What to read from the psychology of relationships. The best psychology books that have become bestsellers

Books on relationship psychology: 20 great options + 5 best sites for free downloading + 6 situations when you need to go to a psychologist.

While everyone is looking for gifts for their significant other for Valentine's Day, are you downloading "Bridget Jones's Diary" from the Internet and inventing a "legend" about what grandiose plans you have for the holiday evening?

After all, there is no loved one and it is unlikely that Providence will send him to you just in time for the holiday!

Or do you still feel like a pimply sixteen-year-old teenager with your parents, despite the fact that the neighbor’s children have long been calling you “You” and your colleagues call you Semyon Semyonovich?

Classics of the genre: 5 books on relationship psychology that even your grandmother has heard of

There are books on the psychology of relationships that are worth reading, if only so that while sipping champagne at a party, you can languidly say about them: “Well, my dear, this is a classic!” and gain a reputation as a well-read person:

Two from the casket: 5 best books on the psychology of relationships between men and women

If your personal life is going to hell or is completely absent (the cat and girlfriend Tanka don’t count), we recommend reading the best books on the psychology of relationships in love:

“A group in striped swimsuits is swimming beautifully!”: 5 interesting books on the psychology of relationships at work

“Living with wolves means howling like a wolf” – is your credo in relationships with colleagues? What if you lead this pack? Check out this list of interesting books on the psychology of team relationships and leadership:

    S. Godin “There is a leader in everyone. Tribes in the Age of Social Media."

    “My boss, seeing how I was bursting with ideas but couldn’t “ignite” others with them, strongly recommended reading Seth Godin’s book. He also made me tell her what useful things I learned from it.

    The result is that a corporate newspaper was founded, a grand celebration was held for our clients, and I organized “Mafia” game nights for the employees. I think now we can safely ask for a salary increase.”,” PR-manager Olga shared her experience of reading the book.

  1. V. Shapar “Psychology of manipulation. From puppets to puppeteers."

    Don’t you see anything wrong with giving your work to a colleague and rushing off into the blue to celebrate your childhood friend Seryoga’s birthday?

    Is the word “manipulator” sweeter than candy to you? Read this book on psychology and learn!

    E. Shatskaya “School of the Bitch-2. Career - I made it.”

    In her book, Evgenia continues to “throw pearls” from practical advice and witty statements about building business relationships.

    A must-read for those who dream of the laurels of a real businesswoman.

    A. and P. Vladimirsky “Secrets of a successful careerist.”

    This book about work relationships will not “discover America,” but it will be an excellent option for those who are just beginning their ascent to career heights and want to turn from an enthusiastic student into the new Miranda Priestly (the movie “The Devil Wears Prada”).

    D. Maxwell "21 irrefutable lessons of leadership."

    The book is suitable for those who love the style of American business literature, that is, a minimum of vocabulary, a maximum of advice “chewed” to a pulp.

    It will be an excellent read on a minibus or subway, since the text is divided into short chapters.

Fathers and Sons: 5 Best Books on the Psychology of Relationships between Parents and Children

Books on the psychology of relationships with your “bead” will tell you how to raise a full-fledged child (and maybe more than one) and remain sane and have a bright memory:

    D. Gray “Children are from heaven.”

    Most likely, you will regret that your parents did not have such a book at one time.

    Written easily and clearly.

    J. Korczak “How to love a child.”

    This Pole knew what he was writing about in the book, because at one time he died, refusing to leave Jewish children in the ghetto.

    Yu. Gippenreiter “Communicate with the child. How?".

    This book will teach you how to raise an independent personality without “suffocating” you with your love.

    No one will ever say about your grown-up offspring that he is a “mama’s boy.”

    P. Druckerman “French children do not spit food.”

    Did you know that for a French three-year-old, clearing the table or putting dishes in the dishwasher is quite an ordinary task?

    Can a six-year-old child be easily sent alone to do some shopping at a nearby store?

    Read about how to raise a self-confident, uninhibited person in the book of an American woman who lived in Paris for a long time.

    Svetlana from the Ukrainian city of Kamenets-Podolsky, mother of 4-year-old Andrey, said:

    “This book really cleared my head a little. Now I try not to brush off my son, even when I’m extremely busy.

    And he can knead the dough for muffins for me and sweep the hallway. Putting away toys after yourself is generally a sacred duty and is not subject to discussion.”

  1. D. Haffner “From diapers to first dates.”

    Even if they broadcast to the whole country on TV that there was no sex in the USSR, the need for proper sex education did not disappear.

    Especially if you yourself, through the fault of your parents, have problems in this area. The book offers to understand this area of ​​relationships.

“One, two, three, four, five, I’m going to look for you”: 5 best sites for downloading books on relationship psychology

In order not to waste precious time searching for the best, in your opinion, books on the psychology of relationships, we advise you to pay attention to the following Internet resources:

One of the aspects in the study of relationship psychology is the concept of “falling in love.” To learn how to understand that a man is madly in love with you, watch the video.

Interesting books on psychology: 20 books for a wide variety of tastes + 5 reasons to start reading them + 3 useful tips for beginners.

People who do not read books steal knowledge from themselves.

People who do not read books on psychology and self-development are robbing themselves of their chance for happiness and success.

It is no coincidence that psychological literature is so popular all over the world. With her help, many people changed their lives, which they were not happy with.

But how to really choose from the abundance of publications that would be both easy to read and useful?

Listen to the opinions of practicing psychologists, coaches, successful people. It was their recommendations that I used when preparing this list for you.

Psychology books – friends or enemies?

You are wrong! Popular publications are written simply and accessible, and they are also very interesting, so even the uninitiated will like them.

The main thing is to choose those books that will help you understand your psychology. You don't need to read everything.

Why do you need to read interesting books on psychology?

One of my ex-girlfriends constantly complained about the guys she dated. This incessant stream of whining was terribly annoying.

I, as a friend with a degree in psychology, tried to explain to her that her main problem was choosing the wrong ones. For some reason, she only wanted to date complete scum, young men with criminal inclinations and bad habits.

She always wanted to have a brutal man, a lone cruel wolf, who suddenly becomes a fluffy cat, because love for my friend appears in his life. (And I always told you that pulp romance novels are evil!).

Attempts to explain that life is not a paperback novel were not accepted.

Tired of these useless conversations, I decided to recommend her several books on the topic of raising women's self-esteem and relationships with men. And I encountered a wave of rejection.

I was told that “let fools who have nothing better to do fill their heads with this crap,” that “she won’t get anything useful from there, she’ll only get confused.”

And in general, I’m a bad friend because “instead of listening and giving good advice, I’m trying to get rid of her quickly, advising all sorts of waste paper.”

Actually, that conversation was the beginning of the end of our friendship.

If you also have doubts about whether you need interesting books on psychology or not, think about this:

  1. Such literature helps to solve a number of personal problems with self-esteem, relationships with parents, with the opposite sex, and with peers.
  2. With the help of books on psychology, you can find your way in this world and radically change a life that does not suit you.
  3. By reading, you can become stronger and more confident, stop depending on other people's opinions, do what you are told, ignoring your interests.
  4. Psychology is a science that helps you grow and develop, increase your strengths and get rid of your shortcomings, become a successful person while others are marking time, so reading books means having a powerful weapon.
  5. By reading interesting books, you can acquire a wealth of knowledge that will surely be useful to you in the future in a fun and useful way.

What kind of books on psychology are there?

If you are interested in this topic, then you probably know that the abundance of books on psychology in stores, on the Internet, and in libraries is amazing.

Without special preparation, it is almost impossible to understand what you need to read and what is not worth attention.

Interesting books on psychology on various topics

If you are looking for something interesting to read about psychology, then here is a selection of different books from different topics, where everyone can choose something that will be useful to them and will help them have a fun time.

1) Interesting books on the psychology of relationships

Man is not only a pair creature, but also a herd creature. Existing outside of society is very difficult for most of us.

If you are not going to run away somewhere into the forest or to a deserted island to live as a hermit all alone, then you will probably find interesting books that will help you build harmonious relationships with your significant other, and with friends, and with colleagues, and with other people.

Title and authorWhat is this book about
1 D. Givens. "Body language, love language"

This is a great book about relationships that will teach you the non-verbal language of love, teach you how to flirt without seeming funny.

After reading this book, you will be able to better understand your soulmate, and lonely people will finally be able to improve their personal lives.

2 S. Harvey “You don’t know anything about men”

This is an invaluable book for women, written by a man.

Any lady will learn to understand well the representatives of the stronger sex, the peculiarities of their psychology, and will be able to win the guy she wants next to her without any problems.

By the way, men who want to avoid female traps should also read this bestseller.

3 S. Nakamoto “The genius of communication. How to become one?

People who have difficulty communicating are doomed to loneliness, because it is difficult for them to build a career, find love, or find friends.

4 E. Makarova “In the beginning there was childhood”

This is a wonderful guide for parents and future parents, with the help of which it is easy to raise a comprehensively developed and creative child.

It also helps to understand when to stop smothering a child with parental love and care, and when to allow him to become independent.

5 M. Mateo “Book about tasty and healthy relationships”

The subtitle of this book, “How to Cook Love, Friendship, Understanding,” actually perfectly explains what this book is about.

One of the most interesting books about relationships.

2) Interesting books that will help normalize self-esteem and get rid of depression

Self-esteem problems are common in our society. Some people overestimate themselves, while others, on the contrary, are mired in complexes from which they cannot get out.

Another scourge of modern society is stress, neurosis and depression. Living with them means ruining yourself, so it’s worth looking for an effective cure, first of all, for.

Interesting books on psychology will help you solve a number of personal problems and feel better.

Title and authorWhat is this book about
1 R. Poletti, B. Dobbs “Self-esteem. Basic Good"

You cannot live in harmony with other people and find happiness if you do not learn to love and respect yourself.

This is exactly what this publication is about.

2 O. Sergeeva, V. Tarasov “How to raise self-esteem and become confident”

This book will help you increase your self-esteem and become a confident person, and not just pretend to be one.

In addition to interesting texts, the publication contains a number of psychology tests that will help you better understand yourself.

3 D. Preston “Increase self-esteem. How?"

This is a kind of life plan for the next 365 days for people who want to increase their self-esteem.

4 T. Haenel “Depression. Life with a Lady in Black"

Where does burnout come from, what are its symptoms, how to avoid it and how to get rid of it - all this is not only what you will find in this book.

5 R. O’Connor “Depression is lifted: how to return to life without doctors and medications”

If you have been mowed down by such an insidious enemy as depression, then thanks to R. O’Connor’s work on psychology, you can defeat it on your own without the help of doctors and medications.

You will also receive tips on how to enjoy life so as not to succumb to depression again.

3) Books on psychology are very useful for career growth and self-development.

Many people read books on psychology in order to build a career, successfully implement themselves in the profession, earn more than they do now, and become a successful person.

It is also very important to develop harmoniously and comprehensively.

Title and authorWhat is this book about
1 R. Anthony “Stop thinking! Take action!”

Do you want to become a successful person? Do you want to get practical advice (without unnecessary fluff and stupid moralizing) on ​​how to achieve this?

Then read R. Anthony.

2 M. Goulston “Mental traps at work”

If you don’t want to turn into an eternal office rodent who sits in the same chair for years, if you want to build an impressive career and achieve great success at work, go ahead and get this publication.

You will understand how to behave at work, how to avoid the traps of your superiors, how to build relationships with colleagues and much more.

3 T. Seelig “Make yourself”

This book is indispensable for those people who are interested in personal growth and want to do something truly worthwhile.

4 N. Hill “Think and Grow Rich”

The result of his research was 16 laws, following which you will achieve great success in any job and be able to earn a lot of money.

5 T. Miles "Pyramid of Efficiency"

One of the most interesting and useful works about time management. Here you will find many effective tips on how to manage everything and not accumulate a mountain of unfulfilled tasks.

After reading it, you will no longer think that 24 hours in a day is too little.

Well-written books on psychology help us motivate ourselves and achieve amazing results!

Catch 8 more books that will help you on the path of personal growth:

4) Other interesting books on psychology

Title and authorWhat is this book about
1 N. Vuychich “Life without borders”, “Love without borders”

Books from the most powerful man in the world.

Nick Vujicic was born with physical disabilities, but was able to realize himself in life much better than many healthy people.

He teaches what it is like to live without boundaries and love without boundaries. A very inspiring read.

2 D. Carnegie “How to stop worrying and start living”

Even those who are not too keen on psychology literature have heard of Dale Carnegie.

He is truly a master of words who creates useful and interesting bestsellers.

In this book you will find answers to almost all the questions that bother you.

3 V. Shapar “Psychology of manipulation. From puppets to puppeteers."

There are people who always say “Yes”, even when they don’t want to do it, who allow themselves to be manipulated by their bosses, colleagues, friends, husbands/wives.

Do you recognize yourself? Are you tired of being like this?

V. Shapar will teach you how to change this.

4 S. Covey “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”

If you want to succeed, then learn to act like a highly effective person does.

5 R. Cialdini, S. Martin, N. Goldstein “Psychology of persuasion. 50 Proven Ways to Be Persuasive"

I think there is no need to explain that the gift of persuasion is useful in both personal and professional life.

If you don’t own it, then it’s time to fix it with the help of this interesting book.

Of course, that's not all interesting books on psychology that you should read. But there will be something to start with, right?

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The power to change lives is perhaps the highest value of reading. It happens that you read such a book, and at one moment it strikes you like thunder! Wisdom, expressed in simple and understandable words, instantly opens the mind and expands consciousness. At this very second, real magic happens - you become a better and more perfect version of yourself!

Unfortunately, we all know that moments like this don't happen very often. And to help positive changes enter your life faster, we have compiled a list of the 8 best books by the greatest psychologists that can really change you and your life in general. Let's check how much you have already read, and how much new things are still waiting for you!

1. “The Discontents of Culture” by Sigmund Freud

Who can afford to reject the views of the world famous father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud? In one of his most famous works, “The Discontents of Culture,” Freud dismantles the structure of civilization and the principles of human relationships. This book is for those who are not afraid of heavy reading. As they say, if you can read this book from the first to the last page and understand its meaning, then you will know why our civilization is built the way it is and not any other way.

Who is this book for: For those who are interested in why and how our civilization exists. And also for especially patient and diligent readers.

You can download the book .

2. “Think Slowly... Decide Fast” Daniel Kahneman

Through decades of multifaceted research, Kahneman challenges the various cognitive biases that fill the human subconscious and guide our behavior day after day. Understanding that our mind consists of two parts (instinctive/basic and more critical/rational) along with how they participate in the decision-making process will help you quickly make the right choice in any situation. This book will be useful in all areas of your life: from solving daily problems to major business strategies. After reading, you will once and for all change your view of the rules of choice.

Who is this book for: for indecisive, always doubting people. It is great for those who always procrastinate when making important decisions.

You can download the book .

3. “The Psychology of Influence” by Robert B. Cialdini

If you are one of the people who is constantly rejected by others, someone who is never taken seriously despite your best efforts to become an authority figure, Robert B. Cialdini wrote this book especially for you! In his best-selling book, Cialdini teaches readers 6 principles of persuasion that will ensure that your opinion is never undervalued again. By applying these 6 principles in your daily life, you will always be the center of attention and will be able to seemingly command people with just one word. Mind manipulation in disguise? May be. Are Cialdini's tips amazing? Definitely!

Who is this book for: For people with great ideas who fight to get them recognized. For those who want to influence others and become significant in their society.

You can download the book .

4. “Geniuses and outsiders: Why do some have everything and others have nothing?” Malcolm Gladwell

Do you want to know how the most successful people from all over the world reached such incredible heights? Malcolm Gladwell spent many years searching for the answer to this question, and all his discoveries can be found in this wonderful book. Through his observations, Gladwell developed the “10,000 hour rule,” which provides a clear understanding of how a person achieves a high level of success. Whoever you are - athlete, musician, actor, entrepreneur, etc. – if you want to become a global figure, then this book is for you!

Who is this book for: For everyone who wants to become a champion, a leader or just a great person. For motivated individuals who dream of achieving success in their careers.

You can download the book .

5. “Flow.” Psychology of Optimal Experience” by Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi

Csikszentmihalyi draws on decades of research to reveal exactly how our happiness is embodied in the work to which we dedicate ourselves. He argues that happiness is achieved through a mental state known as Flow, in which an individual's high level of skill is met with work difficulties. Imagine a mathematician solving a tricky problem, or an artist bringing his concept to life with seemingly perfect brushstrokes. What happens in the brain during this state is simply paradoxical!

Who is this book for:for everyone who likes to approach their work creatively, as well as for those who devote a lot of time to their hobby.

You can download the book .

6. “David and Goliath. How underdogs beat favorites" Malcolm Gladwell

Malcolm Gladwell makes our list for the second time with yet another brilliant book! Through the many real-life examples that have become Gladwell's signature style, we learn that incredible results can become real, especially when small people face big challenges. Whether it's defying your boss, performing a physical feat, or overcoming a mental condition, Gladwell shows us that it is entirely possible to win even when the odds are against you.

Who is this book for: For those who struggle with adversity and want to overcome the obstacles in front of them.

You can download the book .

7. “Awareness. How to find harmony in our crazy world" Danny Penman and Mark Williams

In today's frantic world, it is very easy to get lost in the lightning pace of everything around us. We rarely remember that this very moment can bring us true happiness; it is enough to calm down and feel its depth. In this mega-popular book, Williams and Penman show us how to learn to live with peace in our ever-changing world. Finding peace in the present (and not according to hippie ideology, but based on tried and tested psychological techniques) is the only correct path to real happiness.

Who is this book for: For those who are tired of the fast pace of life, who want to learn to live relaxed and peaceful.

You can download the book .

8. “Emotional intelligence. Why it may matter more than IQ" Daniel Goleman

You may have noticed that in recent years interest in IQ has begun to wane, giving way to a new theory called EQ or emotional intelligence. And this is not in vain. Today's psychology shows us that EQ is a better and more accurate predictor of personal success and mental health than IQ. Emotional intelligence, as the name suggests, is our ability to identify and manage not only our own emotions, but also the emotions of others, and it is our ability to deal with situations according to their emotional side. Overall, a great book to think about.

Who is this book for: For everyone who wants to learn how to manage their own and other people’s emotions, as well as extract the best from all situations that arise in life.

You can download the book .

What psychological books can you recommend? Write your recommendations and reviews in the comments.

Remember that it's never too late to improve. Read and develop with pleasure!

Not everything here is as smooth as it appears in fairy tales. The princes on the gray wolves and the fools on Sivki-Burki have completely disappeared, or what? Today, women are forced to be their own practicing psychologists, and they come to the need to somehow manage their own destiny through trial and error. But what you want to receive from fate in perpetuity is not something that is lying badly, but real women’s happiness! Brand new, shiny.

How many disappointments will you have to endure to understand the psychology of men? How many tears will the long-suffering pillow absorb while we learn to masterfully forge our feminine happiness? And is there a way to avoid all this mess?

We remember that in fairy tales, all horror stories end happily in a wedding. The same effect can be observed in romance novels. Are there any smart books where we can read not other people’s happy stories, but find tips and tricks on how to build our own relationships with these strange creatures - men? Yes, as much as you like!

Putting aside for now the fundamental works of psychological theorists, we select practical advice. Here is a short list of the most popular "women's" books today.

Books for women on relationship psychology and self-improvement that are worth reading

Karen Pryor

Eva Berger

Lena Lenina

Liz Tuccillo, Greg Behrendt

Hunting for a male. Track, lure, tame. A Practical Guide by Alex Leslie

Dean Delis, Cassandra Phillips

Steve Harvey

Sergey Petrushin

Sherry Schneider, Ellen Fein

Elena Vos

Gary Chapman

Barbara de Angelis

Joe Dispenza

Louise Hay

Natalya Pokatilova

Elena Gamayun

P. Rakov

The best psychology books for women

The list can be overwhelming. Read - not re-read. And it’s not a fact that you will be able to deceive the villainous fate after the first book and find your only love immediately and for the rest of your life. Therefore, ladies sometimes wonder: what are the best books on the psychology of relationships between a man and a woman?

In any case, the more you learn about the relationship between a man and a woman, the sooner you will learn to understand men and build a harmonious relationship with your partner. And it happens that from the very first pages something “sticks out”, and everything seems to fall into place on its own. It depends on your luck.

Why do you need books on psychology?

Why books, and not advice from your mother or girlfriends? Yes, because each person has his own life experience. And people give advice based on it. Okay, if this experience is happy, then, if it does not help you, then at least it will not harm you. But to build your life on someone else’s, and even unsuccessful, experience, to put it mildly, is unreasonable.

Even worse, try to solve your problems on forums or in “answers”. Sometimes you can find competent advice there, but you can also read such nonsense that it’s time to immediately go to a monastery and pray for the happiness of others for the rest of your life.

Books on psychology describe the life situations of hundreds of thousands of people with different destinies (you must admit that you don’t have that many friends, and your mother is completely alone). Advice is given not by an amateur, but by a knowledgeable person. And not from my own bell tower, but based on numerous studies, based on the conclusions made by generations of professional psychologists. It's worth something.

There are also books on this list that were written not by professionals, but by people who have extensive experience and a “keep eye”, people who know how to draw conclusions. Their books may also be useful to you if you want to understand how the space of love works, in which such different men and women coexist peacefully.

For example, Steve Harvey immediately admits: no, not a psychologist, but a person wise from life experience. Frankness bordering on cynicism, exposing generally accepted myths, breaking stereotypes, and a unique sense of humor will help drive out of your head some cockroaches whose existence you never even thought about.

Of course, the books don't have your specific situation with names and dates, but there are many similar ones. You will have to independently find the answer to the question “what am I doing wrong” and relearn the art of communication. This is work! But if you do not have the opportunity to see a professional psychologist, then books on psychology for women can be the only thread for you that will lead you out of the maze of failures and lead you to your feminine happiness.

Of course, popular and intelligent books on psychology and self-development are presented in the Russian-language segment (including translations) in much greater quantity and quality. Those named are only the tip of the iceberg, as well as the women's problems listed in them and ways to solve them.

To find more, you can visit bookstore websites. The most popular and “proven”:

Eksmo, Bukvoed, e-book store Litres (list).

The best books on psychology, and at the same time popular in 2016, what are they called? For you, we have compiled a list of 10 books that, in our opinion, reveal the work of the human psyche in different life situations.

Psychology of influence. Convince. Make an impact. Defend yourself

Author of the book: Robert Cialdini

Genre: Psychology of influence

The book “Psychology of Influence” is recommended as the best textbook on psychology, management, and conflicts. These are recommendations from both Western and our psychologists. The book “Psychology of influence. Convince. Make an impact. Defend yourself” by Robert Cialdini exceeded the circulation of 1,500,000 copies. She really captivates her readers with such an easy and interesting style combined with an effective presentation. In addition, his works are a serious project of a scientific level, where a thorough analysis of the mechanisms of motivation, understanding of information and, ultimately, the ability to make decisions is carried out.

Author of the book: Stephen Covey

Genre: psychology of personal growth

Stephen Covey, an expert in the field of personal growth psychology, believed that a person is always free to choose how to react to a given situation. Even in a seemingly hopeless situation, we always have freedom of choice. The author identified seven basic skills, including: the ability to correctly prioritize and be active, be ready for creative interaction, and many others. The book will help you understand yourself and ultimately increase your own effectiveness.

Author of the book: V. Shapar

Genre: Psychology of manipulation

Standard situation. You are constantly immersed in your work and you chronically don’t have enough time, neither for yourself, nor for your loved ones, or in general... sound familiar? If yes, then this book is really for you!

But the problem is that you say “Yes” too often! Thanks to the book, you will understand that this is not correct and will begin to understand that friends and relatives, a kind boss, nice colleagues, reliable relatives are simply manipulating you. You will look differently at all the people around you. The psychological techniques obtained while reading the book can be safely implemented.

Author of the book: Sigmund Freud

Genre: psychology of sexuality

Sigmund Freud (Freud) in “Essays on the Psychology of Sexuality” explores sexual relations between men and women, as well as the phenomenon of bisexuality. In addition, he attempts to explain the nature of perversion, deviance, narcissism and the taboo of virginity. Once upon a time, the first edition of Freud's book caused a storm of indignation from the Puritan public. Decades have passed, and his judgments do not seem scandalous to anyone; moreover, they remain relevant to this day.

Author of the book: D. Givens

Genre: Relationship Psychology

There are five phases of courtship. 1: Get attention. 2: Sparkle in your eyes. 3: Communication. 4: Touch. 5: Intimacy and love.

Why and how others are attracted to your face. Why and how strangers are attracted to your body. Nonverbal communication. The art of seduction.

The art of flirting. All this and a lot of other useful discoveries about human psychology can be learned from this book.

Author of the book: Kroeger Otto

Genre: Psychology of relationships in a team with staff

Kroeger Otto's book will be useful for developing your business skills. You will understand how to more effectively manage personnel from the point of view of human psychology. There are many individuals in the team, and you need to work fruitfully with all of them.

Mental traps at work

Author of the book: Mark Goulston

Mark Goulston is a practicing psychiatrist and psychologist. He trains negotiators for the FBI. His book talks about the principles of effective behavior at work. This book will teach you how to successfully manage your career growth.

Are you frustrated by your managers' indifference to your efforts and results? Worried about staying in one position for a very long time? Are you afraid that you won't cope with a new task and will be fired? Mark Goulston talks about how to overcome the psychological traps that we ourselves create.

This book will teach you to look at things soberly. It will teach you how to change yourself without changing yourself.

Author of the book: Eric Berne

Genre: relationship psychology

Eric Berne in the book “Games People Play. People who play games" developed a system of transactional analysis, which is based on the idea of ​​human consciousness as a fusion of three states of “I”: Parent (similar to the image and behavior of parents), Adult (independent objective assessment of the situation and an informed decision) and Child (source of joy, emotions, creativity and spontaneous impulses). In fact, these are two separate books that describe detailed classic scenarios for analyzing many real-life situations. This is a collection of solutions for all occasions, it is universal, it has become the ABC for solving problems for millions of people.

Author of the book: Dale Carnegie

Genre: relationship psychology

Dale Carnegie, classic of the genre. The book is not about modernity, it is about the beginning of the 21st century. Then there was a stormy, complex, bright and problematic beginning of the last century, in which it was necessary to remain human and at the same time survive. How to stop worrying and start living?

American psychologist Carnegie gives answers to the most important life questions in his book, revealing complex formulas for human relationships.