurant), “Art-i-shok” (I recommend calling the cafe this way).

I give you this word generation technology with the hope that you will send me gifts in return: examples of your successful names for the collection - it already contains half a thousand successful Russian-language names, it is located on the Internet on the page http://copywriter.ua/c_names.

Only in exceptional cases can a name contain more than one word. This must be justified by its semantic richness. Let's consider the semantic meaning of the name “Nasha Ryaba” (Ukrainian manufacturer chicken meat). Ryaba – common noun chickens in fairy tales and in reality, in villages and villages; and the word “our” is intended to emphasize that this is not “Bush’s chicken leg”, but our natural meat.

For Ukrainian market The “High Ambassador” caviar brand was developed. The name makes you smile: it plays on the meaning of the word “ambassador” - it is both a position and a method of preparing fish. The adjective seems to raise the bar, referring simultaneously to both the diplomatic concept of “distinguished guest” and the culinary concept of “haute cuisine”.

Two words in the name are also justified if used set phrase. For example, chicken meat “Kurka Cheboturka”, security agency “Guardian Angel”, network bookstores“Read-Gorod”, peeled carrots “Vovka-Carrots”, sunflower seeds “Plevoe Delo”.

You will learn what other techniques you can use to create names in Chapter 6.

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Since communist times, foreign citizens have associated Russia with vodka, bears, bad roads and quirky Russian character. main feature which was, to put it mildly, “stupid.” I wonder if the opinion about our country has changed now. ZENUN will tell you the most interesting things - What do foreigners associate Russia with?.

Russian borscht closes the top ten, although only those foreigners who have visited our country remember it. Many of them liked Russian cuisine. The notorious caviar, which was one of the most frequent associations with Russia, was joined by delicious Russian pies.

As sad as it sounds, many comrades abroad associate Russia with dirt. Moreover, this opinion applies not only to cities, but also to the residents of our country. There is an opinion that Russians rarely wash, almost all bad teeth and unkempt hair. This is exactly how we think about foreign citizens ah from the Asian republics.

Many foreigners are afraid to go to Russia because of the almighty Russian mafia. At the same time, it is rare that a foreigner sees the difference between bandits and our policemen. Residents of our country know firsthand how far they are from the truth.

Putin's fame has reached almost every foreigner. His name is often mentioned in connection with the testing of new types of weapons. Apparently, there are echoes of the Cold War. At least this is something to be proud of. Being afraid means being respected.

Many foreigners remember Russian ballet, Dostoevsky and Tolstoy. They often speak out about our athletes. And Arshavin became a kind of symbol of Russian sports.

Our Russian bear also made it into the top five. Until now, many foreign residents believe that Russians keep bears instead of dogs. The wild imagination of foreigners paints pictures of a dancing bear with a balalaika in his hands. Of course, this sounds like an old joke to us.

Almost every foreign resident will say that Russia is a huge country, we can be proud of our territories. Although, besides Moscow and St. Petersburg, most foreigners are unlikely to be able to name anything else. Along with Red Square, our Orthodox attractions were also included in the rating. The golden domes of our temples make a special impression on foreigners.

The top three are completed by our Russian women, who are considered the most beautiful all over the world. The opinion about their availability has changed a little; many foreign citizens no longer consider all Russian women to be prostitutes.

Just like many years ago, Russia is associated with vodka. One example will most clearly demonstrate the attitude on this issue. One Cypriot was told that he was like a Russian, meaning his good command of the Russian language. However, the man, without hesitation, blurted out: “I am not a drunkard.” Most foreigners think that Russians drink vodka as a family, starting with breakfast.

And of course, Russia is associated with snow and frost. Well, what would we do without them? Many foreign comrades are interested in whether we even have summer as such, and whether it is possible to wear shorts.

As a result, this is the image of our country. Russia is a huge militarized power, drowning in snow and freezing from severe frosts. Perpetually drunk people live here side by side with bears, but the Russians are quite talented. The women, although unkempt, are very beautiful and also know how to cook deliciously. Widespread lawlessness and dirt are hidden behind amazingly beautiful temples.

April 10th, 2015 , 11:14 am

Since ancient times, foreigners have associated Russia with cold weather, bears, vodka and nesting dolls. In fact, these are mostly stereotypes, and the idea of ​​Russia is much more diverse. We'll leave the vodka and bears for "Red Heat" with Schwarzenegger.

So, with what? modern Russia associated with foreigners?

Let's start with Him. Many in the West talk about Russia and mean Putin. They talk about Putin and mean Russia. Vladimir Putin often finds himself at the top of the rankings of the most influential people world, and this is exactly the Russian that is known in every corner of the Earth.

Naturally, any foreigner knows that Russia is the most big country in the world. "Big Russia" Size is one of the first things that comes to a foreigner’s mind when mentioning Russia.

Not the most obvious for us, but for many foreigners Russia is first and foremost Orthodoxy. If you watch the presentation videos of the cities that will host the 2018 World Cup, you will notice that there are a lot of churches and domes. FIFA commercials are shown all over the world, so the “Russia=Orthodoxy” passage will only be reinforced.

Besides churches, foreigners, of course, know about Kremlin. If a film or cartoon about Russia is being shot abroad, there is a 99% chance that the Kremlin will be there.

Undoubtedly, Russian culture- this is our pride and what foreigners know about. Ballet, theater, Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy - these words will be uttered by many representatives of foreign countries.

Russian women are famous for their beauty all over the world, and the richest are among the most different countries often looking for brides in Russia. This is objective data from various marriage agencies.

Unfortunately, the stereotype about Russian mafia has not disappeared anywhere, but is rather gaining strength. This is approximately from the same series as the Colombian cartels or Italian mafia. It's already something mythological. In general, many people associate Russia with aggression, military equipment, “KGB agents” and in general everyone walk around with machine guns, and for bread they go exclusively on tanks.

And, of course, cold. For some reason, foreigners rarely think about the fact that Russia has many climate zones, and in many areas there is no less heat than cold. But again, any foreign film about Russia will most likely show Russia covered in snow. This is an associative perception, what can you do?

But about drunkenness let's not. AND bears With balalaikas Same.

    What is spring associated with?

    Spring is always associated with the arrival of warmth and the singing of birds. the first flowers.

    Experts of everyone's favorite game 100 to 1 The following answers were given to this question:

    • birds;
    • streams;
    • flowers;
    • warm;
    • Love;
    • Sun.

    answer the question exactly this way, and you will win.

    The game One Hundred to One asks the question of what the month of May can be associated with, and for all of us this answer will be obvious. In May, all nature finally wakes up, everything is green, and it’s already quite warm outside, some flowers begin to bloom. And most importantly that lilies of the valley appear.

    Here's how the people surveyed answered this question:

    The sun becomes gentle

    Love blossoms and people become kinder

    It’s warm and we’re already taking off our outerwear

    Flowers - they appear and bloom

    Streams - they run and sing their songs

    Birds are very active at this time and can be heard everywhere

    And these will be the correct answers to the question of what happens in the month of May.

    To this question of the 100 to 1 game, the correct answers will be the following:

    Bird's answer will earn you maximum points for this question.

  • What is spring associated with?

    Great spring question! And the most popular answers to it were the following associations:

    • Sun
    • Love
    • warm
    • flowers
    • streams
    • birds

    Right now it’s beautiful spring weather outside, the sun is shining and the streams are babbling!

  • First of all snowdrops

  • Correct answers to the game 100 to 1:

    • Answer SUN on the first line;
    • Answer LOVE took second line;
    • Answer WARM will be in third place;
    • Answer FLOWERS took fourth line;
    • Answer STREAMS ranks fifth;
    • Answer BIRDS on the sixth line.
  • What is spring associated with?

    Spring is the time of year when you can finally wake up from winter hibernation and spread your wings. 🙂

    For me, spring is the sun, drops along the cornice, streams on the roads, finally light in the mornings and evenings (the day is getting longer) and, of course, the first thawed patches, onto which the first flowers of the coltsfoot, little yellow suns, immediately appear. It is coltsfoot that I associate with the first flowers, because I have never seen snowdrops growing in the forest in nature, only in a cartoon about 12 months or on sale in subway crossings

    And one more association with spring on March 8th! The most spring and the most beautiful holiday(men, don’t swear!). All the women with flowers, smiles on their faces, the sun outside the window, what could be more festive?

    As for the game, we can offer the following answers:

  • Of course, most people probably associate spring with the awakening of nature, renewal, youth, new plans and thirst for life, as well as with the song of the lark, the murmur of a stream, and the first snowdrops.

    The answers in the game are 100 to 1 -

    • Sun
    • Love
    • flowers
    • streams
    • lark song
    • good mood.
  • Today I guessed everything myself, while there were no answers. But now I wanted to help, but they were already posted! We got ahead of them!!! All that remains is to congratulate everyone on Spring, although Winter, in my opinion, is not going to leave!!!

    Spring is the most beautiful time of the year. Associations with streams, buds on trees, March 8, May 1, Happy Victory Day, dachas, seedlings. Everything becomes green and the sun shines more. And May is associated with lilacs, light dresses and shoes.

    100 to 1. What is spring associated with? Correct answers...

    So curious question for our favorite game 100 to 1 The most correct answers look like this:

    1. Sun ;
    2. Love ;
    3. Warm ;
    4. Flowers ;
    5. Streams ;
    6. Birds .

    Having given exactly these answers, you will receive in the game100% victory ...

    I associate spring with love and flowers.

    The answers for the hundred to one game are:

    I wish this spring would come sooner, otherwise there is snow all around and there is no spring mood.

    Good luck to everyone in the game!!!

    Personally, I associate spring with snowdrops, daffodils and violets. When I see grannies on the street selling bouquets of snowdrops or violets, it means spring is just around the corner. And the sun shines differently, not like before. And trees, when their buds bloom, cannot be compared with anything...

    Most of the people surveyed answered this question like this:

    • Sun
    • Love
    • Warm
    • Flowers
    • Streams
    • Birds

    These are the answer options in the game 100 to 1.

Since communist times, foreign citizens have associated Russia with vodka, bears, bad roads and the quirky Russian character, the main feature of which was, to put it mildly, “dorkyness.” I wonder if the opinion about our country has changed now.

We will tell you the most interesting thing - what foreigners associate Russia with.

Russian borscht closes the top ten, although only those foreigners who have visited our country remember it. Many of them liked Russian cuisine. The notorious caviar, which was one of the most frequent associations with Russia, was joined by delicious Russian pies.

As sad as it sounds, many comrades abroad associate Russia with dirt. Moreover, this opinion applies not only to cities, but also to the residents of our country. There is an opinion that Russians rarely wash themselves; almost all of them have bad teeth and unkempt hair. This is exactly how we think about foreign citizens from Asian republics.

Many foreigners are afraid to go to Russia because of the almighty Russian mafia. At the same time, it is rare that a foreigner sees the difference between bandits and our policemen. Residents of our country know firsthand how close they are to the truth.

Putin's fame has reached almost every foreigner. His name is often mentioned in connection with the testing of new types of weapons. Apparently, there are echoes of the Cold War. At least this is something to be proud of. Being afraid means being respected.

Many foreigners remember Russian ballet, Dostoevsky and Tolstoy. They often speak out about our athletes. And Arshavin became a kind of symbol of Russian sports.

Our Russian bear also made it into the top five. Until now, many foreign residents believe that Russians keep bears instead of dogs. The wild imagination of foreigners paints pictures of a dancing bear with a balalaika in his hands. Of course, this sounds like an old joke to us.

Almost every foreign resident will say that Russia is a huge country, we can be proud of our territories. Although, besides Moscow and St. Petersburg, most foreigners are unlikely to be able to name anything else. Along with Red Square, our Orthodox attractions were also included in the rating. The golden domes of our temples make a special impression on foreigners.

The top three are completed by our Russian women, who are considered the most beautiful all over the world. The opinion about their availability has changed a little; many foreign citizens no longer consider all Russian women to be prostitutes.

Just like many years ago, Russia is associated with vodka. One example will most clearly demonstrate the attitude on this issue. One Cypriot was told that he was like a Russian, meaning his good command of the Russian language. However, the man, without hesitation, blurted out: “I’m not a drunkard.” Most foreigners think that Russians drink vodka as a family, starting with breakfast.

And of course, Russia is associated with snow and frost. Well, what would we do without them? Many foreign comrades are interested in whether we even have summer as such, and whether it is possible to wear shorts.

As a result, this is the image of our country. Russia is a huge militarized power, drowning in snow and freezing from severe frosts. Perpetually drunk people live here side by side with bears, but the Russians are quite talented. The women, although unkempt, are very beautiful and also know how to cook deliciously. Widespread lawlessness and dirt are hidden behind amazingly beautiful temples.