Tickets for the musical TODD. Zong-opera horror “TODD” from “The King and the Jester Todd the Musical” buy tickets

Kamilla Kerimova reviews: 5 ratings: 5 rating: 4

A few months ago I became acquainted with the work of the group King and the Jester, which had never really interested me. Before, for me they were always “strange punks with songs about role-playing cannibals,” but then something (my husband, probably) kept my ear on their songs on my beloved Nashe radio, and made me fall in love with their last three albums: “Theater demon" and the two-disc "TODD".
TODD ​​is good. The recording is very good. We honestly downloaded it from the Internet, honestly listened to everything and many times, I memorized the texts and now I can answer tricky questions with quotes or loudly and poorly duplicate Gorshenev in the shower (how I display his low tones in the upper register - this show is not for the faint of heart , Yes).
But, having heard that the TODD musical had been staged and we could go see it, my husband and I bought tickets (in a few months, damn it, they were selling like hot cakes from Lovett) and prepared to wait. We waited a long time - and today we went to the Film Actor Theater to watch it. And here a question arises for me:
Sorry, I didn’t mean to be so emotional, but I didn’t have enough endurance. I was really worried about this event in my soul, I loved these songs too much not to want to hear them live... and that’s why I was very disappointed.
But let's take a break from emotions and look at everything point by point.
Let's note the fact that everyone screwed up - and first of all the soloist (oh-wey, he really screwed up, I'm not being picky). The great and terrible Pot, well, truly, how could you give a rooster (about the rooster, by the way, later)? Well, how could you forget the text so many times? Well, okay, I said “let’s sweep it away,” which means we’ll sweep it away.
But who should have his hands torn off is the sound engineer. Of course, I understand that the musicians sitting behind the glass partition also want to be heard, but apparently, the news for the organizers of the performance will be that the main thing in a musical is not the music, but the song, that is, the WORDS. In the hall, the words were understood only by those who could sing along - that is, they already knew the entire text by heart. I was lucky - I knew. But I couldn’t make out the three songs that were added to the musical and were missing on the discs. At best, some words were guessed, on average - nothing. Well, you can’t downvote like that. Well, you can't let the lead singer's microphone go OFF in the middle of a song. Well, you can’t spend a million and a half on staging and not buy proper microphones. Well, you can't screw up the performance for everyone but the die-hard fans.
Or is it possible? Maybe I don't understand something?
Do you think I’ll limit myself to just the sound system? Oh no, let's walk through the production.
I have never seen SO many screwed up scenes. Really, guys, I’ve even seen avant-garde productions of Winnie the Pooh - and this, let me tell you, is extreme.
First, let's walk through poor Gorshenev. I understand that the singer is not an actor. I understand that during rehearsal they drew lines on the floor for him and he learned to walk evenly along them. I understand everything - but why was it necessary to move along these lines like a log for the entire first part, and make terrible faces for the entire second part, which were supposed to symbolize (I wonder what?) horror and madness? You can’t blame Gorshenev - but where the hell was the director looking?! Why couldn't it be directed properly? I don't understand.
In this regard, I would like to remember the well-known phrase that punks are hoy. I mean, let me explain: a passionate punk style of performance does not replace the emotion invested in the performance. Here, listen to the last aria of the musical, the most famous “On the Edge” - how it looks on the disc. Do you feel it? Todd is ready to die in this scene. He had already given up on life, on fighting, on everything. His story is over. This is no longer the same avenger from the beginning of the musical, who is full of life and rage - this is a tired, exhausted man who has lost everything and takes the last step towards death. Can you feel it?
But this was not visible on stage. Well, in general.
The positively cheerful Gorshenev, who, apparently, had taken something cheerful during the intermission and was still experiencing joy, quickly moved around the stage, emotionally and passionately shouting “ooooo-here I see the light,” and it was absolutely clear - there’s no way he’s going to die now . He also teases them with all the hypotheticals. It is not clear to whom, but aggression, strength, emotion - all this was quite obvious.
No, I understand, Gorsheneva is rushing, well, give him something, or at least on the head, so that he can pretend to be a little sad and melancholy. Just don’t overdo it, otherwise he’ll forget the words again in the final aria)

Let's continue going through the screwed up scenes. This is the one after which I cried and asked to be taken away from here. Well, not so emotional, of course, but the one after which my impression of the performance changed.
Lovett's explanation scene. For those who are not in the know, I’ll give you a hint of the plot: Lovett finds Todd with the corpse of her butcher uncle at the meat grinder, and when he intends to kill her for company, she confesses her passionate love to him and becomes his accomplice. That is, you understand - she loves him passionately and is ready to accept death at his hand. She and he.
Do you know what the coolest thing could be done with this scene? Cool in quotes, of course. Make a secret declaration of love into a monologue in public. Listen to her words: “An exciting moment, a sweet moment... because we are alone next to you, just you and me and the darkness.” What a damn sweet moment when, in the first bars of this touching composition, Todd disappears from the stage completely, and Lovett, surrounded by a crowd of ballerinas, confesses her love to the audience? As a result, instead of the most tender scene of the entire musical, we get a public statement expressed in confidence to the whole world.
How beautifully this moment could have been made! With Todd, who runs into Lovett at the meat grinder (otherwise where would the intrigue come from, she should find him there), attacks her in confusion, and how she approaches him - and the paired scenes, by the way, are good in the play, apparently this is the director’s strong point - and begins to talk about his feelings. Then let the ballet come and sing in the hall - but it was necessary to show that this is love. It is between two people, it is a dialogue, not a monologue!

By the way, there is a general misunderstanding with Lovett. According to the emotion conveyed by the recording, she is a girl in love with Todd, who has grown up, but has never outgrown her childhood crush, who admires a strong, handsome, tragic man (and the main pleasure that every woman will experience when watching this performance is to admire the chic half-naked Gorshenev, because he is very VERY sexy!) and is ready to do anything for him - to die like that, die like that, kill like that, kill. According to the play, this is a hardened girl who wants money and a beautiful life. Even compare how her story is told in the recording and in the play: Smekhov (the narrator on the disc) says “once upon a time as a little girl, Lovett was in love with a beautiful young barber,” Lovett in the play talks about looking out the window at a happy woman, whom Todd loves and dreamed of being this woman. In my opinion (I don’t have the text at hand), she also describes well-being - in any case, this is what she focuses on in the interludes: “We have money, we have everything, let’s live well and cool.” Somehow this is wrong. Maybe this is how it should be, but somehow it’s wrong.

You have to understand that Gorshenev, by the way, is wonderful. It’s real - none of my stupid claims can be directed at him. He is strong and bright, he is bursting with vital energy stronger than anyone on stage, except maybe the judge, he is powerful, like... like a bazooka! Here is such a cheerful, powerful, mighty bazooka on stage, which will shoot at any moment, and the main problem is that the producer or director simply has no idea - where to put this damn bazooka?! As a result, she continues to hang on the stage. And the cheerful pathos of “On the Edge” is connected precisely with this - Gorshenev is too full of energy to sing it devastatedly, as it should be.

But the most important question that arose for me while watching the performance was, excuse me, why make a message that is better not to do at all. This is me about the final song of the death girl, which is formulated approximately like this:
Lala-lala, death is not cool, let's all live and enjoy life.
But if you don’t enjoy living, then let’s die quickly.

Hey people, what do you think? Have you seen your target audience? Have you seen this teenage-goth-punk tribe? You understand that any of them can remember this for the rest of their damn lives, and when at thirty, realizing that they haven’t achieved anything and can’t change anything, they remember the performance they saw at eighteen and take an extra step while standing on the edge of the window - you, you will be to blame for this.
Well, if we ignore the moral side of the issue, you first define the message for yourself, and then try to formulate it in rhymes. Because “it’s good to live, but you can die” is some kind of nonsense, and not just an idea.

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D. Reimer, T. Prest, M. Gorshenev


2 h 00 min


Don't believe your ears, but believe your eyes. “TODD” must be watched at least once... in order to return to it again and again.

"TODD" is not a cheesy musical, not a popcorn-filled entertainment. This is a completely new interpretation of an old London legend. The work contains Hamlet's eternal questions and Shakespeare's passions flare up in earnest. Here you need to think and empathize.

The plot of the musical is based on a 17th-century London story about barber* Sweeney Todd (*barber, hairdresser). “The story that we are playing now... is half funny, half dramatic... This is a story about human suffering,” Mikhail Gorshenev, the author of the idea for the production and one of the creators of the play, said about the play. "TODD" is a story of betrayal, love, passion, loyalty, destruction, truth and lies, revenge, retribution and hope.

For several epochs, the mysterious and gloomy character Sunni Todd, whose reality historians still argue about, has inspired artists to create literary works, films and performances. Famous Broadway theaters and leading opera houses turn to the story of Todd again and again. These include the Royal Opera House in London, The New York City Opera and many others.

The rock musical "TODD", or "zong opera" is a unique theatrical and musical production, which is a complex multi-level narrative: dramatic, musical and plastic. The dramatic action is interspersed with vocal and musical episodes, combinations of choreographic and stunt elements. The main component of the musical is vocal compositions, called “zongs” after B. Brecht’s “The Threepenny Opera”.

A new libretto (script) was specially written for the domestic production of “TODD”. And based on this libretto, Mikhail Gorshenev composed the musical score (sound track) for the entire performance. This sound track became the basis of the latest double album of the group “King and the Fool” and at the same time an audio version of the rock musical “TODD”, where instead of the roles of the narrators of the play you can hear the narration of Veniamin Smekhov, whose voice cannot be confused with anyone else. It is highly advisable to listen to this audio version before watching the rock musical - then you will be guaranteed 100% pleasure from watching the action on stage.

Review from the site

Who really was Sweeney Todd, and did he really exist? In fact, this character is fictional, but so vivid and realistic that many horror films have been made about him based on the bloody legend. Today, the legend of the maniacal barber is being brought to a new level of dramatic embodiment in the form of the rock musical Todd. For the musical stop, the legend was adapted by Andrei Usachev and Mikhail Bartenev, and Vladimir Zolotar acted as director. He decided to act outside the box, giving free rein to a variety of ideas and plans. As a result, within the walls of the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall, dance, drama, and vocals are mixed, and the features of rock opera are closely intertwined with the traditions of Broadway musicals. It is impossible to describe everything that happens in this performance in any words; you just need to buy tickets for the rock musical “TODD” and enjoy this spectacle live.

The sensational punk rock musical "Todd", which has become a theatrical and musical hit in recent years, celebrates its fifth anniversary at the largest venue in St. Petersburg - in the Great Concert Hall "Oktyabrsky". This performance was created in the best traditions of the horror-punk group “The King and the Clown”, and is based on an ancient legend about a crazy killer, which has been troubling the minds of ordinary people for many centuries. It’s strange, but the idea to stage a musical based on the plot of this chilling story arose precisely in Russia, in the mind of the unforgettable “Pot”. The permanent leader of “KiSha” left this world not long ago, and after his departure it was decided to abandon the continuation of work on the musical. However, in memory of the artist, the rock musical “Todd”, at the numerous requests of those who were concerned, was again shown in the Northern capital, and was a tremendous success. This time, too, tickets to “Todd” immediately began to be snapped up by those for whom the figure of Gorshenev remains no less legendary than the personality of Sweeney Todd himself.

If you have already bought tickets to the musical “Todd” in St. Petersburg and are going to see it for the first time, many surprises await you. So, the main character himself, who, by the way, will be played by a fairly well-known artist, the leader of the “Dogs of Tobacco” group Robert Ostrolutsky, will turn out to be not at all an insane bloodthirsty killer, but a noble lone avenger. The whole story will be shrouded in mysticism and romance. The remaining parts will be performed by musicians including KiSha, who now perform outside the musical under the name Northern Fleet. Tickets for the rock musical “TODD” are a rare chance to meet the “King and the Clown” group, and this opportunity simply cannot be missed.

The musical “Todd” in St. Petersburg, tickets for which are already on sale, is a very large-scale and colorful spectacle that is worth seeing not only for fans of punk rock, but also for ballet connoisseurs, parkour fans, fans of the group “King and the Clown” and simply connoisseurs excellent performances in different genres. You can buy tickets for “Todd” on February 7, 2018 at any theater box office or by calling 380-80-50.

18 century. London, Fleet Street, 186.

Sweeney Todd lives here. Barber, barber, hairdresser. Todd. Or you can simply say: serial killer. He sometimes kills visitors to the barbershop. He robs some more. The ordinary barber Todd. All it takes is a razor and a slap in the throat. Sweeney Todd, barber. All bloodier, more fun. By the way, he also has a girlfriend: a beautiful, red-haired girl, her name is Lovvet. She lives right there, on the floor below. Bakes pies. Made from meat generously supplied by Todd's Barber Shop. First, the client’s hair in the hair salon is fine, then, without leaving the cash register, his life is fine, and his wallet is also fine, and in the end - well, why waste it - we will use human meat into pies.

Stories about the bloody barber were born in the mid-19th century. At first they frightened naughty children: “I’ll send you to eat human pies from Lovvet,” the strict mothers said, “if you don’t listen.”

It is still unknown whether Todd was just a character from children's horror stories or whether he actually lived. There is an opinion that yes, there was such a serial hairdresser and they even caught him practically red-handed.

Dunstan's Temple stood next to the barbershop. His parishioners one day during masses began to smell a certain stench. Soon the bodies of Todd's victims were discovered nearby, or rather the remains that Lovet could not use to stuff pies. Todd's guilt was quickly proven, and on January 25, 1802, he was hanged.

Todd first appeared in art in " String of pearls", a series of short stories, which later grew into a series of books.

In the 20th century, the plot about a maniac with a razor was reworked. Todd appeared in a new, romantic light - a cold-blooded avenger taking revenge on those who broke his once happy life. At the same time, the main antagonist appeared - Judge Turpin, who was inflamed with passion for the wife of the poor hairdresser and sent him into exile for fifteen years.

By 1970, Todd had already been filmed three times, and in 1979 he received a musical interpretation. 2007 is the year the skilled throat cutter returned to the big screen. Tim Burton transferred the 1979 musical, framing its action in fantastically cartoonish, gloomy, in a word - exclusively Burtonian tones. Played the role of Todd Johnny Depp. He, as you know, is an actor with a thousand years of talent, and it is his pale face that rises in the minds of most when the name Sweeney Todd is mentioned.

And now it's 2010. Russia. Group " King and the Clown", in particular, its frontman Mikhail Gorshenev, together with the production company " Theater business"presented their story about a bloodthirsty barber to the court.

Musical " TODD"is a punk rock musical, or (according to the creators’ own definition) a horror zong opera, consisting of two acts. 40 artists, ballet, choir, parkour stunts, street art decorations – how much did KiShovsky incorporate “ TODD"!

Judging by the music, one thing is for sure - “ King and the Clown are still the best tellers of punk rock bedtime stories. Lush heavy guitar sound, sweeping vocals and an unforgettable, gothic-punk atmosphere inspired by the sound of " Misfits".

But, strangely, after leaving the hall I didn’t remember any songs, no faces, no costumes, no scenery - nothing. There was some kind of mess in my head. Only the colors were remembered as a mirage - gray and scarlet: blood flows along the twilight street, illuminated by the fires of tire fires.

The only thing you think about when you leave the hall is: what was all this about? Why all these murders and strange conversations? By the way, why?.. And you cut yourself off at some point: it’s better not to worry about the plot, because there is a high risk of being disappointed in a fairy tale, whose plot is cut from fragile threads that will break at the slightest touch.

Almost a week has passed since the show of the musical. It was thought that it wouldn’t work, that nothing would be written, but for some reason suddenly the faces of the characters gradually began to appear, the music could be heard echoing, the scenery was restored.

Gorshenev often admitted that for him this production is one of the most important things in his life. He wrote the music for this project, became the leading actor, and led the project from its inception. When Mikhail passed away, many thought that that was it, “ TODD"will cease to exist.

Gorshkovsky's Todd turned out to be gloomy, torn, and cold-blooded. Hero performed Gorsheneva- a person with a torn soul, with whom you involuntarily empathize.

Despite the evil rumors, they still managed to find a replacement for Mikhail.

Robert Ostrolutsky- founder of the popular thrash metal " Crownear" About your replacement Ostrolutsky spoke carefully:

- I understand that I took a big risk by deciding to play a role that was originally created for Mikhail Gorshenev... But I was very inspired by this character and these songs. Some songs touch me so much that I literally choke in tears.

Ostrolutsky I wasn’t lying at all when I said how strong the emotional intensity is during the performance of Todd’s arias; you can see this personally by going to « TODD".

Now about other characters.

The eyes of the ruthless and corrupt judge, who was brilliantly played, burn with devilish fire Vyacheslav Kovalev. The brutal butcher performed ominously wheezes in his bass voice Artur Ivanov. To the humble priest Andrey Krasnousov I want to empathize.

The musicians who accompanied the actors were arranged in an interesting way. They were located in a three-story building, standing half-sided at the back of the stage, and were always visible. Each musician was in a separate cube-room, with a musician on each floor staggered. Sometimes a cross is lit on this structure: red or white. It looked very impressive.

Chaos on stage. Chaos. Continuous seething. Anarchy.

Sometimes in the stalls there was a feeling of some kind of brotherly involvement in what was happening on stage. At Todd's solo songs, people got up from their chairs, began to sing and clap to the beat of the music.

People wanted to listen to the songs performed in the musical even after the performance. Many even after the first act went to buy the soundtrack album.

There was a lot of punk, well punk, in this musical.

When people dispersed, punk greetings of “hoy!” were heard from different corners; men with paunches, young people with strange hairstyles, small children, respectable aunts and beautiful girls exclaimed. Roll call among our own. « TODD" truly united like-minded people. To Vladimir Zolotar managed to create not just a musical, not a “zong opera”, but a real musical punk epic in Russian, dedicated to revenge and love, which will penetrate everyone, even the person furthest from rock music.

In the meantime, Todd is sharpening his razor to reopen his barber shop by November 12th at the Moskvich CC. Come and enjoy pies from Lovevet.

The ancient legend about the barber Sweeney Todd, unfortunately, is practically unknown in our country. But, thanks to the group “King and the Clown,” in the near future, it may even be difficult to get tickets for TODD. After all, this is the name of the new performance, prepared by the leader of the punk band Mikhail Gorshenev and other members of his team. This is truly an experimental project for the domestic stage. Indeed, in this production you can see “KiSh” in its entirety, led by Gorshok in the role of Todd, a modern choir and ballet, as well as professional parkour dancers who are ready to please the audience with their extreme jumps. And the scenery on the theater stage was specially prepared taking into account such numbers and was decorated by the best representatives of street art. Therefore, everyone who wants to buy tickets to TODD will be able to see real graffiti, like on city walls and fences.

Currently, the production about Todd is very popular. It is worth noting that this is facilitated not only by a fascinating plot, but also by the participation of the group “King and the Clown,” which has a huge number of fans in Moscow. In addition, the performance will also appeal to representatives of other youth cultures that are far from punk rock. After all, the original interpretation of the ancient legend will undoubtedly attract the attention of art-house lovers, and the participation of a parkour team and graffiti-style decorations should appeal to fans of street style. In general, the performance is designed for a young audience, but representatives of the older generation can sometimes be shocked by what is happening on stage. By the way, anyone who wants to book tickets to TODD should remember the presence of profanity and similar elements that not everyone may like.

First performances of the play in 2019!

Music - Mikhail Gorshenev And group "King and the Jester"
Libretto – Mikhail Bartenev And Andrey Usachev
Director - Vladimir Zolotar
Choreography – Olga Prikhudaylova, Yuri Chulkov
Musical director –Olga Shaydullina
Production designer –Sergey Skornetsky
Costume designer -Lyubov Shepeta
Decorations (street art) –P183

Don't believe your ears, but believe your eyes.
“TODD” should be watched at least once,
and then return to it again and again.

The first showings of the rock musical “TODD” in 2019 will take place on February 1 and 2 in the same place – at the MDM Theater.

"TODD" is not a sugary musical entertainment "one time with popcorn." This is a completely different interpretation of an old London legend. In the domestic version of the work, Hamlet’s eternal questions are raised and Shakespeare’s passions flare up in earnest - here you have to think and empathize! The plot of the musical is based on a creepy 13th-century London story about the barber (barber, hairdresser) Sweeney Todd.

"TODD" is a story about betrayal, love, passion, loyalty, destruction, truth and lies, revenge, retribution and hope.

For several eras, the mysterious and gloomy character Sweeney Todd, whose reality historians still argue about, has inspired artists to create literary works, films and performances. These include the famous Royal Opera House in London and The New York City Opera. Based on the legend of the same name, an Oscar-winning thriller starring Johnny Depp was shot in Hollywood.

For the seventh season, the play has been shown to full houses in Moscow and St. Petersburg, attracting again and again both new and regular viewers. The dramaturgy is so multifaceted that it captivates you to watch the rock musical again and again, each time forcing the viewer to make more and more new discoveries.

Definitely, the performance has the magic of attraction, and it is worth watching it at least once with your own eyes.

Excursion– a sightseeing tour into the world behind the scenes with a guide. An opportunity to listen to interesting stories about the creation of the musical and take photos with some of the artists.


Sweeney Todd - Robert Ostrolutsky
Lovett – Elena Reznichenko / Maria Fortunatova
Judge - Evgeny Kozlov / Vladimir Dybsky
Priest - Vladimir Dybsky / Andrey Krasnousov
Butcher – Alexey Vlasov
Storytellers – Irina Epifanova, Alexander “Renegade” Leontyev
Eliza – Valeria Morar / Anastasia Ryseva
The dandies - Oleg Malyshev, Evgeny Petish, Andrey Fedorov
Black Swan - Sergey Yudin
Death - Varvara Leontyeva
Group "King and Jester":Yakov Tsvirkunov(guitar), Alexander Kulikov(bass), Pavel Sazhinov(keyboards), Alexander "Lieutenant" Shchigolev(drums). AndValery Arkadin(group The Matrixx) - guitar, arrangements