Sorokin about Tony's adopted daughter. Adopted children of star parents

Sorokina Svetlana Innokentievna is a well-known TV journalist, presenter of information and analytical programs and documentary filmmaker. The love of the audience and the respect of colleagues is the result of professional honest work, a high level of education and personal charm.

Biography facts

Svetlana was born on January 15, 1957 in Pushkin, Leningrad Region. Father Innokenty Nikolaevich Sarykov was a military builder, mother Valentina Sergeevna worked as a teacher of history. Dad often went on business trips, and mom was more involved in raising the daughters of Svetlana and Larisa.

The study of an inquisitive and hardworking girl was easy. Sveta was an excellent student all the years; Upon graduation, she received a gold medal.

Without any problems, she entered the Leningrad Forest Engineering Academy and studied as a landscaping engineer. Continuing her postgraduate studies, she worked at a forest management enterprise.

In her student years, a sociable erudite girl worked as a guide. Live work with people interested, and in 1985 Svetlana entered the studio of announcers on Leningrad television.

Television career

At first, Svetlana worked as a freelancer for Leningrad TV and prepared materials for the weekly release of the Telecourier program, and a year later, in 1987, she was enrolled in the staff.

In 1988, Sorokina, at the invitation of Alexander Nevzorov, became the host of the 600 Seconds program, one of the most popular in those years. Collaboration in a creative team helped to hone professional skills.

Moving to Moscow in 1990 helps to climb the next rung of the career ladder. Svetlana, after an internship on Channel One, became the host and political observer of the Vesti program of the VGTRK media holding.

At the end of 1997, Sorokina switched to the NTV channel, where she was offered to host the social and political program Voice of the People and the daily live interview program Hero of the Day.

Working at NTV, Svetlana Innokentievna tries herself as a director. Her films “Heart of Yeltsin”, “Victory. One for All”, “Amber Ghost”, “The Punishers” and others have become a revelation and discovery for the audience. On the radio "Echo of Moscow" participates in the creation of radio plays "The Hobbit" and "It's hard to be a god."

In January 2003, at the invitation of General Director K. Ernst, Svetlana began working on the new project of Channel One - "Basic Instinct".

The program was distinguished by a special style, the form of presentation of materials riveted the attention of the audience to the screens.

After the program was closed (it was released in less than two years), Ernst invited Sorokina to take up documentary films, but she decided to leave Channel One.

She hosted the program “In the circle of LIGHT” on the radio (later a television version was released on the Domashny channel). However, the transfer was soon closed due to disagreements with shareholders.

In 2006, Svetlana Sorokina took up social projects. On television in Yekaterinburg, she hosted the program “We can do everything!”. Thanks to telethons, hundreds of thousands of rubles were collected and sent to help children. The project was noted at the "Tefi" competition and was awarded two prizes.

Public work continued in the Human Rights Council. However, after speaking out against the falsification of results in the parliamentary elections, Sorokina had to leave her post.

The popular TV presenter has many fans. They are interested in where she is now and what she is doing.

Since 2011 Svetlana Innokentievna is a lecturer at the Faculty of Media Communications at the Higher School of Economics.

She continues to engage in journalism, writing articles and giving lectures.

Personal life

Svetlana was married twice. The first marriage quickly fell apart; from him there was a surname - Sorokina.

With her second husband, cameraman V. Grishechkin, Svetlana met on Leningrad TV. However, the union of people passionate about creativity also did not last long.

Now the family of Svetlana Innokentievna is she and the adopted daughter Tonya, with whom they have been living together since 2003.

According to the results of the annual ratings of the leading news programs, many viewers invariably put Svetlana SOROKINA in first place. The hosts of the Balm for the Soul program Svetlana Ivannikova and Igor Pronin met with the “first lady” of Russian television.

Svetlana Sorokina was born in 1957 in Pushkin, Leningrad Region.

Graduated from the Leningrad Forestry Engineering Academy. Kirov and graduate school.
- From 1979 to 1981 she worked at the Leningrad State Institute for the Design of Transport Equipment for the Timber Industry.
- From 1981 to 1984 - in the group for landscaping cities and rural areas of Lesproyekt.
- In 1985, in parallel with her postgraduate studies, she completed courses for guides and worked with tourist groups.
- In 1985 she entered the studio of announcers at the Leningrad television. She worked in the Department of Letters and Sociological Research.
- Since 1986 - a freelancer for the main editorial office of LenTV information, she made stories for the Telecourier program.
- Since 1987 - staff member of LenTV.
- In 1988-1990. - the host of the LenTV news program "600 seconds", then - the correspondent of the news program "TV station" Fact ".
- From 1990 to 1991, she trained at the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Ostankino.
- Since 1991 - political columnist for the daily news program "Vesti" VGTRK.
- From 1996 to 2004 she was the host of television programs: “Hero of the Day”, “Voice of the People”, “Basic Instinct”, etc.
- Author and presenter of three films from the "Recent History" cycle - "Yeltsin's Heart", "Purely Russian Murder", "Congress of the Vanquished".
Awarded with the Order “For Personal Courage”.
- Laureate of the "TEFI" award in the nomination "The best presenter of an information program".

Svetlana Sorokina: “To ask the right question is a skill, to answer is a talent.”
Thumbelina grows before our eyes
- There is an opinion on television that you are such an “eternal mother”, you take care of everything, take care of everything. Is there really a maternal instinct in your character that spreads to everyone around?
- As for the maternal instinct, it is difficult to say. Just in my personal life, I did not succeed in this, I did not turn out to be a very talented person. My daughter, Tonechka, has just appeared to me. And this is an adopted child, I took her from the orphanage. Therefore, I pass my universities late when it is supposed to be too late.
- It's good that you deliberately went for it. Since you have such a need, why not at least give it to Tonechka ...
- I have been thinking about this for several years. Of course, it is difficult to make a decision, and go to the orphanage, and achieve it, in general, I have been looking for her for a year. When I took Tonya, she was very small, tiny, and the very first civilian doctor to whom I showed her said: “Oh, what a inch! There are different girls, but yours will be very petite.” A year has passed. Now they say to me: “However, your big girl is growing up. It will be big." And it’s impossible to explain to anyone that my Antonina is that very small Thumbelina. Everyone just asks: “What do you feed her?” Yes, with cast-iron balls, do not lift (laughs) ...
- Shows talents?
- She shows talents, she is a wonderful girl, quick-witted. She is 2 years and 5 months old. She is a normal, spoiled, sassy child. Very positive, she cries extremely rarely, and then - only on business and not for long. Quickly pulls himself together and says: “Moustache, mustache, I don’t cry. Mom, wipe your cheeks." He reads poetry with might and main, he talks to me on the phone. The other day I call home and ask: “Tonechka, did you walk today?” And she told me: "No, because it's dark, it's raining and the wolves are howling." It turns out that the nanny told her that a gray top is running along the street, it can bite on the barrel.

I do not have one global answer that will save Russia today, since you ask me about it. There is, of course, a common answer that love will save the world, but this is too banal and simple. Love, of course, is saving. What else will save us? Don't know. Maybe a sense of solidarity, which we always lack.

God's Providence

Why a girl, why not a boy?
- This is actually a very funny story. I was looking for a boy. I had such a feeling, persistent, long-standing, that a boy would suit me. Since I am a woman with a complex and even sometimes harsh character, it seemed to me that the boy is for me, and the girls are snot, bows are not mine. And with this attitude, I was looking for a boy for about a year, and I wanted not a small one, but somewhere around a three-year-old. I searched and searched, nothing worked out for me, it didn’t grow together, I went to one child, to another. But, apparently, something really must slip between people. From the mind, everything seems to be nothing, but from the heart it does not add up. As a result, completely desperate, she came to the orphanage, where she had already been, but nothing happened. The director asked me who I want. I reported to her in a tortured, tired voice: “A boy, three years old.” To which she says: “I have what you need. Girl, 10 months. I was a little taken aback, but we went to look, went into a room where there were many children, and in the corner, in a walker, a tiny girl was sitting, whom I didn’t even see right away. I sat down and looked at her. And before that, it turns out, she very sharply shuged the two previous adoptive parents. And so I sat down next to her, and she suddenly smiled, stretched out her paws and ran to me on these walkers. Despite the fact that I had the experience of such walks and it happened in different ways, and the children came up, of course. And then I took her in my arms and said: “Wrap it up.” Everything was quickly arranged, and I took her home. This is truly God's work. I didn’t believe in it before, I approached the process rationally, but as a result, everything turned out the other way around. And, you know, from the first moment she seemed to me an insane beauty, insane. And I remember that I brought my sister to this orphanage to meet Tonya, and before that I talked about her in such a way that when she looked at the child, she exclaimed: “What did you find in her? There’s nothing to see here, as you can’t see!” But I am still convinced: she does not change, she only gets better, she is beautiful. And now the whole family already thinks so: there is no better than our Tony. She managed to make everyone fall in love with her, including my friends or acquaintances who happened to meet on the street, in a pharmacy, in a store. Wherever we meet, she is the center of attention, she is an amazing child.
What happiness is...
- Pure truth. We recently just had a topic
program was - "Orphan Russia". There are about a million children in the country who are only registered orphans - a colossal figure. Another two million homeless children. Nothing like an army, right? A whole generation, layer after layer comes out. Moreover, it is known that these are people who then very hard to adapt to life, replenish themselves with prisons, invalid homes and the ranks of simply unsettled people. There was no such figure even after the war. The country that drinks in our country, unfortunately, the cruelty in families is such that it’s just a guard. And the speech in that program was about the need to promote adoption. Once I was at some charity event, where I rarely go, and then I was called by a certain American organization involved in the adoption of children. And the tone at that evening was tearful: let's make the children happy, take them into our families, oh, how unhappy they are, and so on. I strongly disagree with this approach. Firstly, I am deeply convinced that children choose us, and not we choose them, as in my case. And secondly, we do not make them happy, but they make us. Quite the opposite situation: they give us this happiness. And that's the only way to approach it.

Quite desperate, she came to the orphanage, where she had already been, but nothing happened. The director asked me who I want. I reported to her in a tortured, tired voice: “A boy, three years old.” To which she says: “I have what you need. Girl, 10 months.

Which side of your character - feminine or more masculine - does this story reveal?
- I don’t even know, for my child, I now combine both functions - both male and female. By the way, can you imagine what an impudent one she is: she began to demand her dad. Horror! Need to think. Maybe you have to get married.
- Don't you have applicants?
- You see, at some point it all becomes difficult and not in the first place. You already somehow get used to it, settle down in your life, as it seems to you convenient, understandable, and, of course, it’s hard to introduce something new. Well, here's Antonina, maybe she'll bring it in.
- Is she interested in men? Did she notice them?
- You see, our friends have complete families, there are dads there. She quickly truncated this and began to demand from me a puppy, gingerbread and dad.
Talk shows are a dangerous genre
- And what about the profession? Will there be anything new?
- Oh, in my, in principle, long television biography there were so many new things and so many twists and turns that sometimes you want at least a little stability. In fact, I tried a lot of things on television: I started in St. Petersburg back in the late 1980s in the then very popular Telecourier program, then I began working in 600 Seconds, then in other news, then I left for Moscow in 1991 , she first worked in the Vesti program, hosted Novosti, then switched to NTV, to the old one, which had not yet been dispersed, where she hosted the Hero of the Day program, began to conduct talk shows, and filmed documentaries. And now I work on Channel One, also in talk shows, and continue to make documentaries. As a result, I change genres, I don't even have a long enough piece of time when I would do the same thing.
- All this satisfies you?
- Well, whether it satisfies - it's hard to say. In fact, every time you die, because the talk show, in my opinion, is the most unpredictable story. Here is such a strange thing happening - the exchange of energies. Either it is carved out of the blue, or on a obviously winning topic, with a good selection of people, it is not carved - and that's it, it gets stuck. What does it depend on? From a lot of things. In hindsight, you can figure out why. I once had a case when I went to the audience on a super-relevant topic, turned to the camera and suddenly felt with my back: a dead audience. It happens that a certain number of people gather, and they are all absolutely indifferent. Artists know this when they go on stage, and in front of them is a heavy hall that cannot be stoked: no matter how much you jump, it is not carved. And here I turned my back to the hall and realized that it was blowing cold, and I already felt sick from the thought that I could not do anything, and so it happened. There was a hot topic, there were good characters, but everything was bogged down, it was not supported, I tossed and turned like stones. And it happens out of the blue. I recently had a topic - to die not to get up, it would seem, offhand: “The Kyoto Protocol”. Can you tell me what your personal interest is in the Kyoto Protocol? The lion's share of the population does not know what it is. To begin with, I said: “Keep in mind, as long as we do not give up the Kuril Islands, this is not about that. This is an environmental treaty that we have joined.” In general, no one is interested in ozone holes, but we sparkled. No one really got the hang of what the Kyoto Protocol was, but it was insanely interesting. What's the matter? I don't know. There is no pattern. Talk shows are a dangerous genre. It is insanely hard to make sure that the conversation does not stop, so that people continue each other's thoughts. Because, as a rule, having reached the microphone, they strive to express everything that is sore and they have come up with at home, and not continue the conversation, and it is insanely hard to deal with this.

Gets to everyone around the perimeter

They say you love Peter terribly and know him. Is Moscow already your city?
- I love Peter very much and I know him well, most of my life was spent there. I traveled to him when I worked on television, and I went when I worked as a guide, a lot came together here. But at the moment I can say for sure that Moscow is my city. I've been living here for 13 years, and somehow I managed to fit into the resonance, into the fluctuations of this big, very difficult, confusing city of Moscow.
- Who gets from you when you lose your temper?
- All around the perimeter. The other day we discussed the list of guests for the program, and I yelled that again they called a lot out of fear that he would not reach, he would not come. I cursed, cursed, cursed, and then tried on a new suit and asked the film crew: “Well, how?” To which they answer me: "It is quite feminine." I say: "How can I be feminine?" The girls thought about it and said: “When you don’t yell at us, you visit us, but otherwise you don’t.” So everyone around the perimeter gets it.
- You have already seen so many things, analyzed so many life situations, that you can probably answer the question: what will ultimately save us? Is there only hope for love, or for government, or for beauty?
- You know, someone said that asking the right question is a skill, and answering is a talent. And these are different things. Therefore, it is not at all necessary for those who enter the arena and work for a large audience to have answers to a variety of questions. As a rule, if they have these answers, then they either think little or have a lot of impudence, which is more often. The American journalist Walter Cronkite was wildly popular, they wanted to bring him into the hands of the White House, he had such a rating that none of the presidential candidates at that time could compare with him. And he refused to run for president. Can you imagine the temptation? He had a rating of 90%, and he said: “These are two different things. If a good coach coaches a football team, it is not at all necessary that he can score goals. It is important to distinguish one from the other.” This is my long answer to your question. I do not have one global answer that will save Russia today, since you ask me about it. There is, of course, a common answer that love will save the world, but this is too banal and simple. Love, of course, is saving. What else will save us? Don't know. Maybe a sense of solidarity, which we always lack. Russians, anywhere, living in their own country, living outside its borders, scattered around the world. What distinguishes representatives of some other nationalities is that they are somehow solidary and do not run from each other even in a foreign land. And we are not in solidarity even in our own country. Strange as it may seem, and sad as it may seem, for some reason we are genetically incapable of rejoicing in each other's success. And only when another feels bad, we are ready to sympathize with him with all the breadth of our soul. Here in misfortune we have solidarity steeper than in success. A friend is known in happiness, I am deeply convinced of this. In trouble too, but in happiness - first of all. A country cannot be happy where old people and children are unhappy. And they are unhappy with us. Therefore, solidarity and a normal attitude towards people will save ... Well, at least to relatives, to a small circle, well, at least to the extent possible, well, at least a little ...

Svetlana Sorokina is one of the most famous women in Russian journalism. She has always been favored by the critics. Her work on radio and television has received various awards more than once. However, the biggest reward, according to Sorokina, for her remains popular recognition. She is trusted by viewers, her advice is listened to, and her programs always gather a significant audience.

However, what do we know about the person we see every day on the other side of the screen? Almost nothing. Being always in sight, television stars very often remain a mystery to us. And Svetlana Sorokina is no exception to this rule.

Childhood and early career of Svetlana Sorokina

The future famous journalist was born in the small town of Pushkin in the Leningrad Region. Her father, Innokenty Sarykov, was a military builder by profession. And mother Valentina worked as a history teacher. From early childhood, the future celebrity prioritized her education. She graduated from a secondary school with a gold medal, and then applied to the Forestry Academy. Svetlana also received a higher education in landscape architecture (labor profile - urban greening) without any problems. The teachers advised her to go to graduate school, and after some deliberation, she decided to continue her studies.

During her studies at the Forest Engineering Academy, Sorokina worked as a guide, telling tourists about the sights of her native city of Pushkin.

Already having a diploma of higher education in her hands, Svetlana, unexpectedly for everyone, again decided to devote time to her education. In 1985, she entered the special studio of announcers, who worked at the Leningrad television.

A year later, she first began working in the field of journalism: as a freelancer, she prepared materials for the Saturday editions of the Telecourier analytical program. However, the girl worked here for only about a year. In 1987, at the personal invitation of Alexander Nevzorov, she moved to work in the creative department of another television program of the Leningrad Television - "600 Seconds". It was here, according to Sorokina, that she first felt like a professional journalist.

The program was distinguished by a peculiar manner of presenting the material, and also covered mainly the events of the criminal chronicle. However, here Sorokina got a chance to develop professionally. And it's hard to overestimate. In 1988, Svetlana Sorokina began working on the program as the main presenter. Subsequently, the profession of a TV presenter will become her main one. It is in this capacity that viewers of all regions of Russia will remember her.

Further career of Svetlana Sorokina on television

In 1990, already as an experienced journalist, Svetlana moved to Moscow. Here she begins to work as the host of the daily Vesti program, which some time later will become a real symbol of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. It is noteworthy that Sorokina took part not only in recording the releases of this program, but also actively worked on her image, creating the very image of the program. As a TV presenter and political observer of the Vesti program, the woman will work until 1997. During this period, the Order "For Personal Courage" (awarded for covering the events of 1993), as well as the first TEFI figurine, will appear in her personal collection of awards.

In 1997, already as an accomplished and well-known television journalist, Svetlana Sorokina switched to the NTV channel. Here she begins to work on a number of new projects. During this period, such programs as “Hero of the Day” and “Voice of the People” appear on the screens of the country, the author and host of which is Sorokina.

In addition, in the period from 1997 to 2006, Svetlana often begins to work as a director. Her documentaries "Heart of Yeltsin", "The Swan" (about General Lebed), "The First First Lady" and many others are released on various channels and bring her great success and critical acclaim. The collection of journalistic awards is constantly updated with new exhibits.

In 2003, Sorokina switched to Channel One (Russia), where she began to host the talk show Basic Instinct. Cooperation with Konstantin Ernst's studio has been going on for two years. In 2005, the journalist leaves for Echo of Moscow, where she begins work on the series of programs In the Circle of Light. Soon a television version of the popular radio show will appear on the Domashny TV channel. However, the project is closed very soon.

Svetlana Sorokina and NTV

The reason for this is the sharp criticism of the leading existing political system in Russia.

In 2006, Svetlana Sorokina begins to host a series of programs “Together we can do everything” on Channel Four. This program, dedicated to the problems of orphans, is becoming very popular and brings new television awards to the presenter.

Political activities of Svetlana Sorokina

Despite her active criticism of the system of power existing in Russia, in 2009 Svetlana Sorokina became a member of the Human Rights Council under the President of the Russian Federation. In this capacity, she oversees a number of social projects and is engaged in law-making activities. However, work in this position will be short-lived for Svetlana. In 2011, in protest against the massive falsification of the results of the elections to the State Duma, she will leave her position and go back to television.

Svetlana Sorokina about the meeting of the NTV staff with Putin

Today Svetlana Sorokina is working on a new series of programs, and also gives lectures at the Faculty of Media Communications at the Moscow Higher School of Economics. In 2013, the year of Svetlana Sorokina's activity was awarded the highest rating of journalistic firmness.

Personal life of Svetlana Sorokina

Svetlana Sorokina was married twice. Little is known about her first husband (in fact, only that she still bears his last name). The second husband of the TV presenter was the cameraman Vladimir Grechishkin, well-known in media circles. After registering the marriage, the couple seemed absolutely happy. However, work on television took too much energy from Svetlana. The result of constant separation was a quick divorce. Sorokina left for Moscow, while Grechishkin remained in St. Petersburg.

In recent years, the TV presenter lived alone, answering questions about her family and children that it was too late to think about such things at her age. However, despite this, in 2003, a native person nevertheless appeared in the life of a famous TV presenter. Such was the adopted daughter Tonya, whom Svetlana took from the orphanage.

For some, adoption (adoption) is the last chance to become a mom and dad, for someone - an act of goodwill. Either way, it's good for the child. Today, all over the world, the adoption of children, for one reason or another, left without parental care, is becoming an increasingly common phenomenon. Well, public people - they are just in plain sight.

Tatyana Ovsienko and son Igor

The famous director Vladimir Naumov and his wife Natalya Belokhvostikova have their own adult daughter Natasha and a small adopted son Kirill

Angelina Jolie
The most "promoted" mother of many children in Hollywood is Angelina Jolie: together with Brad Pitt they are raising six children - three boys and three girls.

Svetlana Sorokina and daughter Tonya

Actor Alexei Serebryakov has three children - stepdaughter Dasha and adopted sons Stepan and Danila

Ekaterina Georgievna Gradova with her daughter Masha, son Alexei and grandson Andrei (left)

Sharon Stone
After three unsuccessful attempts to have a child with husband Phil Bronstein, the couple decided to adopt the baby. So, in 2000, Roan Joseph Bronstein appeared in the family. While divorced, Stone adopted two more boys, Laird Vaughn Stone and Quinn Kelly Stone.

Actress Irina Alferova, in addition to her daughter Xenia, has an adopted son and two daughters, whom she adopted after the death of her friend

Actor Viktor Rakov and son Daniel

Statesman Pavel Borodin, son Vanya and daughter Natasha.

The pop diva became a foster mother for two kids from a poor African country - Malawi. David and Mercy are not round orphans, but the families in which they grew up were so poor that they were forced to give them to an orphanage (children from one orphanage).

Lawyer Mikhail Barshchevsky, daughter Dasha and son Maxim

Spouses Nikolai Karachentsov and Lyudmila Porgina, in addition to their own son Andrei, also have an adopted one - Mikhail

Nicole Kidman
Married to her first husband Tom Cruise, the actress adopted two children - daughter Isabella Jane and son Connor Anthony. After the divorce, the children stayed with Nicole. In her second marriage to Australian singer Keith Urban, Faith's daughter Margaret was born, she was carried by a surrogate mother.

Sandra Bullock
Sandra Bullock has adopted an adorable baby boy, Louis Bardot, whom she named after her favorite singer, Louis Armstrong. Now the 49-year-old actress plans to adopt a girl, Sandra does not want Luis Bardot to grow up alone.

Michelle Pfeiffer
In 1993, Michelle adopted a girl named Claudia Rosa at baptism.

Meg Ryan
In 2006, Meg Ryan adopted a little girl, Daisy, who was born in China.

Charlize Theron
In mid-March 2012, it became known that Oscar-winning Hollywood actress Charlize Theron had adopted a child. Little Jackson was born in the USA, he is African American.

One of the brightest TV presenters of the 90s Svetlana Sorokina decided to become a mother at the age of 46, after a divorce from her second husband. Sorokina and her husband Vladimir Grechishkin were so busy with their careers that they didn’t even think about children. But when the marriage broke up, Svetlana decided to become a single mother.

In 2003, she adopted a girl named Tonya. According to the journalist, initially she wanted to take a boy of three to five years old, but when she saw a little brown-eyed girl in a walker in the orphanage, she realized that this was her child. Having adopted a child, Svetlana decided that she was ready to devote less time to work. Jokingly, she admitted that now her main project is Tonya. By the way, the TV presenter chose the name of her daughter in honor of her grandmother Antonina.

Svetlana says that she considers Tonya to be her own daughter. According to her, the girl is similar to her in appearance and character. 11-year-old daughter Sorokina attends a music school at the Gnesinsky College. According to the presenter, the girl is growing very capable and energetic. When asked if she is happy, Svetlana replies: “Crazy!”.