The main characters of Russian folk tales list. Prototypes of the heroes of Russian folk tales

The land of fairy tales is the most amazing and wonderful of all countries. Where else, if not here, you can see a carpet in the sky - an airplane, walking through the forest, meet the Gray Wolf and Lisa Patrikeevna speaking the human language, or accidentally come across the dilapidated hut of Baba Yaga.

The Russian people have an innumerable number of fairy tales. The Russian man lived in the midst of nature, dense forests stood around. It was terrible for a person in such a forest, much is incomprehensible. Trying to explain something, to calm down, to amuse themselves, our ancestors came up with tales, legends, legends, in which the heroes were water, goblin, kikimora, and also plants or animals.

And also fairy tales are a repository of information forgotten by the people about events that took place so long ago that it is difficult to remember. Any fairy tale carries at least two levels of information: general and hidden. The general level tells what is good and what is bad in a given society. But the hidden one tells about life in distant times, obscures the true heroes to obtain fairy-tale characters, well recognizable by readers and storytellers of any generation.

I present to you the ten most popular fairy tale characters of Russian folk fairy tales:

In 10th place is the well-known master of reincarnation, the Frog Princess, who successfully participated in the fairy tale of the same name.

In 9th place, the miracle of domestic poultry farming is the magnificent and inimitable Firebird from the fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf."

And in 8th place is a resident of dense forests, sometimes kind, sometimes evil, the unique Goblin with the fairy tale "The King and his uncle."

In 7th place is an expensive, extraordinary beauty Goldfish, who managed to participate in two fairy tales

"Gold fish",

"Golden shoe".

6th place is occupied by the most terrible monster with an indefinite number of heads Chudo-Yudo nasty, who has done trouble in two fairy tales:

"Ivan the Peasant's Son and Miracle Yudo",

Ivan Bykovich.

On the 5th line of our hit parade, a hybrid of man and animal, a little stupid and terribly greedy Devil. He "lit up" in three instructive tales:

"Golden Ax"


"The Enchanted Queen"

The tireless horse Sivka-Burka rightfully takes the 4th place with the following three tales:


“A pig is a golden bristle, a duck is golden feathers, a golden-horned deer and a golden-maned horse”,

Well, here we have reached the top three winners of our hit parade.

Honorary 3rd place is occupied by the well-known, slender and now living Koschey the Immortal. This old man "spoiled the blood" of the participants in seven tales:

"Princess Frog",

"The Snake Princess"

"Koschei the Deathless",

"Elena the Wise"

"Marya Morevna"

"Damask well done",

"The Tale of Koshchei the Immortal".

On the 2nd position of our hit parade is a recognizable snake with a personality disorder and a fiery character, the inimitable Serpent Gorynych. He inherited in 11 fairy tales:

"The Cursed Prince"

"Crystal Mountain"

"Ivan Tsarevich and Martha Tsarevna",

"Nikita Kozhemyaka"

"About a stupid snake and a smart soldier"

"Kuzma Skorobogaty",

"Animal Milk"

"Ivan Goroshko"

"Wonderful Shirt"

"Two Ivan soldiers' sons",

"About Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynych."

The Serpent Gorynych is associated with fire and water, flies through the sky, but at the same time it also correlates with the bottom - with a river, a hole, a cave where wealth is hidden from him, a stolen princess (or three princesses), a noble bride, "Russian full"; there is also the numerous offspring of the Serpent Gorynych - “snakes”.

Well, the winner is a terribly attractive girl of indeterminate years, a cheerful, laughter-loving Baba Yaga. This is the most common character in Russian folk tales. I counted 18 fairy tales, but this list can be continued:

"Vasilisa the Beautiful"

"Enchanted Queen"

"Stepdaughter and Stepmother's Daughter"

"A Tale of Two Sisters"

"Ivan Tsarevich and Bely Polyanin",

"Marya Morevna"

"Ivan Bykovich",

"Light of the Moon"

"Grateful Dead"

"Go there - I don't know where, bring that - I don't know what"

"The Tale of Koschey the Immortal"

"Baba Yaga"


"Swan geese",

"Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

"Knee-deep in gold, elbow-deep in silver,"

"Princess Frog",

"The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water".

This is what the ten most popular fairy tale characters from Russian folk tales look like.

Prototypes of the heroes of Russian folk tales

Where did such fabulous images appear in fairy tales, which are simply a reflection of folk myths, and those, in turn, half-forgotten facts from life?

I will reveal to you the secrets of the most popular fairy tale characters, who are among the top three winners.

The Secret of Koshchei the Immortal.

There are several versions.

First. The Encyclopedia "Myths of the Peoples of the World" says that Koschey means "captive", "slave". The word is borrowed from the Turkic language, and is associated, rather, with the slavery not of Koshchei himself, but of the girls and boys whom he kidnapped. That is, initially, captives of an evil sorcerer or deity were called Kashchei, and then the common noun became a proper name. And now we know only one Koshchei - the Immortal.

Second. They call Koshchei the Immortal not because he cannot die, but because his Death is hidden too far. So in the fairy tale “Koschey the Immortal” - he says: “I have death in such and such a place; there stands an oak, a box under the oak, a hare in the box, a duck in the hare, an egg in the duck, my death is in the egg.

Third. If you look at this question from a mythological point of view, you can see that Koschey, personifying Winter, Cold, Death, steals Love and Beauty in the face of young girls so that Spring does not come, so that permafrost and darkness are established. But there is a good fellow - Ivan Tsarevich, a symbol of Sunlight and Warm Spring Thunder with Rain. With the help of the forces of nature (magical beasts), he defeats Death, and Spring comes to Earth.

Now let's try to imagine what Koschey the Deathless looked like, or could look like. Fairy tales and drawings for them made by artists will help us with this. It is they who create that image, the portrait of the hero, about whom we read in a book or in a fairy tale.

I did a little survey among my friends. It was attended by 10 people. I asked how you imagine Koshchei the Immortal, and received approximately the same answer. Everyone sees an old, very thin, rather thin and bony person who resembles a skeleton covered with skin. But he is not a weak old man, but very strong, one might say, wiry. Well, his character is harmful, evil, voluptuous, greedy (rather even mean), and he is completely unpolite, rude and ungrateful.

Of course, Koshchei has a lot of wealth, gold, various silver. He accumulates these riches, so that later, perhaps, he will make a gift for the wedding of his bride. But since he steals brides from other suitors, and he himself does not look young and handsome, the brides all run away from him, ultimately, with their real gentlemen - princes and queens. But this does not indicate that Koschei is stingy. He is just frugal and saves money for something very important to him.

Until now, the name of Koshchei is called old misers, withered from stinginess and trembling over a hidden treasure, largely thanks to Pushkin and his lines:

"There the King of Koschei languishes over gold."

Koschey to this day remains one of the most colorful characters in fairy tales, about whom they write poems, come up with jokes and new fairy tales, even erect monuments, as in the city of Suzdal, for example.

The image of the Serpent Gorynych.

There are also several versions that served as a prototype for the Serpent Gorynych. The first version, the most popular among the people, means under the Serpent Gorynych hordes of invaders who rolled into Rus' from the southern steppes, whether they were Polovtsy, Tatar-Mongols or other nomads. This version was explained beautifully, but unconvincingly. Like, hordes of nomads rolled into Rus' like a multi-headed snake, their avalanche wriggled like a snake, and the cunning and vile disposition of the Tatar-Mongol exactly repeated the character of the reptile reptile.

But according to the latest scientific data, the Serpent Gorynych turned out to be not a living creature, but a secret weapon. Let's compare the description of the Serpent Gorynych with the technical characteristics of the Mongolian weapons.

Let's start with the main sign of the Serpent Gorynych - the mouth bursting with fire (“it flies, the flame blazes from the nostrils”). This description is the best suited for fire projectiles. The many-headed Serpent can be explained by the fact that the installations that sent shells at the enemy would today be called "volley fire installations." The Mongolian "Katyushas" threw out dozens of fireballs, which, with a howl and hiss, rushed to the Slavic fortifications. The wings of the Serpent Gorynych turned out to be the stabilizers of powder rockets. Another proof of the rocket version is the fact that the Serpent Gorynych always purposefully flies in and falls from the sky at once, and does not circle over the cities of ancient Rus', choosing a victim. A distinctive feature of the Serpent Gorynych is his death at the hands of Russian heroes. The blood of the Serpent, according to fairy tales, is black, and mother earth does not want to accept it, absorb it.

Summing up, it is safe to say that the negative hero of a huge number of Russian fairy tales and epics was nothing more than the rocket troops of the army of the Tatar-Mongol invaders.

The image of a terribly attractive girl of indeterminate years, a cheerful, laughter-loving Baba Yaga.

Since childhood, everyone knows who Baba Yaga is, and remember almost everything about her tricks. In any fairy tale, Baba Yaga plays an important role. Take it out of the text. And the hero will definitely not be able to do anything. He will either not get the sword-treasurer he needs, or he will not receive an exact indication of where to look and where to go, and in the end, he will certainly turn out to be hungry and dirty, since this mischievous old woman from the very beginning will certainly feed him, give him water and soar in the bathhouse, and even then does everything else. Thus, without it, nowhere.

Baba Yaga "- this strange name has its own history. "Baba" is the mother, the main woman in ancient cultures. "Yaga" is fire. There was a verb "yag". strength. "Yagali hunters, women in labor. It turns out that Baba Yaga was the main mother, a wise woman who knew everything.

Remember what she is? Terrible. Lives in a dark forest, flies in a mortar, and all the time strives to fry and eat someone! Why, then, does Ivan Tsarevich or Vasilisa the Beautiful often come to Baba Yaga for advice? And because there was such a custom - to apply for any knowledge to the ancestors. And the distant ancestors, of course, are in the other world, where the living is ordered to enter. But Baba Yaga served as an intermediary, a guide to the other world. After all, she herself, apparently, died a long time ago. This is evidenced by the description of her appearance in fairy tales: shaggy, loose hair (braids in ancient times were untwisted only to dead women) and a bone leg (it is clear that she died so long ago that she even decayed). And her dwelling - a hut on chicken legs - a prototype of the houses that were built by people of the past. They believed that after the death of a person, his soul lives among people for some time. They made a doll for her, put her in a wooden house, and put the house on a stump from a felled tree, the roots of which are very reminiscent of a chicken paw - here you have a hut on chicken legs!

After all, there is not a single fairy tale where Baba Yaga would fry people, she just wants to do it. Where did this story come from? It turns out that there was such a rite - baking a sick child. The midwife spoke the bread dough, wrapped the baby in it, put it on a shovel and put it in the oven. Then she took it out, unfolded it, and gave the dough to the dogs. The child often recovered from such warming. So, if we interpret the fairy tale from the point of view of the history of culture, then Baba Yaga is not a villain at all, but a folk healer. So Baba Yaga is not as scary as we think.


By doing this work, I have enriched my reading experience. I learned a lot of new Russian folk fairy tales.

I learned to analyze, to highlight the main thing. I have collected, it seems to me, interesting educational material that can be used in the lessons of literary reading, history, the world around.

A fairy tale is not only entertainment for kids. It contains instructive stories that reflect the beliefs of an entire people. The heroes are endowed with rather conditional exaggerated characters, their motives and actions are a reflection of ancient Slavic rituals.

baba yaga- the most famous character of Russian folklore. Meanwhile, this is not just a collective image of an ugly old woman with a quarrelsome character and ferocious deeds. Baba Yaga is essentially a conductor. The forest in which she lives is a conditional border between the worlds. She needs a bone leg so that the spirits consider her theirs. A prerequisite for “heating a bathhouse” is a ritual bath, a joint meal in one form or another - a feast, a commemoration among the Slavs. And the indispensable dwelling - a hut on chicken legs - is just the place of transition to the afterlife. By the way, chicken legs have nothing to do with the hut. "Smoke" means "to fumigate" - to pour smoke over a new haven of man "without windows, without doors." And in fact, Baba Yaga did not put children in the oven - this is again the image of the initiation of babies among the Slavs, during which the child was placed in the oven to protect him from evil spirits.

Water- an unpleasant-looking water spirit that lives in whirlpools and water mills. He has drowned girls in his wives, and fish in his servants. The waterman will not miss the chance to drag an unlucky diver to his muddy bottom. So that he would not act outrageously, they brought him gifts, especially the spirit of water rejoiced at the appetizing goose. The water man is always ready to protect his home, as soon as the fisherman recklessly encroach on his possessions.

Firebird- an analogue of the Phoenix reborn from fire and ashes. As a rule, she (or her pen) is the goal of the search and wanderings of the main characters. It is believed that she personifies light and warmth, so every autumn she dies, and reappears in the spring. Also found in fairy tales Sirin- half woman half bird. She has heavenly beauty and an angelic voice, but everyone who hears it is doomed to trouble and suffering.

Dragon- a fire-breathing dragon that can fly. In Slavic folklore, he guards the Kalinov Bridge - access to the underworld, where the path is ordered for the common man. The number of his heads is always a multiple of three (the sacred number of the Slavs), which indicates vitality, you cannot defeat him at a time.

Goblin- Forest spirit. He is either huge and powerful, then small and absurd, then clumsy, then dexterous. They try to avoid him, because Leshy has a harmful character and can lead him into the thicket of the forest - then get out of there. You can save yourself if you wear clothes inside out - so he does not recognize his victim. At the same time, they appease him, leaving gifts at the edge, because this is the Master of the forest, without whom human life is impossible.

- a good guardian of the house. He is born old and dies as a baby. He is happy to help in the household, if he is not offended and fed with milk, or he can misbehave and hide the necessary things. Its complete opposite is kikimora- the evil spirit of the deceased, tormenting the family. However, she does dirty tricks to those who do not keep their home in order, so it is quite fair. Another domestic prankster - Bannik. He is able to scare a person who has come to take a steam bath by throwing hot stones at him or scalding him with boiling water.

Koschei the Immortal- an evil sorcerer who kidnaps brides. This is a prototype of the powerful priest Koshchei Chernobogovich, the son of Chernobog. He owned the kingdom of Navi (the underworld, the underworld among the Slavs).

Well, what is a fairy tale without Ivan the Fool? This is a collective positive image, which is destined for a long way, but he passes it with valor and at the end receives the princess as his wife. So the Fool is not a curse, but a kind of amulet from the evil eye. Ivan solves the tasks set by life thanks to his own ingenuity and non-standard approach.

Listening to stories from heroes of Russian folk tales, children from childhood learned to be persistent in spirit, fair, courageous, revering and recognizing the power of good (after all, it always wins). The Slavs believed that any fairy tale is a lie only for our visible world, but true for the world of spirits. And no one will argue that it contains a lesson that everyone has yet to learn during their lives.

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ETNOMIR is the largest ethnographic park-museum in Russia, a colorful interactive model of the real world. Here, on an area of ​​140 hectares, architecture, national cuisine, crafts, traditions and life of almost all countries are presented. Each country is assigned a kind of "cultural reserve" - ​​an ethno-yard.

- complex exposure. It is formed by the building of the largest Russian stove in the world and nine huts from different regions of the European part of Russia.

In its planning, the architectural ensemble recreates the structure of ancient Slavic settlements, when residential buildings surrounded the central square.

The main expositions of the Museum are located in the huts - these are stoves of various structures, shapes, designs, and household items of the 19th-20th centuries, and an exhibition of irons, and a collection of traditional Russian patchwork dolls, and various wooden toys...

They create the mythical reality of folklore: these heroes are an important part of the life of our ancestors. The description of the magical power that each of the heroes owned and believed in in antiquity has come down to our time practically unchanged, although now it is not entirely clear to us. Children's fairy-tale characters are familiar to us from a very early age, but gradually their images fade from memory. Let's recall some of them.

Male fairy tale characters

Ivan Tsarevich, he is also Ivan the Fool, he is also Ivan the peasant son. The main qualities of this character are nobility and kindness. In any of the tales, Ivan helps and saves, which ultimately leads to a successful resolution of the situation, and to his own happiness. teaches the reader to listen to his heart, to intuition, to maintain honor in any situation and not to lose his presence of mind. Ivan is often accompanied by a faithful horse or a Gray Wolf. The horse is a symbol of devotion and fidelity, but the Wolf is a symbol of cunning: they help Ivan in all his endeavors. The antipode of Ivan is often Koschey the Deathless - a negative character in Russian folk tales, an evil sorcerer. His death is hidden in several nested objects and animals. In fairy tales, Koschey kidnaps the heroine and hides her at the end of the world in his castle, and Ivan usually saves her. Less commonly, Koschey acts as a symbol of wisdom and the keeper of knowledge.

Female fairy tale characters

Vasilisa the Beautiful, she is Vasilisa the Wise. The main qualities of the character are wisdom, beauty, fidelity. She is not just a heroine, she is a faithful assistant to Ivan, who must free her from imprisonment with Koshchei, or a harsh father, or the Serpent Gorynych, or any other villain. Vasilisa does not helplessly wait to be rescued, but helps the hero in every possible way, gives him advice, turns to her friends among people and animals. Vasilisa is a symbol of wisdom and virtue; the reader learns from her to be responsive and patient. Another female character found in Russian fairy tales is Baba Yaga, she is also Yaga-Yaginishna. This is perhaps the most ancient character and the most versatile. Yaga usually lives in and is famous for her bad temper - it is better to bypass her hut on chicken legs. She tells fortunes and conjures, but nevertheless more often helps than harms the heroes. Baba Yaga sometimes acts as a symbol of wisdom and the keeper of ancient knowledge.

Animals - fairy tale characters

Serpent Gorynych - a symbol of the evil inclination, representing a dragon with three, six, nine or twelve heads. Often the Serpent kidnaps the heroine and keeps her imprisoned, from where Ivan must release her. Gorynych also often acts as a guard of the gates to the underworld or Koshchei's house. Kot-Bayun is an insidious character, lulling with his voice. He knows many songs and legends, but often acts on the side of evil. It is often the pet of Yaga or Koshchei. Of the most neutral characters of the animal world of Russian fairy tales, one can name the Firebird. She has great healing power. Often becomes the object of desire of kings, kings and Koshchei himself, so the hero often goes in search of her. Catching the Firebird is not so easy, because it blinds with its light and burns.

The characters of Russian fairy tales are diverse, and the fairy tales themselves are fraught with great wisdom...

Fairy tales form the thinking, fantasy and worldview of many generations. Fairy tales not only entertained us in childhood, but the actions of the heroes of Russian fairy tales taught us to distinguish between good and evil, to be brave and to do justice.

At the same time, in fairy tales, beliefs, views and ideas of the people are displayed at different times. In the course of its development, the tale has changed significantly, and its functions have also changed. If initially it was used for a magical incantatory purpose (to call for good luck on a hunt, to protect oneself from enemies or to ensure victory in battle), then over time, having lost its ritual significance, the tale acquired an aesthetic, educational or entertaining character.

Fairy-tale characters also remained conditional. They are types, not individuals, which means they are described in general terms, often idealized, exalted, exaggerated. The main images here are always antagonistic: one embodies the good, the beautiful; the other is evil forces. Hence - their characteristics - actions, deeds, intentions, language. According to their functions, the heroes of Russian fairy tales are conventionally divided into benefactors, evil-doers and the destitute.

The largest group of fairy folk epic is made up of magical, fantastic tales. The explanation of many motives and features of fairy-tale characters can only be found in comparison with ancient rituals, elements of the socio-religious way of life of the Proto-Slavs and ancient Eurasians. Let's try to analyze some of the most famous characters in Russian fairy tales.

Heroes of Russian fairy tales. baba yaga

Baba Yaga is a character in Slavic mythology and folklore. Usually an ugly old woman, endowed with magical powers and magic items. Often a witch, a sorceress. Most often - a negative character (lures children and good fellows into his hut on chicken legs to eat), but sometimes acts as an assistant to the hero. According to folklore specialist Vladimir Propp, three types of Baba Yaga can be distinguished in fairy tales: the giver (gives the main character a fairy-tale horse), the kidnapper of children and the warrior (fights with the main character "not for life, but for death").

In modern ideas, Baba Yaga is the mistress of the forest and the guardian of the borders of the "other world" (far away kingdom). Therefore, she has a bone leg - to stand in the world of the dead. In many fairy tales, Baba Yaga drowns the bathhouse and evaporates the hero, performing the rite of ablution. Then he feeds him, that is, performs, as it were, a feast with him. And the female image of Baba Yaga itself is associated, according to researchers, with matriarchal ideas about the structure of the social world.

Heroes of Russian fairy tales. Water

In Slavic mythology - a spirit that lives in water, the owner of the waters, the embodiment of the element of water as a negative and dangerous principle. Appears before us in the form of a flabby old man, goggle-eyed, with a fish tail. He has a huge beard and mustache, sometimes - fish features, webbed paws and a horn on his head. Lives in whirlpools, whirlpools, but especially loves water mills. Therefore, the millers coaxed them in every possible way, and also buried a live black rooster or other security attributes under a log, where there would be a door to the mill. Often the Vodyanoy is associated with the sea king.

Heroes of Russian fairy tales. Firebird

A fairy bird is usually the goal of finding a fairy tale hero. The feathers of the firebird glow and amaze with their beauty. Lives in the Garden of Eden, in a golden cage. He feeds on golden apples, heals the sick with his singing and restores sight to the blind. At a deep mythological level, it is the personification of fire, light and the sun. Therefore, every year in the autumn the Firebird dies, and in the spring it is reborn. At the intercultural level, it has an analogue - the Phoenix bird, reborn from the ashes.

Heroes of Russian fairy tales. Dragon

A fire-breathing dragon with several heads, the personification of the evil inclination in fairy tales and epics. He usually lives in the mountains, near the fiery river and guards the Kalinov Bridge, through which they enter the kingdom of the dead. The number of heads of the Serpent-Gorynych is usually three (3, 6, 9 or 12). In fairy tales, the fire element is usually associated with the snake. The Serpent-Gorynych kidnaps girls (often princesses) to feast on. After that, the main characters come to him for a duel, first killing his baby vipers.

Heroes of Russian fairy tales. Ivan the Fool

A very popular image in mythology, which, when solving problems, is guided by its own, non-standard solutions, often contrary to common sense, but bringing success. The designation "fool" is interpreted in different ways. Some of the researchers consider this a talisman against the evil eye. According to another version, Ivan is called a fool, because usually in fairy tales he is the third son who is not entitled to a share of the parental inheritance (hence the ability to think outside the box, find a way out of difficult situations). Etymologically, the image of Ivan the Fool is associated with the image of a priest, because he can sing and play various instruments, and also speaks in riddles. At the end of the tales, Ivan the Fool receives wealth and the princess as his wife.

Heroes of Russian fairy tales. Cat Baiyun

A huge man-eating cat with a magical voice. On the one hand, he speaks and lulls travelers with his tales, on the other hand, his tales can heal. The very word "bayun" means "talker, narrator". In fairy tales, Kot Bayun sits on a high pillar at the distant lands in the distant kingdom or in a lifeless forest where there are no animals. In one of the tales, he lives with Baba Yaga.

Catching Bayun the Cat is usually a test for the protagonist, who catches him wearing an iron cap and iron gauntlets. But the caught Cat Bayun then serves at the royal court, heals the sick with his stories.

Heroes of Russian fairy tales. Kolobok

A fairy-tale character in the form of a spherical wheat bread that escapes from grandparents, from various animals, but is eventually eaten by a fox. This character clearly personifies the reverent attitude of the Slavic people to bread, and its sacred meaning. Namely, the round shape of Kolobok, which also rolls, which refers us to the cult of the sun.

Heroes of Russian fairy tales. Koschey (Kashchey) the Immortal

An evil sorcerer whose death is hidden in several nested magical animals and objects. “There is an island on the sea, on the ocean, on that island there is an oak, a chest is buried under the oak, a hare is in the chest, a duck is in the hare, an egg is in the duck, Koshchei’s death is in the egg.” Often kidnaps the bride of the protagonist. In appearance - a thin (Koschey - from the word "bone") a tall old man or a living skeleton. Sometimes on a talking and flying horse. A powerful sorcerer, which also allows priests to be called his prototypes.

Heroes of Russian fairy tales. Goblin

The master spirit of the forest in the mythology of the Slavs. His appearance is different, the breeds are even opposite in different fairy tales - either he is small in stature, then a giant, then an anthropomorphic creature, then he has an animal appearance. In any case, its otherworldly nature. The attitude of people towards him is also ambivalent. On the one hand, they are afraid of him, he can make a person go astray, sometimes plays pranks, can punish for inappropriate behavior in his domain. At the same time, it is Leshy who guards the forest, on which human life largely depends.

Heroes of Russian fairy tales. Miracle Yudo

The character of folk tales and epics, and even Proto-Slavic mythology. The positive or negative nature of the character is not clearly indicated, as well as his gender - in different eras he was both female, and male, and middle. Miracle Yudo is a character so ancient that researchers find it difficult to tie him to any phenomenon.

It can be a sea animal, a mythical serpent, a dragon. And in the author's fairy tale by Pyotr Ershov "The Little Humpbacked Horse" (1834) there is a Miracle-Yudo Fish-whale - a fish-island.

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fairy tale names

fairy tale names- these are the names of the heroes of fairy tales beloved since childhood. Behind every fabulous name stands an image, character, fate. People remember the fairy tales they read in childhood all their lives, and they keep books with their favorite fairy tales for their children.

fairy tale names



Alesha Popovich

baba yaga




Baron Munchausen


Vasilisa Mikulishna

Vasilisa the Beautiful


Winnie the Pooh

Ugly duck



Father Frost

Grandfather Mazai


Dr. Aibolit



Elena the beautiful

Elena the Wise





Ivan the Fool

Ivan Tsarevich

Ilya Muromets

Karabas Barabas


Koschei the Immortal


The Little Humpbacked Horse

King Thrushbeard

Cat Basilio

Cat Leopold

Cat Matroskin

Purring cat

Puss in Boots

Little Red Riding Hood

Crocodile Gena

Hen Ryaba

fox alice



Thumb boy


Mickey Mouse


Marya the mistress

Marya Marevna


chirping fly


Nikita Kozhemyaka

Olle Lukoye

Papa Carlo

Pippi Longstocking

Cockerel-Golden Scallop

Princess on the Pea

Postman Pechkin



bee maya



Ruslan and Ludmila



gray neck

silver hoof

Sivka-Burka-Veshchaya Kaurka



Snow Maiden

The Snow Queen

Blue Beard

sleeping Beauty

nightingale the robber


Three little pigs - Nif-nif, Naf-naf and Nuf-nuf

Tugarin snake

Fedot Sagittarius

Finist-clear falcon

Foca of all trades dock

Mistress of Copper Mountain

Brave little tailor

Swan Princess

Princess Frog

Princess Nesmeyana


King Dodon

Tsar Saltan


Turtle Tortilla




Miracle Yudo

Shamakhan queen



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Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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fairy tale names


Sites and blogs have appeared on the Internet that are not our official sites, but use our name. Be careful. Fraudsters use our name, our email addresses for their mailing lists, information from our books and our websites. Using our name, they drag people into various magical forums and deceive (give advice and recommendations that can harm, or lure out money for magical rituals, making amulets and teaching magic).

On our sites, we do not provide links to magical forums or sites of magical healers. We do not participate in any forums. We do not give consultations by phone, we do not have time for this.

Note! We are not engaged in healing and magic, we do not make or sell talismans and amulets. We do not engage in magical and healing practices at all, we have not offered and do not offer such services.

The only direction of our work is correspondence consultations in writing, training through an esoteric club and writing books.

Sometimes people write to us that on some sites they saw information that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander, not true. In all our lives, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our site, in the materials of the club, we always write that you need to be an honest decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The time has come when slander pays well. Now many are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to engage in slandering decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience, about faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, he will never engage in deceit, slander, and fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor, hungry for money. The police and other regulatory agencies are not yet able to cope with the increasing influx of "Cheat for profit" insanity.

So please be careful!

Sincerely, Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

Our official websites are:

Love spell and its consequences -

Also our blogs: