Famous women in Russian rock. Russian and foreign rock bands with female vocals - list, creativity and interesting facts

My playlist today will be dedicated to the beautiful half of humanity, or more precisely, to women in Russian rock. Most musicians of any style are men, only a few bands can be found with female vocals. So it is in Russian rock. But I have singled out several of these groups and invite you to listen and evaluate them.

The playlist included such groups as, Chicherina, Mara, Utah, Surganova and Orchestra, Leningrad (song in which Yulia Kogan is the soloist), Murakami, Mukha, Butch, Elysium, Fleur, Velvet, Epidemic (song from the Elven Manuscript ", where the girl sings), Total, Linda, Masha and the Bears.

The women presented are wonderful singers, composers and authors of their songs. They occupy a worthy place in modern Russian rock. I hope you enjoy their work. Happy listening!


You can not only listen to all songs online for free, but also download them from the link on the player. And below I present several interesting videos on the topic as a bonus to the playlist.

Several videos of songs by our favorite rock girls

Zemfira “We are breaking”

The singer's performance at the closing ceremony of the Universiade in Kazan in 2013. Very beautiful video!

LOUNA “Storming the Skies” (Live)

Leningrad "Bag"

Performed by the red-haired beauty Yulia Kogan.

Surganova and the “See You Soon” Orchestra

Concert “See you soon. Live in Crocus City Hall"(2012).

Murakami "About the Urals"

Blonde Ksyu “Without you”

Mara "Somewhere My Love"

At the acoustic concert of the KKZ "Mir" (2007).

Anticipating questions in the comments about why some other artists are not included in the selection, I would like to make a reservation right away. Not in the playlist of “Hummingbird” and others. due to the fact that I wanted to make my selection of music more or less modern, and I haven’t heard from these bands for a long time. For some time there was no Nastya, but then I found her simply magical composition. At first I didn’t want to include Blonde Ksya - I don’t know her work at all, in the end, I added the song “Elysium”, which has her vocals, and then a video with her came here, that’s how it happens.

We are accustomed to the fact that rock music is primarily a man's business. This direction is characterized by drive and pressure, and in order for the team to look convincing on stage, you need to completely devote yourself to your work, often sacrificing what is commonly called “ normal life", while loving pranks on the verge of a foul. Nevertheless, both in world and Russian rock there are many bands where the role of frontman is assigned to women. However, many of them are very popular.

Female vocals in Russian rock - a brief history

One of the first Russian rock groups with female vocals can be called the Moscow band “Bravo”. The place of the vocalist in this group was occupied by the magnificent Zhanna Aguzarova, who shared with her colleagues all the hardships of the difficult life of a rock musician in the Soviet Union. Zhanna performed as Ivanna Anders, in whose name a passport was issued to her, for which she found herself under investigation (the singer was accused of forging documents and was expelled from Moscow due to lack of registration).

In the mid-80s, the Nastya group appeared in Yekaterinburg, then called Sverdlovsk, led by Nastya Poleva. The team did not perform very successfully at the rock festival in Podolsk, but still managed to find its niche in and gain fans. Nastya still performs today, but she does not record albums as often as she would like.

Yanka Diaghileva flashed as a bright star in the late 80s and quickly faded away, performing both solo and with the group “Great Octobers”. She is usually considered to be Siberian punk, since the most famous works Yanka recorded in Yegor Letov's studio in Omsk. Diaghileva died tragically on May 9, 1991 - her body was caught in the Inya River.

Modern Russian rock bands with female vocals

The peak of Russian rock bands with female vocals came in the 90s. In the first half of the “Time of Troubles,” Olga Arefieva appeared on the stage, successfully touring and recording albums with her “Ark” to this day. Olga is the most famous independent performer who does not have contracts with major labels.

In the second half of the 90s, the most bright stars in female Russian rock. Yulia Chicherina shone in Yekaterinburg, today Quite rarely performing on stage, Masha Makarova moved from Krasnodar to Moscow to lead the group “Masha and the Bears”. But the number one star was a native of the city of Ufa, Zemfira - one of the few performers who still attracts stadiums of thousands to this day.

Many groups with female vocals appeared in Russian rock in the first decade XXI centuries. Here it is worth highlighting the Moscow-St. Petersburg team “Give Two,” led by Lyudmila “Tyosha” Makhova. The group is often called “Konstantin Kinchev’s favorite band”, since he himself has repeatedly stated this and even invited Lyudmila to record his albums (Teschi’s vocals are heard on the records “20/12” and “Circus”).

List of Russian rock bands with female vocals:

80s :
Bravo (Zhanna Aguzarova)
Nastya (Nastya Poleva)
Great Octobers (Yanka Diaghileva, 1966 – 1991)
Zero Seven (Natalia Platitsyna, 1961 – 1999)

90s :
Olga Arefieva and “Ark”
Night Snipers (Diana Arbenina)
Rada and Ternovnik (Rada Anchevskaya)
Lyceum (Anastasia Makarevich, )
Masha and the Bears (Maria Makarova)
Chicherina (Yulia Chicherina)
Zemfira (Zemfira Ramazanova)
Total (Marina Cherkunova)
Daughter of Monroe and Kennedy (Svetlana Chapurina)
Umka and the Armored Car (Anna Gerasimova)
Hummingbird (Natalia Pivovarova, 1963 – 2007)
Yuta (singer Yuta, real name Anna Osipova)

00s :
Give Two (Lyudmila Makhova)
Louna (Lusine Gevorkyan)
Slot (Daria Stavrovich)
Surganova and Orchestra (Svetlana Surganova)
Composite (Yulia Teunikova)
MONOLIZA (Elizaveta Kostyagina)
Iva Nova (Anastasia Postnikova)
Fly (Alexandra Chugunova)
Murakami (Dilyara Vagapova)

Where played: Track, Nastya

Genres: Russian rock

What's cool: Nastya Poleva is the first for real famous woman in Russian rock. Our first female rock star. It is doubly symbolic that such a thing could only appear in Sverdlovsk, remote from the centers of civilization, where rock life flowed according to its own laws. By the will of fate, Nastya is also one of the founders of Sverdlovsk rock as such: in 1980 she became the vocalist of Trek - gloomy moralizers akin to Kraftwerk and Black Sabbath, in 1985 she actively collaborated with the growing young Nautilus, and in 1987 she finally went to solo career. Her debut album Tatsu became the country's first major female rock album. This was facilitated by Nastya’s new, soft and lyrical style of singing, and unusual, full of references to exotic countries fashionable arrangements, and surreal texts. Nastya’s career after this album (and the tragedy with another album, The Bride, stolen from the studio) can hardly be called triumphant, but even after moving to St. Petersburg, she retained both her unquestioned musical authority and the status of a living legend of Russian rock.

Quote: I was one hundred percent sure that Tatsu would pass. I have always had the desire to move mountains and do something to make everyone gasp. And when such motivation appears, I become a meteor. I would endure everything to get the end result.

Diana Arbenina

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Where played: Night snipers

What's cool: For almost 23 years of my life on big stage conducted by Diana Arbenina. Behind us are hundreds of cities, two hundred songs, collections of poetry and prose, the autobiographical performance of Motofoso on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, soundtracks for 16 films, experience as a team mentor in the Voice of Ukraine project (and in 2015 on the project Main stage) and a nomination for the Russian independent award for achievements in the field of literature and art Triumph. In addition to all this, Diana successfully combines active concert activities with the position of mother of two beautiful kids Artem and Marta.
Quote: To be a sniper means to have a bare, if nervous, heart, to be receptive to human kindness. As for love, don’t defend yourself from it and wait, even if it takes your whole life.


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Where played: Zemfira, The Uchpochmack

Genres: Russian rock

What's cool: At least because she is Zemfira. I think it makes no sense to describe the influence that she had on all Russian music. Zemfira has become one of the most commercially successful singers on our stage, without being a particularly public person, but simply doing her job. In November 2010, Afisha magazine included her first album in the top “50 best Russian albums of all time.” And more than once Zemfira was included in the rating of the most influential women countries. But she, however, always did not care about such titles and regalia.

Quote: It's very difficult for me to please. I am dissatisfied with the musicians, dissatisfied with myself, very often, dissatisfied with the audience. Sometimes it seems to me that they could be more active. They cannot hurt me, criticize me more than I can criticize myself. I know who I am, I am in the right place. I know this, I am sure of it. And this is my most big truth and strength. Confidence in who I am and what I am. And I will sing for a very long time.

Svetlana Surganova

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Where played: Something Else, Night Snipers, Surganova and Orchestra

Genres: rock, alternative rock, jazz rock, trip hop, art rock

What's cool:
In fact, Svetlana Yakovlevna Surganova’s first education is as a pediatrician (Svetlana has never worked in her field), which does not prevent her from being a talented musician. The artist herself calls the group’s style VIP-Punk-Decadence (behind the complex abbreviation lies aesthetics, “hooliganism,” energetic presentation, self-irony, lyrics based on classical poetry), but even this definition is not enough for their work. In addition to the above genres, we can safely say that Svetlana skillfully plays with Latin, ethnic motifs, and sometimes electronic samples, and at the same time she is one of the women without whom Russian rock is now unthinkable. This off-format group called Surganova and the Orchestra has existed for almost 14 years, is dearly loved by fans, deservedly has one of the most generous fan clubs with surprises and gifts and actively travels with concerts throughout Russia and abroad, and rightfully bears the title, perhaps the most touring rock band in our country (just look at C&O’s performance schedule).

The group celebrated its tenth anniversary (in 2013) with a concert in the Kremlin Palace, and the release of new albums is accompanied by concerts in Crocus.

The deep lyrics of the St. Petersburg poetess can be analyzed into quotes for a very long time, but we will present one of them below.

Quote: In my creativity, I, like many, try to solve for myself the fundamental questions of existence. I talk, sing, shout about it. The result is a burning mixture of depression and catharsis.


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Where played: Convoy, Bloody Faeries, Linda

Genres: trip-hop, trip-rock, new age, experimental music, ethno-rock, folk rock, psychedelic rock, indie rock, art rock, alternative rock, grunge, post-punk, gothic rock

What's cool:

She became one of the most mysterious singers of our rock scene. Svetlana Gaiman was born in small town Kentau in Kazakhstan, then moved with her family to Tolyatti, and at the age of 15 she ended up in Moscow. Three years later, her creative career begins (Linda took her first steps in a team folk art), and after that she entered Gnesinka. She managed to work with many famous figures Russian music industry those years, for example, with Vladimir Matetsky, Yuri Aizenshpis, Maxim Fadeev. Unusual musical style quickly helped the singer become noticed, the albums became platinum (they sold more than 250 thousand copies), Voron's album became platinum with sales status of 1,250,000 copies, becoming the third in Russia. Multiple changes of images from album to album, constant experiments with sound and appearance, and finally - a successful collaboration with the Universal Music label, which brought her big concerts and performances at festivals and even opened for Moby in 2005. Part musical career Linda is connected with Greece - this is where Stefanos Korkolis comes from, greek singer and a composer, with whom Linda later tied the knot, but divorced a couple of years later. The singer continues to create and release new albums (her eighth studio album 2013 LAY, @! was even recognized best album year according to MusicBox), and continues to create to this day. Well, who knows how much longer musical experiments her talent is enough.

Quote: The image is born at the moment when childbirth occurs, “birth-water”, so the image is laid by the parents. Then throughout life you can search, try on yourself and feel with all your internal state, what is closer to you, where you are more comfortable and where there are those things with which you can grow further. IN kindergarten I wanted to become an astronaut, then I really liked fishing, I always thought that I would be a dolphin rescuer. Life has always been unpredictable. Then I became very interested in the circus. Plus I was born in an ethnic place. I got my first musical burns at the age of four, when I heard ethnic instruments simple street musicians. My grandmother, who raised me, who gave me a lot in life, was very creative person, and she had a difficult fate. This all layered over the years and acquired a certain foundation that guided me. These are all components, and this is a very global issue.

Lusine Gevrkyan

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Where played: Sphere of Influence, Traktor Bowling, Louna

Genres: alternative metal, alternative rock, nu metal, punk rock

What's cool: Lou is considered one of the best alternative vocalists in our country, which has been confirmed more than once by both fans and awards such as the Chart Dozen. Lusine has recently successfully combined work in two projects (Tracktor Bowling and Louna) with the role of a wife (Lu is married to Vitaly Demidenko, bass guitarist of Tractors and Louna) and a caring mother, while actively performing with her colleagues at many festivals , where they are always welcome guests, working on electrical and acoustic material, charity and filming. Previously, however, Lou also taught vocals, but with such a busy schedule she had to give it up. An economist by training. For his groups, he writes some of the material himself - both the lyrics and the musical component of the songs. She is an endorser of Sennheiser microphones and ear monitoring systems, as well as a representative of Roland brand synthesizers in Russia (she herself is a pianist).

Quote: Guys, rock music... it is truthful, it is honest, it is sometimes aggressive, it is often heavy, sometimes even heavy, energetic, but it is always against war, against weapons, against violence, against injustice, and glorifies love, honesty, kindness, equality and brotherhood.

Yulia Kogan

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Where played: Leningrad, solo project

Genres: pop, pop rock, jazz

What's cool: The red-haired beast Yulia Kogan quickly burst into the music scene in 2007 and became famous in one day. Of course, Sergei Shnurov’s team never left anyone indifferent, and with the arrival of Yulia, a “second wind” of the group’s popularity began. A beautiful figure, a cloud of red hair and songs that consist mainly of obscenities (and how else, they were written by Shnur) did their job. For almost six years, Yulia was the “face” and voice of Leningrad. In 2013, she left the group and started solo career. To date, the singer has released her debut album entitled “Fire Woman”.

The image of a bitchy, liberated beauty attracted television people - for several seasons, Yulia became the host of the show #YaPrava on channel Yu. The singer also recorded several arias for musical TODD groups King and Jester. You can hear it in the songs - Death Machine and Lovett's Confession.

Julia is an actress by training; she began studying classical vocals quite late - at the age of 16. I got into the Leningrad group by accident - in the St. Petersburg music scene everyone knows each other. In life, Yulia Kogan bears little resemblance to her stage image - calm and quiet, she is married, has a daughter, Lisa, and plays at the Entreprise Theater as a hobby. A. Mironova.

Quote: It’s somewhat problematic to get away from the image that I had in the Leningrad group. This is something akin to actors who became popular thanks to one role. You have to pay for it; not all the audience is ready to see something different in me. I can be touching and tender on stage, or I can be tough. And for this I don’t have to swear obscene words into the microphone. I'm a little worried about the audience's reaction. People are now in some confusion: they don’t know which Yulia Kogan they are going for. They don't understand what to expect from me. But this is a kind of challenge, and it is interesting. I want to reach such a level of perception of my solo image that lyrical songs in my performance were completely understandable to the audience who came to the concert.

Daria Nookie Stavrovich

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Where played: SLOT, Nuki

Genres: alternative rock, nu metal

What's cool: Daria Stavrovich, or Nookie, has been the female “voice” of the Slot group for many years. Dasha was born in the Arkhangelsk region, studied in Nizhny Novgorod music school, and then in Moscow. Fond of creativity since childhood, little Dasha first gravitated towards drawing, but then she was fascinated by music. Having, thanks to friends, joined the Slot group at the age of 20, she remained there - today, together with Dasha, 7 albums have already been recorded, and it’s difficult to imagine anyone else in Nuki’s place in this group. The singer also created her solo project Nuki, which has two releases to its credit.

Quote: I ended up in the Slot by luck. We do modern music for youth and for everyone who is young at heart. With our creativity we try to express our perception of the world, to show how everything is interconnected in it. We don’t say: “Girlfriend, look at me, do as I do...” We say: “If you do this, then it will be like this, and then you’ll figure it out on your own.” My mother watches our performances on TV. Sometimes he calls and scolds me for the slang that I use in my speech. Parents know our creativity, but do not always understand it. Probably due to the age barrier.

Zhanna Aguzarova

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Where played: Bravo

Genres: rock, pop rock, beat, glam rock, rockabilly

Nicknames: Ivanna Anders, Nineteen Ninties

What's cool: The name of Zhanna Aguzarova is always associated with shockingness, space and a beautiful piercing voice. And of course, with the Bravo group. Despite the fact that Aguzarova Lately not a very frequent guest in public, she still remains popular, and almost everyone knows the songs she performs. In 1983 she joined the Bravo group (then Postscript). In 1988, Aguzarova left the group to pursue a solo career. From 1991 to 1996 she lived in America and very little is known about this period.
This is a woman without age and timeless, she is like an alien from outer space, we don’t know anything about her one hundred percent for sure: even the date and place of birth are surrounded by mystery. And what can be said about a man who, having arrived in Moscow, lived for some time with a fake passport, and only because Zhanna did not have her own. Having taken someone else’s passport and corrected her name from “Ivan” to “Ivanna,” Zhanna Khasanovna pretended to be the daughter of diplomats, Ivanna (later Yvonne) Anders, for which she subsequently paid first with detention and then with forced labor.

The singer made a real revolution in her time music scene: her outrageous style of clothing, fantastic outfits, eccentric hairstyles and hair color, as well as unpredictable behavior on stage and in interviews left their mark on musical culture countries. In communications with the press, Zhanna often spoke about her connection with the Martians, now that her trace in music is lost, fans believe that she has flown home.

Quote: In art there is no old - there is existing
Happiness is everywhere, it is around us. They say it’s good where we are not, but that’s not true: it’s good where we are

On the pages of many glossy magazines, ratings of the sexiest representatives and representatives of show business are published annually. They are compiled based on voting by readers of these publications or the expert opinion of the creators. It is very rare to find the top sexiest rock vocalists in them. The 20 most attractive include representatives of various generations of Russian rock.

20th place - Zhanna Aguzarova

The most shocking and unpredictable Russian rock vocalist. Woman is space. The singer became widely known during her performance in the Bravo group. She performed independently under the pseudonyms Ivanna Andersen and Nineen Naintis.

19th place - Yulia Chicherina

The rock singer gained wide popularity after performing the songs “Doll” and “Heat”. The vocalist was born in Sverdlovsk and attributes her work to a subculture called “Ural rock”. The songs she sang with the group BI-2 are very popular among fans.

18th place - Tatyana Zykina

Songwriter, journalist, singer. She began her career under the pseudonym Tatyana Bagramyan. Born in Izhevsk in 1991. The singer has more than 200 original songs in her arsenal. By scale creative personality critics compare the singer with Zemfira and Shnur.

17th place - Masha Makarova

The song “Lyubochka” brought fame to the singer. Masha was born in Krasnodar in 1977. In 1997, she created the group “Masha and the Bears” and set off to conquer Moscow. In 2017, the group held a series anniversary concerts. The first of them took place in the Moscow club “Yotaspace”. Despite having several children, Masha tries not to lose her attractiveness.

16th place - Lusine Gevorkyan

The singer was born in 1983 in Armenia. Despite this, Lusine is considered a Russian rock vocalist. The singer spent her childhood and youth in Serpukhov. She currently works with rock bands Tracktor Bowling and Louna. Lusine is one of the best alternative vocalists in the country.

15th place - Lyudmila “Tyosha” Makhova

Soloist and creator of the rock band Give Two. The team was created in 2005. The first title is “Mother-in-Law Makhova”. In addition to performing with the group, the singer very often sings a duet with Konstantin Kinchev.

14th place - Lesya Gusmatulina

Vocalist of the rock band "Gilza". She is considered one of the most powerful rock vocalists in Russia. Nominated for the Devil's Dozen Award.

13th place - Helavisa

The singer's real name is Natalya Andreevna O'Shei. She is the founder of the folk rock group Melnitsa. Solo projects: “Helavisa”. "36.6" and others. The singer was born in 1976 in Moscow. She has wide circle interests. She is a candidate of philological sciences. Attractive romantic appearance of the singer amazingly goes well with her vocal abilities.

12th place - Utah

The singer's real name is Anna Vladimirovna Osipova. The vocalist was born in 1979 in Sverdlovsk. The Utah group was created by her after moving to Moscow in 2000. Songs written by the singer and composer were repeatedly included in the list best songs in the charts of “Our Radio”.

11th place - Blonde Ksyu

Former soloist of the groups “Elysium” and “Lampasy” Ksenia Sidorina. Born in 1982 in Gorky. Since 2004 he has been engaged in a solo career. She has recorded 6 albums. Creates vivid stage images.

10th place - Pelageya Khanova

Founder of the group "Pelageya". Born in Novosibirsk in 1986. Works in the genre of pop-folk and folk song. In 2017, Pelageya gave birth to a daughter. Motherhood seriously changed the appearance of the singer, making her very attractive.

9th place - Alevtina Leontyeva

The singer was born in 1977 in Novosibirsk. She trained professionally in jazz vocals. At the beginning of his creative path she performed as part of the rock group “Melnitsa”. Currently, the singer is pursuing a solo career and is trying to work as a TV presenter.

8th place - Elena Nikitaeva

Songwriter, composer, rock vocalist. Born in Stavropol in 1976. The singer began her solo career in the 90s. Later she created the group “Partisan Radio”. Several songs by Elena Nikitaeva are heard in the TV series “Heart of a Star”.

7th place - Florida Chanturia

Soloist of the Leningrad group. Before starting work in the team, she sang in karaoke bars. Florida jazz vocals preparation. Born in 1990.

6th place - Teona Dolnikova

Vocalist of the rock band "Slot". Excellent performance hard rock, tries to act in films, participates in various projects on TV.

5th place - Alexandra Chigunova

Soloist and one of the founders of the rock group “Mukha”. The presentation of the first album of the group “Combination” took place in 2008 at the Moscow club “Orange”. Alexandra studied music between classes at the journalism department. She is the author of many of the group's songs. With your songs and in a scenic manner tries to create a positive mood in the public.

4th place - Mara Kana

The singer was born in Moscow in 1978. Wide popularity came to her at the beginning of the 2000s. Mara is not only a talented vocalist, but also great master shocking. In 2004, at the “Invasions” festival, she shocked the audience with her transparent tunic and provocative exposure of her breasts. After this performance, people began to compare her to Miley Cyrus, who loved to tease fans with her charms.

3rd place - Zemfira

Legend Russian rock born in Ufa in 1976. A bright, extraordinary personality. Zemfira's image resembles a disheveled boy. She is always associated with some kind of secret. Our editors love Zemfira very much, she is truly beautiful!

2nd place - Alisa Vox-Burmistrova

Born in 1987 in Leningrad. The singer became widely famous thanks to Shnur’s song “Louboutins” and undressing on stage. After loud scandal and leaving the Leningrad group in 2016, she took up a solo career. The singer’s first album was called “Sama”.

1st place - Yulia Kogan

Bold and catchy. This is how you can characterize former soloist grouping "Leningrad". She was born in the city on the Neva in 1981. She began her solo career in 2014 with the release of the album “Ogon-Baba”. Before it started, Yulia gave birth to a daughter and managed to work on TV as a presenter.

Where played: The Runaways, solo career

Genres: hard rock, glam metal

What's cool: Lita Ford (real name Carmelita Rosanna Ford) picked up the guitar back in at a young age. From the age of 11, the future rock star independently learned to play from her favorite recordings, including songs by groups such as Black Sabbath and Deep Purple. In 1975, Kim Fowley invited Lita to join The Runaways. After the group broke up, the guitarist gave up music, but a meeting with Eddie Van Halen convinced her to return to the rock scene and create a solo project. At first she searched for a vocalist for a long time, but then decided to sing herself. Lita recorded a song with Ozzy Osbourne, and such rock monsters as Lemmy Kilmister, Sammy Hagar, Ritchie Blackmore and Joe Lynn Turner had a hand in creating material for her albums. Lita Ford is the only woman inducted into the Circus Magazine Hall of Fame since 1967, and was nominated for a Grammy in the 1993 category for Best Female Rock Performance. In February of this year, the guitarist released a book called Living Like a Runaway: A Memoir, in which she shares details of her rock 'n' roll life.

Quote: I prefer to play with men because rock and roll is aggressive music. Men are more aggressive than women.

Ann and Nancy Wilson

Photo - Norman Seef →

Where they played: Heart, solo projects

Genres: Hard rock

What's cool: The Heart group gained fame in the 1970s. The Wilson sisters then played a mixture of American hard rock and folk. In the 1980s, they changed their repertoire and began playing rock ballads, which brought them even greater success. The group still gives concerts, and the two sisters' records have sold more than 30 million copies around the world. According to the VH1 TV channel, Heart took 57th place in the list of 100 greatest performers hard rock, and the albums Little Queen (1977) and Bad Animals (1987) became triple platinum.

Quote: Our mother was a feminist. She raised us in this way. Why should we be worse than men just because we are women?

Jean Kuenemand

Photo - Getty →

Where played: Vixen

Genres: hard rock, glam metal

What's cool: The guitarist formed the band Vixen while still a schoolgirl. Debut album, released in 1988, turned out to be very successful and immediately hit many charts. The songs Edge Of a Broken Heart, Cryin', How Much Love and Love Is a Killer hit the Billboard Hot 100 chart. The group shared the stage with such famous rock bands as Bon Jovi, Scorpions, Kiss and many others. In 1991, the group broke up, in 1997 a reunion took place, but without Jean. She immediately filed a lawsuit and won the case, winning the rights to the group's name. In the fall of 2013, the guitarist died after a long battle with cancer. She was 51 years old.

Quote: There are a lot of women in the rock scene these days. IN old times a woman had to work hard to prove herself. I remember once we were asked if there were any musician guys behind the stage who played for us.

Pat Benatar

Photo - Caller-Times →

Where played: solo project

Genres: Hard rock

What's cool: Pat started singing back in primary school. Her parents forbade the young singer to even think about the rock stage: she went to theaters, operas and conservatories, but entry into clubs was closed to her. Benatar realized that a career as a classical singer was not for her, she quit her studies, and later her career as a bank employee, and began to study rock music. The singer is a four-time Grammy Award winner and has two multi-platinum albums to her credit. Pat Benatar's songs have been used in many films, TV series, cartoons, computer games and commercials.

Quote: I was not a visionary, but I literally had my finger on the pulse of the lives of women in America.

Lee Aaron

Photo - Karen Ann Greening →

Where played: solo project

Genres: Hard rock