How to celebrate the New Year in a team. How to celebrate New Year at work

It is customary in our country that they begin to celebrate the New Year long before it arrives. And usually, the first New Year's party is held among colleagues. New Year corporate holiday, which everyone is waiting for, the time to sum up the results and receive gifts, a reason to better get to know the people with whom, whatever one may say, you spend most life.

Some organizations have good tradition The whole team is preparing for a corporate event. But even in this case, there should be one person who will take charge of organizing the event and make sure that the party for each participant is a great start to the long New Year holidays.

What if you were the “lucky one” who was tasked with preparing the corporate New Year? How not to lose face in front of your boss and please your colleagues? In this article we will talk about where to start preparing for the corporate New Year, how to organize a holiday based on the budget that your company can afford.

Let's start with the two main issues of the corporate new year

There are two main points that need to be addressed and discussed with management first;

  1. How much money is the company willing to spend on organizing the holiday?
  2. Where will the event take place - within the office or outside it (in a banquet hall, at a tourist center, etc.)

Many large campaigns can allow you to allocate a serious budget for a corporate event. This, of course, simplifies the task, because you can attract professionals and entrust the organization of the party to an agency, where they will select a suitable room, draw up a menu and a holiday script. All you have to do is choose such an agency, and you need to do this in the fall.

For event organizers, the New Year is a hot time; it is during this time that most orders come in; large agencies and sought-after artists have December scheduled literally by the hour.

The same goes for popular banquet and concert halls. Therefore, the closer the holiday, the less choice. By the end of November it will be difficult to find a good deal at a good price.

With serious budgets everything is clear, but what if the company is small and there is not much money for the holiday? In this case, you will have to think through everything to the smallest detail yourself:

  • How to decorate a room;
  • What kind of food and drinks will there be?
  • How to entertain colleagues;
  • What gifts and surprises should you prepare?

All of these are separate topics, and we will return to them later. In addition, you will need to draw up an estimate for the event, because you cannot do without expenses.

Where to look for free help?

The main thing is to remember that you don’t have to put everything on your shoulders; there will probably be people in your team creative people who will help in organizing the party.

Take a closer look at your colleagues. Perhaps your accountant is baking delicious pies, the girls from the customer service department have been interested in design for a long time, and Commercial Director- the soul of the company and in any situation will remember an appropriate joke.

Make a list of everyone who can take an active part in organizing the corporate event, talk with colleagues, discuss the plan for preparing for the holiday, share ideas, distribute responsibilities.

Invite each employee to bring from home New Year's toy so that everyone can decorate the Christmas tree together.

Discuss the holiday menu with the female half of the team. Ask management to provide a company car with a driver to bring all the necessary products on the day of the holiday.

If you have creative people in your team who are interested in music or dancing, invite them to perform at a corporate party. Also at the event there should be a host and, of course, the main characters of the New Year's celebration - Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

We think through costumes and gifts

“We won’t take Baba Yaga from outside, we will raise her in our team.” Comrade Ogurtsov, film "Carnival Night".

You can think in advance who will play the roles fairy tale characters, but it’s even more interesting for the whole team to choose actors during the party. Don't forget to prepare your costumes in advance. You can rent them or limit yourself to accessories: a kokoshnik and a white cape for the Snow Maiden, and for Father Frost - a red hat, a thick beard and, of course, a bag of gifts.

By the way, about gifts. It is the prerogative of management to reward distinguished team members. But New Year - magical holiday, no one should go home empty-handed this evening. Therefore, it is important to prepare small surprises for each employee of your team. These could be things that will be useful to a person in his work, for example, a new set of writing instruments for a secretary or unusual souvenirs with campaign symbols. A few gifts should definitely be set aside for the winners of competitions.

Preparing a corporate New Year, of course, is not easy, but if the team can be called friendly, the pre-holiday chores will become a pleasant experience, and hardly anyone will want to stay away from it.

Surprisingly, it is at such small corporate parties, for which almost the entire team prepares, that an unusually warm and bright New Year's atmosphere reigns. Even if there are disagreements between colleagues on weekdays, the holiday is an excellent reason to forget about previous grievances and wish each other a Happy New Year!

We hope you liked our publication How to organize a fun corporate New Year. Stay with us and see more written by our hand.

The advantage of working with an agency

Adult New Year's Eve celebration- this is a difficult task in terms of organization, since many factors need to be taken into account. This event will be attended by many different people, and it is important to meet their expectations. The holiday should be fun, with a rich show program and delicious food. Taking into account at least the gastronomic and musical preferences of the company is not very easy in itself. And, of course, the place for organizing a New Year’s corporate party should suit, if not absolutely everyone, then the majority.

Will help you choose a good place- cafe or restaurant, country venues for corporate New Year, or something else;

    Will take care of questions regarding drafting entertainment program, inviting presenters (as an option - Santa Claus and Snow Maiden to a corporate party);

    Organizes interesting to the team competitions, prepare surprises and gifts that everyone will like;

    It will create an atmosphere of unbridled fun and make the evening unforgettable;

    Deal with transportation issues;

    Takes care of quality photo and video recording of the celebration;

    Will solve all related problems that arise.

By contacting a professional agency, you won’t have to think about where to celebrate your corporate event for the New Year. It will be the best option, rather than an independent attempt to organize a holiday - which is not a guarantee that it will end successfully, but at the same time it will certainly take a lot of time, effort and nerves. At the same time, if the corporate event is unsuccessful, you will have to listen to a lot of dissatisfied responses from both employees and the organization’s management. If you contact an agency, this will definitely not happen. Since for such companies the organization New Year's events is the main area of ​​its professional activity, their employees know their work firsthand. They will help carry out corporate show for the new year:

If you wish, they will help you organize a themed meeting for the New Year. It could be holiday absolutely on any topic. New Year can be carried out in the format in which you want. Medieval themed party? No problem. Musical carnival? Please. Evening in the format of continuous winter games? As you wish.

When collaborating, an agreement is drawn up that clearly states the rights and obligations of the parties. It will clearly indicate what exactly the company organizing the holiday takes upon itself, what responsibility it bears for the failure of anything. Thanks to this, you can be calm about organizing a corporate celebration, and devote the time that you would spend preparing for it, for example, to calmly choosing gifts for your loved ones.

How to organize New Year's Eve at work

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How to organize New Year's Eve at work

On the part of management, organizing a corporate event is an important part of team building. Correctly energizes employees good mood and positive energy for the whole next year.

Ideas for the New Year at work

Many companies choose the easy way: download the first script they come across or simply gather in a restaurant with a guest artist. But such corporate events look a little soulless. If you approach the event seriously, having thought through all the details, the delight and gratitude of your colleagues is guaranteed. How can you surprise your work team?

  1. in a master class format. You can learn to cook or draw, create perfume or dance. It will be very interesting for colleagues to work together in an unusual area and discover new things in each other. And the holiday will turn out not only fun, but also useful: everyone will acquire new skills.
  2. Sports corporate event. In winter conditions this is also quite possible! Many companies are ready to provide premises and props. There are no restrictions in terms of sports, but it is better to choose something original, for example, paintball. An ice skating rink is also an excellent choice: even those who have never stepped on ice are guaranteed a lot of fun experiences. But do not forget that a room for banquets and recreation must be present.
  3. Karaoke. A classic format that will never get old! But in this case, it is important to ensure that employees who cannot or are embarrassed to sing are also involved. Games with the presence of a choir and pre-prepared numbers are suitable for this.
  • Don't put everything off until the last day! Remember that booking a restaurant at the end of December is almost impossible. The same goes for the script and guest artists.
  • When drawing up the script, try to ensure that each employee is involved in the holiday, and does not remain an outside observer.
  • Don’t put too much emphasis on work matters: a holiday should remain a holiday. But summing up the year in a positive and uplifting style is quite appropriate.
  • Think about the end of the holiday separately. It should be spectacular, and not be associated with matinees in kindergarten. It is better if it is some kind of general number, for example, a dance or song. You can take an original costume photo, light sparklers, or even go outside to play in the snow.

A series of new year old parties begin with a corporate event. The scale of the celebration at the workplace is determined by management. If at the end of the year the company’s finances do not “sing romances,” then the efforts of organizing the holiday can be entrusted to professionals - entertainment industry agencies. But, if a decision is made to save, then the preparation falls entirely on the shoulders of the employees themselves. And then it is important to correctly distribute forces and means.


Get your manager's consent. As a rule, the first thoughts about celebrating the New Year arise in the team by the end of autumn. Having caught general mood, take a couple of colleagues for support and go to the boss. Only he can make the final decision on the form, place and time of the corporate event. In addition, without the manager’s signature, the accounting department will not allocate money for preparation.

Create an initiative group. Include people who are fun, energetic, smart, talented, artistic. In a word, find a task for each employee according to their strengths and abilities. Your colleagues should know in advance who hangs the garlands and who sets the buffet table. Entrust the role of leader to an employee who has great vocabulary, well-delivered speech and knows how to quickly respond to non-standard situations.

Think about the format of the New Year's event. Youth companies successfully host themed parties: gangster New Year, disco-style New Year, tropical New Year, etc. For a group of different ages, a masquerade would be the best option. To do this, it is absolutely not necessary to transform into representatives of the forest fauna. Spectacular masks and additions in the form of hats and gloves will be enough.

Write a holiday script. Depending on the main topic, set the central intrigue of the evening. Let, for example, evil competitors steal the key to the hearts of customers. And throughout the evening, the “Sherlock Holmeses” of your company will solve puzzles and pass competition tasks, bringing them closer to the solution. Find treasured key the boss should, of course. Connect the idea of ​​the holiday with the company’s activities in the past year, reviving it with popular corporate jokes, stories and signs.

Include congratulations and awards in the script. At the beginning of the evening, let the leader set the tone for the event by briefly summing up the year and celebrating best employees. In the future, provide team members with the opportunity to make their own holiday speeches. Read aloud congratulations received from clients and partners.

Pick up musical accompaniment parties. Record the songs on a separate disc in the order in which they will be played. Then you won't have to waste time searching for a melody.

Decorate your office. In the hall where the main part of the event will take place, install tables and chairs, ensuring convenient passage. Hang up New Year's paraphernalia - garlands, Christmas balls, snowflakes. If you celebrate the New Year in a certain style, the design should match it.

Cover festive table. For an office party, a buffet would be ideal. Some of the dishes can be ordered in the cafe, some can be prepared by the female part of the team. Limit the alcoholic component to traditional light drinks - champagne and wine.

Follow the development of the holiday in accordance with the plan. Of course, deviations are possible, but the general mood should not be out of the control of the presenter.

At the end of the evening, make sure that the office has its usual well-groomed appearance. Let photographs remind you and your colleagues of a great holiday in the morning, not mountains of empty bottles and dirty plates.


Celebrating the corporate New Year is part of the work process. Don’t get carried away with alcohol, don’t flirt with colleagues, don’t interrupt your boss.

Helpful advice

Dress code new year party should be announced in advance so employees have a chance to prepare.

Attention, TODAY only!

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