How does the full moon affect the psyche? How to use the power of the full moon for your benefit? What not to do on a full moon

The Earth's satellite, the Moon, directs sunlight to our planet, acting as a kind of mirror. Depending on its position relative to the Sun, 4 phases are distinguished. Being in each of them, the Moon has different effects on living organisms, including humans. The greatest changes can be observed during the period of growth and decline. Knowing the peculiarities of the influence of the Moon on a person, you can prepare in advance for unfavorable periods and plan things in accordance with your well-being.

The Moon, revolving around the Earth, reflects the light of the Sun from different directions, transmitting it to our planet. At the energy level, there are several types of transmission. The degree of distance of the Moon from the Sun, that is, its phase, will have its own impact on different areas of human life.

There are 4 phases of the moon:

  • new moon;
  • first quarter;
  • full moon;
  • last quarter.

A distinction is also made between the waxing phase (the period from the new moon to the full moon) and the waning phase (after the full moon). Dramatic changes in behavior, well-being, and mood can be observed twice a month - during growth and decline.

There are many theories and speculations about the influence of the Moon on humans. Today you may feel good, but tomorrow it changes for no apparent reason. This leads to thoughts about whether the phase can influence a person in this way, and if so, how to use knowledge about this to benefit.

The influence of the growing phase on a person

During the growing phase, a person becomes more emotional, reacting vividly to almost any life situation. This period is characterized by the accumulation of energy, and this is suitable for planning. During the growth of the Moon, it is a favorable time for starting new things, making decisions, and negotiating.

Children are especially active from new moon to full moon; at this time they learn information better and get good grades at school. Children with problem behavior, on the contrary, direct their energy in a negative direction, committing dirty tricks, spoiling relationships with peers and quarreling with parents.

Elderly people in the growing phase are more likely to experience exacerbation of diseases, sleep poorly, and have difficulty with weather changes. It is at this time that you can see long queues to see doctors.

Impact of the waning moon

On the waning Moon, a person becomes less receptive and inhibited. Sensitivity and emotionality decreases. This is a favorable time to complete the work you have started.

During the waning of the Moon, you need to waste energy, and do it wisely. It's better not to start something new, but to close old projects at work and solve accumulated everyday problems.

The influence of the Moon on a woman is especially noticeable. This manifests itself in reducing attention to one’s appearance and others, and turning it towards internal conflicts. During a recession, a woman can become a provocateur of a quarrel or separation.

Children are less active at this time, melancholic, try to spend more time at home, do not want to make contact. Parents can use this quiet period for educational purposes. During the waning moon, a child analyzes his behavior more, thinks, evaluates.

Elderly people on the waning moon begin to suffer more from headaches. During this period, there is a high risk of the appearance of various phobias and manias. When there are mental problems, an old man may begin to behave aggressively, suspiciously, and there is also a high probability of obsessive thoughts and delusions.

How your health changes during the new moon

During the new moon, human energy resources are at a minimum level. This manifests itself as weakness, a feeling of lack of strength, and a need for rest. Some people during this period may suffer from obsessive thoughts and fears.

Men are more susceptible to changes during the new moon, and the full moon has a greater influence on the weaker sex. Women may experience a deterioration in their health in the event of high physical activity. During the new moon period, it is recommended to spend less energy on hard work and allocate more time for rest.

The new moon will be a good time for healing the body. Women and men can cleanse their bodies and start eating right. This is also a favorable time for losing weight with a light diet.

What to Expect on a Full Moon

The influence of the full moon on a person is manifested in increased emotionality and physical activity. At the same time, sensitivity and receptivity increases. Many people at this time suffer from poor sleep, insomnia, and daytime sleepiness.

During the full moon, chronic diseases worsen, so it is recommended to pay more attention to health. During the full moon, it is recommended to avoid stressful situations, take more vitamins, and normalize your work and rest schedule.

What else happens to a person during a full moon:

  • irritability increases;
  • attention decreases;
  • restlessness prevails, but it gives way to temporary apathy.

During the new moon, women are more guided by emotions; the full moon has little effect on men. The full moon also affects the behavior of infants and older children. They become whiny, sleep and eat poorly, and behave restlessly. The birth of a child on a full moon can be accompanied by poor health of the woman, which is why it is important to psychologically prepare for the upcoming difficulties.

During this period, it is good to act based on the arguments of the mind, not the heart. In love affairs there may be problems associated with increased emotionality, which means a sharp reaction to minor changes.

Each phase of the moon has both positive and negative effects on a person. This will mean something different for everyone, because you also need to take into account your state of health, personality traits and behavior. If you take into account which areas of life the phase concerns at different periods, you can avoid negative influences by preparing yourself for the upcoming changes.

A large number of myths and legends associated with the influence of the Moon on humans are based on real facts. Even in ancient times, our ancestors noticed changes in the behavior of people and animals when the lunar phases changed; this gave rise to numerous stories about werewolves and rampant evil spirits. During the full phase of the Moon, many people experience enormous emotional stress, an irresistible attraction to the opposite sex and a thirst for activity. Such a strong influence of the earth’s satellite on the human nervous system gives rise to many acute situations, so we will next consider what should not be done on a full moon.

How does the full moon affect a person?

In the light of the full moon, a series of unusual phenomena associated with human behavior occurs on Earth. The number of crimes, quarrels and fights increases sharply, people more often enter into conflicts and get into road accidents. The number of suicides is growing, and ambulances are rushing to patients caught by surprise by a nervous breakdown or a sudden exacerbation of chronic diseases. It is in this phase of the earth’s satellite that strong love ties are destroyed overnight and new ones arise, brilliant works of art are created and great deeds are accomplished. These phenomena are directly related to changes in the physical and emotional states of a person under the influence of the full Moon, namely:

  • increased feelings of anxiety, worry and fear;
  • causeless melancholy, sadness and despair;
  • excessive irritability, uncontrollable attacks of rage and anger;
  • increased sexual attraction to the opposite sex, aggravation of all feelings and emotional uplift.

The state of the nervous system is the main, but not the only sign of how the full moon affects a person. This phase of the Earth's satellite slows down metabolic processes in the human body, worsens the condition of the cardiovascular system and causes an exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Considering such a strong impact of the lunar phases on a person’s emotional stability, during the full moon it is necessary to carefully monitor your behavior and abandon certain actions and activities.

What should you avoid during the full moon?

In order to reduce the influence of the celestial satellite to a minimum and protect yourself from the unwanted consequences of emotional outbursts, you should adhere to some rules.

Important issues related to work and career should not be resolved. All requests for a new position or salary increase will go unanswered or will incur the wrath of management. You should not make decisions on important issues or start serious projects; it is better to postpone it for a couple of days. However, for representatives of creative professions, this is the time to create masterpieces; your senses, heightened to the limit, will tell you exactly what to do. On the full moon, unprecedented inspiration will help you find the right solution and successfully complete the creative process.

Avoid shopping and investing money during this period, as there is a high risk of buying an unnecessary item or making the wrong choice. Do not schedule operations during this lunar phase; any intervention may be accompanied by severe bleeding and a long rehabilitation period.

Even those who are not affected by the full moon should not drink alcohol or drugs that affect the psyche at this time. This can lead to poisoning and nervous breakdowns.

The time of the full moon is a mystical and treacherous period; be sure to monitor your condition and record possible deviations from the norm. Based on these observations, you can understand what you can and cannot do during the full moon.

There is not a person in the world who, at least once in his life, has not peered into the night sky and admired the magical beauty of the moon. The moon attracts the attention of every representative of the human race. It is interesting even to those people who consider themselves 100% materialists. Even they, when they look at the moon, try to see something incredible and extraordinary.

The influence of the moon on human life is not a myth or fiction, but a scientifically proven fact. How does this happen and what is its impact? Let's look at this question in more detail and try to find the correct answers.

Why and how does the moon affect human life?

It should be noted that the moon affects not only the life of an individual, but also the entire planet as a whole. The Moon is a satellite of the Earth, which means that it constantly revolves around the planet, reflecting sunlight on its surface. The gravitational field, attracting large volumes of water, influences the world's oceans, creating ebbs and flows.

As you know, the human body consists of a large amount of water. Scientists claim that the Moon affects the human body in the same way as the waters of the world's oceans, causing ebbs and flows in it. Therefore, our mood and well-being depend on what phase the Earth’s main satellite is in.

The lunar cycle can be roughly divided into five phases:

  • new moon;
  • first phase (1-7 days);
  • second phase (8-14 days);
  • full moon;
  • third phase (15-22 days).

How does the moon during the new moon affect a person’s life?

During the new moon, our energy resources are at zero level. The gravity of the moon increases, the body mass becomes smaller. The fluid that was previously in the head area goes down and is evenly distributed throughout the body. During this period of time, people with mental disorders become more aggressive. A person may feel:

  • weakness;
  • constant need for passive rest;
  • significant loss of strength.

The new moon affects men much more than women. They become nervous, irritable, impatient, aggressive, and may complain of pain in the heart and headaches.

Women become lethargic and exhausted. During this period, you should reduce the amount of physical activity. If you go to the gym, then during the new moon your workout should be easier than usual.

Cleansing the entire body is the best activity for both men and women when the moon is in this phase. At this time, the skin absorbs moisture, beneficial microelements, etc. well. Experts advise taking warm baths, cleansing the skin of the body and face with scrubs, and limiting the consumption of foods that are heavy on the body and alcoholic beverages.

First phase: the influence of the moon on human health and life

During this period, which begins the day after the new moon and ends a week later, the Moon grows every day, and the strength grows with it. Energy levels increase and mood noticeably improves. During this period of time, any undertaking, even the most crazy and unrealistic one, will have a much greater chance of successful implementation than during the new moon, second, third phase or full moon.

The moon in the first phase helps to root useful habits in our subconscious. If you want to acquire some new useful habit, you should start now. As for physical activity, it can be made more intense. Now the moon promotes meditation and mastering various breathing practices.

How the moon in the second phase affects a person

This period begins on the eighth day after the new moon and ends a week later with the full moon. The moon has a very positive effect on a person’s health and life, giving him a lot of energy and positive emotions. But do not forget that unused potential in the future can cause depression, nervous breakdowns, excessive emotionality or apathy. Therefore, you need to act now, and not put your plans on hold!

During the second phase, the metabolism in the body noticeably accelerates. Particular attention should be paid to the abdominal cavity and chest.

Strength, intense training now is exactly what a person needs to feel one hundred percent! If you wanted to increase the load on your body and perform some new and difficult exercise - do it!

What to pay attention to during the full moon

If men are actively influenced by the new moon, then the full moon has enormous power over women. This happens due to the fact that the fair sex is more emotional creatures than the stronger half of humanity. Girls on this day may feel less confident in their abilities. At the same time, they may experience some inexplicable but positive emotions.

And they suffer from increased activity. The day drags on for a very long time, it’s hard to sit in one place and focus on important issues. Many suffer from insomnia and nightmares.

Moon phase - full moon

As for internal forces, there are many of them on this day. But the problem is that many people waste their potential on stupid quarrels, showdowns, etc. During the full moon you should not:

  • resolve serious issues;
  • conduct important negotiations;
  • take part in public events.

On this day, a person feels a special craving for representatives of the opposite sex. Don’t give in to temptation, because you might really regret it later. It is better to spend time on meditation, a light movie, pleasant music.

How does the moon affect a person when it is in its third phase?

The moon in the third phase, which lasts from 15 to 22 days, does not have a very positive effect on a person: mood worsens, physical strength declines. During this period, it is not recommended to start new businesses or make plans for the future. All your attention should be concentrated on:

  • finish previously started tasks;
  • summarize;
  • realize mistakes.

If you had some kind of short-term project, then during this period it should bring noticeable results.

Third phase - waning moon

During this period of time, chronic diseases may worsen. If you feel unwell, do not ignore this fact, but take the necessary measures as quickly as possible. Experts advise not to plan any operations during this period. There is an opinion that at this time the blood does not clot well, although this has not yet been scientifically proven.

A few words about the study of the influence of the moon on human life

Although scientists have been trying for several centuries to finally understand exactly how the Moon influences people’s lives and to bring complete clarity to this issue, no one has yet succeeded in doing this.

✔ Women midwives noted back in the 18th century that childbirth and the level of its ease directly depended on what phase the moon was in. Scientists from Italy tried to prove this fact, but they were only able to verify that most children are born on the full moon. Why is this happening? Scientists do not yet have answers to this question.

✔ Indian doctors also did some research. For two years, when registering another heart attack in a patient, they looked at what phase the moon was in. It turned out that on a new moon, 20% more patients are admitted to the hospital with this diagnosis than on a full moon.

✔ Journalists from the popular magazine Current Biology conducted a study several years ago, thanks to which they were able to prove that during a full moon, the duration of an adult’s sleep is reduced on average by 20-25 minutes, and the quality of sleep deteriorates by a third. This is explained by the fact that during the full moon the level of melatonin decreases noticeably.

✔ Many women believe that their menstrual cycle depends on the lunar calendar. But anthropologists from the United States managed to refute this belief. For three years they followed the women of an Indian tribe, which is located deep in the forest far from civilization. These girls do not take contraceptives and do not use electrical devices that can affect their biorhythms. No evidence has been found that the moon affects menstruation.

Some scientists not only believe that the moon influences people, but also feel this influence on themselves, while others believe that this is all fiction and the moon cannot influence our lives in any way. Alexander Ivanov, who is the head of the observatory at Kuban State University, claims that the influence of the full moon on human behavior and health is 85% proven. Believe it or not? Everyone decides for themselves.

Full moon influence on humans has not yet been studied either by psychologists or by researchers of unusual phenomena. It is undeniable that people feel the influence of this phenomenon, but what are the reasons. Why the full moon has been associated from time immemorial with the appearance of evil spirits and its rampant behavior also remains a mystery. Many people face these questions, but cannot always find the answer to them.

Mystical influence of the full moon

In ancient times, people tried to protect themselves from all evil spirits and were afraid of its appearance. Especially often its revelry occurs during the period. It is for this reason that people tried to come up with all sorts of amulets for themselves, their families and homes. Many religions and practices suggest on this day to cleanse not only the flesh, but also the soul. During the full moon period, prayers and mantras are read to help find the true path in life. At this time, only an ascetic lifestyle can help preserve the soul.

Not only religions offer protection to believers; schools of witches and evil spirits do not sleep either. The Sabbath of witches and the rampant evil spirits occur precisely during the period of the full moon, when everything around takes on a different form and special meaning.

The influence of the full moon on destinies

Full moon influence the fate of saints, regardless of religion and life path, is noted in religious books and eyewitness memoirs.

It was during this period that the great Buddha was born, received enlightenment and plunged into Nirvana. On the new moon, Jesus Christ rose again and left the mortal coil, ascending to his father. Prophet Muhammad was born and died on a full moon. All these facts indicate that the Moon has a great influence on the destinies of great people, saints, and even the children of God cannot escape its influence.

The effect of the full moon on humans

Everyone, at least once in their life, has experienced the direct impact of the Moon on their mental state and well-being. During the full moon period, according to statistics, the number of murders and suicides increases, people quarrel and enter into conflicts, and various types of disasters and accidents occur.

There is an opinion that more children are born on the full moon, people experience sexual desire more often, and insomnia begins among those who are especially sensitive and emotional. Strange things happen to sleepwalkers who feel this period very acutely.

The full moon takes place over several days - this is one day before, one day after and the moment of the full moon itself.
The human nervous system becomes unbalanced and may fail. People are more likely to lose their tempers, become violently active, and experience a feeling of dissatisfaction and melancholy. Not only humans feel out of place, but also animals. Many people have seen dogs or wolves howling sadly at the full moon. This fact is captured in many literary works.

What can't you do on a full moon?

To avoid problems in life, some things should not be done on the days of the full moon. First of all, you cannot make responsible decisions. A person’s unstable mental state can be detrimental, so all important matters can be postponed for three days until everything returns to normal.

You cannot walk around with your head uncovered during the full moon. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, hair is the most powerful energy collector from space. A full moon influence on energy can be detrimental. Secondly, moon rays can affect the mental state.

You should not sleep in the direct light of the moon. On the night of the full moon, it is recommended to close the curtains as tightly as possible. Perhaps the stereotype about the influence of the planet is very exaggerated, and scientists cannot find evidence of this fact, but centuries-old observations say the opposite. In this regard, it is best to listen to advice.

You need to beware of taking medications, especially those that have a strong effect on the nervous system. The following pattern has been revealed: all medications are several times stronger.

Beneficial influence of the full moon.

You should not think that the Moon in its full phase can only have a detrimental effect on the human body. Doctors have found that complex heart surgeries performed during the full moon are more successful and the recovery process proceeds at a faster pace than in other patients. This amazing phenomenon is called the “Transylvania effect.”

Interested in this fact, scientists and doctors began a study. It has been found that people suffering from heart disease have attacks much less frequently during the full moon than at other times.
The influence of the full moon on things.

Not only animals and people experience the effects of the Moon in its full phase, but also objects. If a new blade is opened and placed under direct moonlight, it becomes completely unusable the next morning. Nobody knows the answer to this riddle, but the fact remains.

Full moon influence on a person and everything around him is indisputable, you just need to be more attentive in order to identify these patterns.

The influence of the full moon on humans has not yet been studied by either psychologists or researchers of unusual phenomena. It is undeniable that people feel the influence of this phenomenon, but what are the reasons. Why the full moon has been associated from time immemorial with the appearance of evil spirits and its rampant behavior also remains a mystery. Many people face these questions, but cannot always find the answer to them.

The mystical influence of the full moon In ancient times, people tried to protect themselves from all evil spirits and were afraid of its appearance. Especially often its revelry occurs during the full moon. It is for this reason that people tried to come up with all sorts of amulets for themselves, their families and homes. Many religions and practices suggest on this day to cleanse not only the flesh, but also the soul.

During the full moon period, prayers and mantras are read to help find the true path in life. At this time, only an ascetic lifestyle can help preserve the soul. Not only religions offer protection to believers; schools of witches and evil spirits do not sleep either. The Sabbath of witches and the rampant evil spirits occur precisely during the period of the full moon, when everything around takes on a different form and special meaning.

The influence of the full moon on destinies The influence of the full moon on the destinies of saints, regardless of religion and life path, is noted in religious books and eyewitness memoirs. It was during this period that the great Buddha was born, received enlightenment and plunged into Nirvana. On the new moon, Jesus Christ rose again and left the mortal coil, ascending to his father. Prophet Muhammad was born and died on a full moon. All these facts indicate that the Moon has a great influence on the destinies of great people, saints, and even the children of God cannot escape its influence.

The effect of the full moon on humans

Everyone, at least once in their life, has experienced the direct impact of the Moon on their mental state and well-being. During the full moon period, according to statistics, the number of murders and suicides increases, people quarrel and enter into conflicts, and various types of disasters and accidents occur. There is an opinion that more children are born on the full moon, people experience sexual desire more often, and insomnia begins among those who are especially sensitive and emotional. Strange things happen to sleepwalkers who feel this period very acutely. The full moon takes place over several days - this is one day before, one day after and the moment of the full moon itself. The human nervous system becomes unbalanced and may fail. People are more likely to lose their tempers, become violently active, and experience a feeling of dissatisfaction and melancholy. Not only humans feel out of place, but also animals. Many people have seen dogs or wolves howling sadly at the full moon. This fact is captured in many literary works.

What can't you do on a full moon?

To avoid problems in life, some things should not be done on the days of the full moon.

First of all, you cannot make responsible decisions. A person’s unstable mental state can be detrimental, so all important matters can be postponed for three days until everything returns to normal. You cannot walk around with your head uncovered during the full moon. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, hair is the most powerful energy collector from space. And the effect of the full moon on energy can be detrimental. Secondly, moon rays can affect the mental state. You should not sleep in the direct light of the moon. On the night of the full moon, it is recommended to close the curtains as tightly as possible. Perhaps the stereotype about the influence of the planet on human sleep is very exaggerated, and scientists cannot find evidence of this fact, but centuries-old observations say the opposite. In this regard, it is best to listen to advice.

You need to beware of taking medications, especially those that have a strong effect on the nervous system. The following pattern has been revealed: all medications are several times stronger.

Beneficial influence of the full moon.

You should not think that the Moon in its full phase can only have a detrimental effect on the human body. Doctors have found that complex heart surgeries performed during the full moon are more successful and the recovery process proceeds at a faster pace than in other patients. This amazing phenomenon is called the “Transylvania effect.” Interested in this fact, scientists and doctors began a study. It has been found that people suffering from heart disease have attacks much less frequently during the full moon than at other times.

The influence of the full moon on things.

Not only animals and people experience the effects of the Moon in its full phase, but also objects. If a new blade is opened and placed under direct moonlight, it becomes completely unusable the next morning. Nobody knows the answer to this riddle, but the fact remains. The influence of the full moon on a person and everything around him is indisputable; you just need to be more careful in order to identify these patterns.