Perm branch of the Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture I. Glazunov

    - (RAZHVIZ) higher education art institution. Founded in 1987 by People's Artist of the USSR Ilya Sergeevich Glazunov. From this year to the present, he has been the rector of the Academy. Active pedagogical activity Ilya Glazunov started in... ... Wikipedia

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  • Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture,. Works of Russian painting are great national treasure. A large number of remarkable masters and many world-class paintings created in a short period of time allow...
  • Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, Glazunov I. (ed.). Gift edition beautifully illustrated in a slipcase. .. The book presents the work of not only Academy teachers, but also students, from the moment of their admission to the defense of their diploma. This…

Ural branch federal state educational institution higher education`Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture by Ilya Glazunov`

Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture of Ilya Glazunov - higher education educational institution, designed to increase educational level younger generation Russian artists. This university adheres to the traditions of the Russian realistic school, which, in turn, stem from Russian academicism. Liveliness of the Russian academic school is proved by the events of modern artistic life Perm. Academy graduates are best seen at Perm exhibitions last decade; they join the ranks of the local branch of the Union of Artists of Russia, many of them go to cultural space"capitals"...

University contacts

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The Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture of Ilya Glazunov appeared more than 20 years ago. This unique art university is led by famous Ilya Glazunova pursues a completely consistent educational policy. The meaning of this policy is to introduce young talents to Russian realistic art, in the education of patriotism without excessive pathos - as natural love for the native fatherland, its nature and people, for its creative heritage. Since 2014, the director of the branch is a professional artist-painter, associate professor Alexey Anatolyevich Murgin.
The university has several specialized departments, differentiated mainly by types of art.
The Department of Painting and Composition has existed since the beginning of the formation of the Ural branch. It is headed by a representative of the first graduating class of the Academy, Tatyana Timofeevna Necheukhina. The teaching staff includes Honored Artist of Russia L.I. Perevalov, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation O.M. Vlasov, artists M.V. Kayotkin, M.V. Nurulin, K.V. Suslov. The intake for the painting department is small, but thorough, since this art requires from a professional, in addition to rich creative talent in general, a special sense of color, which is not given to every person.
The selection of personnel and their further professionalization is based on a harmonious academic program, providing for logical consistency and firmness in mastering the craft. Thanks to many years of academic studies, the artist comprehends the mastery of composition, form and color. It is no coincidence that the works of Academy graduates are distinguished by their thoughtfulness and refinement of techniques, which in itself speaks of great professional culture and the unique development of young talents.
Future artists will certainly work in the open air, traveling to the brightest and picturesque corners Perm region.
An important role in the development of a painter is played by familiarity with the world artistic heritage, both theoretically and in practical terms– for example, when copying works of famous Russian artists from the collection of the Perm Art Gallery.
Young artists are trained in all genres of painting, but, according to academic tradition, at the forefront of their interests is the revival of historical painting, designed to reflect both the glorious past of Russian history and the drama of modern events, forming a historical outline.
Department of Academic Drawing, Watercolor and decorative painting, working under the leadership of Academy graduate Alexei Anatolyevich Murgin, is one of the “youngest” in the branch: it was formed in 1997. And its formation is far from accidental - after all, drawing is the basis of each type visual arts. The teaching staff includes Honored Artist of Russia A.T. Amirkhanov, V.A. Ostapenko, V.V. Rakisheva, E.L. Murgina-Zagarskikh and other teachers.
Drawing is taught to students of all departments from the 1st to the 5th year. Training is conducted according to an academic program, which provides for the gradual mastery of the skill of a draftsman - from drawing plaster to creating compositional portraits and sketches of historical picture. At this department, young artists acquire a deep knowledge of anatomy (there is a special subject - “anatomical drawing”). Working with nature plays an important educational role: artists draw a “living head” already from the second semester, and further full-scale studies are required. In principle, young artists draw everything, trying to achieve maximum freedom in the use of pencil, charcoal, and sanguine. Teachers always strive for a meaningful, thoughtful drawing, and not a mechanical copying of some real objects.
Graduates of all departments, according to established academic traditions, are simply obliged to master, and even better, to shine with their correct and accurate drawing. But each department develops its own specificity of drawing: for painters, tonal-spatial drawing predominates, for sculptors and applied artists - decorative-plastic, for architects and designers - structural-linear. In any case, the best graduates of the Academy achieve high level drawing skills, which is the main merit of the teachers of the department of academic drawing, watercolor and decorative painting.
The Department of Sculpture is one of the most serious “graduating” departments. Since 2003, the department has been headed by Associate Professor Ivan Ivanovich Storozhev, who has assembled a strong teaching staff. Teachers of the department R.M. Guseinov, A.A. Matveev, E.A. Simanova, along with searches in the area monumental sculpture, create easel works with which they participate in regional, all-Russian and international exhibitions, and also take part in symposiums, festivals and competitions on sculpture from stone, wood, metal, snow and ice. The department develops new programs, writes various methodological manuals, helps graduates build complex, socially significant projects.
The Department of Decorative and Applied Arts, headed by Valery Ivanovich Mineev, is one of the most popular. The programs of this department are very broad and are largely influenced by local heritage. These programs not only give students an idea of ​​the main stages and general patterns of the evolution of decorative and applied arts, but also introduce them to the history of Prikamsk creativity, from the Perm animal style to modern works in stone, wood and metal. The connection between utilitarian and aesthetic functions, the dialectic of content and form in works of decorative and applied art is understood very deeply, comprehensively, using living and concrete examples.
The teaching staff includes Honored Artist of Russia R.B. Ismagilov, E.A. Zobacheva, R.R. Ismagilov, L.P. Perevalova, E.A. Mavrina, Yu.A. Shikin et al.
The Department of Architectural Environment Design, closely associated with the Department of Decorative and Applied Arts, is one of the newest. It is headed by candidate of architecture Andrei Andreevich Zhukovsky, an authoritative designer and talented teacher of this complex art, which is closely related to technical progress. Having a complex nature, design requires appropriate training for future masters. The department takes these conditions into account by providing students wide circle artistic and technical disciplines, creating opportunities for interaction between departments in the creation of individual graduation projects. The closest interaction between design and architecture should be recognized.
The teaching staff includes honorary architects of Russia A.A. Metelev and M.A. Popova, I.V. Tyunina, T.B. Solovyova and others.
The Department of Architecture, on the contrary, is one of the oldest. It was founded twenty years ago, during which it was headed by Alexander Sergeevich Terekhin and Sergey Ivanovich Tarasov. Since 2003, the department has been headed by Associate Professor, Honorary Architect of Russia Viktor Petrovich Shchipalkin, who has assembled a strong teaching team - architects E.I. Ostarkova, T.V. Shchipalkina, V.Yu. Shuvanov and others. One of the main merits of the department is the education of “environmental thinking” of future architects.
As it appears from specific works, young architects think broadly and spatially. They relate to the formation of the urban environment as the creation of a kind of plastic and organic unity. They perceive architecture as a living body in space. And this is always an individual representation. Hence the desire for unusual, unique solutions, for developing an individual style, a craving for personal projects that allow you to express “your” knowledge about architecture.
The training of architects includes a fairly broad practice. Training program provides both continuity in teaching and a logical sequence of architectural design. Projects of temples, chapels, park pavilions, public and residential buildings demonstrate multi-style and diversity artistic solutions. In a number of projects, a special dramaturgy of the environment arises, which is set by the whimsical “arabesques” of the blocks, thoughtful light and shadow effects, and an expressive color scheme.
The unifying point in the activities of all divisions of the Academy can be considered the attitude towards the educational process, towards the creation of a future artist. To cultivate one’s attitude towards nature, towards man, towards the world in general is one of the important tasks of the team of teachers at the Academy, who believe that main support future creators - realism, the main current of Russian art for many centuries.

Ural branch of the federal state educational institution of higher education 'Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture of Ilya Glazunov'

The Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture by Ilya Glazunov is a higher educational institution designed to improve the educational level of the younger generation of Russian artists. This university adheres to the traditions of the Russian realistic school, which, in turn, stem from Russian academicism. The liveliness of the Russian academic school is proven by the events of contemporary artistic life in Perm. Academy graduates are best seen at Perm exhibitions of the last decade; they join the ranks of the local branch of the Union of Artists of Russia, many of them enter the cultural space of the “capitals”...

University contacts

University address:

Official site:

The Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture of Ilya Glazunov appeared more than 20 years ago. This unique art university, under the leadership of the famous Ilya Glazunov, pursues a completely consistent educational policy. The meaning of this policy is to introduce young talents to Russian realistic art, to cultivate patriotism without excessive pathos - as a natural love for the native fatherland, its nature and people, for its creative heritage. Since 2014, the director of the branch is a professional artist-painter, associate professor Alexey Anatolyevich Murgin.
The university has several specialized departments, differentiated mainly by types of art.
The Department of Painting and Composition has existed since the beginning of the formation of the Ural branch. It is headed by a representative of the first graduating class of the Academy, Tatyana Timofeevna Necheukhina. The teaching staff includes Honored Artist of Russia L.I. Perevalov, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation O.M. Vlasov, artists M.V. Kayotkin, M.V. Nurulin, K.V. Suslov. The intake for the painting department is small, but thorough, since this art requires from a professional, in addition to rich creative talent in general, a special sense of color, which is not given to every person.
The selection of personnel and their further professionalization is based on a harmonious academic program, providing for logical consistency and firmness in mastering the craft. Thanks to many years of academic studies, the artist comprehends the mastery of composition, form and color. It is no coincidence that the works of Academy graduates are distinguished by their thoughtfulness and refined techniques, which in itself speaks of great professional culture and the unique development of young talents.
Future artists will certainly work in the open air, traveling to the brightest and most picturesque corners of the Perm region.
An important role in the development of a painter is played by familiarity with the world's artistic heritage, both theoretically and practically - for example, when copying works of famous Russian artists from the collection of the Perm Art Gallery.
Young artists are trained in all genres of painting, but, according to academic tradition, at the forefront of their interests is the revival of historical painting, designed to reflect both the glorious past of Russian history and the drama of modern events that form a historical outline.
The department of academic drawing, watercolor and decorative painting, working under the leadership of Academy graduate Alexei Anatolyevich Murgin, is one of the “youngest” in the branch: it was founded in 1997. And its formation is far from accidental - after all, drawing is the basis of every type of fine art. The teaching staff includes Honored Artist of Russia A.T. Amirkhanov, V.A. Ostapenko, V.V. Rakisheva, E.L. Murgina-Zagarskikh and other teachers.
Drawing is taught to students of all departments from the 1st to the 5th year. Training is conducted according to an academic program, which provides for the gradual mastery of the skill of a draftsman - from drawing plaster to creating compositional portraits and sketches for a historical painting. At this department, young artists acquire a deep knowledge of anatomy (there is a special subject - “anatomical drawing”). Working with nature plays an important educational role: artists draw a “living head” already from the second semester, and further full-scale studies are required. In principle, young artists draw everything, trying to achieve maximum freedom in the use of pencil, charcoal, and sanguine. Teachers always strive for a meaningful, thoughtful drawing, and not a mechanical copying of some real objects.
Graduates of all departments, according to established academic traditions, are simply obliged to master, and even better, to shine with their correct and accurate drawing. But each department develops its own specificity of drawing: for painters, tonal-spatial drawing predominates, for sculptors and applied artists - decorative-plastic, for architects and designers - structural-linear. In any case, the best graduates of the Academy achieve a high level of drawing skill, which is the main merit of the teachers of the department of academic drawing, watercolor and decorative painting.
The Department of Sculpture is one of the most serious “graduating” departments. Since 2003, the department has been headed by Associate Professor Ivan Ivanovich Storozhev, who has assembled a strong teaching staff. Teachers of the department R.M. Guseinov, A.A. Matveev, E.A. Simanova, along with research in the field of monumental sculpture, creates easel works with which they participate in regional, all-Russian, international exhibitions, and also take part in symposiums, festivals and competitions on sculpture from stone, wood, metal, snow and ice. The department develops new programs, writes various teaching aids, and helps graduates build complex, socially significant projects.
The Department of Decorative and Applied Arts, headed by Valery Ivanovich Mineev, is one of the most popular. The programs of this department are very broad and are largely influenced by local heritage. These programs not only give students an idea of ​​the main stages and general patterns of the evolution of decorative and applied arts, but also introduce them to the history of Kama creativity, from the Perm animal style to modern works in stone, wood and metal. The connection between utilitarian and aesthetic functions, the dialectic of content and form in works of decorative and applied art is understood very deeply, comprehensively, using living and concrete examples.
The teaching staff includes Honored Artist of Russia R.B. Ismagilov, E.A. Zobacheva, R.R. Ismagilov, L.P. Perevalova, E.A. Mavrina, Yu.A. Shikin et al.
The Department of Architectural Environment Design, closely associated with the Department of Decorative and Applied Arts, is one of the newest. It is headed by candidate of architecture Andrei Andreevich Zhukovsky, an authoritative designer and talented teacher of this complex art, which is closely related to technical progress. Having a complex nature, design requires appropriate training for future masters. The department takes these conditions into account, providing students with a wide range of artistic and technical disciplines, creating opportunities for interaction between departments in the creation of individual diploma projects. The closest interaction between design and architecture should be recognized.
The teaching staff includes honorary architects of Russia A.A. Metelev and M.A. Popova, I.V. Tyunina, T.B. Solovyova and others.
The Department of Architecture, on the contrary, is one of the oldest. It was founded twenty years ago, during which it was headed by Alexander Sergeevich Terekhin and Sergey Ivanovich Tarasov. Since 2003, the department has been headed by Associate Professor, Honorary Architect of Russia Viktor Petrovich Shchipalkin, who has assembled a strong teaching team - architects E.I. Ostarkova, T.V. Shchipalkina, V.Yu. Shuvanov and others. One of the main merits of the department is the education of “environmental thinking” of future architects.
As it appears from specific works, young architects think broadly and spatially. They relate to the formation of the urban environment as the creation of a kind of plastic and organic unity. They perceive architecture as a living body in space. And this is always an individual representation. Hence the desire for unusual, unique solutions, for developing an individual style, a craving for personal projects that allow you to express “your” knowledge about architecture.
The training of architects includes a fairly broad practice. The curriculum provides both continuity in teaching and a logical sequence of architectural design. Projects of temples, chapels, park pavilions, public and residential buildings demonstrate the multi-style and variety of artistic solutions. In a number of projects, a special dramaturgy of the environment arises, which is set by the whimsical “arabesques” of the blocks, thoughtful light and shadow effects, and an expressive color scheme.
The unifying point in the activities of all divisions of the Academy can be considered the attitude towards the educational process, towards the creation of a future artist. To cultivate one’s attitude towards nature, towards man, towards the world in general is one of the important tasks of the team of teachers at the Academy, who believe that the main support of future creators is realism, the main stream of Russian art for many centuries.

The Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture of Ilya Glazunov, founded in the homeland of S.P. Diaghilev in Perm.

The history of the emergence and formation of the Ural branch is very remarkable as an example of creative activity at a time of what seemed then to be a hopeless collapse in the country - social, economic, and most importantly - spiritual. Nowadays the work of the branch is of considerable interest cultural life in the Russian province.

Today the Ural branch of the Academy is the only full-fledged academic university, influencing the formation of artistic life throughout the region. The initially laid down principles of its activities are evidenced by the words spoken at one time by the first director of the branch, the remarkable Perm architect S.I. Tarasov: “There is a battle for Russia, not for geographical space, but for the space of the Russian soul.”

In the branch, about a hundred teachers work on educating young art masters, almost half of whom are doctors and candidates of science, twelve have honorary titles. Among them famous masters fine arts not only in the Kama region, but also in the country: folk artist Russia A.P.Zyryanov, Honored Artists of Russia T.E.Kovalenko, S.R.Kovalev, A.M.Ovchinnikov, L.I.Perevalov, A.T.Amirkhanov, laureate All-Russian competitions architectural projects V.P. Shchipalkin, multiple winner of architectural restoration competitions N.B. Belov. Among the teachers and young graduates of the branch, talented painters, participants in many exhibitions T.T. Nechukhina, A.A. Murgin and others.

About 200 students from Perm, Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, Kirov, Izhevsk, Glazov and other cities study in the five departments of the branch - painting, sculpture and architecture, decorative and applied arts and design of the architectural environment. Educational process combined with the very successful participation of teachers and students in exhibitions, competitions, shows, festivals - from regional to international.

The branch staff is involved in all cultural programs of the city. Graduates are in great demand and the demand for them is increasing every day. They work in all regions of the Urals, and not only in the field of fine arts. For example, Vsevolod Averkin became the main artist of the regional drama theater. Another student working at the Opera and Ballet Theater followed this path. Young artists influence the formation artistic sphere Prikamye. Sculptor T. Koneva and designer M. Kholkina became winners of the competition for the development memorial monument to the famous Perm choreographer E. Panfilov. A graduate of the sculpture department, A. Igoshev, is the author of the reconstruction of the monument to Alexander II in Yugo-Kamsk. Students and teachers actively participate in the preservation of historical and cultural monuments of the Perm region. Over the past ten years, projects have been drawn up for the restoration of architectural monuments of the late 18th – early 20th centuries, including buildings designed by the famous Perm architect I.I. Sviyazev: the House of the Noble Assembly, the Church of All Saints, the house of N.N. Krylov and others. The names of many graduates are increasingly appearing in different projects national and international level.