Orthodox names for boys by month. General character traits of girls born in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog

A naming according to church rites is a person’s personal name, which is given to him in infancy and assigned to him according to Christian customs. It is generally accepted that by naming a child according to the calendar, that is, in honor of an Angel, parents give him a chance to be protected from evil spirits and evil spirits. In Orthodoxy, they are very sensitive to the choice of names for newborn children, therefore all Orthodox Christians, as well as names for newborn boys, are scrupulously distributed in the Christian calendar.

Traditions of Orthodoxy

Since ancient times, there has been a Christian tradition that a newborn child was called a certain name on the 8th day from the date of his immediate birth. In order to choose a name correctly and harmoniously, it was necessary to look into the calendar of Orthodox names - whichever Angel celebrates the name day on this day, the same name should be given to the baby.

Nowadays, modern parents are returning to the roots of religion, so they carefully follow the foundations and traditions of Christianity, including giving the right Christian naming to your baby. Of course, in Orthodoxy there are also certain nuances the right choice infant naming, and the clergyman can answer all the questions the parents have. What is important to consider?

All Orthodox Christians by month and date for 2018 are included in the data. Parents must realize that for a child, his name is the name of a righteous Angel, who throughout the child’s life will sanctify his life and protect him from various evils. In Orthodoxy, boys are often named after saints who have proven themselves to be protectors of warriors or brave intercessors or patrons.

But according to ancient church traditions, girls should be named by a clergyman. Of course, parents were allowed to correct the opinion of the church minister, but such situations were rare.

  • It is not recommended that children's names be double meaning, for example, Anna Maria. Thus, the child receives a dual fate, which often becomes unhappy.
  • Children should not be named in honor of deceased relatives, even if they correspond to the calendar.
  • When choosing the correct and harmonious name, it is important to observe religious traditions. If the child’s parents belong to different religions, then the baby is assigned the name according to the religion of which he will be baptized.

List of girl names

What names by month for 2018 for girls are marked in the calendar:

  • January - Anastasia, Julia, Emilia.
  • February - Seraphim, Anna, Maria.
  • March - Svetlana, Christina, Nika.
  • April - Svetlana, Vasilisa, Fedora.
  • May - Zoya, Alexandra, Nonna.
  • June - Pelageya, Nina, Antonina.
  • July - Matryona, Alevtina, Elizaveta.
  • August - Susanna, Eva, Elena.
  • September - Martha, Seraphim, Raisa.
  • October - Fekla, Iraida, Tatyana.
  • November - Olga, Stepanida, Glykeria.
  • December - Catherine, Varvara, Maria.

The name calendar offers a wider selection of Orthodox names, so parents will always be provided with the ideal option that will fully satisfy their desires and comply with Christian customs.

Names according to Christian customs for boys

The Orthodox calendar also defines names by month for 2018 for boys:

  • January - Alexander, Vasily, Stepan.
  • February - Savva, Peter, Vlas.
  • March - Denis, Daniil, Rostislav.
  • April - Ivan, Leonid, Anton.
  • May - Victor, Boris, German.
  • June - Tikhon, Nikita, Alexey.
  • July - Gleb, Andrey, Vladimir.
  • August - Elizar, Pavel, Fedor.
  • September - Afanasy, Arseny, Makar.
  • October - Dmitry, Yakov, Kuzma.
  • November - Artem, Rodion, Nestor.
  • December - Roman, Trifon, Yuri.

Special attention is paid to choosing a name before the birth of a child. In the century modern technologies They find out the baby's gender in advance, so they have enough time to choose a name.
Some parents try to choose something original, not similar to those we hear every day, modern names for children. Others prefer to name boys after someone. These could be relatives or famous people. At the same time, it is important to beautifully combine the first name with the middle name and last name. Also, in the future the boy himself should like it.

At such moments, future parents are under pressure from relatives and friends who simply insist on their names, and all the proposals of the parents themselves are long and joyfully criticized. Choosing a name for a boy church calendar you can make your task easier. Everyone seeks only the best for their child. That's why fashionable names for boys are now rare and beautiful.

Character of a boy born in 2018 Year of the Dog

The Dog is a noble and valiant protector of the zodiac signs. She is always ready to protect in battle and cover the unjustly offended and weak with her breast. She is smart enough, so she can distinguish friend from foe, pretense and falsehood. A boy born this year will acquire these same character traits.

If according to the baby’s horoscope in 2018 there are not many unfavorable aspects, then he will fully acquire the nobility and traits of an affectionate patron. In the year of the dog, many famous and beloved famous personalities were born.

  1. Stephen King.
  2. Elvis Presley.
  3. Sylvester Stallone.
  4. Mother Teresa.
  5. Winston Churchill.
  6. Michael Jackson.
  7. Brigitte Bardot
  8. Sharon Stone and many others.

The boy will grow up to be a devoted son, husband and hardworking worker. And most importantly, such people are endowed with the gift of understanding others. Men born in the year of the dog intuitively feel when they need to say the right phrase and give advice. They see the world as bright and positive. And thanks to the fact that they can easily remember new information, they quickly adapt to new and even unusual conditions for them.

Such people know how to do their work efficiently and quickly. Therefore, their career is always at its best. He will be a worthy, understanding, loving and beloved companion in life. This means that such a boy must be given an appropriate name. But parents don’t know which names to choose, whether they will be common names or new Orthodox Russian names for boys.

Rules for choosing a name according to the church calendar

It is important to know that there are certain rules that must be taken into account when choosing a name for a boy according to the church calendar. The child should be named in honor of the saint on whose memorial day he was born. Often parents don't like any name available on this day. Then you can choose from the names of the following days, or even from the names that are offered for the whole month. The calendar presents popular names for boys in 2018.

Since ancient times, it has been a custom that a boy named after a saint will always be protected. He will immediately receive very strong guardian angel. But you shouldn’t call it thoughtlessly either. The baby can repeat the fate of the person after whom he is named. Therefore, children should not be given the names of great martyrs.

It is popular to give children two names at once. One is chosen for everyday (worldly) life, and the second is given according to Orthodox calendar, the child is baptized with it. According to legend, a baby with two names is protected from envy and the evil eye, since common name prevents you from getting to the church, taking on all the negative energy.

Many, despite the variety of options in the church calendar, cannot decide on a name. When all options are rejected or parents are at a dead end, you can turn to a clergyman for help. He will tell you not only what names are available for the baby on the day and month of his birth, but also what meaning is hidden in each name. In addition, the priest will tell you in detail how to correctly determine the day of the angel and answer other questions of interest. In any case, he will suggest the best and lucky names for boys

Choosing a name

A name for a son should not only have good value, but also sound courageous. Therefore, all parents try to choose the “right” name for their baby. Because of this double names are now the most common. They are unusual, but very beautiful. Plus they have great energy. Often children are named by their zodiac sign, but the most popular ones are now in the church calendar.

Happy birthday to a baby is hard to guess. But the month is determined in advance. Poe offers many various options names

  1. January.
    Timothy and Daniel. Common, but at the same time unusual names, also includes Kirill, Pavel, Ignat. Nifont and Nikanor are quite unusual, which is why they are chosen as middle names. Nikolai, Yuri, Anton, Sergei, Veniamin, Peter - boys under this name will become defenders. Athanasius, Proclus, Sebastian, Theoktistos are also rare. Vasily, Ivan, Maxim, Nikita, Georgy, Philip, Egor, Stepan, Savva. Unusual names Adam, Prokhor, Sebastian.
  2. February.
    Valery and Alexander. Gerasim, Victor, Felix. Timofey, Dmitry, Stepan, Semyon. Leonty. Vitaly, Nikita, Zakhar, Pavel, Vsevolod, Glas, David will grow up to be especially hardworking.
  3. March.
    Alexey is usually the name given to babies born on March 30th. Irakli, Semyon, Mark, Venedikt, Mikhail, Egor, Taras. The more popular ones include Kirill, Denis, Danila, Daniil and Ilya.
  4. April.
    April children can bear such unusual names as Samson, Aristarchus, Artemon, Niphon, Titus, Hypatius, Antip, Makar, David. There are also names that are more familiar to us, these are Stepan and Maxim, Andrey and Anton, Martin and Ivan. Gabriel, Cyril, Benjamin and Trofim, Thomas, Alexander, and finally Peter,
  5. May.
    Modest, Joseph, Severin, Kasyan, Timofey, Eremey, this month offers more unusual names. Among the usual ones are Pavel, Peter, Yuri, Arseny, Alexey, Vsevolod and Alexander, Valentin and Irakli.
  6. June.
    Karp, Sylvester, Julian, Eremey, Savely, Yan, Peter, Igor, Andrey, Dmitry, Valery, Khariton, Roman, Nikifor, Gabriel, Vladimir, Tikhon, Fedot. Also beautiful names for a boy, these are Nazar, Yuri, Fedor, Denis, Ivan, Mstislav.
  7. July.
    Safron, Samson, Emelyan, Galaktion, they are also used as middle names. The first ones are usually Stanislav, Efim, Arseny, Anatoly, Kuzma. The calendar also offers such options as Vasily, Mikhail, Alexey and Innokenty, German, Sergey, Julius.
  8. August.
    Markel, Frol, Nikanor, Ermolai, Valentin. In August, the names of boys by month for 2018 according to the Orthodox calendar are quite unusual, but beautiful. Gury, Clement, Kuzma, Christopher, Alexey and Elizar, David and Polycarp, Miron, Leonid and Stepan, Konstantin and Denis.
  9. September.
    Kondrat, Porfiry, Leonty, Pimen, Valery, Stepan, German, Thomas. Among those more familiar to us in the calendar, we can highlight Maxim, Adrian, Veniamin, Nikolai, Alexey, Arseny.
  10. October.
    Nikita, Vladimir, Vyacheslav, Ivan, Mikhail, Peter, Roman, Andrey. More specific ones include Demyan Kasyan and Aristarchus.
  11. November.
    There are also more rare ones, for example, Nikon, Demyan, Illarion, Maximilian, Vikenty. But this month you can choose from those more familiar to us, these are Fedor, Evgeniy, Pavel, Stepan, Afanasy, Mark, Artem, Denis, Kirill, Matvey, Maxim.
  12. December.
    The best names for this month are Semyon, Nikon, Modest, Mitrofan. There is also Vsevolod, Mark, Thomas, Pavel, Naum, Savva, Gabriel, Sophron, Nikolai, Lev.

These are the most popular church names presented in the church calendar. For many parents, it is important that a name has some meaning. Here's a common one new list names for boys. In addition, these are the most popular names for boys in 2018.

Stepan - wreath, crown. Vsevolod - possessing, omnipotent. Daniel is fair. Nicholas is the winner of nations. Andrey is brave. Maxim is great. Gregory is awake. Ivan - pardoned by God. Zakhar - no godforsaken. Alexey is a protector, protector. Leo is the heart or king of animals. Evgeniy is noble. Taras is a rebel. Semyon - heard by God. Savva - Saturday, sage. Tikhon - good luck. Vasily is royal. Victor is the winner. Denis is a reveler, a merry fellow. Michael - asked of God. Alexander is protective. Anton is a challenger. Vyacheslav is the most glorious. Artem is unharmed. Georgy is a farmer. Matvey - gifted by God.

Russian popular male names divided by months of 2018.
Boys born in winter are individuals with a stubborn character, but incredibly talented. This gives them a sense of purpose. They have a cool disposition, but at the same time they are quite persistent and strong-willed.

Spring babies are quite vulnerable. They have good memory, and a great sense of humor. Boys are always conscious of how they look and can be quite selfish. They make excellent diplomats.

Summer boys are brave and risky people. In addition, they love creativity in all its forms. They are naive, but at the same time very kind.

In autumn, leisurely and reasonable boys are born. Such men are easy to communicate with and in life.

When choosing a name for a boy, all parents are confused, and this is normal. Everyone around is trying to give advice, indicate what names to call, force you to listen. After all, the options of the parents themselves are often criticized and sometimes ridiculed. Don't listen to anyone, and follow your own tastes. Also, don't choose baby boy names 2018 that are too exotic. Otherwise, this may provoke ridicule from other children.

The dog is a patient, devoted, homely, faithful, fair and enduring representative of the twelve-year cycle. Boys born in the year of the Dog are distinguished by perseverance and great patience. The guys are fair and friendly, and are always ready to overcome great difficulties for the sake of their friends. Despite their love and devotion to home, they are easy-going and love to travel.

The boys who come into the world in 2018 will be hardworking, persistent and dedicated to their work. But, despite such qualities, the family will occupy a very important place in their lives, the boys will grow up loving fathers and good, faithful husbands. Names for boys in the year of the Dog should reflect all of the above character traits and be as close as possible to the native, Slavic or biblical theme, which I reflect the essence of the hostess of the year. Simple, uncomplicated names are great for this period.

In this article:

We name our son by month of birth

There has always been a fashion for beautiful, rare and unusual names, so 2018 will be no exception. The only point that future parents should know is that the baby should be named according to the rules of life of the mistress of the year, the Dog, so to speak, uv A live her reign. The earthly roots of the name will help maintain balance in disagreements between the character and destiny of the child, because whatever you name the ship, so it will sail.

Below is a table in which the names for future men born in the year of the Dog are distributed by month of birth.

January Osip, Arkhip, Timosha, Daniel, Ilyusha, Anton, Pasha, Fadey, Theodore, Clement, Theodosius, Seraphim, Adam, Jacob, Elizar, Elisha.
February Valerian, Fadey, Valentin, Akim, Arseny, Hippolytus, Ephraim, Luke, Clementy, Nicephorus, Ioan, Kolya, Theoktist, Stepan, Laurus, Vlas, Leonty, Philip, Yuri, Vitalik.
March Maxim, Zhora, Vitalik, Timofey, Yura, Klim, Zakhar, Jacob, David, Alexy, Feodor, Martyn, Dima, Irakli, Efim, Sidor, Kostya, Savva, Nikita, Pasha.
April Khariton, Mstislav, Savely, Rodion, Trofim, Vasily, Styopa, Thomas, Tikhon, Leva, Makar, Polycarp, Antosha, Kondraty, Terenty.
May Zakhar, Pimen, Styopa, Gavrila, Nikifor. Grisha, Dionysus, Tolik, Vitalik, Leonty, Alexy, Gavrila, Seryozha, Gleb, Kuzma, Kondrat, Peter, Kuzma. Nikifor, Roma, Ignat, David.
June Nikifor, Daniel, Modest, Clementy, Borya, Elisha, Savva, Kasyan, Nikita, Georgy, Kiryusha, Andrey, Pasha, Makar, Jacob, Artem.
July Mstislav, Karp, Pasha, Kostya, Seryozha, Stepan, Roma, Gabriel, Nazar, Leonid, Arseny, Denis, Fedot, Alexey, Timofey, Ivan.
August Dima, Savva, Miron, Philip, Grisha, Alexy, Benjamin, Arkasha, Clement, Grisha, Polycarp, Maxim, Naum, Antosha, Kuzma, Misha, Elizar, Christopher, Dima.
September Christopher, Luka, Fadey, Arkasha, Misha, Dima, Makar, Seryozha, Alexander, Ivan, Gleb, Victor, Gennady, Zakhar, Antosha, Nikita, Fedot.
October Trofim, Kostya, David, Nikandr, Oleg, Kasyan, Dionysus, Sasha, Gury, Kondrat, Savva, Gury, Andryusha, Valentin, Vlad, Makar, Feodor.
November Taras, Sasha, Kostya, Philip, Ignat, Grisha, Osip, Rodion, Nikita, Kostya, Styopa, Artem, Gabriel,
December Glikeriy, Thomas, Nikolai, Gena, Semyon, Arrest, Nikon, Innocent, Andrian, Yaroslav, Kirill, Pasha.

Future parents are given a large selection of names for boys born in the Year of the Dog. The parents themselves must choose the right one for the little boy, because many of them are already thinking through not only the child’s first steps, but also the distant future. The name will help not only with the choice of profession, but also help reveal some traits of the future character.

What to call a strong man, a future family man

Any parent wants their child to find family happiness, raise their children harmoniously, and be strong and courageous. What to call a real man, the protector of his family, loving children, you will learn from this chapter.

Anton is a warrior who goes into battle. He is strong, brave, but at the same time calm and obedient. little man. Anton will be an excellent family man and good father. It takes him a very long time to choose his other half, but once he chooses, he goes hand in hand with her for the rest of his life. Although he often arouses the jealousy of his wife with his natural charm and desire to like everything.

Arseny is a courageous man. An impeccable family man who will put his family and offspring first. He will deal with children and everyday issues with great pleasure. She will save her other half from many minor problems, although her spouse should always play the role of a muse.

Daniel is God's judge. Communicable, creative child, who can later connect his profession specifically with people. The boy will grow up to be very loyal and loving husband ready to devote any free time to his family.

Elisha is the salvation of life. The guy will have a rational mindset, adore literature, not only fiction, but also scientific literature; these men most often devote themselves to intellectual work.

And also: Dmitry, Semyon, David, Alexey, Artem, Efim, Gabriel.

How to name your future boss or businessman

A man must provide in this life not only for himself, but also for his family. Is everyone born strong of the world in the year of the Dog will this be able to accomplish this? Maybe we should help the boy, starting with choosing a name?

Gennady – noble, noble. The boy will grow up to be a serious person who can handle any task with ease. He loves to solve issues related to career and finances, the results of which, most often, are more than positive.

Maxim - has unique abilities to accounting and business management. In such a person’s life, any aspect must reach maximum heights, which is what he passionately strives for. Max will be an excellent leader in any field.

Konstantin is an intelligent, dedicated person with a broad outlook and great organizational skills. People always follow Konstantin, reach out to him and trust his opinion. He is sensitive to all his subordinates, but at the same time he is an excellent leader.

Yaroslav is glorious in his strength. Excellent intuition allows a person with this name to predict the success or failure of business. He is endowed with a lot of talents that he can apply in any business. Yaroslav has a great memory and great determination. If Yaroslav does not actively engage in business, then Creative skills and without that they will not give him peace in this life.

Bogdan is a boy distinguished by enviable perseverance and self-confidence. He will always find circular solutions, since his goal is to climb career ladder to its very top. Things get along with him easily, because the guy is pragmatic and careful in his steps. He is somewhat stubborn, which is not very popular with others.

Kirill - a selfish note in the boy’s character will allow him to get ahead in any matter. He does not help those who are lagging behind, and is not tormented by remorse. Such boys grow into cool businessmen who devote themselves entirely to this business. He will also make a tough, disciplined boss who, not paying attention to the problems of other people, goes towards his goal.

And also Fedor, Klimenty, Kondrat, Andrey.

Name for an intellectual or creative person

They say that children are already born smart and talented, but the name does not play in this last role, as, indeed, upbringing.

Dmitry is an incredibly creative and capable boy, he is drawn to people and loves publicity. A person with this name will achieve success in the creative field, especially in the one related to oratory.

Nikita is the winner. A very creative boy, the life of the party. Nikita has a rich imagination; he has been writing since childhood, so he will easily fit into creative world. The only problem may be that he cannot stand criticism, and after shouting he may completely withdraw into himself.

Philip is the owner of a clear, sober mind. Loves to get to the bottom of the truth, learn new and interesting things in this world.

Roman has been an intellectual since childhood. Loves books and mental activity. Roman will not make a single purchase, will not take a single step, without studying the task from different points of view. His decisions are balanced and deliberate.

Semyon is a very versatile young man who loves to learn new things, loves to read and analyze.

And also - Yaroslav, Daniel, Fedot, Naum, David, Luke, Ignat, Georgy (Zhora), Matvey, Nazar.

Names of boys whose lives will be connected with sports

Many boys have been interested in sports since childhood, because the guys know that men are always strong, dexterous and brave. It is precisely these qualities that training sessions and sections develop. Sports are especially easy for those born in the year of the Dog, because they are strong and resilient.

Yuri is a fast and nimble fellow who is difficult to calm down. Yuri could make an excellent athlete. His energy is enough for the whole team. He will fit perfectly into the lives of athletes and devote himself to his favorite business.

Sergei is a boy endowed with a number of talents; he can devote himself to anything, but in sports this person will achieve the greatest results. He is hardworking and resilient, he can spend the whole day training and go out with friends in the evening.

Artem - this active and strong-willed boy also has excellent health, along with endurance. Any coach will look for exactly these qualities in a future champion.

Lavr, Lavrenty is an energetic, proud and very vain person who will easily achieve success in sports thanks to these qualities. Recognition for him is the most important mechanism that makes him work.

And also Daniil, Andrey, Kirill, Clement.

Beautiful and different names for boys per year Dogs are offered for parents. The choice of this complex and responsible matter is only yours. They can be fashionable, stylish, and even unusual, the main thing is that the baby who came into the world in the Year of the Dog is healthy and happy in this world.

Expecting a baby is one of the most important events in life. And of course, young parents try to think through everything down to the smallest detail, especially the name for the child. Very often this topic becomes the subject of the most heated debates in the family. Mom wants to name her by one name, dad by another, but grandparents don’t like either option and each of them has their own suggestions.

In the old days everything was simpler. The child was given the name of the saint with whom the baby's birthday was associated. Some religious people still use this practice today. But more often, modern parents still choose modern names, and when it comes to baptism, they give the child another name. By the way, there are such ridiculous prejudices that if you name a child after a martyr, he will suffer for the rest of his life.

But as practice shows, this is only a superstition that has nothing to do with reality. After all, let’s say, there is the martyr Daniel, and the king, and the prophet, and all Daniels have very different fates, among them there are no less happy ones than unhappy ones.

Therefore, you should not be guided by such signs when choosing a name for a child. The fate of a child is influenced not so much by the name as by the atmosphere in which he was born, grew up and brought up and the people who surrounded him.

Masha or Dasha, Mitya or Sasha: how to choose a name?

There are several options for choosing a name for the expected miracle: choose the one you like, choose a name according to the calendar (we have already mentioned this above), choose a name according to the meaning of names, or choose a name according to date of birth (here you will need to involve numerologists), you can season or by the letters of the name.

You can choose any of these options, but according to psychologists, it is important that the first name goes well with the middle name and relatively well with the last name.

You should not choose names that will shock the public. Because for you it will be a way to stand out and attract attention, but for a child it can become real problem, which he can get rid of only after he comes of age. And he’s unlikely to thank you after that.

Therefore, if you really love football and Pele is your ideal, love it, but be prudent. Pele Nikolaevich or Yuryevich will definitely not share your love for football with you in the future.

Even if you really like something foreign name, still think carefully, imagine your baby as an adult and imagine how he is addressed by name and patronymic. And then put a picture on yourself, if your parents called you that, you would be happy about it and would be perceived normally in society.

On the one hand, naming a child according to the calendar (Orthodox calendar) is very convenient; you won’t have to rack your brains and argue with your family. But on the other hand, the calendar contains quite a lot of ancient, long-forgotten names that are very unusual for our time, for example, Syncletius.

Therefore, it is also worth thinking about and, if you still want to use the calendar, the church has the following practice... If for some reason the name of the saint on the day on which the child was born is not suitable, look up the names of the saints a few days in advance.

Select a name by meaning, this is perhaps one of best options. Still, you will choose the one that you like and if the meaning of the name promises the child qualities that you would really like him to have, then everything will come together perfectly.

Regarding choosing a name based on your date of birth, these are also some kind of superstitions, but if you believe in it, then why not. The same applies to choosing a name based on the decoding of letters.

Choose a name based on the time of year? Maybe. The technology is simple. Children born during the harsh winter months are encouraged to be given "soft" names to restore harmony and balance, so to speak.

It is also worth noting that fashion in names, like clothes, always goes in circles. And it turns out in the end that modern popular name has in fact existed since pre-Christian times.

Turning to statistics, let's try to list the names that are considered the most modern, the most beautiful and the most interesting, which will be especially relevant in.

Top 15 Modern Popular Boy Names

  • Adam is a very popular name these days, although it dates back to the creation of the world. From Hebrew literally - a man created from red earth. Adams are vulnerable and unstable as children, but they are also friendly. Given their activity, boys should be sent to sports. There is a high probability that you will be a proud world champion in the future.
  • Artem – translated as “unharmed, in excellent health.” Since childhood, he has shown leadership qualities, diligence, hard work and the ability to achieve goals. This is a future politician or businessman, although Artyom will also make a wonderful doctor.

  • Albert – translated as “brilliant”. This is a confident, purposeful skeptic who prefers not to show people his true emotions. But at the same time, he can also be the “life of the party,” although he will not exchange the comfort and silence of his home for her. Alberts are precise in details, and therefore a doctor, jeweler, architect, financier is his path to success.
  • Arseny – translated as “mature man”. A gentle, good-natured dreamer, but at the same time he has a lot of energy. He is adored by all his friends, whom he finds very easily. This is definitely a person who will be associated with creativity.
  • Bogdan – “Given by God.” Reserved, reserved, prone to narcissism, however, diligent and purposeful. He knows what he needs and how to achieve it. Bogdans are most suited to “harsh” professions, for example, steelmaker or miner.
  • Benjamin – translated as “beloved child”. A romantic and a pragmatist rolled into one. But if there is a question about the promotion of him and his friend, he will certainly give way to his friend. The kind, gentle and dreamy Veniamin is most likely to be an artist, sculptor or poet.

  • Vsevolod is “the owner of everything.” Balanced, purposeful leader. Prudent, unlikely to take risks. The Vsevolods make excellent politicians, businessmen, and economists.
  • Gleb is “God’s favorite.” Since childhood, he has been very independent and wants to achieve everything himself. And his decisions, which he knows how to make with lightning speed, are usually correct. Gleb will grow into an excellent leader in almost any field of activity.
  • Daniel - "God's judgment." Reasonable, unhurried, decent, honest, kind, smart and hardworking - that's all about Daniel. These are future researchers, design engineers, and architects.
  • Demyan - “conquering, pacifying.” Sociable, emotional, possessive sharp mind, while sometimes being harsh, impetuous and selfish. Demyans are careerists and can achieve excellent success in any field.

  • Egor - “farmer”. Practical, hardworking, diligent, stubborn, and at times boring, but these are precisely the traits that help him achieve significant heights in his career.
  • Elisha – “God’s salvation.” A dreamer, an inventor, with a subtle organization of the soul. He gravitates towards the arts, especially music. This is a future musician, composer, poet or actor.
  • Ignat – “fiery”. Willful, erudite, proactive. In the future, he should choose professions that will allow him to choose his own work schedule, then the chances of a successful career are high.
  • Kamil - “servant of God.” Completely opposite qualities coexist in him: complaisance and bullying, disorganization and neatness. However, he is disciplined, organized, enterprising and practical. Kamilya's greatest successes await her in business areas.

  • Myron – “exuding myrrh.” Generous, kind, soft, good-natured, unfussy, but at the same time with iron force will and strong character. Persistent in achieving goals. And Mirona often chooses a profession based on the work of her family; most often they become successors of the line.

Top 15 most beautiful modern names for girls

  • Angelina – “angel-like, messenger.” Temperamental, emotional, bearer of a bright personality. Willful, vain, but at the same time caring and sacrificial. Angelinas can be perfectly realized both in creative professions, and in the political field or in business areas.
  • Viola – “violet, violet.” Secretive, mysterious and very inquisitive person. An activist, she has a lot of energy. Resourceful, smart, purposeful, but very freedom-loving. Without personal space and freedom, one begins to “suffocate.” Her strong point is research and scientific areas.
  • Diana – “divine”. An energetic owner of excellent intuition and an analytical mind. Sensitive, with a subtle organization of the soul. Dianas in the future will be excellent writers, journalists or diagnosticians in the medical field.

  • Darina – “given by God.” Charming, sweet, but at the same time stubborn and headstrong. Diligence is not her strong point; she often does not finish what she starts. With a successful combination of circumstances, he can become a professional in many fields.
  • Daniela – “my judge is God.” Impulsive, quick-tempered, easy to communicate, loving to attract attention. She creative person and achieves the greatest success in creative professions.
  • Eve is the “giver of life.” Strong-willed, balanced, restrained, attentive, has her own opinion about everything, often not coinciding with the generally accepted one. Eves are excellent linguists, teachers, doctors, and fashion designers.
  • Evangelina – “bringer of good news.” Evangelines combine the incongruous: activity and passivity, laziness and hard work, shyness and assertiveness, everything depends on the mood and interest in goals. In the future, these will be excellent administrators, managers, social workers, psychologists.

  • Kira - “Mistress, the sun.” Stubborn, strict, practical, sensible, straightforward Kira will be an excellent economist, accountant, and businesswoman in the future.
  • Ksenia – “hospitable”. Charming, sociable, touchy, a fighter for the truth with excellent intuition and intelligence. Ksenia is so persistent and purposeful that she often achieves leadership positions in various fields.
  • Milana - “sweetheart, beloved.” Affectionate, gentle, calm, diligent, hardworking. Milanans can master any field, from a teacher to kindergarten to businesswoman and politician.
  • Sophia - “wise.” Active, sociable, emotional, good-natured, easy-going, frank. Sofia has wonderful psychologists, actresses, social educators, journalists.