Earnings from bookmakers. How to win at a bookmaker? How to deceive a bookmaker: all known methods How to bet better at bookmakers


Bookmakers offer bets on different sports. Usually people of this profession are well versed in everything, but not enough to take into account all the little things. If the company calculates the forecasts itself, there is a possibility of error. It's not big, but it exists. You simply cannot be a professional in several directions at once. The person who plays can only follow one thing, going into all the details, and this gives a chance to win.

Winning is a matter of chance, and earning money is a daily study of sports competitions, players and prospects for victory. Professionals say that in order to start winning regularly, you need to study for 2-3 hours every day for a year to understand all the intricacies of sporting events. First, choose only one type of competition that will be more interesting to you than others, then 1-2 teams. Observing more is possible when you already have enough experience.

To win, you need not only to understand sports, but also to be able to manage finances. Usually people place bets under the influence of emotions, but this approach is not correct for making money. Only calculation and an accurate understanding of what is happening make it possible to make a profit. Start by keeping a record of all bets. Monitor your wins and losses, always know your balance, record it all on paper. This will allow you to develop your concept.

Every month, determine for yourself the amount you can spend on the game. You can’t take more even when you’re lucky - this rule will help protect your family’s budget. At first, there may be little winnings, so do not spend more than 30% of your salary. Rarely are bets the only source of income; many people consider them a nice part-time job, so don’t rush to quit, even if you’re lucky. Everyone has periods of ups and downs, you need to develop your own system where all the patterns will be visible.

Each bid can be no more than 5% of the established total budget. Even if you are confident in the result, still do not take a large amount. This will allow you to take risks without losing everything. Guided by this principle, you can always save some money, even when you are very unlucky. And if emotions don’t take over, you can easily win back your money.

Do not use ready-made forecasts; most often the bookmakers themselves make them in order to win more. No one will share the source of profit. Do the analysis yourself, study what influences victory, what can be decisive in each competition. Read specialized literature, take an interest in the opinions of athletes, and the more information you have, the more noticeable the results will become.

Play in different places, compare odds. They usually differ and some bets will be more convenient to place in one place and others in another. Even if it seems that the amount is not significant, think about how much you can save on this per month. Small amounts gradually add up to huge capital, do not forget about this.

We created MetaRating so you don't have to collect scattered information about bookmakers all over the Internet. Now, to find out the weighted average rating of a particular company and read all the reviews about it, you only need to go to one site. Metaratings.ru will give you the most objective figures based on data from all leading betting sites, as well as player reviews and ratings.

Main directions of the Metaratings site

Bookmaker rating based on meta-evaluation- an objective and regularly updated top of the best bookmakers according to Runet experts. The rating is designed to help players choose a reliable site for betting on sports on the Internet, having received comprehensive information about the bookmaker.

Bookmaker reviews— the most complete digest of reviews of bookmakers from around the Internet. All reviews are divided into positive, negative and neutral. Based on player reviews and ratings, we have created a custom meta rating of bookmakers.

Forecasts for Sport— the brain center of our site. Here, specialists and experts regularly share the best forecasts and bets for upcoming matches and sporting events. Metaratings.ru analysts provide free forecasts for football, hockey, tennis, basketball, volleyball, MMA boxing and other sports.

Betting school— educational materials on how to play correctly in bookmakers. Not only beginners, but also experienced betters can learn something new. Explanation and types of bookmaker bets, principles of operation of bookmakers, formation and movement of odds in a line, strategies, useful tips on online betting and much more.

Sports news and analytics— review of upcoming and past sporting events, current news from the bookmaker industry. Football betting and analysis of football tournaments is the main area that receives the most attention. Other sports also do not go unnoticed, as well as any other important information about betting.

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Many people, having entered the world of betting, are looking for a way to maximize their results and reduce the risk of failure. They are looking for all possible information about “how to bet correctly in a bookmaker’s office”, “useful tips for beginners”, “successful game in bookmakers” and much more. The site's experts will help you avoid the most common mistakes and share a couple of tips.

Before you start betting at a bookmaker you need to firmly decide for yourself why you are doing this. This is just a hobby and additional adrenaline when watching sporting events, or a form of income. In both cases it is necessary always follow the main rule - do not bet more than your wallet can handle. Without accepting this truth, you can easily lose big one day. Thus, you must always keep in mind the cash bar, a kind of ceiling above which you should not set. Next, we will look at simple rules that should not be neglected if betting at a bookmaker is more than just a hobby for you:

  1. Never try to win back after a series of failures. In the language of professional players in bookmakers ("cappers"), this is called "tilt". (Tilt is an unwise or reckless gambling action under the influence of emotions. In most cases, “tilt” occurs after losing a large amount of money). This term is often used by poker players, but it is also perfect for betting in bookmakers. Remember, a bad streak can happen to anyone, even the most competent and savvy player, and the most important thing is to be able to survive it with minimal losses. To do this, you need to set your own loss limit, and once you reach it, stop. Most bookmaker clients “drain” their bank precisely in an impulse to win back their money, here and now, and in the end they suffer even greater failures.
  2. The second rule is partly related to the first. You should place bets with a fresh mind. You shouldn’t analyze sporting events when you’re tired or just thinking hard about something. Any such irritant can “cloud” your mind, which will lead to an incorrect forecast. If you feel like something is gnawing at you or you’re just having a bad day, then the best decision would be to hold off on betting at this point.
  3. Don’t bet on the team (athlete) you support. It’s not always possible to soberly assess the strengths of those you care about. A simple example is how a fan of Real Madrid can simply accept the idea that his team is weaker than Barcelona. It is best to exclude such matches for betting, and just enjoy the game and root for your favorite team.
  4. Do not rush to conclusions about this or that meeting. It is better to concentrate your attention on a small number of events than to chase the number of bets. A well-thought-out bet will bring more benefits than a hastily chosen option. Look through the line and do a primary analysis, selecting the event that you will analyze in more detail, sorting everything out. If you try to keep up with a large number of matches at once, you simply won’t be able to study them thoroughly due to lack of time. Also, you should not try to be an expert in many sports at once, because for a competent analysis you need to watch the matches themselves, which means dedicating time to it. It would be better to focus on only one sport for betting.
  5. It is very important to make a profit not in some specific time periods, but to be in the black over the long term. What period you choose is not so important; it could be a week, a decade, a month, etc. It is not just the results of one day that are important, but the results of bets over a long period of time.
  6. Be careful with “catch-ups” and simple rate increases. Even if you have solid financial capabilities, this does not at all guarantee you that by constantly increasing the bet amount you will definitely win, because, firstly, there may still not be enough money, and secondly, in the bookmaker there are limits on both the maximum bet, and for maximum winnings.
  7. Never consider that you have found a “sure thing”. Any team or athlete can lose. Of course, if you do not bet on a fixed match, but we will not touch on this topic for now. Even if absolutely everything speaks in favor of one of the opponents, this is far from a reason to go all-in and bet big on him. If you closely follow the world of sports and have extensive experience, you will probably be able to remember more than one game where an obvious underdog worked wonders, beating the favorite. Naturally, a “sure thing” can be seen in a match of approximately equal teams, but the principle is still the same, there should not be 100% confidence in anyone’s victory.
  8. Statistics are a friend of the BC player, but not the ultimate truth. Although statistical indicators shed light on many issues, they cannot be a guarantee of success. In addition to statistics, there are also factors such as: motivation, current playing form, player injuries, team atmosphere, etc. Don’t forget that it’s not numbers that play on the court, but real people, that is, the human factor will not go away. You should be especially careful with the results of head-to-head meetings, because from year to year there are replacements in teams, and individual athletes either gain or lose shape, which means that what happened a few years ago does not necessarily have to happen again.
  9. You should not rely entirely on paid forecasts, much less on the notorious “negotiations”. Of course, we will not say unfoundedly that all paid forecasts on the Internet are compiled by scammers and will definitely lead to your ruin, we will only say that the risk of getting into trouble is very high. Before “fishing in troubled waters,” you should consider free options. For example, on our website you can always find forecasts from professionals for various sports, and they are completely free. To “recoup” the costs of paid forecasts, you must have increased traffic and a solid bank, and not everyone can afford this, and it would be a good idea to think carefully before buying someone’s opinion. Particular mention should be made of fixed matches, or as they are also called “fixed matches”. On the Internet, most sites with such content simply prey on gullible people, offering them options that are not supported by any exclusive information.
  10. There are moments when everything goes like clockwork, a fountain of ideas and everything goes off with a bang. At such moments, you should not blindly follow luck and play all-in. Bet only until losses begin. For yourself, you can determine this line in advance by stopping betting after the first loss, or after 2-3. The main thing is not to forget about 1 rule- don’t give in to emotions. Ideally, it is best to calculate the desired profit and acceptable loss before the game segment, and stop as soon as the upper or lower bar is reached. It is the ability to stop betting in time and take a break that distinguishes a professional from an amateur.

Always try to remember that life is not limited to betting and you should not exchange playing at a bookmaker for communicating with family and friends. Don’t forget that betting and gambling go hand in hand, which means there is always a risk of becoming addicted to gambling.

Sweet sensations, craving for money, ease of earning money without any work - Russians, like people of other countries, are drawn to gambling for a variety of reasons. But at the same time, one must understand that with the dominance of emotions and the uncertainty of bets, methods of winning are still not fantasy, but ordinary reality, where the scientific base does not guarantee a 100% way to beat the bookmaker, but significantly increases the chances.

In order to constantly receive money for bets, you need to know the axioms of bookmakers. You need to choose the right betting strategy and strictly follow it. Then the chances of winning on a regular basis will increase significantly.

You can try to figure out how to beat the bookmaker. Tips and secrets can at least partially help. Let's start with the fact that professionals believe that the victorious completion of a bet depends little on super-secret, sophisticated strategies, and most often on how the player follows the specific rules of the game. First, you need to understand that two participants in the process are on opposite sides of the game, achieving their goals.

Although currently sports betting is not officially classified as gambling by the state, the general principle of operation of a bookmaker’s office is not very different from a regular casino. The situation is the same here: someone wins, and someone loses their money. In this case, the winner is often the bookmaker himself.

But, unlike casinos, real fans of modern sports can rely on their competence, because victory here often depends on the predicted ability of capable professional athletes to play well. Everything seems simple: teams, current place of the game, number of previous victories. But this is the main trap of a player who is already convinced that by teaming up with a bookmaker, he will definitely defeat him.

However, statistics show that only two percent of those who place bets on modern sports in a bookmaker receive a permanent win. Why? In order to understand this, you need to understand the main principles of the bookmaker's craft.

Bookmakers, first of all, work to acquire a certain income. It is collected for them mainly from the volume of successful transactions for them and the number of players who came to the office to bet their money on a sporting event. As a result, the commission from any losing client is collected into a single amount and brings in significant capital.

The player has only one or at most two or three bets, thanks to which he hopes to hit a substantial jackpot. Consequently, his chances are significantly less, because of this he needs to play with understanding, intelligently defining the situation.

There are several ways to raise your own level of knowledge in this area. For example, to learn how to beat a bookmaker, a book is quite suitable. Especially if the author is Sergei Galkin.

Sergey Galkin

S. N. Galkin is one of the authors who will help everyone find simple and reliable ways to increase their chances of winning bets. Sergei Galkin’s book “How to Beat a Bookmaker” discusses the financial terms associated with working with bets. If you want to play, this work should become your reference book.

The author will reveal to you the sphere of professional sports, frantic excitement, precise mathematical calculations and serious sensations. Enter the colorful world of sports betting! The book by an experienced player and prominent scientist Sergei Galkin will be useful both to those who are already confidently walking towards the bookmaker’s office and to the ordinary reader. The latter can see a large amount of interesting information there, and the old player can see non-standard methods and specific advice. The book is also filled with witty, lively formulations and subtle jokes.

The main reasons for successful bets

Are we beating the bookmaker? There is no single correct strategy. But there are a few simple rules that increase your chances of winning when betting on sports games:

  • the development of a behavioral factor is independent of the result obtained;
  • correct determination of the bet limit and strict adherence to it;
  • absolute lack of faith in various signs;
  • a successful bet is placed on a game event, and not on the selected object;
  • indispensable application of the strategy of the proposed game;
  • search for the most successful bookmaker;
  • using accurate sports betting forecasts.

It is important not to rush from side to side, frantically changing the method of play, panicking, or, conversely, rejoicing. Success is always on the side of rationality and reason!

Behavioral outline

How to beat a bookmaker? Smart bets placed using a variety of methods can help. At the same time, gaming strategies for choosing bets are not clearly defined truths, but, first of all, urgent recommendations that must be accepted in order to get a substantial amount of money or at least not lose the latter. A correct assessment of your capabilities gives you a chance to dramatically reduce the risk of loss. If a player loses money, then, of course, his desire to quickly return it victoriously is understandable. It is precisely this method that leads to the loss of bets, or even complete ruin.

Having received bad, losing results from a betting game, under no circumstances try to frantically bet again - you need to take a calming break for a short period and endure at least a couple of hours without playing. Or better yet, a day or a week. The time interval will give you the opportunity to come to your senses and remove unnecessary emotions. Rest assured, a break will increase the chances of success several times. There are still options for beating the bookmaker!


And one more important rule on the way to winning is not to give in to excess excitement. There is one good strategy. How to beat a bookmaker? Skillfully use available tools. This helps you achieve victory much more effectively than playing blindly at random. Brake! Find a specific limit for yourself, more than which you should not assign. This will make it possible, even with repeated losses, to save most of the bank’s funds and not get into financial debt.

Separately, we should note those keen players who decide to bet on their favorite football (hockey, etc.) team, when all the logic of events suggests that they should hope for a clear winner in advance.

Often clients are captured by signs. For example, a win (coincidentally!) was accompanied by a random event. And then the player, like Pavlov's dog in training, can understand it as a sign, and will try to bet more just when this symbolic sign appears again.

But you cannot pay attention to such signs in order to create your own gambling strategy on sports games. After all, the resulting outcome of the events depends on too many random factors. The secrets of success in the field of sports betting cannot be based on whether a black cat crossed the road today or not, and whether today is a successful day or (according to signs) a failure. Sober reflection and a short break will give you significantly more chances to win than beliefs and fictitious signs of fate.


When you have moved away from an overly emotional approach and are trying to analyze approaches to a problem, then mathematics can come to your aid. How to beat a bookmaker using mathematics?

In general, you must understand that players are different: some try to take team statistics as a base, others, more emotional, listen to their inner feelings, analyze all sorts of forecasts, while others think about the exact sciences.

Betting mathematics are methods based on certain calculations. They will not give an absolute guarantee, but one thing must be said for sure - a client guided by science wins much more often. You can check this using two methods out of many.

Flat can be used to place bets with two probable outcomes. The bet volume does not change. There is a significant nuance - the proportion of guessing must begin with approximately 52-53%, otherwise defeat is inevitable over a long distance. When a player wins approximately 60% of bets out of hundreds of attempts, then he has chosen a good strategy. Another condition is that the selected coefficient reaches approximately 1.91.

The second technique regarding how to beat a bookmaker is the Martingale technique: if you lose your bet, try again at a higher price.

Its technique is to win even more, and if you lose, start again with the same indicator. At the same time, the volume of the bank is constantly being calculated so that it is enough for several cash doubled bets.

Computer programs

In our age of information, you can use various services to beat the bookmaker. The program will help you consider all the nuances, carry out complex and painstaking calculations, and study the analytics of bookmakers’ activities. Only such strict adherence to all these conditions can to some extent guarantee regular and profitable play over a long period.

There are different betting programs. Moreover, they are popular not only among players, but many bookmakers. Quite often it is the latter who provide clients with such tools. Today there are several options for such bookmaker computer programs.

Some bookmaker clients use a kind of “forks” method for calculations. This is a special program for determining bets on domestic sports, which makes it possible to find errors of the bookmakers themselves. It should be noted that the majority of players have already been able to see the effectiveness of such applications. True, their price reaches several hundred dollars.

Another type of computer program is aimed at creating a comparative calculation of the useful odds of several bookmakers. Of course, for a more profitable game you need to choose institutions with the highest indicators.

Popular programs

Speaking about well-known programs and how to use them to beat a bookmaker, we can highlight Footbet. This computer program for determining bets on domestic sports makes it possible to predict the outcome of a football match. At the same time, it must also consider publicly available statistical materials.

Bookmaker clients working in the field of tennis games can use the OnCourt program, which has a large database of materials about this game.

“Finright Bookmaker” - this computer program for accounting for bets placed on official sports can be used by more experienced clients. It provides information regarding the relationship between working odds and the amount of money already bet or allocated for a particular game. This program makes it possible to easily identify so-called fixed matches. With its help, players can regularly find updated digital data of the most popular modern sports, including: baseball, domestic basketball, ice hockey, handball, American and regular football. The elements used in the application are configured manually.

Choosing a bookmaker

The answer to the question of whether it is possible to beat a bookmaker depends on his level. The best bookmaker office is the one that has a good established reputation, issues fresh quotes on time, has been working in the field of sports betting for a long time, can raise money itself and provides a guaranteed opportunity for the client to earn a normal profit. Such institutions give a significant limit on the selected bet, are guided by thoughtful analysis and correctly change the ratio of gaming odds.

By choosing several of the best bookmakers, you will be able to increase your chances of winning.


In general, if we talk about how to beat a bookmaker, we must remember that there are many auxiliary features. If it is difficult for a bettor (especially a young one) to understand sports details, for example, to understand the specifics of individual teams (after all, you cannot know all the football subtleties, who is trailing behind and who is the absolute leader), there is an opportunity to inexpensively buy an accurate sports forecast from specialists, who professionally review the course of matches. Of course, there will be no absolute guarantee, since even the most accurate forecast may not come true due to unpredictable subjective factors, but you should always have such a possibility in reserve.


Of course, when it comes to betting, you always need to have your head on your shoulders. Both to win and not to lose everything. You should never bet your last money in the hope of hitting the jackpot, you should not trust new and suspicious companies that promise 100% earnings, accurate forecasts and huge odds, you should not give in to emotions. Also, you should not bet on your favorite team when it is clearly clear that there is another favorite. Cold calculation is what will help you beat the bookmaker.

Firstly, no need to bet blindly, just hoping for an attractive odds. Luck is a very slippery thing, and counting on it is very risky! Sooner or later she will take all your money from you!

Always look at statistics, analyze past games and, if possible, news regarding the situation within both teams. Most often, bets incorrectly determine the current state of affairs at a given time, but are only justified by the rating, popularity or position of the club in the standings. However, a team may be on the decline, have key players suspended or injured, etc.!

Secondly, in nature there is no 100% winning bet, just like 100% confidence in the result of the match!

Try to define for yourself that the MAXIMUM that can be is 90-95% confidence in the result of the game (this is the highest probability, and often there is no more than 50%). It can never be 100%! If such a thought is hovering in your head, then you need to do everything to make it disappear... Find the prerequisites for the fact that such a result may simply not happen... Find the weak point that is always there!

Third, do not be lazy to find out the weather that is expected to happen on the day of the game. It plays a very important role, for example, in football and, knowing the weather conditions, one can expect the approximate course of the game for both teams.

Snow or rain are a definite advantage in defensive tactics; destruction in such conditions is much easier than attacking... Therefore, the result as an ordinary or dry draw, when one of the opponents plays for the sake of not losing, is the most likely!

Repeatedly, not knowing the weather conditions, we lost very likely bets... Rain or snow should be a surprise for everyone, but not for you! If at least something hints that there will be changes in the weather for the worse, then the best way out would be to play it safe rather than just trust in Lady Fortune!

Fourth, find out detailed information from the camps of the two opponents. Disqualifications, absences, injuries - all this will help you predict the outcome as accurately as possible, and, in turn, bet your money correctly!

If defensive midfielders or defenders are disqualified or injured, this in itself indicates possible problems in defense and potential missed goals.

If the main attacking player or the team captain was disqualified or injured, then the question arises: will the players be able to score, what changes will they make in the tactics of the game, will they be able to implement a standard that will take them ahead.

However, if the main set-piece taker has been injured or disqualified, this may also give you pause.

Thus, try to study the future state of the players in as much detail as possible.

Fifthly, you should not bet on a clean victory for a club traveling to play on a foreign field.

One of the most common losses is when the favorite plays against a middling/underdog team and ends up bringing home one point... Players of a stronger team often cannot prepare themselves to take an outsider seriously , and they, in turn, want to squeeze the maximum out of themselves in order to get even closer to the leader.

The most common situation occurs when a club from the top lines of the table plays an away match, scores once and tries to finish the match without playing or wasting any effort, and the opponent takes advantage of this slack and equalizes the score at the very end.

Therefore, betting on the winning of the visiting club, no matter where the opponent is in the championship table, is always a risk, and the risk should always be minimized! Therefore, the X2 bet is one of the key options for considering this kind of layout!

At sixth, weigh all your options repeatedly and make an adequate decision before directly betting on the club scoring away!

To place such a bet, you must first read and follow points 1-5 of these secret rules.

If you are really 95% sure that a club going to play in someone else's stadium will definitely score, then feel free to bet!

But don’t forget about the home team, because their goal is also to score a goal!

Seventh, you should not bet on too small and large quotes “to win”, especially when you like to play with express bets!

Small and large odds mean an almost 100% loss in an express bet.

It's better not to bet on:

- large (above 1.85): the outcome is unlikely! If you think the odds are pretty high, then it's worth taking a closer look at the match and you'll probably be able to understand why the bookmaker is putting the odds so high! On top of that, remember about fixed matches! You probably don’t know about them, but there are people who make enormous money from this!

- small (1.09 and below): because it will not have weight in the express bet, and this fact alone should dissuade you. Why unjustified risk in one bet to the whole chain! And yet, they are often simply based on position in the championship and ratings, since they are not able to closely monitor all championships, tournaments and cups (this situation does not apply to the most popular championships. Everything in them is calculated scrupulously, and any change that may have an impact the result will be taken into account)…

Eighth, There is no need to bet on clear VICTORIES in friendly or pre-season, insignificant games!

The best option would be to not pay attention to such matches at all. However, if you still really want to bet on such a game, then keep in mind that the probability of WINNING in such matches is reduced by half or three times!!! You will ask why? But because the plans of the coaching staff for these games are unknown to anyone. Perhaps he wants to try new defensive tactics, maybe he wants to test his young subjects, giving the leaders a break, and the like. Or maybe the players are simply not in the mood, which happens most often!

Ninth, you should not dial EXPRESS from a huge number of games! The fewer games there are, the more your chances of winning increase!

The best bet is an express bet of 2-3 games. Playing with express bets is a very big risk, and if you decide to play on 8-9 matches, then the probability of winning drops significantly, which is not advisable!!! If you are still dreaming of a big jackpot, take a risk, but the result will be sad for you! Fortune may smile only once, but soon you will still give away your money on a whim! (This refers specifically to the express system).

Tenth, you should not include an unreasonable result or a result with a low degree of probability in an express bet...

A fairly common mistake is when you selected all the matches you wanted and calculated, but the odds turned out to be much less, what were your expectations, or is it simply not round or ugly, AND THEN you deliberately insert into the express an outcome that you didn’t even look at! And what kind of result do you think will not live up to expectations? Eleventh, do not chase a high coefficient! The best EXPRESS is the one that consists of 2 - 3 games, with a total quote of 1.5-3.5.

Don't take a big odd! Don't dig yourself a financial hole!

Eleventh, if, nevertheless, the desire to score a lot of matches has overcome your common sense, then it makes sense to explain to you the so-called “SYSTEM”...

If you looked at the bookmaker’s line of matches, and you were interested in the games you wanted to bet on, but there are more such matches than 7-8, then the Express in this case will most likely be lost... It’s better to just bet “SYSTEM”!!! The probability of winning money from “SYSTEM” is much higher, since often in such a large express bet one or two results may not agree!