Druid fortune telling. Druids: fortune telling and spells

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In the Druid hierarchy there was a special rank - soothsayers. Priests whose specialization was predicting the future and searching for information. They predicted the outcome of the battle, the future of the newborn, the change of kings and various events. These same priests determined when and where it was best to build a new settlement. People turned to them for help in finding stolen goods and resolving disputes.

Divination through human sacrifice described by Diodorus. Libations were poured on the victim, and then the person was killed, and the soothsayers predicted the future by the way he fell, the movement of his body parts and the flow of blood.

Fortune telling on entrails used in Galatia, Gaul and Britain. It was common not only among the Celts, but also among almost all Indo-European peoples.

Animal behavior could also be an omen. The running trajectory of the released hare predicted the success of the upcoming battle for the Britons. A meeting in the forest with a white deer foreshadowed important changes in a person’s life.

Birdsong Predictions was known in Ireland.

By the flight of birds predictions were also made.

Among the birds, the most popular was the crow; a bas-relief at Compiegne depicts two crows speaking something into a man's ears. The Celts believed that the crow showed where cities should be founded, provided a remedy against poison, and could be an arbiter in disputes.

Artemidorus describes a similar dispute involving two ravens. Those who argued laid out two handfuls of sweets, one for each arguer. Birds swooped down on them, eating one and scattering the other. The one whose handful was scattered won the dispute.

There were fortune telling in the direction of the smoke, flames of sacred fires and by location and movement clouds.

Many folk tales mention that the Druids carried yew sticks with them - the “sticks of Druidry.” Oghams were also carved on yew sticks, and the Druids used them to tell fortunes about hidden things. Using this means, the druid Dalan discovered where the god Midir hid Etain. Method. A similar method was used to detect whether a path was clear or occupied by invaders. The outcome was supposed to depend on divine intervention.

The knowledge of astronomy attributed by Caesar to the Druids was inseparable from astrology, and although it provided data for the calculation of a simple calendar, its use was largely magical. Irish soothsayers predicted the right time to build a house by the stars and similarly discovered the date when the education of St. Columba should begin.

Imbas Forosnai("illumination between the hands") was used by the Druids to reveal hidden things. The druid chewed a piece of raw meat and placed it as an offering in front of the images of the gods from whom he wanted help. If enlightenment did not come the next day, he would cast spells with his palms in front of him, which he would then apply to his cheeks before falling asleep. The revelation came to him in a dream or sometimes after waking up. The animal whose meat was eaten was sacred.

Druids, Celtic priests, used the power of nature in their spells and rituals. They were especially sensitive to trees, rightly believing that each person has his own tree, and that any tree is “responsible” for one or another area of ​​our life.

Of course, the Druids made bloody sacrifices in their rituals, but you and I are civilized people, so we will use those means from the Druids’ magic that will not burden our souls with pangs of conscience. That is, today we will talk about how to use the power of trees to achieve a particular goal.

Love and marriage

Among the Druids, the hawthorn was a symbol of the limitation of love, but sinful, secret love - boys and girls were forbidden to kiss until the hawthorn blossomed and the wedding period began, but the hawthorn favored family people. Do you want your marriage to be strong and happy? Speak to the hawthorn branch:

Our life is full of love and passions,
And it will be full of them,
For our passion delights them, calls them to life,
Therefore, we, subject to passions,
Let us merge with them with delight,
Because they always attract people like themselves.

Place the enchanted hawthorn branch in the bedroom or near the place that is considered the family bed. If you are lucky and the hawthorn takes root, plant it where you can care for it. This will be your family tree and amulet. And a branch that has taken root promises a long and happy marriage.

The main tree for attracting love and family happiness is the apple tree. If you are not married yet, but really want to, then bring home a branch of an apple tree and say to it:

I will open my soul to knowledge,
I'll let another person into my life,
For just as an apple tree is designed to bear fruit,
So I want to leave behind offspring.
Like an apple tree blooming in spring,
So I want to bloom from love.
Like an apple tree is thanked for food,
I also want to hear the gratitude of my grandchildren.

Place an apple tree branch where you spend the most time. Talk to her, touch her. Visualize your desire. If you have an apple tree growing near your house, then you don’t have to cut a branch, but make a spell for the whole tree, in some cases this is even preferable, especially if you can afford to stand next to the tree for at least five minutes a day and talk with him. It is not at all necessary to notify the entire yard about your desires; it is enough to conduct a conversation in the mode of an internal monologue.

Money and career

To attract material wealth, use boxwood. You will need a small twig that you can carry in your wallet. Speak to her:

Everything I do turns to gold
For my thoughts are pure and noble.
I don't crave other people's goodness
I only need what I create.
My prosperity will be eternal,
Like evergreen boxwood.

Place the sprig in the compartment of your wallet or purse in which you store the largest bills.
For career success, cast a spell on a willow branch cut next to a pond:

Earth, sky - stairs.
The law of the universe is only here,
On the ladder of ascension and achievement.
I will leave the world of flowing water,
So fleeting...
I will reach my true goal
I'll wake up for something better
I will follow the call
I will escape from the cold and inactivity
And I will rush to where it is hot.
I will turn into an effective fire!
I'll walk through the fire!
I am a lover of simple forms,
The law of the universe will lead me along the paths of fire.
I will not follow the humble stream of the river of oblivion...

After reading the plot, the willow twig must be burned over live fire. You can use a blue or green candle.
Another “career” conspiracy. It is made on an ash rod:

I will perceive reality with the boundless flame of boundless will.
I will believe that I can be more than a performer.
I'll never stoop so low as to be part of the herd
Driven towards fate.
Or led to the slaughter.
I will make my own destiny.

After reading the plot, place the ash twig next to your workplace, for example, you can attach it with tape under the top of your computer desk. If your work involves constant movement, then for the spell, choose a very small twig and keep it with you, for example, in your pocket.


To improve your well-being, use birch. But only in conjunction with treatment prescribed by a doctor! Under no circumstances replace civilized treatment with a birch spell. It only serves to enhance normal treatment. Only an experienced healer can completely heal a patient with the help of birch. So, cut a dry birch branch with a sharp knife and say to it:

A dry branch will take away the ailment,
Like a fire consuming the dry flesh of a tree.
My illness will pass on to the branch,
How a worm crawls to new food.
I'll get a reprieve from the last journey,
The birch twig will die instead of me.

After this, burn the branch on the brazier, and scatter the ashes in the wind so that it does not fall on you.
In order to ward off evil spirits from a sick person, use wild rosemary. In the room where the patient lies, burn a sprig of wild rosemary in the morning and evening.

Strength and Wisdom

This plot will help you gain strength and wisdom in a difficult situation. It is made on an oak branch:

Like an oak tree stands indestructible,
So I will stand until the end of time,
Without bending under the blows of fate,
And giving your shadow to those who suffer.
My hands reach for the sky
How mighty branches seek support from the sun.
And the power of the earth fills me,
Like sap flowing down a tree trunk.

Place the enchanted oak branch in the water and place it where you most often want to cry.

Finding Harmony

In order to find peace of mind and harmony with yourself and with the world around you, you do not need ritual dances and spells. It's very simple - you just need to find YOUR tree. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that you will correspond to this tree according to the Druid horoscope or the Chinese horoscope, especially since, for example, living in the middle zone, it is difficult to find a southern cartas or cypress. Well, they don’t grow in regions with harsh winters. Therefore, take a walk to the nearest square or park, walk and listen carefully to yourself as you pass by this or that tree. When approaching your tree, you will feel peace, your mood will rise, you will feel warm and calm in your soul. Come to your tree during the next quarrel, stand next to it, or better yet, touch the tree, hug it, say hello, tell it what’s bothering you. Believe me, it will become much easier for you.

There is another old Celtic way to remove negativity or gain positive energy by “communicating” with trees. All trees are divided into vampires and donors, that is, those that take away negativity and those that give us positive energy. Here are some of them. Donors: birch, oak, maple, pine. Vampires: aspen, poplar, bird cherry, lilac, linden. If you decide to resort to this method of giving or receiving energy, then remember that the “session” should last no more than 10 minutes, otherwise the effect will be the opposite.
And further. If suddenly YOUR tree belongs to vampires, don’t worry, it means that at this stage you need to get rid of something negative, and not receive positive energy. This, by the way, is a warning sign - there is always a person next to you who influences your energy in a negative way or tries to manipulate you with the help of magical actions. Try to identify this person and rid your life of his intrusive presence.
And what else?

Attracting good luck

So that luck does not pass you by, use white sandalwood. Now in Indian shops you can buy elephant figurines carved from this fragrant wood. Carry an elephant figurine with you, and luck will willingly accompany you.

Protection from evil spirits

Weave a wreath of birch branches and hang it above the front door - not a single evil spirit will get into your house, and people with unclean thoughts will avoid your house.
You can protect yourself and your home from evil spirits with the help of rowan berries. It is believed that a person who has bad thoughts or intentions about you will behave restlessly if rowan berries are scattered next to him or rowan bunches are simply laid out. To make this amulet year-round, dry the berries and use them to create decorative compositions.

Protection from damage and the evil eye. Protection from energy vampire

Aspen is a wonderful amulet against the forces of evil; a figurine carved from this tree nullifies any witchcraft spells, and also protects against attempts to profit from your energy. You can cut out a man, or you can just whittle a peg and carry it with you as a keychain or pendant.
Don't miss the opportunity to make your life easier and more enjoyable using the centuries-old experience of the Celtic priests. May the grace and power of nature be with you.

A refined, tall, slender man with a developed torso and regular facial features. Not spoiled by the benefits of civilization, simple and harsh. He needs little to live; he easily gets used to and adapts to new conditions. He grows up quickly and becomes independent. Not fixated on achieving success in life, not materialistic and not vain.

Non-conflict, avoids problems in every possible way. Strives to live happily, in harmony with himself. In his free time, he enjoys walking and loves animals and fishing. He likes to be in fun and noisy companies, although sometimes he doesn’t mind sitting in a secluded place with a fishing rod in his hands. He has a wide circle of friends, many friends and acquaintances. Emotionally restrained, calm, a little rude, but endowed with sincerity. In society, he is respected and loved, and people tend to seek advice.

Cypress is a dreamer in spirit, spends time in contemplation, loves to surrender to the waves of life. It often happens that the body is here, but his thoughts are in the clouds. Avoids controversy. A devoted and balanced friend, faithful in love. Intelligence of a speculative nature. A favorite pastime is to speculate on various topics, and the judgments are thoughtful. Lives measuredly, calmly among loved ones and friends.

Distinctive features of Cypress: analytical mind, intelligence, logic, reflexivity, loyalty, constancy in feelings.

From an early age, she is distinguished by her beauty, slimness and some decorativeness. Growing up, he creates a lot of problems for himself. Reacts painfully to temporary changes, begins to experience fear of old age. He is susceptible to the influence of other people on him, so it is important to carefully select his environment, focusing on good and positive individuals. Doesn't get used to other conditions well, reacts sensitively to any restrictions on freedom, tends to see everything in gray tones. Any little thing can upset Topol; his love, like a barometer, detects the slightest changes. From time to time he is touched, then plunges into himself, finding a strange pleasure in this. Despite his vulnerability, he is brave and courageous. Very rarely worries. People who don't know him consider him a cheerful and active person.

A typical altruist, Topol is well organized and always remembers the future, without being a materialist. It is difficult to find happiness in marriage, because he loves freedom too much and is overly sensitive. In family quarrels, he most often jokes with feigned indifference, and occasionally shows hostility. Possessing subtle intuition, a critical mind and insight, she often finds her calling on the medical path.

The main qualities of Poplar: daydreaming, imagination, inspired mind, predisposition to nervous diseases, developed intuition and love of freedom.

Powerful, with a spreading crown, it gives the impression of a beautiful, although not very slender tree. Adapts perfectly to any conditions. At the same time, he likes comfort, but on occasion he can spend the night in an open field. Famous for excellent health. Feels comfortable everywhere, not admitting shyness. Impetuous and self-confident, Kartas forces himself to be taken into account and is sensitive to practical jokes directed at him. She loves to suddenly make an impression, be caught unexpectedly, amaze the imagination and win the attention of others. Ready to break the law in order to become the center of general attention. It is believed that it is Kartas who makes the decision and pronounces the final word.

Easily solves complex issues. Has a keen sense of smell for finding trouble. The last word is his. He likes to take risks and often gets into difficult and unexpected troubles. An optimist in spirit, he is capable of rash actions in business and personal life. Eccentric nature, confident in his rightness. Despite apparent independence, he easily falls under the influence of strangers and can become a blind tool in the hands of another. He is devoted to his chosen cause with soul and body. In love he can be faithful forever, showing sentimental feelings. Possesses a strong sense of empathy, the intelligent Kartas perceives problems in a synthesized way. Developed musical and artistic taste. Developed artistic abilities, ear for music and sense of rhythm. An adventure seeker, capable of leading a varied and active working life.

The main qualities of Kartas: optimism, intelligence, deduction, impulsiveness.

Online fortune telling using the Druid Oracle

One of the ancient fortune tellings, which contains knowledge about the magical power of animals; after all, they not only have more pronounced intuition, but can also serve as intermediaries between worlds. Since ancient times, people have attached great importance to the world around them; plants, animals, natural phenomena and, thanks to their careful attitude towards nature, lived in harmony with it and with each other. The Druid Oracle helps us take a different look at ourselves, current events and our emotional response to them. This is not just an oracle - it is an excellent helper in difficult life situations, when it would seem foolish to hope for outside support. The Druid Oracle is a truly magical key that opens doors to the deepest levels of the human personality

Fortune telling on the Druid oracle - For fate. With the help of this fortune telling, you will find out what was given to you by fate, what is happening in your life at the moment, what will happen in the near future, what is destined in your personal life, financial sphere and what is the lot of your destiny

Fortune telling on the Druid oracle - the Supreme Court. This interesting layout will show the picture of life, its most important areas. With the help of this fortune-telling, you can learn more about yourself or another person, get information about his life, immediate environment, material sphere, health, present and future

Fortune telling with the Druid oracle is your calling. This layout will show you your strengths and weaknesses, what you should do to find your calling in life, how things are at the moment, and also what your true calling is

Fortune telling on the Druid oracle - Turning point. This alignment will be used in a situation where you feel that you are on the verge of big changes. With the help of this fortune telling, you will find out what the main driving forces of change are, what affects the situation at the moment, and also what will ultimately happen

Fortune telling on the Druid oracle - Lessons of Fate. This alignment will help you understand the reasons for the situations that arise, understand what mistakes you might have made in the past, what strong aspects prevailed in past lives, what you should avoid and what you should strive for in your current incarnation

Druid Oracle Divination - Inspiration and Purpose. This alignment will help you in a situation where you want to express yourself creatively in some matter. When you have inspiration, this wonderful time needs to be used to the maximum benefit, and with the help of this fortune telling you will find out what your talents and skills are, whether you will receive support, what you need to do first, and also what your inner strength

Fortune telling with the Druid oracle - Work and finance. This layout will help you understand the causes of financial difficulties, understand what has the greatest influence from the past, what changes are possible, how this will affect your income and life in general.

Fortune telling by the Druid oracle - Peace of mind. This fortune telling will help you reconsider your attitude towards the world around you in order to understand what you are doing and find the right way to solve problems. With the help of this layout, you will find out what you still need to learn, what you can do to make your relationships with others harmonious, and what actually harms you

Fortune telling on the Druid oracle - For the new moon. This layout can be used before the start of a new lunar month to find out what you should finally let go of, what you will receive in the new cycle, what lessons you need to learn

Fortune telling on the Druid oracle - Illness and healing. With the help of this fortune telling, you can learn more about the causes of the disease, what message this disease conveys, what is happening to you at the moment, and also what needs to be done to improve your health. However, do not forget that fortune telling does not replace visiting a doctor and professional examination.

Fortune telling on the Druid oracle - Leave or stay. This layout is used to analyze the situation at work. Here you will learn more about the positive and negative aspects of your job, about possible prospects, which will help you make an important decision about changing jobs

There is still debate about when exactly this type of magic arose. Some believe that the origins of Druid witchcraft go back to the times of the Sumerians. Others claim that it first appeared in the Persian kingdom, and still others see the primary source of this type of witchcraft in the scientific research of ancient Greek philosophers - Pythagoras and Plato. But whatever its origin, the magic of the Druids is still considered one of the most powerful.

What is the basis of the witchcraft of the Celtic priests?

Druid magic was largely based on the use of plant powers. For example, there was a special ritual of cutting the mistletoe that grew on it from the bark of an oak tree. A special elixir was then made from it to treat various diseases. Druids lived in forests, where they studied the properties of plants and methods of gaining power over forest spirits. According to legends, they could use spells to transform trees into huge warriors, crowds of which defeated enemy armies.

The magic of the Druids allowed these priests to destroy mountains, cause rain, fog, and storm. At will, they could make new sources of water rise from the ground. Druids could also drain various bodies of water - rivers, lakes. Only beliefs have been preserved about all this, but the opposite cannot be proven.

The priests of the Celts (in particular, the Gauls) were among the most skilled magicians at that time. Unfairly today, the Gauls are considered a barbaric people. They are usually shown in movies as constantly drinking savages in horned helmets. But it is not so. The Gauls were a highly developed people, and even Aristotle called them “skillful and wise.” But their priests, the Druids, were even more developed.

Who are these mysterious Druids?

Many people are interested in the question of who the Druids are and whether they exist now. This type of magic has existed since the 2nd century. BC e. to the 1st century n. e. Over time, its traditions were forgotten, but even now many are trying to revive them.

Druids are the name given to the mysterious class of priests of the Celtic tribes. They were called teachers, philosophers, and shamans. There is very little information left about the Druids. They transmitted their teachings without the use of writing, from memory. Therefore, to a large extent, Druids are romanticized or, on the contrary, demonized.

The word "druid" itself apparently means "oak", "wisdom", "strong". One of the most complete sources of information about this caste of priests was the “Notes on the Gallic War” made by Caesar. They give first-hand accounts of military operations with Gaul (today's France) that took place in 59-51. BC e. Historians note that it is difficult to separate the true data from Roman propaganda in this source. Caesar himself mentions the Druids, assuring that they lived off the donations of the community and enjoyed other religious benefits.

Pliny's version

There are a large number of legends about the magic of the Druids. It was said that they carried favorable winds in their bags, with the help of which the speed of their movement increased significantly; They pulled out terrible black blades from nowhere, capable of hitting the enemy. Another chronicle about the Druids belongs to Pliny. He despised any witchcraft, but considered it his duty to honestly present information about the superpowers of the Celtic priests. His works will be of interest to anyone who asks the question: “Who are they, the Druids?” Pliny wrote that the Druids performed their magic with the help of various elements. They used the help of water and fire (including “will-o’-the-wisps” - small shining balls that could be found in the forest), air, earth, sun and stars.

Pliny in his works suggested that the history of the secret teaching of Druid magic originates in the Persian kingdom. There, witchcraft was inextricably linked with knowledge in the fields of astronomy, medicine, and mathematics. In addition, Pliny himself drew an analogy between the Druids and other historical figures - Moses, Pythagoras, Plato.

Starting the fire

The most important days for practicing Druid magic are called “fire festivals.” This:

  • April 30 - Beltane;
  • June 21 - summer equinox, Litha;
  • December 21 - midwinter day, Yule;
  • October 31 - Halloween.

On these days, ritual fires are lit on the hilltops. They produced a flame using the friction of wooden objects, the fire of lightning, and solar lenses. Currently, almost all followers of Druid magic use crystals or lenses to start fire.

Druid exercises for entering a trance

A special place in this branch of witchcraft is occupied by the inner, spiritual world. In a state of relaxation and inner harmony, the Druids could see the past and the future. This practice begins with the help of special breathing. During exercises, you need to listen to your own heartbeat with your eyes closed and relax. Students achieve a breathing rhythm in which three heartbeats occur per inhalation and the same number per exhalation. In such a state, the druid could take any material object in his hand and tell about everything that happened and will happen to it.

"Shadow of Death"

Only a few of the Druids mastered another technique - the “breath of death”. In it, there is one inhalation for every 5 heartbeats and one exhalation for the same number of heartbeats. The sages taught this technique to their students, bringing them to the cemetery. By lying down for burial, the Druids could “trace” the life of the deceased person. The Celtic priests also used this method in cases where the necessary information could only be known to a deceased person.

Curse of the Druids

There is currently no exact evidence of the secret teachings of Druid magic. The only existing sources that are known today were written in our millennium, when the Druids themselves were long gone. But people continue to believe in mysterious things and strive to master ancient knowledge. Literary sources give only a general idea of ​​what the magic of the Druids was, the spells and rituals they used.

For example, one of the most effective spells was a curse. Its effect was completely unpredictable, and the sacrament itself required considerable preparation. It had to be thought out to the smallest detail; To carry out the ceremony, a lot of conditions had to be met. For example, the magician had to climb to the top of a hill located on the border of the seven regions. At the same time, one of the sacred plants of the priests should have grown nearby: hawthorn, hazel. In some cases, the wind was required to blow in a certain direction. The magician and the person being cursed had to stand side by side. If the person being cursed was wrong, the earth swallowed him up after the spell was cast. If he was a druid, then he fell underground along with those who stood next to him. Perhaps all this is just literary hyperbole, or perhaps the magic and spells of the Druids were capable of setting the earth's surface in motion.

Spell for good luck

Words must be pronounced out loud, gradually increasing intonation. If you need luck in love affairs, you should pronounce the words while looking east. If Fortune's help is needed in money, go west. In other matters, this spell will be most successful if cast facing north for men and south for women). The words of this spell for good luck from Druid magic are as follows:

Agro - oji - hin - yus - ais - is - yuji - os.

This witchcraft is universal. If you pronounce it in the morning for nine days in a row, then during this time any plan will be fulfilled.

Druid magic: a spell to enhance magical power

This spell is used to enhance the effects of other rituals. The power of the druid after reading these words increases several times. These words are also used to enter a trance state or into a lucid dream to search for answers to questions of interest.

"A elvintodd dvir sindin dio kerrig ir vverllurig noin; os siriaecht ekh savvaer ti veor elkhlin mor, necrombor alin."

Spell to accomplish

Pronounced three times in a row. Helps achieve the desired goal or restore spent internal strength.

Ah elf-in Todd deer sin-din deo, kare-ig oo-ir vair-loo-rig noon. Oh"s sear-ee-eth echl sah-fair too, fair ell-lekhn sea, ne-krom-bore loon.

Spell to call upon the power of a stone

Helps to call upon the magical energy contained in the stone for help. Can be cast on any stone. But this spell will be most powerful if the magician uses his own stone, which he wears for protection and energy replenishment.

A elfintodd dvir sindin duv kerrig ir Ffferllurig nwin, os syriaeth ek safaer tu fevreklin mor necrombor llun.

Spell of Fear

Helps the druid confuse his ill-wisher and instill great fear in him. Pronounced in a whisper or mentally. In this case, you need to look your enemy in the eye:

Nid dim ond duv nidd duv ond dim.

Mistletoe collection ritual

Mistletoe is very rare on oak trees and is plucked in elaborate ceremonies. The sacraments are performed on the sixth lunar day, since at this time the moon has not yet reached the halfway point of its path and is not at its wane.

After preparing for the sacrifices, the Druids turned to the oak tree. They brought to him two white bulls, which had never been tied by the horns in their lives. A druid dressed in white must climb a tree and cut the mistletoe with a sickle made of gold. The mistletoe is then placed on a white cloth and sacrifices are made around it. During the ritual, magicians ask the Higher Powers not to deprive the mercy of those who are already blessed. Pliny also wrote about the Druids' beliefs that a potion made from mistletoe helped infertile cattle bear offspring, and that mistletoe was an excellent remedy to neutralize the effects of any poison.

Mistletoe from oak

Pliny also pointed out that the mistletoe that grew on the oak tree had the highest value for healers. The superstitious Gauls believed that the effectiveness of this remedy increased if it was picked from a tree on the first lunar day without the use of iron objects. In this case, the mistletoe should not touch the ground.

If obtained in this way, the drug from it will become an effective medicine against epilepsy. Mistletoe has also helped those women who want to become pregnant. The plant helped heal ulcers and was also used as a talisman to protect against fires.

Ritual of sacrifice

The magic of the Druids, the spells and rituals of this caste of priests cannot always be called humane. For example, the ancient Greek historian Strabo described in his works the ritual of human sacrifice. The doomed victim was stabbed in the back with a sword, and then, while he was dying, the future was predicted.

Most historians indicate that the Druids resorted to such brutal rituals in rare cases - only if the tribe was in serious danger.

Such a case was the invasion of the Roman army into the territory of the Celts. At that time, human sacrifices were not uncommon, as confirmed by archaeological finds. For example, in one of the northwest territories of England, the well-preserved remains of a young man were found. Archaeologists found that he was first hit in the skull with an ax and then his throat was cut. Mistletoe pollen was found on the victim's body, and therefore scientists linked this murder to the Druids. Who they are has become a little more clear to scientists - after such finds, the Celtic priests no longer evoke admiration and delight.

Druid prophecy

The ancient language of the Druids, in which prophetic predictions were recorded, is extremely difficult to understand. For example, monk Murhu cites one of the texts of the prophecy:

The skinhead will come

From across the crazy sea,

His cloak with a hole for his head,

His staff is bent at the top,

His table is in the west of his house;

All his people will answer: “Amen, amen.”

Presumably it refers to Saint Patrick, who brought Christianity to the Celtic pagans.

Printed publications

There are not many books about Druid magic. This is not surprising, since what little knowledge about the Celtic sages has always been kept in the strictest confidence. And if someone does find their spell, it is impossible to say for sure whether it was used by the Druids. Here are some of the most popular works accessible to Russian-speaking readers:

  • O. Dukhova. "The magic of the Druids. The secret teaching of the great Merlin."
  • F. Leroux, "Druids".
  • D. Monroe, “21 Lessons of Merlin.”
  • N. Pennick, “Magical Alphabets” (chapters on Celtic Ogams and bardic alphabets).
  • Restrall Orr, "What is Druidry?"
  • Myasoedov Vladimir, “Land of Sword and Magic. Druid".

The last book belongs to the fantasy genre and will be of interest to those who are interested in a fictional description of the life of the Druids.

Modern rituals

Some holidays and customary rituals actually go back to the rituals of the Druids. For example, this is the day of Samhain - when people descend to earth, Samhain is considered the predecessor of Halloween celebrated today.

The tradition of kissing under the mistletoe on Christmas Day actually has its roots in the Druid ritual of honoring the god Yule. Modern Easter symbols (rabbit, colored eggs) can be explained by the veneration of the goddess Ishtar. Her sacred animal, symbolizing fertility, was the rabbit. Eggs signified the beginning of a new life. Even the habit of knocking on wood, so as not to jinx success, may well be an echo of the ancient tradition of the Druids venerating trees.

Druids today

Druids - who are they now and do they exist? Surprisingly, there are currently several Druid societies in Europe. There is a similar organization in Ireland. There is an open Druid Order there called Usnekha. In Britain there is the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids (also has another abbreviated name - OBOD). According to one version, this community owes its emergence to an older order, which was founded back in 1717 by J. Toland.

The founders of this order believe that the traditional beliefs and rituals of the Druids should constantly change, taking into account the transformations that occur in society.

There are Druids in America too. There, the organization of the order began as a joke. In 1963, a college in Minnesota mandated that students attend church. In response, the students organized their own community, calling it the Reformed Druids of North America. As time passed, the group organized by the students acquired a more serious character and became one of the societies of the neo-pagan religion. Currently, according to various sources, it includes about 5 million people. They perform their rituals on special altars made of stones that have never been touched by people.

There are Druid organizations in the post-Soviet space. True, most of them are more like sects. Therefore, anyone interested in witchcraft should be very careful when choosing the organization that he wants to join.