Study of the influence of sound on the structure of water. The influence of sound on a stream of liquid work done by a student

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During the study of the topic, the following questions were considered:

A jet of liquid from a physical point of view. Capillary waves Various phenomena that occur when sound influences a liquid jet. Study of the frequency of liquid jet adhesion from physical and chemical properties liquids

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On the jet of liquid flowing downwards, two areas can be distinguished: the part of the jet closest to the nozzle opening is completely transparent and looks like a stationary cylinder; below the stream suddenly becomes cloudy, because This continuous flow begins to split into separate drops, which are clearly visible when photographed with a flash.

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The splitting of the jet into individual droplets occurs randomly due to the presence of capillary waves on the surface of the jet. Experience No. 1. External influence on the jet causes capillary waves on its surface, which are easy to observe. By moving the spoon up and down you can see how the capillary wavelength will change. Capillary waves arise due to the presence of surface tension forces on the surface of the liquid

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Mechanism of formation of capillary waves Let the surface of the liquid in some place accidentally bend, for example, become concave (Fig. a). Under the influence of the pressure difference, liquid from neighboring areas will begin to flow under the concave surface until the surface becomes flat again. But the movement of the fluid will not stop and will continue by inertia. Therefore, the surface will become convex, the pressure under it will increase, and the liquid will flow out from under it (Fig. b), etc. Such vibrations in the liquid will naturally cause similar vibrations in neighboring areas, that is, a wave will arise.

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To determine the speed of propagation of a capillary wave, we use the fact that the accordion that appears on the surface of the jet is motionless. This means that the speed of wave propagation is equal to the speed of water flow from the nozzle in absolute value and opposite to it in direction. The experimentally obtained graph of the relationship between λ and is shown in Fig.

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Various phenomena that occur when sound impacts a liquid stream

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    Sound (or acoustic) waves are elastic waves propagating in a medium with frequencies in the range of 16-20,000 Hz. The source of wave motion (source of sound) can be any body capable of performing elastic vibrations - a membrane, diffuser, metal plate, string.

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    The fact that a stream of water is receptive to sound can be observed through a simple experiment. Experiment No. 2. Jet self-generating sound.

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    To study the influence sound waves A special installation was assembled for a jet of liquid at different frequencies.

    a vessel with liquid installed at a height of 0.7 m above the table nozzle d=1mm speaker rubber hose Sound wave generator

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    It was noticed that at a certain frequency of sound vibrations emanating from the speakers, the continuous (transparent) section of the jet sharply contracts, and the sheaf of jets sticks together, forming one apparently completely continuous jet.

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    There is some periodicity in the natural formation of droplets, but it is far from ideal: the droplets turn out to be slightly different. Each of these drops, having its own mass and speed, flies along its own trajectory, creating the impression of a sheaf of jets.

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    When the frequency of sound coincides with the frequency of natural droplet formation, the disintegration of the jet begins to occur earlier and with strict periodicity. The sound seems to tear off identical drops from the jet at regular intervals. These drops move quickly along one trajectory and give the impression of a continuous stuck together stream.

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    Photo of a sticky jet using a strobe flash effect

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    The problem of the instability of a liquid cylinder was first solved by the English physicist J. W. Rayleigh in late XIX century. He obtained an exact estimate for the condition of growth of the amplitude of capillary disturbances, which has the form: λ > 2π r0 С maximum speed the amplitude of a wave with a length will increase. Thus, the length of the continuous section of the jet is determined by the nature of the disturbances imparted to the jet by the nozzle. The greater the amplitude of these disturbances, and the closer the length of the capillary wave to the value λm, the faster the jet disintegrates into droplets, that is, the shorter the continuous section of the jet turns out to be.

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    Study of the frequency of liquid jet adhesion depending on the physical and chemical properties of the liquid

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    Research was carried out on the dependence of the frequency of jet adhesion on the following characteristics of the liquid

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    Thus, in the course of the studies, the dependence of the frequency of jet adhesion on the temperature of the liquid (direct dependence) and on the density of the liquid ( inverse relationship). It was not possible to establish a clear dependence of the frequency of jet adhesion on the coefficient of surface tension and viscosity due to limited opportunity on the use of liquids having different specified characteristics. A large dependence of the jet adhesion frequency on chemical composition liquids. Two Newtonian liquids (milk and soap solution) with approximately equal physical characteristics (viscosity is significantly higher than that of water, and the surface tension coefficient is significantly lower than that of water) showed exactly the opposite reaction to sound impact. The stream of milk did not react to the sound, but the stream soap solution showed the greatest sensitivity to sound exposure.

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    Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto provides even more surprising evidence of the informational properties of water.

    Here are examples of the influence of music on water. These pictures of the crystals were taken after glass bottles with water was placed between two stereo speakers.

    Mozart, Symphony No. 40. The crystal certainly reflects the beauty of this piece, but also Mozart's wild lifestyle.

    Bach, Aria on the G string. The crystal well reflects the fluid nature of Bach's melody for violin and piano.

    Piano music creates droplet crystals.

    Chopin, Etude in E major

    Chopin, Prelude in D-flat major

    Chaikovsky. Swan Lake.

    Beatles, Yesterday. To be honest, we did not expect such an “orthodox” crystal shape. Maybe it's because the song "Yesterday" is so loved all over the world?

    Bud Powell, Cleopatra's Dream. The beautiful crystal was influenced by the jazz of the 1950s. Clearly this music has healing potential.

    Heavy metal song. This is the result of exposure to loud music and stupid, aggressive lyrics on water. Something similar was formed under the influence of the words “You are a fool.” Maybe water reacts more to words than to music?

    Sound, from a physics point of view, is energy. Depending on the frequency of sound vibrations, volume level, rhythm and harmony, sound can affect a person positively or negatively. Properly selected sound vibrations can activate human reserves. With the help of sound, physiological functions such as pulse, heart rate, breathing, and digestion can be coordinated.

    As everyone knows, sounds and the sounds of music in particular are longitudinal waves. And like any waves, they change in a closed (or open) space by a certain amount. At the same time, sound waves, due to their parameters, influence space. Even minor changes in the level of dimensionality of space (for example, a person entering a room filled with sounding music; or, on the contrary, music is turned on in a room with people) cause redistribution musical waves, permeating a given volume of space.

    As a result of this, being penetrated by musical sound waves, space also changes; V given space the distribution of primary waves changes. As a result, the condition of a person located in the zone of influence of sound waves also changes. There is a secondary saturation of the human body with wave matters.

    Bell ringing

    Also in ancient times It was known that sound vibrations can have an effective therapeutic or pathogenic effect on the human body and psyche. Execution “under the bell” was considered one of the most terrible in the Middle Ages, when the condemned person was placed under big bell, and then they rang this bell. Disastrous, in in this case, was, first of all, the strength of the sound waves (loudness), as well as the intensity of the wave vibrations.

    Along the way, it can be noted that currently bell ringing is widely used for positive purposes (which has been proven by research - the sound waves caused by the beating of the bell coincide with each other and their resonance has a beneficial effect on the human body, but at the same time destroys bacteria).

    The bell tower is a mini-orchestra, which according to Orthodox tradition It is conventionally divided into 3 groups of bells: small (bell ringing), medium (bell ringing) and large (blazing bells). The ringing of the bells of one group or another primarily creates the corresponding emotional moods; It is known that lower tones have a calming effect, while higher tones are stimulating.. This knowledge is partly used by church bell ringers, depending on the nature of the holiday and the service.

    Influence even more emotional perception parishioners can be heard using the modal basis and dynamics of the bells. So, if you have in the belfry major scale, then when the tempo of the ringing increases, it evokes a joyful mood, and when the tempo decreases, it evokes calmness; in a minor mode, the acceleration of the ringing causes anxiety (or anger), and when it slows down, sadness. True, such a pattern in bell ringing not always clear.

    Thus, sound is a wave that, depending on its parameters, affects the human body both positively and negatively.

    Let's try to figure out what happens at the cellular level.

    Sound like a doctor or an executioner

    A sound wave, like any other longitudinal wave, arrives as a united front, and its action continues for a certain period of time, during which the altered state of the cells remains. With the dissipation of the sound wave, the body cells return to the qualitative state in which they were before the arrival of the wave. At the same time, a person experiences corresponding emotions.

    Thus, the sounds of music evoke forced emotions in listeners. The question is, what kind of forced emotions does this or that music create?

    The propagation of sounds in space occurs very quickly. Spreading air clots (waves) alternate with each other at different frequencies. Therefore, the sounds we hear have different pitches.

    Air waves that have the lowest vibration frequency are perceived as low, bass (percussive) sounds. Conversely, waves alternating with a high oscillation frequency are perceived by the ear as high. Considering the fact that the vibrations of a sound wave (beat) are indicated in Hertz (abbreviated as Hz), we should turn to the scientific interpretation of this unit of measurement.

    What is Hertz (Hz)?

    Hertz- a unit to indicate the frequency of periodic processes (in our case, the frequency of sound vibrations) in the International System of Units; international designation: Hz.

    1 Hz means one execution (implementation) of the beating process in one second, in other words - one oscillation per second. The human heart beats at approximately the same frequency in a calm state (it is noteworthy that Herz means “heart” in German).

    For example, 10 Hz is ten executions of such a process, or ten oscillations in one second. If the frequency of the air wave is 200 Hz, this means that the air density oscillates 200 times per second. Thus, the frequency of sound is measured in hertz, that is, the number of vibrations per second. More intense vibrations (thousands of vibrations per second) are measured in kilohertz.

    The human ear perceives the frequency of air vibrations as the pitch of tone (sound): the more intense the air vibrations, the higher the sound. The human ear is not capable of perceiving all sound frequencies. It has been proven that the average person cannot hear sounds with frequencies below 20 Hz and above 20 kHz. As a person ages, his hearing of high frequencies becomes worse. Musicians perceive sound in a slightly larger range: 16 hertz - 22 kilohertz. frequency range, captured by the human ear, are conventionally divided into three parts: lower sound range, middle and upper.

    • 0 - 16 Hz - Infrasound (ultra-low tone)
    • 16 - 70 Hz - Bass
    • 100 - 120 Hz - Midbass (mid bass)
    • 500 Hz - 1 kHz - Lower mids
    • 4.5 - 5 kHz - Mid frequencies
    • 5 - 10 kHz - Mid-high frequencies
    • 10 - 20 kHz - High frequencies (“top”)
    • 16 - 22 kHz - Ultrasound (super high tone)

    Sounds that exceed 20 kHz are called ultrasound (high frequencies). Although ultrasound is not audible to the human ear, it is widely used in medicine and other fields.

    Impact of frequencies on the human body

    Currently, as a result of rigorous experiments, it has been proven that each organ of the human body resonates with a certain vibration frequency. Here are the resonances of some organs:

    • 20-30 Hz (i.e. 20-30 vibrations per second) - head resonance
    • 40-100 Hz - eye resonance
    • 0.5-13 Hz - resonance of the vestibular apparatus
    • 4-6 Hz - heart resonance
    • 2-3 Hz - stomach resonance
    • 2-4 Hz - intestinal resonance
    • 6-8 Hz - kidney resonance
    • 2-5 Hz - hand resonance

    Research often identifies sound vibrations with specific numerical values frequencies that resonate with a specific area of ​​the brain.

    For example, Low Beta rhythm at 15 Hz represents normal condition waking consciousness. Alpha rhythm with a frequency of 10.5 Hz causes a state of deep relaxation. All aspects are directly related to the effects of music on the human body.

    I would like to pay special attention to the frequency of repetition (rhythm) of low sounds. Each new low-frequency sound wave brings with it a change in the cells in the area where the sound wave hits. And everything repeats itself again. The interval between the end of one low-frequency sound wave and the arrival of the next one is of great importance. After the “rollback” of the sound wave, the body of the cell releases the accumulated excess concentration of this matter, and the state of the cell returns to its original state.

    What if a new sound wave arrives before the cell has yet had time to return to its original state? In this case, the sound energy new wave does not allow the cell to return to its original state and is forced to keep the cell at this quality level. In other words, periodically repeated low-frequency sounds not only provoke a certain emotional reaction, but also able to impose it on him emotional condition. Emotional states are imposed on a person against his will, often without even understanding on his part that something is being imposed on him.

    Periodically repeated low-frequency sounds can not only force a cell to maintain a certain quality level, but can also cause partial destruction of its quality structures. Naturally, this leads to destabilization of the cell as a whole and partial destruction of the cell body, first of all, cell structures, which in young people are at the stage of development and therefore can easily be destroyed by such a process.

    Sound waves with a frequency of 6-8 Hertz (6-8 beats of a sound wave per second), They are generally weapons. The front of a sound wave with a given frequency causes such a redistribution of primary matters during its passage that it causes irreversible processes in highly organized cells, which are the neurons of the brain. As a result, the brain becomes overloaded and neurons are destroyed, which ultimately leads to their death...

    How do scientists explain the effect of music on health?

    Vibration of sounds creates energy fields, causing every cell of the human body to resonate. The body “absorbs” the energy generated musical sounds(waves), which normalizes breathing rhythm, pulse, blood pressure, temperature, relieves muscle tension. Disharmonious music can use electromagnetic waves to change blood pressure, heart rate, rhythm and depth of breathing, even stopping it completely for a short period of time.

    The interesting thing is that our brain perceives music simultaneously in both hemispheres: left hemisphere is responsible for rhythm, and the right one is responsible for timbre and melody. Rhythm has the most powerful effect on the human body. Rhythms musical works range from 2.2 to 4 vibrations per second, which is very close to the frequency of breathing and heartbeat. The body of a person listening to music, as it were, adapts to it. As a result, mood and performance improve, pain sensitivity decreases, sleep normalizes, and a stable heart rate and breathing rate is restored.

    Few people know about the incident that occurred in the United States during the top-secret tests of Stealth stealth aircraft. When housewives of a small town located not far from a secret air base washed clothes in enamel basins (which in shape and in some qualities resembled a parabolic antenna), they began to hear negotiations between the pilots and the air base in their heads. The thing is that the carrier frequency of the radio stations was chosen non-standard and turned out to be equal to one of the resonant frequencies of the body.

    Musical preferences

    It's no secret to many that different age groups like different music. But few people have thought about the question - why? The fact is that the same music has different effects on people with different intellectual and moral levels. Music offers the essence of a person a certain qualitative state, which can be in harmony with his own, or completely incompatible.

    In the first case, a person feels inner uplift and joy. In this case, the reaction occurs at a subconscious level and is practically not controlled by the human consciousness. If there is disharmony between music and the qualitative structure of the essence (the state of a person), a person may experience irritation or other emotional manifestations that prompt the person to stop listening to this music. Such a reaction to music is a protective reaction of a person.

    Let's try to understand why it may appear when listening to music. defensive reaction? How does music affect a person?

    Classical and pop music

    On the one hand, we will not exclude the so-called “human factor”. After all, all people are different and interest in musical directions is also highly individual. However, such an entertaining science as physics allows us to look at this issue from a completely different perspective.

    Classical music is dominated by high frequencies, which are the most beneficial for health and intellect, although they are more difficult for the inexperienced listener to perceive. Important role in the classics belongs to the mid frequencies (in folklore European peoples mid frequencies are fundamental).

    Have you ever wondered why so few people love classical music? Now you know. The high-frequency sounds used in Baroque music have longer wavelengths than our brains can detect. Therefore, some people experience discomfort when listening to “classics” for a long time, especially Baroque. Meanwhile, it has long been known that academic music has a positive effect on the human body.

    The music of Bach’s time leads to the fact that the brain begins, in addition to synchronizing the work of the hemispheres, to generate so-called Theta- waves, which leads to improved memory, increased concentration, and attention is retained on the subject of study much longer. About the influence that music from the period of classicism has positive influence on brain performance is already known.

    But in modern pop music, low frequencies are increasingly predominant, which were previously both in classics and in folk music were used only sporadically.

    The human brain doesn't really like high-frequency sounds. This may explain the popularity of pop music. Its sounds are low-frequency (about 40-66 Hz - this segment covers the lower and mid bass, not even reaching the lower mid frequencies). Hence people’s passion for “club” music.

    Listening to, for example, music in the style of the 80s, you can understand that lowfrequenciessound were not yet used at that time, but nowadays they are receiving increasing attention. Today, young people are convinced that low frequencies of sound “decorate” modern music, complement it with that zest that was missing before.

    In fact, without knowing it, they are “enslaved” not so much by the music itself, but by the low frequencies, which, acting on the body, as a result create a certain emotional state. The low frequencies used in this music do not strain people, but even to some extent zombify people. Here one should not confuse the “human factor” (i.e., personal preferences that are not related to physical and acoustic laws) and scientific facts.

    Music as a physical phenomenon(frequency of the wave beat) causes a similar effect in any human body and not only. Any living organisms, such as animals and plants, experience a similar effect. Naturally, people are no exception.

    The effect of sound on water

    There is a widely known experiment showing how music affects water. The researchers placed between the speakers music center flask with water, turned on various music and suddenly cooled the water while the music was playing. After “listening” to classical symphonies with water, beautiful, regular-configured crystals with distinct “rays” were obtained. And here hard Rock turned the water into frozen, terrible, torn shards. This seemingly surprising phenomenon has scientific explanation. From the point of view of physics, everything is very simple - the mismatch of sound waves, their chaotic “beating” on an object causes a similar effect of a water mass with chaotic disorderly movement; and freezing only records the state of the water at the moment.

    Each sound has its own frequency. We do not hear sounds that are too high or too low, but, as is already known, they are also material. American laboratory scientists Jet Propulsion The phenomenon of “sound illumination” was discovered in Pasadena. By shining powerful ultrasounds into a glass container of water, they saw tiny bubbles forming, emitting a bluish light. This phenomenon proves the reality of the physical impact of sounds on matter, not only audible ones, but also those that the human ear is not capable of perceiving.

    As an example, elementary experiments from the point of view of physics were carried out on the effect of sound on any substance, both organic and inorganic, for example, water.

    Effect of sound on sugar

    The first experiment demonstrates the effect of low sounds (bass) on water. As a result of the chaotic beats of sound waves, the oscillations of which do not coincide, forming anti-resonance, chaotic ripples form on the water.

    The second experiment demonstrates the effect of high-pitched sounds on sugar. Most of this example is accompanied by sound that is perceived by the ear. Thus, this is not yet ultrasound (which is perceived by a person only at the subconscious level), but ordinary high-frequency sound is used; Only at the end of the experiment does it go into ultra-high sound. Accordingly, here the initial sound frequency does not exceed 20,000 Hz (= 20 kHz), the approximate frequency range is from 100 Hz to 30 kHz.

    With ultrasound (at frequencies above 20 kHz), something similar would happen, except that the wavelength would be much shorter and the patterns would be finer (something like ripples in water).

    From the point of view of physics, ultrasound is the vibration of particles of an elastic medium. Scientists are well aware that ultrasound can change the cell membrane (up to fatal outcome), destroy a building, etc.; In the field of biophysics and medicine, a lot of thought is devoted to this topic. It is to confirm such conclusions that we present this example, the process of which is discussed below:

    A plate is attached to a vibration stand, then the frequency generator sets the oscillation frequency. What happens next is not difficult to describe - sugar particles collect in areas with the lowest amplitude. This interference pattern, called Chladni figures (in honor of the scientist Ernst Chladni), is formed when sound waves emanating from different points “meet”. The waves can emanate directly from the source (in this case, the generator) or be a reflection of the primary waves.

    Thus, a similar effect is the result of compressed or rarefied air sections superimposed on each other. As is already known, at the moment of sound formation, propagating air clots (waves) alternate with each other at different frequencies.

    The following relationship is clearly visible: the higher the sound, the finer the patterns. The frequency of the sound changes, and the shape of the figures also changes. In this case, the clarity of the experiment depended not only on the sound source (the location of the source relative to the surface with sugar), or on how the ultrasound itself was directed at the plate, but also on the surface on which the sugar was scattered.

    Here the type of surface - a thin plate - allows ultrasound to act most effectively on this surface. As a result, the table with the plate is intensively subjected to wave vibration, and, accordingly, sugar particles are subjected to similar processes. I think that if you put the speaker on the floor and sprinkle sugar next to it, the effect will not be so bright.

    But in any case, sound, like a wave vibration, clearly and effectively affects any living organism, incl. and to human. In light of the above, you should be more careful when choosing music to listen to. It is very important to always consciously and purposefully determine the parameters of its sound, such as volume, duration, saturation with low frequencies, etc.

    Every moment a person is surrounded by millions of sounds of different tones and types. Some of them help him navigate in space, others he enjoys purely in aesthetically, and still others don’t notice at all.

    But over thousands of years we have learned not only to create musical masterpieces, but also destructive sound effects. Today the topic “the influence of music on water” has been studied to a certain extent, and it will be very interesting to learn something about the mysterious world of energy and substances.

    Experimental discoveries: music changes the nature of water

    Today, many people know the name of the Japanese scientist Emoto Masaru, who wrote the book “The Message of Water” in 1999. This work brought him world fame and inspired many scientists for further research.

    The book describes a number of experiments that confirm that under the influence of music, water changes its structure - the type of molecule. To do this, the scientist placed a glass of ordinary water between two speakers, from which the sounds of certain pieces of music emanated. After this, the liquid was frozen, which made it possible to subsequently examine under a microscope the order in which the molecule was built from atoms. The results amazed the whole world: the influence of music on water of positive content creates regular, clear crystals, each face of which is subject to certain laws.

    Also, a snowflake of water can show the content of the melody itself and convey the mood of the composer. Thus, “Swan Lake” contributed to the formation of a beautiful structure that resembles rays in the form of bird feathers. Mozart's Symphony No. 40 allows you to clearly see not only the beauty of the great composer's work, but also his unbridled lifestyle. After the sound of Vivaldi’s “The Four Seasons,” you can admire the water crystals for a long time, conveying the beauty of summer, autumn, spring and winter.

    Along with melodies that bring beauty, love and gratitude, the influence of negative music on water was studied. The result of such experiments were crystals irregular shape, which also showed the meaning of sounds and words directed at the liquid.

    Cause of changes in water structure

    Why does water change its structure under the influence of music? And can new knowledge be used for the benefit of humanity? Atomic analysis water helped to understand these issues.

    Masaru Emoto is of the opinion that the order of molecules is determined by an energy source called "Hado". This term means a certain wave of vibrations of the electrons of the nucleus of an atom. The magnetic resonance field is observed where there is Hado. Therefore, such a vibrational frequency can be described as a magnetic resonance region, which is a type of electromagnetic wave. Actually, musical energy is the energy that affects water.

    Knowing the properties of water, a person can change its structure with the help of music. Thus, classical, religious, benevolent motifs form clear, elegant crystals. The use of such water can improve a person’s health and change his life towards well-being and prosperity. Loud, harsh, meaningless, rattling, aggressive and chaotic sounds have a detrimental effect on everything around us that consists of liquid.

    My doors are always open for you. Come out.

    It seems that this phenomenon has not yet been talked about in the community)

    The effect of sound waves and vibrations on water was discovered by the Japanese scientist and healer Masaru Emoto. He confirmed for the first time old belief that water remembers absolutely everything it “sees” and “hears”. It is primarily capable of absorbing and storing sound effects. Using a powerful electron microscope, he showed how much the structure of frozen water (which normally looks like an ordinary six-rayed snowflake - “dead” water has this structure) depends on the sounds it hears.

    Water is the most important substance on the planet, without which life itself is impossible. All organisms consist mainly of water (80 to 99%). It is logical to assume that its structure, its “charge” not only has an impact, but can also be directly transmitted to living beings.

    This is what destructured water looks like, without a “charge”:

    The impact of words on the structure of water.

    This is what water looks like over which a prayer has been read for an hour.
    Instead of a shapeless spot there is a regular six-rayed “snowflake”, very smooth, clean and beautiful. This transformation occurs because when a prayer is pronounced correctly, a person’s voice has a sound pressure equal to the frequency magnetic field Earth (it is 8 decibels).

    Very interesting are the variations in the structure of water charged with certain words – negative and positive. Words that people associate with evil, aggression, fear and the like do not structure, but destructure water, turning it into a chaotic pile of incomplete, fragmentary crystals. Water charged with “positive” words, on the contrary, has a clear structure, almost always six-rayed, and many beautiful small “details” on the rays.

    Here are just a few examples:

    "Adolf Gitler". A swastika is vaguely visible in the structure

    "Angel and demon"

    "I'll kill you!" (as options: “I hate you!”, “You got me!”)
    You can even make out the outlines of a human figure, distorted and as if broken.

    A water crystal that “saw” the names of the five great religions of the world

    "Mother Teresa"

    "I love you"
    One of the most beautiful crystals. 500 people declared their love for this water.

    The effect of music on the structure of water.

    Just like words, music can be charged negatively or positively. Harsh, loud music and aggressive song lyrics destructure the water, disfigure it, make it shapeless, and form so-called “dragonflies,” that is, stains that create the visual effect of vibration and trembling. Classical music forms smooth, clear crystals, with an elegant, regular six-ray structure. Often crystals are captured not only emotional coloring, but also the meaning of the song.

    Vivaldi. "Seasons"

    Mozart, Symphony 40

    Beethoven Symphony

    Folk dance "Kavachi"

    John Lennon. Imagine

    Elvis Presley. "Hotel broken hearts" A wonderful example of how water can “understand” the meaning of a song. Figuratively repeating the plot, the crystal split into two parts.

    Religious chant (Tibet). The crystal is not so “aesthetic”, but it has a more complex structure and a large number of small rays.

    Heavy metal. Water is like broken glass, six “dragonflies” are observed instead of six rays

    It has long been known that many animals respond to sounds and music. Thus, bison cannot stand the roar of a motorcycle engine, while they do not pay much attention to the sounds of a car engine, even no less loud. Mice and rats can die after two to three hours of listening to hard rock music. Cows' milk yield increases by one and a half to two times after regular listening classical music, especially Mozart.

    It is on the principle of water structuring that the sound therapy technique is based. A special system of sound compatibility has been developed, for example, folk and ethnic music is best combined with the sounds of forests and savannas, and most of classics - with the sounds of the sea.

    Water can heal, and at the same time it can destroy entire cities and civilizations. And the events that happen in the world are only a reflection of the charge that we ourselves put into the information field formed by water.

    Thank you for your attention)

    1. M. Emoto “Messages of water. Secret codes of ice crystals", "Sofia", 2006.