The story of Philip and the Siren movie. Cameo roles of mermaids from Pirates of the Caribbean

Astrid Berges-Frisbey is a French-Spanish actress. She was born on May 26, 1986 in Barcelona, ​​Spain.

The main films of actor Astrid Bergès-Frisbey

  • short biography

    The actress's father is Catalan, and her mother has American and French roots. Astrid's youth is connected with Paris, and she considers herself a true Frenchwoman, although she speaks perfectly not only the Dumas language, but also Catalan and Spanish. For the role of a mermaid in the film “Pirates” Caribbean Sea: On Stranger Tides" she had to a short time learn English as well.

    The girl never dreamed of becoming an actress; on the contrary, she was going to build scientific career in such a far from creative field as osteopathy. But her plans were broken tragic death father, after which Astrid decided to completely change her life. After graduating from drama school in France, she began acting in films.

    In 2007, the aspiring actress first appeared on the set, playing in the French TV series “Surlefil”. Then there were television projects“Divine Emily” and “Them and I,” which did not bring the girl widespread fame. However, Astrid perceived episodic roles as an opportunity to gain experience, which is much more valuable than popularity. Moreover, on film set she met with famous people talented actors such as Vincent Perez, Isabelle Huppert.

    The actress’s first full-length film was the 2008 drama “Dam Vs. Pacific Ocean", where she received a prominent role and was appreciated by critics. In 2009, several films with Astrid’s participation were released: the drama “Ecstasy”, the comedy “First Star”, the historical melodrama “The Dead Queen”.

    In 2011, the actress played one of the main roles in the melodrama “The Digger's Daughter.” Already by this time, critics called her one of the brightest rising stars cinema. The creators of the adventure fantasy “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides” - director Rob Marshall and producer Jerry Bruckheimer - also appreciated her talent. They personally invited the girl to audition for the role of the mermaid Siren and approved her, despite the fact that the girl did not know English well.

    Filming in a box-office film was not easy for Astrid. She had to urgently learn English, be on par with experienced famous actors and constantly be in the water. Communicate with film crew the girl was helped by her compatriot and co-star Penelope Cruz.

    After filming Pirates of the Caribbean, the actress appeared in several more films. In 2013, she played Juliet in the film of the same name by Pierre Godot. In 2014, two films with Astrid’s participation were released at once - Mike Cahill’s science fiction film “I Am the Beginning” and the drama “Alaska” by Claudio Capellini.

The mermaids from “Pirates of the Caribbean 4” were well remembered by the audience. It would seem that the girls’ roles were far from major, even, one might say, episodic, but this was enough to appreciate the performance and beauty of the actresses. We will find out in the article who played the roles of mermaids.

Let's go through the plot

The fourth part of the famous trilogy about pirates again plunges us into the world of fantasy and adventure. Viewers are introduced to new creatures. The mermaids from Pirates of the Caribbean 4 amaze with their beauty.

According to the story, while sailing in Foam Bay, the sailors heard wonderful songs coming as if from the depths of the sea. It turned out to be mermaids. Girls of unusual beauty charmed men.

The writers especially singled out Tamara. The mermaid immediately interested the pirate Scrum, who set out to kiss the beauty with a tail, for which he almost paid with his life; a faithful comrade came to the rescue with an oar.

The second mermaid, Siren, was less fortunate; she was caught to perform a special ritual. The goal was to get her tears. On the way to the mysterious island, she fell in love with the priest Philip. The girl aroused his reciprocal sympathy.

The plot is very interesting - lots of adventures, experiences, battles. But in the case of a mermaid in love, everything ends well. The priest escapes from captivity, confesses his love to the Siren, and she takes him to her depths of the sea.

Gemma Ward as Tamara

The episodic role of the mermaid from “Pirates of the Caribbean” went to the blue-eyed blonde Gemma Ward. girl with youth She worked as a model and by the age of 16 she starred for Vogue magazine. Participated in shows of the most famous couturiers.

His film career began quite spontaneously. The girl was immediately noticed and appreciated. Before the film about pirates, Gemma managed to star in three films. They were all quite successful.

After a cameo role as a mermaid, the girl played in the legendary film “The Great Gatsby.”

Beautiful Siren

Many viewers remember the dark-haired mermaid in Pirates of the Caribbean. The actress who played the role of Siren is Astrid Bergès-Frisbey. This is not the girl’s first work in cinema. But thanks to her, they started talking about her as a good and talented actress.

Her frightened look made the audience believe in the reality of what was happening. The chiseled shape of the figure left no doubt that this is really a mermaid living in the depths of the seas and oceans.

The mermaids from “Pirates of the Caribbean” are well remembered by the audience. Many note their dissimilarity from each other. Tamara is a blonde who is out for blood and hates men. Sirena is a brunette who was able to fall in love with a priest. She opened her heart and soul and was not disappointed. Philip did not betray her.

French actress Spanish origin. She is fluent in both languages, and is known for her role as Suzanne in the film (Un barrage contre le Pacifique) and the mermaid Siren in the fourth part of the famous "Pirates of the Caribbean".

Astrid Bergès-Frisbey(Astrid Bergès-Frisbey) was born in May 1986 in Barcelona. Her father is a native of Catalonia, and her mother has French and American roots. The future actress spent her childhood and youth in Paris and was planning to seriously engage in research in the field of osteopathic science, but abandoned her plans after tragic death father. Instead, Astrid decided to devote herself acting, having completed courses at French school dramas.

The creative path of Astrid Bergès-Frisbey

In 2007, she made her debut on local television, appearing on screen with such stars as Vincent Perez(Vincent Perez) and Isabelle Huppert.

In 2008, Astrid first played in full-length film "Dam Against the Pacific Ocean", and two years later she took her first steps in the modeling business and took part in filming advertising campaign spring-summer collection of the brand French Connection. This British fashion house is known for its passion for the very young and famous actresses, for example, last season their clothes were advertised by sisters Alexandra And Theodora Richards(Alexandra, Theodora Richards).

Her acting debut in a Hollywood project took place thanks to the director Rob Marshall(Rob Marshall) and producer Jerry Bruckheimer(Jerry Bruckheimer) The creators of the sequel to the story about the adventures of Captain Jack Sparrow personally invited Astrid Bergès-Frisbey for the casting.

– The first audition took place in Paris. All I knew was that I had a short scene to do and that my character's name was Siren. In Spanish it means "mermaid". I was very surprised, did they really choose me for this role? The second audition took place in Los Angeles. I met Rob Marshall and the first question he asked me was: “Can you swim”? “I can do it very well,” I answered in broken English. The day before filming began, they called me and congratulated me on a successful casting! In my opinion, my little sister, who recently turned six years old, was most happy about this role.

But for the 24-year-old actress, filming Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides was hard work: she had to read a textbook every day. English language and hide from the burning Hawaiian sun: the skin of a mermaid should be pale.

– The director of the film wanted Siren to be a completely extraordinary mermaid. Not like what people have seen in films before. That's why my heroine behaves like a fish in the water, and not like an excellent swimmer with a fish tail on her legs. The Siren is a magical creature, more frightening than harmless. The mermaids in Pirates of the Caribbean are similar to modern girls– beautiful, spectacular, but sometimes so dangerous.

The audience was especially excited love story Siren and missionary Philip, played by Sam Claflin. But, according to Astrid, she and Sam have exclusively friendly relations.

Filmography of Astrid Bergès-Frisbey
  • El sexo de los ángeles (2011), Carla
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011), Syrena
  • The Digger's Daughter / La fille du puisatier (2011), Patricia Amoretti
  • Bruc. La llegenda (2010), Gloria
  • The Dead Queen (TV) / La reine morte (2009), L "Infante
  • The first star / La première étoile (2009), Juliette
  • A Dam Against the Pacific Ocean / Un barrage contre le Pacifique (2008), Suzanne
  • Elles et moi (TV series) (2008), Isabel jeune
  • Sur le fil (TV series) (2007 – ...), Marie Sertissian
  • Divine Emily (TV) / Divine Émilie (2007), Marquise de Boufflers

My heart is so sad...
I don’t need money ringing...
Only a sailor will console me...
After all, it is more valuable than gold...
Ah, beautiful girls,
We have known for a long time
Only a sailor gives us the sea,
Sliding on the waves...

Did you save me? - Philip asked perplexedly, shaking his head slightly from misunderstanding, - but why?
-You are not like them. You save. - Mermaid dressed in white shirt, answered the question, blushing slightly and hiding her eyes from the young man’s gaze. She saw the confusion in his eyes, but she still didn't fully understand the attachment she had for this man.
- The break is over. - Blackbeard shouted, - a bag on the head of this creature.
- She has a name! - Everyone heard Philip’s menacing answer, and Sirena realized that he would never do anything bad to her, because he is not like the others. Siren cursed them all for the atrocities they had committed, for the murder of innocents, for the destruction of her sisters for the sake of a tear that bestows to the common man immortality. But now everything has changed simply because Philip named the mermaid’s new name.
“She’s Siren...” The man’s lips whispered so tenderly and barely audibly, and Siren only looked at him with a questioning look, tasting the name. She decided for herself that she would never hurt him.
- Put the bag on Sirena’s head. “Edward Teach said still angrily and with contempt, giving everyone orders on their further journey.
- No. I'll carry her.
- This is unnecessary. - For some reason, the Siren refused to accept help from the man, because he had nothing bad in his thoughts, but mermaids, by their nature, never accepted help from anyone.

Finally they completed their journey. Everyone ended up in a small bay, where in the middle of the solid land there were small lakes, rather puddles, where the Siren sisters, who found their death here, rested.

I only need one tear, come on, Siren, don't be stubborn. - Blackbeard spoke calmly, calling on the mermaid to obey.
- They say you don't have much time left. “She hissed angrily, trying to escape from the hands of the zombie sailors, but she failed: they held her too tightly.
- Look, look around. Can't you see your poor sisters? Can't you hear their screams? Doesn't it hurt you to realize that they were all killed just so that the mermaids would give up their precious tears?
- All it takes is one tear. Maybe you'll come to your senses? - Angelica said quietly, begging her father to spare Sirena, but he was adamant.
- Let her go!
“I’ll have her peeled off, scale by scale, if necessary.” If you don’t like it, pray.
- I was wrong: your soul can no longer be saved.
- It must be a secret, but I don’t care. “Oh, yes, you have taken a liking to her,” Edward added after a pause, “she is dear to you, but are you dear to her?” Siren, last time I'm warning you, otherwise he will die. - The zombie grabbed Philip and put a huge sharp knife to his throat.
- Sirena, if you cry, I will be grateful to you. - Philip begged the mermaid to obey Blackbeard’s orders, but she was unbending.
- Cut his throat.

Siren quietly watched as a zombie killed a person dear to her, as he fell to the ground without a chance of further existence, and all because of a disobedient mermaid. Suddenly it hurt like never before. It seemed like just a second before Siren would give up her tear, and this could not be allowed, a tear would never fall into the hands of these monsters.

They are unbending, every single one,” the mermaid heard, praying that Philip would be alive, but her faith was melting before her eyes. Various thoughts came to mind, but the main one was answering this very controversial statement of the cruel pirate. Mermaids can feel pain and joy, but killers like pirates are not worthy of such feelings.

Having thrown the body into a ditch, the pirates left Sirena alone with her own thoughts. She suddenly felt so lonely and even hurt. It was the first time she felt something like this, something new to her icy heart. Now she knew for sure that she was not a monster of Darkness who did not have enough space on the ark. Unexpectedly, the mermaid felt the gentle touch of hands and a painfully familiar voice calling her through the darkness.

- Philip, are you alive? I can not believe.
- Now be patient, I will untie you. - The man reassured, causing tears to sparkle in the mermaid’s eyes.
- Grab him! - Blackbeard's voice sounded like thunder among clear skies. - Take a tear.
- And I believed you! - The mermaid hissed when a small glass jar was placed against her pale cheek. Siren tried to hold back the single tear that rolled down her skin, but Angelica managed to get hold of the precious liquid.
“Tears of joy, not pain,” confirmed Edward Teach, “all mermaids are too resistant to pain.” Too proud, too strong, but here's the joy - a rare event, especially if you see the desired man alive. - Sirena had
feeling as if he was the one who brought him to help him take the tear.
- I swear, Sirena, I didn’t know! - Philip desperately escaped from the tenacious clutches of the zombies. But it was too late: the pirates got what they craved so much, and this made their souls feel disgusting. Siren looked at Philip for the last time, as sadly as she could, but he could no longer fix anything...

After agonizing minutes of waiting, Sirena was able to open her eyes, seeing this kind look in front of her.
As soon as she felt freedom, the mermaid was able to fully feel the cool water on her skin, this saving water necessary for the life of this creature. Wasting no time, Siren dived, loudly slapping her tail on the water, showering the ground with splashes, and swam to the source. There the mermaid found two silver bowls and, swimming up to the pirate, she said:

Don't let my tears go to waste. “She knew Jack firsthand, and for some reason she believed him, handing Jack everything he needed to complete the ritual, but Sirena herself did not fully understand why she did this. But she hoped that he would understand the mermaid and not make a cruel mistake by giving Blackbeard the desired immortality. She hoped that Sparrow would give his life to someone who really needed it.

When Sirena returned, she smelled human blood. She looked up: Philip was washing his wound.

“You’re wounded,” Siren whispered, continuing to examine the man with sympathy that was unusual for her nature. For the first time in her life, she truly felt sorry for someone, but she could forgive him for saving her life...
- Only physically. - Philip responded quietly, looking at the mermaid with such warmth that a warm wave of bliss and joy ran across her skin.
“Philip, I can save you,” Sirena said, deciding to herself that I owe my life to him, because thanks to him I learned what sympathy, gratitude, and love are. - You just need to ask for forgiveness... Ask me...
“Forgive me,” he whispered, and Siren, wrapping her arms around his neck, touched his lips with her lips, taking Philip’s pain with her, plunging deeper into the cool waters.
“Philip, open your eyes,” Sirena gently touched his cheek with her hands, trying to bring him to his senses, and such sadness was hidden in her eyes. She was afraid that Philip would not be able to live with her underwater, hiding from everyone, or that he would not be able to get used to the eternal darkness, but everything dispelled her doubts when the man confidently opened his eyes, enjoying the underwater landscape, tightly squeezing the mermaid’s palm. He was afraid of losing her.
- How did I do it? Why am I still alive? - Philip asked in surprise, realizing that he could not only breathe, but also speak under water.
- They say that a mermaid's kiss heals. - Siren whispered mysteriously, gently touching the warm lips of her man.

Despite the fact that mermaids are not the main characters in the film “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides,” the cameo roles of the girls were well remembered by the viewer. Two Hollywood beauties, Gemma Ward and Astrid Bergès-Frisbey, were selected to play the role of sirens luring men to their certain death.

Mermaids in the plot of the film "Pirates of the Caribbean"

In the film, the image of mystical girls is used as an obstacle to achieving eternal youth. In fact, the connection between mermaids and eternal life was not invented by screenwriters. In the ancients Japanese legends To gain longevity, it was necessary to eat a magical creature.

Philip and the mermaid from the movie Pirates of the Caribbean

In the film, the fatal sea temptresses are shown as a cross between a human and an animal. They have feelings, but they are guided by instincts and do not trust people. Hatred towards a person is understandable. They either try to kill the inhabitants of the seas or use them for their own purposes.

The mysticism around these creatures persists throughout the film. The viewer doesn’t know how old they are or what they look like undersea world where they come from. Everything around these creatures is shrouded in mystery. Perhaps that is why they intrigue both the sailors who sailed with the pirates and the viewers who are in suspense in front of their television screens.

Tamara, played by Gemma Ward, appears very little in the film, but she was able to win the hearts of the audience in a few minutes. According to the story, the pirate Scrum was so fascinated by the beauty that he decided to kiss her. He almost paid with his life for this impulsive step.

The beauty of the actress and model is no secret to anyone. At the age of 16, Vogue magazine included her in its list of top models. Versace, Chanel, Gucci, Prada - all iconic brands invited Gemma to participate in their shows. Calvin Klein made the model the face of its brand.

For Gemma Ward, the film became a real breakthrough in her career. Before Pirates of the Caribbean, she starred in only three films, most devoting time to working as a model. After the sea film, the girl was lucky enough to star in the cult film “The Great Gatsby”.

Mermaid Siren

The viewer meets Tamara and Sirena in Foam Bay. In the story, Siren is captured by pirates to perform a ritual to gain immortality. For the ritual, it is necessary to obtain the tears of mermaids at any cost.

There is a small connection with Siren love line in film. Amazed by the kindness and purity of the thoughts of the priest Philip, the mermaid in Pirates of the Caribbean falls in love with him. Philip develops reciprocal feelings for the mystical beauty, and she takes him to her place in the depths of the sea. Another one was used here ancient legend. According to legend, after a kiss from a mystical beauty, a person will never drown under water. Therefore, an open ending can be interpreted as a happy ending to a love story.

The role went to an actress with Spanish roots, Astrid Bergès-Frisbey. She, like Gemma, besides cinema, is involved in modeling business. Astrid prepared very hard for the role, studying legends and myths about the depths of the sea. The girl noticed that in the fourth part of the film there is a mixture of many legends about magical creatures living in the sea.

For the actress who played Siren, it was very important to immerse herself in her character completely. She studied in detail the script and the computer special effects used to create the fish tail. Astrid Bergès-Frisbey worked hard under the direction of the film director to authentically play her character. As a result, the resident of the seas turned out to be quite touching and mysterious.

Actresses Gemma and Astrid played two completely different images mermaids. But they were united by mysterious power and stunning beauty, which were remembered by every viewer.