An essay based on Plastov’s painting “In Summer. Description of Plastov’s painting “In Summer” Description of the foreground of Plastov’s painting in summer

Warm sunny summer. White birch trees dressed in bright greenery, thick lush grass and a lot of light. This is what first attracts attention in the painting “In Summer”. This picture was painted by the artist Plastov. It is immediately obvious that he truly knew and loved nature. Everything is so beautiful and real. The viewer seems to be wafted by the delicious smell of herbs and berries and the sleepy peace of a hot day.

What else is depicted on the canvas? Description of the painting “In Summer” by Plastov can take a lot of time. There are as many as three heroes drawn on it. This is a girl with her grandmother and a dog. They probably went to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. And on the way back they got tired and sat down to rest right on the grass. Grandma is fast asleep. She is wearing a blue dress and the same scarf. Her most striking element is the hand with which her grandmother shielded herself from the sun. You can see how big, dark and tired she is. Looking at such a hand, you can understand that the person has worked all his life.

My granddaughter, I think, will grow up to be the same hard worker. And now, while her grandmother is sleeping, the girl is intently plucking berries from a branch into a large blue mug. The little assistant's serious face shows that she enjoys this job. The girl is dressed in a light white dress and decorated with beads. And she has a red scarf tied on her head. White, red and blue colors look very nice together. Therefore, the girl immediately attracts the viewer’s attention.

A small dog lies next to the grandmother and granddaughter. She ran through the forest and is now sleeping sweetly, cuddled up to her mistresses. She has a very funny face, which she turned directly to the audience. I think she is her little owner's favorite.

The picture also shows baskets of mushrooms and a jug of berries. They occupy almost half of the canvas. What a rich harvest the girl and her grandmother are bringing from the forest! The mushrooms are large, bright, and the berries are juicy and ripe. You immediately understand what wealth nature can give.

While I was writing an essay on the painting “In Summer” by Plastov, I thought about how peaceful and happy peasant life could be. We often do not notice the beauty of the world around us. But a happy life can come from little things. For example, a hike with loved ones in the forest, picking delicious berries with your own hands, relaxing in the shade. I think this is what the artist wanted to show with his painting.

The most popular February materials for 5th grade.

We very rarely see the beauty of the world around us, not paying attention to the surrounding views that are familiar to us, but thanks to talented artists such as Plastov and Plastov’s painting In the Summer, which we met in the 5th grade, you understand that beauty is everywhere. It can be seen even in moments of difficult work.

Essay based on Plastov's painting in Summer

Today we were asked to write based on Plastov’s painting In the Summer, where the artist depicted not only the splendor of nature, but also the life of people who are busy with business. It’s not difficult to describe Plastov’s painting in the summer, especially since I have a reproduction of this painting in front of me.

Description of the painting by Plastov

An essay based on Plastov’s painting In the summer, I will begin with a description of the main characters of the painting, and this is a girl with her mother, and perhaps with her grandmother. They sat down at the edge of the forest under two birch trees. Most likely, they hid under the birch trees from the scorching summer sun. The girl is dressed in a dress and has a red scarf on her head. The woman is wearing a blue dress. She lay down on the grass to rest a little, and maybe take a nap. After all, after all, she and the girl did a great job, and this is confirmed by a large basket and bucket filled with mushrooms. There are porcini mushrooms and other varieties of mushrooms here. There will be something to pickle for the winter and something to dry, and then prepare mushroom soups. Have you ever tried dried mushroom soup? You will never forget this aroma, and the taste is generally difficult to describe.

Further, in the description of Plastov’s painting In the Summer, I will describe a little dog, which, together with a girl and a woman, also ran into the forest and accompanied them. She played the role of a watchman, because after all, danger could await in the forest. However, everything turned out okay, and the dog itself, apparently, was running around and also wants to rest, curled up at the girl’s feet. By the way, our myceliums collected not only mushrooms, they also collected berries. And now, in our essay on Plastov’s painting in the summer of 5th grade, the girl is just picking off the berries, putting them in a mug.

  1. A. Plastov is an artist of Russian nature and Russian countryside.
  2. Painting “Summer”:
    • summer afternoon;
    • forest edge;
    • gatherers of mushrooms and berries;
  3. Background (forest).
  4. My attitude to the picture.

Arkady Aleksandrovich Plastov is a Russian artist who was born and raised in a village, in a peasant family. That is why the theme of village life is so close to him. On his canvases, he vividly and emotionally conveys the beauty of Russian nature and the life of his fellow villagers, who often posed for him to paint.

The painting “In Summer” depicts a forest edge on a bright sunny day. Everything around is filled with dazzling light. You can feel the heat from the scorching sun. Everything breathes the midday heat. Most likely, this is mid-June, when the grass and foliage have not yet become dusty or withered, and the forests and meadows have already turned into a real storehouse of tasty supplies for the winter.

At the edge of the forest, thick, tall grass grows like a soft carpet. The scorching sun had not yet dried it. It glows from the sun's rays and seems not the usual bright green, but almost golden. But it does not have that lifeless yellowish color that it usually has in the fall when it has withered. You can feel the life and power of nature in it.

Variegated meadow flowers grow here and there in the grass. Surprisingly tall and large blue-violet forest bells grew near two birch trees. In the sunlight, tree trunks appear pearly, and small smooth green leaves reflect the rays like hundreds of small mirrors. It seems that this light makes the picture even more dazzling. The birches bent their thin branches low, almost to the ground. Under them you can find at least a little shade on this hot day.

Here, in the shade of the trees, two gatherers of forest gifts settled down to rest - a woman and a girl of nine or ten years old. Maybe it's a mother and daughter, or maybe a grandmother and granddaughter. The artist hid the woman's face from us, and we can only guess who she is. The mushroom pickers placed a large wicker basket and a tin bucket full of mushrooms in the grass.

Nearby stands an earthenware jug with a high neck. It apparently contained water or milk so that they could refresh themselves and quench their thirst. Now it's empty. Probably, the gatherers got up before dawn and went into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. After all, in order to collect so many gifts from the forest, you need to wander a lot through the thickets and forest edges or know the secret mushroom places. And by noon, the heat and fatigue had overcome them, and they decided to rest a little on the way back.

The woman is wearing a simple long dark blue dress and the same scarf, with a dark gray apron tied in front - this is ordinary everyday clothing for village women. Tired, she lay down directly on the soft grass and covered her face from the sun with a strong, tired hand.

A dark-haired, ruddy girl sits nearby on the grass. She bowed her head, and her whole appearance expressed concentration: her plump scarlet lips and cheeks were slightly pouting. While mom or grandma is resting, she carefully picks red berries from a plucked small bush and pours them into a mug that sits on her lap. Probably these are fragrant strawberries that are just ripening during this hot summer season.

The girl is dressed in a long, almost to her toes, thin white shirt. On her head is a large bright red scarf, from under which unruly strands of dark hair are escaping, and modest beads are visible on her neck. She boldly walked through the forest barefoot. Apparently, not all village children had shoes, or they were saved for special occasions.

The dog pressed trustingly to the girl's side. Her head and paws are light in color, and her back has dark tan marks. The dog stretched out its paws, put its muzzle on them and also dozed, tired of the heat. In the background you can see a thick, dark forest where the gatherers roamed. It smells cool. Thin spotted trunks of birches and fluffy young pines are barely visible.

Soon the woman and girl will get up and go home to please their household with the gifts of the forest.

I liked this picture. It very vividly conveys the feeling of a hot summer afternoon, the tart aroma of meadow flowers. The green forest beckons you to visit and treat yourself to mushrooms and fragrant berries. It's no coincidence that summer is my favorite time of year.

Speech development lesson in 5th grade.

Subject : Oral description of the painting by A.A. Plastov "Summer"


1. Introduce the artist’s work; teach children to describe what is shown in the picture; activate students’ vocabulary on the topic “Summer”; consolidate the spelling of case endings of adjectives.

2. Develop the ability to observe and make sentences.

3. Foster love for native nature.

Equipment: reproductions of paintings by A.A. Plastov “In Summer”, portrait of the artist A.A. Plastova (presentation); poems about summer; riddles about berries.

During the classes

  1. Organizing time.

And so, friends, pay attention - the bell has rung,

Sit back, let's start the lesson soon.

II. Lesson topic message.

A pre-prepared student reads I. Surikov’s poem “Noon”:

The sun is shining brightly,

There is warmth in the air.

And wherever you look,

Everything around is light.

The meadow is colorful

Bright flowers.

Covered in gold

Dark sheets.

The forest is sleeping: not a sound,

The leaf doesn't move

Only a lark

There's a ringing in the air.

What picture did you present?

What time of year did the poet talk about?

Today we will get acquainted with A. A. Plastov’s painting “In Summer”.

III. A story about an artist.

Arkady Aleksandrovich Plastov (1893-1972) - an outstanding Soviet painter, People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes, is widely known in our country and abroad as a singer of the collective farm village and Russian nature.

A. A. Plastov was born in the village of Prislonikha, Ulyanovsk region.

This is where he spent his childhood. Arkady Alexandrovich spends most of his life in his native Prislonikha. The heroes of his paintings live here. Here are the fields where his father, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, and the artist himself worked. That is why he knows the life of the Russian village so well.

His canvases, with great love and skill, reveal the beauty and strength of his native land and express deep admiration for the hard worker. The artist always strives to convey the inner world of the people he depicts, their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Plastov's favorite heroes are village children. They are present in almost every one of his paintings, for example in the paintings “Vitya the Shepherd”, “First Snow”, “In Summer”, “Tractor Drivers’ Dinner”, “Collective Farm Current”, “In the Village”, etc.

The teacher shows reproductions of paintings by A. A. Plastov.

A. A. Plastov’s paintings delight and attract with their ringing, rich colors and the beauty of the nature depicted in them. The artist is especially attracted to summer - the time of year when all nature is at its peak.

In the film “In Summer” (1954), A. A. Plastov showed the wealth and generosity of his native land, the rest of ordinary people, tired of picking mushrooms and berries.

IY. Conversation about the painting.

Do you like to go to the forest, pick berries and mushrooms?

How many of you have been to the forest?

What memories do you have after your walk in the forest?

What berries and mushrooms did you pick?

Guess the riddles:

I go into the forest - empty, empty,

And from the forest it’s thick, thick.

(Basket with berries.)

What kind of bush is there by the path?

White flowers,

spread out like palms,


Hides berries secretly

Under the triplets.

Under the leaf

So it bends over the clearing

Stem with a ruddy berry,

And below, next to her,

The other two are larger...


The sun scatters arrows,

Lighting up the pines.

What kind of berry is ripe?

Is it blue?

On bushes under leaves

Someone threw beads -

All clearings have blue dots

By the green pines...


Moss is not moss, there is feather dust in the forest.

There's not a raspberry on the feather bed,

And pretty and red,

Flushed from sleep...


Little red Matryoshka,

Little white heart.



Flew over the lawn.

Will fuss over the flower -

He will share the honey.


Lots and lots of threads.

But it won’t roll into a ball,

He doesn’t sew clothes for himself,

And the fabric always weaves.

(Spider and web.)

Consider a reproduction of A. A. Plastov’s painting “In Summer”. What first caught your attention?(A bright sunny edge of the forest, a girl and a woman are resting. In the clearing there is a basket and a bucket with mushrooms, a clay jug with berries. The girl has a bright red scarf on her head. In the clearing there is green fresh grass.)

- Take a closer look at the picture. Whom did he portray? artist?

Describe each character in the picture in more detail.(In the picture we see a woman and

girl. It's probably the mother s d glasses or grandmother with granddaughter. The woman in the blue dress was obviously very tired, tired from a long walk through the forest. Is she lying in the thick grass and dozing, covering her face from the sun with her hand?)

Why do you think the artist depicted the woman’s hands so clearly?

What are they? (The woman’s hands are tanned, worn out, strong, you can immediately see that she works a lot. The artist is hot ate show that this woman is a hard worker)

Describe the girl: how she sits, what she does, how she is dressed?A girl sits on the grass, her bare legs stretched out, leisurely picking ripe, juicy raspberries from a branch and throwing them into a mug. She is wearing a white dress and a red scarf.)

What is most striking about the girl’s outfit?(The bright red scarf immediately makes the girl stand out, attracts our gaze, and we carefully peer into her face.)

- What can you say about the girl's face?(Her dark, ruddy face is calm. Her eyes are lowered under thin black eyebrows, dark long hair escapes from under her scarf, one wavy strand falls onto her chest.)

What can you say about another creature depicted in the picture - the dog?(The dog lies next to the girl, with its paws stretched forward and its muzzle resting on them. The dog’s eyes are closed, its ears are lowered, hanging like two mugs)

- Where are the mushroom pickers located?(Mushroom pickers are located in a quiet forest clearing in the shade under the dense branches of birch trees)

- Why did they choose this place?(Mushroom pickers want to hide from the heat. The clearing is very beautiful: among the lush emerald green grass, there are blue bells, daisies with slightly drooping petals, some yellow flowers. The forest clearing pleases the human eye and gives many new sensations)

How does the artist show that it is a sunny day?(The dazzling sun illuminates the entire clearing and colors it inyellowish color. The bright sunlight plays on the leaves of the birch trees, illuminating them. This is why they are golden in color. and those in the shade are dark green) - How does the artist show that it is a quiet day?(Flowers, grass, leaves on the trees are calm, do not move, because the forest is quiet and windless.)

- What colors did the artist use to depict a sunny summer day? What colors predominate in the picture?(Green, light green, white, yellow, light brown, pink, red.)

- Color in a painting is of great importance. With the help of color, the artist creates an image, conveys his attitude, and evokes a certain mood. Thus, yellow, pink, red, orange colors are called warm in painting. They resemble warmth, fire and, as a rule, help the artist convey a joyful and bright mood. Blue, purple, gray are cool colors. They are associated with a feeling of coldness and usually cause feelings of sadness, sadness, and melancholy. Any color in painting can be warm or cold, depending on which color its shade is closer to: red-orange or blue-green. For example, green can be warm or cool. It all depends on what kind of paint the artist adds to the green: yellow or blue. As you can see, in the painting “In Summer” the green color is closer to yellow, which means it is a warm color.

What impression does A. A. Plastov’s painting “In Summer” make on you?(I want to look at the picture for a long time without taking my eyes off. The nature that is depicted in it is so close and understandable to us that it seems as if we have already seen this wonderful corner of nature and been here.)

The teacher complements the students' answers:

In the painting “In Summer” A. A. Plastov used warm and cold colors, but more warm ones. The artist conveys the richness of blooming nature with a festive combination of colors. He uses contrasting, bright, rich colors (a red scarf and a girl’s white dress, a sleeping woman’s blue clothes, yellow and blue flashes of flowers on a bright green grass background), which give the painting a special beauty and evoke a feeling of joy.

Physical education minute

Students do the exercises for the teacher.

Summer is buzzing.

(Imitate the flight of insects.)

Antennae and proboscis move.

(Fingers point towards the nose. Imitate the movement of antennae and proboscis.)

They touch, touch, touch, taste every flower.

(Tilts the head back and forth.)

Summer green road

He hurries to the entrance with honey.

(Imitate the flight of insects.)

(N. Ushakov.)

V. Vocabulary and stylistic work.

Drawing up a picture of phrases or sentences with synonymous words on the topic.

Make up phrases or sentences with words based on the theme of the picturegreen - emerald; bright - dazzling.

When describing which objects it is more appropriate to use an adjective green, and when we use the word emerald?

- Make up phrases or sentences with these words.

As a result of the discussion, the most successfulfrom the examples proposed by students:“The bunnies are playing in the emerald grass”; “green stem of a chamomile”: “the artist depicted a summer day”; "dazzling ray of sun"; "bright colors".

Other sentences on the theme of the picture are written down, for example: “The woman was very tired and fell asleep in the fresh air. A girl in a bright red headscarf catches our eye.”

VI. Drawing up a plan for an essay based on a painting.

Collectively, a plan for describing the painting is drawn up and written on the board:

1. Summer is a cheerful song of nature.

2. Description of the painting:

a) people, dog;

b) basket, bucket, jug;

c) clearing.

3. My impression of the picture.

VII. Oral statements by students.

Sample oral essay:

The painting by artist A. A. Plastov depicts a sultry summer afternoon. Mushroom pickers settled down under the dense branches of a white birch, and with them a dog. In the foreground of the picture is a girl in a white dress and a red scarf. She sits on the grass, leisurely picks ripe raspberries from a branch and puts them in a mug. The girl’s red scarf attracts our gaze, and we carefully peer into her face. The girl's eyes are downcast, there is a blush on her dark cheeks. Dark hair is visible from under the scarf. A dog lies next to the girl. She is dozing with her head resting on her paw. Her ears are hanging like two mugs from the heat.

Behind the girl, in the background, is a woman in a blue dress and a blue scarf. She was obviously very tired and fell fast asleep in the fresh air. She put one hand under her head and with the other covered her face from the sun. The artist very clearly drew the woman's hand raised up. Her hand is tanned and strong - you can immediately see that the woman works hard.

In the thick grass there are a basket and a bucket filled with mushrooms. There are large milk mushrooms in the basket, and strong boletus mushrooms in the bucket. There is also a clay jug with ripe raspberries. Bright juicy berries just beg to be put into your mouth, and you just want to feel the fragrant juice of wild raspberries on your lips.

A woman and a girl sat under a large birch tree in a quiet, beautiful clearing. Among the lush emerald grass you can see blue bells, daisies, and some yellow flowers. The dazzling rays of the sun fall on the leaves of birch trees and color them golden.

I really like this picture. Bright colors make you happy eye, lift your spirits. I would like to look at the picture for a long time and, together with its characters, visit this sunny field, admire the beauty of nature, pick up a lot of mushrooms and berries and lie down in the soft fragrant grass.

VIII. Lesson summary.

What work did we meet today?

What did the artist say?

What feelings do you get when looking at A. A. Plastov’s painting “In Summer”?

Why do you love summer?


(…, …) noon. Hot. In the (... ...) shade of (... ...) birches the travelers settled down to rest (...).

Creative work based on the painting “In Summer” by A.A. Plastov.

The woman lay down on (… …) the grass and immediately fell asleep. A girl in a (...) headscarf settled down next to her. She collects (… …) raspberries from a bush that she picked along the way and puts them in a mug. A dog (...) is dozing near her.

In (... ...) a jug the berries (... ...) of raspberries turn red. The basket and bucket are full of mushrooms. Here are (...) boletus, and (...) boletus, and (...) russula.

The summer air breathes the sun, (...) the aroma of (...) herbs, (...) flowers.

Creative work based on the painting “In Summer” by A.A. Plastov.

(…, …) noon. Hot. In the (... ...) shade of (... ...) birches the travelers settled down to rest (...).

The woman lay down on (… …) the grass and immediately fell asleep. A girl in a (...) headscarf settled down next to her. She collects (… …) raspberries from a bush that she picked along the way and puts them in a mug. A dog (...) is dozing near her.

In (... ...) a jug the berries (... ...) of raspberries turn red. The basket and bucket are full of mushrooms. Here are (...) boletus, and (...) boletus, and (...) russula.

Description of the painting by A.A. Plastov “Summer”. Creative work And so, friends, attention - after all, the bell has rung, Sit down comfortably: let's start the lesson soon.

I. Surikov “Noon” The sun is shining brightly, It’s warm in the air. And wherever you look, everything around is light. The meadow is full of bright flowers. Dark sheets are covered in gold. The forest sleeps: not a sound, the leaf does not move, only the lark rings in the air.

The world of A.A. Plastov - the world of eternal peasant Russia

Theme of the beauty of native nature “Golden Birches”, 1950 “July Evening”, 1940 “Stacks”, 1952

Theme of peasant labor “On Popovaya Polyana”, 1938 “Haymaking” “Tractor Driver’s Dinner”

The vital truth of A.A.’s paintings Plastova

Painting "Summer. Mushrooms" by Arkady Aleksandrovich Plastov

Learning to understand the picture “In Summer. Mushrooms”, 1953-1954 What is your first impression of the painting? What can you say about the artist?

What attracts your attention in the picture? Sunny meadow, sitting girl, tired woman

Who is shown in the picture? The girl is tanned, there is a blush on her cheeks; red scarf and simple dress; picks ripe berries and puts them in a mug. The woman is tired; in a blue dress and a blue scarf; the tanned hand of a worker. The dog is faithful, rests its head on its paws, rests and protects.

Let's describe the girl. A girl (you can give her a name) sits on the grass, thinks about something, picks berries from a branch, and throws them into a mug; she has her legs stretched out, because... tired from a long walk through the forest, the girl is barefoot, she is wearing a white dress and a red scarf. The girl’s face is calm, tanned, her eyes are downcast, and her dark hair comes out from under the scarf, falling onto her chest. What can you say about the girl’s face and her outfit?

Where are the mushroom pickers located? Why did they choose this place? Mushroom pickers are located in a beautiful clearing in the shade of a birch tree, among lush emerald grass, in which flowers can be seen

The clearing is light, spacious, sunlit, emerald grass, gentle wildflowers. The birches are like little sisters, with their braids loosened and standing to the side. The forest is dark, standing like a wall.

Generous gifts of nature Jug – earthenware, red-brown, with drink. The basket is wicker, filled to the top with mushrooms. The bucket is black, buried in forest grass.

What colors did the artist use to depict a summer day? Green, light green, white, yellow, light brown, pink, red What colors predominate in the picture? In the painting, the artist uses paints of warm and cold tones, but mostly warm ones. To convey the richness of summer nature, the artist uses a combination of these colors (a red scarf and a girl’s white dress), etc.

What impression did the picture make on you? Looking at the picture, I remember the hot summer, I inhale the smell of berries and flowers, it seems that I am there, in this beautiful clearing where the mushroom pickers are located. The combination of even contrasting colors gives the picture a special beauty and evokes a feeling of joy.

And now - creative work

Description of Plastov’s painting “In Summer”

Summer is the favorite time of year for many of us.
This is a time of relaxation, new experiences, new discoveries.
In the painting “In Summer” the artist showed a sultry summer day.
Two people are resting under the birch trees.
Apparently, this is a mother and daughter.
They picked up baskets full of mushrooms and sat down in the shade to rest.
The girl is shown wearing a white dress and a red scarf.
The girl sits on the grass, next to the basket.
She was very tired from walking for a long time.
But even during rest, she does not waste time, but tears off branches from the berries and throws them into a mug, which is on her knees.

There is a dog lying next to the girl.
The day turned out to be hot, and the dog was also tired, he lowered his head to his paws.
On the other side of the girl, her mother is sleeping.
She is wearing a blue dress and a scarf, and uses it to protect herself from insects.
The woman’s hand is raised up and we see that she is tanned and strong.
The hand of a woman who works very hard, working either in the field or in the garden.

Behind the tired travelers is a clearing.
It is all illuminated by the bright sun.
The artist used the brightest, most saturated colors to show viewers the beauty of Russian nature and the magnificent forest.
The leaves of the birch tree, near which mother and daughter are sitting, rustle in the wind; they become even more beautiful from the sun.
The grass seems literally silky.

The artist also painted yellow and cornflower blue flowers, which perfectly complement the landscape.
Summer nature is generous with gifts.
One has only to bow to her and you can pick a lot of mushrooms and berries.
Next to the characters in the picture there is a jug of water or milk, which mother and daughter drink when it gets really hot.
When I look at this picture, I involuntarily remember hot summer days, holidays in the village with my grandmother, I smell the grass heated by the sun's rays, the smell of freshly picked berries and the gentle breeze of the wind.
I really want to be in such a picturesque clearing at that very moment, enjoying all the delights of a sultry summer. I especially miss it when I return to the city after the holidays.