The Cherry Orchard character system. Play "The Cherry Orchard"

A.P. Chekhov, as a Russian writer and Russian intellectual, was concerned about the fate of the Motherland on the eve of social changes felt by society. The figurative system of the play “The Cherry Orchard” reflects the writer’s view of the past, present and future of Russia.

Figurative system “The Cherry Orchard”— author's features

It is, in particular, that in his works it is practically impossible to single out one main character. is important for understanding the issues that the playwright raises in the play.

Thus, the images of the heroes in “The Cherry Orchard” represent

  • on the one hand, the social strata of Russia on the eve of the turning point (nobility, merchants, common intelligentsia, partly peasantry),
  • on the other hand, these groups uniquely reflect the past, present and future of the country.

Russia itself is represented by the image of a large garden, which all the heroes treat with tender love.

Images of heroes of the past

The personifications of the past are the heroes of Ranevskaya and Gaev. This is the past of noble nests leaving the historical arena. There is no selfish calculation in Gaev and Ranevskaya: the idea of ​​​​selling a cherry orchard for land to summer residents is completely alien to them. They subtly sense the beauty of nature

(“To the right, at the turn of the gazebo, a white tree bent over, looking like a woman”...).

They are characterized by a certain childishness of perception: Ranevskaya has a childish attitude towards money, does not count it. But this is not only childishness, but also the habit of living without regard to expenses. Both Gaev and Ranevskaya are kind. Lopakhin remembers how in ancient times Ranevskaya took pity on him. Ranevskaya also feels sorry for Petya Trofimov with his instability, and Anya, who was left without a dowry, and the passerby.

But the time of the Gaevs and Ranevskys has passed. Their intelligence, inability to live, carelessness turn into callousness and selfishness.

Ranevskaya squanders her fortune, leaving her daughter in the care of her adopted daughter Varya, leaves for Paris with her lover, having received money from her Yaroslavl grandmother intended for Anya, she decides to return to Paris to the man who practically robbed her, while she does not think about how things will turn out Anya's life further. She shows concern for the sick Firs, asking if he was sent to the hospital, but she cannot and does not want to check this (Ranevskaya is a man of word, but not of action) - Firs remains in the boarded up house.

The result of the life of the nobles is the consequence of a life in debt, a life based on the oppression of others.

Images of the future

New Russia is Ermolai Lopakhin, merchant. In it, the author emphasizes the active principle: he gets up at five o’clock in the morning and works until the evening; work brings him not capital, but also joy. Ermolai Lopakhin is a self-made man (his grandfather was a serf, his father a shopkeeper). A practical calculation is visible in Lopakhin’s activities: he sowed the fields with poppy seeds - both profitable and beautiful. Lopakhin proposes a way to save the cherry orchard, which should bring benefits. Lopakhin appreciates and remembers goodness, such is his touching attitude towards Ranevskaya. He has a “subtle, gentle soul,” according to Petya Trofimov. But the subtlety of his feelings is combined with the benefit of the owner. Lopakhin could not resist and bought a cherry orchard at auction. He repents to Ranevskaya, consoles her and immediately declares:

“The new owner of the cherry orchard is coming!”

But there is some kind of anguish in Lopakhin, otherwise where would the longing for another life come from? At the end of the play he says:

“If only our awkward, unhappy life would change!”

Images of the future - Petya Trofimov and Anya. Petya Trofimov is an eternal student, he is full of optimism, in his speeches there is a conviction that he, he is the one who knows how to make life wonderful

(Humanity is moving towards the highest truth, towards the highest happiness that is possible on earth, and I am in the forefront! ").

It is he who says to Anya:

“All of Russia is our garden!”

But his image is ambiguous. Petya Trofimov in the play is also more likely a man of words rather than deeds. In practical life, he is a klutz, like the rest of the characters in the play. The image of Anya is perhaps the only image in the play in which there is a lot of feeling of light. Anya is similar to Turgenev’s girls who are ready to go into a new life and give it all of themselves, so Anya has no regret about the loss of the cherry orchard.

Secondary images

The secondary characters of the play highlight the fates of Gaev and Ranevskaya. Simeono-Pishchik is a landowner who is ready to adapt to life, which makes him different from Ranevskaya and Gaev. But he also lives practically on debt. The image of Charlotte emphasizes the disorder and practical homelessness of Ranevskaya.

The patriarchal peasantry is represented by images of servants. This is Firs, in whom the main feature of the old servants has been preserved - devotion to the master. How Firs looks after Gaev for a small child. His fate is tragic and symbolic: he is forgotten, in general abandoned by those who spoke so much about loving him and did so little for him. Dunyasha and Yasha are servants of the new generation. Dunyasha repeats “subtlety of feelings”, exaggerating his mistress. Yasha absorbed the egoism of the masters.

Image of a cherry orchard

As already mentioned, the role of the cherry orchard in the figurative system of the play is enormous. It is around the cherry orchard that an external conflict arises; all the characters in the play express their attitude towards the orchard. Therefore, the viewer and reader feel his fate in a humanly tragic way:

“... and you can only hear how far away in the garden an ax is being knocked on a tree.”

Chekhov and the writer are characterized by sensitive listening to the beat of everyday life, the ability to find the most important social problems in this life and build his work so that these problems become the property of his compatriots.

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A.P. Chekhov. Play “The Cherry Orchard” (1903)

Innovation of Chekhov's dramaturgy

It has become common to hear the expression “Chekhov’s theater”. Indeed, Chekhov's plays are recognizable by their muted conflicts, the author's special intonation of inspired sadness, and the depth of the “undercurrent.”

Features of the conflict. The main category of drama is conflict, but in Chekhov's plays there are no direct clashes, no direct confrontation between the characters. All the characters are more or less kind, considerate, and all treat each other favorably. Conflicts are muted, the reasons for the misfortune of Chekhov's heroes do not lie on the surface. Chekhov reflects the hidden drama of the most ordinary life: “Let everything on stage be as complex and at the same time as simple as in life. People have lunch, they only have lunch, and at this time their happiness is formed and their lives are shattered.”

Chekhov's dramas are permeated by an atmosphere of general trouble, which is intensified by the feeling of general loneliness. With mutual participation and even love, people cannot get through to each other, “everything is in pieces.” These words spoken by Firs become one of the main motifs of the play “The Cherry Orchard”: everything and everyone is “in pieces.” Anya, for example, sincerely and tenderly loves her mother, understands that she has no right to condemn her for anything, but at the end of the play, Ranevskaya’s restrained sobs are drowned out by Anya’s cheerful voice: she is no longer with her mother, and it is unlikely that she will ever be with her , although I didn’t love her any less. Petya Trofimov tries to find words of sympathy, but says the wrong thing, causing Ranevskaya to exclaim: “But we need to say it differently, differently.” Lopakhin, who wants to help Ranevskaya save the estate, who loves her “like his own, more than his own,” triumphs after buying the cherry orchard: “Come everyone to watch how Ermolai Lopakhin will hit the cherry orchard with an ax, how the trees will fall to the ground!” And then, with reproach and tears, he says to Ranevskaya: “My poor, good one, you won’t bring me back now.” Everyone is “apart”, everyone suffers, loves, rejoices or despairs individually.

Chekhov's heroes feel their constant, deep-seated unhappiness, but cannot understand its true reasons. “I’m still waiting for something, as if the house was about to collapse above us,” “I’ve definitely lost my sight, I can’t see anything,” Ranevskaya says in alarm. There are auctions in the city, the estate is being sold at auction, and an orchestra is playing in the garden and people are dancing in the hall. Ranevskaya understands the incompatibility of these events, but does not refuse the inappropriate ball, which resembles a feast during the plague. It seems that everything is happening against her will, regardless of her desires, as if some unknown forces are guiding events and destinies, connecting and separating people. Time itself becomes such a force in the play “The Cherry Orchard” - the time of the border, ruthless and wise at the same time. The drama of Ranevskaya and Gaev is deeper than simple ruin; their drama is that time leaves them no hope, that their Russia is irretrievably leaving, and there is no place for them in the new one. The fate of a person in the flow of time - this is how one can define the main theme of the play.

"Undercurrent". Another innovative feature of Chekhov’s dramaturgy is subtext, “undercurrent.” If in a traditional drama the hero is revealed only through action and words, then Chekhov’s heroes, in addition, also through the hidden meaning of words and actions, intonation, gestures, even pauses. In Chekhov's plays, the important thing is the invisible subtext, which consists of statements that have a hidden meaning, do not convey direct information, but only signal that intense internal work is taking place in the hero's soul. The “undercurrent” of Chekhov’s plays is a dialogue not only of words, but also of feelings, moods, and unspoken thoughts.

The semantic content of the author's remark. The author's longing for a more spiritual, meaningful, beautiful life is palpable not only in the characters' dialogues, but even in the author's remarks. For example, the first and last acts of the play “The Cherry Orchard” take place in the same room – the nursery. However, if in the first act the author’s remark creates a feeling of cheerfulness, freshness, joy, then in the last act it will be October instead of May, instead of an organized and in its own way beautiful human life there will be emptiness, instead of cherry blossoms there will be the sound of an ax on wood. You can also recall one more remark - the sound of a broken string, fading and sad, which is heard as if from the sky. It's like a clot of anxiety accumulated in the souls of the heroes.

The system of images in the play “The Cherry Orchard”

Chekhov's innovation is also noticeable in the depiction of the characters' characters. Unlike traditional drama, with its characters outlined quite clearly and more straightforwardly than in the epic, the heroes of Chekhov’s plays are complex and ambiguous personalities.

Ranevskaya. Each of the characters in the play has their own cherry orchard, their own Russia. For Ranevskaya, the cherry orchard is her youth, memories of her closest and beloved people - her mother, her deceased son. No one feels the spirituality and beauty of the cherry orchard like Ranevskaya: “What an amazing garden! White masses of flowers, blue sky! O my garden, the angels of heaven have not abandoned you.” The cherry orchard became for Lyubov Andreevna her happiness, her life; to destroy the orchard means for her to destroy herself. Throughout the play, we feel the feeling of anxiety growing in Ranevskaya. She feverishly tries to hold back the uncontrollable, feeling the joy of meeting the cherry orchard, and immediately remembers that the auction is coming soon. The peak of tension is the third action, when she rushes about, prays for salvation, says: “I’ve definitely lost my sight, I can’t see anything. Take pity on me. My soul is heavy today... My soul trembles from every sound, but I can’t go to my room, I’m scared alone in silence.” And all this - against the backdrop of an absurd ball, so inopportunely started by Ranevskaya herself. Tears in her eyes are mixed with laughter, albeit sad and nervous. She seems lost: what to do, how to live, what to rely on? Ranevskaya has no answer to any of these questions. Chekhov’s heroine lives with a feeling of an imminent catastrophe: “I’m still waiting for something, as if the house was about to collapse above us.”

Chekhov's heroes are ordinary people, there is no ideality in Lyubov Andreevna either: she is delicate, kind, but her kindness does not bring happiness either to herself or to those around her. By hasty intervention, she ruins Varya’s fate, leaves for Paris, forgetting to make sure that her request to place Firs in the hospital is really fulfilled, as a result, the sick old man remains abandoned. In Ranevskaya, as in almost every person, both the bright and the sinful are combined. There is artistic truth in the fact that Chekhov shows how time passes through the destinies of the most ordinary people, how the divide between two eras is reflected in everyone.

Gaev. Gaev is a “superfluous man” of the late 19th century; he calls himself “a man of the eighties.” He really lingered in the past; the present is incomprehensible and painful to him. Faced with something new and unusual, Gaev is childishly perplexed: for some reason we must endure Lopakhin’s presence, his interference in their lives, we must decide something, while he is not capable of any decision. All of Gaev’s projects for saving the garden are naive and impossible: “It would be nice to receive an inheritance from someone, it would be nice to marry Anya to a very rich man, it would be nice to go to Yaroslavl and try your luck with Aunt Countess.” In Gaev’s imagination, some general appears who can give “on a bill of exchange,” to which Ranevskaya immediately responds: “He’s delusional, there are no generals.” The only thing Gaev is capable of is making lengthy speeches in front of the “respected closet” and playing billiards. However, constant anxiety lives in him, the feeling of mental discomfort does not leave him. The state is “spent on lollipops”, life is passing, an obscure service in the bank lies ahead, so it is no coincidence that his last remark is accompanied by the remark “in despair”.

Lopakhin. The “borderline” is also palpable in Lopakhin’s state of mind, who, it would seem, is protected from the ruthlessness of time; on the contrary, time helps him. Lopakhin combines “predator” and “tender soul.” Petya Trofimov will say: “I, Ermolai Alekseich, understand that you are a rich man, you will soon be a millionaire. Just as in terms of metabolism we need a predatory beast that eats everything that comes in its way, so we need you,” but the same Petya will later remark: “You have thin, delicate fingers, like an artist, you have thin, delicate fingers.” soul".

Lopakhin’s Russia is the kingdom of the “summer resident,” the Russia of the entrepreneur, but Lopakhin does not feel complete spiritual harmony in such a Russia. He yearns, dreams of giant people who should live in the Russian expanses, and after buying the cherry orchard he bitterly says to Ranevskaya: “Oh, if only all this would pass, if only our awkward, unhappy life would somehow change.” It is not surprising that his words: “There is a new landowner, the owner of the cherry orchard,” is accompanied by a remark “with irony.” Lopakhin is a hero of the new era, however, even this time does not give a person the fullness of happiness.

The younger generation – Petya and Anya. It would seem that Petya Trofimov sees happiness, he enthusiastically says to Anya: “I have a presentiment of happiness, Anya, I already see it.” He speaks just as enthusiastically about “a bright star that burns there in the distance” and on the way to which you just need to bypass “everything small and illusory that prevents a person from being free and happy.”

Petya and Anya are focused on the future, they say goodbye to the old Russia without regret: “We will plant a new garden, more luxurious than this.” However, Petya is a dreamer who still knows very little about life; according to Ranevskaya, he has not yet had time to “suffer” his beliefs. He does not have a clear program for how to get to this “bright star”; he only knows how to talk beautifully about it. The only life program that Petya offers to Anya: “Be free like the wind!”

The only thing Petya could do was to arouse in Anya’s soul sympathy for herself, a desire for a new life. However, Chekhov emphasizes that Anya is “first of all a child who does not fully know or understand life.” It is unknown what Anya’s desire to change her life will lead to, leaving the “cherry orchard” forever, so it is hardly worth asserting that it is in Anya that Chekhov shows the possible future of Russia.

Who is the future of Russia - this question remained unanswered in the play, because the time of the turn does not provide final knowledge about the future, only assumptions are possible about what it will be like and who will become its hero.

THE PLACE OF THE CHERRY ORCHARD IN THE SYSTEM OF IMAGES OF A. P. CHEKHOV’S PLAY “THE CHERRY ORCHARD”. SYMBOLIC MEANING OF THE TITLE. Tsurkan Alla Vladimirovna teacher of Russian language and literature Odessa secondary school 20

“The weather is wonderful. Everything sings, blooms, sparkles with beauty. All these trees bloom white, making them strikingly similar to brides during their wedding.” (From a letter from A.P. Chekhov)

“Listening to Chekhov’s play, when reading it it does not give the impression of a major thing. Not a word of anything new. Everything - mood, ideas - if you can talk about them - faces, all this was already in his plays. Of course, it’s beautiful, and – of course – it will waft green melancholy onto the audience from the stage. I don’t know what the melancholy is about.” (M. Gorky)

Plot (from the French sujet - subject, content) - a system of events in a work of art that reveals the characters of the characters and the writer’s attitude to the phenomena depicted; - sequence, course of events that makes up the content of a work of art. The plot is based on conflict.

Analytical conversation What is the relationship between the concepts symbol and allegory? What is the fundamental difference between these concepts? Express the idea by inserting the words “symbol” and “allegory” into the sentence with gaps: “In the individual it is brought in to visually show the generality, and in the visual picture it illustrates some kind of generality” (A.F. Losev). Name the central image-symbol of A.P. Chekhov’s play “The Cherry Orchard” and give the maximum number of interpretations of it, justifying all interpretations.

Theses A generalized symbolic subtext is embedded in the system of images: all the main classes, three generations are represented; heroes are divided into “people of phrase” and “people of action”, isolated in the system of images of “victims and predators, unfortunate and happy”; all heroes can be called “klutzes” in one way or another.

The play has a system of symbolic oppositions (dream - reality, happiness - trouble, past - future). -In the speech of the heroes there are traditional symbols, words-emblems. (Trofimov: “we are moving uncontrollably towards a bright star.” -Plot twists in A.P. Chekhov’s play often acquire symbolic overtones. (Final of the play. Blame for the tragic outcome of Firs’ life is placed on all the main characters of the play).

The author's remarks sometimes transform the action into a conventional plan. (Petya captivates Anya with loud words that are filled with faith in a wonderful future: “I have a presentiment of happiness..., I already see it...” It is no coincidence that the author’s remark mentions Epikhodov, who “plays the same sad song on the guitar.” This is how the author’s doubt about the validity of Petit’s premonitions is manifested.

General conversation Determine the chronological framework of the play. What is the peculiarity of the spatio-temporal organization of The Cherry Orchard? How is the theme of passing time revealed in the actions of the characters? What do you think is the internal conflict of the play? Do you think A.P. Chekhov’s play “The Cherry Orchard” is a drama or a comedy? Who is to blame for the death of The Cherry Orchard? How does Ranevskaya’s environment and proximity to other characters in the play affect the reader’s attitude towards Lyubov Andreevna’s drama? What makes you regret, and what hopes does “The Cherry Orchard” by A.P. Chekhov raise? What are your impressions of the work of a writer, playwright, or just a person? Has anything changed in your initial perception of his work and himself?

Internet resources ugolki.html

The individual is brought in to visually show a commonality, and a visual picture illustrates some kind of commonality” (A.F. Losev).\nName the central image-symbol of the play\nA. P. Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard" and give the maximum\nnumber of its interpretations, justifying all interpretations..jpg","smallImageUrl":"http:\/\/\/\/_load-files\/load\/29 \/30\/1\/f\/2-page-12_300.jpg"),("number":13,"text":"thesis\n Generalized symbolic subtext\nembedded in the system of images: all main estates, three generations; the heroes are divided into “people of phrase” and “people of action”, identified in the system of images “victims and predators, unfortunate and happy”; all heroes one way or another can be called “klutzes”. .jpg","smallImageUrl":"http:\/\/\/\/_load-files\/load\/29\/30\/1\/f\/2-page-13_300.jpg" ),("number":14,"text":"- The play has a system of symbolic\noppositions (dream - reality,\nhappiness - trouble, past - future).\n- In the speech of the characters there are traditional\nsymbols, words- emblems. (Trofimov: “we\nare moving uncontrollably towards a bright star.”\n- Plot twists in A.P. Chekhov’s play often\nacquire symbolic overtones. (Final\nof the play. The blame for the tragic ending of Firs’ life is placed on all the main characters \nplays)..jpg","smallImageUrl":"http:\/\/\/\/_load-files\/load\/29\/30\/1\/f\/2-page- 14_300.jpg"),("number":15,"text":"The author's remarks sometimes transfer\nthe action into a conventional plan. (Petya fascinates Anya with loud words, which are filled with faith in a wonderful future: “I have a presentiment of happiness..., I already see it...” It is no coincidence that the author’s remark mentions Epikhodov, who plays guitar, the same sad song."\nThis is how the author's doubt about the\njustice of Petya's premonitions is manifested..jpg","smallImageUrl":"http:\/\/\/\/_load-files\/load\/29\ /30\/1\/f\/2-page-15_300.jpg"),("number":16,"text":"General conversation\n Determine the chronological framework of the play. What\nis the peculiarity of the space-time organization of "The Cherry Orchard"?\n \nHow is the theme of passing time revealed in the actions of the characters?\n \nWhat, in your opinion, is the internal conflict of the play?\n \nDoes A. P. Chekhov's play seem to you to be a drama or a comedy\n"The Cherry Orchard" garden"?\n \nWho is to blame for the death of "The Cherry Orchard"?\n \nHow does Ranevskaya's environment and proximity to other characters in the play influence the reader's attitude towards Lyubov Andreevna's drama?\n \nWhat makes you regret, and what hopes does " The Cherry Orchard by A.P. Chekhov?\n \nWhat are your impressions of the work of the writer, playwright, or just a person? Has anything changed in your initial perception of his\ncreativity and himself?.jpg","smallImageUrl":"http:\/\/\/\/_load-files\/load\/29\/30 \/1\/f\/2-page-16_300..jpg","smallImageUrl":"http:\/\/\/\/_load-files\/load\/29\/30\/ 1\/f\/2-page-17_300.jpg"),("number":18,"text":""All of Russia is our garden."\n\n"We will plant a new garden,\nmore luxurious than this." .jpg","smallImageUrl":"http:\/\/\/\/_load-files\/load\/29\/30\/1\/f\/2-page-18_300.jpg" ),("number":19,"text":"Homework\nWrite a miniature essay,\nproposing your own option for saving\nthe cherry orchard..jpg","smallImageUrl":"http:\/\/\ /\/_load-files\/load\/29\/30\/1\/f\/2-page-19_300.jpg"),("number":20,"text":"Internet resources\nhttp :\/\/\/cliparts\/clipartrastr\/180727-klenovye-ugolki.h\ntml\nhttp:\/\/\/imgres\nhttp:\/\/www .google..jpg","smallImageUrl":"http:\/\/\/\/_load-files\/load\/29\/30\/1\/f\/2-page-20_300 .jpg")]">


Subject: Russian literature


Subject: Play "The Cherry Orchard". Character image system. Symbolism in the play. (2 hours)

About the procedure:

Lesson objectives:



- expand the understanding of the work of A.P. Chekhov through an analysis of the play “The Cherry Orchard”;

Consolidate theoretical knowledge: types of drama, symbol;



Develop associative, imaginative thinking, the ability to analyze, generalize, draw conclusions, develop monologue speech;



To promote the spiritual development of students and the formation of moral values.

Sabaktyn turi

Lesson type : a lesson in gaining new knowledge


Method: partial-search

Please keep in mind

Form : group.


Equipment: text of the play by A.P. Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard", presentation for the lesson.

Kornekti kuraldar

visual material: illustrations for the play by A.P. Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard", handout.

Dog Barysy:

During the classes:

    Org moment.

    Target setting .

Hello guys! I'm glad to see you. Take a close look at how the office is decorated today. Why is it the way you think? What is the topic of the lesson, please?

What problems do you think we will solve in today's lesson? (children's answers: we will find out how Chekhov's play was created, we will determine the genre of the play, we will get to know the characters, we will learn to speak correctly and beautifully.)

Write down the date in your notebooks, the topic of the lesson as the lesson progresses, make the necessary notes in your notebook.

    Main part.

Today you are divided into groups that will help you better understand the meaning of the play “The Cherry Orchard”: the image of the cherry orchard, past, present, future. And in this regard, you and I will have to answer the main question:

What kind of “unconditional and honest truth” could Chekhov see in the end? XIX century?


1. Features of the dramatic method of Chekhov the innovator

Genre: “new drama”.

Principles of the “new drama”

    Mood theater

    There are no villains or angels

    Dialogue drives action and reveals characters


    The significance of each replica

    Key characters

    The history of the creation of the play “The Cherry Orchard”

On March 7, 1901, to his wife O. Knipper, he confessed: “The next play I will write will certainly be funny, very funny, at least in concept.” “He imagined,” Stanislavsky recalls, “an open window with a branch of white cherry blossoms climbing from the garden into the room. Artyom had already become a footman, and then, out of the blue, a manager. His master, and sometimes it seemed to him that it was his mistress, is always without money, and in critical moments she turns for help to her lackey or manager, who has quite a lot of money saved up from somewhere." This is the writer’s last play, so it contains his most intimate thoughts about life, about the fate of his homeland.

    The meaning of the play's title:

Listen, not BAnd shnevy, and Vishne “Nice garden,” he announced and burst out laughing. At the first minute I didn’t even understand what they were talking about, but Anton Pavlovich continued to savor the title of the play, emphasizing the gentle sound “e” in the word “Cherry”, as if trying with its help to caress the former beautiful, but now unnecessary life that he destroyed with tears in his play. This time I understood the subtlety: “The Cherry Orchard” is a business, commercial garden that generates income. We need such a garden

Now. But “The Cherry Orchard” does not bring in any income; it preserves within itself and in its blooming whiteness the poetry of the former lordly life. Such a garden grows and blooms for whim, for the eyes of spoiled aesthetes. It would be a pity to destroy it, but it is necessary, since the process of economic development of the country requires


K. S. Stanislavsky: A. P. Chekhov at the Art Theater. In the book "A. P. Chekhov in the memoirs of his contemporaries" .

So, our goal is to understand what is behind the cherry orchard, how the characters relate to it, and what the cherry orchard is a symbol of.

Now let’s imagine for a moment that each of you in your group already has the main images of the play, and we ourselves are already the heroes of our play.

Introduce yourself - group business cards

    Groups introduce themselves: decorating tables, coloring for their names.

Now let’s see how the characters in the play relate to the cherry orchard - performance by the group “Image of the Cherry Orchard”.

    Let's try to create a cluster “The Cherry Orchard Through the Eyes of the Heroes”

Ranevskaya - childhood

Anya - childhood, house Lopakhin - present, peasant (slave), dachas

Firs - lordly well-being

Pyotr Trofimov - serfdom Gaev - childhood

“If there is anything interesting, even wonderful, in the entire province, it is only our cherry orchard.”

The garden is the past, childhood, but also a sign of prosperity, pride, a memory of happiness.

“And the Encyclopedic Dictionary mentions this garden.”

A garden is a symbol of childhood, a garden-home, but childhood has to be parted with.

“Why don’t I love the cherry orchard as much as I used to?”

Garden - hopes for the future.

“We will plant a new garden, more luxurious than this.”

The garden is a memory of the past: grandfather and father were serfs; hopes for the future - cut down, divide into plots, rent out. A garden is a source of wealth, a source of pride.

Lopakhin: “If the cherry orchard... is then rented out for dachas, then you will have at least twenty-five thousand a year in income.”

“Cherry trees are born once every two years, and no one buys even that.”

How do Firs and Petya Trofimov feel about the cherry orchard?

( For Firs garden - lordly well-being.

“In the old days, about forty to fifty years ago, cherries were dried, soaked, pickled, jam was made... There was money!”

For Trofimov : The cherry orchard symbolizes the serfdom past.

“Aren’t human beings looking at you from every leaf, from every trunk?”

“All Russia is our garden” is his dream of a transformed homeland, but it is not clear by whose strength this will be done)


What is the symbol of the cherry orchard in A.P. Chekhov’s play?

(Garden is a symbol of home, a symbol of beauty, a symbol of the past, a symbol of the present, a symbol of the future, Russia).

For the author, the garden embodies love for his native nature; bitterness because they cannot preserve its beauty and wealth; the author’s idea about a person who can change lives is important; the garden is a symbol of a lyrical, poetic attitude towards the Motherland. In the author's remarks: “beautiful garden”, “wide open space”, the sound of a broken string, the sound of an ax.

Chekhov: “In the second act you will give me a real green field and a road, and a distance unusual for the stage.” "The sound...should be shorter and felt from afar" .

    Now let's find out everything about cherries and their properties? Is it useful?

3. Message about cherries.


    System of images - characteristics of heroes by groups

    Past tense (Ranevskaya, Gaev)

    Present tense (Lopakhin)

    Future tense (Trofimov, Anya)

What heroes symbolize what?

Describe the characters - the past:

Ranevskaya Lyubov Andreevna

    Lack of will, inability to adapt, romantic enthusiasm, unstable psyche, inability to live

    She is outwardly charming, loves nature, music, sweet, kind, simple, trusting and sincere to the point of enthusiasm, but there is no depth in her emotional experiences: her moods are fleeting, she easily moves from tears to laughter

    It’s as if she’s sensitive and attentive to people, but what indifference to everything that goes beyond her well-being

Gaev Leonid Andreevich

    Weak-willed, worthless, lived his whole life on the estate, doing nothing

    Spent my fortune on lollipops

    The only activity is billiards.

Ranevskaya Lyubov Andreevna – the main character of “The Cherry Orchard” is a former rich aristocrat, accustomed to living according to the dictates of her heart. Her husband died quite early, leaving a lot of debts. While she was indulging in new feelings, her little son tragically died. Considering herself guilty of this tragedy, she runs away from home, from her lover abroad, who also followed her and literally robbed her there. But her hopes of finding peace were not realized. She loves her garden and her estate, but cannot save it. It is unthinkable for her to accept Lopakhin’s proposal, because then the centuries-old order in which the title of “landowner” is passed down from generation to generation will be violated, carrying with it the cultural and historical heritage, inviolability and confidence in the worldview.

Lyubov Andreevna and herbrother Gaev All the best features of the nobility are characteristic: responsiveness, generosity, education, a sense of beauty, the ability to sympathize.
However, in modern times, all their positive qualities are not needed and are turned in the opposite direction. Generosity becomes irrepressible spending, responsiveness and the ability to sympathize turn into slobbering, education turns into idle talk.

According to Chekhov, these two heroes do not deserve sympathy and their experiences are not as deep as they might seem.

The present:


    Enormous energy, enterprise, wide scope of work

    Becomes the owner of the estate created by the hands of his great-grandfather

    Petya Trofimov: “Just as in terms of metabolism we need a predatory beast that eats everything that gets in its way, so we need you.”

In the play “The Cherry Orchard” the main characters talk more than they do, and the only person is the action.Lopakhin Ermolai Alekseevich , the central character, according to the author. Chekhov was sure that if his image failed, then the whole play would fail. Lopakhin is designated a merchant, but the modern word “businessman” would be more suitable for him. The son and grandson of serfs became a millionaire thanks to his instincts, determination and intelligence, because if he were stupid and uneducated, how could he have achieved such success in his business? And it is no coincidence that Petya Trofimov talks about his subtle soul. After all, only Ermolai Alekseevich realizes the value of the old garden and its true beauty. But his commercial spirit goes too far, and he is forced to destroy the garden.

Who is the symbol of the future?

Trofimov Petya - an eternal student and a “shabby gentleman.” Apparently, he also belongs to a noble family, but has essentially become a homeless vagabond, dreaming of the common good and happiness. He talks a lot, but does nothing for the speedy onset of a bright future. He also lacks deep feelings for the people around him and attachment to a place. He lives only in dreams. However, he managed to captivate Anya with his ideas.

Anya, daughter of Ranevskaya . Her mother left her in the care of her brother at age 12. That is, in adolescence, which is so important for the formation of personality, Anya was left to her own devices. She inherited the best qualities that are characteristic of the aristocracy. She is youthfully naive, which is perhaps why she was so easily carried away by Petya’s ideas.

So who is the future? For Petya? For Anya? For Lopakhin?

This question could have been rhetorical if history had not provided Russia with a second attempt to resolve it. The end of the play is very symbolic - the old owners leave and forget the dying Firs. So, the logical ending: inactive consumers in the social sense, a servant who served them all his life, and a cherry orchard - all this is irrevocably a thing of the past, to which there is no way back. History cannot be returned.

I would like to note the cherry orchard as the main symbol in the play. Trofimov’s monologue reveals the symbolism of the garden in the play: “All of Russia is our garden. The earth is great and beautiful, there are many wonderful places on it. Think, Anya: your grandfather, great-grandfather and all your ancestors were serf owners who owned living souls, and don’t human beings look at you from every cherry tree in the garden, from every leaf, from every trunk, don’t you really hear voices... Own living souls, because this has reborn all of you who lived before and are now living, so that your mother, you, and uncle no longer notice that you are living in debt at someone else’s expense, at the expense of those people whom you do not allow beyond the front hall.. “All the action takes place around the garden; its problems highlight the characters’ characters and their destinies. It is also symbolic that the ax raised over the garden caused a conflict between the heroes and in the souls of most of the heroes the conflict is never resolved, just as the problem is not resolved after cutting down the garden.
And in order to answer the question that stood before us at the beginning of the lesson, what truth did Chekhov see at the end?XIX century, you will have to do creative work.

    Creative work. Try to imagine what the cherry orchard would think in October, when the cold weather is already approaching, and sees people with axes coming towards it - your task is to compose a “Monologue of the soul of the cherry orchard.” (5-7 minutes)

While composing a creative work, a sound recording is played: vocalise No. 5 Tenderness. Garden of Eden S.V. Rachmaninov

Try to summarize all of the above. How do you understand the image of the cherry orchard?

The image of cherry unites all the characters in the play around itself. At first glance, it seems that these are only relatives and old acquaintances who, by chance, have gathered at the estate to solve their everyday problems. But that's not true. The writer brings together characters of different ages and social groups, and they must one way or another decide the fate of the garden, and therefore their own fate.

How does the author feel about the cherry orchard? What is the symbol of the cherry orchard for A.P. Chekhov?

For the author, the garden embodies love for his native nature; bitterness because they cannot preserve its beauty and wealth; the author’s idea about a person who can change lives is important; the garden is a symbol of a lyrical, poetic attitude towards the Motherland.

Have you noticed which color is most often repeated in the play?

Of all the variety of colors in the play “The Cherry Orchard,” Chekhov uses only one – white, using it in different ways throughout the first act.

“Gaev (opens another window). The garden is all white."

At the same time, the garden in the play is only named, shown only outside the windows, as the potential possibility of its destruction is outlined, but not specified.

White color is a premonition of a visual image. The heroes of the work repeatedly talk about him: “Lyubov Andreevna. All, all white! O my garden! To the right, at the turn to the gazebo, a white tree bent over, looking like a woman... What an amazing garden! White masses of flowers."

White color– a symbol of purity, light, wisdom.

Bottom line

Chekhov in the play “The Cherry Orchard” used almost the entire range of symbolic expressive means: sound, real, verbal symbolism. This helps him create a voluminous artistic canvas, bright and scenic, with its own “undercurrent”, depicting the death of noble nests.


So what truth did Chekhov see?

Chekhov saw the truth about the future of Russia, that everything is in the hands of man: In a troubled era, it will either perish or be reborn.

Chekhov in the play “The Cherry Orchard” used almost the entire range of symbolic expressive means: sound, real, verbal symbolism. This helps him create a voluminous artistic canvas, bright and scenic, with its own “undercurrent”, depicting the death of noble nests and the death of old Russia.

    Reflection. Lesson summary.


At the end of the lesson - write a syncwine to cherry orchard

1st line – one keyword defining the content of the syncwine;

2nd line – two adjectives characterizing this concept;

3rd line – three verbs denoting an action within a given topic;

4th line – a short sentence revealing the essence of the topic or attitude towards it;

The 5th line is a synonym for the keyword (noun).

First example:

The Cherry Orchard.
Bright, deep.
Written, directed, completed.
Comedy in four acts.

    Lesson grades.

    Homework: make a cluster based on biographyI.A. Bunina, read the story "Mr. from San Francisco."