Unity of design and decor in folk housing." Summary of the lesson on fine arts "House - space

Presentation for a lesson in fine arts according to the program of B.M. Nemensky on the topic: “DPI. Unity of form, design, decor in people's housing." (slide 1)

Target: To acquaint students with the concept and language of decorative and applied art, to discover the meaningful meaning of the artistic figurative language of decorative and applied art, its connection with the phenomena of life. To introduce students to the concept of interior, its features in a peasant home, to form the concepts of spiritual and material.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Introduction.

Do you know how arts and crafts came into being?

Since ancient times, man has been surrounded by the mysterious world of nature, full of mysterious, incomprehensible and frightening phenomena.

Man was completely dependent on nature and tried to adapt to his environment. This is how beliefs in supernatural forces emerged, personifying various phenomena: the sun, sky, water, plants, earth, thunderstorm.

(slide 2)

These phenomena acquired a variety of pictorial forms and color schemes.

(slide 3) People depicted natural phenomena and the world around them on the walls of their homes, dishes, and clothes, asking them for good weather, a rich harvest, and protection from formidable elements and evil spirits.

This is how decorative and applied arts appeared.

3. Formation of new knowledge.

Decorative and applied art is the decoration of household items by artists and folk craftsmen.

Since ancient times, man has built his own home. Having walked the path from the cave to the palace, people tried to create a safe space.

Why do people need a house?(students answer the question)

Shelter is the main material need of a person. A small piece of space, protecting it from the huge unpredictable world, should protect from rain and snow, warm and give peace of mind to the owner of the house.

(slide 4)

-What material do you think peasant huts were built from?

-Why did Russian people choose wood as the main building material?

Tree is a constant companion of Russian people. The tree provided shelter over one's head, warmth in the stove, and was used to make dishes and furniture. It accompanied a person from the cradle to the grave.

(slide 5) In popular belief, the roof and the upper part of the house were associated with the SKY, the cage (a covered rectangular wooden frame with windows, a door, and a floor) with the EARTH, and the basement (underground) with the underworld. The peasant house became like a small Universe, symbolizing the connection between man and the cosmos.

A man furnished his house, filled it with images not only for decoration, but in order to attract the forces of good and light to the house and protect himself from evil forces.

(slide 6) In popular belief, the roof of a house was associated with the sky. There must be a place on the roof of the house stupid horse. In the poetic ideas of the people, the horse was the personification of strength, goodness and beauty. The horse was often a symbol of the sun moving across the sky.

(slide 7) What was decorated with carvings? Boards - towels, boards - railings, trim on windows.

Prichelina - in Russian wooden architecture, a board on the facade of a hut (usually carved) that protects the ends of the logs from moisture.

PRICHELINA, in Russian home decor, an inclined board placed on the ends of the under-roof strips. In addition to a purely decorative function, it also had a utilitarian function, covering the gap between the fall and the roof from rain and wind. The ends of the piers were often finished with carved towels. There are often cases when the piers were nailed into two or three boards with an offset, which not only made it possible to increase its width, but also gave additional decorative effect.

TOWEL, in Russian home decor, a short overhead board that was nailed under the ridge of a peasant house and covered the joint between the piers. The shape of the decor - saw-cut figures and “tassels” at the end - resembled an embroidered peasant towel, which is where the name comes from. Usually, solar signs were carved onto the towel, which were amulets for the house.

(slide 8) In decorating the pediment, the “face” of the house, round rosettes and half-rosettes were used - this is a symbolic image of the sun, a circle with a rhombus inside, rhombuses and rectangles, as well as symbols of small holes were symbols of the earth.

Slide 9 - (draw signs, symbols)

(slide 10) The house looked at the world through windows-eyes. Through the front windows into the hut the light of the sun, news of village life. The window connected the world of home life with the outside world, and that is why the decor of the windows was so solemn and elegant. The window frames were decorated especially magnificently. According to the same principle of the structure of the world, the lower part was decorated with fantastic creatures - mermaids, lions, dogs, half-fish, personifying the underground and underwater world. These images were intricately intertwined and developed into a floral pattern - symbols of the earth, and above - into strange birds and images of the sun.

Such platbands, requiring enormous labor and love for one’s home and family, could only be made by real craftsmen. They were cherished as a family heirloom and transferred from the old house to the new one, thanks to which masterpieces of wooden architecture have been preserved to this day.

Slide 11 - examples of curtains, towels

Slide 12 – Task.

Slide 1

Unity of designs and decor in folk housing, grade 5 Prepared by Fine Arts Teacher E.S. Kuznetsova.

Slide 2

Museum-reserve of wooden architecture - KIZHI is located on the island of the same name and adjacent islands in the northwestern part of Lake Onega

Slide 3

New life - new home. The ancient Slavs invested the deepest meaning in building a house. After all, as they say - “My home, my fortress.” Russian hut

Slide 4

To ensure this fortress of inaccessibility during the construction of a house, great importance was attached to the start time of work, the choice of construction site, and the preparation of building materials; Each stage of construction was subject to a special ritual.

Slide 5

After the Pokrovsky holidays, they chose a place for the estate, trying not to end up on an abandoned old road (after all, along it, you'll see, wealth and life will leave the house), in the place where there used to be a bathhouse, where there was once a fire, where there was a breakdown or - worst of all - bloodshed. After selecting a plot, the owner “cleansed” it and consecrated it with special symbols: he plowed the plot in a circle (a circle is a closed line, infinity, a symbol of the sun), marked the square of the estate inside the circle, and divided it into four with a cross-shaped figure. Then the head of the house went “in all four directions” and brought a boulder stone from each side and placed it under the corners of the house.

Slide 6

There are two loopholes into the human world: a window and a door, they require protection. There is a platband on both the window and the door. There is always a threshold in front of the door - this is the border between worlds. Much attention was paid to windows through which navys (evil souls) could penetrate. In this regard, such an important element of incantatory decoration arose as the platband, the framing of windows, usually saturated with pagan symbolism. Sun symbol diagrams. Earth symbol schemes.

1. Develop creative and cognitive activity.

2. To develop students’ interest through practical skills in working with a specific material (corrugated cardboard), the ability to convey the unity of the form and decor of the hut.

3. Introduce students to the concept of a hut as a traditional Russian dwelling.

4. Foster love for the Motherland, its traditions and folk culture.

5. Cultivate accuracy when doing work.


1. Visual range: illustrations for Russian folk tales with an image of a hut, a tower, a diagram-table with an image of a Russian hut.

2. Musical series: Russian folk songs.

3. Materials and tools for practical work: corrugated cardboard, paper, scissors, glue

During the classes

  1. Organizational part
  2. Game “Exam”

From each row, one student approaches the teacher’s table, each taking one ticket from those laid out on the table. There is one question on the ticket.

1. What do we call architecture, or architecture?

2. What is a pattern called if it has a center and identical patterns are located at equal distances from the center?

3. What do we call graphics?

  • Absentee travel
  • And now, guys, we will travel in absentia.

    1. Once upon a time people lived
    Without roofs over your head,
    The protection of the rock was
    And the forests are a living shelter.
    A house in a cave is safer
    So that the beast cannot pass,
    There was a stone instead of a door
    Placed in the way.

    2. Flashes year after year,
    Century follows century,
    Depend on nature
    The person doesn't want to.
    Useful tools
    Having created with my labor,
    People have become stronger
    And now the house is built!

    3. But the long journey has just begun,
    The house is still simple, harsh,
    So far one task -
    Have reliable shelter.
    Thousands of years will pass
    And people from different countries
    They will bring these into the buildings
    Skill and talent.
    Folk motives,
    Customs, way of life
    The house was made beautiful
    In my own special way.
    The men cut the hut from the logs,
    Only one assistant - an ax,
    But the ancient huts are still strong today,
    And the pattern on the shutters is subtle.
    They chopped with the same ax
    And the walls of the princely mansion.
    It was decorated like a casket,
    There is a palace in the village of Kolomenskoye.

    4. Conversation about Russian architecture.

    As you guessed, guys, today in class we will talk about Russian architecture. Russian craftsmen are famous for their rich artistic traditions in wood carving. Wood was an affordable, practical material from which houses were built, dishes and tools were made. Peasant huts can serve as a striking example of the art of folk craftsmen.

    “My home is my fortress,” they said in Rus'. And to ensure this fortress of inaccessibility during the construction of a house, great importance was attached to the start time of work, the choice of construction site, and the preparation of building materials; Each stage of construction was subject to a special ritual, the roots of which are in the legends of our distant ancestors.

    After the Pokrovsky holidays, they chose a place for the estate, trying not to end up on an abandoned old road (after all, along it, you'll see, wealth and life will leave the house), in the place where the bathhouse used to stand, where there was once a fire, where there was a breakdown or - worst of all - blood was spilled. It is clear that such a thing can only happen in a “bad” place, where it is best for a person not to be, but to live – and even more so!

    After choosing a plot, the young owner “cleaned” it and consecrated it with special symbols: he plowed the plot in a circle (a circle is a closed line, infinity, a symbol of the sun), marked the square of the estate inside the circle, and divided it into four parts with a cross-shaped figure. Then the head of the house went “in all four directions and brought a hardened stone - a boulder, these stones were placed under the corners of the house. Covered with ice and blown by the winds for thousands of years, these stones will be a strong foundation for a new home.

    The facade of the hut is clearly divided into two geometric volumes - the frame and the roof. Along the log house, in the upper half, there are red windows. The platbands of the red windows with open shutters form a lush decorative belt on the façade of the house. The ornamental decoration of the facade is completed with a pattern on the cornice and front board. The last two elements not only decorate, they serve a practical purpose - they cover the junction of the frame and the roof.

    The upper part of the facade, limited by a gable roof, has a triangular pediment shape. The pediment is filled with carved decorations so as to visually balance the richness of the lace pattern of the log house. An expressive ornament is placed on the boards framing the triangle of the pediment. The center of the pediment highlights the light window, surrounded by rich platbands.

    It is impossible not to remember the great Russian artist V.M. Vasnetsov in our lesson.

    V.M. Vasnetsov began his creative activity as a genre artist, but found his true calling by turning to the plots of Russian fairy tales and epics. Rus' with its legends and epics - this is what constantly attracted and worried the artist. His new, original language sounded fresh and powerful in Russian painting.

    Skilled craftsmen created real miracles from wood. In Rus', wooden fortresses, temples, huts, and elegant chambers were cut down.

    Verb, wallet and timber
    The house was built with a carved porch,
    With deliberate elegant taste
    And each with their own face.

    5. Practical work.

    Look at the old wooden buildings where you live, drawings, etc.

    Look at the design of the log hut.

    This method of stacking logs is called “cutting with residue.”

    To glue together a composition that depicts wooden buildings, take corrugated cardboard, packaging or other thick paper.

    How to portray police?

    Pricheliny can be made in different ways.

    In what order is this work performed?

    Try to depict the hut yourself.

    At the end of the lesson, against a background prepared in advance by the teacher, the students build a village from their huts. They come up with a name for it.

    6. Summing up.

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    Slide captions:

    Unity of designs and decor in folk housing, grade 5 Prepared by Fine Arts Teacher E.S. Kuznetsova.

    Museum-reserve of wooden architecture - KIZHI is located on the island of the same name and adjacent islands in the northwestern part of Lake Onega

    New life - new home. The ancient Slavs invested the deepest meaning in building a house. After all, as they say - “My home, my fortress.” Russian hut

    To ensure this fortress of inaccessibility during the construction of a house, great importance was attached to the start time of work, the choice of construction site, and the preparation of building materials; Each stage of construction was subject to a special ritual.

    After the Pokrovsky holidays, they chose a place for the estate, trying not to end up on an abandoned old road (after all, along it, you'll see, wealth and life will leave the house), in the place where the bathhouse used to stand, where there was once a fire, where there was a breakdown or - worst of all - blood was spilled. After choosing a plot, the owner “cleaned” it and consecrated it with special symbols: he plowed the plot in a circle (a circle is a closed line, infinity, a symbol of the sun), marked the square of the estate inside the circle, and divided it into four with a cross-shaped figure. Then the head of the house went “in all four directions” and brought a boulder stone from each side and placed it under the corners of the house.

    There are two loopholes into the human world: a window and a door, they require protection. There is a platband on both the window and the door. There is always a threshold in front of the door - this is the border between worlds. Much attention was paid to windows through which navys (evil souls) could penetrate. In this regard, such an important element of incantatory decoration arose as the platband, the framing of windows, usually saturated with pagan symbolism. Sun symbol diagrams. Earth symbol schemes.

    Elements of a Russian hut

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    Slide 2

    ​Kizhi Museum-Reserve

    The Museum-Reserve of Wooden Architecture - Kizhi is located on the island of the same name and adjacent islands in the northwestern part of Lake Onega.

    Slide 3

    Russian hut

    New life - new home. The ancient Slavs invested the deepest meaning in building a house. After all, as they say - “My home, my fortress.”

    Slide 4

    To ensure this fortress of inaccessibility during the construction of a house, great importance was attached to the start time of work, the choice of construction site, and the preparation of building materials; Each stage of construction was subject to a special ritual.

  • Slide 5

    Construction of a hut

    • After the Pokrovsky holidays, they chose a place for the estate, trying not to end up on an abandoned old road (after all, along it, you'll see, wealth and life will leave the house), in the place where the bathhouse used to stand, where there was once a fire, where there was a breakdown or - worst of all - blood was spilled.
    • After choosing a plot, the owner “cleaned” it and consecrated it with special symbols: he plowed the plot in a circle (a circle is a closed line, infinity, a symbol of the sun), marked the square of the estate inside the circle, and divided it into four with a cross-shaped figure. Then the head of the house went “in all four directions” and brought a boulder stone from each side and placed it under the corners of the house.
  • Slide 6


    • There are two loopholes into the human world: a window and a door, they require protection. There is a platband on both the window and the door. There is always a threshold in front of the door - this is the border between worlds.
    • Much attention was paid to windows through which navys (evil souls) could penetrate. In this regard, such an important element of incantatory decoration arose as the platband, the framing of windows, usually saturated with pagan symbolism.