What does excess carbohydrate consumption lead to? Simple carbohydrates: what are the health risks?

Excess body weight.

Most people are overweight by age 45. Excessive fat deposition in the upper body is accompanied by a risk of developing arterial hypertension and diabetes. It was found that in 78% of men and 64% of women, arterial hypertension is associated with the presence of excess body weight. Therefore, normalizing body weight plays a significant role in reducing blood pressure levels.

Excess carbohydrate intake

Hyperglycemia (excess blood sugar) caused by consuming a significant amount of easily digestible carbohydrates in food. leads to irritation of the insular apparatus of the pancreas and increased release of the hormone into the blood.

Systematic consumption of excess easily digestible carbohydrates can lead to depletion of the insular apparatus and contribute to the development of diabetes mellitus. When a significant amount of sugars is consumed with food, they cannot be completely stored in the form of glycogen, and their excess is converted into triglycerides (fats), contributing to the increased development of adipose tissue. Increased levels of insulin in the blood accelerate this process, since insulin has a powerful stimulating effect on lipogenesis (the formation of adipose tissue). Excessive consumption of easily digestible carbohydrates is one of the leading causes of the development of the nutritional-metabolic (food) form of obesity.

Lack of carbohydrates (keto diet) The keto diet is strictly contraindicated for diabetics. This diet should also not be used by people with kidney disease, cardiovascular disease and diseases of the digestive tract. Lack of glucose affects people whose profession is associated with increased brain activity and mental activity. Concentration decreases, fatigue and drowsiness increase. Another undoubted disadvantage is the unbalanced diet.

Vitamins- low-molecular organic compounds of various chemical natures necessary for life, not synthesized by the cells of the human body.

Hypervitaminosis may occur when using so-called shock therapeutic doses of vitamins and very rarely when eating natural products. Develop on fat-soluble vitamins.

Avitaminosis- an almost complete lack of vitamin resources in the body, as a result of which various diseases arise.

Hypovitaminosis- a sharp decrease in the body’s supply of one or another vitamin.

The role of food in the occurrence of microbial food poisoning of various etiologies

Food poisoning- these are acute (less often chronic) diseases that arise as a result of eating food that is massively contaminated with opportunistic species of microorganisms or containing substances of microbial and non-microbial nature that are toxic to the body.

Toxic infections: acute intestinal infectious disease caused by consumption of products in which harmful microorganisms and their poisons (toxins) have accumulated.

Prevention: 1. prevention of contamination of food products and prepared foods; 2. ensuring storage conditions that exclude massive proliferation of microorganisms; 3. reliable heat treatment before consuming questionable (contaminated) food products.

Examples: E. coli - enteropathogenic strains (from humans) - infection through meat and fish dishes. Proteus - meat salads, pates - using meat grinders, cutting boards without separating raw and cooked products.

Enterococci – infection through sausage (changes the organoleptic properties of the product, mucus and bitterness).

Yersiniosis - The pathogen gets onto vegetables in the fields, when fertilizing the soil with manure, irrigating with water containing farm drains and city sewerage discharges; in addition, rodents with yersiniosis can contaminate vegetables and fruits in vegetable stores and in the fields. Group diseases are more often associated with consumption vegetables and various vegetable salads (especially cabbage). “Raw salad” disease. Symptoms - increased body temperature, general weakness, pain in joints and muscles, disruption of normal bowel function. In the absence of vegetables from the current year's harvest, from March 1, the sample menu should provide for the replacement of salads from raw vegetables with salads and vinaigrettes of boiled vegetables

Food toxicoses(intoxication) occur when various biological toxins are ingested through the alimentary route, which have a pathogenic effect on the body.

Examples: Staphylococcal toxicosis (walnut cake with cream - tolerates both salt and sugar in high concentrations)

Botulism- a serious disease associated with the intake of botulinum toxin (protein neurotoxin) produced by Clostridum botulinum into the body with food.

Botulinum toxin is the most powerful known biological poison. Can be produced by microorganisms in any products under anaerobic conditions (vegetables, mushrooms, fish, canned meat, especially home-cooked).

Source: Basically, botulism is caused by various canned food, especially home-made, due to their insufficient sterilization (closed with iron lids - mushrooms, cucumbers, etc.), sausage due to improper storage, fish, as a result of violations of the rules of catching, cutting and storage

Mycotoxicoses: diseases caused by the ingestion of mycotoxins into the body, which are formed during the life of a number of microscopic (mold) fungi.

Sources of mycotoxins: Most often - plant products. They are infected by fungi during the period of ripening and harvesting under unfavorable meteorological conditions and improper storage.

They can also accumulate in products of animal origin. Mycotoxins accumulate in the tissues and organs of animals, in egg-laying birds - also in eggs; from the body of lactating animals, mycotoxins are metabolized and excreted in milk. Such products pose the greatest danger to human health, because... mycotoxins may be present without visible mold growth.

The most dangerous of mycotoxicoses are aflatoxicosis, fusariotoxicosis and ergotism.

Aflatoxicosis– caused by products containing the toxin of mold fungi Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus - peanuts and peanut butter; - tree nuts; - almonds, pistachios; Walnut; coconut; Brazil nut; spices, for example, various types of pepper, nutmeg; coffee and cocoa beans; corn; rice; wheat; oil seeds - for example, peanuts, soybeans, sunflowers, cotton;

This type of mold develops at high humidity and high temperature.

The target of aflatoxins is the liver, causing liver cancer and hepatic necrosis.

Fusariotoxicoses are caused by toxins of mold fungi of the genus Fusarium, which are potent toxins that cause necrosis of the skin and mucous membranes, changes in blood composition (anemia, leukemia, etc.), hemorrhages, damage to the immune system, malignant neoplasms, fetal deformities, etc.

This type of mold develops in high humidity and low temperatures.

Contamination of food and feed with trichothecene mycotoxins causes long-known food mycotoxicoses:

1. nutritional-toxic aleukia or septic sore throat - associated with the consumption of processed products of grain that has overwintered under the snow or was harvested late (wheat, rye, buckwheat and most often millet: bread, flat cakes, porridge, etc.). the toxin has a local effect similar to a burn and a general effect, affecting the bone marrow and the apparatus that regulates hematopoiesis,

2. “drunk bread” poisoning - as a result of eating baked products from grain infected with the mold Fusariumgraminearum - With prolonged use of contaminated bread, the development of anemia and mental disorders is possible.

Ergotism- a disease that develops as a result of consumption of grain products contaminated with ergot sclerotia (dark purple horns on rye ears, sometimes on barley and wheat), toxins - derivatives of lysergic acid and clavine alkaloids. Ergotoxins have neurotropic and hallucinogenic effects.

2 forms: gangrenous (“Antonov’s fire”) – necrosis of tissue on the extremities with severe pain; and convulsive (lat. ergotismusconvulsivus) - “witch’s writhing” or “evil writhing”, with tonic spasms of individual muscle groups.

Today, carbohydrates are the most controversial organic substance found in foods. For years, nutritionists and doctors have taught us that fat is bad and leads to obesity and high cholesterol. People who wanted to lead a healthy lifestyle deliberately removed animal fats and red meat from their diet, which also led to obesity.

Why do carbohydrates lead to obesity? Nowadays, nutritionists say that it is carbohydrates that are to blame for health problems and recommend avoiding them. In turn, WHO guidelines and other health organizations have consistently taken the position that carbohydrates should form the basis of our diet. So where is the truth?

What types of carbohydrates are there?

A young man who has an excellent metabolism, eats fairly healthily and exercises a lot will not gain weight even when his diet is unbalanced (up to a certain point, of course). If every day we eat a lot of carbohydrates and little protein and fat, then every mistake in nutrition will pose a risk of additional pounds for us.

It is also important to separate carbohydrates into different categories:

Sugars are simple sugars with a sweet taste that are found in candy, regular sugar, fruit, honey or fruit syrup.

Fiber, that is, fibers that the human body is not able to digest. This is important due to intestinal motility and the health of gut bacteria.

Obesity from carbohydrate consumption? The main feature of carbohydrates is that they are a source of easily digestible energy. The body breaks down sugar molecules, which then increase blood glucose levels. This leads to the secretion of insulin, which converts carbohydrates into fat cells, leading to obesity.

Fiber does not directly provide energy, but it does have a positive effect on our intestinal flora.

Human taste buds respond to sugar alcohols (sorbitol, mannitol), which have a sweet taste but do not provide calories. For some people, they cause digestive problems.

Are all carbohydrates empty calories?

There is a very big difference in quality between different varieties of carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are now viewed so negatively because they only supply calories and contain no other ingredients. Sugary drinks provide a very high dose of calories and do not give us a feeling of fullness, and also do not supply our body with vitamins and minerals.

The situation with plant carbohydrates is completely different. Regular potatoes, in addition to starch, contain potassium, phosphorus, beta-carotene, B vitamins and a lot of fiber.

A worse product is, for example, refined flour or white rice, which are deprived of the main elements - the grain shell. By eating white buns, you only supply empty calories to your body.

Eating simple carbohydrates can have negative effects, such as blood glucose levels rising and then falling, leading to fatigue and hunger. This condition is less common in people who eat complex carbohydrates. Vegetables (also legumes), fruits and whole grains do not cause blood glucose levels to fluctuate as much and additionally contain fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Is a low carb diet safe?

Every obese person dreams of a diet that will:

  • safe;
  • not requiring fasting;
  • very tasty;
  • effective;
  • no side effects.

For many people, the solution to obesity is a low-carbohydrate diet. The Atkins, Jan Kwasniewski or Dukan diets allow you to lose a few extra pounds in a short time and can be a salvation for people who need to lose weight because obesity threatens their health.

They can be followed, keeping in mind that increasing the amount of protein and fat you take and limiting carbohydrates may have adverse effects on the body in the long term. Research on this topic is constantly being conducted, and some scientists are inclined to believe that, for example, the Kwasniewski diet has, paradoxically, a beneficial effect on the heart. The diets listed above do not work the same for everyone because each of us has a different metabolism.

Do carbohydrates cause obesity?

Before answering this question, let's look at what carbohydrates humans have had access to over the centuries. Early humans only had access to fruits in season, and the sugar content of these fruits was much lower than today's varieties. Today in the store you can buy sweets with such a concentrated composition that the human body is not adapted to.

Regular sugars for sweetening or honey were a delicacy, today we replace healthy foods with them every day, increasing glucose levels to incredible levels. Same with other foods, a hamburger is a pure carbohydrate that will not make you feel full due to the lack of fiber.

Carbohydrates and obesity, where is the connection? The reason for obesity is simple - today a person has unlimited access to food with such a nutrient content that he is not ready for. The main culprit in obesity is carbohydrates, due to the fact that they are much more enjoyable to consume than fats or proteins. A good example is, for example, eating chips or cookies in front of the TV - the brain does not receive information that it is full.

Are carbohydrates necessary for health?

On the other hand, nutritionists sound the alarm that a diet must provide all the ingredients, while biologically a person can do without sugar. When we don't eat carbohydrates, the body enters ketosis, a state in which the brain begins to feed on ketones. Ketosis is also one of the reasons why we lose weight on a low-carb diet without feeling hungry. In this state, blood glucose levels do not fluctuate and we do not feel hungry.

Eliminating carbohydrates completely from your diet won't kill you, but it may have some negative effects.

Foods containing carbohydrates tend to be high in fiber, and a lack of fiber can cause:

  • constipation;
  • problems associated with intestinal microflora;
  • increased risk of cancer (fiber reduces the absorption of chemicals).
  • Vegetables and fruits rich in carbohydrates are also a source of vitamins and minerals. They should be divided into good and bad carbohydrates.

Good carbohydrates include all vegetables, most fruits, legumes, nuts, seeds, brown rice and dark, unprocessed flour, potatoes and sweet potatoes.

You will find bad carbohydrates in sugary drinks and fruit juices (even those without sugar), light bread, ice cream, candy, potatoes and chips.

If a person has significant obesity, it is very likely that he acquired it through uncontrolled consumption of carbohydrates. Particularly dangerous are simple sugars with a high glycemic index (chips, beer, rolls), which slow down metabolism and contribute to weight gain. If you notice your weight has increased slightly, eliminate simple carbohydrates and limit complex carbohydrates in your diet.

People who don't have weight problems should also avoid typical sweets, but limiting complex carbohydrates will do more harm than good.

Remember that our diet depends on daily dietary choices that will add up over time. If you avoid sugar every day, but you eat chips or pie every now and then, it won't affect your health. However, if you eat them every day, your risk of getting sick will be much higher.

Carbohydrates are organic compounds obtained from plant products, in fact they are a combination of hydrogen and oxygen. Only plants, under the influence of photosynthesis, ensure the conversion of energy: from solar to chemical. In the human body, the release of solar energy occurs due to the breakdown of carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates in foods play an important role, as they provide about 80% of the calorie content of a person’s daily diet. The intake of the required amount of carbohydrates from food provides the body with energy and is used for plastic needs. A person needs to consume at least 50 grams of carbohydrates to provide the required caloric intake. Carbohydrates are required for the formation of energy in tissues and the brain, so normal human functioning requires a balanced diet.

A person’s passive lifestyle and low labor productivity lead to low energy expenditure by the body, so it is time to reduce carbohydrate intake. If the weekend is spent in front of the TV at home, and the working day is spent in front of the computer, then the body does not require much energy.

How are carbohydrates absorbed in the body?

Carbohydrates can be divided into two groups:

  1. Simple carbohydrates– are quickly absorbed by the body, these include: fructose, glucose, galactose. Simple carbohydrates are found in chocolate, caramel, honey, and bananas. Glucose is the main type of carbohydrates, as it is responsible for energy metabolism in the body. Galactose and fructose are transformed in the body under the influence of chemical reactions into glucose molecules.
  2. Complex carbohydrates– are absorbed slowly by the body and are found mainly in plant and animal cells.

A more precise classification is based on glycemic index products:

  • Honey, jam, sweets, sugar are simple carbohydrates and contain few nutrients.
  • Fruits are simple carbohydrates and contain minerals, vitamins, water, and fiber.
  • Vegetables - simple and complex carbohydrates - contain minerals, vitamins, water, fiber.
  • Dairy products - simple carbohydrates - contain proteins, nutritional components, and calcium.
  • Cereals - complex carbohydrates - contain vitamins, minerals, fiber, and proteins.

The same applies to carbohydrates cellulose, but it does not provide the body with energy, since it is part of the insoluble part of the plant cell, but is involved in the digestion process. Plant cellulose is cellulose, which helps cleanse the walls of the digestive tract.

Glycogen plays the role of a warehouse for glucose, which accumulates in liver cells and muscle tissue. Once carbohydrates enter the body, they are instantly converted into glycogen and stored. Those substances that are not converted into glycogen molecules go for processing.

Carbohydrates: from simple to complex, must be contained in the body in balanced quantities.

Glycemic index

Why have people recently started talking about the glycemic index of foods? The fact is that in the struggle for a healthy lifestyle and the desire to have a slim figure, you need to monitor what foods are served at the table.

Glycemic index (GI)– an indicator that determines which product increases blood sugar levels. High GI foods include simple carbohydrates. In addition, people with diabetes need to follow a certain diet to prevent high sugar levels.

Let's figure out what happens in the body when glucose levels rise. As a rule, additional supply of insulin is required for processing. But the islets of Lagengaerts, which are responsible for its production, have an unpleasant feature: at the moment when insulin strives for carbohydrates, the islet shrinks and does not produce insulin. Obviously, another islet should take its place, responsible for this operation, but due to poor ecology, the body is not able to create new islets, so diabetes develops. That is why you should not abuse carbohydrates, which can cause a lot of harm to the body.

How do carbohydrates affect the body?

Carbohydrates are needed by the body not only as a source of energy, but also for:

  • structure of cell membranes;
  • cleansing the body;
  • protection against bacteria and viruses;
  • strengthening the immune system.

Which carbohydrates should you choose?

For a person’s daily diet, one should choose a balanced amount of carbohydrates, in particular quickly digestible carbohydrates allow you to get the necessary amount of energy in a matter of time to perform a certain job: preparing for exams, a speech, an important report. It is enough to eat chocolate, honey and the energy balance will be restored. It's not surprising that athletes use fast carbohydrates to regain strength after training or matches.

If the work requires a long period, then it is better to prefer slow carbohydrates. It will take more time for the body to break them down, and the resulting energy will be transformed throughout the entire period of work. If you choose fast carbohydrates at the moment, the energy will be released quickly, but it will also run out quickly, not allowing you to complete the intended work to the end, which can cause a person’s nervous state.

What does a lack of carbohydrates lead to?

  • depletion of glycogen levels;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • metabolic disease;
  • acidification of the body.

If there is a lack of carbohydrates in the body, both proteins and fats are used for energy production, during the breakdown of which disturbances in metabolic processes and their deposition in the body can occur. Excessive production of ketones combined with fat oxidation can lead to increased oxidation of the body and poisoning of brain tissue, which in turn can cause loss of consciousness.

Main signs of carbohydrate deficiency

  • depressive states;
  • prostration;
  • apathy;
  • toxic damage to brain tissue.

If you do not normalize your diet and do not add the required amount of carbohydrates to your diet, your health may worsen.

Excess carbohydrates in the body

High carbohydrate content can lead to:

  • increased glucose
  • increasing insulin levels;
  • formation of fats;
  • reducing the calorie content of food.

An excess of simple carbohydrates in the diet can lead to weight gain and fat formation. If a person is unable to maintain a meal schedule and only eats breakfast and dinner, then at the end of the day it can be very difficult for the body to cope with the intake of a huge amount of carbohydrates, which leads to an increase in blood glucose. For glucose to enter cells, it requires insulin, an increase in which can lead to the synthesis of fats.

However, the mechanism of transformation of carbohydrates into fat can only occur with an excessive intake of quickly digestible carbohydrates into the body; for this you will need to eat a small loaf of jam and wash it down with sweet tea. But such a diet can lead to stomach problems and fat accumulation.

Fast carbohydrates in food can lead to an increase in insulin in the blood and cause the development of type 2 diabetes, as well as cardiovascular pathologies.

It should be borne in mind that an indicator of carbohydrate metabolism is the hormones of the adrenal cortex, which lead to increased synthesis of glucose in the liver.

Signs of excess carbohydrates in the body

  • excess body weight;
  • absentmindedness;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • hyperactivity;
  • trembling in the body.

Another organ that suffers from excess carbohydrates is the pancreas. It is located in the left hypochondrium and is presented in the form of an elongated organ responsible for the production of pancreatic juice, required for normal digestion and carbohydrate metabolism. The process occurs due to the presence of islets of Lagenharts framing the surface of the gland; they produce insulin. The pancreatic hormone is responsible for the process of carbohydrate metabolism.

Normal carbohydrate level

Carbohydrates should provide about 60% of the daily calorie intake. Even if a person is on a diet, they still cannot be excluded from the regime. The amount of carbohydrates consumed affects a person’s energy activity. For those who monitor their weight and strive for a healthy life, there is a daily carbohydrate limit, which depends on the level of exercise and the amount of energy consumed.

There is no recommended level of carbohydrates that an adult should consume, but you can calculate it individually for yourself, based on the needs of the body. It is best to contact a specialist who will choose the right diet. Most likely your carb level will be around 300-500 grams.

Carbohydrates are found in the most popular foods we eat every day. These include:

  • bakery products;
  • cereals;
  • pasta;
  • potato;
  • flour products;

Interesting fact: honey contains about 80% glucose and fructose. It should be borne in mind that excessive consumption of carbohydrates can negatively affect the body. It is advisable to calculate the rational level of carbohydrates that will not harm your health.

Carbohydrates and diet

  • legumes;
  • cereals;
  • fruits.

These foods take a long time to be absorbed by the body, and the feeling of hunger does not bother you for a long time. Carbohydrates in your diet will help you maintain the required level of calories and stay slim.

What you need to know about the carbohydrate diet

It should be borne in mind that a lack of carbohydrates, as well as their excessive consumption, can lead to dangerous consequences. But a balanced diet guarantees maintaining a beautiful figure and health.

Low carbohydrate diets can lead to:

  • If the body does not have enough energy, then it will begin to use proteins from food, which will no longer be available to perform its main functions: the construction of new cells, the regulation of water metabolism.
  • If you exclude carbohydrates from your diet, it will be difficult for your body to process fats. If there are no carbohydrates, then the breakdown of fats will not occur; accordingly, metabolic processes will fail, ketones will begin to be produced and accumulate in the blood, which can lead to loss of appetite.
  • Lack of carbohydrates can cause nausea, headaches, fatigue, and dehydration.
  • Exercise may have no effect on a low-carbon diet.

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Carbohydrates: from simple to complex. What you need to know about carbohydrates.

Everyone now knows about the dangers of excessive sugar consumption, there is no debate about it - excess weight, increased blood sugar levels and the risk of diabetes, increased blood pressure, etc.

But we still encounter a lot of discussions about the fact that not all carbohydrates are harmful and in small quantities, some types will not do anything bad.

Let's consider a simple question - what does consuming carbohydrates lead to in principle?

1. Increased appetite.

Anyone who has tried any version of low-carb diets notes the fact that without carbohydrates you almost don’t want to eat. Hunger comes gradually and takes a very long time to gain full strength. But as soon as you eat something sweet, a brutal appetite immediately awakens. Those. consuming carbohydrates even in small quantities makes it very difficult to control eating behavior.

2. Excess weight.

All carbohydrates, as we have discussed many times, first replenish glycogen stores and are then stored as fat. The body uses up its reserves in the reverse order, spending glycogen first, and only then moving on to breaking down fat.

This is why excess weight is so easy to gain and so difficult to lose. Where is the line beyond which weight gain occurs? Each body has its own carbohydrate consumption limit. On average, this is approximately 40 to 150 grams of carbohydrates per day. It is recommended to adhere to a limit of 20 grams in order to ensure that all glycogen reserves are burned and to prevent its accumulation (and, as a result, the reserves are filled

3. Destruction of the body through protein glycation.

The glucose molecule is chemically very active; it easily reacts with various proteins, creating strong protein-carbohydrate complexes. Protein fibers become inflexible and deformed. Vessels and glyca are damaged. hemoglobin carries oxygen less well and becomes a risk factor for the development of diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke and Alzheimer's disease.

Glycated proteins of the plasma membranes of the blood vessels of the kidneys impair the ability of the kidneys to remove urea, and the ability of the blood vessels of the retina to remove vision; Glycation of crystallins in the lens is the cause of cataracts.

In addition, with a constant excess of glucose and an intracellular “lack” of insulin, the proportion of the insulin-independent process of glucose breakdown increases, which results in the formation of sorbitol alcohol, an osmotically active substance that causes swelling of the walls of blood vessels.

All this taken together disrupts the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the cells of all organs and tissues. During glycation, the production of free radicals increases tenfold, which leads to accelerated cell aging.

4. Chronic inflammation.

Glycated proteins over time damage the walls of blood vessels, which leads to the development of chronic inflammation and even greater destruction of the body.

Each of these problems separately can be solved in different ways, but there is only one underlying reason - exceeding the permissible level of carbohydrates. And removing all foods high in them from the diet can become the basis for solving all these problems and saving yourself from a lot of difficulties in the future.

For the body to function properly and produce the necessary energy, about 50-60% of the space in the diet should be allocated to carbohydrates every day. However, this does not mean that now you can eat cakes, rolls and other foods that are not rich in healthy carbohydrates with peace of mind. Several signs can indicate an excessive passion for “empty” products.

Lack of energy

If a person has a good, full night’s sleep, and by lunchtime he is suddenly attacked by extreme fatigue, this may indicate that he is eating a weak diet, full of “simple” carbohydrates. They provide the body with energy only for a short time, after which the person after a short time feels inexplicable fatigue.

Perpetual hunger

When, after a nutritious lunch, a person soon feels hungry again, this may indicate that most of his diet consists of simple, useless carbohydrates. After consuming them, the blood sugar level rapidly increases, then also rapidly decreases, which is expressed in the form of an endless feeling of hunger.

Mood swings

Here again it’s a matter of jumping insulin levels caused by empty carbohydrates, the consequences of which also manifest themselves in the form of regular fatigue and irritability. Of course, there may be other reasons as well. However, having noticed a similar trend in your health, it is advisable to replace some of the “light” carbohydrates with cereals rich in beneficial vitamins and foods containing a sufficient amount of fiber.

High cholesterol

Excessive consumption of empty carbohydrates often leads to increased cholesterol levels. At the same time, “thanks to” such carbohydrates, “bad” cholesterol also increases, which instantly increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

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