Step-by-step drawing with a pencil for children 9 years old. Teaching children to draw a person: simple diagrams and recommendations

Liliya Sergeevna Barieva

"Sunset at sea." Master class on painting with gouache for children aged 6-7 years.

Job title: teacher of additional education.

Place of work: State budgetary educational institution of additional education of the Republic of Mari El “Palace of creativity of children and youth”, Yoshkar-Ola.

The target audience: parents, additional education teachers, educators, teachers.

Appointment of the master class: making a gift, interior decoration, creating a landscape for a thematic exhibition.

Target: presentation of the work experience of a teacher of additional education in order to popularize joint child-adult creative activity.


To promote the leisure time of parents and children in a creative and constructive form.

To develop children's ability to draw using the technique of multi-layer painting.

Develop the ability to arrange an image taking into account the space of the sheet. Develop the ability to use color to convey shades and artistic expressiveness of an image.

Develop the ability to use some techniques for depicting perspective.

Develop hand-eye coordination.

Cultivate accuracy in work, patience, self-control.

Materials and equipment:

watercolor paper A3 format,

gouache 6 colors,

container with water,

paper napkins,

flat brush No. 22 /bristles/,

round brush No. 3 /synthetic/,

simple pencil, eraser,

Step-by-step creation of a painting

Ideas for painting a landscape can be found on the Internet. You can take a photo yourself. Then the picture will awaken memories of a trip to the sea.

This work is based on a painting by Dmitry Rybin.

Place the sheet of paper horizontally. Let's draw a horizon line just below the middle. You can do it with a simple pencil, or you can do it with paint. On the left we outline the setting sun. In the lower part, approximately the thickness of a finger, we will mark the shore line with a small mound.

Place yellow and red gouache in a stack onto the palette. Mix. We get orange. Paint the sky with wide horizontal movements from left to right and right to left with brush number 22.

We put yellow gouache into the palette. And we paint over the sea.

Lay out white gouache. With brush No. 3 we draw rays diverging from the sun. We draw intermittently. Long strokes! If necessary, we will correct the sun.

Add red rays. Add red strokes to the sea.

In addition to red strokes, we add orange, dark green and yellowish-greenish colors to the sea.

Using white paint and brush No. 3, paint the reflection of the sun in the water.

To obtain brown color, mix red and green. We put out more red than green. Paint over the strip of shore.

We draw a tree on the hill. We try to make a smooth transition from the hill to the trunk. We remember about the top of the tree.

Adding branches.

We draw single-masted sailing ships. Closer to the shore there is a larger sailboat. He's on the left. Further from the coast there is a smaller sailboat.

For the sails we use white and pale lilac paints. And for the ship's hull - yellowish-greenish. We draw the reflection of ships and sails in the water. Let's make the shadow on the sailboat's hull dark green.

Using dark green paint, use the “dipping” technique to paint the leaves.

Add yellowish-greenish leaves.

Using light movements of the brush from bottom to top, we draw yellowish-greenish grass.

Add dark green blades of grass. We draw the grass in different directions. And different heights. If you really want it, we'll add weed. So that it is thick and juicy. You can stop there and finish the picture.

But we decided to draw small flowers in the grass. White, yellow and red.

Let's use the tip of the brush! The photo shows it large.

Now the landscape is ready! Joyful orange, shining sun, sailboats and dotted flowers evoked many positive emotions among the students.

A painting by Amina Mingazova, 7 years old, has already been on display.

I wish you creative success!

Material used:

Dmitry Rybin. Golden sunrise.

Publications on the topic:

“And the fish in the sea swim like this, The sea wave moves to the beat, The pearl that lives in a shell Sings a song with us!” Marine.

"Poppies." Master class on painting with gouache for children aged 6-8 years.

"Winter in shades of purple." Master class on painting with gouache for children aged 6-8 years

We draw a boletus with gouache step by step. Master class for everyone who wants to learn how to draw a boletus mushroom in gouache. The purpose of the master class: learn to draw.

Notes on drawing with gouache and brush for children of the preparatory group “Gorodets painting” Notes on drawing with gouache and brush for children of the preparatory group on the theme of Gorodets painting "Flowers and Birds" Purpose: To continue acquaintance.

To achieve good results in the upbringing and development of a child, you need to offer him activities to his liking. One of the activities that all children love to do is drawing. By inviting a child to draw, we stimulate his cognitive interest, mental development, fine motor skills, and creative thinking. From our article you will learn what simple ways there are for kids to learn drawing.

Types of drawing

Learning to draw is an educational activity through which a child can improve his innate drawing skills. And adults - parents or teachers - should help him master the necessary skills. Methods of teaching fine arts should pursue the goal of not only teaching how to properly hold a pencil or brush in your hand, but also, first of all, cultivating aesthetic feelings, namely the ability to see beauty and create it yourself, depict your thoughts, and bring your ideas to life.

When teaching drawing, take into account the age characteristics of the child

"Advice. When teaching children to draw, one should select methods that would arouse interest in drawing and evoke an emotional response in the child’s soul.”

When starting to draw with children, you need to take into account their age characteristics and select the appropriate types of drawing. Young children have not yet developed many skills. Younger preschoolers cannot yet correctly hold a pencil and brush in their hand, monitor the force of pressure they put on a sheet of paper, correctly position images on a sheet of paper, not go beyond the contours when painting what they have drawn, etc. Based on these reasons, it is best to start drawing classes for kids of the simplest types, skills and techniques.

What you need to teach your child to do first:

  • hold a pencil (brush, felt-tip pen) correctly in your hand
  • depict the simplest lines and shapes, “sticks” and “paths”
  • do not go beyond the contours of the drawing when coloring it

When the baby masters this initial arsenal of drawing skills, he will be able to put his ideas on paper, while feeling more confident.

It’s easy to implement ideas if you master the simplest types of drawing

Show your child the simplest types of drawing:

  1. "Drawing in the air." One of the first drawing lessons can be a conventional drawing of lines and geometric shapes with a hand in the air. This can be done using your index finger or your entire palm. This type of initial drawing prepares the child to begin to depict something on paper. The same movements can be done on a straight, smooth surface, such as a table.
  2. "Collaborative drawing." The next stage in teaching children to draw is when an adult guides the child’s hand with a pencil along the paper. The child sees how the image is created, and the adult comments on what happens. With the help of this type of drawing, the child learns to hold a pencil correctly, press it onto the paper and, ultimately, draw simple lines and shapes.
  3. "Completing the details." This is drawing based on a workpiece, where part of the pattern is drawn (like a mirror image) or points for connection. The child must complete the details that are missing in the drawing by analogy with the image on the right or left, or connect the dots, thus obtaining a drawing. It’s better when the picture has a plot and the adult tells something exciting in accordance with the intended plot.
  4. “I draw myself.” Having practiced all the basic types of drawing, the child will be ready to draw something himself. And an adult can help him by suggesting a plot for a drawing and giving him a task.

Image techniques

Introduce your child to those image techniques that are easy to master.

If you continue to show your child drawing techniques that are easy to master, this will significantly enrich his visual activity. This way the child will master what he could not do before. Make sure that your baby’s hand is strong enough that he can hold a pencil firmly enough and quite consciously repeat the strokes he sees. After that show him several image techniques:

  • drawing lines (straight, wavy)
  • shading with short straight strokes
  • shading with long vertical and horizontal strokes
  • shading with oblique tear-off and continuous strokes
  • shading using extending strokes
  • image of round and rectangular objects
  • dab (brush)
  • painting (pencil, brush).

It’s good when an adult doesn’t just show a child how to trace paper with a pencil or brush, but accompanies the creative process with stories that he understands. For example, when drawing different lines, an adult suggests drawing a path, a stick, etc. And a wavy line is already a river or sea, smoke from a house chimney, a forest path. It is important that the images are familiar to the child.

Watch the video in which an art teacher talks about where to start when teaching kids to draw.

How to teach a child to draw step by step

If you decide to teach your child to draw, be prepared for the fact that you will have to practice a lot and regularly. This is how skills are developed. Parents will have to draw pictures themselves, because the baby needs something to focus on. The child will look at the drawings you made and try to repeat them.

"Advice. There is no need to simplify the task too much by drawing objects for the child schematically. If you are drawing a house, then let it be surrounded by a dense forest, flowers, and funny animals. The drawing should be bright and attract the child.”

In step-by-step learning to draw, it is important to voice the plot of the image. In this case, not only fairy tales, but also poems are well suited. This way you will also contribute to the development of your baby’s speech skills.

Showing how the simplest lines and geometric shapes are drawn, gradually transform them before the child’s eyes. So from a circle you will get the sun, from a triangle - the roof of the house, and short vertical lines will become grass. This is the basic principle of step-by-step drawing.

See how you can easily show your child how to draw a chicken:

Know that children quickly get bored with simple drawing. Don’t be lazy to suggest and show your child new techniques, offer new images to reinforce the skill of step-by-step drawing. An interested child will be able to draw better and better.

Pick up a pencil

Teach your child how to use a pencil correctly

To properly organize your child’s learning to draw with a pencil, follow these recommendations:

  1. Teach your child first to hold a pencil in his hand in the correct position, and then directly to learning to draw.
  2. Help first: guide the baby's hand with your hand.
  3. Start learning with straight and wavy lines, simple shapes, gradually “revitalizing” what you have drawn.
  4. As soon as your child masters drawing simple large shapes, gradually complicate the tasks by inviting him to draw small details: a man near the house or fruits on a tree.

"Advice. While drawing, teach your child to recognize colors, select and combine them correctly.”

Remember that to consolidate the skill you need to regularly repeat exercises with a pencil.

Painting with paints

When starting to introduce your child to paints, choose watercolor and gouache.

Tips for parents on teaching their child to work with paints:

  1. When starting to introduce your child to paints, choose watercolor and gouache. These paints are safe for children and are easy to wash.
  2. Provide your baby with brushes of different sizes, which should be made of soft bristles. Brushes made from pony and squirrel hair are good - they are soft and inexpensive.
  3. Stock up on thick drawing paper. The A-3 sheet format is ideal for the creativity of preschoolers.
  4. Buy your baby a special sippy cup for washing brushes. Such a glass will not stain your beautiful carpet if your baby accidentally pushes it off the table.
  5. It's good to have a palette for mixing colors. At first, a regular plastic plate will do.
  6. Start the first lesson by talking about paints and brushes. It is better if it is a fairy tale or even a small theatrical performance.
  7. Tell about flowers, supporting the story with visual materials (colorful pictures). Tell us clearly what color is used to paint.
  8. Teach your child to hold a brush and use it: hold it in your hand, pick up paint, apply it to paper, rinse the brush, blot it. First, let the baby move a dry brush over the paper, practice the degree of pressure and the accuracy of the movements.
  9. Start painting using one color at first. Let the child draw lines - straight and wavy, strokes, simple shapes with closed contours that can be colored. Show how to do dipping.
  10. Learn in stages. When the baby masters drawing with one color, add another, then another.

Gradually, the child will learn to draw much more accurately.

When the child draws in two colors, you will see that the drawings are not clear and accurate. It's okay, because the little artist has not yet fully consolidated the skill of depicting clear and neat lines. Multitasking is not yet possible for a child: he must learn to work with two colors, not to smear, not to go beyond the outline, to wash the brush on time, not to pour water. Gradually, the child will learn to do everything much more carefully.

“If an experienced teacher guides learning to draw, he will contribute to the child’s development of observation, creative imagination, and accuracy.”

The drawings of three-year-olds are chaotic, since they are not yet capable of drawing objects. Do not require careful drawing and maximum resemblance to real objects: all this will be gradually formed if the baby exercises regularly. To maintain a child’s interest in drawing, you need to support him in every possible way and create positive situations related to drawing. Do not scold your child if he stains his clothes or carpet with paint. Clean up the clutter together.

It’s good when the baby attends a kindergarten or a child development center, where he will be taught to draw simple objects, closed lines, and color an outline.

“It is important that the child does not get upset if the intended drawing does not work out. Mark what turned out well in the drawing, praise the child, and comfort him if necessary. Offer to draw on this topic again.”

Now you know simple ways to teach children to draw. Get your child interested in drawing and create conditions for his creative development. This way you will reinforce your child’s interest in drawing with positive emotions, and soon he will delight you with his masterpieces.

The question “How to teach children to draw a person?” It baffles many adults: not everyone can realistically convey proportions and portrait likeness, much less explain the stages of drawing a human figure to a child. We will show simple diagrams and give recommendations on how to draw a person step by step - even an adult child can do it.

Most adults, not engaged in professional artistic activities, stopped in their development at the “cephalopod” stage. But this is not a reason to turn away a child with a pencil who wants to explore this world and learn everything.

By drawing, the child fantasizes, develops his abilities, and trains visual memory. Of course, drawing a person is much more difficult than a tree or a hedgehog, but even the most complex task can be broken down into simple steps so that it does not seem so scary and impossible. Let's learn together!

How to teach a 3-4 year old child to draw a person

To a 3-4 year old child, you can explain the principle of drawing a human figure using a simple diagram as an example: head, torso, arms and legs, always a neck, hands and feet.

Let him practice drawing boys and girls this way. What is important here is, first of all, not so much the similarity as the development of a sense of proportion, the presence of all the “components”.

Then you can try to draw little people in motion. To clearly show your child how our arms and legs bend when walking, jumping, turning, etc., demonstrate all these movements in front of a mirror.

It is convenient to make a wire frame and bend it in different directions.

Let this wire model be your guide when teaching your child to draw a person in motion.

It is useful to make quick sketchy drawings. We gave the wire model the desired pose and immediately drew it. Later you will explain to your child how to “dress” the little men. Now it is more important to understand how the position of the arms and legs changes during a particular movement.

To prevent little artists from being distracted from the main thing - conveying movement in a drawing - suggest drawing a moving person using a silhouette. To make it easier, make a cardboard model with movable elements.

Another tip for those who want to teach a child to draw a person well: sculpt! Yes, yes, in volume it is easier for a child to perceive proportions, he will quickly understand how to do it correctly. If he learns to sculpt a person well and quickly, it won’t be difficult for him to draw him - it’s been tested.

How to teach a 5-6 year old child to draw a person: proportions

Teach your child to see the invisible. Before drawing a dressed figure, you need to outline the frame, understand the position of the arms and legs, the direction and rotation of the body relative to the head, etc. Use diagrams; you can always remove extra lines from the drawing with an eraser.

When a child learns to think in diagrams, he will not have any difficulties when drawing a human figure.

Preschoolers aged 5-6 years can safely explain how the figure of an adult differs from the figure of a child. The module with which we “measure” the figure is the head. A lot depends on how many times the head is “placed” in the diagram of the human figure.

Show a photo of a child standing next to an adult. Offer to measure (with a ruler, strip of paper, etc.) how many times the child’s head “fits” in his entire figure. Do the same with the adult figure. The child himself will conclude that children have larger heads (relative to the proportions of the whole body).

In adults, the head “fits” 7-8 times (ideally). If you take this into account when drawing a person, the figure will come out proportional and similar.

It is enough to draw a simple diagram several times in order to continue drawing fat and thin people, men, women and children.

Male and female figures are different. These differences can easily be shown in the diagram using geometric shapes. Men have broad shoulders, women have broad hips.

Very soon your child will learn the basics of drawing a person and will be able to portray the whole family!

How to draw a person step by step: video

Dear readers! Tell us in the comments about your children's funniest drawings. Do you know how to draw a person realistically? Did our diagrams and tips help you learn how to draw people?

Drawing is a favorite activity of young children 5-6 years old. Often adults also take part in this fun, because drawing with children is fun and interesting. We will tell you how to depict wild or domestic animals for children so that the children will like it.

The cat is probably the first and most often drawn animal for children. We will tell you how to draw cats step by step so that the pictures are believable and at the same time very simple for beginners. So, let’s draw a well-fed, beautiful cat with a pencil step by step.

First, draw a circle, and on its top - an oval placed on its side. Draw two triangles to the oval - these will be the ears. Draw a tail of the shape you want on one side of the large circle. Just above the middle of the large circle, place a dot and from there draw the legs of the mouth. At the bottom of the sides of the large circle, draw half an oval - these will be the hind legs. Now all that remains is to depict the cat’s eyes and muzzle, mustache and details of the paws. Your beautiful and believable cat is ready.

How to draw a cat with a pencil step by step for children


All children also love dogs, so let's learn how to draw these beautiful and kind animals with a pencil on paper step by step. It will be very, very simple for beginning artists, because the pictures will be very beautiful, schematic and light.

So, let’s draw a person’s friend – a dog. First, draw a rectangle with not too even corners. To the rectangle on the right side, draw another approximately the same rectangle, only smaller. Draw ears on top of this rectangle. At the bottom of the larger rectangle, draw the front and hind legs.

Now all that remains is to draw a triangle tail, and also draw a stick that will show the dog’s neck from the upper left corner of the small rectangle to the large one. All that remains is to draw the dog’s eye and nose and add fur with strokes. It turned out to be a very beautiful little dog.

How to draw a dog? Learn to draw a dog!


For beginners, drawing a duck step by step will be as easy as shelling pears, as this is a very simple and funny version of the picture for children 5-6 years old. First you will need to draw an oval with a worn bottom, and draw a head circle to it. Draw another circle on the head, which will touch the left side of the large circle; this will be the muzzle.

On the oval body you will need to draw another oval, which will also touch the left side of the large oval. Draw oval legs at the bottom of the oval, and wings under the head.

Now all that remains is to draw the details - the eye on the head and the beak, and also give the duck’s legs the shape of flippers. You can also draw a small tail and highlight individual feathers with strokes. Here our duck is ready.


You can draw completely different animals with a pencil step by step, but be prepared for the fact that at some point your child will ask you to draw a bear, and you will have to somehow depict it. So, let's draw a beautiful and cute bear.

First you will need to draw an oval, in this oval draw a circle and a button for the nose. From the nose, draw a stick down and a horizontal line that is slightly bent upward. The bear's face is almost ready, now just add the dotted eyes and draw the ears.

To the head you need to draw an oval with the top cut off and at the very bottom draw a circle with a dot in the middle. This will be the bear's belly. Now draw the paws with claws. The bear is ready, if you wish, you can add other details to it.


Many children love bunnies and to draw them, you will need to try a little. To draw a hare, you will first need to draw a hexagon with a concave top edge on a piece of paper. After that, draw a circle with ears on top of it, it will be quite simple for beginners. In the middle of our hexagon we draw an oval, and on the sides - oval legs.

Two ovals on the hare’s belly will represent the front legs, and ovals on the ears will give them the correct shape and volume. The ovals on the paws will indicate the heel and toes, and the dots on the muzzle will represent the eyes and nose of the hare. The received hare can also be colored so that the pictures are beautiful and the image of the hare is believable.


We draw a chicken, because children always like pictures with birds, even domestic ones. First you will need to draw a circle, this will be the body of the bird. Draw carved wings along the edges, and draw a neck on top. Place a small oval on the neck, this will be the head.

Now let's start drawing details, such as the comb on the head, and draw the legs to the bottom of the body. The beak and eyes can be depicted schematically, as well as the feathers on the wings. You can color your chicken to make it beautiful.


Let's draw a beautiful and very funny bee for children 5-6 years old. It will be very simple and accessible, you just need to try a little.

First you will need to draw an oval and add a circle to it. This will be the body. Afterwards, you will need to draw a smaller circle on the circle; this will be the bee’s head. To the larger circle you need to draw three legs on each side. All that remains is to draw oval wings to the bottom of the large circle, and also draw the face of a satisfied bee. For greater effect, paint the bee's body with black and yellow stripes and your drawing is ready.

How to draw animals

The first attempts to draw occur in early childhood, when the child picks up a pencil. He doesn’t yet understand that this is a drawing, but he is interested in the process itself. As we grow older and become more aware of the world around us, there is a need for a more detailed display of the environment. One of the key figures is people. Even parents who do not have artistic talents can help their child transfer the desired image onto paper by simply studying a technique such as step-by-step drawing for children 7-9 years old. You should not neglect such creative activities with your child, because through drawing the child shows his feelings, emotions, and attitude towards others.

As already indicated above, one of the ways to depict a person is step-by-step drawing. For children 7-9 years old it is most accessible and easy enough to understand. At this age, there is a need not only for a schematic representation, but also for achieving similarity to the original. You can help your child by explaining the basic rules and clearly demonstrating the process of image transfer.

Basic rules for drawing a person

It is best to start drawing with a pencil. For children, this method is most acceptable, since it is possible to correct the error by erasing the incorrect lines with an eraser.

Before starting work, it is necessary to explain the difference between an adult and a child. One of the main ones is height and proportions.

Simple rules:

  • The measurement criterion is the head. From his own observations, a child at this age already knows that adults are taller, but the proportions are not disturbed. This is explained by the head to body ratio. In children, the head will be larger in relation to the body, respectively, in adults it will be smaller.
  • The length of the arms should not be greater than the length of the legs.
  • The elbow is at waist level, and the hand cannot be below the knee.
  • The palm is smaller than the foot.
  • Men have wider shoulders, women have wider hips.

Stages of drawing a human figure

Step-by-step drawing of a person begins with determining the size and location on the sheet. Having marked the top point (top of the head) and the bottom (feet), draw an auxiliary line connecting them. Now it is necessary to note: If this is a child, it should not be less than a fifth of the entire line, if it is an adult, it should not exceed a sixth. The head is depicted as an oval. We divide the remaining part of the auxiliary vertical line with small lines into parts equal to the size of the head.

Having decided on the head, we draw other parts of the body step by step with the children.

Features of a baby's drawing

Between the neck and the belt, 1 - 1.5 head sizes can be roughly accommodated (this is approximately the middle of the auxiliary line). The elbows will also be located at this level. Let's celebrate.

The knees will be located at the level of the second line from the bottom (the first is the end point).

The width of a child’s shoulders almost does not exceed the width of his head. Stepping back a little from it, draw a shoulder line (length no more than 1.5 times the size of the head).

Draw lines from the shoulders to the belt line and the same size below - these will be the arms.

Stepping back from the waist, roughly half the head, we draw the line of the pelvis.

The lines of the legs are drawn from the pelvis line to the end.

The baby's "frame" is ready.

Now that you know where the different parts of the body should be located, you can start drawing. In this case, you need to take into account the muscles of the arms and legs, the chest, and when drawing panties - the distance between the line of the pelvis and the end of the torso. To make it easier to determine the width of the chest, you can draw an oval from the head to the pelvic line, tapering slightly towards the bottom.

Having given volume to the frame, we draw clothes. It can be tight or loose, it doesn't matter anymore.

When working, it is important to take into account step-by-step drawing. For children 7-9 years old, it is quite possible to understand the need for sequence of images.

Drawing adults

Drawing an adult is carried out according to the same principle.

After dividing the central line into parts equal to the size of the head (there should be 7-8 parts, depending on the height of the person being depicted), the belt line is marked. It is located, conditionally, at the third mark from the head (or the fourth from the top point, the crown). Like the baby, the elbows will be on the same line.

The location of the knees is at the level of the 6th line (if the person is tall) or between the 5th and 6th (if the person is of average height).

Thus, in an adult, unlike a baby, the part of the body from the waist to the feet is longer.

Shoulder width on average accommodates two heads. For men they will be slightly wider, for women they will be narrower.

The designation of arms and legs follows the same pattern as for a baby. We also add volume and draw clothes.

Step-by-step pencil drawing as the basis for a future composition

Schematic step-by-step drawing with a simple pencil allows the child to most realistically depict what he wants. Using the initial frame (schematic representation in the form of lines and dashes), the figure can be given any position. Thus, in the picture the person can move, sit, etc. This will help you build the right composition and get a complete drawing.

Step-by-step drawing for children 7-9 years old makes it possible to correctly form the child’s understanding of the structure of the human figure. At this age, children are able not only to master this technique, but also to further improve their skills.