Smoothies to speed up metabolism. Ways to speed up your metabolism

A good metabolism is an invaluable gift for the body. Thanks to it, it is much easier to keep fit and watch your figure. But what to do if nature has not rewarded you with a good metabolism, and extra pounds remind you every now and then?

Drinks that help speed up metabolism and cope with excess weight problems will come to the rescue. We share recipes for healthy and simple drinks with which you can easily solve your metabolism problems.

Strawberry smoothie

People who adhere to proper nutrition probably know that the body needs protein to maintain muscle tone. Strawberry smoothie is a win-win option in this regard. The fact is that it contains milk and strawberries. Milk in this drink is a storehouse of protein needed by the body, and strawberries, due to their high content of fruit acids, contribute to an accelerated metabolic process.

Treat yourself to this drink more often and enjoy the perfect reflection in the mirror.


  • Strawberries - 1 glass
  • Skim milk - 500 ml
  • Oat flakes - 80 g
  • Low-fat yogurt - 160
  • Flax seeds - 40 g

Cooking method:

To prepare a tasty and healthy smoothie based on milk and strawberries, you need to put all the ingredients in a blender. Thoroughly beat the mixture until smooth, then pour into glasses.

Grapefruit and raspberry smoothie

Many of us have heard about the beneficial properties of grapefruit. This citrus contains B vitamins, carotene, calcium, fiber and organic acids. This entire set of beneficial microelements makes grapefruit an effective natural remedy for improving digestion and burning fat. Raspberries contain the rare mineral manganese and coarse dietary fiber, which remove toxins and cholesterol from the body. The combination of these two components activates the beneficial properties.

If possible, include this delicious drink in your daily diet. You will be pleasantly surprised by its beneficial effects on your body.


  • Grapefruit - 2 pcs.
  • Raspberries - 180 g
  • Water - 100 ml

Cooking method:

Rinse the raspberries thoroughly under water. Peel the grapefruit and remove the internal bitter veins. Place the berries and grapefruit in a blender bowl, add water and thoroughly blend the contents until a homogeneous structure is formed. Pour the finished smoothie into a carafe or pour into glasses.

Apple smoothie

Many people know that apples contain a huge amount of iron necessary for the body. However, in addition to this useful element, apples also contain a special component pectin. It is he who is able to normalize human metabolism. In addition, it removes harmful substances from the body and also helps to better absorb food.

Try to drink such a healthy apple drink at least once a day. Changes in your well-being and figure will not take long to appear.


  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Low-fat yogurt - 1 tbsp.
  • Honey - 1 tbsp.
  • Almonds - ½ tbsp.
  • Pinch of cinnamon
  • Skim milk - 500 ml

Cooking method:

Rinse the apple thoroughly under water. Cut it into small slices. Pour the chopped fruit into a blender bowl, add milk, yogurt, almonds and honey. Thoroughly blend the contents with a blender. Pour a pinch of cinnamon into the mixture and beat the ingredients again. Pour the finished drink into the prepared container and serve.

Ginger and pineapple infusion

Not only is pineapple considered one of the most delicious and juicy tropical fruits, it turns out that it also has a lot of amazing properties. This fruit removes toxins from the body and promotes better digestion of even very heavy foods. It’s not for nothing that nutritionists around the world recommend finishing your meal with pineapple.

If you want to improve metabolism in your body, be sure to try an infusion of pineapple and ginger. This drink promotes accelerated metabolism and is also the best tonic.


  • Fresh ginger - 4 tbsp.
  • Pineapple - 200 g
  • Water - 400 ml

Cooking method:

Before preparing the drink, you need to grate the ginger root. Pour water into a container and place it on the stove. Bring water to a boil and pour in the chopped ginger. Leave everything for 15 minutes, then strain the liquid and pour into a carafe. Grind the pineapple slices in a blender and then add them to the ginger infusion. Place the drink in the refrigerator to cool.

Apple peel infusion with cinnamon

Many of us have known about the beneficial properties of apple peel for a long time. But it turns out that apple peel can not only enrich the body with useful microelements, but also become an effective tool in the fight against excess weight. Apple peels contain elements that both help build muscle mass and help you lose weight. In addition, it activates the production of collagen, which maintains the beauty of skin, hair and nails.

A slow metabolism makes it difficult to lose weight even with a calorie deficit. The situation can be corrected by accelerating metabolism in various ways. The speed of metabolic processes is individual, but you can try to influence them - to correct them.

A balanced diet will help speed up your metabolism, as well as including special foods in your daily diet. For example, drinks, which will be discussed below. It is very simple to prepare, the ingredients are very common and can be found in any store near your home.

These drinks to speed up metabolism and fat burning will help speed up metabolic processes, improve digestion and intestinal motility, and relieve bloating and heaviness in the stomach.

Choose the recipes that you like best and lose weight easily and with pleasure!

Recipe 1. Apple water with cinnamon

  1. Thinly slice a ripe apple (wash well first). Place in the bottom of a tall glass, goblet or mug.
  2. Pour in 300 ml of boiled or filtered water.
  3. Add a teaspoon of ground cinnamon and leave to steep in a cool, dark place for 2 hours.

Drinking apple water with cinnamon at night will help remove excess fluid and wake up refreshed and refreshed.

Recipe 2. Kefir with spices

  1. Pour 300 ml of low-fat kefir into a glass. Be sure to take good quality kefir, preferably farm kefir or.
  2. Add a teaspoon of ground cinnamon and half a teaspoon of ground ginger.
  3. Stir and leave for a couple of hours (covered if possible).

Use twice a day - morning and evening.

The drink will have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic and digestive processes, and will satisfy hunger.

Recipe 3. Fat burning tea

  1. Brew some good green tea. You need a 300 ml mug. Cool.
  2. Add a teaspoon of cinnamon and the same amount of honey. Make sure that the tea is not hot, otherwise the honey will lose its healing properties.
  3. Garnish with a mint leaf and enjoy the refreshing taste!

Drink twice a day - 40 minutes before lunch and 40 minutes before dinner.

The drink will speed up your metabolism and fill your stomach. After half an hour, you will eat less.

Vitaminized tea is also useful for strengthening the immune system.

Contraindications and restrictions

Metabolism and fat burning drinks can be very effective, but be careful!

Fat-burning drinks are prohibited from consumption:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • children and teenagers;
  • To old people;
  • in the presence of any gastrointestinal diseases;
  • after operations, during periods of recovery after hospitalization, injuries.

Use caution if you have any chronic or acute diseases. If you are not in perfect health, be sure to consult your doctor before starting to lose weight with fat-burning drinks.

What is metabolism? Why are we constantly recommended to speed it up? What foods and exercises help speed it up? Let's discuss together.

It is important to understand that metabolism and metabolism are somewhat different things. So metabolism is an action that occurs in any organism to maintain its full functioning. Without metabolism, growth, reproduction, and healing of damage are impossible. In essence, metabolism is the ability to create something new and necessary for the body at the moment from received and existing cells.

Metabolism is just an assistant, or so to speak, the right hand of metabolism, because this mechanism distributes to whom and where incoming substances are sent.

Possessing a number of essential oils, as well as the most unique substance – capsaicin, hot peppers are able to increase blood circulation and influence the rate of general metabolic processes.

Pepper speeds up metabolism, but also reduces appetite, all thanks to capsaicin. This substance stimulates nerve endings, which leads to increased blood flow and accelerated metabolism by 25%.

Ginger speeds up metabolism due to its unique feature - it helps the body in the breakdown and transport of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In addition, there is a better supply of oxygen to muscle tissue. Thus, ginger allows the body to burn calories faster.

Cinnamon speeds up metabolism and also reduces glucose levels, this motivates the body to more quickly break down fat reserves for energy.

– orange, grapefruit, lemon, pamelo also perfectly stimulate metabolic processes. These fruits contain a lot of vitamin C, which reduces insulin spikes in the blood.

Products high in calcium are dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, cheese). Calcium from food primarily inhibits the formation of the hormone calcitriol, which inhibits the removal and processing of fats.

There are also some herbs that speed up metabolism. Among them are:

  1. Guarana seeds. The unique substances of this plant help to activate all body processes, saturate it with vitamins and minerals, and accelerate the process of breaking down fat depots.
  2. Mint. Due to its essential oils, mint helps activate the immune system and improve the body's absorption of oxygen.
  3. Dandelion. This flower is clearly underrated, because the unique substances from this plant help digest carbohydrates and regulate blood sugar levels.

There are also tablets that speed up metabolism. We’ll talk about the effectiveness and safety of these products another time.

Drinks that speed up metabolism

Water regime is important for the harmonious existence of the body throughout life. Therefore, to speed up metabolism, you need to adhere to a clear water regime. In addition, there are several miracle drinks to increase metabolic tone.

Green tea speeds up metabolism due to the natural and natural caffeine it contains. This substance helps speed up metabolism by 10-16% and promotes the release of acids and toxins from fat cells. Caffeine increases blood flow to the heart, which increases heart rate and speeds up metabolism. It also reduces appetite, improves the digestive system, and regulates sugar levels.

Coffee also speeds up metabolism due to the caffeine content in this drink. This will not only cheer you up, but also speed up your metabolism by 3-10%. Without harm to your health, you can drink no more than 3 cups of the drink per day.

Exercises that speed up metabolism

Strength training with cardio. By doing this, you will trigger a mechanism of action on the body similar to the effect of a cup of coffee - your heart rate and blood circulation will speed up, your muscles will become toned. And accordingly, metabolism will begin to accelerate, destroying all fat deposits in its path, new and long-storied in problem areas.

Another important function of exercise is the formation of new muscles. After all, the more muscle mass a person has, the faster and better his metabolism. Therefore, it is recommended to end your workouts with anaerobic exercises.

Their essence is high intensity with short rest periods. This technique allows you to extract maximum lactic acid to clog the muscles, and then, during a break, saturate them with oxygen. With this approach, muscles are formed faster.

Pilates is rich in similar exercises. The most effective are:

  1. Plank – for this exercise you need to take a push-up position, placing your hands and toes on the floor. The body itself needs to be stretched and frozen as much as possible. It’s better to start with 30 seconds and work up to 2-3 minutes.
  2. Lunges forward with a change of leading leg. It's like you're squatting, but you're only putting one leg forward. You need to do 10-15 such repetitions on each leg.
  3. “Crawling up” - to do this, take a plank position and begin to alternately lift and pull one or the other leg to your chest. Do this in jogging mode for about 1 minute.

Weighting will not only help you form new muscles, but also start the fat burning process, so it is important to alternate between cardio and strength training.

The most effective will be:

  1. Squats with dumbbells, at least 30 times in one approach.
  2. Forward lunges changing legs with dumbbells.
  3. Push ups.
  4. Abdominal pumping with weights.
  5. Squats with a barbell (deadlift).

These exercises should be alternated with:

  1. Running on the track.
  2. Riding a bicycle (exercise machine).
  3. Running on the orbitrek.

In general, a workout to speed up your metabolism should look something like this:

  1. The first 10 minutes are cardio;
  2. then, 20 minutes of strength training;
  3. then again 10-15 minutes of cardio;
  4. again power;
  5. and finish it all off with a run.

Such a circular load will increase the number of mitochondria in muscle cells by 20%, which will allow you to use fat deposits for energy rather than carbohydrates.

After such an intense workout, fats will be burned for another 36 hours.

So, before you is a ready-made plan for accelerating your metabolism, now it is important to start taking action and then the result will not be long in coming!

Maintaining a normal metabolism is not easy, especially in the rapidly developing food industry, which offers more and more new substitutes and other tasty harmful things. To quickly help your body get rid of excess, you should think about the right drinks to speed up your metabolism.

Drinks that speed up metabolism

Tea to speed up metabolism

Tea is a drink that is present in the diet of most people every day. Why not make an effective drink out of it to speed up your metabolism and improve the functioning of your entire body while sipping a pleasant drink from a beautiful cup!

1. Green tea. Known for its antioxidant properties, this drink can boast not only of active prevention against cardiovascular diseases and cancer. In addition to these indisputable merits, green tea perfectly normalizes metabolism in cells, helping the body recover during periods of weakness and vitamin deficiency. In its pure form, it can be drunk between meals. It is better not to use it on an empty stomach, especially for people with a tendency to high blood pressure. Among other things, green tea helps remove toxic substances and heavy metal salts from the body, as well as normalize lymph flow. To soften the tart taste of this drink, add lemon, orange or garden berries, such as strawberries and raspberries. Green tea with milk has an excellent diuretic effect.

2. Red hibiscus tea Suitable for those losing weight, as it can suppress appetite, but it speeds up the digestion process and helps more effectively cleanse the body of accumulated toxins. Hibiscus in combination with apples or cherries provides excellent tissue intoxication.

3. Garden herb tea. The main ingredients are black currant leaves and berries, lemongrass or lemon balm, rose hips. This drink perfectly cleanses the blood, speeds up metabolism, stabilizing the process of burning excess fat in the body and at the same time supporting the heart muscle. In addition, this tea perfectly improves the nervous response and normalizes the activity of the entire nervous system, reducing tension and nervousness. Excellently removes excess fluid, reducing swelling.

The main feature of drinking drinks to speed up metabolism in the form of teas is a minimum of sugar or its complete absence. It is better to exclude regular black tea from the diet while the metabolism stabilizes or abandon it completely. We should not forget that types of tea such as hibiscus, green and black can significantly increase blood pressure, so they are not suitable for hypertensive patients and people with unstable blood pressure.

Cocktails to speed up metabolism

Oddly enough, milkshakes based on low-fat yogurt or kefir, as well as yogurt, have an excellent metabolism-accelerating effect. Optimal consumption in this form will help maintain digestive processes at a normal level, stabilize bowel movements, cleanse the body, and reduce the tendency to overeat due to natural appetite suppression. To speed up your metabolism, these drinks are good to use as a snack, shortly before bed or training.

1. Kefir colon cleansing. For this cocktail, take kefir with a fat content percentage of no more than one. Grate one small fresh cucumber into a glass of fermented milk product, finely chop a little parsley and dill. Mix everything thoroughly. The cocktail is good to drink immediately before the main meal, as well as in hot weather even as a main course.

2. Vegetable paradise. Mix freshly squeezed tomato, cucumber and celery juice in equal parts, lightly season with ground white pepper and nutmeg (on the tip of a knife). This mixture should be consumed after the main meal and shortly before training. A drink for accelerating metabolism perfectly removes excess fluid, stimulates active healing of muscle tissue during intense training and rapid burning of fat deposits.

3. Christmas tale. Add half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon, a pinch of vanilla and 50 grams of finely grated fresh ginger to the freshly squeezed juice of two oranges. Pour everything into a saucepan and bring to a temperature of 70-80 oC degrees - do not boil! Strain through a sieve and drink before a heavy dinner or feast, as well as separately to speed up metabolism. This combination helps the body cope more effectively with fatty and heavy protein foods.

4. Whey cocktail. To prepare it, take 200 ml of whey, mix it with watermelon (melon, cucumber) juice in a 2:1 ratio. In the first half of the day you can consume it with a small amount of sugar. In the evening, it is best to drink this drink on an empty stomach shortly before bed to stimulate the natural processes of fat burning and stable cleansing of the body in the morning.

Smoothies that speed up metabolism

Another great drink to speed up your body's metabolism is fresh smoothies. Today, this is perhaps one of the most popular sports dishes that allow you to keep your whole body in good shape and your silhouette in the right size. Plus, some smoothies are nutritious enough to turn into a main course when you can't make something more common.

1. Green smoothie. To prepare it, take fresh celery stalks, a green apple, kiwi and a bunch of parsley. Everything must be thoroughly washed, dried with a napkin, peeled and ground in a blender. One serving should yield about 200-400 ml of drink, depending on your further plans.

2. Exotic smoothie. Grind kiwi, a small grapefruit or blood orange, half a yellow mango and one banana in a blender. Consume no earlier than an hour after the main meal. Not recommended for high stomach acidity.

3. Smoothie “Candy”. For it, mix 150 ml of low-fat yogurt or sour cream with several large strawberries, 50 g of raspberries, one banana and 50 g of dark chocolate. This drink not only speeds up metabolism, it also perfectly nourishes and improves your mood. This smoothie is especially useful for those who are building muscle mass and are at the stage of forming relief, but suffer from swelling, muscle pain and eating disorders. During intense training, the drink can be consumed even in the evening.

Rules of use

1. Almost all of them are consumed without added sugar!
2. You should not eat sweets, baked goods, sandwiches and other unhealthy foods with drinks to speed up your metabolism. For maximum effect, such drinks should be a separate meal, in particular a snack.
3. You cannot combine drinks to speed up metabolism with very strict diets and fasting, as many ingredients can cause stomach spasms, excessive production of bile or acid, increased blood pressure, constipation or diarrhea.
4. Sour drinks cannot be combined with dairy products on the same day.
5. Diuretic drinks with a high content of juicy fruits and vegetables are best consumed in the morning.
6. To speed up metabolism, it is preferable to consume milkshakes, smoothies and sweet tea shortly before the main physical and mental activity.
7. In the evening and shortly before bed, give preference to drinks that calm the nervous system. When selecting drinks that increase your metabolic rate, focus on tea with mint, lemon balm and thyme, cocktails with yogurt and milk, and smoothies with banana.

Zinaida Rublevskaya
for women's magazine

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A good metabolism is an invaluable gift for the body. Thanks to it, it is much easier to keep fit and watch your figure. But what to do if nature has not rewarded you with a good metabolism, and extra pounds remind you every now and then?

Drinks that help speed up metabolism and cope with excess weight problems will come to the rescue. We share recipes for healthy and simple drinks with which you can easily solve your metabolism problems.

Strawberry smoothie

People who adhere to proper nutrition probably know that the body needs protein to maintain muscle tone. Strawberry smoothie is a win-win option in this regard. The fact is that it contains milk and strawberries. Milk in this drink is a storehouse of protein needed by the body, and strawberries, due to their high content of fruit acids, contribute to an accelerated metabolic process.

Treat yourself to this drink more often and enjoy the perfect reflection in the mirror.


  • Strawberries - 1 glass
  • Skim milk - 500 ml
  • Oat flakes - 80 g
  • Low-fat yogurt - 160
  • Flax seeds - 40 g

Cooking method:

To prepare a tasty and healthy smoothie based on milk and strawberries, you need to put all the ingredients in a blender. Thoroughly beat the mixture until smooth, then pour into glasses.

Grapefruit and raspberry smoothie

Many of us have heard about the beneficial properties of grapefruit. This citrus contains B vitamins, carotene, calcium, fiber and organic acids. This entire set of beneficial microelements makes grapefruit an effective natural remedy for improving digestion and burning fat. Raspberries contain the rare mineral manganese and coarse dietary fiber, which remove toxins and cholesterol from the body. The combination of these two components activates the beneficial properties.

If possible, include this delicious drink in your daily diet. You will be pleasantly surprised by its beneficial effects on your body.


  • Grapefruit - 2 pcs.
  • Raspberries - 180 g
  • Water - 100 ml

Cooking method:

Rinse the raspberries thoroughly under water. Peel the grapefruit and remove the internal bitter veins. Place the berries and grapefruit in a blender bowl, add water and thoroughly blend the contents until a homogeneous structure is formed. Pour the finished smoothie into a carafe or pour into glasses.

Apple smoothie

Many people know that apples contain a huge amount of iron necessary for the body. However, in addition to this useful element, apples also contain a special component pectin. It is he who is able to normalize human metabolism. In addition, it removes harmful substances from the body and also helps to better absorb food.

Try to drink such a healthy apple drink at least once a day. Changes in your well-being and figure will not take long to appear.


  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Low-fat yogurt - 1 tbsp.
  • Honey - 1 tbsp.
  • Almonds - ½ tbsp.
  • Pinch of cinnamon
  • Skim milk - 500 ml

Cooking method:

Rinse the apple thoroughly under water. Cut it into small slices. Pour the chopped fruit into a blender bowl, add milk, yogurt, almonds and honey. Thoroughly blend the contents with a blender. Pour a pinch of cinnamon into the mixture and beat the ingredients again. Pour the finished drink into the prepared container and serve.

Ginger and pineapple infusion

Not only is pineapple considered one of the most delicious and juicy tropical fruits, it turns out that it also has a lot of amazing properties. This fruit removes toxins from the body and promotes better digestion of even very heavy foods. It’s not for nothing that nutritionists around the world recommend finishing your meal with pineapple.

If you want to improve metabolism in your body, be sure to try an infusion of pineapple and ginger. This drink promotes accelerated metabolism and is also the best tonic.


  • Fresh ginger - 4 tbsp.
  • Pineapple - 200 g
  • Water - 400 ml

Cooking method:

Before preparing the drink, you need to grate the ginger root. Pour water into a container and place it on the stove. Bring water to a boil and pour in the chopped ginger. Leave everything for 15 minutes, then strain the liquid and pour into a carafe. Grind the pineapple slices in a blender and then add them to the ginger infusion. Place the drink in the refrigerator to cool.

Apple peel infusion with cinnamon

Many of us have known about the beneficial properties of apple peel for a long time. But it turns out that apple peel can not only enrich the body with useful microelements, but also become an effective tool in the fight against excess weight. Apple peels contain elements that both help build muscle mass and help you lose weight. In addition, it activates the production of collagen, which maintains the beauty of skin, hair and nails.