Are Potap and Nastya Kamensky together? Nastya Kamenskikh openly about her personal life: I am a very loving person and a very happy one

Nastya Kamenskikh's star lit up throughout the CIS in 2006, when she began collaborating with Ukrainian musician Alexey Potapenko, better known as Potap. He was looking for a vocalist to record the chorus for his song and Nastya was recommended to him. A beautiful, talented girl was just starting her musical career.

In 2005, she received the “Discovery of the Year” award in London, and a year before that, the Grand Prix at the Black Sea Games festival. Having recorded one track, Potap, with his producer’s flair, decided not to part with the girl and proposed a joint project, which today everyone knows under the name “Potap and Nastya.” Today the duo has already recorded three albums and each of their tracks or videos immediately tops all the charts in Russia and Ukraine.

In Nastya’s personal life, everything is vague - Nastya Kamenskikh’s husband has not yet appeared in the artist’s life, but she is periodically credited with a romantic relationship with Potap, although he has been happily married for a long time. In 2013, Nastya was credited with pregnancy due to her appearance on the “New Wave” in a very tight dress that indicated a rounded tummy. However, the singer’s pregnancy turned out to be just a rumor, and Nastya got rid of excess weight quite quickly. She admits that music occupies the main place in her life and there is no time left for men yet.

Nastya Kamenskikh pleases her many fans not only with her slender forms, but also with her vocal talent and artistry. The work of the member of the duet “Potap and Nastya” always contains a lot of positive energy and drive, thanks to which their songs have long become hits. In addition to working in the team, the artist took part in a TV show and also tried her hand as a TV presenter. Now Nastya is demonstrating the model parameters of her figure, which she managed to tidy up in 2015. It’s no wonder that after such a transformation she starred in numerous photo shoots for glossy magazines. And important changes are coming in Kamensky’s personal life: according to the press, she is getting married.

Anastasia was born in 1987 in Kyiv, Ukrainian SSR. Her parents are creative people: her father, a former volleyball player, became the concert director of the choir, and her mother is a singer. It is not surprising that the future artist, from an early age, studied at a music school and studied vocals. But, besides this, the girl managed to dance in ballet and play tennis. After graduating from school, she decided to get an economic education by entering the Ukrainian-American Humanitarian Institute.

Her first success came in 2004, when Kamenskikh took part in a music festival and won the Grand Prix. Thanks to my acquaintance with Alexey Potapenko, the duet “Potap and Nastya” was born in 2006. Its participants in a short period of time were able to earn fame and popularity, as well as numerous awards and prizes.

In the photo are Nastya Kamenskikh and Vladimir Dyatlov

In Anastasia’s personal life there were many fans who dreamed of an affair with a beautiful girl. For some time she liked older men, however, such relationships very quickly began to strain her. While studying at the university, she became close to a classmate, Volodya Dyatlov, however, love did not arise between them immediately. Due to family problems, the young man left for another city, but the lovers found time to meet. At that time, the artist’s career was developing rapidly, so mistrust appeared in the relationship between the lovers. After breaking up in 2009, they remained good and close friends.

The joint musical career of Kamensky and Potap left its mark on their personal lives. For several years now, journalists have been attributing them to a romantic relationship, however, the stars themselves deny their romance, calling it a kind of public play to intrigue their fans. Over the years of working together, Potap married producer Irina Gorova, who bore him two children. Nastya also had a relationship that she hid from the press. The singer believed that her time would come when she would get married and have children.

In the photo Nastya Kamenskikh and Potap

However, cunning journalists learned that Potap had not lived with his wife for several years, and then he filed for divorce. Moreover, they reported that Nastya and her colleague wanted to get married in the summer of 2016, however, due to the fact that the singer broke her leg during an unsuccessful parachute jump, the wedding was postponed. At the same time, Potap commented on these rumors, calling them journalistic inventions.

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published 09.20.2016

Having existed for 11 years, the duet “Potap and Nastya” ceased its activities, however, Nastya Kamenskikh is sure that the group with the same composition will return to the stage. In the meantime, a new project has appeared in the singer’s creative biography, which her loyal fans will certainly appreciate.

It was not easy for Kamenskikh to turn the page and move on alone, but she still began her solo career, choosing the pseudonym NK.

Childhood and education

Nastya was born in 1987 in Kyiv. Her father, Alexey Zhmur, served in the KGB, and then he was appointed concert director of the G. Verevka choir. It was there that he met his future wife, Lydia Kamenskikh, the singer’s mother, who was a soloist. Little Nastya, from the age of five, traveled to European countries under a child exchange program. First she visited a French family, and then went to Italy, where she rode regularly for seven years. The future artist has the best childhood memories associated with Naples.

In the photo Nastya Kamenskikh in childhood and youth

The parents developed their daughter comprehensively: she began to study English quite early, studied ballet, sang in the choir, studied music and played the piano. After receiving secondary education, Kamenskikh entered a Ukrainian-American university. Soon she took part in the Black Sea Games music competition, where she received the Grand Prix. Thanks to this event, the girl took up a musical career, collaborating with a famous production center.

Participation in the group “Potap and Nastya”

Nastya received her second music award in 2005, when she was in London for the “Discovery of the Year”, and soon she met musician Alexei Potapenko. Having created the duet “Potap and Nastya”, the young musicians recorded a joint song “Without Love”, and then the single “Not a Couple”, which quickly became a hit. A year later, the couple won a place at the Sochi “Five Stars” competition. In 2008, they released their debut album, “Not a Couple,” which only strengthened their popularity among music lovers. A year later, fans of the duet were able to purchase their new album called “Don’t Love My Brains,” which included the song “Freaky Spring,” which has not lost popularity to this day.

In the photo Nastya Kamenskikh and Potap

During their career, the artists released five albums and recorded videos for such compositions as “On the Area”, “Freaks”, “Love at a Discount”, “Udi Udi” and others. In addition, their songs were awarded the Golden Gramophone award four times. Kamensky’s creative biography includes filming the musical “Little Red Riding Hood”, as well as participation in the Channel One show “Two Stars”. More than once she was a participant and host of various shows on Ukrainian television channels, and in 2017 she became a member of the jury of the Ukrainian project “X-Factor-8”. From the latest news for 2017, it is known that the members of the duet “Potap and Nastya” announced that they decided to interrupt their joint activities and pursue a solo career. Now Nastya performs under the pseudonym NK and has already presented her fans with a new video for the song “This is my night.”

Personal life

The artist’s personal life is no less interesting than her work, however, the Ukrainian beauty herself does not like to share the details of her love stories. Even during his student years, the future star had a romantic relationship with a young man named Vladimir. But soon he left Nikolaev, where he continued his studies. The couple still maintains friendly relations.

For a long time, Kamensky was credited with an affair with a duet colleague, with whom she not only worked, but also spent time off stage, attending various events. However, the artists themselves denied close relationships, considering themselves close friends. There was a period in their lives when, due to a busy work schedule, Nastya and Potap gained excess weight. Then, with a height of 175 cm, her weight was 80 kg. Later, the artist was able to get her figure in order, and Potap also kept her company in this. Now she weighs only 60 kg, thanks to which the girl’s appearance pleases her fans.

In recent years, rumors have not subsided that Kamenskikh is pregnant and will soon give birth to a child. At first, these speculations only irritated the singer, however, in 2017, she told fans that she was thinking about children. According to Nastya, she previously did not understand how she could combine a career with a family, but now everything has changed, and the artist is ready to become a mother. Kamenskikh also often posts videos on her page in which she is captured in her home in the kitchen or at a doctor’s appointment. At the same time, the singer does not hesitate to show herself without makeup and without hair.

The popular Ukrainian singer was born in Kyiv. Year of birth 1987. Her family is both musical and sports. Dad played volleyball and was a captain, and mom sang in the choir named after Verevka. She is one child in the family. She borrowed her last name from her mother, the girl took it for herself because it sounded like it. Nastya has been doing vocals since childhood, because her mother wanted it that way. From six to fourteen, the girl studied at a music school, learning the piano.

Nastya’s parents really wanted her to study languages, and the best way is to study in the country where it is spoken. Therefore, she was sent abroad every six months under a special program. Because of this, Nastya had to be on time everywhere. The first country the girl went to was France, but she really didn’t like it there and returned. And from the age of seven, she traveled constantly, every six months she lived in Italy.

Yes, the biography of Nastya Kamensky is full of interesting facts. She studied at a Kyiv school. Her daily routine was very tight. She studied ballet, tennis, and various clubs at school. No matter how hard it was, she is very grateful to her parents for such an upbringing. Thanks to them, she learned to manage her time, which helps her a lot in life.

After graduating from school, Nastya entered a special institute where they taught exclusively in English. In addition to studying, she sang a lot and practiced her voice, which she loved very much. In 2004, Nastya received her first award, and soon the second one was not long in coming. She received it in London for the discovery of the year nomination. After which her success began to rise. The singer's first video led her to Potap, a famous rapper. He just needed a girl to record a video with her for the song “without love.” It became a hit in Ukraine. Soon the hit “Not a Couple” appeared, and in 2007 they won the third competition.

Soon, the personal life and biography of Nastya Kamensky became the most discussed among Ukrainian youth. The next year the first joint album was released. The songs in it became true hits. And the duet Potap and Nastya achieved enormous popularity. To this day they delight us with funny and a couple of lyrical hits, and they have more and more fans. Let's hope that they will delight us with their joint work for many years to come. Separately, it is simply impossible to imagine them; they are the number one couple.

Personal life of Nastya Kamenskikh

This question has interested fans for many years. Everyone is very interested in how such a beautiful and smart woman is still alone. It's simply not possible. She didn’t even have novels as such, or they were simply unknown. Although there is one for which it became known. This lucky guy is Vladimir Dyatlov, whom the singer met while still a student. They developed feelings and started dating. But they didn't last long. Vladimir had to transfer to another city.

But, despite everything, they still communicate well with each other. And they even became godfathers. The personal life of Nastya Kamenskikh blew up the Internet in January 2017, when everyone learned about Potap’s secret divorce from his wife. And soon a ring sparkled on Nastya’s finger. And there were rumors that Potap proposed to Nastya. But these are, unfortunately, only rumors for now. The artists themselves do not confirm the information, but do not refute it either.

In short, numerous fans are being bullied. But as long as Kamenskikh remains single, an enviable bride, which is very good for fans, there is at least a small chance.

Children of Nastya Kamensky

Of course, in the future we will see Nastya’s curly children, but for now she doesn’t have them. So far she is only the godmother of a wonderful girl, and these are Nastya Kamensky’s only children. But as they say, there is still more to come. She is still a young girl, first we need to see her wedding, and soon the children.

Family of Nastya Kamensky

For now, family for the singer is her beloved parents. As Nastya herself says, she now has no time to think about relationships, she is completely immersed in her career. In her still small creative life, she has achieved a lot. For example, in 2009, she was recognized as the most beautiful woman in Ukraine. As noted by Viva magazine. She appeared on the covers of various magazines, even for men.

It is also known that Nastya Kamensky’s family is her creative team and friends. She is very glad that they exist. All that remains is to wait for Nastya to fall in love and connect her life with a good person. In the meantime, we can only watch her success in her work and support her as best we can. For example, vote for her in various competitions where she participates. Let's wish her good luck in all her endeavors, always be the first, go towards her dream and don't stop halfway. Nastya is a purposeful person, and I believe that she will have everything she wants.

And, of course, he will create a family, friendly and loving. And wish creative victories to the duo Potap and Nastya, and maybe not only creative ones. Perhaps the rumors about their reunion are quite true. And soon we will see the wedding of the century, chic and fun, and then, perhaps, their children. In the meantime, we will watch them and watch their new funny videos.

Nastya Kamenskikh became popular because of her grandiose performance in the duet “Potap and Nastya”; they were so humorous and cheerful that it attracted attention. The Ukrainian pop singer sang hooligan songs, and they instantly flew across all the charts and became popular. Nastya Kamenskikh’s husband still sings today, but the girl decided to start a solo career and she is doing well at it.

Kamenskikh was born in Kyiv, in a family where they preferred to play sports and music, her mother was in the choir, and Nastya’s father was the captain of the Dynamo volleyball team. She is the only child in the family who received maximum attention. My mother’s surname is very consonant, that’s why she took it as a pseudonym.

Nastya Kamenskikh's husband photo

Even during her student years, Nastya Kamensky had a lot of guys, but among all this abundance, she tried to choose the one who was older. At a certain point, she realized that she could not be under constant patronage; she felt like an expensive watch on someone else’s hand. Nastya Kamenskikh's classmate, Volodya Dyatlov, showed her a lot of attention. They were friends for about two years, but soon she felt something more than friendship. But the guy never became Nastya Kamenskikh’s husband.

The young man had a fatal accident and he transferred to study in Nikolaev and settled with his grandmother, these kilometers were not an obstacle and they continued to meet. He came to Kyiv on weekends, and Nastya was eager to go to Nikolaev on any free day. The relationship did not pass the test, and their personal life together did not work out. Kamensky became more popular and the young man began to develop jealous suspicions.

Work and personal

Alexey Potapenko, with whom Nastya Kamenskikh performed in a duet, also comes from Ukraine, but gained popularity both in Russia and at home. His mother is a champion underwater swimmer, and his father is a military man. The parents were able to discipline the child and instill strength of character; he led an active lifestyle from early childhood. He composed poems and songs himself, and even tried to compose his first composition at the age of 13.

From the very beginning of their collaboration, Nastya Kamenskikh was credited with having a relationship with Potap, but at that time he was married. Even if there was some kind of romance from the outside, it was only for the image on stage. Years of work brought them close enough, they became related and did not hide anything from each other. Nastya and Potap even had fake children when one fan created a page and posted a photo of a two-month-old baby. In Nastya Kamensky’s life, family comes first and she constantly thinks about motherhood.

Nastya Kamenskikh and her husband Potap got married in 2017, and the wedding was a secret; not much is said about it in the press even today. Even after this, they did not stop working together not only as presenters, but also at various events. At social parties, they can safely present themselves as a couple.

Kamensky’s husband is proud of Nastya, she is strong and punchy, she was able to achieve a lot. Rumors about the wedding have grown into a real event and fans are very happy about this. Young people spend a lot of time outside of work, posting photo reports on Instagram, the latest 2018 news about their songs and videos. Nastya Kamenskikh, as before, fools around and makes faces, hugging her loved one.

Potap's mother considers Nastyusha to be her son's creative muse, and the girl likes this definition much more than just a friend or colleague. After Kamensky’s irregular schedule, she gained a lot of weight, but after going on a diet she lost weight.

Of course, before the marriage, Potap’s divorce followed. The public was very excited about the news, but he and his wife had not lived together for several years, even though Potap was listed as the official husband, and this step had to happen eventually. At first they planned a wedding for 2016, but after the parachute did not open, the girl underwent many operations and simply settled in an outpatient setting.