What does a place in the sun mean? How to find your place in the sun

A place under the sun

The source of phraseological units is French literature. In one of Balzac’s works there are the words: “I’m just a poor man, and I don’t want anything except my place in the sun.” Poet P.-J. Bérenger wrote: “Better distribute the space of the too cramped globe, and each of you will have his own place in the sun.” This expression has appeared before, for example, among the French scientist and philosopher B. Pascal (1623-1662). Although it became popular after German Chancellor Bernhard Bnow, in a speech about the seizure of a Chinese port, said: “We are ready to take into account the interests of other states... but we also demand our place in the sun,” that is, we want they saw us and knew us. Phraseologism has both a humanistic meaning - the right to exist, and a political one - the struggle for the redistribution of the world.

Like a phoenix from the ashes

Phoenix is ​​a mythical eagle with feathers of fiery red and gold. The myth about him originated in ancient Arabia and later spread to other countries. One of the legends says that the phoenix flew to Egypt once every five hundred years, bringing his dead father to burn him in the temple of the Sun God, after which he flew out of the ashes. According to another legend, the phoenix burned itself and was reborn from the ashes renewed and young.

The phraseological phrase “like a phoenix from the ashes” is used to mean “to be reborn, to return to life, to be completely renewed.”

Silent means consent

Researchers find expressions similar in meaning in the ancient Greek playwrights Sophocles and Euripides. In particular, Sophocles said in one of his works that by silence everyone agrees with the accused. And a specific phraseological unit was first recorded by the Roman writer Terence. In his comedy "Eunuch" there are these words: "He who is silent... approves." Linguists claim that the Roman philosopher Seneca also has similar phrases. The phraseological phrase “silence is a sign of consent” is used mainly in the literal sense.

Wet to the skin

The phraseological unit states the obvious, because the threads are a stream of rain. Slurping means to pour, flow, flow down from someone or something, to be very wet.

So, the expression “wet to the skin” means a downpour as wet as the rain itself.

My house is on the edge

The full version of the phraseological unit sounds like this: “My hut is on the edge, I don’t know anything.” When it, like many other expressions, had a direct meaning. All important events in a village or city took place in the center, on the square. And those who lived on the outskirts were the last to know about everything, because there was no television, no radio, no press. In a figurative sense, the phraseology “my house is on the edge” means: I haven’t heard anything, haven’t seen anything, I don’t know, I don’t want to know, it doesn’t concern me, it’s none of my business; due to indifference, NOT wanting to interfere in something, to be involved in something.

For two pokers

Kotsyuba is a household stove utensil, a poker. They treated her with respect, endowing her with magical properties through her connection with fire.

The poker should not be thrown, but only placed in the corner by the stove. In some regions of Ukraine, when moving, the owner brought an icon into the house, and the hostess brought a grip and a poker, with which she baptized all the corners of the house. Kotsyuba was a long object in the house; everything could be measured with it. Therefore, “two pokers” means very high.

To Kudikina Mountain

Folk customs have many taboos (prohibitions), in particular, asking: “Where are you going?” “Zakudikuvaty” consider the road to be bad manners, even a sin.

According to scientists, "kuda" could be associated with the word "kud" (evil spirit). And people were also afraid that the one who asks might jinx the road and bad luck would happen. Those who kudikav were often called kudikalams in Ukraine. And to the question “Where?” They answered: “Don’t talk too much, otherwise you’ll be old” or “Go to the Crimea for salt.” And the most common answer is “To thresh peas on Kudikina Mountain.”

Dear reader!
If you are holding this manual in your hands, it means that I have achieved my goal and now I can say with confidence that I have found the path that I was looking for to answer my main question - “How to find my place in the sun?”
In this little book, I will try to give answers to many questions that interest everyone. Each person has his own ideas about what values ​​he needs to acquire for complete and harmonious happiness, and therefore, like a treasure, he tries to find them. When we find these values, we very soon get used to them, become attached to them, and when we lose them, we panic, get lost, and perceive them as a blow of fate.
The events of this book take place in an imaginary Anthill, which is the environment of our habitat and our activities, our personal or public relationships. In other words, the ants are us, people, and the Anthill is Life itself, with all its components.
I hope you, dear reader, will enjoy this amazing story that I have written. Best wishes. And don’t forget - the secret to a happy life lies in the constant search for values ​​throughout life.

A story that came to my mind in moments of unbridled loneliness...

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there was a small territory crossed by various passages and corridors, entrances and exits, niches and nooks in such disorder that one could get lost there in the blink of an eye. And numerous residents lived here, who proudly called their state - Anthill. Simple, black, even sometimes seeming gloomy, with a thin mustache and all-seeing small eyes - these are the inhabitants. But this story will not be about everyone at once, but only about one pair of inhabitants, and their names are Runner and Grumpy.
There was no difference in their external structure, only their character, like any of the inhabitants of the Anthill, had its own difference, but due to their friendly attitude it was not particularly distinguishable. Both Runner and Grumpy woke up at the same time and began to work tirelessly. Each one helped the other. A new day spoke of the need to make new moves and exits, to build a state so that it would rise above everything around, and at the same time be a defense, a fortress from all misfortunes.
After everyone laid down a new twig and made a new move in the Anthill, he went in search of food and only after mining, everyone went to bed confident in themselves and the future.
Everything seemed fine, no one thought about the ordinariness of their lives, everyone liked what they were doing except two - the Runner and the Grumpy.
From their very birth, both were dreamers; they firmly believed that somewhere far away, where the sun goes down and rises again, there are the same living creatures, and perhaps completely different ones. And then one day, sitting on the highest hill of his state, and seeing off the setting sun, the Runner suddenly decided - it’s time to change something, to go in search of the unknown, before life completely flies by. Grumpy mentally also thought about this, but said out loud:
- Runner, you want to experience the unknown, but aren’t you afraid that there will be an end there? What will happen there that the walls of our native Anthill will not be able to protect us from, because it will already be very far away?
The runner looked strangely at his interlocutor and replied:
- From what. Afraid. But the desire for the unknown is stronger. It embodies in the body the illusion that you will have to make a choice, and choosing is always difficult and terribly interesting. Am I wrong?
- Well...you're probably right. – Grumpy scratched the back of his head, saw a mischievous sparkle in his friend’s eyes and fidgeted nervously in place and asked:
-Are you really going to leave the Anthill?
- Yes Yes Yes! - the Runner exclaimed cheerfully. - And you will come with me.
- I…??? – Grumpy cowered in fear.
-Yes, you. You don't have any responsibilities keeping you here. Plus, I'm the only one close to you. Together we will be braver and more resilient. And if we’re lucky, we’ll be able to go back and prove to everyone that it’s not scary – SEARCH and CHOOSE! I'm not forcing you, Grumpy. You can stay, giving up the right to find a source of a better life, or you can go. It's up to you. Whatever choice you make is your choice. Tomorrow I will set off as soon as dawn comes.
The runner stood up and wrote goodbye on the sand mound:
“Whoever is not capable of change will not survive.”
Grumpy thought about this. But his friend is right, if you selflessly succumb to fear and stop acting, this is completely bad. Looking towards the endless expanses where he had never been before, he felt that he was becoming a little scared. Once again I looked at the old and lived-in places that attracted me like a magnet with their habitability and safety. But even now, at the last moment, he did not know whether he wanted to stay or go into the distant unknown. Having never come to the right decision, he thought, “The morning is wiser than the evening.” And he went to bed, hoping that the new day would help him make a choice.

At dawn, the Runner, having already washed himself, ran to his friend, meeting along the way the same residents of the Anthill, digging new passages. Grumpy didn't sleep. He already knew that very soon his friend would come to him and start the same useless dialogue. At the very threshold the Runner shouted joyfully:
- Went! Forward!
-There can be no question. I feel cozy, comfortable, good here. And there is running around, and all sorts of dangers await.
- What are you talking about, Grumpy! We've been doing this running around all our lives, we're no strangers to it. And as for dangers, remember: all our lives we were not afraid of anything, we neglected everything. So why be afraid now? Think about it, if you had no fear, how many new things could you accomplish?
Listening to his words, Grumpy fell into doubt. He, of course, did not like the monotony of his life, but running through those places where all sorts of dangers awaited him... And all without a scanty guarantee of success. He was constantly overcome by a feeling of fear of not finding anything, but only of losing everything. Tired of his friend’s indecisiveness, the Runner could not stand it and headed for the exit.
- Where are you going? - Grumpy asked, still hoping that he would change his mind and go build a state, continuing to live a measured life. But no.
- I'm heading to where the sun hides!
Grumpy looked towards his departing friend. His thoughts were filled with regret at how much time he had wasted, greeting and seeing off the sun, counting down each day to old age. He smiled. I remembered the old saying: “Better late than never.” He took a deep breath, turned towards the exit and ran along an unfamiliar path.
Very soon he overtook the Runner. He nodded approvingly and, stopping for a minute, wrote out on the sand that had not yet had time to become warm:
“Overcome your fear - you find freedom”
Having chosen a new direction, they ran away, moving faster and faster away from their native Anthill.
Coming out into the deserted area, everyone felt the fresh air blow. Grumpy took a deep breath and quickened his pace. Throwing off the shackles of fear, he enjoyed the sudden calm that came over him. To cheer himself up even more, he began to indulge in daydreaming. He thought that somewhere ahead they would find a country in which kind and cheerful inhabitants would live, who had no reason to run around and build something. They have everything. Fun, madness, happiness, love... At first, Grumpy thought about love. But, in fact, he did not have to meet her, although there were so many dazzling beauties in his native state. “Everyone was so passionate about construction that no one simply had time,” he consoled himself, realizing in the depths of his soul that he had not even made the slightest effort to find love. He just turned out to be a passive ant.
Everything was fine, and the friends rejoiced at every new discovery they encountered along the way. Whether it was the flapping of the mighty wings of a bird or the chirping of grasshoppers, it doesn’t matter. So what if they also had their own birds and grasshoppers next to the state. That's not the point. Here they encountered something completely foreign and unfamiliar. New. These new sensations took your breath away and made you dizzy. The runner laughed joyfully and, encouraging his friend, rushed forward, purring something under his breath. But not everything is so wonderful. And they understood this. They just forgot for a moment.
The anthill in which Runner and Grumpy lived was located quite far from people who also lived their lives. But a few days later they came to the edge of the forest, which was adjacent to the old park. Here their first meeting with people took place.

* * *
The park was quite old, but still looked tolerable. Therefore, the old scientist decided:
“It’s unlikely that the entire territory is monitored here, which means that somewhere there is a place for ants. I’ll try to find them.” The scientist walked around the park for a long time before he realized that he was unlikely to be able to find what he was looking for. The old man was upset - he really wanted to start studying ants today, the first. He was always interested in making new discoveries. Tired and a little tired, the scientist decided to sit down to rest, and choosing a place under a spreading oak tree, he sat down right on the grass.
At this time, the Runner and the Grumpy were running along a thin path overgrown with grass, when, suddenly, out of nowhere, something big collapsed in front of them. Human. But they still didn’t know what it was, or rather who it was, and therefore, a little surprised by the strange creature, they decided to stop and look at its actions. But, oddly enough, the creature did not show any action at all, but rather seemed to die. The Runner was the first to bring himself and Grumpy out of their stupor.
- In my opinion, he is already dead. We have two options: We can go around and spend a lot of time on it, or we can just crawl through it, what do you think about it, friend?
Finding nothing better to answer, Grumpy nodded. And in fact, why darken a previously wonderful life by going to extra and unnecessary distances, when they can get by with a more convenient option and, after a little hesitation, they set off. Carefully clinging with their paws with suction cups to the trousers of the motionless old man - the scientist, they climbed up and then sideways, skirting unnecessary folds and irregularities.
At this time, the man sitting on the grass began to watch his knees with interest. And there was something to be done! Two small ants were crawling along his trousers, the same ones he had spent so much time looking for.
Delighted by the chance find, the scientist hurried to take out a glass jar with soil and, uncorking the lid, hastened to drive the little fugitives into it.
As soon as Runner and Grumpy got into the jar, the lid closed, and everything around them was plunged into darkness.

The friends saw the light again when they fell into glass jars with earth, which the scientist had already prepared for them in advance. After which, he sat down opposite and began to observe. In one jar, an ant immediately ran around - looking for a way out. I couldn’t find it and decided to build something like a house – an Anthill. He digs, he tries! It turned out to be an active ant.
And another ant, in another jar, realized that there was no way out, and froze. He folds his paws and doesn’t move his whiskers. Like he's dead. This ant is passive.
Then the old man decided: he placed the passive ant with the hard worker. And he sees what will happen.
The hard worker touched the guest with his mustache. “They’re probably communicating,” the scientist thought. But seeing that he was “dead” and not moving, he ran to continue working. And the “dead” one crawled to the wall and froze again. Only now he has no peace: either a grain of sand will fall into him, or he will be covered with earth. At first, the passive ant crawled out of the ground and crawled to another place to sit out. and then began to help the active one. Yes, I'm so upset! Now the scientist could no longer distinguish which ants were hard workers and which were “dead”.
In parallel with this, the following picture took place among the small ants. The runner, finding himself in a glass jar, rushed about in search of a way out, each time bumping into a blind barrier, changing directions. And then I suddenly realized: “If there is no way out, then we have to dig and look for it underground.” Soon after his short efforts, his friend Grumpy was next to him, who realized that the fear that filled him at the very beginning had given way to disappointment, and now he no longer wants anything,
firmly convinced that the path to freedom is closed, thoroughly and for a long time.
The runner, on the other hand, did not give up. And then again the stimulus that appeared in the little Grumpy every time his friend caught fire with a new idea played its role. And he decided that maybe his comrade was right, and if we try to find a way out together, everything will work out.
Very soon, both exhausted, collapsed onto the already formed embankment. It became clear: They have already dug up everything they could, the soil below is completely uncultivable, which means one answer begs to be answered - there is no way out!!!
I didn’t want to talk, too much effort was spent on useless work. Nothing new. Lying like this, everyone thought about their own things. The runner tried to cope with a new feeling that had never visited his consciousness. It was a disappointment. Disappointment from the fact that he was trying to prove to his friend something that he himself didn’t even know was right. And all his aspirations were ultimately doomed to failure... So what now???
The grumpy man tried to drive away sad thoughts about unfulfilled love, about an unfinished journey, but how much else they planned to see... He suddenly felt so weak and helpless that he had never been in his state, waiting for a miracle and inactivity. What inspired and added strength was only the realization that he had overcome his fear and managed, albeit much late, to rebuild himself.
At this time, the picture that the scientist observed became quite boring, and taking out an old notebook, yellowed from the sun’s rays and time, he opened it and wrote his observations:
“Ants never live alone. Even if you create excellent living conditions for a lonely ant, it will soon die. Together, the ants will live a little longer. There must be at least a dozen ants so that they can exist normally. and why science has not yet clarified.”

* * *
The next day, the scientist came to the park and took a glass jar out of his pocket and poured out the contents. They were two ants who lost their vigor as soon as they were in captivity. But what is it? Looking back, they saw that freedom was again stretching before their eyes, and the creature that kept them captive was gradually moving away, without saying anything in the end, and without causing them a drop of harm. From such a surprise, Grumpy suddenly burst into tears, and Runner, joyfully dancing in place, waved goodbye to the stranger who had already gone quite far from them, although he never saw it.
Soon the Runner and Grumpy continued their journey across the endless expanses, leaving an inscription at the place of their farewell to the unknown creature, as the Runner said, “Just in case for people like us.” The caption read: “BE READY FOR NEW CHANGES AND NEW ADVENTURES, BECAUSE CHANGE IS NECESSARY, THIS IS ONE OF THE VALUES OF LIFE.”
Our heroes wandered for six days and nights. During this time, they got into trouble more than once, becoming unwitting victims for other living beings making their way in the food chain. But they resisted. We survived. Soon the park gave way to dense thickets and an amazing picture opened before the friends: right above them towered a huge castle, consisting of a thousand labyrinths, windows and doors, several times larger than their own Anthill, and so beautiful that the travelers took their breath away.
-Have we really found someone else besides us? - the Runner exclaimed joyfully, - Grumpy brother, let's go quickly, I want to meet everyone urgently.
The grumpy man said nothing, but only smiled joyfully in response and walked straight to the castle.
Entering the city, the friends involuntarily gasped: such splendor opened before them that they took their breath away. After all, no matter how long they lived in their native Anthill, and no matter how much love they put into it, this new city struck them much more with its beauty. For so many years they built castles of sand and mud, erected heights, calling it art, that now, at the sight of beautiful stone structures and green spaces, they instantly destroyed all the stereotypes that were in their heads.
Meanwhile, local residents began to slowly study the strangers. And when they realized that the aliens did not promise danger, acquaintance began.
After some time, Runner and Grumpy were sitting at the festive table
, which the head of the city, Courageous (that was his name), organized in honor of the newcomers. Soon the friends already knew the names of those around them. There was also a famous artist from the city of Maslyona, who was successful because she painted beautiful paintings exclusively with oil paints and her hands. Next to her, Veselchak, a local musician and the leader of all events, was spinning on a chair, Poet Peryshkin and other inhabitants: Munchkin, Talker, Bunny, Blacksmith, Sonya, Sloth, Hard worker.
The runner actively made contact with everyone a little bit. It was interesting to learn about another civilization, especially from its own lips. The grumpy man was no less interested in what was happening, but felt out of place, so he tried to stick out as little as possible from behind his comrade.
Noticing this, the Runner asked:
- Grumpy, don't you like it here? Look around, how beautiful it is...
- Yes, you are right. But if you look at it all from the other side, I liked it better at home. Everything there is our own, everything is native. There is no need to adapt to someone and look for the right solutions. It's very difficult, I think so. and I’m not saying that I’m disappointed, but you know that from the very beginning I didn’t want to be somewhere far from home. Now I feel it twice as much.
- Yes, you have the right to think as you want. I'm not your judge. But then give me your word that you will have a little fun here with me, and later you and I will find an opportunity to return back. Because?
- Fine. Your word.
The fun and celebration lasted for seven days and nights, and when the eighth came, it was necessary to decide whether to stay or return. The runner was sad. He didn’t want to leave, but he didn’t want to stay here without his friend either. But there was one more thing. Courageous (if anyone has forgotten, I will remind you that this is the mayor of the city), very attached to his friends. and especially to the Runner, accepting him almost like a son, and even introduced him to his only beautiful daughter Lily, who bloomed and fragrant like a flower. And now the Runner was faced with a choice: friendship or love. Grumpy understood that everything that happened depended only on him, and without thinking twice he offered his own denouement to this story. Turning to the Runner, he said:
-Dear friend. Everyone has the right to build their own destiny as they please, which means we must choose what we really like. Wherever I am, I realized that I am always drawn to my homeland, which means I belong there
, my destiny. You chose your place in the sun. Here is what you were looking for, your love, those close to your soul. So your choice must stop. I don't think our friendship will suffer from this. We can continue to see each other, enjoy our meetings, even if not often, and live as we like, so I ask you to stay. Everything else, believe me, is not important.
After his friend’s words, the runner burst into tears and rushed to hug him one last time, while everyone around him clapped their hands together. After which, the gate slammed behind Grumpy and everyone rushed to hug, happy with the joyful ending.

Do you think this is a happy ending? You almost guessed right, I’ll just tell you how this story ended next.

Grumpy returned to his homeland where everyone joyfully greeted him with questions about his adventures. Someone cried about Begun leaving the city. The Runner himself, together with the Courageous, threw a wedding feast for the whole world, the leadership of which was handed over to the Veselchak. Two anthills got drunk, ate and had a great time. The runner and Lily swore eternal love, after which the swimming beetle ferried them across the river to the Valley of Flowers, where the young couple spent their honeymoon. And Grumpy wrote a book about all this. Do you know how it ended?
"…And they lived happily ever after".
From this story you saw that each person makes his own choice, the main thing is to understand that it is more expensive for you to live with family and friends, or strives to search for something new, unknown and in your own way. The main thing is not to act like a Runner. Do not look for a choice between friendship and personal life, because this is a difficult choice and not everyone can help you find the right solution. Take everything you can from life and don’t be afraid of change, because this is the only way to FIND YOUR PLACE IN THE SUN!

1. What

The possibility of a full, full existence.

The difficulty of achieving such an existence, the struggle for it, is implied. This refers to the conditions under which a person, a group of people, a socially organized community (X) can live, work, and realize themselves normally. speech standard . ? X fights for a place under the sun

Social Darwinists! They saw only a continuous struggle for existence: crowds of people frenzied with hunger, tearing each other to shreds because places in the sun, as if there is only one, this place, as if there is not enough sun for everyone! A. and B. Strugatsky, Predatory things of the century. With weapons in hands I had to defend my a place under the sun well-known security company "Alpha" in Perm at a motor transport enterprise, where a change of management was carried out within a month. Perm news, 2002.

Today, the life of the vast majority of people on our planet is a struggle for a place under the sun. Fighting is a cruel thing. A. and Yu. Shimansky, Creative Man.

In 1984, Yegor Letov organized a new group called “Civil Defense”. They sang and played sometimes until their fingers bled, along the way encountering a “bureaucratic machine” that prevented them from realizing themselves. Those were the years of struggle for a place under the sun. Dzerzhinets, 1990.

If the outcome of an election is known in advance, what's the point of hiring PR people? - While elections are alternative, a place under the sun there will be one for us. Century, 2000.

We firmly believe that every person will not only find a place under the sun, but also the necessary material conditions so that he can enjoy life and fully develop physically and spiritually. A. Oparin, Science and Peace.

Phraseol. - tracing paper from French. First found in the French philosopher B. Pascal (1623-1662) in “Thoughts” in the meaning of “right to exist.” (Ashukin N.S., Ashukina M.G. Winged words. Literary quotations, figurative expressions. M., 1960. P. 356.) In the image of phraseology. symbolism reflected sun, one of the most meaningful and universal symbols of world culture. In one of the values Sun- the source of life, salvation and justice; Wed cult sun in many religions: Ra in Egypt, Mithra in Persia and Rome; by the people Sun called themselves Aztecs; Sun- one of the symbols of Christ, etc. Exactly Sun lies at the basis of the most ancient archetypal opposition of “light” and “darkness” as the opposition of “life” and “death”: nothing living can exist without light, i.e. without sun. This served as the basis for the phraseols reflected in the image. metaphors likening a place under the sun prosperous human existence in general. phraseol. generally acts as a stereotypical idea of ​​such an existence. D. B. Gudkov 2. What

A worthy, high position in society or among other countries.

This implies the difficulty of achieving such a position, the need to seek it, to fight for it. This refers to such a position in social, economic, political, etc. a structure that is favorable to a person, a group of persons, a socially organized community (X) or a country, a state (L), allows them to command the respect of others, and which X or L strives to occupy or maintain. speech standard . ? X L fights for a place under the sun. In the role of additional, less often - subject. The order of the component words is fixed.

Knowledge of the psychology of other people (and most importantly, your own) will help any person cope with problems at work, in communication and find exactly what is right for themselves. a place under the sun, which he deserves. People of Action, 2001. I wrote about people distinguished by courage, endurance.... And all of them, having conquered a place under the sun, were drawn to knowledge. V. Bakhmetyev, At the threshold.

Ten years after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, this small Persian Gulf country is still searching for its a place under the sun. Labor, 2000.

Self-confident people, being of a good working age, find application for their professional skills in different countries of the world. There is no need to talk about neighboring Finland. Let it be for a while, but a place under the sun found. Smart and mobile, having made their decision headlong, these people do not complain about anything and, it seems, do not regret anything. Northern Courier, 1998.

We have become an independent state too recently to say that we have achieved a lot. But the country has managed to prove itself in the world, and there are good prospects. I sure that " a place under the sun"Belarus has it. Soviet Belarus, 1998.

cultural commentary: Image of phraseology. associated with symbolism sun(see commentary to A PLACE IN THE SUN 1.). In a cultural worldview Sun in one of the meanings it symbolizes power (in heraldry it can serve as a sign of strong royal power - the great ruler is likened the sun; Wed The Sun King in France, Vladimir the Red Sun in Russia). Sun also symbolizes wealth, being metaphorically associated with the idea of ​​gold. Proximity to the sun, direct contact with him, which is expressed in phraseology. the pretext “under” means possession of power and wealth, and this, in turn, marks a high and strong position in the social hierarchy. In the form of phraseologists. a universal metaphor was reflected that likens a person’s place in space to his position in society; Wed to go far, at a height, at the top, at the peak, in the backyard, etc. phraseols. in general acts as a stereotypical idea of ​​a high position among other people, social structures, and countries. D. B. Gudkov

[Verse 1, SLIMUS]:
Society foams like shrimp in sauce -
And I would like to warm my bones in my place under the sun.
There are many earthly wonders underneath that will not be found in the sky (in the sky).
I want a lot of sun, let it shine through my eyelids (eyelids).

The city of eternal surf brought waves upon my chest,
But these waves are outside (outside), and inside are those by the sea (by the sea).
Much has sunk into oblivion (sank), I destroyed and built everything anew (again).
We go through different things to find the same thing.

[Chorus, SLIMUS]:

This is a place in the sun, this is a place in the sun.

This is a place in the sun, this is a place in the sun.
Our place in the sun in the rays of a carefree dawn.
This is a place in the sun, this is a place in the sun.
Our place under the sun on the body of the vast Earth.

[Verse 2, SLIMUS]:
The sky smiles at us, and when it rains in the city
We will forget about everything, even how long it took us to get here.
I didn’t say about love, it just came out of my lips.
It's like making a joke to yourself and then laughing out loud.

Here you can just be, smile just like that.
Just float down the river without being afraid to hear the waterfall.
And I want to remember everything (everything!), as if my eyes were camera lenses.
And while we are being carried somewhere, you and I are stars in this program.

[Chorus, SLIMUS]:
This is a place in the sun, this is a place in the sun.
Our place in the sun in the rays of a carefree dawn.
This is a place in the sun, this is a place in the sun.
Our place under the sun on the body of the vast Earth.

This is a place in the sun, this is a place in the sun.
Our place in the sun in the rays of a carefree dawn.
This is a place in the sun, this is a place in the sun.
Our place under the sun on the body of the vast Earth.

About the song SLIMUS - A Place in the Sun

  • As one would expect after the announcement in the form of the track “Wait for me in March,” Vadim releases his solo release, which is called “A Place in the Sun.” This time, the Performer's alter ego acquired a more significant name and Slim became SLIMUS! It is worth noting that the Artist is rightfully considered one of the best in terms of the quality of his readings (although the word “quality is perhaps inappropriate here”) and the high-quality instrumentals to which he does it. The album, whose tracklist consists of eight songs, will definitely please fans of one of the legendary members of the Moscow group CENTR!

Lyrics of the song SLIMUS - A Place in the Sun.
Author of the text: Vadmi Motylev.
Album "A Place Under the Sun".
crab beats prod.
Mixing: c4.
Mastering: cream&nal.
Recording: 44pro & azimutzvuk.
Cover: woodcum.
March 14, 2018

Each of us wants to live well, find our place in the sun, work 3 hours a week, 2 days a month, 1 month a year. But is this possible? Not working and wearing silk?! No, my friends, it won’t work out that way!

About 7 billion people, which is exactly how many live on our planet, are looking for their place in the sun. A large number of people living on the planet also means greater competition. It is very difficult to achieve anything in the modern world, difficult, but possible. The main thing is desire and determination. There's enough room in the sun for everyone! But how to find it?

Firstly, we need to understand WHAT we need . Only by understanding this, by understanding the purpose of our stay on the planet, can we achieve what we want. Of course, everyone will answer this question in their own way, but the answer may not coincide with reality. Do we really need a lot of money or money in order not to deny ourselves anything? But there is a difference between these concepts. Let's say we have a lot of money, but, as you know, the more we have, the more we spend, and even a large amount may simply not be enough for us. And if we have so much money that we simply have enough to live on, then the need to have more immediately disappears. Think carefully about what exactly you need, what you want to achieve, why you need all this, and only then, after weighing all the arguments, go towards your cherished goal.

However, understanding what is needed is not success. The second point in search of a place in the sun, we need to understand HOW to achieve this. If we just sit and wait for a place in the sun to find itself, then it will never happen. We also need to understand that we are the masters of our own well-being, and if we do not take care of ourselves, then it is unlikely that anyone will do it for us. You definitely need to do something to achieve your goal yourself, step by step, brick by brick, build the road to happiness, and not wait for it to “build itself.”

So how can I find my place in the sun, and is there a place for me there, an insecure person will ask? Naturally there is! Each person, depending on his goals and principles, has a place in the sun, the main thing is to realize the potential inherent in him, and absolutely everyone has it. Certain talents, abilities, skills, whether they are given by nature or trained by us, we have them, and this should not be denied. AND Only by realizing our own potential can we find our place in the sun .

And you shouldn’t say that you don’t have this potential, that’s not true. Even if you are not a great artist, writer or scientist, you can learn anything if you have the predisposition and desire to do so. .

It often happens when a person, on the contrary, has potential, has talents, but he does not know what he wants in life. This is one of the biggest problems. And only you and no one else can cope with it. You must understand that it is not in vain that you have this or that potential, and you can achieve something in life only with its help. Realize your capabilities for good, and don’t just live, knowing about their existence but not using them.

It also happens that there is potential, but there is simply no desire to achieve it. More precisely, no, you are pursuing completely different desires and goals. Friends, here you need to understand that you never need to stand still. If you want to achieve something in an area in which you do not have the skills and abilities, then engage in self-development and you will gain everything. Only by developing can a person achieve unprecedented heights.

Know your worth. This is the third point for applicants for a place in the sun. You know WHAT you want, you know HOW you want, but you just know how to sell it correctly. You underestimate your value by thinking that everything you do is not worth a penny. This is wrong, Until we learn to respect and love ourselves, it is unlikely that anyone will love us. Have adequate self-esteem, do not overestimate your merits, but do not reduce them either. And then everything will work out for you.

Everything depends on us, it is our desires and goals that will help us find our happiness, our place in the sun. Think about it, and don't stand still! And strive for bigger and better! Good luck!