Description of the painting by F P Reshetnikov of the boy. Painting by Reshetnikov “Boys”

The artist Fyodor Reshetnikov was widely known for his varied paintings at the time when he created a new canvas that attracted the interest of many art lovers. In his works he described children, showing that at any time, even post-war, a child remains himself. Therefore, he wants to enjoy life and the world that surrounds him. It is known that the painting “Boys” was painted by Fyodor Pavlovich in 1971.

This time the canvas by artist Reshetnikov is divided into three parts. The painter gave the first and central part of the picture to the main characters, who were three boys dreaming of the future. They have long been attracted to space and the starry sky with their unsolved mysteries, but now they have the opportunity to reveal at least some small secret of the vast starry space. Maybe this is how they were influenced by astronomy lessons, where they studied some constellations.

The night is quiet and calm, so the boys decided to use it for their experiments and discoveries. They, secretly from their parents, climbed onto the roof and began to observe what was happening in the night sky. These boys are depicted by the artist Fyodor Reshetnikov quite realistically. They are lively and bright, and the author of the picture captured them at the moment when, looking at the beautiful and dark night sky, strewn with stars, they are trying to discuss something and tell each other, explaining and supplementing the stories. One of the boys, who is more passionate about the sky than the rest, leads a long and interesting story about what I just recently learned. But he tells it to his comrades with great enthusiasm and delight.

This boy put his hand on the shoulder of one of his friends and, pointing with the other hand to the sky, where there are so many interesting things, he tells his inspired story. He is wearing a white shirt and it matches his short dark hair perfectly. By his posture, inspired look and how confidently he tells his story, you can understand that he knows much more about the starry sky, about mysterious galaxies, and indeed about the entire cosmos than the other guys. But he stands out among the other guys not only for his activity and knowledge, but also for his seriousness in his gaze. He probably not only listened well in class, but also read a lot about astronomy in some special additional literature.

The second boy is standing next to his friend, and he is slightly leaning on the low parapet. His friend’s story interested him very much, so he continuously and, almost without blinking, looks at the starry and wonderful sky. His mouth is slightly open, most likely, something from what his friend is telling still surprised him. Maybe he’s even a little scared, because he’s never climbed so high before. That's why his hand holds on to the railing so tightly. His hair is blond and silky. The child is dressed in dark-colored clothes, and a clean and white T-shirt is visible from under the sweater.

The third hero of the film by Fyodor Reshetnikov is no less interesting. This is also a short boy who, standing on the roof next to his friends, dreams and thinks about something. His clothes blue color: shirt and vest. But the vest is a little small and tight. His thoughtful face is turned towards him, and the boy decided to prop his head a little with his hand. This is the pose of a true teenage dreamer.

These three boys, standing on the roof, do not notice anything around them, but see only the night sky, which, by some unknown force, is so interestingly and mysteriously dotted with stars. There is only interest and delight in their eyes. But besides this sky there are boys around life goes on, which is also interesting and beautiful. And, probably, these boys ended up that evening on this dark roof of a large multi-story building. Maybe they are even neighbors and live in this very house. But most likely they also best friends. Maybe they even study in the same class.

The big city slowly sank into the dark embrace of the night and now fell asleep sweetly under the light and airy breath of the warm season. The city had already fallen asleep so much that it practically began to merge with the sky. And only small glowing lights are the light in some apartments of multi-story buildings. The artist uses only dark colors and the same color shades to depict all three parts of his canvas: children, the starry sky and the night city. You could even say that the colors that Reshetnikov used in his canvas are muted and soft. And in the night city, bright lanterns have already been lit, illuminating the streets.

The picturesque canvas of the artist Fyodor Reshetnikov tells about the friendship of the guys, about their dreams and mood. Looking at them, the viewer also has a desire to look at the night sky in the evening, enjoy the brilliance of bright and sparkling stars, see how beautifully and quickly a star falls and make the deepest wish.

F. Reshetnikov’s painting “Boys” was written in 1971 and is dedicated to astronomy.

Three boys climbed onto the roof to watch starry sky. Judging by the lights that glow below, we can say that the guys have climbed high. There are multi-storey buildings around.

The central figure on the canvas: a dark-haired boy in a light shirt and dark trousers. The shirt is buttoned up and the sleeves are rolled up. He put one hand on his comrade's shoulder, raised the other up, pointing to the starry sky. With his eyes he looks in the direction of his hand and enthusiastically tells something.

On foreground there is a boy in dark clothes standing. He looks like he is the youngest in the company. His trousers are black, and his jacket is blue. The jacket is long and has a white collar. Right hand the boy holds on to the railing - a fence. The railings are iron, dark in color. Left hand in his pocket. The boy's hair is light, combed into a side parting. The eyes are light, the boy looks carefully at one point in the sky. His mouth is slightly open: he is interested in listening. The boy's legs are covered with a small structure that looks like a pipe or vent.

The third boy leans on the ledge of the roof. He rests his head on his hand and looks at the sky. His hair is black, combed back. The boy looks like a dreamer who listens, but thinks about something of his own.

The artist used some flowers to paint the picture. These are different shades of blue, gray, black and white. The sky is depicted in a bright blue color, so you would think that it is evening and the sky has not darkened for the night. The first ones appeared bright stars, and the boys look at them with anticipation.

Through the railing, below, you can see the illuminated windows of the houses and a piece of the street on which the lanterns are burning. The boys’ clothes don’t look monochromatic, because glare from the lanterns and, probably, from the stars falls on them.

Against the background of a dark sky, the boys’ faces are bright, their expressions are clearly visible. In his painting, the artist depicted boys - dreamers.

Essay option 2

Fyodor Pavlovich Reshetnikov devoted a special part of his work to childhood. After all, this is a time characterized by serenity, cheerfulness and curiosity. Only during this period can we dream and imagine our future. Only after feeling and understanding each of his characters does Reshetnikov depict them in his painting. His work is quite interesting and gives food for thought. We can figure out what the boys are talking about, maybe they are arguing or talking quietly peacefully. Maybe they are looking for constellations in the night sky or polar star. Or maybe they are watching the plane fly. Only our feelings and our perception will help us answer this question.

So in the painting “Boys” we see a warm summer evening and three mischievous boys. All night city shrouded in silence. Somewhere in the apartment windows a bill is burning, the city is in full swing. Perhaps the boys hear cars passing by and people talking. But they, having climbed onto the roof of the house, look at the starry sky. Forgetting about the fear of heights, about the fact that their parents may have lost them at such a late time, they, without looking up, with their mouths open, look at the night sky.

All three characters are presented in different poses. One of them in a dark blue T-shirt leaned on the railing, the other, leaning his head, listened to the standing boy in a white shirt. He enthusiastically tells something and shows it in the sky. Either a constellation of stars, or something inexplicable, is showing interest in these boys, whose eyes sparkle with curiosity.

What is going on in the head of each of them is not clear, maybe they want to become test pilots, or astronomers, or like Gagarin, to do something fundamental for their homeland. Or maybe they are just thinking about their deepest desires and a wonderful future. They are so captivated by the magic of the sky that they are not afraid of the height at which they are located. Their eyes are filled with faith in a bright and clean future.

This picture gives food for thought. I want to dream and fantasize, thinking out the plot of the picture. All thoughts and feelings are very well understood even just by looking at the picture. Even a little, it seems that the artist himself wants to join the boys and dream about the future. Especially after viewing the picture, you remember yourself as a small child, memories pop up in your memory of how you once wanted to become an astronaut.

After getting acquainted with the work of Fyodor Pavlovich Reshetov, we see how multifaceted and sensual it is. How simple moves hands or body positions can explain the intended action. After all, looking at such pictures, you want to love, create and dream about a wonderful future and remember the good old times.

Essay-description of Reshetnikov’s painting Boys

Throughout history Russian art there were many outstanding artists and other figures visual arts, but today I wanted to talk about the works of one Soviet artist Fyodor Pavlovich Reshetnikov, and as an example I wanted to use the painting “Boys” created by him in 1971. Since of all the works of our artist it is considered to be the most famous and widespread.

It can be noted right away that the picture reflects the experiences of that time, namely space exploration, after the first human flight, which can be immediately seen by carefully examining the picture. The author manages to convey in his work the feeling of a childhood dream, which is personified in three inquisitive children who dare to rise to such a height for the sake of the stars that beckon with their mystery and beauty

The rest of the heroes incessantly direct their gaze to where the light of other worlds can be heard through infinity. The sky itself, not quite night, but rather evening, we can distinguish clouds, dark blue, even one of the stars is visible, it suggests that the author presented us with the starry sky only at the beginning of its splendor, showing us that knowledge is not at all limited and subsequently presents new discoveries. After all, with the onset of night, even the most distant stars will open to anyone’s gaze.

And in conclusion, I would like to note that Reshetnikov coped with his task well, the picture very subtly conveys the atmosphere of childhood curiosity and thirst for knowledge, and also reminds everyone of their childhood dreams, which were as far away as the most distant stars.

5th grade in Russian language

Description of the mood of the painting Boys

Russian language teacher and literature MBOU"Lyceum No. 1"

r.p.Chamzinka Republic of Mordovia


Preparing to write an essay on a painting

F.P. Reshetnikova “Boys”

The purpose of the lesson:

  • learn to describe what is shown in the picture;
  • activate students' vocabulary on this topic;
  • broaden the horizons of students - introduce them to the life and work of F.P. Reshetnikov

A word about the artist

Fedor Pavlovich Reshetnikov

(1906 - 1988) -

Russian artist,

People's Artist of the USSR (1974),

winner of two Stalin Prizes (1949, 1951)

A word about the artist

in the village of Sursko-Litovsky, Ekaterinoslav province Russian Empire(now Dnepropetrovsk region, Ukraine) in the family of an icon painter. He worked in the railway workers' club of the Grishino station in the Dnepropetrovsk region. He studied at the workers' faculty of arts in Moscow, entered the Higher Art and Technical Workshops, where he studied in 1929-1934, in particular with D. S. Moor. Participated in the Arctic expedition on the steamer Chelyuskin.

Full member of the USSR Academy of Arts since 1953, vice-president (since 1974). Laureate State awards 1949 and 1951. He was awarded two orders and medals.

Creative credo


I sincerely wished that my works would be interesting to the people. Favorite topic: children and childhood.

F.P. Reshetnikov

“Enough of the tongue” (1943)

F.P. Reshetnikov turned to the world of childhood back during the war years, after he once watched children playing at fascists and Red Army soldiers.

From that moment on, paintings began to come out from under his brush, the main characters of which were children.

"Arrived on vacation"


F.P. Reshetnikov’s painting “Arrived on Vacation,” painted in 1948, is a kind of record holder. The total circulation of postcards with a reproduction of this painting amounted to over 13 million copies - more than any other postcard issued in the Soviet Union.

"Deuce Again" (1952)

Everyone knows the picture in which the artist depicted a boy upset because he had once again upset his mother with a bad grade he brought home from school. This picture, familiar from childhood, attracts, first of all, the image of the main character - a boy, of which there are many around.

"Doves of Peace"


"View from the window"




Look at the picture

F.P. Reshetnikova


Over the Earth late at night, Just stretch out your hand, You will grab the stars: They seem nearby. You can take a Peacock feather, touch the hands on the Clock, ride a Dolphin, swing on a Scale. Over the Earth late at night, If you look into the sky, You will see constellations hanging there like grapes.

Let's look at the picture

What time of day is shown in the picture?

What parts can the picture be divided into?

What colors and tones predominate on the canvas?

Who are the heroes of the picture?

Where do we see them? How did they get there?

late evening, dark blue sky, evening city lights, illuminated windows of houses, shadows on the roof...

sky, city, boys on the roof

dark, muted; unclear, blurred contours...

three friends, the same age, probably classmates, neighbors...

on the roof of the house, carefully peering into the night sky, watching the stars...

Consider the heroes of the picture

Which boy attracts the viewer's attention more than others?

How is he different from his comrades?

What indicates that he is a good storyteller?

Describe the facial expressions of the other characters in the picture?

What can you say about the character of each boy?

the boy who is in the center of the group is the center of the picture

he points to something in the starry sky, shares what he has heard or read

he managed to interest his friends, who listened attentively to his story

one boy was captivated by what he saw and heard, frozen with admiration

the second, without looking away, looks at the sky with a thoughtful, dreamy look

serious, purposeful; very impressionable; romantic, dreamer

What do you think attracted the attention of schoolchildren?

What are they dreaming about?

It's so cool in space!

Stars and planets

In black weightlessness

Slowly swimming!

It's so cool in space!

Sharp missiles

At great speed

They rush here and there!

It's so wonderful in space!

It's so magical in space

In real space

Visit once!

What do you think is the mood?

the artist had when

was he working on the painting?

Select exact words for determining

bright, joyful, light, admiring, enthusiastic, sincere, cheerful, lyrical, inspired, beautiful, creative, festive, dreamy.

Vocabulary work

Late... evening, dark blue... sky, lights in... the black... yes, illuminated windows of... houses, shadows on the... roofs..., night... city..., boys... carefully peering... into n...night sky, n...watching the stars.

Test yourself

Pos d late evening, dark blue e e sky, lights in e black mountains O yes, osv e fixed windows d O mov, shadows on roofs e, But chn oh goro d, small b chicks vn And I look intently ts I'm in n O night sky, n A watch the stars.

Choose synonyms


canvas, work of painting, masterpiece, reproduction;


captured, created, embodied his plan, drew, showed, conveyed;


guys, the heroes of the picture


Let's make an essay plan

  • A few words about the author of the picture.
  • Who are the heroes of the picture?
  • Where do we see them?
  • How did they get there?
  • Why did they come there?
  • How are they depicted?

Describe each:

b) appearance

d) facial expression

7.What can you say about the character of each?

8. What idea is the artist trying to convey to the audience?

After finishing your essay in draft, check:

  • does the sentence have a subject and a predicate (the main members of the sentence);
  • is the word order correct?
  • Are the words connected correctly in meaning?
  • whether the same words and expressions are repeated;
  • Are the words written and punctuation marks correct?

Start working clean.

Good luck!


Thank you



  • Alpatov M.V., Rostovtsev N.N. Art. Painting. Graphic arts. M.: Education, 1989
  • Karaseva I.V. Lesson lessons based on the textbook “Russian language: 5th grade”. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2010
  • Romanova S.A. Thematic development of Russian language lessons in 5th grade. - M.: School press, 2010.
  • Wikipedia – free encyclopedia http://ru.wikipedia
  • Reproductions of paintings by F.P. Reshetnikov: http://ru.wikipedia

This artist spent his entire life painting paintings that were related to the lives of children, as this was his main theme. He manages to display very well various situations that happen specifically to children. In this work, we can observe three boys admiring the starry sky from the roof of their multi-story building.

This whole idea is very dangerous, but our young heroes this worries very little, since they are very keen on this process of contemplation. It’s immediately clear that they are all best friends who have known each other for a very long time and can trust each other the most. hidden secrets, and this is in their at a young age very important, since friendship comes to the fore. The whole plot is imbued with a certain mystery, which can be observed in this beautiful plot. All the heroes look with great surprise at the sky, which reveals its secrets to them.

The boys are simply surprised and this can be seen from their faces, since the artist depicted this very well, and we can even observe the boys’ facial expressions. Our heroes are depicted in the foreground. Each of them is in different poses, as they are arranged in a way that is comfortable for them. In the background is a night city that sparkles with millions of small lights, as it seems that all this is a continuation of the starry sky. It’s already quite late, and it’s time to leave for the ladies, but the guys are in no hurry, because they are just dreaming.

The artist uses a very diverse color scheme, which is inherent in this time of day. It should be noted that he very well managed to convey everything that the guys feel, but the most important thing is that he managed to reflect all this very professionally in color format. The sky is depicted quite realistically, which is strewn with millions of stars, which are very clearly displayed in this magnificent work.

The master managed to capture the whole moment and displayed it perfectly. Our heroes will remember this moment for the rest of their lives, as it is a very pleasant and melting memory that will warm their souls for quite a few years. This picture allows us to remember our childhood years, and this is always quite pleasant, since almost everyone had similar moments that we will remember throughout our lives.

Gorgeous artwork, which deserves attention and discussion, since there is always time to think of something and draw your own conclusion, which will be different for each person.

Description of the painting by Reshetnikov Boy 5th grade

The painting “Boys” was painted in 1971 and belongs to the brush of the famous Soviet artist Fyodor Reshetnikov. The artist often depicted children in his canvases.

The young heroes of the picture climbed to the roof of a multi-storey residential building after sunset. F. Reshetnikov managed to perfectly convey the tones of the late evening. The sky has already turned a deep blue plum color, but the stars have not yet lit up. Perhaps the guys climbed so high to be among the first to see the first star light up.

Behind the boys, only dim lights from the windows are visible, coming from other apartments in the high-rise buildings. Apart from them, nothing is visible, only the dim silhouettes of houses that are shrouded in the twilight of the night.

The center of the canvas are three boys who appear to be the same age. They may study in the same class or simply be friends living in neighboring houses. The guys' attentive glances are directed to the sky.

One of the boys with dark hair is wearing a white shirt. He raised his hand and pointed at something in the sky, as if telling a fascinating story. Apparently, this is the most active and knowledgeable boy who is ready to share all his knowledge with friends. The audience can only guess what he is talking about. Maybe about stars and constellations, maybe about endless space and other galaxies, or maybe about comets and asteroids, or about conquest outer space brave astronauts.

Among my friends there is a boy with brown hair. He is dressed in a dark suit, from under which the collar of a white T-shirt peeks out. Listening carefully to his comrade, he follows his gestures. He was so interested that he opened his mouth in surprise.

The third boy stands with his head in his hand. He is wearing a dark vest and a blue shirt. Apparently the stories he heard gave him dreams of the sky, stars and space flights.

The painting by Fyodor Reshetnikov gives us the opportunity, together with the boys, to immerse ourselves in dreams and thoughts about the secrets of the night sky. “Boys” is a wonderful example of Soviet art, simple and inspiring.

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1. F.P.Reshetnikov.
2. Boys.
3. Background.
4. My impression.

F.P. Reshetnikov – famous Soviet artist, who often painted paintings depicting children. Without a doubt, his most famous painting is “Deuce Again!” But the painting “Boys” is also quite famous.

This work is a hymn to the dream of the stars. It shows three boys who climbed onto the roof of a house late at night to look at the sky. Friends are standing nearby. One of them is wearing a white shirt, contrasting against the dark sky, and is depicted in the center. That's why we immediately pay attention to it. He is talking passionately about something, pointing at the stars. I think it was he who was interested in astronomy and persuaded his friends to climb onto the roof. A fair-haired boy stands nearby, he listens to his friend in fascination, even opening his mouth a little. Their third friend is almost lying on some object or device, maybe this is the entrance to the attic. He, supporting his head with his hand, also looks at the sky, but it seems that he is not so much listening as dreaming.

In the background of the picture we see the city. Houses are difficult to see in the dark, so the windows that glow in them also seem like stars. Boys can imagine that they are flying to spaceship among the constellations.

I really liked Reshetnikov’s painting. She's beautiful, she has interesting story. It seems that you are also on the roof with these boys and dreaming of flying into space.