Which Hollywood version of Godzilla is considered the most successful. Timeline of Godzilla films

Dessert - how much there is in this word... He - an integral part of any meal and an obligatory companion festive table. All desserts are unique and attractive in their own way; their taste cannot be imagined until you try it. Choosing the 10 most amazing delicacies on the planet is incredibly difficult, because not only ten, but even 1000 positions will not be enough. However, we will describe some of the most popular desserts that have won the hearts of sweet tooths around the world.

"Chocolate fondant"

These French cupcakes may look ordinary, but they actually have a surprise: a liquid chocolate filling at the heart of the dessert. Those with a sweet tooth, and especially chocolate lovers, will be delighted with this magical dish.


    egg - 3 pcs.;

    dark chocolate - 170 gr.;

    butter - 120 gr.;

    sugar - 1 tbsp;

    vanilla sugar - half a pack;

    cocoa, powdered sugar.

Preparation. Melt chocolate and butter in a water bath, add vanilla sugar and a tablespoon of cocoa powder. Separate the yolks from the whites. Beat the yolks with 120 gr. powdered sugar, whites - with sugar. Carefully pour the yolks into the chocolate mixture and stir. Then add the whites, stirring constantly. Grease the baking tins, sprinkle with cocoa powder and carefully spread the mixture into the tins (but not all the way to the top). Bake for 7-10 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. The signal for readiness should be the first crack in the dessert. The dish can be decorated with pieces of fruit, mint or powdered sugar and served with a scoop of ice cream.


You've probably seen rainbow mini-cakes that just say "eat me." And once the first pasta hits your mouth, it’s impossible to stop. The dessert consists of two small round cookies, between which there is cream or jam.

Thanks to natural food colors, cakes are... different colors, as well as the filling. It can be for any taste - chocolate, pistachio, coffee, raspberry, strawberry, etc. Be sure to try this simple dessert. It is quite difficult to prepare at home, despite the relatively simple ingredients (protein, sugar, ground almonds and dyes).

When preparing cakes, it is necessary to take into account many nuances, on which the final result will depend. But if you like these delicacies, and you are not afraid of culinary difficulties, you can create small masterpieces of French cuisine at home.


This is a summer pie of contrast: it has a dense consistency at the edge and creamy in the center. Because of this, some people classify clafoutis as a casserole rather than a pie. In general, this is not so important when it comes to the delicious taste of the dessert. Moreover, it is not very high in calories and is quite easy to prepare.

You will need:

    sugar - 120 gr.;

    eggs - 2 pcs.;

    flour - 90 gr.;

    milk - 140 ml;

    cherry - 400 gr.;

    butter - 40 gr.;

    powdered sugar.

Preparation. Wash the cherries thoroughly, rinse and leave to drain in a colander (place a bowl under the colander to collect the juice). You can remove the pits, but they are the ones that give the dessert an almond tint, so it’s better to leave them. Grease a baking dish generously with oil, sprinkle with 2 tbsp. sugar and add a little flour. Beat the rest of the sugar with the eggs, add milk, cherry juice and mix. Add the flour and beat thoroughly - you should get a slightly runny dough.

Place the cherries on the bottom of the mold and pour the dough on top. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for an hour. Sprinkle the finished dessert with powdered sugar.


What delicacy can make you forget about everything in the world for a second? Yes, yes, these are eclairs. Literally with French the treat is translated as “lightning” because it is eaten in the blink of an eye. These custard cakes are famous all over the world and are loved by almost everyone. They first began to be prepared in the 18th century, and over the long history of their existence, eclair recipes have acquired a huge variety of recipes.

In all countries, cakes are prepared in their own way and even given new names. For example, if you want to eat an eclair in Spain, then look for pepito, in America - longjohn, and in Germany the dessert has several names: liebesknochen, hasenpfote or kaffeestange. Despite great amount recipes for eclairs, their base and shape remain almost unchanged, so you can always find out the goodies.

By the way, if you are wondering how to prepare eclairs at home, then we suggest you look at the delicious eclair recipes that we have carefully selected. You will learn how to make proper French dough, get acquainted with possible fillings and see the whole range of colors of glaze for eclairs. Eclairs with custard are considered a classic of the genre (their recipe is in our selection), but it’s worth trying other options to be amazed again and again by the boundless taste of this wonderful dessert.

"Floating Island"

The very name of the dish refers to something unearthly and tender. And indeed it is. "Floating Island" is easy french dessert of whipped whites in an ocean of custard and caramel cloud.

You will need:

For cream:

    yolks - 5 pcs.;

    milk - 350 ml;

    cream (fat) - 100 ml;

    starch - 1 tsp;

    sugar - 80 gr.;

For the base:

    squirrels - 5 pcs.;

    butter, salt, sugar, nuts.

For caramel:

    sugar - 300 gr.;

Preparation. First you need to prepare the cream. To do this, separate the whites from the yolks. Mix the yolks, sugar and starch thoroughly. Pour milk into a saucepan, add a little vanilla and bring to a boil. Carefully pour the boiled milk into the yolks (stirring constantly). Boil the mixture over medium heat until thickened. After this, turn off the heat and add cream.

Cover the cream with film, cool slightly and place in the refrigerator for an hour. While the cream is rising, make your own “island”. To do this, add a pinch of salt to the whites and beat until foamy. While whipping, add sugar a little at a time (50 grams in total).

Grease baking dishes with butter, sprinkle with ground nuts and distribute the egg whites. Place them in the oven for 10 minutes (temperature 60 degrees).

Remove the pan from the oven, cool slightly and place the “islands” on plates (slightly recessed). Take out the cream and pour it over the area around the island. Now you need to make caramel. To do this, place the sugar in a saucepan and cook over low heat until the sugar caramelizes. Drizzle the island with caramel and sprinkle with ground nuts or coconut if desired.


This layered Italian dessert is a culinary heartthrob. It intrigues at first sight and makes you fall in love with it from the first spoon. The main component of the delicacy is mascarpone cheese. It is this that gives the dessert a delicate and rich taste. The classic recipe also includes eggs, coffee, sugar and savoiardi cookies. Variations are possible in which cookies are replaced with biscuit, coffee - with fruit or alcohol impregnation. Sprinkle tiramisu with cocoa powder, walnuts, chocolate chips, etc.

Regardless of the combinations, the “right” tiramisu is sure to lift everyone’s spirits. It’s not for nothing that in Italy they say: “if you’re sad, try tiramisu.” This dessert has only one drawback - it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to pamper yourself with it often, because it’s very, very high in calories.


This almond cake... business card island of Capri. It requires very few ingredients. Having tried this dessert, you will once again be convinced that everything ingenious is simple.


    almonds - 150 gr.;

    sugar - 100 gr.;

    eggs - 3 pcs.;

    butter (butter) - 125 gr.;

    dark chocolate - 125 gr.;

    powdered sugar.

Preparation. Chop the almonds into small pieces. Melt the chocolate and butter over the fire and cool slightly at room temperature. Beat the egg yolks with sugar. Mix the mixture with almonds and melted chocolate. Add a little salt to the whites, beat until thick and mix with the chocolate mixture. Grease baking dishes with butter, place the dough there and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 25 minutes. Sprinkle the finished pie with powdered sugar.

"Turkish Delight"

Not only Italy and France are famous for their recipes, but also the countries of the East. Nut and fruit sweets have long been loved by the whole world, and housewives prepare them at home. Turkish delight is perhaps the most famous oriental sweet, which is not so difficult to make.

You will need:

    corn starch - 100 gr.;

    sugar - 450 gr.;

    granulated sugar - 450 gr.;

    citric acid - 8 g;

    nuts - 120 gr.;

    powdered sugar - 60 gr.;

    dyes, flavors.

Preparation. Roast the nuts for about 10 minutes. Pour 450 ml into the pan. water, sugar and 4 gr. citric acid, move carefully, place on low heat and keep until thickened. In another pan, mix 150 ml. water with starch and 4 gr. citric acid and boil until translucent. Then add the contents of the first container to the mixture and simmer for 25 minutes. over low heat. Next, add nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, cashews of your choice), a pinch of coloring and flavoring to taste. Cover the mold with paper and pour the mixture into it. Place in the refrigerator for 8-10 hours. Then cut into pieces and sprinkle with powdered sugar.


An equally popular oriental sweet is baklava. This is a multi-layered dessert made from thin layers of dough. Nuts soaked in syrup are laid between the layers. Methods for preparing baklava may vary depending on the country. Moreover, the delicacy is popular not only in eastern countries, but also in the West, and even in the USA. This is a very satisfying and nutritious dish that can give you energy for the whole day, and has no analogues in terms of taste in the world.


This Canadian cake will especially appeal to chocolate bar lovers. A kind of homemade Snickers, very sweet, nutritious and tasty.


    sugar - 50 gr.;

    butter - 250 gr.;

    egg - 1 pc.;

    milk - 50 ml;

    dark chocolate - 2 bars;

    cocoa powder - 5 tbsp;

    coconut flakes - 1 cup;

    waffle crumbs - 1.5 cups;

    nuts (to taste) - 0.5 cups;

    pudding (powder) - 3 tbsp;

    powdered sugar - 2.5 cups.

Preparation. Melt 100 gr. butter, add sugar and cocoa and mix. Add the beaten egg, stir and remove from the stove. In a bowl, combine waffle crumbs, coconut and chopped nuts. Pour the prepared mixture over them and stir.

Grease the mold with oil, place the mixture there and refrigerate for 20 minutes. While the mixture is cooling, you need to prepare the cream. To do this, beat 70 gr. butter, add pudding mixture and stir. Then add warm milk and stir. Next, while continuing to stir, gradually add powdered sugar. Pour the finished mixture on top of the first mixture and refrigerate.

Melt the chocolate in a water bath, add butter (as much as is left) and stir until smooth. Then cool slightly at room temperature, pour on top of the previous layers and refrigerate again. After the mass has hardened well, you can cut and serve.

Enjoy your tea!

Godzilla is well known to everyone - a figment of the imagination of Japanese filmmakers. Godzilla's first appearance on screen took place in 1954, in the film of the same name directed by Ishirō Honda (who, by the way, among other things, worked as an assistant to the great Kurosawa on Kagemusha, Ran and other films) at the Toho studio. The picture was created under the influence of the very recent atomic bombing of Japanese cities. And Godzilla is the embodiment of the horror experienced by the Japanese. And which is passed on from generation to generation. No sequel was planned.

At the end of the film, Godzilla is killed by an oxygen weapon. "Oxygen Destroyer", invented by Dr. Serizawa. Fate, however, decreed otherwise. The huge success of the first film pushed the studio to continue. And a year later Godzilla was reborn. And not alone, but in company with Anguirus (he and his colleagues will be discussed below). After which, as criminologists say, “the series began.” Which continues to this day. Hollywood did not stand aside either, with whose participation many were created. japanese paintings about Godzilla. The appearance of Godzilla gave impetus to the creation of other kaiju(monsters) and the powerful rise of the genre tokusatsu. Those. paintings using special effects. True, it must be said that the first films were low-budget. So “tokusatsu” also corresponds...

The name is formed from two words. The first of which is gorira. That's what the Japanese call it gorilla(since L is absent in the language, in foreign words it is replaced by P). It is clear that the gorilla came from "King Kong". However, the Japanese could not simply copy the character of Merian Cooper. And their goal was different. It had to be a monster like no other - the result of an atomic bombing.

All the most terrible and mysterious things in Japan are connected with the sea. This is where the second word comes from - kujira(whale). By combining them together, the authors obtained the expression Gorilla - Whale. Or ( gojira). Please note that since the P in the name is only a replacement for the L in the word “gorilla,” it remains in the English (and by extension, in other) spellings. In addition, instead of the traditional ДЗ, the letter J was pronounced from the very beginning as ДЗ (in the Russian version there is no other pronunciation of J). The Japanese write the word “Godzilla” only in kana. I note that in the original version the name was different. Since the monster was a giant octopus. But Iwao Mori convinced director Ishirō Honda that it would be better to create something in the form of a lizard.

The Godzilla film series, which began in 1954, ended in 1975. It got the name - SHOVA. In 1984, Toho studio began a new series. Which ended in 1995. His name - HEYSEI. He, in fact, should have been the final one. However, in 1999, after Emmerich's 1998 Godzilla, which caused sharp discontent among the Japanese, the studio released the film Godzilla 2000: Millennium. Starting a new cycle.

SHOVA cycle…………………………….(1954 - 1975)

HEYSEI cycle………………………….(1984 - 1995)

Cycle MILLENNIUM- started in 1999. Continues to this day (the latest film is 2004 Godzilla: Last wars"). It is often called SHINSEI(“rebirth”) But this name is not formally adopted by Toho. In addition to the three cycles of the Toho studio, eight more films about Godzilla were shot, which were not included in the official list. Among them is 1998's Godzilla. In addition to feature films, animated series have also been filmed. The first at the Hanna-Barber studio. And the second one is on Fox Kids.

In 1998, German director Roland Emmerich (author famous paintings"Universal Soldier", "Stargate", "Independence Day" and "The Day After Tomorrow") created its own version of "Godzilla". The film collected a huge box office (although not what was expected). But at the same time he was subjected to harsh criticism. Both American and Japanese. Emmerich abandoned the traditional Japanese appearance of Godzilla. What caused the sharp hostility of the Japanese towards this creation and the general opinion (in every possible way refuted by the director) that Emmerich is an ardent hater original version. Be that as it may, the Hollywood monster received a name in Japan - ZILLA. And in the future - all subsequent Godzillas, diverging from the Japanese original. This, however, does not mean that Dzilla was not recognized at all. Just like a real Godzilla. And so he acts along with other kaiju in films about Godzilla (in particular, in “The Last Wars”).

The Japanese use the word kaiju to describe mysterious and, as a rule, huge monsters. Pictures about such monsters are called KAIJU EIGA. The kaiju themselves are divided into humanoid (kaijin) and giant (daikaiju)


Almost everyone knows Godzilla. So, I think there is no need to describe it. I will only add that Godzilla’s voice is obtained as a result of rubbing a resin-impregnated glove on the strings of a double bass. The Japanese view Godzilla with awe and fear. They love him and fear him at the same time. The Godzilla films reflect these feelings. In some, Godzilla appears as an evil monster, and other kaiju (such as King Kong or Mothra) are called in to calm him down. In others, on the contrary, Godzilla acts as the “good guy” and helps people deal with the “bad” kaiju who attacked them. Often Godzilla acts against people not alone, but in the company of colleagues. There are also options when the “bad guys” fight among themselves and die.
Godzilla's size varied from cycle to cycle:

1954 - 1975………Height 50 m, weight 20 thousand tons
1984 - 1989………Height 80 m, weight 50 thousand tons
1991 - 1995……….Height 100 m, weight 60 thousand tons


Anguirus (aka Angilas, Andzilla, Angorosaurus) is the next monster after Godzilla, created by Toho and appeared in the second film, Godzilla Strikes Again (1955). Externally, it looks like an ankylosaur (one of the dinosaurs that lived in what is now Africa). Anguirus's size has also changed over the years. In the films of 1955 - 1969, he is 50 m tall. In 1972 - 1974, he is already 70 m. And today he has reached 90 m. Weight - 60 thousand tons Anguirus is the first kaiju to fight Godzilla (they fight in Osaka). In subsequent films he also appears as his ally.

Mothra is a giant moth. But it also appears in other forms in paintings. From a huge blue-yellow egg emerges its larva - a large brown caterpillar with blue and sometimes red eyes, reminiscent of a silkworm. Sometimes two twin larvae emerge from the egg. In some paintings, the pupal stage also follows, from which the imago, an adult butterfly, emerges. Mothra always stands on the side of people, protecting them from evil kaiju. Although, it sometimes causes considerable destruction. Mothra - The caterpillar uses two weapons. She can grab the tail of a villain (especially Godzilla). And also by spraying a stream of its silky liquid on it, entangling it and imprisoning it in a web (again, a typical example with Godzilla). Mothra - the butterfly has more powerful means. And enormous strength (allowing her to lift Godzilla and move him a considerable distance).

Mothra is one of the most powerful kaiju in Toho films. Its prototype is the legendary Phoenix bird. In the Heisei cycle, Mothra's son, Mothra - Leo, also appears. Mothra Dimensions:

1961…..Length - 180 m (caterpillar), 135 m (imago). Weight - 20 thousand tons (caterpillar), 15 thousand tons (imago). Wingspan - 250 m.

1964 - 1968....Length - 40 m (caterpillar). Weight - 8 thousand tons (caterpillar).

1992…..Length - 120 m (caterpillar), 65 m (imago). Weight - 15 thousand tons (caterpillar), 20 thousand tons (imago). Wingspan - 175 m.

KING - GHIDORA………………………キングギドラ
The three-headed fire-breathing dragon is a mutant, practically no different from the well-known Serpent Gorynych. Ghidorah is a cosmic hooligan who destroyed life on many planets, including Venus (in English version- Mars). Arriving on Earth in a meteorite, he engages in battle with Godzilla and other kaiju. Ghidorah is very strong and it is difficult for Godzilla to cope with him alone. The fight against it, in principle, comes down to what we have observed many times in "Ilya Muromtse"- to neutralize each of the heads separately.

1964 - 1972.... Height - 100 m. Weight - 30 thousand tons.
1991………….Height - 150 m. Weight - 70 thousand tons
Wingspan - 150 m


Originally called Radon (from "pteranodon"). A pterosaur that first appeared in the 1956 film. At first he acts as an opponent of Godzilla. But in further pictures helps him and the other kaiju deal with Ghidorah. In later episodes, under the influence of radiation, Rodan mutates into "Fire Rodan".

1956 - 1993 ...Length - 50 m. Weight - 15 thousand tons Wingspan - 150 m
1993………….Length – 70 m. Weight – 16 thousand tons. Wingspan – 150 m.


A huge sea kaiju with a height of 60 m and a weight of about 52.8 thousand tons. Hedorah takes different forms and possesses certain chemical weapons. It releases a corrosive acid cloud. After inhaling its vapors, only a skeleton remains of a person. Hedorah's final form was a 60-meter long bipedal creature.


Cyborg is a cyclops from the planet Nebula M. Sent to Earth along with Ghidorah to destroy Tokyo. Height - 65 m. Weight - 25 thousand tons. Gigan is also capable of flying at a speed of 3 Ma. The duel between Ghidorah and Gigan against Godzilla and Anguirus ends in the defeat of the space aliens.

The awakened guardian of the underwater country of Sitopia. Height - 55 m. Weight - 10 thousand tons. Originally directed by the robot Jet - Jaguar. However, earthlings managed to neutralize and then reprogram the robot. Then Sitopia called Gigan to help Megalon. The two of them entered into a fight with Jet. In turn, Godzilla arrived to help Jet. They won the battle.

JET - JAGUAR…………………………..ジェットジャガ

Robot created by designer Goro Ibuki. Jet exists in two forms. The first one is 1.8 m tall, weight 150 kg. The second - height 50 m, weight 25 thousand tons


A mechanical clone of Godzilla created by the Simeons, Earth's cosmic enemies. Rodan helps Godzilla fight him. Mechagodzilla has a powerful, advanced weapon - an optical laser that can neutralize the radiation emitted by Godzilla. One of the variants of Mechagodzilla is KIRIU. Dimensions:
Height - 50 m, 120 m. Weight - 40 thousand tons, 150 thousand tons


A huge black bloodworm, a variation of Mothra. Battra also exists in caterpillar and adult forms. Name "Battra" is an abbreviation for BATTLE MOTHRA(Japanese version BATORU MOSURA) - i.e. "Battle Mothra." Battra appeared on Earth millions of years ago to destroy human race. However, Mothra, the protector of people, defeated him. Awakened by the meteorite, Battra flies to Tokyo to destroy it. Battra Dimensions:
Length - 90 m (caterpillar), 73 m (imago). Height - 60 m (caterpillar). Weight - 20 tons (caterpillar), 30 tons (imago). Wingspan - 180 m. Flight speed - 2.5 Ma


Godzilla clone from later episodes. Height - 120 m, weight - 80 thousand tons. Possesses powerful weapons and defenses, including telekinesis.


A rare example of a "female" kaiju. Biollante comes in two forms. The first is 85 m high, weighs 100 tons. The second is 120 m high, weighs 200 thousand tons.


Created for films about Godzilla, Gamera gradually moved beyond them. And he himself became the hero of the independent Gamera series. Over the years, Gamera's appearance has undergone significant changes(it is based on a turtle). So we can say that he exists in a variety of guises.

DESTROYER…………….. デストロイア

It arose as a result of experiments to create oxygen weapons "Oxygen Destroyer". At first it existed in the form of a microorganism, then as a crab. The final form is the flying daikaju. Destoroyah uses laser beams emitted from his horn (in addition to the fact that he is a fire-breather, like many kaiju). Destoroyah Forms:

Height - 2 m, 40 m, 65 m, 120 m. Weight - 350 kg, 1500 t, 15 thousand t, 150 thousand t

MECHA - KING - GIDORA………………..メカキングギドラ

Cyborg, version of King - Ghidorah. Height - 150 m. Weight - 80 thousand tons. Flight speed - 4 Ma


The name is a derivative of the Japanese word "mogura" (土竜 (もぐら) - mole. And at the same time an abbreviation for Mobile Operation G-Expert Robot Aero-type. A robot used by aliens to destroy humanity. Height - 120 m. Weight - 160 thousand tons.


KING - KONG…………………..

In essence, the same gorilla, but slightly modified. Height - 45 m. Weight - 27.5 thousand tons
MINILLA (MINYA)………………………..ミニラ
Son of Godzilla

A huge lobster that appeared in the 1966 film
GABARA…………………………………. ガバラ

09:54 pm - About Godzillada
It’s a shame to say, but with all my love for cinema, there are a lot of blank spots in my luggage, and when it comes to the classics, it’s generally one big blank spot the size of Malaysia. What can I say, I only recently got involved with The X-Files, and I generally don’t watch films from before 1980 (however, for one film from 1979 I did make a solemn exception, but more on that another time).

Today is about Godzilla. Unfortunately, these deposits of beauty also remained uncultivated by me. And, apparently, in vain, since they hide a storehouse of wisdom hidden by one Ancient Eastern Culture. Well, yes, the same culture, the peak of which is vending machines selling used parts of ladies' intimate toiletries and shelves with pornographic comics in supermarkets.

In my early teens, I remember that I once accidentally saw on TV an excerpt from one of the films about Godzilla, apparently it was “Godzilla vs. Mecha-Godzilla,” but I can’t vouch for sure. I am still very far from knowing the classics. There were funny rubber krakozyables that jumped on each other and spat rays from a flashlight. Like a puppet theater kindergarten, but even cooler. Relatively recently, a year or two ago, I, obeying the call of the feeling of beauty, even downloaded the epoch-making “Godzilla vs. Hedorah” in order to join and feel, yes. But familiarization and penetration did not happen - even with an excessive amount of beer, from the very first scenes we were so bewitched that our acquaintance with the classics had to be stopped in a hurry, I would even say - emergency. Apparently, what is good for a samurai, is only good for a Russian with vodka.

And only now am I trying to renew my acquaintance with the genre, because over the years I have practically learned Zen and am no longer afraid that contact with the great heritage will leave indelible marks on my soul.

By the way, for those who are not in the know, here is a brief description of the panopticon of monsters from the Godzilla Universe. If you think that this was a one-man theater, then figs - there were more of these crooks there than there were Vietnamese money changers in the Odessa market. And everyone climbed to Japan with the tenacity of guest workers, yes. I even understand them somewhat - with such and such data... However, let's look at the specifics:

Godzilla has appeared in many films more than once. He was accompanied by various monsters, he fought with some, others acted on his side, and others remained neutral.

Godzilla. A giant upright lizard (in the film "Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah" it turns out that Godzilla is a mutated dinosaur), vaguely similar to Spinosaurus. Height: 50 meters (Showa), 80-100 meters (Heisei), 55-100 meters (Millennium). Incredibly strong and resilient, it has a super-strong, almost impenetrable skin that looks like tree bark. On the back and long tail there is a triple ridge of growths in which its energy is accumulated. Emits strong radiation. Capable of shooting a blue (in some films red or red) atomic beam from his mouth. Swims well and is able to breathe underwater. The hands have four clawed fingers, one of which is opposable, allowing Godzilla to use weapons, grab and even strangle enemies. In addition, many of Godzilla’s structural features and abilities are found only in one or two films and are “forgotten” in all the others. For example, in "Godzilla Strikes Again" he hates bright light. In Godzilla vs. Hedorah, he can fly using a heat ray. In Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla 2, it is revealed that Godzilla has a second brain. Starting from Heisei, it feeds on radiation. Godzilla is a male, not a female, despite the name.

Atomic rays! Blue! Out of the mouth! Damn it, we love that monkey, that Godzilla!

Anguirus (Ankylas). In the 1955 film Godzilla Strikes Again, the title character's enemy was Anguirus, a predatory species of the extinct ankylosaur dinosaur. In the fight, Godzilla finished off Anguirus. It moves on four legs, but sometimes rears up. The entire body is covered with an extremely durable shell, the back is covered with spikes, there is a short horn on the nose, and six more horns on the head. The tail is studded with spines. Height: 60 meters. Length: 100 meters. In battle he mainly uses his teeth. In the film Godzilla: Final Wars, Anguirus is able to curl up into a spiked ball (accelerates, bounces, curls up and rolls at high speed).

These are still flowers. Apparently, they still drew inspiration from traditional sources, which is why at first the krakozyabrs came out somewhat faded. But this is only the beginning, then such creatures will come that poor Angrius, out of fear, would bite off his own tail and all six horns on his head.

King Kong. Giant gorilla. Height: 45 meters. Fights hand-to-hand and throws stones. Electricity discharges give him additional forces and the ability to give an electric shock when touched.

Do you also get the feeling that Jackson sucks? After this vision of the Japanese directors, no one will go to his big monkey, which, it’s a shame to say, even knows how to give an electric shock, for free.

Mothra (Mosura). Giant butterfly or moth. Length: 65 meters, wingspan: 135 meters. Acts as the guardian of planet Earth. Lives on the hidden island of Infant. Can fly in outer space(In Heisei era films), shoots beams from antennae (Heisei), releases yellow poisonous pollen (If all the pollen runs out, Mothra will not be able to fly.), can lift strong wind flapping of wings. Can neutralize Godzilla's (Heisei) heat ray. Can heal other monsters by sacrificing his energy (Heisei). In each film, Mothra is accompanied by two tiny fairies called "Cosmos Earth", they understand the language of monsters (Showa) and can summon Mothra with their singing, and are also able to turn into little Mothra (Heisei) and have telekinesis. In some films, Mothra's egg appears and hatches into larvae. Their only weapons are strong jaws that release silk (for the cocoon), and their favorite technique is to bite Godzilla on the tip of his tail. One of the three guardian monsters (This Mothra shoots small thorns).

Mothra's sponsor was LSD, which had just reached Japan in those years. Love and Peace, Mothra!

King Ghidorah (King Ghidorah, King Hydra). A space monster that destroyed the civilization of Mars. The inhabitants of Planet X call him Monster Zero (Godzilla - Monster 1, Rodan - Monster 2). In the films of the Heisei era, there is a different version of the origin of this monster. According to her, King Ghidorah is the result of nuclear tests in 1954. A huge winged dragon with golden scales. Ghidorah has three horned heads on long necks and three tails. Capable of flying in outer space. It attacks mainly with heat rays (lightning) from its mouth, and uses its teeth in close combat. Other techniques: can create destructive waves with its wings when flying, lifts the enemy to a great height and throws it down, hovers over a prone enemy and tramples him with his paws, wraps his own around the enemy’s throat long neck and suffocates. As a rule, he attacks Earth not of his own free will, but under the control of various aliens. Without outside control, smart enough to escape if defeat is imminent. One of Godzilla's constant enemies.

Even I got into it. What a noble beast, you know. And he strangles you with his paws and, back, sends out heat rays. True, it’s somewhat dependent or something, but these are minor things.

Rodan (Radon). Was born after Pteranodon was exposed to radiation. Height: 50(Showa)/70(Heisei) meters. Wingspan: 120-150 (Showa)/120 (Heisei) meters. His weapons: a strong sharp beak, a radioactive heat ray (Heisei). With his wings, just like King Ghidorah, he can create destructive waves when flying (everything collapses in the place over which Rodan flies) and also raise a strong wind. Can lift heavy loads into the air (Godzilla). "Rodan Energy" - Rodan disintegrates into a cloud of powder that completely heals Godzilla and enhances his heat ray.

At that time, there were no Pokemon yet, so all kinds of pteranodons found in the bushes were irradiated with radiation, and this, perhaps, was good. Otherwise the consequences could have been much more serious. By the way, the healing cloud of powder hints at the source of inspiration. True, to come up with something like that you need to use a lot, a lot of Rodan powder.

Gorosaurus. Giant theropod dinosaur. Looks like a Tyrannosaurus rex. Height: 35 meters. Digs and jumps well.

Prehistoric Moldavian monster - good at digging from birth. Tokyo is in panic - a mysterious beast has laid out the entire city with cheap tiles in two days!

Manda. Underwater dragon. Looks like a giant snake with paws.

You don't have to comment. Excellent in its original form.

Hedorah. Another name is Smog Monster. A giant red-eyed slug, believed to be of alien origin. Hedorah's body is made of industrial waste. Very poisonous and tenacious. It feeds on factory smoke and dirt, which causes it to grow in size and evolve. At first it is a small, harmless tadpole. Then he grows to gigantic size. Limbs appear and the tadpole turns into a “frog”. At this stage, Hedorah can go on land, can fly a little, and also spits highly toxic mud. Having become “fumed” of smoke from the factory chimneys, Hedorah turns into something like a flying saucer. It flies quickly and constantly emits acrid smoke and sulfuric acid vapor while in flight, so it dissolves people to skeletons and corrodes metal just by flying nearby. Capable of lifting large loads (Godzilla). Soon acquires the ability to emit a very powerful red beam from his eyes (One hit knocks Godzilla down). Having hit the ground, the beam inexplicably creates a curtain of poisonous smoke. The next stage is something that walks upright. At this stage, Hedorah is head and shoulders above Godzilla. All types of weapons from previous stages are retained. Capable of transforming back into a flying saucer. The next stages are unknown. Due to its composition, Hedorah is practically invulnerable (All hits simply pass through it without causing much harm). The only weak point is vulnerability to strong electricity, which dries up Hedorah's dirt.

Do you still doubt the great future of Japanese cinema? Then Hedorah is already flying towards you! By the way, there is an opinion that when Hedorah-papa and Hedorah-mom met with the goal of reproducing their own kind to the delight of ordinary Japanese, in the morning the scientists respectfully patted the embarrassed Hedorah-papa on the shoulder and said: “Could you? Well, you’re a monster!” That's where it actually came from - "Smog the Monster". However, Khadora did not like this pseudonym of his and was very shy, preferring to work under his maiden name.

Gigan (Gigan). Height: 65 meters. A cyborg designed by an alien race to take over the Earth. Upright, 3 “fins” on the back, metal head with a hook-shaped horn, beak and mandibles, red eye. Weapons: huge metal hooks on the forelimbs (another option - chainsaws (Shinsei)), a circular saw in the belly, a laser beam (Shinsei), harpoons (Shinsei). Can fly.

Inside, as usual, is an ordinary Japanese schoolboy of an alien race.

Gaira. Looks like a giant gorilla. Height: 25 meters.

Apparently, the kawaii King Kong was beaten by someone who was resistant to electric current mole. Of course, it’s also radioactive, no matter what.

Jet Jaguar. A humanoid robot designed by a master named Goro. Can grow in size, fly and even sing.

It was this “and even sing” that finally finished me off. It’s good that in those years the creators did not think about joint Indian-Japanese cinema, otherwise, sure enough, it would have danced. On the ruins of Japanese cities, of course.

King Caesar (King Caesar). Guardian of the Earth. An upright, tailed, red-eyed monster that vaguely resembles a dog. The skin is scaly and covered in places with fur. Favorite move: running headbutt. Capable of reflecting MechaGodzilla’s laser beam (“Catches” the beam with one eye and immediately shoots it out of the other).

Everything is fleeting, so the era of LSD has waned, synthetic muses have come into fashion

Mechagodzilla 1 (Showa). Mechanical resemblance to Godzilla. This robot was created by a race of aliens from the universe " Black hole" to destroy Godzilla and take over the world. Made from space titanium. At first it was covered with skin and in appearance indistinguishable from Godzilla. Weapons: multi-colored laser beams from the eyes, orange heat beam from the mouth, electric beam from the chest, missiles from the fingers. There are also cannons in the nostrils (judging by the poster, these are flamethrowers) and on the knees, they were never used in the film. Can create a protective field around itself. Controlled remotely. Can fly.

This is what I understand, we approached the matter responsibly. True, for some reason they forgot to screw the “atomic ray” spewer on. I think so, in the Black Hole Universe, kickbacks and cuts reign, as well as banal fraud.

And as a counterbalance to him - our primordial Russian Afonyamish - a radioactive bug that has accumulated harmful radiation from the blazing nuclear reactor of Emelina’s self-propelled stove. Didn’t take part in hostilities, drank himself to death in the outback, tortured by Jewish kahal.

Biollante (Biolanth, Biolanta, Rososaurus). A monster resulting from crossing the cells of Godzilla and a rose. Exists in two forms. The first one looks like a giant plant with a thick stem and a rose flower on top. The second form, which appeared after death, acquired a huge toothy mouth, similar to a crocodile, and four root limbs that allowed it to move. Weapons: poisonous toxic juice, numerous tentacle stems with which Biollante entwines the enemy and wounds him, tentacle stems with predatory mouths at the ends (tentacles are easy to destroy, but new ones grow). Quite vulnerable, but tenacious. Biollante cannot be killed; after death, his body turns into a cloud of pollen, which immediately flies away. As time passes, this cloud turns back into Biollante. At Biolante's human soul.

We will not ask under what circumstances the crossing of Godzilla and rose cells occurred. In the end, each of us can have our own tastes and preferences, and if you were a giant lizard with an atomic ray in its mouth, I assure you that much more interesting options are possible.

Dora (Dorat). A pet from the future, created using genetic engineering. A small tailed bat with cat-like ears. A harmless friendly creature. Under the powerful influence of radiation, the three Doras fused into one creature, greatly mutated and increased in size, thus turning into King Ghidorah.

And then Dzhigurda arrived from the future, and the three Dzhigurdas merged into one, after which nimble Japanese scientists quickly treated him with radiation, resulting in the deadly and great King-Dzhigurda! Oh, this is getting to me already. That's what it means - the influence of the classics!

Godzillasaurus(Dinosaur)- a large theropod dinosaur. Actually, this is Godzilla before exposure to radiation. Outwardly it resembles Godzilla, but much smaller and the body proportions are different. There is no heat ray. Vulnerable to large-caliber weapons. Height: 12 meters.

You can clearly see how the warm lamp radiation of tasty radiation turns unremarkable creatures into enslavers of the world. Well, we will hope that Fukushima-1 will bring to life the fantasies of many generations of Japanese at once.

Mecha-King Ghidorah(Mecha-King Ghidorah). A cyborg created by aliens from the future from King Ghidorah defeated by Godzilla. Lost in the fray middle head replaced with a mechanical one, the damaged wings were also replaced with metal ones, the body and legs were protected by armor. It is controlled by a pilot sitting inside. Weapons: heat (electric?) rays from the mouth like the usual King Ghidorah, cables shooting out from the body with claw-grippers at the ends through which (the cables) a strong current is supplied, a large claw extending from the middle of the body is used to capture the enemy.

Not a bad upgrade. But they again, again forgot about the Atomic Beam! It’s a pity Kuptsov didn’t happen here - he would have dashed off quickly" Strange story Godzilla", in which, with his characteristic persuasiveness, he would prove that Mecha-King Ghidorah was originally a defeatist weapon, developed by a well-conspiracy group of saboteurs with the aim of losing the coming war.

Battra. A giant butterfly, the antipode of Mothra. She is also called Black Mothra. Able to breathe underwater and withstand very high temperatures (lava). In the larval state: swims well, is able to move while in an upright position. Can crawl underground. There are two “tusks” on the head and one horn on the forehead. Can fire purple beams from his eyes and an orange beam from his horn. Unlike Mothra, it does not know how to produce silk, and turns into a butterfly without pupating. In the butterfly state: There are 3 small glowing horns on the head, a vertical mouth with “teeth”, the legs are better developed than Mothra’s. He can fly in outer space, can lift heavy loads, and shoots purple rays from his eyes. Doesn't use pollen.

Everything is bad - they don’t carry the powder, the game won’t give birth, the hucksters dilute it - where, one wonders, can a sculptor of an imperishable thing get inspiration?.. Apparently, there is a backup option - a warehouse of rat poison. I don’t know whether they smoke it or take it internally in some other way, but the effect is excellent. Black Mothra Forever!

Baby Godzilla. It came from a dinosaur egg laid millions of years ago on a desert island. The egg embryo, as a result of being near a nuclear waste dump, mutated into Godzillasaurus. Very friendly. When scared, the eyes turn red.

No, after all, radiation among the Japanese is some kind of fetish. Well in historically it is, of course, understandable, any culture would have a tender attitude towards this interesting phenomenon, but here Rutherford himself would simply burst into tears and shout “I believe! I believe!”

Mechagodzilla 2(Mecha-Godzilla)(Heisei). Designed and constructed by Japanese scientists to fight Godzilla. As in the films of the seventies, this is a fighting robot the size of Godzilla, exactly replicating him appearance. Mechagodzilla 2's weapons: laser beams from the eyes, a heat beam (like Godzilla's) from the mouth, a powerful plasma cannon on the stomach, plasma grenades, paralyzing missiles, electroshock harpoons, G-crusher (enhanced electroshock harpoons created to destroy Godzilla's second brain) , a protective artificial diamond coating that reflects Godzilla's heat ray. Can fly. By combining with Garuda, he transforms into SuperMechaGodzilla. It is controlled by pilots whose cockpit is located inside the robot.

About how exactly Mechagodzilla-2 teams up with Garuda - watch on the night channel. Yes, and don't try this at home.

SpaceGodzilla.(SpaceGodzilla) Appeared from Godzilla cells brought into deep space by Biollante or Mothra. The cells were absorbed by the black hole and pushed out by the white hole, after which they quickly grew and evolved, absorbing the crystalline organisms and their energy. Outwardly, Space Godzilla is similar to the earthly one, with a “crown” of crystals and crystal spikes. There are energy crystals on the shoulders that pump out energy from the ground crystals and feed SpaceGodzilla with it. Capable of flying (including in space), while a huge spiky crystal shell appears on its back, which can emit small purple lightning bolts. Shoots the same lightning bolts from shoulder crystals. It can levitate without transformation, but not far and much slower. Possesses powerful telekinesis: green waves or yellow-green rays from shoulder crystals. Shoots a red beam from its mouth (the power depends on the energy received). Shoots purple lightning from the palms when touched. Able to briefly create a shield of crystals in front of him. Can create an electromagnetic barrier (damages electronics). Creates crystals on the ground, from which it is fed with energy; it can also use them as a cage or launch them at the enemy as missiles. Can create destructive waves when flying (like Rodan). In addition, it can fight with a tail with spikes at the end, but prefers to fire at opponents.

Plague and hurricane. I can’t even imagine half of it, but here it’s like...

I think it's wonderful. In some places I literally cried from overwhelming emotions. And, by the way, I have no doubts about the causes of the recent earthquake in Japan. These are the Mothras of the forces of nature who have awakened, trying to restore the balance of beauty on this planet, which the Japanese directors have shaken a lot.

I'm going to watch Godzilla: Final Wars this week. Not because I have any special relationship with this particular film (I think I already love them all), it’s just that, according to the materials, it has the greatest concentration of all the monsters of all the films. Well, kind of like a skit, only with Atomic Rays, Hell and Israel.

Here are a couple of blessed shots from there:

Pay attention to the fierce realism and captivating authenticity - this is available only to the most technically advanced nation in the world in 2004, by the way. There is an opinion that Cameron, who was then running around with his “Avatar”, saw this film, cried like a girl, vowed to leave cinema and break his favorite camera, but only friends and relatives kept him on this thorny path.

Well, this Friday will show which is stronger - will and reason or cultural heritage of the past. But, between you and me, I’m afraid to make bets...

At the cinema, the client turns to the box office:
- 2 tickets, please.
- “Godzilla”?
- This is my girlfriend, I will ask you not to insult her!

Godzilla- a Japanese monster, literally and figuratively awakened by the Americans: the forerunner of the first film was the film “The Monster from 20,000 Fathoms” (USA, 1953), based on Ray's story Bradbury. In this film, as in the first Godzilla, the monster is brought to life as a result of nuclear weapons testing. Needless to say, post-war Japan was especially sensitive to the atomic issue.
And in March 1954, 23 Japanese fishermen received large doses of radiation after accidentally swimming into the area where an American hydrogen bomb was tested. It was this incident, which had a wide resonance, that served as the impetus for the creation of the first “Godzilla,” which was released exactly nine months after the ill-fated tests.

1954 "Godzilla"
The prehistoric lizard Godzilla was revived after testing a hydrogen bomb. It emits radiation, shoots atomic rays from its mouth and destroys everything in its path. Weapons are powerless against him. In the end, the inventor of a mysterious destructive substance, sacrificing himself, descends into the abyss and destroys the monster.

On the one hand, Godzilla became for the Japanese a symbol of the destructive forces that humanity, intentionally or unwittingly, unleashes. On the other hand, Godzilla personifies and formidable forces nature, from which Japan has suffered from time immemorial.

1955 "Godzilla Strikes Again"
Already in the second film we see the later typical formula “Godzilla vs...”: here he is opposed by another giant lizard - Anguirus. After defeating him, Godzilla leaves Japan to appear somewhere in the north, on a mountainous, ice-covered island. Military aviation buried him alive under avalanches of ice.
The first two films, black-and-white films from 1954 and 1955, were clearly associated with the memory of the recent war and nuclear bombings. But gradually the horrors of the past receded, and the new peaceful life bore a noticeable imprint of American culture.

1962 "King Kong vs. Godzilla"
In this film, Godzilla was brought together with the overseas King Kong. From now on, producers are relying on a wider audience: at the same time as color appears in the frame, films about Godzilla are becoming increasingly softer and more entertaining.

The scene where King Kong "feeds" Godzilla became a meme in the 2000s.

1964 "Godzilla vs Mothra"
The typhoon washed ashore the egg of the giant Mothra butterfly. Soon Godzilla emerged from the sea. Then Mothra herself arrived and entered into battle with the lizard, who encroached on her offspring. In this fight, Mothra dies, but her larvae immobilize the dinosaur with a sticky web. In the finale, the defeated Godzilla falls into the ocean.
The Toho universe is densely populated and detailed - the studio has released many films dedicated to other giant monsters. Some of them later became Godzilla characters: Rodan, Mothra, Manda, Varan, etc. Others, on the contrary, first appeared in films about Godzilla, and then grew into solo roles.

1964 "Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster"
Starting with this film, the Japanese epic about the atomic dinosaur is enriched with reflection on the theme of humanity’s entry into the space age. Here, Godzilla first appears in a clearly positive role, saving the Earth from the alien three-headed dragon Ghidorah, who, having destroyed Venus, arrived on our planet. Here, for the first time, an alliance of earthly monsters is formed, opposing the alien: Godzilla, Rodan and Mothra (larva).

1965 "Godzilla vs. Monster Zero"
Part of the action takes place in space: the astronauts travel to Planet X, where they discover an advanced civilization that asks them to borrow the earthly monsters Godzilla and Rodan, supposedly to fight the local Monster Zero (King Ghidorah).
The Earthlings, attracted by the promised cure for cancer, agree.

1966 "Godzilla vs. Sea Monster" At the height of the Cold War, Godzilla fights the communists. He wakes up on an island where the base of the terrorist organization Red Bamboo is located. Another monster obeys the terrorists: the giant shrimp Ebira, which, of course, Godzilla has to fight.
If initially Godzilla did not cause anything but fear and hatred, then already in the film “Godzilla vs. Monster Zero” the huge lizard becomes partly positive. In this film, the appearance of Godzilla also evokes rather a joyful smile from the understanding that there is something familiar and dearly loved on the screen in front of you.

1967 "Son of Godzilla"
The action takes place on a remote island. Godzilla protects his suddenly found son from other monsters and teaches him Godzilla skills. As a result of an experiment by scientists, the island is covered with tons of snow and ice. Godzilla and Minilla (son) hibernate.

1968 "Destroy all monsters"
The action takes place in the future: 1999. All earthly monsters, including Godzilla, live on a reserve island allocated for them, where they are protected and studied. However, insidious aliens zombify the monsters and send them to destroy the largest cities in the world. In the end, the monsters are freed from control, and the Japanese astronauts manage to destroy the aliens with their own weapons.

1969 "Godzilla, Minilla, Gabara: All Monsters Attack"

This is the most children's film of the epic. And the main character here is not Godzilla, but junior high school student Ichiro Miki. He lives in two worlds - the real one and the fantasy world inhabited by monsters. In the end, the knowledge that Ichiro received from the monsters in his dreams helps the boy get rid of his fears and difficulties real life.

1971 "Godzilla vs. Hedorah"

Greenpeace was founded in 1971. And in keeping with the spirit of the times, the new Godzilla film has an environmental theme. The microscopic alien Hedorah, feeding on earthly waste, grew into a huge and poisonous sea monster. Godzilla confronts him. Hedorah's weakness is that he cannot survive without water. The humans, with the help of Godzilla, defeat Hedorah by drying him out.
An alien from a distant nebula in the constellation Orion, Hedorah came to Earth from a passing comet. Capable of shooting acid, he is immune to radiation and Godzilla's atomic rays.

1972 "Godzilla vs. Gigan"

Aliens from a dying planet want to conquer Earth. They are preparing the coming of the space cyborg Gigan and the dragon King Ghidorah, who will destroy humanity. But the earthly monsters Godzilla and Anguirus sense something is wrong.

1973 "Godzilla vs. Megalon"
Residents of the underwater civilization of Sitopia, alarmed nuclear tests in the ocean, send their insect-like god Megalon to the surface to destroy humanity. Godzilla and the humanoid robot Jet Jaguar engage in battle with Megalon, as well as with the space cyborg Gigan, who has arrived to his aid.

1974 "Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla"
A monster emerges from the Fuji crater, which is initially mistaken for Godzilla. But he kills Godzilla's longtime ally Anguirus and destroys everything in his path, causing panic. Soon the real Godzilla appears. It turns out that the impostor is a disguised Mechagodzilla robot created by a race of ape-like aliens. The main battle takes place in Okinawa, where Godzilla is helped by the awakened ancient deity - King Caesar.
The Godzilla-like robot turned out to be an ideal opponent for Godzilla, who personifies the power of nature. They will have to meet more than once in the future.

1975 "Terror of Mechagodzilla"
Here Mechagodzilla appears again, as well as Titanosaurus (which bears little resemblance to the real-life dinosaur of the same name) - both of them are used by the same ape-like aliens to enslave humanity. As a result of the film's failure at the Japanese box office, Godzilla went on unpaid leave for almost nine years.

How Godzilla's height changed
The entire history of Godzilla is traditionally divided into three periods: Showa (1954–1975), Heisei (1984–1995) and Millennium (1999–2004). They are separated not only by production interruptions and changes in directors, but also by differences in the interpretation of the image of Godzilla, in particular his growth.
Changes somewhat in the films of the first period appearance character, but the height and weight of the monster remains unchanged: 50 meters and 20 thousand tons. During the second period, Godzilla's growth increases to 80, and then to 100 meters. At the beginning of the third period, the characteristics return to almost the original, but then from film to film Godzilla grows rapidly, again reaching 100 meters in the last film of the epic to date. In the third period, Godzilla's appearance changes most often.

1984 "Godzilla"
The Godzilla reboot returned the monster to its original brutality. This film, released on the thirtieth anniversary of the franchise, appealed only to the events of the very first film, ignoring all the context that grew later. Godzilla destroys Tokyo once again. In the finale, he is lured into the crater of an active volcano.

Despite technical progress, in all Japanese films, the role of Godzilla is played by a person in a suit, a doll or a robot. But since the late 1980s, computer processing has made films more realistic.

After Godzilla attacks the Soviet nuclear submarine There is a wonderful monologue in the film!

1989 "Godzilla vs. Biollante"
A Japanese geneticist crossed Godzilla cells with a rose. The resulting hybrid has grown to gigantic proportions - now it is the Biollante monster.
But the awakened Godzilla also poses a danger to humanity. The result of the fight: the exhausted Godzilla goes to the bottom, and Biollante rotates around the Earth in the form of a huge cosmic rose.

1991 "Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah"
Thanks to the machinations of people from the future, traveling back and forth in a time machine, Japan is threatened by the three-headed dragon King Ghidorah. If it weren't for Godzilla, humanity would be in trouble. But Tokyo is once again destroyed. And now we need to somehow stop Godzilla. To do this, they send the cyborg Mechagidora from the future. Having grappled, the giants go to the bottom. The outcome of the battle is unclear.

1992 "Godzilla vs. Mothra: Battle for Earth"
Godzilla is confronted by two giant butterflies: Mothra and Battra. Mothra is the deity protecting the Earth, and Battra is the evil creation of prehistoric scientists. Once upon a time, even before the flood, Mothra defeated Battra. But now they have awakened again. Battra attacked Japan. Mothra and Godzilla soon arrive. All three begin to fight each other.

1993 "Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla 2"
The remains of Mechagidora, defeated two films ago, are raised from the bottom.
Of these, to continue the fight against Godzilla, a 120-meter-long, pilot-controlled Mechagodzilla was built.

1994 "Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla"
Godzilla's cells, carried into space, passed through a black hole and gave birth to a space monster that is approaching Earth.
Meanwhile, a huge combat robot, Moguera, has been created in Japan. His goal is to destroy Godzilla. But Godzilla has other plans.

1995 "Godzilla vs. Destroyer"
Godzilla attacks Hong Kong. His heart is a nuclear reactor that is about to explode from overheating. Meanwhile, the evil monster Destroyer is formed from prehistoric microorganisms.
Destroyer kills Godzilla's son. Godzilla defeats the Destroyer, but he is revived again and again. After the final victory, Godzilla still melts from overheating. And Godzilla's son is resurrected, having received his father's energy.
Godzilla vs. Destroyer completes the Heisei series that began in 1984. Toho did not plan to make Godzilla films until 2004 (the franchise's 50th anniversary). However, these plans had to be revised after the release of Roland Emmerich's Godzilla.

1998 "Godzilla"
First American feature film about the Japanese monster. Of course, in it Godzilla destroys not Tokyo, but New York. The US Army, as usual in American films, successfully eliminates the monster.
Despite its box office success, critics panned the film. Admirers were especially offended Japanese Godzilla. All this was the reason that the Toho film company launched new cycle Godzillas.

1999 "Godzilla: Millennium"
Godzilla is alive again, walking across Japan, destroying power plants - this is how he recharges himself. Meanwhile, a rock of alien origin emerges from the ocean. Later, she takes off and attacks Godzilla from the air - it turns out to be an alien flying saucer.
She connects to a supercomputer in Tokyo and begins pumping out information. The aliens' goal is to change the Earth's atmosphere. After obtaining samples of Godzilla's cells, they create the monster Orga. After destroying the saucer and Orga, Godzilla continues to destroy Tokyo.

2000 "Godzilla vs. Megaguirus"
The black hole created by scientists caused a curvature of space-time, which is why meter-long prehistoric dragonflies were brought into the present.
They transfer their energy supply to a huge uterus - Megaguirus, which lies on the bottom of the ocean. Megaguirus takes off and attacks Godzilla, who manages to defeat the megadragonfly. Scientists shoot a black hole at Godzilla.

2001 "Godzilla, Mothra, King Ghidorah: Monsters Attack"
Godzilla successively defeats Baragon, then Mothra and Ghidorah. After which the military finishes off Godzilla. In agony, he tears himself apart, but his huge heart continues to beat at the bottom of the ocean.

2002 "Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla 3"
Based on the skeleton of the first Godzilla, killed in 1954, scientists and military personnel create the cyborg Kiryu (the new Mechagodzilla). The robot must defeat the legendary monster.

2003 "Godzilla, Mothra, Mechagodzilla: Save Tokyo"
Kiryu is restored, and Godzilla awakens again at the bottom of the ocean. At the same time, Mothra invades Japanese airspace. She demands that people destroy Kiryu, promising that she herself will protect them from Godzilla.

2004 "Godzilla: Final Wars"
The largest cities in the world are attacked by monsters that have been taken over by aliens. They are opposed by the Earth Defense Forces (a special squad for fighting monsters) and Godzilla, to whom the aliens’ power does not apply.
The film is notable for the fact that almost every monster in the Toho universe appears in it. It received mixed reviews from critics and failed to recoup its $19.5 million budget, the largest ever for a Japanese Godzilla film.

2016 "Godzilla: Rebirth"
For the second time after Hollywood's deafeningly pathetic attempt to create its own American version of Godzilla, Japan and the Toho studio are forced to literally resurrect the king of the monsters, restoring his image in cinema history. It was decided to make the next reboot of the franchise bold, daring and almost authorial, inviting Hideaki Anno (the creator of the series “Neon Genesis Evangelion”) to be the scriptwriter-director.
What happened was that modern world The movie is called the term “art-buster”, combining clear, deep author’s thoughts with an abundance of special effects happening in the frame and the overall scale of the picture. Moreover, both fans of the director and people completely unfamiliar with his work should remain satisfied, moreover, perhaps, even among those who strongly dislike his anime activities, there should be enthusiastic exclamations about the new kaiju picture.

What kind of Godzilla is a dinosaur?
The word "Godzilla" is the Latinization of the Japanese "Gojira", which in turn is a hybrid of the words "gorira" (gorilla) and "kujira" (whale).
Thus, the name reflects the ferocious power of a huge ape and the sea origins of the monster - although the creation of the Japanese film studio Toho is more reminiscent of a giant lizard, a dinosaur, than the mentioned mammals.

Godzilla is a Japanese monster, literally and figuratively awakened by the Americans: the forerunner of the first film was the film “The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms” (USA, 1953), based on a story by Ray Bradbury. In this film, as in the first Godzilla, the monster is brought to life as a result of nuclear weapons testing. Needless to say, post-war Japan was especially sensitive to the atomic issue. And in March 1954, 23 Japanese fishermen received large doses of radiation after accidentally swimming into the area where an American hydrogen bomb was tested. It was this incident, which had a wide resonance, that served as the impetus for the creation of the first “Godzilla,” which was released exactly nine months after the ill-fated tests.

Everything you need to know about Godzilla in 10 seconds


The prehistoric lizard Godzilla was revived after testing a hydrogen bomb. It emits radiation, shoots atomic rays from its mouth and destroys everything in its path. Weapons are powerless against him. In the end, the inventor of a mysterious destructive substance, sacrificing himself, descends into the abyss and destroys the monster.

On the one hand, Godzilla became for the Japanese a symbol of the destructive forces that humanity, intentionally or unwittingly, unleashes. On the other hand, Godzilla also personifies the formidable forces of nature from which Japan has suffered from time immemorial..

"Godzilla Strikes Again"

Already in the second film we see the later typical formula “Godzilla vs...”: here he is opposed by another giant lizard - Anguirus. After defeating him, Godzilla leaves Japan to appear some time later somewhere in the north, on a mountainous, ice-covered island. Military aircraft buried him alive under ice avalanches.

The first two films, black-and-white films from 1954 and 1955, were clearly associated with the memory of the recent war and nuclear bombings. But gradually the horrors of the past receded, and the new peaceful life bore a noticeable imprint of American culture.

Dance scene from the movie Godzilla Strikes Again

"King Kong vs. Godzilla"

In this film, Godzilla was brought together with the overseas King Kong. From now on producers are relying on a wider audience: at the same time as color appears in the frame, films about Godzilla are becoming more and more soft and entertaining.

"Godzilla vs Mothra"

The typhoon washed ashore the egg of the giant Mothra butterfly. Soon Godzilla emerged from the sea. Then Mothra herself arrived and entered into battle with the lizard, who encroached on her offspring. In this fight, Mothra dies, but her larvae immobilize the dinosaur with a sticky web. In the finale, the defeated Godzilla falls into the ocean.

The Toho universe is densely populated and detailed - the studio has released many films dedicated to other giant monsters. Some of them later became Godzilla characters: Rodan, Mothra, Manda, Varan, etc. Others, on the contrary, first appeared in films about Godzilla, and then grew into solo roles.

"Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster"

Starting with this film, the Japanese epic about the atomic dinosaur is enriched with reflection on the theme of humanity’s entry into the space age. Here, Godzilla first appears in a clearly positive role, saving the Earth from the alien three-headed dragon Ghidorah, who, having destroyed Venus, arrived on our planet. Here, for the first time, an alliance of earthly monsters is formed, opposing the alien: Godzilla, Rodan and Mothra (larva).

"Godzilla vs. Monster Zero"

Part of the action takes place in space: the astronauts travel to Planet X, where they discover an advanced civilization that asks them to borrow the earthly monsters Godzilla and Rodan, supposedly to fight the local Monster Zero (King Ghidorah). The Earthlings, attracted by the promised cure for cancer, agree.

"Godzilla vs. Sea Monster"

At the height of the Cold War, Godzilla fights the communists. He wakes up on an island where the base of the terrorist organization Red Bamboo is located. Another monster obeys the terrorists: the giant shrimp Ebira, which, of course, Godzilla has to fight.

"Son of Godzilla"

The action takes place on a remote island. Godzilla protects his suddenly found son from other monsters and teaches him Godzilla skills. As a result of an experiment by scientists, the island is covered with tons of snow and ice. Godzilla and Minilla (son) hibernate.

"Destroy all monsters"

The action takes place in the future: 1999. All earthly monsters, including Godzilla, live on a reserve island allocated for them, where they are protected and studied. However, insidious aliens zombify the monsters and send them to destroy the largest cities in the world. In the end, the monsters are freed from control, and the Japanese astronauts manage to destroy the aliens with their own weapons.

"Godzilla, Minilla, Gabara: All Monsters Attack"

This is the most children's film of the epic. And the main character here is not Godzilla, but junior high school student Ichiro Miki. He lives in two worlds - the real one and the fantasy world inhabited by monsters. In the end, the knowledge that Ichiro received from the monsters in his dreams helps the boy get rid of the fears and difficulties of real life.

"Godzilla vs. Hedorah"

Greenpeace was founded in 1971. And in keeping with the spirit of the times, the new Godzilla film has an environmental theme. The microscopic alien Hedorah, feeding on earthly waste, grew into a huge and poisonous sea monster. Godzilla confronts him. Hedorah's weakness is that he cannot survive without water. The humans, with the help of Godzilla, defeat Hedorah by drying him out.

An alien from a distant nebula in the constellation Orion, Hedorah came to Earth from a passing comet. Capable of shooting acid, is immune to radiation and Godzilla's atomic rays

"Godzilla vs. Gigan"

Aliens from a dying planet want to conquer Earth. They are preparing the coming of the space cyborg Gigan and the dragon King Ghidorah, who will destroy humanity. But the earthly monsters Godzilla and Anguirus sense something is wrong.

"Godzilla vs. Megalon"

The inhabitants of the underwater civilization of Seatopia, alarmed by nuclear testing in the ocean, send their insect-like god Megalon to the surface to destroy humanity. Godzilla and the humanoid robot Jet Jaguar engage in battle with Megalon, as well as with the space cyborg Gigan, who has arrived to his aid.

"Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla"

A monster emerges from the Fuji crater, which is initially mistaken for Godzilla. But he kills Godzilla's longtime ally Anguirus and destroys everything in his path, causing panic. Soon the real Godzilla appears. It turns out that the impostor is a disguised Mechagodzilla robot created by a race of ape-like aliens. The main battle takes place in Okinawa, where Godzilla is helped by the awakened ancient deity - King Caesar.

The Godzilla-like robot turned out to be an ideal opponent for Godzilla, who personifies the power of nature. They will have to meet more than once in the future.

"Terror of Mechagodzilla"

Here Mechagodzilla appears again, as well as Titanosaurus (which bears little resemblance to the real-life dinosaur of the same name) - both of them are used by the same ape-like aliens to enslave humanity. As a result of the film's failure at the Japanese box office, Godzilla went on unpaid leave for almost nine years.

Mechagodzilla at work

How Godzilla's height changed

The entire history of Godzilla is traditionally divided into three periods: Showa (1954–1975), Heisei (1984–1995) and Millennium (1999–2004). They are separated not only by production interruptions and changes in directors, but also by differences in the interpretation of the image of Godzilla, in particular his growth.

In the films of the first period, the appearance of the character changes somewhat, but the height and weight of the monster remains unchanged: 50 meters and 20 thousand tons. During the second period, Godzilla's growth increases to 80, and then to 100 meters. At the beginning of the third period, the characteristics return to almost the original, but then from film to film Godzilla grows rapidly, again reaching 100 meters in the last film of the epic to date. In the third period, Godzilla's appearance changes most often.


The Godzilla reboot returned the monster to its original brutality. This film, released on the thirtieth anniversary of the franchise, appealed only to the events of the very first film, ignoring all the context that grew later. Godzilla destroys Tokyo once again. In the finale, he is lured into the crater of an active volcano.

Despite technological advances, in all Japanese films the role of Godzilla is played by a man in a suit, a doll or a robot. But since the late 1980s, computer processing has made films more realistic.

"Godzilla vs. Biollante"

A Japanese geneticist crossed Godzilla cells with a rose. The resulting hybrid has grown to gigantic proportions - now it is the Biollante monster. But the awakened Godzilla also poses a danger to humanity. The result of the fight: the exhausted Godzilla goes to the bottom, and Biollante rotates around the Earth in the form of a huge cosmic rose.

"Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah"

Thanks to the machinations of people from the future, traveling back and forth in a time machine, Japan is threatened by the three-headed dragon King Ghidorah. If it weren't for Godzilla, humanity would be in trouble. But Tokyo is once again destroyed. And now we need to somehow stop Godzilla. To do this, they send the cyborg Mechagidora from the future. Having grappled, the giants go to the bottom. The outcome of the battle is unclear.

"Godzilla vs. Mothra: Battle for Earth"

Godzilla is confronted by two giant butterflies: Mothra and Battra. Mothra is the deity protecting the Earth, and Battra is the evil creation of prehistoric scientists. Once upon a time, even before the flood, Mothra defeated Battra. But now they have awakened again. Battra attacked Japan. Mothra and Godzilla soon arrive. All three begin to fight each other.

"Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla 2"

The remains of Mechagidora, defeated two films ago, are raised from the bottom. Of these, to continue the fight against Godzilla, a 120-meter-long, pilot-controlled Mechagodzilla was built.

"Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla"

Godzilla's cells, carried into space, passed through a black hole and gave birth to a space monster that is approaching Earth. Meanwhile, a huge combat robot, Moguera, has been created in Japan. His goal is to destroy Godzilla. But Godzilla has other plans.

"Godzilla vs. Destroyer"

Godzilla attacks Hong Kong. His heart is a nuclear reactor that is about to explode from overheating. Meanwhile, the evil monster Destroyer is formed from prehistoric microorganisms. Destroyer kills Godzilla's son. Godzilla defeats the Destroyer, but he is revived again and again. After the final victory, Godzilla still melts from overheating. And Godzilla's son is resurrected, having received his father's energy.

Godzilla vs. Destroyer completes the Heisei series that began in 1984. Toho did not plan to make Godzilla films until 2004 (the franchise's 50th anniversary). However, these plans had to be revised after the release of Roland Emmerich's Godzilla.


The first American feature film about the Japanese monster. Of course, in it Godzilla destroys not Tokyo, but New York. The US Army, as usual in American films, successfully eliminates the monster.

Despite its box office success, critics panned the film. Fans of the Japanese Godzilla were especially offended. All this was the reason that the Toho film company launched a new Godzilla series a year later.

Timeline of Godzilla films

    Godzilla (directed by Ishiro Honda)

    Godzilla Strikes Again (released in the US in 1959 as Gigantis the Fire Monster)

    Godzilla - King of the Monsters (directed by Ishiro Honda, Terry O. Morse. Japanese film 1954, re-edited for distribution in the USA)

    King Kong vs. Godzilla (directed by Ishiro Honda. Released in the United States in 1963)

    Godzilla vs. Mothra (directed by Ishiro Honda. Released in the US the same year with minimal changes)

    Ghidorah - the three-headed monster (directed by Ishiro Honda. Original Japanese name- "Three Giant Monsters: The Greatest Battle on Earth")

    Godzilla vs. Monster Zero (aka " Great War Monsters" (original Japanese title, 1965), "Invasion of the Astro-Monster" (US title, 1970)

    Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster (directed by Jun Fukuda. Original Japanese title: Godzilla, Ebira, Mothra: Great Showdown in the South Seas)

    Son of Godzilla (directed by Jun Fukuda. Released in American theaters in 1969)

    Destroy all monsters (Directed by Ishiro Honda)

    Godzilla, Minilla, Gabara: All Monsters Attack (released in the USA in 1971 under the title Godzilla's Revenge)

    Godzilla vs. Hedorah (directed by Yoshimitsu Banno)

    Godzilla vs. Gigan (directed by Jun Fukuda. Released in the United States in 1978 under the title Godzilla on Monster Island)

    Godzilla vs. Megalon (directed by Jun Fukuda)

    Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla (directed by Jun Fukuda. Released in the United States in 1977 under the title Godzilla vs. the Cyborg Monster)

    Terror of Mechagodzilla (this is the last Godzilla film directed by Ishiro Honda)

    Godzilla (directed by Koji Hashimoto. The film was significantly recut before release in the United States, where it was released under the title Godzilla 1985)

    Godzilla vs. Biollante (directed by Kazuki Omori)

    Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah (directed by Kazuki Omori)