In which theater does Olesya Zheleznyak play? Creative biography of Olesya Zheleznyak

Zheleznyak Olesya Vladimirovna

Olesya Zheleznyak became an actress not only by accident, but by a very intricate twist of fate, which led her to the State Institute of Theater Arts. Olesya’s parents predicted a career as an economist for their daughter and were sure that she should study exclusively at the Plekhanov Academy. Actually, she entered there at first, but then she took the documents, deciding to radically change her life!

Olesya Vladimirovna Zheleznyak made her next stop at the choreographic school at the College of Arts, where she managed to enroll at the very last moment. There the girl stayed for two years, although she did not feel much awe before dancing. At first, the choreography interested her because of its novelty and sophisticated atmosphere, but already in the second year of training, the future actress became bored with learning positions and movements, and the choreographic path, which had lost all mystery, became a heavy burden.

Olesya decides to enter GITIS, since she sees the theater stage as much more attractive than the ballet stage. Having left her choreographic education, she applies to the State Institute of Theater Arts, but fails. Without despairing and giving up on her new dream, Olesya Vladimirovna waits a year and submits the documents again.

The second attempt turns out to be more successful, although the competition for a place exceeds last year's. Zheleznyak’s perseverance was rewarded - in 1995 she was enrolled in the course of Mark Zakharov himself. At that time she was 21 years old. Olesya already clearly understood that the time of searching and throwing was safely over and she had finally found exactly what she needed!

Olesya Vladimirovna’s four-year studies at GITIS took place, as they say, “without a hitch.” There were no thoughts of leaving what she had started; on the contrary, with each new day she realized more and more clearly that theater was her calling! Olesya Zheleznyak proved herself to be excellent from the very beginning of her education and discovered many sides of herself that she herself had not even suspected before, so by the end of her third year she was completely confident that her path with the theater would definitely not diverge now.

After her debut role in the play “The Barbarian and the Heretic,” Olesya woke up famous, soon began acting in films (her debut role was Zoya Misochkina in the film “Silver Lily of the Valley”), and after a while she tried herself as a TV presenter.

Since the 4th year she has been working at the Lenkom Theater.

She played in Lenkom's performances "Juno and Avos" (directed by M. Zakharov, music A. Rybnikova, scenography O. SHEINTSIS), "Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro", "Barbarian and Heretic",

She starred in the films: “Silver Lily of the Valley”, “Showcase”.

She is busy in enterprises: “The Innkeeper” (dir. V. Shamirov), “Kiss” (dir. A. Sychev).

As a child, Olesya did not even think about an acting future. The parents saw their daughter at the mathematics department of the Plekhanov Academy. After passing the entrance exams, Olesa realized that she was not interested in such a future, and entered a dance school. After going there for two years, Olesya began to look for another occupation and began studying at a theater studio on Arbat, which soon ceased its activities. As a result, Zheleznyak decided to try her hand at GITIS, which she did not get into. After an unsuccessful attempt, the girl went on tour with the circus, where she was accepted, to Japan. Returning from the trip, Olesya decided to try her luck at GITIS again: despite the big competition, the artist was accepted into the workshop of Mark Zakharov. Already in her fourth year, Olesya Zheleznyak joined the troupe of the Lenkom Theater.

A talented actress with an interesting appearance immediately intrigued theater and film directors with her sparkling comedic performance. Among the theatrical performances with the participation of Olesya are “Cruel Intentions”, “The Master and Margarita”, “The Innkeeper” and “The Seagull”. Today the artist can be seen in such productions as “Five Evenings”, “Forest”, “Valentine’s Day”. A real breakthrough for the artist was her debut film, “Silver Lily of the Valley.” The film by Tigran Keosayan tells about the simple daughter of a policeman who came to Moscow with the dream of becoming an artist. The girl falls into the hands of the producers, who are tearing their hair out because the popular singer Irma abandoned them. To replace her, she needs to quickly come up with a new and fashionable project, so Zoya, performed by Zheleznyak, was, although difficult material to work with, but appeared in the right place and at the right time. The producers in the film are Yuri Stoyanov and Alexander Tsekalo. The audience liked the comedy so much that Zheleznyak instantly became famous, like her heroine. In addition, the actress starred in the popular TV series “My Fair Nanny” and “Matchmakers.”

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Mark Camoletti

Comedy whirlwind

Director - Roman Samgin

Artist - Olga Shagalina
Choreographer - Oleg Glushkov
Plastic director - Igor Afonchikov

Performance "Bollotoch" theater agency "Art Partner XXI" based on the play by a modern French playwright Brand Camoletti . It is entirely written according to the laws of a classic sitcom. A married couple hires a new maid into their house for a probationary period - a narrow-minded, ugly village girl, Anna, without any ambitions or prospects for her personal life. The husband and wife are quite happy with their choice - even the incorrigible stupidity and lack of education of the servants does not seem to them a disadvantage, because the klutz Anna is now an endless reason for family jokes and humor... But then the day comes when the husband must urgently go on a business trip, the wife must visit her parents, and Anna, due to lack of work, is sent to her relatives in the village for the next two days. The house remains empty.

The house remains empty for only a short time. In less than a few hours, all its inhabitants will return there. To save money, Anna will not go to a distant village to visit her boring, boring relatives. The wife, taking advantage of her husband’s absence, will also, without regret, refuse the trip to her elderly parents and return home, though not alone, but with her lover. Finally, the husband, who has not gone on any business trip, will not want to miss the rare opportunity to spend a couple of days in his own home with his mistress.
“There is no one in the house, but all the places are occupied!” - Anna screams in despair, only managing to regulate the movements of the inhabitants of the house in the right directions, because neither husband, nor wife, nor lover, nor mistress should ever meet each other...
The plot of the play clearly shows analogies with Goldoni’s famous comedy “The Servant of Two Masters.” Like her main character Truffaldino, Anna becomes a servant of several masters at once. Now she needs to remember and manage too much. Remember which of the inhabitants of the house is now in the bathroom, and which in the bedroom, which of them ordered croissants, and who scrambled eggs, who drinks whiskey, and who mineral water, who tea, who coffee... Have time to prepare, bring, clean, wash... One careless word or movement, an accidental creaking of a door or a shawl treacherously forgotten on the sofa - and disaster is inevitable.
Like any sitcom, the play “Bollotoch” is distinguished by the swiftness of the action, the speed of the rhythm and the intricate intrigue. The development of the plot is based on constant transitions from one situation to another, sudden turns, misunderstandings and unexpected endings. The production was carried out by the famous director Roman Samgin. A student of Mark Zakharov, director of the Moscow Lenkom Theater, he staged a play as a joke, a performance as a celebration, a performance that does not leave anyone indifferent.

"Bollotoch" - a play, reviews of critics and spectators about which will be discussed in our article, is successfully performed in Taganka. Reviews about this performance, like any other theatrical work, vary, but most of them are positive. The public, which has long been oversaturated with action films and thrillers on television and, perhaps, is already a little tired of original avant-garde productions and deep complex hidden author’s ideas, is greeted with great pleasure by a light comedy, watching which lifts the mood and helps to relax.

But in fairness, it is worth noting that “Stupid” is a performance, reviews of which are not only positive. Many criticize the acting, and the humor in the play itself is called too primitive. But as they say, you can’t please everyone, and this production at Taganka really managed to find its grateful audience.

Author of the play

The play “Bestoloch” (with Olesya Zheleznyak in one of the main roles) was staged based on the play of the same name. Its author is Marc Camolleti, a fairly popular contemporary French playwright. At one time, Camolleti’s name was included in the Guinness Book of Records, thanks to one of the comedy plays he wrote called “Boeing-Boeing”. It became the work that is most often played in theaters in more than 60 countries around the world.

The works of this author are rightfully considered the standard of modern comedy. Camolleti is distinguished by the fact that in his plays there is always an intense development of the plot, passions are constantly heating up, and all this is accompanied by sparkling humor and dashing intrigue, which is not always resolved as expected in the finale. His play “Stupid” was no exception. based on this play, it is a success among the audience.

The author's main idea

“Bollotoch” is a play, reviews of which often relate specifically to its plot, tells us about the things that we encounter in everyday life. The basic idea may seem very banal, but it remains very relevant to this day. She tells the viewer that one should never judge a person by his appearance and behavior in a given situation. The play “Bollotch” with Olesya Zheleznyak in the title role shows that even the most narrow-minded character at first glance can manifest himself completely unexpectedly and demonstrate the wonders of lightning-fast ingenuity if the current circumstances require it from him. The play shows how those who tease and laugh at what they think is a simple-minded girl, when their usual circumstances change, they themselves begin to look completely stupid and ridiculous. And the one who was considered an uneducated klutz can become enviably smart and smart.

Plot of the play

In one of the luxurious houses lives a completely ordinary married couple - a husband named Bernard, whose role on the stage of the theater is embodied by his wife Jacqueline, played by actress and TV presenter Yulia Menshova. Judging by the scenery, the house of this couple is quite well equipped, and the family has a certain material wealth. Chic outfits and fashionable hairstyle of Jacqueline make it clear that this heroine is a real fashionista and coquette. Her husband creates the impression of a dandy. This couple lives together and, it would seem, the spouses are quite happy with each other: the husband brings money into the house and supports the family, and the wife is beautiful.

One day they decide that they need a help around the house, and call servants from the village for themselves. She turns out to be the main character named Anna. Her role is played by actress Olesya Zheleznyak. At first glance, her heroine seems like a simple-minded girl from the village. She makes you look clumsy and not entirely smart. The owners do not miss the opportunity to laugh at their new servant and make fun of her. It seems to them that she is stupid and does not understand basic and familiar things to them. But by and large, Anna suits them quite well. She cooks food, keeps the house in order and, most importantly, doesn’t really poke her nose into the owners’ affairs. What the heroine Olesya Zheleznyak thinks about her employers is not entirely clear, but, for her part, she is glad that she now has a job, a roof over her head and the opportunity to earn money.

Intensity of emotions

One day, circumstances in the family of Jacqueline and Bernard develop in such a way that their house must be empty for several days. The head of the family is leaving on a business trip for work reasons. In order for the wife not to get bored alone without her husband, it was decided that she would go to stay with her mother for a few days. Since it makes no sense to keep servants in an empty house, the owners decide to send Anna to the village for a few days to visit her relatives. But the maid decides not to waste the money she earned from her new owners. Anna thought that she didn’t have to go to the village at all, and after waiting for the owners to go their separate ways, she returned to the house, which had been empty for several days.

Then it becomes clear that the decision to return was made not only by the maid, but also by the owners themselves, but they did not warn each other about this. The fact of adultery becomes obvious, because Bernard returned to the house with his mistress and Jacqueline, in turn, returned to the house with another man. None of the spouses realizes that their legitimate other halves are in the house; they are sure that they are at home only with their lovers.

Ironically, only a narrow-minded servant has complete information, who understands with her mind that if her masters catch each other in treason, then nothing good will end. “Bollotoch” (a play whose reviews range from admiringly positive to quite negative) demonstrates how a man who has long been an object of ridicule unexpectedly turns into the main puppeteer. After all, now it is Anna who holds a huge flow of information in her head, controls the situation and does everything possible so that those who are in the house do not accidentally meet each other. She remembers which of the inhabitants of the master's house is now in the bathroom, which is in the bedroom, and which is warming itself by the fireplace. She remembers who ordered wine and who ordered bourbon; some of them - croissants.

Yesterday's klutz and fool, in a word - stupid, begins to show miracles of ingenuity and intelligence, which can be the envy of both inventive tacticians and far-sighted strategists.

The play “Bestoloch”: reviews (Moscow)

Most of the spectators who attended this performance leave their positive reviews. They say that the performance is very light and leaves a great mood after watching it. It is played in the form of a kind of whirlwind vaudeville, the scenes change very quickly, and the development of the plot is not at all drawn out. The play “Bollotoch”, which lasts 2 hours 25 minutes, is played with one intermission and is watched in one breath.

This is largely due to the style of writing the play itself, since the author, Mark Camolleti, is famous for the fact that the plots in his works develop at lightning speed, there are no drawn-out scenes, in a word - a whirlwind performance. And, of course, many pay tribute to the actors who did an excellent job in their roles. Spectators note that thanks to their performance, the performance is perceived very easily and naturally.

Negative comments from viewers after watching

For the sake of fairness, it is worth noting that the play “Bollotoch” with Olesya Zheleznyak in the role of Anna is also subject to criticism. As you know, each viewer has his own perception of what is happening and what delights many may disappoint some. Among the negative reviews, paradoxically, there are those that talk about the length of the plot; to many, the story seems too predictable.

The humor that comes from the theater stage seemed low-grade and primitive to some of the spectators. Also, in contrast to those who praise the acting in this production, there are those who were dissatisfied with this very performance. Most often, the performer of the role of Jacqueline, Yulia Menshova, is criticized.


The role of the main character, the maid Anna, was played by actress Olesya Zheleznyak. The general public saw her many years ago in the comedy series “My Fair Nanny,” where Olesya played Galya, the main character’s best friend.

Later she was seen in the films “Maroseyka, 12” and in “Love in the City,” where Zheleznyak also played comedic roles. But theatergoers also know this actress for her serious theatrical work, in such productions as “Royal Games”, “The Jester Balakirev”, “Moulin Rouge Hospital”, “The Master and Margarita”.

Also known to a wide audience mainly from television works. For a long time she starred in the TV series “Balzac’s Age, or All Men Are Theirs...”, now she hosts the program “Alone with Everyone.” But the list of Menshova’s theatrical works is also quite worthy. For several years she worked as part of a troupe where she played in such performances as “The Day of Halibut” and “The Nameless Star.”

The male roles also went to well-known and beloved actors, including Andrei Ilyin.

Praise for acting

“Bollotch” is a play in which the actors in which, according to most critics, were chosen very well. Most often, laudatory reviews are dedicated specifically to Olesya Zheleznyak. Many write that almost the entire performance rests on her, and it is clear that the actress gives her all on the theater stage.

Criticism of actors

Most of the criticism from viewers goes to Menshova. Most likely, contemplating the performance of this actress on the theater stage, many cannot abstract from her on-screen image as a TV presenter. Now, many people know Yulia thanks to her popular program called “Alone with Everyone.” In some comments there is an opinion that Yulia does not play out her character to the end, and sometimes simply reads a memorized text in different intonations, like a television announcer. This opinion is controversial, since most professional critics speak rather flatteringly about Menshova’s performance.

On one of the forums there is also a statement from a certain viewer that the performance itself seemed boring to him. And, in his opinion, it was noticeable that some of the actors themselves were already bored. It was again about Yula Menshova. It is clear that the opinion of one viewer can be considered subjective, but it also has a right to exist. It is quite possible that after playing this performance 10 times in a row, Menshova might have gotten a little bored with it.

Performance of the play in different theaters in Moscow

This production can be seen not only at Taganka. The play “Bollotoch” was successfully performed at the Mayakovsky Theater in September. In October, the production returns to its native Taganka, and on November 16, the play can be seen on the stage of the Moskvich Cultural Center. On December 10, “Stupid” will again be staged on the stage of the “Commonwealth of Actors on Taganka” theater.

Average ticket prices

Tickets for the play “Bestoloch” can be purchased both at theater box offices and ordered online. Prices, of course, depend on the seats and the chosen theater. For example, in December, you can buy a ticket to Taganka for an amount from 1,000 to 10,000 rubles. You can watch “Bestoloch” at the Moskvich Cultural Center for less. There the price ranges from 750 to 5000 rubles.

Zheleznyak Olesya Vladimirovna

Olesya Zheleznyak became an actress not only by accident, but by a very intricate twist of fate, which led her to the State Institute of Theater Arts. Olesya’s parents predicted a career as an economist for their daughter and were sure that she should study exclusively at the Plekhanov Academy. Actually, she entered there at first, but then she took the documents, deciding to radically change her life!

Olesya Vladimirovna Zheleznyak made her next stop at the choreographic school at the College of Arts, where she managed to enroll at the very last moment. There the girl stayed for two years, although she did not feel much awe before dancing. At first, the choreography interested her because of its novelty and sophisticated atmosphere, but already in the second year of training, the future actress became bored with learning positions and movements, and the choreographic path, which had lost all mystery, became a heavy burden.

Olesya decides to enter GITIS, since she sees the theater stage as much more attractive than the ballet stage. Having left her choreographic education, she applies to the State Institute of Theater Arts, but fails. Without despairing and giving up on her new dream, Olesya Vladimirovna waits a year and submits the documents again.

The second attempt turns out to be more successful, although the competition for a place exceeds last year's. Zheleznyak’s perseverance was rewarded - in 1995 she was enrolled in the course of Mark Zakharov himself. At that time she was 21 years old. Olesya already clearly understood that the time of searching and throwing was safely over and she had finally found exactly what she needed!

Olesya Vladimirovna’s four-year studies at GITIS took place, as they say, “without a hitch.” There were no thoughts of leaving what she had started; on the contrary, with each new day she realized more and more clearly that theater was her calling! Olesya Zheleznyak proved herself to be excellent from the very beginning of her education and discovered many sides of herself that she herself had not even suspected before, so by the end of her third year she was completely confident that her path with the theater would definitely not diverge now.

After her debut role in the play “The Barbarian and the Heretic,” Olesya woke up famous, soon began acting in films (her debut role was Zoya Misochkina in the film “Silver Lily of the Valley”), and after a while she tried herself as a TV presenter.

Since the 4th year she has been working at the Lenkom Theater.

She played in Lenkom performances " " (directed by M. Zakharov, music, set design), " ", " ",

She starred in the films: “Silver Lily of the Valley”, “Showcase”.

She is busy in enterprises: “The Innkeeper” (dir. V. Shamirov), “Kiss” (dir. A. Sychev).