What date is Philip Kirkorov's birthday? Voice acting by Philip Kirkorov

Philip Bedrosovich Kirkorov is a bright and unique personality in Russian show business. A performer whose songs certainly become hits, a talented producer who has given a start in life to more than one musical nugget, a shocking brawler and a lover of shocking the public with his outfits and details from his personal life.

Childhood of Philip Kirkorov

Philip Kirkorov was born into a family Bulgarian singer With Armenian roots, People's Artist Bulgaria and Russia Bedros Filippovich Kirkorov and Victoria Markovna Likhacheva, concert presenter. They met in 1964, during a concert by Bedros accompanied by Eddie Rezner's orchestra in Sochi. 27-year-old Vika and her mother watched the performance from the eighth row. Later it turned out that the singer and the girl lived in the same hotel. Plucking up courage, she asked him for an autograph, and Bedros Filippovich asked her for her hand in marriage.

From the age of five, little Philip accompanied his parents on tour.

In 1984, Philip entered the State School of Music named after the Gnessins. The singer left there with a diploma in hand in 1988. A creative career Kirkorov began in 1985. It was this year that the first television shooting of the future artist took place on the “Wider Circle” program. There, Philip sang the song “Alyosha” in Bulgarian.

For the first time, Philip Kirkorov was invited to work as a musician in 1987. The future singer received an invitation from the Leningrad Music Hall, directed by Ilya Rakhlin, and the artist immediately went to Berlin to the famous show theater Friedrichstadt Palace. And after Philip left the musical hall, he met the poet Ilya Reznik. He became one of the first who helped Kirkorov conquer the Olympus of domestic show business.

Philip Kirkorov and Alla Pugacheva - king and prima donna

In 1988, Philip Kirkorov met Alla Pugacheva for the first time. This happened at the opening day of Ilya Reznik. At the end of the year, the singer received an invitation from the Diva to take part in her “Christmas meetings”. Kirkorov had already graduated from music school by that time and performed in Yalta at his first competition, shot the first video clip for the composition “Carmen” and sang for free in Mongolia for Soviet soldiers.

While preparing for the “Christmas Meetings,” Philip Kirkorov met the poet Leonid Derbenev, who later wrote such hits for the singer as “Heaven and Earth,” “You, You, You,” “Day and Night” and “Atlantis.”

And a year later, Philip Kirkorov, together with Alla Pugacheva, went on tour to Germany and Austria, and also gave his first solo concert In Perm. And in the same year, the artist for the first time became a finalist of the prestigious Song of the Year festival.

At the end of 1989, Philip Kirkorov left the Alla Pugacheva Theater and began active concert activities. In 1990, the singer received the Grand Prix at the Leningrad competition. In the same year, the song “Heaven and Earth” brought Kirkorov first place at the “Shlyager” competition. And two years later, the video clip for the song “Atlantis” was recognized as the best. The artist released two programs entitled “Heaven and Earth” and “Atlantis”. The latter was recognized best show of the year. And at the same time, Kirkorov goes on tour for the first time in the USA, Germany, Canada, Australia and Israel. In 1993, the artist received the Ovation Award as “ Best Singer of the year", as well as an award international competition"Golden Orpheus".

Wedding of Philip Kirkorov and Alla Pugacheva

An important year for Philip Kirkorov was 1994. It was at this time that the singer proposed marriage to Alla Pugacheva, and received consent in return. On January 13 in Moscow, the couple announced their engagement. And already on March 15, the marriage was registered in St. Petersburg by Mayor Anatoly Sobchak. Two months later, Kirkorov and Pugacheva got married in Jerusalem.

Family happiness does not at all prevent Philip Kirkorov from pursuing a career. In the year of the wedding, he released a solo program “I am not Raphael”, the main part of which were songs from their repertoire by Engelbert Humperdinick, Frank Sinatra, Paul Anka, Tom Jones and Elvis Presley. In the same year, the legendary composition “I Raise My Glass” was recorded.

Philip Kirkorov and Nastya Petrik - video for the song “Snow”

In November 1994 already married couple Philip Kirkorov and Alla Pugacheva gave a joint grand concert in Atlantic City. The couple performed at the largest American casino, the Taj Mahal, and six months later the artists went on tour together to Israel.

Creative successes of Philip Kirkorov

In 1995, Philip Kirkorov's performing abilities were again recognized with prestigious awards. The artist received two “Ovations” at once as a performer “ the best program"and as "Best Singer". In the same year, three videos for the hits “Bird”, “Honey” and “Look What a Summer” were aired.

A week before the popular Eurovision song contest in Dublin, Philip Kirkorov learned that he would represent Russia at it. However, the performance was not enchanting, and the singer took only 17th place. At the competition, the artist performed “Lullaby for a Volcano.”

At the end of 1995, Philip Kirkorov’s double CD “Tell the Sun: Yes!” was released. At the same time, the program “The Best, Favorite and Only for You” is being released. She was presented in State Theater Stages, and then successfully took place throughout the country. In 1996, the artist received the prestigious music award in Monte Carlo "World Music Awards" for the record circulation of sound carriers among Russian performers(2 million).

Philip Kirkorov and Masha Rasputina - Rose Tea

In 1997, the singer traveled around with the program “The Best, Favorite and Only for You!” about a hundred cities in Russia, CIS countries and abroad.

At the beginning of 1999, Philip presented in Moscow the program “Oh, Mom, Chic Ladies!”, which was based on temperamental oriental melodies. In the same year, the artist again received the World Music Awards, and then went to represent Russia in the charity program “ Michael Jackson and Friends. What more can I give? Michael Jackson himself invited him there. Upon his return, Kirkorov presents the “Diva” program.

In 2002, Philip Kirkorov Production acquired the right to stage the Russian version popular musical"Chicago". Kirkorov is producing the project and also plays the main male role in it. This musical, by the way, was named “Premiere of the Year” at the end of the year.

In 2003, the artist made his debut as a TV presenter. He begins hosting the program “Morning with Kirkorov” on STS. However, the project did not last long. It was closed in 2005.

In 2005, Philip Kirkorov and Alla Pugacheva officially broke off their family relationship.

Philip Kirkorov and Eurovision

In 1995, Philip Kirkorov went to Eurovision and returned from it having won only 17th place. After such a failure, the singer decided to become a producer and composer for competition participants from the CIS countries. The first experience was unsuccessful. Kirkorov's ward Anzhelika Agurbash took only 13th place in the semi-finals in 2005. And in 2007, singer Dmitry Koldun entered the competition with a song by Philip Kirkorov. However, Belarusian artist took only 6th place.

The third attempt was more successful. The artist wrote the composition “ Shady Lady" For Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak, who went to win the European competition in 2008. The artist has already taken 2nd place. For such a breakthrough, President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko awarded Kirkorov the title of People's Artist of his country.

Philip Kirkorov and “Pink Blouse”

On May 20, 2004, at a press conference in Rostov-on-Don, a real scandal broke out, the main character of which was Philip Kirkorov. When asked by Gazeta Dona journalist Irina Aroyan: “What is the reason for such a large number of remakes in your repertoire?”, the singer began to swear obscenely and insult the correspondent. Aroyan sued the celebrity and won. Kirkorov was ordered to pay a fine of 60 thousand rubles.

Philip Kirkorov: insult to a blogger

On June 27, 2010, on Twitter, the singer again spoke obscenely in response to criticism from active blogger Evgeniy Grak. Thus, the artist again inflicted public insults. The story again received wide publicity - a series of articles were published in the media under the heading “Kirkorov’s Twitter scandal.” However, thanks to the scandal, Kirkorov gained about 3,000 subscribers to his microblog.

Philip Kirkorov - video for the song “Fire and Water”

Philip Kirkorov's attack on Marina Yablokova

On December 4, 2010, during a rehearsal for a performance for the Golden Gramophone, Kirkorov rudely expressed his dissatisfaction with the spotlight directed at him. The second director of the event, Marina Yablokova, asked to wait until the lights were turned on. However, in response to this, obscene language was heard from the speakers. After the director asked him to calm down, Kirkorov ran up to Marina Yablokova and said, “I’ll kill you!” hit me in the face. The victim filed a lawsuit against her abuser. The artist publicly apologized to the woman and stated that he himself was shocked by what happened. After coverage of the incident in the media, the artist was hospitalized in the psychiatric ward of the Israeli center. On December 16, Kirkorov and Yablokova entered into a settlement agreement.

Philip Kirkorov and his children

On November 26, 2011, Philip Kirkorov gave birth to a daughter, Alla Victoria. She gave birth to surrogate mother in America. The father announced the birth of his daughter on the air of the program “What? Where? When?". A few days later, Philip revealed in the “Let Them Talk” program that his daughter’s name is in honor of his mother Victoria and Alla Pugacheva. Three months later, the joyful father moved his daughter to Russia, to his house near Moscow. The girl's christening took place on April 8, godfather became a famous TV presenter

When church calendar Philip's name day: November 27, July 13 – Philip, apostle of the 12; January 17, October 24 – Philip, apostle from 70, out of 7 deacons; October 18, January 22, October 24 – Metropolitan Philip II of Moscow and All Rus'

Characteristics of the birthday boy Philip:

From the ancient Greek language - lover of horses, lover of horses.

IN Ancient Greece Only representatives of the upper classes could afford to have horses. Therefore, the name Philip initially contained something uplifting. The person named by this name is extremely proud, he has a very high opinion of himself. Philip directs his talents (and considerable ones) to shining in society and achieving the admiration of others. He chooses the appropriate type of activity - one where he can achieve fame. In his career he gradually achieves considerable success, but usually in more mature age; young Philip is too dependent on the opinions of others, as well as on the support of patrons. However, then excellent intuition, activity, sociability and a clear, lively mind allow him to take the helm of fate into his own hands. Philips are very sexy, but they “know how to control themselves” thanks to their sober mind and decency, which is so natural for them that they sometimes don’t even think about it.

Philip's sociability in general is due to the fact that he generally loves people. However, he chooses as friends only those who are able to admire him and recognize his superiority. But in marriage, as a rule, the wife rules over Philip. The fact is that natural decency and prudence force him to take marriage very seriously, so he will choose a wife who is more intelligent than beautiful, more practical and calm than showy and exalted. In a word, Philip chooses a sensible woman, capable of steering the family boat with a firm hand in the stormy waves of life.

Philip is in good health. If he feels unwell or lacks strength, then he needs to slow down and take a vacation at sea - because Fresh air and the sun are vital to Philip. Philip's talisman stone, the ruby, also helps to cope with depression. Ruby is a stone of power, brilliance, and creativity. He is able to disperse melancholy and bring joy. It is best to wear it in a ring on the index finger.

Congratulations on Philip's name day:

Don't forget to celebrate Philip's name day and congratulate Philip on his angel's day.

Philip, congratulations

All together from the heart!

You are a very nice guy

We value you.

Find a valuable treasure

Yes, give it to you.

But since there is no treasure,

We will give ourselves.

Friends will always help

They will support and understand.

It's more fun with friends

Than with a bunch of bills.

We wish you happiness

Be rich for everything!

Don't lose your health.

Everyone has one!

Philip, we will congratulate you in a moment.

You are all stately and beautiful,

Like the lord of all the beautiful,

Give us just a second

To hear congratulations,

Take some sweets and jams

And understand that Filya is the best Philip!

Responsible, principled,

Interesting, wise, strong,

You are brave, but not impudent,

You're just great, Filya!

No, brothers, “linden”

Doesn't work for Philip.

He smells linden like God,

Our beloved Filipok.

The meaning of the name Philip: lover of horses (Greek).

Philip is a whiny and capricious boy as a child. His parents spoil him a lot, and his tears are just a way to achieve what he wants. Philip has had artistic abilities since childhood. He often grows up to be selfish.

Even the adult Philip’s relationship with his family is not entirely successful; children’s tears eventually turn into resentment. If for everyone around him he is a friendly and cheerful person, then for his close people he is touchy and gloomy. Philip is a rather proud young man who will not allow himself to be offended and will not allow himself to be deprived of anything. He chooses a profession where he can show his character.

Among friends he likes to be a leader and be the center of attention. If this does not happen, then Philip quickly leaves this company. In his environment, he needs people through whom he could realize himself. He chooses his wife according to the same criteria. He needs a woman with whom he could appear in society, show himself and her. She must be beautiful and smart, otherwise she has no chance.

Other forms of the name Philip: Phil, Filka, Filya, Filippok, Filechka.

Congratulations, Philip,
Be happy forever
And go towards your dream
Through the mountains, across the rivers,
May good luck come to you
Will bring joy with it,
And let love find you,
It will give you light and sweetness!

I wish you fart
Forever stuck to you.
Be successful in your business
Our incomparable Philip.

May your body be healthy
Let your mind be sharp.
Be a cheerful optimist
Never be gloomy.

Let Philip achieve his goal,
Travel to the fullest.
Find a gorgeous girl
What will captivate your heart forever.

So that you don't have to take medicine,
Don't let the work exhaust you.
And let his life be more beautiful
So that sadness does not come to her.

Philip's birthday.
It's his birthday.
That's why, in due time,
Listen to the congratulations.

Let every day
Will be filled with happiness.
Wealth will come to your home.
The salaries are too big to bear
And sorrow cannot be found in life.

Let your eyes burn, Philip.
Fire of love, fire of desire,
Let happiness always accompany you,
The moments of parting will not be bitter.

Let it be a guiding star
Star of victories and happiness and recognition,
The world around you will not be empty,
May everyone have good wishes!

You are my protector and keeper,
Warrior against sorrows.
I call you when there is no hope,
And you will come, and there will be light.

You will open the windows, doors, even the soul,
You will launch a holiday and a dream.
Philip - you are the first on the planet,
And our children are the guarantee of that.

Philip, you are impetuous and quick!
It’s like you’re racing through life on a horse!
You will involve anyone in an argument,
So bright - you will distinguish yourself everywhere!

You like any drive,
You go on adventures easily.
You and I are not afraid either
Both adventures and cupids!

Birthday is your holiday!
You Philip are our hero!
Today we congratulate you,
We wish you happiness and joy.

Health, money in all pockets.
And so that all your plans come true.
For us in the world there is no one more precious than you.
Let all adversity pass by.

Love, hope and warmth,
And so that the soul always blooms.
We wish you success in everything,
And on this day - fun, laughter!

“I will die for you” Kirkorov sang to us,
There is a lot of controversy on this topic.
After all, nowadays there are few of them,
Men, for such feats.

But my Philip, my reward,
He is nearby, and I am very happy.
And he will give his life, and everything in the world,
May my children and I be happy.

Thank you, dear, for being you,
I cannot count your merits.
We love you very much, we appreciate you very much,
And we will not cancel these words.

Philip - Greek Philippos - philio - to love and hippos - horse - lover of horses.

Philip's name day according to the church calendar:

  • January 17:Philip, apostle from 70 (70 ap.). [of 7 deacons]
  • January 22:
  • February 7:Philip the Roman, martyr.
  • 5th of March:Philip of Valaam, martyr.
  • March 7:Philip of Apamea, martyr.
  • 11 April:Philip
  • May 25:Philip Argyrius
  • June 13:Philip (Kolychev), Metropolitan, Moscow and All Rus' (Transfer of Relics)
  • July 13:Philip, apostle of the 12 (12 ap.)
  • July 16:Philip (Kolychev), Metropolitan, Moscow and All Rus'
  • August 30:Philip of Nicomedia, martyr; Philip Sukhonsky, Venerable
  • September 15th:Philip, martyr
  • October 24:Philip, apostle from the 70s. [of 7 deacons]
  • November 27:Philip of Irapsky, Cherepovets, St.; Philip, apostle of the 12
  • November 28:Philip of Rabang, St.

Characteristics of the name Philip

As a child, Philip is a little selfish. He demands that all attention be focused only on him; hysterical, loves to “stand in a pose,” touchy, impressionable. He likes to command, he likes to compose fairy tales in which he imagines himself as a king.

At school, Philip, as a rule, tries to stand out and take a leading position. He often succeeds in this due to his penchant for various adventures and strong will. His interests are very diverse. Philip is quite inquisitive, enjoys experiments, loves literature and music. He's artistic, but if you give him main role in a school performance, Philip will become arrogant and look down on his classmates.

The adult Philip clearly defines a goal for himself. He is very efficient, active, and proactive. Philip is firmly self-confident, proud, and cruel. He is capable of taking on any task, but Philip sometimes does not have enough strength to complete it. He strives for power, and on this path he can step over any obstacles. Philip is capable of taking a leadership position, but his subordinates will have a hard time. He will also become a good lawyer, investigator, scientist. Philip is endowed with the richest imagination. He will make a great musician, actor, artist, architect, poet.

Philip has few reliable friends. He is not an important listener; he prefers to talk about his worries. Nevertheless, he will always provide support and help financially. Philip is quick-tempered, likes to argue, and cannot stand someone’s superiority. However, he will not take revenge, bully a person, or lie.

Philip was very skillful in dealing with women. He is extremely attractive and has good taste, always elegantly dressed; he has well-groomed hair and nails. Philip is somewhat mannered, aristocratically careless, mysterious, which attracts women. He has affairs almost every day. Philip needs sex, without it he does not recognize a relationship. He chooses a wife who is attractive, elegant, and intelligent. Living with Philip is not easy. He demands submission, is capricious, finds fault with little things, and is jealous. Philip does not hesitate to flirt even in the presence of his wife. He treats children coolly, leaving their upbringing to his wife.

At the call of the Savior (John 1:43), he followed Him. The Apostle Philip is spoken of several times in the Holy Gospel: he led the Apostle Nathanael to Christ (John 1:46); The Lord asked him how much money was needed to buy bread for 5 thousand people (John 6:7); he brought the Greeks who wanted to see Christ (John 12:21-22); finally, during the Last Supper he asked Christ about God the Father (John 14:8).

After the Ascension of the Lord, the Apostle Philip preached the Word of God in Galilee, accompanying his preaching with miracles. So, he resurrected a baby who died in the arms of his mother. From Galilee he went to Greece and preached among the Jews who had resettled there. Some of them reported to Jerusalem about the preaching of the apostle, and then scribes led by the high priest arrived from Jerusalem to Hellas to accuse the Apostle Philip. The Apostle Philip denounced the lie of the high priest, who said that the disciples of Christ stole and hid the body of the Lord, telling how the Pharisees bribed the guards who spread this rumor. When the Jewish high priest and his companions began to blaspheme the Lord and attacked the Apostle Philip, they suddenly became blind. Through the prayer of the apostle, everyone received their sight, and, seeing this miracle, many believed in Christ. The Apostle Philip appointed them a bishop named Narcissus (ranked among the 70 apostles).

From Hellas, the Apostle Philip went to Parth, and then to the city of Azot, where he healed the sore eyes of the daughter of a local resident, Nikoclides, who accepted him into his home and then was baptized with the whole family.

From Azoth, the Apostle Philip went to Hierapolis in Syria, where, incited by the Pharisees, the Jews set fire to the house of Ira, who had received the Apostle Philip, and wanted to kill the Apostle. But, seeing the miracles performed by the apostle: the healing of the withered hand of the city commander Aristarchus, who wanted to hit the apostle, as well as the resurrection of the dead youth, they repented and many accepted holy baptism. Having installed Ira as bishop of Hierapolis, the apostle traveled through Syria, Asia Minor, Lydia, and Mysia, everywhere preaching the Gospel and enduring suffering. He and his sister Mariamne, who accompanied him, were stoned, imprisoned, and expelled from the villages.

Then the apostle arrived in Phrygia, in the city of Phrygian Hierapolis, where there were many pagan temples, including a temple dedicated to snakes, where a huge viper lived. The Apostle Philip, through the power of prayer, killed the viper and healed many who were bitten by snakes. Among those healed was the wife of the ruler of the city, Anfipata, who converted to Christianity. Having learned about this, the ruler Anfipat ordered the capture of Philip, his sister and the Apostle Bartholomew, who came with them. At the instigation of the priests of the temple of the viper, Anphipatus ordered the crucification of the holy apostles Philip and Bartholomew. At this time, an earthquake began, and everyone present at the trial was covered with earth. Hanging on the cross at the temple of the viper, the Apostle Philip prayed for the salvation of those who crucified him from the consequences of the earthquake. Seeing what was happening, the people believed in Christ and began to demand that the apostles be taken down from the cross. The Apostle Bartholomew, taken down from the cross, was still alive and, having received liberation, baptized all those who believed and appointed them a bishop.