How to find out where a person is buried in a cemetery. What if I already have a family burial? How to find the graves of famous people

To find a grave loved one At the cemetery you can use electronic services:

  • full-text search of burials. The search can be carried out by any combination of last name, first name, patronymic, dates of life and name of the cemetery. For each burial there is a photo and the exact coordinates of the grave in the cemetery. You can get directions to the burial using your smartphone.
  • is one of the oldest services in RuNet with a large database of burial sites.
  • search for graves and provide grave improvement services. There are many graves from Jewish cemeteries.
  • OBD Memorial database of those killed in the Great Patriotic War.
  • On the page of the Union of Funeral Organizations and Crematoriums you can also find regional databases of burials.

If the burial is not included in the database, then the task of finding it becomes extremely difficult and turns into a real investigation.

  • If you know the cemetery where your loved one is buried, you should contact the municipality on whose territory the cemetery is located. IN municipal formation Burial books for each cemetery must be kept.
  • If the municipality did not help you, then the search becomes more complicated and you can start by studying the information on the website
  • All-Russian Family Tree on the forum of which users share the secrets of finding their ancestors.
  • Looking for graves famous people can help with

IN last years several times I was going to visit a wonderful woman who sometimes looked after me in early childhood and treated us to Rama butter sandwiches. But every time I walked past her house, the door was closed and the light in the window was off.

It turned out to be very easy to find out if she was alive. The grave was found in one of the public online databases. It turns out that information about hundreds of thousands of burials is freely available on the Internet. For some, there are even photographs of headstones and an indication of the exact location on the cemetery map.

Here is a selection of sites that will help you find out where a person is buried. Unfortunately, they do not contain data for all cemeteries, but only for those that volunteers managed to visit. But personally, I managed to find out information about the graves of dozens of acquaintances and relatives buried in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Moscow Graves


But the most The best way finding a grave is easy ask relatives. To find contacts of living people on the Internet, you may find articles useful.


Be sure to remember the date of the person you are looking for, as well as the last name, first name and patronymic of the deceased. Try to find evidence. It always indicates the Civil Registration Office (ZAGS) with which the person is registered. Now you need to contact the registry office that issued it directly.

When you arrive at the registry office, contact the death registration department. Show your death certificate. In the event that the deceased person is your relative, you will be given information about the place of his burial without any problems; if not, then explain the situation to the registry office staff and tell them how important it is for you to have this information. Civil registry office employees will give you information about where the person is buried, for burial, the place of registration and place of residence of the person at the time of death, his full name, surname, and patronymic.

Contact the people who were present at the event or the relatives of the deceased. If you are a friend or relative, they will give you information about the burial site. They can also simply show the death certificate. Make a copy of it and contact the registry office.

The grave is a must significant place for all relatives and friends of the deceased person. You can come there, remember all the pleasant moments and colorful memories that make up the bright memory of your loved one. If you were absent during the burial and for some reason cannot find out the place where your loved one is buried, do not be upset. There are many options to find out where it is. We will consider the most practical ones below.


Find full information about a buried person. This is the first thing you will need. Of interest is his full name, place and date of birth, and date of death. With all this information, it will be much easier to find grave.

Interview the deceased's closest relatives and friends person. They may have information about the exact location of the burial, or at least approximate information, such as the name of the cemetery and the city in which it is located. This information will greatly facilitate the search for the grave.

View family archives. Photographs, notes, diaries, letters, in general, anything that can lead you to the right trail will do. remember, that unnecessary information can not be. Having one piece of the puzzle, you can get to the next one, which will be the answer to all your questions.

Explore cemetery archives. They usually indicate the name person and the exact location of his burial. If this option does not justify itself, look in the archives of the city library. They probably have a section containing information about local residents. It is possible that this information will help you find grave person. It would also be a good idea to look through newspaper obituary columns and seek the help of civil registry offices. It is possible that they may contain information about the burial place of the person you are interested in person.

If all your attempts are unsuccessful, seek help from a company that provides services for finding missing graves. Its specialists will certainly be able to help you. Information about these companies can be found on the Internet or asked from friends and acquaintances. Perhaps some of them have already had to resort to the services of similar companies, and they will be able to recommend or suggest something to you.

Helpful advice

Take the time to practice your painting. This will allow you to eliminate unnecessary elements and make it more perfect.

Tip 3: How to find out how a person treats you in 2019

We all want to know what people think of us. After all, in our lives there are many people who know how to very skillfully hide their true attitude towards others. How to find out how someone treats you Human?

You will need

  • The desire to know how a person treats you.


In order to find out how a person treats you, you should ask him for help. Of course, you don’t need to ask for a loan, but finding a book or carrying a heavy item is just the right option. Agree that a person will not help the one he is with. This is that by agreeing to help you, a person will show his own.

Video on the topic


Remember that an opinion about someone is a purely subjective thing, and if one person doesn’t like something about you, it can bring indescribable delight to another.

Helpful advice

1. Some things should not be trusted by others. Therefore, if you want to find out what someone thinks about you, it is better to act on your own.
2. Even if what a person thinks about you does not suit you, do not be upset. Let the attitude towards you and the view from the outside become an incentive for positive changes.

Anything can happen in life. It happens that cemeteries are also liquidated. And it also happens that Human was unable to attend the funeral of a close relative, and does not even know where exactly he is. But sometimes this information can be very useful, especially if you are going to formalize an inheritance or are participating in trial. Do not think that getting the necessary data is easy and simple.


First, you must definitely know the date. This is the main condition! Otherwise simple Human It is almost impossible to obtain such data from (without connections, or a funeral home). Because in the cemetery office (this is still a big question mark) in special books, records are kept by dates, and not births or surnames.

First, contact the registry office. To a certain extent, you will find a copy of the death certificate there, where it will definitely be indicated. This is already half the battle. Well, then look in the cemeteries...
But if you don't close relative deceased or not a law enforcement official with special permission, then you are unlikely to receive this copy of the death certificate. As they say, what’s the mood here? You can expect both a “miracle” and the notorious “meanness”.
There is another option. But it will cost you a certain amount of money.

You can hire a special Human or a team of people who will purposefully search for the place you need Human A. You will not have to personally deal with the paperwork and archival red tape of the modern bureaucratic system. On average, the search time is 3–4 weeks. Although, in principle, the possible time for searching is not limited, unless of course you need this information urgently. The cost of such a service varies depending on the complexity and duration of the process. It is approximately 5 thousand rubles. But in any case, there is a high probability that neither you nor the people you hire will find anything.

Cemeteries are not the most popular places to visit, but probably almost everyone came there to honor the memory of the departed or just to look at ancient graves and fences. It is worth knowing that protected cemeteries usually cannot be visited at any time.


You can visit many villages any day of the week and at any time of the day. There are usually not many people living in villages, so the vacancy of a watchman or caretaker is usually free, and most often completely unnecessary. The graves are looked after by relatives who live nearby or come from the cities. Due to the lack of guards, cemeteries are not closed, so if you have the desire and the courage, you can visit village cemeteries late in the evening and even at night.

You can also often visit city cemeteries virtually at any time of the day. Even with the caretakers and guards of the cemetery in small towns often stay in dark time days. Of course, closer to night, the main gate is usually closed, but there are often other entrances to burial sites where there are no fences.

Some cemeteries operate on specific schedules, but in general, opening hours may vary by month and region. The vast majority of cemeteries begin work at 8-10 a.m. and end at 5-7 p.m. Most protected cemeteries are closed at night.

Famous cemeteries located in Moscow, St. Petersburg and others major cities, famous people, usually guarded and working to strict schedules. Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow it operates from 9.00 to 17.00. Troyekurovskoye Cemetery is open from 9.00 to 19.00 (May-September) and from 9.00 to 17.00 (-April). The capital's Khovanskoye Cemetery is also open from 9.00 to 17.00. You can get to the Ivanovo cemetery in Yekaterinburg at any time. The entrance from the side of St. John the Baptist Cathedral may be closed at night, but opposite side There are no gates and you can enter the territory freely.

On a frosty February night in 1837, at midnight, the drays set off from St. Petersburg, carrying a coffin to the Pskov province, reliably hidden from prying eyes. A gendarmerie officer was riding ahead, slouched in the saddle, and behind him in a wagon was an elderly man with a face crumpled with grief. Apart from these two people and the old servant, who did not want to leave the master’s remains, only snow and a blizzard saw him off. last way the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

Fear of the murdered poet

After the funeral service in the Stables Church, his body was sent to the burial place in an atmosphere of greatest secrecy. What were the authorities afraid of and why did they want to hide from the people where was the grave of Pushkin, a poet whom all of Russia knew by that time? After all, the news of his death had already spread around St. Petersburg, and thousands of people came to the house on Fontanka to say goodbye to him. They probably understood that on that day the consciousness of the masses was paralyzed by the grief common to everyone, and therefore the crowd remained silent. But what further forms outrage over the poet’s murder could take was unknown, and the authorities feared popular unrest.

Therefore, the highest decree ordered, in order to avoid unnecessary problems, to send the coffin to the burial place secretly, in compliance with all precautions. Which was exactly what was done. Before last moment the poet’s friend A.I. Turgenev, who saw him off on his last journey (it was he who was in that memorable tent), did not know where they were going and where Pushkin’s grave would be. Thus, from the first days, secrecy shrouded everything connected with the death Russian genius, and all subsequent years her shadow will not leave the grave in the Svyatogorsk Monastery.

Fulfillment of the poet's last wish

Alexander Sergeevich, a year before his death, expressed a desire, when his time came, to be buried near Mikhailovsky - close “to the sweet limit,” as he wrote in one of his poems. It is known that in 1836 Pushkin brought the body of his deceased mother to the Svyatogorsk Monastery and at the same time bought a place for himself next to her grave. In pursuance of this will of his, the dray with the body of the poet headed late on a St. Petersburg night to the Pskov province, where his ancestral village was located, and next to it - the place of his future resting place.

At first, Pushkin’s grave was marked only by a modest wooden cross, of which many are erected in Russian churchyards. But two years later, the poet’s widow, Natalya Nikolaevna, despite the extreme need she found herself in after her husband’s death, ordered a marble obelisk. A year later, the monument was erected. According to researchers, a crypt was also built at the same time, in which the remains of Alexander Sergeevich and his mother rested forever. In 1848, the poet’s father, Sergei Lvovich, was also buried there.

An ancient monastery in the Pskov province

But in order to continue the further story, it is necessary to describe in more detail the Svyatogorsk Monastery, which, among all Russian monasteries, has earned fame for the fact that Pushkin’s grave is located near its walls. A photo of this sacred place for every Russian is given at the beginning of the article. The monastery is separated by five kilometers from Pushkin’s family estate - the village of Mikhailovskoye. It is located near a village that once bore the name Holy Mountains, which gave it its name.

From archival documents it is known that it was founded in 1569 by personal order of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Fulfilling the highest decree, the royal governor, Prince Yuri Tokmakov, began construction of a monastery, which was intended to become not only a religious center, but also an outpost on the way of a possible enemy to the city of Voronich, located nearby.

Life of the monastery during the time of Pushkin

The monastery grew and flourished for two centuries, until Catherine’s famous decree on the secularization of church and monastic lands deprived its inhabitants of extensive possessions, and with them, sources of income.

We've arrived Hard times, when thoughts about the eternal were pushed aside by worries about daily bread. In those years when Pushkin became a frequent visitor to the monastery, his brethren consisted of only twenty-four monks, constantly involved in litigation with local peasants who disputed their already meager land plots.

The architectural center of the monastery is the cathedral, built by Pskov craftsmen and consecrated in honor of the Assumption Holy Mother of God. Over the centuries, it was rebuilt several times, mainly at the expense of local landowners, who made contributions to remember the souls of the departed and to pray for the forgiveness of the sins of the living. He was buried in the cathedral, in its altar part. younger brother Pushkin - Plato, who died in 1819. It is known that the poet, who then lived in St. Petersburg, attended his funeral.

From the notes of Alexander Sergeevich it is known that during the period of work in Mikhailovsky on “Boris Godunov” he spent a lot of time in the monastery library reading ancient manuscripts, which, according to him, helped to comprehend the peculiarities of thoughts and language of that time. Also in creation folk images The poet was helped by lively communication both with the inhabitants of the monastery and with those masses of peasants and ordinary people who rushed from all over the province three times a year to the fairs held here.

Creation of a grave obelisk

In this cathedral in February 1837, a funeral service was served, after which Pushkin’s body was buried near the altar wall. On the grave, as mentioned above, an ordinary wooden cross was installed. Soon the initiative to create a monument was taken by the famous literary critic those years N.A. Polevoy. He even tried to organize a fundraiser for this, but for a number of reasons the plans were never implemented. The monument appeared only in 1841.

It was made in the workshop of the St. Petersburg master Permagonov, who was helped in addition to his sibling three more assistants. In general, the appearance of the necropolis has not undergone any changes since those long ago. significant changes. What does Pushkin’s grave look like, where is it located and what events are associated with last days poet, everyone knows from school. Many of those who did not have a chance to visit the Svyatogorsk Monastery are familiar with her image, which was circulated in the media.

The Secret of Masonic Symbols

But here the mysteries begin. The monument to Pushkin at the grave - the stele and the entire funeral composition - is a combination various characters, having both a generally accepted interpretation and a secret one, belonging to the category of Masonic signs. For example, an urn and two burning torches facing downwards are very common symbols of grief. However, it must be taken into account that according to Orthodox tradition the deceased were interred rather than cremated, and their ashes were not placed in urns. This is typical for Masons. In addition, the urn is depicted with a ritual cloak draped over top, which, according to the “free masons” themselves, is their sign.

Further, downward-pointing torches in many lodges are a symbol of struggle and revenge for the persecution to which Freemasonry was subjected. The image of a six-pointed star can also be interpreted in two ways. In Orthodoxy, it is interpreted as a symbol of Old Testament times and on the grave it can symbolize the divine gift received by the poet, while in Freemasonry this sign is called the tetragram and the seal of Solomon. It signifies the mystical destiny of man. Ten such symbols on the vault of the arch - life path the one who is buried here. And we see two more emblems of “free masons” on Pushkin’s grave: Laurel wreath- charity, rope loop - a symbol of a secret union.

The great poet and the "free masons"

What would it seem like Alexander Sergeevich had to do with the Freemasons? It turns out that it is the most direct. While in exile in Chisinau in 1829, he joined a local lodge called “Ovid,” about which he wrote to his friend Zhukovsky, also a member of the “free masons” union. It is very possible that the symbols discussed above are related to this and carry some kind of encoded information. However, the main mystery that Pushkin’s grave contains excited researchers and everyone close to the poet’s name in 1953, during restoration work held at the site of his burial.

Mysterious discovery

The fact is that the entire Pskov region during the Great Patriotic War found itself in the occupation zone, and in 1944, during the retreat, the Germans tried to blow up many historical monuments located on its territory. Fortunately, they were not able to do this, but nevertheless, Pushkin’s grave in the Svyatogorsk Monastery was damaged, and its restoration was required. First post-war years it was not possible to implement it, and only in 1953 did work begin.

At first, there were no plans to open Pushkin’s grave; it was only planned to restore appearance necropolis. But when they began to dismantle the stele, which had become askew from the impact of the blast wave, it turned out that the soil on which it was located had subsided and cracks were visible going deep. It was clear that the plinth erected over the crypt during the last restoration work carried out in 1902 was damaged and required replacement. We started dismantling the tombstone. When a fairly large section of it was dismantled, a picture was revealed to those present that plunged everyone into amazement: in addition to the remains of the poet, there were two more skulls in the grave. As subsequent examination showed, they belonged to an elderly man and woman.

Hypothesis about when extraneous skulls got into the grave

How could they end up inside the crypt? The version of vandalism was rejected at the very beginning, since the condition of the grave indicated that it had not been opened for a long time. for long years. For the same reason, it was clear that the Germans, who ruled here during the war, had nothing to do with this find. The mystery of Pushkin's grave required its solution. For a more detailed consideration of the issue, documents related to the already mentioned works of 1902 were raised.

It turned out that in the acts of that time, drawn up when strengthening the burial mound, there was no mention of extraneous turtles. Consequently, they were not there before 1902. A simple conclusion arises that they could only be inside after the completion of the work, because the burial was never opened again. Perhaps it was so, but remains unanswered main question: who did this and why, since Pushkin’s grave has always been our greatest cultural heritage?

Hypothesis about a specific performer of the action

The historian V. Novikov expressed his assumption about this. He points out that the presence of extraneous skulls in the grave is typical for ritual Masonic burials. Pushkin, having joined the Chisinau lodge at one time, actually became a member of this secret union. It should also be taken into account that in 1902, on the eve of the first Russian revolution, the activities of the Freemasons reached their maximum activity.

It is possible that they could have committed a provocation by planting skulls in the crypt, proving Pushkin’s involvement in their union. For what purpose? Obviously, to raise the authority of Freemasonry. As for the specific performer of this action, given that many people were in their ranks in those years creative professions, suspicion involuntarily falls on the main manager of the work - architect V. N. Nazimov. This is, of course, just a guess.

To where Pushkin's grave is

The location of the necropolis, where the greatest Russian poet is buried, is well known to most Russians. Nowadays, the village that gave its name to the monastery has been renamed Pushkinskiye Gory. Thus the name of the poet was immortalized. Tying together an extensive museum-reserve, it lives a rich spiritual life. The main attraction here is Pushkin’s grave (we have already told you where it is). An endless stream of tourists flock here every day, coming from all over the country to honor the memory of the poet and learn new facts about his life and work. Alexander Sergeevich was truly perspicacious when he wrote his famous prophecy about the “unovergrown folk trail.”

In Russia there is not yet a unified database on burials in cemeteries in Russia

Sooner or later in a person’s life there comes a time when he begins to become interested in the past of his family. As a rule, this interest leads to the search for burials.

Unfortunately, current state The Russian funeral service industry does not make it possible to quickly and easily find the grave of a deceased person. The problem is related to the lack of a unified database on burials in cemeteries in Russia.

Previously, information about the grave was stored exclusively in the archives of the cemetery where the burial took place, and single register There were no burials - common for the entire country. But paper documentation is not always reliable and is often lost.

Many archives were lost during the Great Patriotic War. The problem of data preservation was also related to the principles of organizing the archive of citizens’ personal data in Russian Federation and the USSR (for example, registry offices register the fact of death, but not funerals).

Now it has been decided to create a system for recording cemeteries and a unified database for recording burial data on the territory of the Russian Federation. A unified database of those responsible for the maintenance of the burial (grave) will also be created.

Find a grave - search methods:

Through the cemetery administration

If you know in which cemetery the grave of the deceased is located, contact the cemetery administration. It stores data about all the burials that took place: who was buried, when and in what area. If you know at least the approximate date of death of the deceased, you can quickly find the desired record.

Through the State Budgetary Institution “Ritual” (Moscow) or the regional municipal unitary enterprise “Ritual”

The cemeteries of Moscow and New Moscow are under the jurisdiction of the State Budgetary Institution “Ritual”; cemeteries in other regions are accountable to municipal ritual services. State Budgetary Institution “Ritual” and similar services have access to archives and registration books of cemeteries. Based on them, databases of burials are compiled. These databases are incomplete, but there is always a chance that with their help you will be able to find the information you need.

When contacting a funeral service, you may need a stamp death certificate. To find out the contacts and address of the municipal funeral service, you should contact the information service of the city administration, the MFC or the registry office.

Through the Ministry of Defense - if the deceased died (died) during the Second World War and was a military serviceman

Through the joint efforts of volunteers and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, an open Memorial database was created, containing more than 20 million records of losses in the Great Patriotic War.

There is also a database “In Memory of Heroes Great War 1914-1918." It provides information about more than 2 million participants in the First World War, including their burial places. These resources do not always indicate the exact location of the grave, but they can help determine the approximate location of the service member's death. The information obtained can help find the location of the mass grave where the remains of the deceased are buried. The Department of Defense also has detailed records of many military personnel, both those who died while serving and those who died after retiring. Relatives of the deceased can obtain this information privately by contacting the reception desk of the Ministry of Defense.

Find a relative who has a burial certificate

This document contains all the necessary information: in which cemetery the person was buried and where the grave plot is located.

Interview funeral participants

People can remember which cemetery the funeral took place in and where the grave is located. Ask your relatives for help, try to find close friends and acquaintances. If for one reason or another this is not possible, try to find the organization where he worked: one of his colleagues may have participated in the funeral himself or knew the participants. Finally, if it is known last place residence of the deceased, try asking the neighbors. Searching “through people” is often underestimated, but it often brings the desired result.

Through specialized sites for searching burials

One of the largest and most trusted resources is the website. It contains information about almost 2 million burials in 27 cities of the CIS, which often allows you to find a grave by the name of the deceased. If you were unable to find information using the existing database, the project also provides a service for searching burials on request. Some private investigation (detective) agencies are also engaged in searching for burials.

Search for a grave based on available information and documents

If none of the methods above helped, then you should try the following sequence of actions:

    Determine the last place of residence of the deceased. Find out the city of residence - usually the funeral takes place in the same city where the person lived. It is advisable to find out the exact address.

    Find the stamp's death certificate. If it is not there, then contact the registry office or MFC at the last place of residence of the deceased for a copy. To do this, you will need to provide your passport and a document confirming your relationship with the deceased (birth certificate or marriage certificate).

    Set the date of death. This information is on the certificate. If you were unable to find or obtain a death certificate, then try to find the approximate date from personal correspondence, obituary and other records.

    Contact the cemetery administration with available information. If the deceased died in the city with a large number cemeteries, try to find out which cemeteries were buried in the year of his death (the city administration may have this information).

    If you are unable to determine the burial place using the cemetery’s archival data, contact the church at the cemetery. Priests in cemetery churches usually record all funeral and burial ceremonies.

    If the previous points did not produce results, then all that remains is to try to find a grave by name in the cemetery. To do this, you will need to do painstaking and time-consuming work, examining cemetery tombstones.

Example of a burial search

Searching for the graves of heroes of the Great Patriotic War - difficult task. Dmitry I. encountered it, deciding to find the place where his grandfather, a participant in the war, died and was buried. Dmitry didn’t know much about his grandfather, only his name, year, place of birth and the fact that he died somewhere in Latvia.

Turning to the resource, Dmitry managed to find his grandfather’s last place of service, as well as information about where and when he died. The commander of the unit where Dmitry’s grandfather served drew up a map with a burial diagram - however, the search in google maps showed that now in this place there is only a ravine and an open field.

Together with his brother and wife, Dmitry went to Latvia, to a village near Riga, where their relative was buried. Unfortunately, the map turned out to be true - at the site Dmitry found only a ditch, and only pieces of reinforcement marked the mass grave that had once been located here. After contacting the locals, the family learned that there were graves from the war in the village cemetery. However, no matter how they looked, there was no tombstone with the grandfather’s name among the graves.

Fortunately for Dmitry, one farmer remembered that in the 60s the authorities carried out the reburial of the remains of those killed in memorial cemetery neighboring city. Having gone to the indicated place, the family discovered a well-kept necropolis, where mass graves there are more than 2000 liberating soldiers. The names of almost all of them are known and inscribed on tombstones.

At first the search did not bring any results. But once again looking at the long list of buried soldiers, it turned out that the grandfather lies right here - during the reburial, the surname was transliterated into Latvian and back, and an error crept into the inscription on the memorial.

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