The “Friendship” diet – harmonious weight loss. “Friendship Diet” by Tatyana Malakhova Lose weight using the Malakhova method

One of the newest ways to lose weight today is considered to be Tatyana Malakhova’s diet. What is the secret of the popularity of this technique? What's special about this dietary restriction? This is exactly what I will talk about, as well as the principles and menu.

Tatyana Malakhova’s method of losing weight is also called the “Friendship Diet,” and today this term has become quite firmly established in the everyday life of those who adhere to the principles of this dietary restriction.

According to the author of the diet, the method of this food restriction is based on common sense, as well as the desire, as they say, to treat your body kindly, and not to burden it with excessive training and not to torture it with hunger, in the pursuit of weight loss.

What is the essence of Tatyana Malakhova’s diet?

To one degree or another, probably every second woman on our planet dreams of losing weight. But few of the fair sex choose the truly right path, in which you just need to listen to your body and not engage in self-torture.

And if you really manage to listen to your body, then you won’t have to starve yourself, perform any strict mono-diets, the extra pounds will simply melt away on their own, without additional effort.

The “heat engineering” diet does not prohibit anything, but only recommends what exactly you need to choose from food and why, as well as how to make your diet rich, balanced and varied.

Sometimes, the technique allows you to eat what you really like, and there will be no harm at all from eating such a dish if you adjust it a little, based on the rules of the weight loss system.

So, the friendship diet begins with the correction of developed eating habits. As you know, those who have a lot of unhealthy eating habits are overweight.

Losing weight with Tatyana Malakhova is addressed to those who realize that in ten days it is impossible to correct all figure flaws. And also to that category of people who sincerely want to learn proper nutrition. After about a couple of weeks, you can already see the first positive results.

You will feel good and in a good mood, and your endurance will increase during physical activity. And, of course, excess volumes will be removed from those places where they are completely unnecessary.

The system offers the replacement of harmful products with healthier varieties. If you feel that it is difficult to give up some food for now, then do not force yourself, but put it off for later, and for now just limit its use.

It is necessary to gradually accustom your body to a new method of nutrition so that it gradually gets used to taste combinations. Study the rules well and follow them slowly. Select one item, then move on to the next. This is friendship with your body.

Basic principles of Tatyana Malakhova's Diet

Start your morning by drinking a glass of clean water;
Drink four more glasses of water throughout the day, but not with meals;
Eat slowly, chew all food thoroughly;
Don't eat in a hurry;
Eat up to five times a day;
Be sure to eat in the morning;
Do not eat food three hours before bedtime;
Eat fresh vegetables at the beginning of your meals.

Tatyana guarantees weight loss if a person gives up the following foods:

Salt should be gradually abandoned;
You should not consume sugar either; you can replace it with honey;
Avoid eating processed meats, various sausages, sausages, dumplings, and canned food;
And also there should be no mayonnaise, ketchup, or other industrially made sauces on your table;
Avoid drinking strong alcohol and beer;
You can't eat fried food.

Friendship Diet Includes in your diet the following foods that will help you lose weight:

Fresh fruits and vegetables;
Low-fat fermented milk products;
Cheese with a low fat content;
Seafood and fish;
Legumes and whole grains;
Seeds, dried fruits and nuts;
Dry red wine;
Bitter chocolate.

I offer an approximate one-day menu that should be followed during this diet. You should drink up to two liters of clean water during the day, in addition to drinking other liquids.

Breakfast: take about four tablespoons of oatmeal, add 30 grams of dried apricots and 100 g of cottage cheese, pour boiling water over everything, and after the cereal has steeped a little, eat the porridge. After 40 minutes, drink 200 milliliters of water.
Lunch: drink a glass of low-fat kefir, eat a large apple and a couple of tangerines.
Dinner: Eat one tomato, steamed chicken breast, and a vegetable side dish with a spoonful of olive oil.
Dinner: prepare a serving of vegetable salad, which will include sweet peppers, green lettuce leaves, fresh cucumber, onion, half an avocado, greens, shrimp, boiled chicken egg, and season the dish with lemon juice and olive oil.

In general, you can create a menu yourself, based on your personal preferences. It should be noted that the weight loss method is a bit similar to the Mediterranean diet. It is important that the diet be varied and not repeated in subsequent days.


Before using this weight loss technique, it is recommended to consult with a qualified nutritionist.

Tatyana Malakhova, as the author of a special weight loss technique, gained incredible popularity after Andrei Malakhov invited her to participate in his program. Like many similar methods designed to lose weight and gain health, Tatyana Malakhova’s diet for weight loss was suffered throughout her life. Since childhood, Tatyana was plagued by various illnesses, long-term relief from ailments - and all this against the backdrop of a large weight, usually not typical for a child. At the age of 10, Tatyana weighed 64 kilograms!

As she got older, Tatyana tried many diets, starved herself to lose weight, exhausted herself with physical training - but never achieved the desired result, the weight went away and came back again. And then she naturally came to the decision to create her own weight loss method.

Tatyana Malakhova’s diet is based on Kim Protasov’s nutrition system, which is maximally adapted to the individual characteristics of a person. But after that, she began to adhere to her own weight loss system, where the main thing was the right attitude to nutrition. She wrote about them in her book, which was published in 2010.

Tatyana Malakhova’s method once received the working name “Friendship Diet”, and today this term has become so firmly established in the everyday life of everyone who is guided by Malakhova’s principles in their diet that there is no point in changing it.

Tatyana Malakhova, a thermal power engineer by training, while working on herself and her weight, managed to formulate her postulates for achieving harmony from the thermal engineering side. She analyzed and tried on herself many different and contradictory diets. As a result of several years of searching, we managed to develop our own weight loss system “Be slim” - a diet based on heat engineering (it was based on the laws of heat engineering and the combustion of products, i.e. fuel, in the human body).

Nutrition according to the Malakhova diet is based on three rules:

  1. Wise selection of products.
  2. Combination of products with each other.
  3. Time and order of food consumption.

Tatyana Malakhova is of the opinion that it is more correct to count not calories, but proteins, fats and carbohydrates needed by a person.

Basic rules of the Friendship diet

  • the daily caloric intake should be at least 1200 kcal;
  • the number of meals per day is three to four, the intervals are recommended to be equal, snacks are excluded. Meals should be equal in volume and calorie portions;
  • the break between dinner and breakfast is 14 hours. The last meal should be taken 3-4 hours before bedtime;
  • You need to eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly. You should try to enjoy food. You cannot eat in conditions that are not suitable for food, i.e. on the run, in bed, in front of the TV;
  • the diet should be rich in complete proteins and polyunsaturated fats. The norm for fat is 30-35 g per day, complete protein – 1-1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight;
  • you should take into account the compatibility of products and follow the order of their consumption during the day; It is better not to subject the products to culinary processing, but if this is not possible, gentle types of it are used;
  • before meals you should always eat salads or fresh vegetables and fruits - vegetables should be on the menu every day;
  • You should drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Tatyana Malakhova recommends drinking a glass of water 30 minutes before a meal or an hour after it. You should not drink while eating. Immediately after waking up, you need to drink a glass of purified or spring water;
  • You should not drink drinks during meals, only some time after it. For every cup of coffee or tea you drink, you need to drink two glasses of pure still water in excess of the norm;
  • You should always eat salads or fresh vegetables and fruits before meals.

Prohibited foods in Tatyana Malakhova's diet

  • First of all, foods with a high glycemic index and a lot of sugar. These are refined rice, potatoes, wheat bread, corn, confectionery products containing complex carbohydrates.
  • Refined and highly processed products. As you might guess, these are sausages, canned food, frozen semi-finished meat products, and smoked products.
  • Ketchups, mayonnaise, industrial seasonings of complex composition.
  • Salt. This product in large quantities can retain water in the body and stimulate increased appetite.
  • Strong alcoholic drinks and beer. It is permissible to drink a glass of red wine only if there is no alcohol dependence.
  • All fried foods.

Reviews about Tatyana Malakhova’s diet say that you can eliminate harmful foods gradually, and then the body itself will refuse everything that is not beneficial.

Healthy diet products for Tatyana Malakhova

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables. In addition to containing fiber for weight loss, these products allow you to diversify your menu.
  • Dried fruits without sugar. This is an excellent substitute for cakes and sweets.
  • Natural fermented milk products, preferably with low fat content. Low-fat and unsalted cheeses are acceptable.
  • Seafood. In addition to being a supplier of pure protein and fatty acids, seafood reduces cholesterol levels and has a beneficial effect on blood vessels.
  • Whole grains that contain healthy dietary fiber and carbohydrates. These include wild rice, peas, soybeans, lentils, and beans.
  • All types of seeds and nuts, but in limited quantities, as they are very high in calories and difficult to digest.
  • Only natural spices and seasonings. This is lemon juice, ground black pepper, garlic, spices.
  • Dark chocolate containing at least 70% cocoa. This product has a beneficial effect on brain activity.

How to create a menu for the day according to the principles of Tatyana Malakhova


According to Malakhova, a proper breakfast should consist of carbohydrate foods with a glycemic index of 35–50, which should be supplemented with lean proteins. The purpose of this meal is to provide the body with energy. Cereals and legumes are perfect for this. You can also eat fruits, choosing those that have the lowest GI. For example, green apples, grapefruits, apricots. Alternatively, berries.

But fruit juice, which advertising often offers us as an excellent invigorating drink for breakfast, is not worth drinking. Juice has a much higher GI than fruit. A fruit breakfast is only acceptable if your menu does not contain animal products or those containing starch.

A good option for a morning meal is a small portion of vegetable salad. It is advisable to add carrots, beets, and celery to it. And, of course, you can’t do without whole grain porridge. Its GI is already low, but it can be lowered. Add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil or a couple of tablespoons of nuts or seeds to a plate with cereal. Fat will slow down the flow of glucose into the blood, which means the feeling of fullness will last. In order to reduce the glycemic index, carbohydrates can be supplemented with low-fat protein - cottage cheese and kefir with the addition of dried apricots, prunes or figs.


Like lunch, this is already a daytime meal. A meal at such a time can be built according to several principles.

  1. Proteins plus fats and carbohydrates with low GI (up to 25).
  2. Carbohydrates with an average GI (up to 40), supplemented with fats in small quantities.
  3. Fruits as a separate meal.

If you really like fruit or want to diversify your diet, take your chance - this is the perfect time. The rate of absorption of such fruits is average, the resulting carbohydrates can definitely be “worked off” by the end of the day, and they also contain a lot of tryptophan - you will be both vigorous and cheerful.

True, it happens that after fruit the appetite develops. If you feel the urge to immediately snack on something more substantial, then the GI of fruits needs to be reduced. Eat them not separately, but in combination with low-fat dairy products, raw vegetables (in the form of a salad, which should be seasoned with vegetable oil, nuts or seeds) or nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts).


The main dish in this meal is a large portion of vegetable salad. This is where you need to start your lunch. And if the vegetables can be anything you like, then with dressing it’s not so simple. Tatyana Malakhova adheres to the idea that unsaturated fats should not be consumed together with saturated fats. Therefore, if you have meat, eggs, offal or poultry for lunch, add yogurt or kefir to the salad. If you are going to eat fish, add vegetable oil to the vegetables. Another option is to avoid fat altogether and season the salad with lemon juice.

For those with a sweet tooth, Tatyana has another lunch option. Malakhova recommends that they eat more carbohydrates for lunch 2–4 times a week, namely legumes, which contain both “charcoal” and vegetable protein. Beans, lentils and soy eaten for lunch will reduce cravings for sweets.


In the evening, it is best to eat lean animal protein, supplemented with raw vegetables with the lowest glycemic index and minimum starch. Protein should be the main component of your menu. It takes a long time to digest, and a third of the energy received during the assimilation process is spent on the process itself. It turns out that the more protein, the more benefits for the figure.

It is for this reason that carbohydrates are undesirable in the evening menu: at night the body spends almost no energy, and everything obtained from porridge or potatoes will be deposited on the waist. But it’s hard to get enough of one piece of fish or a portion of cottage cheese. And this is where a vegetable salad comes to the rescue. You can eat as much of it as you like, and the more, the better. Start your dinner with a salad, and start eating protein when you have eaten at least half of the vegetables.

Sample menu for the week


  • In the morning, eat a salad of celery, half a carrot, and pieces of grapefruit. You can sprinkle with sesame seeds.
  • For lunch, serve 100 g of cottage cheese with fruit. For example, you can cut one kiwi or half an apple.
  • For lunch, prepare a vegetable salad of carrots and boiled beets, which should be seasoned with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. Serve with red fish.
  • Dine with boiled chicken breast.


  • In the morning, eat oatmeal in water with dried apricots and cottage cheese.
  • Have a snack with an apple and a glass of kefir.
  • For lunch, cook grilled chicken breast and vegetable salad with tomatoes, cucumbers and herbs.
  • The last meal is a salad with boiled shrimp, avocado, lettuce and bell pepper, which can be seasoned with olive oil and the juice of half a lemon.


  • In the morning, eat cottage cheese with finely grated carrots, as well as 2-3 dried fruits.
  • For lunch, serve a fruit salad with apple and pear, lightly sprinkled with sesame seeds.
  • For lunch, eat three dishes: bean soup, vegetable salad with cherry tomatoes, cucumber, bell pepper and herbs, buckwheat porridge (4-5 tbsp.).
  • For dinner, eat fish fillet, pre-baked in foil with natural yogurt dressing, and fresh vegetables.


  • In the morning, eat oatmeal in water with strawberries and wheat sprouts, as well as cottage cheese and 0.5 grapefruit.
  • Have a snack with a pear and a glass of kefir.
  • For lunch, eat seafood with a salad of radishes, white cabbage and cucumber. It can be seasoned with flaxseed oil and the juice of half a lemon. You can also eat 1 loaf of bread with a slice of hard cheese.
  • For dinner, prepare a curd mass, to which add sliced ​​cucumber, chopped green onions and one clove of garlic passed through a press.


  • In the morning, prepare sugar-free muesli with nuts and berries, seasoned with natural yoghurt.
  • Snack on an orange.
  • For lunch, stew turkey fillet, steam green beans and serve with fresh green vegetables.
  • For dinner, make a two-egg omelette and serve with steamed tomatoes and a carrot, beet and cabbage salad.


  • After waking up, eat oatmeal with cottage cheese.
  • Eat a tangerine for lunch.
  • Perfect for lunch: chicken kebab, steamed vegetables, and creamy broccoli soup.
  • For dinner, you can serve bell peppers stuffed with minced chicken, onions and carrots.


  • In the morning, serve cottage cheese with almonds or seeds.
  • For a snack, baked apple with cinnamon.
  • For lunch, bake fish and prepare a salad with beets and carrots.
  • For dinner, boil peas and serve with 2-3 cucumbers and tomatoes.

This menu is presented as an option. You can always create your own menu based on your own preferences.

Who is Tatyana Malakhova?

This is an ordinary person, a heating engineer by training. From a very young age, Tatyana was tormented by excess weight, maybe the poet is now trying to help people with this problem. Just imagine 64 kg of weight in a 10 year old girl.

As she herself says, she had to try many weight loss techniques, ranging from standard diets to fasting. It was all in vain because the weight came back on her. It was the enumeration of a variety of ways to eliminate excess weight that helped her create her own methodology and set of rules, which we will talk about.

Malakhova’s diet for weight loss “Malakhova Minus”

It is under this name that many people are looking for this diet. In fact, Tatyana Malakhova’s weight loss method is not a diet - it is a way of life and nutrition based on the intake of certain foods. As a result of such nutrition, fat mass is burned and we lose weight. Many diets are based on sticking to them for a certain time, and Tatyana Malakhova’s method for losing weight is a set of rules and habits that will help you find the desired figure.

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Tatyana Malakhova’s diet “Friendship Diet”, menu for the week

If you have ever tried to lose weight, remember how after another diet, the weight comes back again. So many people get disappointed in various diets. That's why The Friendship Diet is based on principles that will lead you to a specific lifestyle over time.

Suppose you started working according to Malakhova’s book, adhering to the Friendship diet, and without even noticing it, proper nutrition for weight loss became your habit. Without exhausting diets, without damaging the nervous system, you get the desired result, which will stay with you for many years. By the way, as for the duration, the drug gives the same effect.

You can create a menu for the week and for every day yourself, using recipes for preparing the most common dishes, but taking into account the author’s recommendations. Below we want to demonstrate what exactly the author of the method for losing weight recommends.

What is Tatyana Malakhova’s system?

  • The main principle is not to go hungry and never skip breakfast (the first meal);
  • The meal contains elements of a fractional meal menu for weight loss, namely, it must be strictly time-rationed, only 4 meals and no snacks;
  • The last meal should be 4 hours before going to bed;
  • You should drink a glass of water 20 minutes before meals, and the meal itself should not exceed more than 20 minutes;
  • Water regime is required: drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day;
  • Food can only be boiled, stewed, steamed or eaten raw.

Here are some proportions for the daily menu and for the whole week. What amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other vitamins should be included in your diet:

  • Proteins: for every kilogram of body weight, at least 1 g of protein per day;
  • Fats: up to 50 g per day;
  • Fruits: no more than 0.4 kg for the whole day;
  • Each serving of food should be about 400 grams.

Malakhova Tatyana - Be slim

Let's literally go over some of the basic principles from the book. The menu for the week can be made up of the following healthy food products, naturally alternating them at your discretion:

  • Boiled chicken, beef, turkey;
  • Fish and other seafood;
  • Cottage cheese;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Nuts and dried fruits;
  • Low-fat foods;
  • Raw vegetables and fruits;
  • Bread is only whole grain and coarsely ground;
  • Porridge and cereals.

It’s best to exclude these foods from your diet:

  • Salt must be removed from both women and men;
  • Confectionery, flour products;
  • Fatty and fried meat;
  • Fast food products;
  • All kinds of sausages, pates and preserves;
  • Alcoholic drinks and beer;
  • Any flavor enhancers, plus mayonnaise, ketchup and other seasonings.

As for the causes of excess weight, very often the thyroid gland is the main culprit of obesity: - how to treat the thyroid gland with folk remedies.

To lose weight, nutritionists offer different diets. One of them is the Be Slim system by Tatyana Malakhova. An engineer by training, she applied her knowledge of thermal energy and created a nutritional method that is included in the National Society of Dietetics as the Friendship Diet. Tatyana Malakhova has written several books about health, slimness and nutrition.

The essence of the author's weight loss system

As a child, Tatyana suffered from obesity and was overweight until she was 40 years old. She tried many ways to lose weight, but the weight came back. Then the woman created her own food system.

Tatyana Malakhova's weight loss method is based on the principle of heat energy - the body burns as many calories as it needs, the rest are stored as fat deposits.

The goal of the technique is to form a healthy attitude towards food and completely change taste preferences. To do this, you need to get rid of food addiction, know what, how and when to eat. Ways to achieve the goal:

  • Choose foods that are slow digesting and low in calories.
  • Combine food - include the minerals and vitamins your body needs in 1 meal. The optimal daily ratio of BJU is 45/25/30.
  • Always have breakfast - this will fill your body with energy for the whole day.
  • Count calories - there should not be more of them than the body can spend on metabolic processes.
  • Observe the sequence and timing of food consumption.
  • Lead an active lifestyle - walking, swimming, cycling are useful.
  • Take a night break between meals of at least 14 hours - dinner at 18:00, breakfast at 8:00.

Features of the technique

Tatyana Malakhova’s nutrition system is different from others. Features of the technique:

  • The ability not to give up your favorite food, even with a high calorie content.
  • Freedom of choice - the nutritional plan takes into account the individual characteristics of the body.
  • No exhausting training or restrictions.

How much can you lose?

Tatyana Malakhova's friendship diet is suitable for long-term use. According to nutritionists, it can be followed throughout life. Using this technique, according to reviews, in six months you can get rid of 10–15% of your initial body weight. For example, if your initial weight is 100 kg, in 5-6 months of losing weight on the Malakhova diet, you will lose 10-15 extra kg.

Nutrition rules according to the Malakhova system

For weight loss to be effective, it is important to follow the basic rules of the diet:

  1. 3 meals a day with equal calorie content. A snack after breakfast is allowed.
  2. Serving size is 300–400 g. You can increase it to 500 g if half are raw vegetables. They should be eaten before the main course.
  3. Food should be chewed slowly; one meal should last at least 20 minutes.
  4. Daily caloric intake is 1200 kcal, during physical activity – 1500 kcal. Strict control of the amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats is necessary.
  5. Dinner - 4 hours before bedtime, but no later than 18.00 pm.
  6. Amount of fruit – 400 g, separately or before meals. It is better to eat them before 15:00.
  7. Food combination - low-fat fermented milk products are consumed with fruits, soy products (tofu, miso) - with dairy and meat products.
  8. Drinking regimen: 200 ml of water on an empty stomach in the morning and 20 minutes before meals. The total amount of water is 2 liters per day, not counting drinks and first courses.
  9. Methods of preparing dishes for weight loss - boiling, steaming, stewing.

Foods that promote weight loss

Tatyana Malakhova's diet is based on a low-calorie, but varied diet. List of permitted products:

  • lean meat (rabbit, turkey, veal);
  • skinless chicken;
  • cereals, durum wheat pasta, cereals (rolled oats, millet, buckwheat);
  • seafood, any fish;
  • vegetable oils (linseed, olive, sunflower);
  • fermented milk and low-calorie dairy products (kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk, sour cream, cheese);
  • low-starch vegetables (all varieties of cabbage, tomatoes, sweet peppers, pumpkin, cucumbers);
  • greens (lettuce, celery, spinach) and legumes;
  • natural seasonings and spices (black and red pepper, garlic, lemon juice);
  • berries, unsweetened fruits (apricot, citrus, pear, cherry plum, kiwi, apple, gooseberry);
  • dark chocolate;
  • unsweetened tea, herbal infusions, water.

This is food that is necessary for the body, but you need to limit its consumption:

  • nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds);
  • egg yolks;
  • mushrooms;
  • milk;
  • dried fruits (raisins, prunes, rose hips, dried apricots);
  • offal (heart, liver);
  • carrots, beets;
  • dry wine.

Prohibited Products

Tatyana Malakhova's diet for weight loss rejects foods with a high glycemic index (GI). This is an indicator of the rate of breakdown of carbohydrates in foods. The higher it is, the faster carbohydrates are converted into glucose, which increases body fat. Prohibited products:

  • fried and fatty foods;
  • sweet, starchy foods with a GI greater than 50 (potatoes, white rice, sweets, flour products, corn);
  • sugar;
  • solid animal fats, salt;
  • refined products (smoked meats, semi-finished products, sausages, canned food);
  • industrial sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup, marinade);
  • white bread, fast food;
  • alcoholic and sweet carbonated drinks, packaged juices.

Tatyana Malakhova's diet menu for the week

The Be Slim nutrition system has several names - Friendship, Thermal Diet, Charming Diet. Recommendations for creating a menu:

  • Eat fermented milk products, salads, and cereals in the morning. You can add fruit to them.
  • Alternate meals with plant and animal proteins every day.
  • Eat vegetables raw or blanched (in warm salads).
  • Drink water 20 minutes before meals, and other liquids 40 minutes after meals.
  • Season dishes with animal protein (eggs, meat, poultry) with yogurt or lemon juice, and with vegetable protein (soy products, fish, cereals) - olive, sunflower oil.
  • Eat roasted vegetables for lunch.
  • Use only protein foods (fish, poultry) with fresh salad and herbs in the dinner menu. Eat half the vegetables (greens) first, then the protein dish.
  • After finishing the diet, do fasting days once a week.

Breakfast options

A morning meal charges the body with energy and starts metabolism. Breakfast options for the week for nutrition according to Tatyana Malakhova’s weight loss method:

  • buckwheat in water with dried apricots (200 g), kefir (100 ml);
  • low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream (250 g), honey (15 g);
  • steam omelette with spinach (200 g), cheese (50 g);
  • oatmeal with nuts, prunes and raisins (200 g), yogurt (100 ml);
  • hard-boiled eggs (2 pcs.), tomato (1 pc.), tofu cheese (70 g);
  • pumpkin milk porridge (250 g), fermented baked milk (150 ml);
  • cottage cheese with spinach and sour cream (200 g), whole grain toast (1 piece), hard cheese (50 g).

What is suitable for a snack according to the Malakhova system

Between breakfast and lunch you can eat:

  • grapefruit (150 g);
  • seeds, nuts (50 g);
  • fruit salad (150 g);
  • berry mousse (100 g);
  • yogurt (150 ml);
  • kiwi, apple (150 g);
  • dried fruits (100 g).

Diet lunch

The daily menu should be the most nutritious of the entire diet:

  • warm salad with beef, radish and bell pepper (200 g), tofu cheese (100 g);
  • stewed vegetables - beets, carrots and zucchini (200 g), boiled chicken breast (100 g);
  • fresh vegetable mixture - cucumber, lettuce, sweet pepper and tomato (200 g), grilled salmon steak (100 g);
  • cucumber salad with feta and olive oil (200 g), baked turkey thigh (100 g);
  • cabbage stewed with rice (200 g), tuna baked with lemon juice (150 g), whole grain cracker (1 pc.);
  • No related posts.

What are diets for? The answer to many will seem very simple, because the essence of dietary programs is to lose weight at any cost and by any means. This is how it really happens. How should this happen?

The thing is that a huge number of diets (which are now and have always been in fashion) give rise to even more absurd programs in which people lose a huge amount of health along with the extra grams.

Writer and nutritionist Tatyana Malakhova does not approve of diets in which you limit yourself to a meager supply of food, tighten your diet and workouts, stuff yourself with liters of water, and at the same time the final plumb line turns out to be several times less than promised. In her book “Be Slim,” Tatyana presented her own weight loss program, which takes into account the “holes” and shortcomings in modern methods, making it easier for women to lose weight and protecting their health from the consequences.

Tatyana’s author’s diet under the pleasant and inviting name “Friendship” appeared on the Internet recently, but has already won a lot of positive reviews. At the same time, the author personally tested the compiled methodology on herself and lost extra pounds.

How does Malakhova’s nutrition course differ from many similar ones? The fact is that the author invites each woman to independently develop a diet plan and diet, using her experience and advice. Thus, the menu can become tasty, nutritious, healthy, economical in terms of finances and effective for weight loss.

The whole essence of the diet is revealed in its name - “Friendship”. Malakhova invites every woman to take a closer look at her body, get to know its needs better and make “friendship” with it. That is, we should stop starving him, exhausting him with hard training, prohibiting unnecessary snacks, and insisting on increased fluid intake. All harsh conditions, according to the author, lead to the opposite effect - the body “closes in on itself,” metabolism is disrupted, digestion stops, and all this does not contribute to productive weight loss.

The author advises pampering the body only with tasty, wholesome, healthy, fresh and natural food. Therefore, your diet should not contain stupid, industrial, chemical and carcinogenic products, as well as harmful liquids. We will look at exactly which ingredients should be excluded in the next section of the article.

  • it is advisable to switch to a fractional nutrition system, have 4-5 snacks a day;
  • Eating at night is prohibited; your last meal should be 3-4 hours before bedtime;
  • the break between snacks should be about 4 hours;
  • before breakfast you should drink a glass of cool plain water without salt and gas;
  • The drinking regime is not strict, but drinking 4-6 glasses of liquid (including juices, teas and other drinks) is encouraged;
  • breakfasts in this program are mandatory, because they activate the digestive system, as well as metabolism;
  • try not to overeat, starve or break your diet;
  • we do not eat the same dish several times a day, the diet should be varied, and not familiar to a Soviet family;
  • We drink all drinks 30 minutes before or after a meal, but do not drink the food itself;
  • dinner should be light and may include steamed or stewed vegetables, which reduce the need for sweets;
  • The duration of the diet is not limited, but when the desired result in losing weight is achieved, you can introduce several previously prohibited products into the menu;
  • night rest should be performed at the same time and be at least 8-9 hours;
  • choose carbohydrates with a low glycemic index;
  • you should eat fresh vegetables in the form of salads and slices during every meal;
  • fruits are always eaten separately from other foods;
  • We eat food for 20 minutes or more, chewing each piece thoroughly and enjoying the process;
  • daily calorie content should not be lower than 1200 kcal;
  • if you do not exercise and lead a quiet lifestyle, your daily fat intake should not exceed 30 g;
  • We do not mix animal and plant lipids during one meal.

The main advantages of Malakhova’s diet:

  • freedom in drawing up a diet plan and choosing products for it;
  • easily tolerated, satisfying, nutritious;
  • balanced in all respects, which eliminates the need to use dietary supplements and vitamin complexes;
  • suitable for both men and women, as well as teenagers and older people;
  • combines with training and does not deplete muscle mass (provided you have chosen enough proteins and slow carbohydrates for the daily menu);
  • effective - every week of the diet burns up to 2-3 extra kg;
  • The duration of the diet is not limited, which will definitely allow you to achieve your weight loss goals;
  • there is no need to count calories, weigh portions and study the qualitative composition of products;
  • the diet has a minimum of disadvantages and contraindications;
  • all products for creating a menu are useful and healthy, as well as affordable;
  • the diet does not require culinary skills, all dishes take a minimum of time and effort to prepare;
  • a low-calorie menu allows you to reduce the volume of your stomach, which will help you feel full even with small portions in the future;
  • The diet helps strengthen the immune system and speed up metabolism.

A set of products for Tatyana Malakhova’s diet, examples of diet

Let's talk about which products are approved by Tatyana for a healthy and low-calorie diet, and which should definitely be excluded from the diet.

Salt, like “white death,” has a negative effect on all fronts of the body and, of course, affects weight loss. If there is a lot of this nutritional supplement in the body, then the consumed liquid will be retained in the cells, giving the tissues a swollen appearance. Since the fluid begins to be retained, various wastes, poisons, carcinogens, salts, toxins, radicals and metabolic products remain in the cells along with it, which in total gives a weight gain of up to 2 kg. Be sure to control your salt intake, as it is already found in moderate quantities in some foods. Try to avoid industrial sauces, dressings, ketchups, marinades, pickles and preserves. And also from semi-finished products, fried foods, fast food, snacks, crackers and chips. All these products, in addition to salt, contain many harmful fats, carcinogens, chemicals and industrial additives, as well as simple carbohydrates that promote fat accumulation.

Tatyana also criticizes the presence of sweet foods, sweets, desserts, cakes and chocolate in the diet. The benefits of such products are only spiritual, but they harm the figure, and badly! If you want something sweet, then it’s better to allow yourself a couple of squares of natural dark chocolate, tea with honey, sweet berries and fruits, dried fruits, meringues, marshmallows, marmalade, jelly. Some of these sweets even contain dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, valuable proteins and fructose.

Malakhova recommends giving up such familiar foods as white rice, flour products, and potatoes. Why? By all indicators, these products have a high glycemic index, so they negatively affect weight in all respects.

Why is alcohol harmful? Most of these drinks are high in calories, sweet and carbohydrates, and also exacerbate the feeling of hunger, which inevitably leads to overeating. If you really want to raise a toast at the holiday, allow yourself no more than 2 glasses of table wine.

Also harmful to health and weight are fatty, fried, spicy, smoked foods that do not provide any benefit to the body.

What to choose when creating an optimal and satisfying menu:

  • vegetables, garden herbs, mushrooms;
  • legumes and soy products;
  • fruits and berries;
  • low-fat dairy and fermented milk products;
  • seafood, lean fish;
  • lean meat and poultry;
  • whole grain porridge (buckwheat, brown rice, oatmeal);
  • nuts, seeds, seeds

The optimal ratio of components in the daily menu is as follows: one gram of protein per kg of human weight, about 30-50 g of fat (50 for an athlete and an active girl), up to 0.4 kg of fruit.

Ideal nutrition plan from Malakhova:
Breakfast should include whole grain porridge and fermented milk products.
Snack - a portion of fruit separately from other foods.
Lunch can consist of vegetables in any form, animal proteins.
Dinner should be light - fresh vegetable salad and proteins.

An example of Tatyana Malakhova’s “Friendship” diet for a week is listed below. Weight loss is about 3 kg, after which the course can be repeated until the desired results are achieved.

We drink drinks, as you remember, half an hour before and after meals. It is allowed to consume fresh vegetable and fruit juices, nectars, berry smoothies and fruit drinks, jelly and unsweetened compotes, tea, herbal infusions, ginger drink, whole grain coffee and cocoa, and mineral water.

Breakfast consists of oatmeal with dried fruits and a small portion of lean cottage cheese.
Snack - 1 apple and a couple of tangerines (one orange).
We have lunch with fresh tomato, steamed vegetables and boiled chicken breast.
Dinner consists of a vegetable salad with chicken eggs, avocado and shrimp. Season the salad with lemon juice and olive oil. After half an hour, drink a glass of green tea.

We have breakfast with a salad of grated fresh carrots, beets and walnuts. We also eat a portion of cottage cheese.
Snack - fruit salad (citruses, apples, pears, sesame seeds, avocado), seasoned with lean unsweetened yogurt.
Lunch consists of spring salad, bean soup with chicken broth (do not add potatoes). Also included is a portion of buckwheat and a little minced chicken (2 tablespoons).
Dinner consists of steamed fish on a bed of vegetables and cabbage salad.

We have breakfast with boiled brown rice with saffron, raisins and honey. Also add half a grapefruit and a little cottage cheese.
Snack - a glass of berries. After half an hour we drink a glass of bifidoc.
Lunch consists of a vegetable salad, boiled seafood with lentils and a slice of bran bread.
For dinner there is a cottage cheese casserole with vegetables, herbs and garlic. After dinner we drink a glass of kefir.

Breakfast includes pumpkin porridge with pear and pistachios. Cottage cheese is also included.
Snack - a few slices of melon or watermelon.
Lunch consists of Greek salad. For the main course we eat asparagus stewed with egg and steamed turkey fillet.
Dinner consists of boiled fish, stewed eggplant with garlic and yogurt.

We have breakfast with oatmeal with dried fruits and nuts, seasoned with lean yogurt.
Snack - 1 small pomegranate and an apple.
Lunch consists of a salad (kelp plus Korean carrots), a light creamy soup of celery, broccoli and zucchini. The second dish is served with stewed vegetables and pieces of veal.
Dinner includes a two-egg omelette with vegetables, mushrooms and soy cheese. Cabbage salad with cucumber is also included.

Weekend That's why it's a weekend to give your body a rest. Over the next two days, we prepare any products you like from the 5-day menu, and also treat yourself to healthy desserts in the morning.

And, of course, let’s give an example of a “branded” menu for 1 day, especially loved by Malakhova’s fans:
Breakfast consists of oatmeal porridge with water (up to 200 g).
Snack - Sybarite cocktail. It is prepared like this: put 50 g of lean cottage cheese, one kiwi, a quarter of grapefruit and half a green apple into a deep saucepan. Pre-cut the fruits into small pieces. Beat the resulting mixture with a blender until smooth, adding at the same time a little lean bifidoc to taste.
Lunch consists of salad (half a beet, 1 medium carrot, olive oil and walnuts). You can also allow yourself some animal proteins (steamed fish or boiled chicken breast).
Dinner should include a light vegetable salad, for example: half a carrot, a stalk of celery, a third of grapefruit, lemon juice and sesame seeds. Also add 1 boiled chicken egg and a slice of low-fat cheese.

How to get out of Tatyana Malakhova’s diet

The diet itself is simply a healthy eating program, quite satisfying and balanced, so there is no need to leave it. After achieving results, you can revise the menu a little, start eating wholemeal pasta, whole grain bread, potatoes, some fried foods (without crust), and also sometimes treat yourself to sweets and mild alcohol. Also increase the caloric content of your diet a little, stop at 1600-1800 kcal per day. After overeating, holiday feasts and night gluttony, do fasting days on your favorite foods. And, of course, try to limit the harmful foods mentioned above in the article, as well as salt and sugar in their pure form.

After a diet, always make breakfasts high in carbohydrates and filling to provide an energy boost for the whole day. Snacks should consist of fruits, berries and vegetable salads, as well as fermented milk products. Lunch should be complex, including a liquid dish, a side dish (porridge or vegetables), and meat products. For dinner you can eat fish or chicken eggs, as well as a light vegetable salad or cottage cheese.

Don't forget about drinking - all drinks should be unsweetened, unsalted and healthy. Try not to drink food, drink at least 4 glasses of liquid per day.

Also, after leaving the diet, you should resume training, active games and dancing. It will not be superfluous to visit the bathhouse and sauna, and massage problem areas.

Disadvantages of Tatyana Malakhova’s diet, contraindications

Many people say that the “Friendship” diet has no disadvantages, they say, only positive qualities and health benefits. Maybe so, but let’s look at some of the nuances. Firstly, despite all the “democratic” and “loyalty” of the diet, it contains a huge set of different rules and restrictions that are difficult to keep track of and difficult to adhere to. It is even difficult for working people to follow such a diet, because for every meal there is a salad of fresh vegetables.