Lenormand heart. Heart (Knave of Hearts) Description of a person according to the Lenormand card Jack of Hearts

Keywords: Love, romance, generosity, affection, sympathy, compassion, longing, passion, desire, platonic love, devotion, connection, affiliation, membership, tendency, friendship, giving, caring, philanthropy, empathy, enthusiast, admirer, emotion, participation, date, bliss; humanitarian, erotic, heartless, sympathetic, favored, passionate, compatible, enthusiastic, preferredLove. Friendship. Happiness.

Main meaning in divination: Loving, romantic, emotional, sharing, contented.

A very good card, meaning friendship and love, harmonious relationships with a partner, joy and happiness, emotional comfort, empathy. The emergence of new relationships, new feelings is also possible. If the relationship is already established - strengthening of mutual feelings and affection.
The heart is the center of every human existence. This is the seat of mental strength and feelings, especially the ability to love. This is definitely a lucky card. Its appearance may symbolize unexpected help, support or happy circumstances. In the events represented by this card, you will experience joy and happiness. Opportunity for personal growth.
With the questioner's card - notification of a welcome guest. If the card is located between No. 28 MAN and No. 29 WOMAN, it is a sign of harmony and love between two people.
The heart is the seat not only of love and sympathy, but also of hatred and anger. "From love to hate one step". This can be expressed by the following combinations: with a CROSS or COFFIN - relationships can easily break, “heart trauma”; with SQUASH - a serious emotional crisis. In some cases, it may indicate cardiac dysfunction.
Surrounded by unfavorable cards it can mean conflict and difficult emotional experiences. Check whether you are attentive enough to your partner and whether you are too selfish.

The heart is an eternal symbol of love in all its forms - from the love of children for their parents to a loving relationship with a partner. You can’t command your heart, even if it’s hard for someone to accept. If the Heart card appears in a non-relationship reading, it can be interpreted as enthusiasm, affection, support, prosperity or satisfaction. When surrounded by negative cards, the Heart can mean difficult emotional experiences, melancholy or even heartlessness.
People.Matchmaker, lover, philanthropist, admirer, romantic, flirt, family psychologist, cardiologist.
Love.The blossoming of love, romance, dating, flirting, infatuation.
Job.Favoritism, job satisfaction, dedication to one's work.
Finance and business.Fundraising, philanthropy, preferred customer.
Well-being.Diseases of the cardiovascular system, doing what you love, positive emotions.
In matters of relationships. New relationships, new feelings may arise. If the relationship is already established - strengthening of mutual feelings and affection. This card symbolizes strong feelings. Regardless of the prospects for the relationship (this can only be discussed after considering the entire scenario), this is the novel that you will dreamily remember with nostalgia throughout your life. This is not forgotten.
In business matters.Everything is built on relationships, mutual likes or dislikes, and not on logical calculation. Emotions and feelings rule the show, decisions are made under the influence of a momentary impulse.
In medical matters.In combination with unfavorable cards, it can mean cardiac dysfunction or “illness from pleasure.”

Heart +

1 HORSEMAN declaration of love
2 CLOVER hope for reciprocity
3 SHIP pleasure trip
4 HOUSE love and warmth in the home
5 TREE deep feelings
6 CLOUDS of hatred
7 SNAKE deceit, play on sexual feelings, betrayal
8 COFFIN death of feelings
9 BOUQUET a gift from the heart
10 SPIT heart wound, betrayal
11 BROOM emotionally significant quarrel
12 OWLS sadness
13 CHILD selfless reverence
14 FOX flattery
15 BEAR patronage
16 STARS are very important relationships

Main meaning:

Heart is the 24th card in the Lenormand deck. One of the happiest cards! Its name speaks for itself, and when we see it in the layout, our own Heart begins to beat faster with joy. The heart portends love and joy, happiness and pleasure. This card is good in any area. Our wishes will come true. All the most joyful and pleasant moments in our lives are associated with the Heart card. This is its main meaning.

The Heart card is very hot, the hottest is Lenormand, Sun Sun, and the Heart follows right behind her. The map is very energetically saturated. This is warmth, sincerity and emotion. In the future we will consider the map Lenormand, Luna Moon, such qualities as sincerity and emotionality are also associated with it, but Lenormand, Luna Moon a more soulful card, calm, and emotions in the Heart are hot and restless, when a person devotes himself to something with all his Heart or hates something.

The importance of love in our lives is difficult to overestimate - everything is permeated with it. It’s either there and it’s felt acutely, or it’s not there and it’s felt even more acutely. We always love someone or something, or we don’t love something. We live with a person and love him or not. We go to work - whether we love it or not. All people want love. And our whole life is somehow connected with love.

In rare cases, the Heart is taken as a significator of a love affair. The significator of marriage is Lenormand, Ring Ring. It is best to take cards of forms 28 and 29.

Negative meaning:

Map shadow

Indifference. Cold. Treason. Tears. Love is a burden. Painful feelings. Impulsive actions, when a person, without heeding the sober voice of reason, acts only according to the will of his emotions.

If you are surrounded by difficult cards and if you have a question about your health - a heart attack, pay special attention to your heart, visit a cardiologist. The peculiarity of this card is its negative manifestation - fatal mistakes made out of love, as well as codependent relationships (drug-addictive love), but for such difficult prognoses in cards should fall out in the layout Lenormand, Snake Snake , Lenormand, Snake Coffin , Lenormand, Cross Cross , Lenormand, Broom Whip. Feelings blind, lead to a series of irreparable mistakes and a person loses himself, any self-respect and wants only one thing - to completely dissolve in his loved one. Also the combination of Heart with Lenormand, Snake snake speaks of painful pathological jealousy.

In matters of personal relationships:

The heart is the most important card in a love relationship reading. An abundance of negative cards indicates a lack of feelings in a couple. But in itself this is a very favorable card and speaks of love, tenderness, understanding, and new love. If there is already a relationship - increased affection, renewal of feelings, empathy, emotional comfort. In general, we can say that regardless of the prospects and duration of the relationship (this can be judged based on reading the whole layout), this is exactly the novel that people remember with sadness in their Hearts for many years.

Only combinations of cards can tell about the termination of a relationship and a break, when heavy cards fall next to the Heart ( Lenormand, Snake Coffin , Lenormand, Cross Cross , Lenormand, Kosa Scythe). A card appears nearby Lenormand, Mountain Mountain speaks of large, sometimes insoluble problems between people. The pair is alienated and cold. If a card falls nearby Lenormand, Book Book– then people have relationships that they are forced to hide from everyone.

Positive cards in the layout enhance the effect of the Heart: with Lenormand, Ring Ring- marriage; With Lenormand, Anchor Anchor– long lasting relationships; With Lenormand, Dog Dog loyalty; With Lenormand, House Home– harmony and family comfort.

An important fact to note is that the Heart is neither an indicator of marriage nor an indicator of a strong relationship. This can only be judged based on other cards. The Heart part falls out in young couples in whom passions are hot and emotions are still boiling. In established relationships, you can often see a map Lenormand, House House , Lenormand, Dog In medical matters:

It is worth examining the heart. Love will cure all ills. Diseases of the circulatory system, heart problems. Venereal diseases.

As a personality card:

A warm-hearted person does a lot for others, giving more and more than he receives. He feels good when others feel good. Very responsive, patient, caring and understanding. He is often used as a kitchen psychologist. So often that a person can make psychology his profession, or any other field where responsiveness and increased empathy are required.

In relationships, such a person is open and sincere, gentle and affectionate. Opens her soul wide open to her partner. Devoted and faithful. In its negative manifestation, the person under the Heart card is too naive and is often deceived in love. This causes frustration, devastation and depression. He ends up building a wall around his heart out of fear of loss. By locking his soul, he locks himself. In its extreme form, it becomes aloof, cold, cynical and heartless.

24. HEART (Jack of Hearts)

KEY VALUES: love, friendship, happiness.
A very good card, meaning friendship and love, harmonious relationships with a partner, joy and happiness, emotional comfort, empathy. The appearance of this card in a reading can symbolize unexpected help, support or happy circumstances. In the events represented by this card, you will experience joy and happiness. This is also an indication of good opportunities for personal growth. However, when surrounded by unfavorable cards, HEART can mean conflict and difficult emotional experiences. Ask yourself, are you attentive enough to your partner, are you too selfish?

In matters of relationships. New relationships, new feelings may arise. If the relationship is already established - strengthening of mutual feelings and affection. This card symbolizes strong feelings. Regardless of the prospects for the relationship (this can only be discussed after considering the entire scenario), this is the novel that you will dreamily remember with nostalgia throughout your life. This is not forgotten.

In business matters: everything is built on relationships, mutual likes or dislikes, and not on logical calculation. Emotions and feelings rule the show, decisions are made under the influence of a momentary impulse.

In medical matters: in combination with unfavorable cards, it can mean cardiac problems or “pleasure illnesses.”

Advice: follow the dictates of your heart, trust your feelings.


HORSEMAN - declaration of love
CLOVER - hope for reciprocity
BY SHIP - pleasure trip
HOME - love and warmth in the home
TREE - deep feelings
CLOUDS - hatred
SNAKE - deceit, play on sexual feelings, betrayal
GRAVE - death of feelings
BOUQUET - a gift from the heart
OBLIQUE - heart wound, betrayal
BROOM - emotionally significant quarrel
BIRDS - sadness
AS A CHILD - selfless reverence
FOX - flattery
BEAR - patronage
WITH STARS - very important relationships
STORK - the emergence of new feelings
DOG - selfless, heartfelt friendship
TOWER - mature feelings
PARKOM - close friends whom you can trust with all your secrets
GOROY - "stone on the heart"
FORK - love triangle
RATS - sexual perversion
RING - happy marriage for love
BY BOOK - a rational approach to intimate relationships
LETTER - love message
MAN or WOMAN (if this is a personal card) - notification of a welcome guest
if between a MAN and a WOMAN - this is a sign of harmony and love between two people
LILY - pure, high relationships or platonic love
SUN - good luck in love
MOON - affection
KEY - unusual relationships
PISCES - generosity, openness of feelings
ANCHOR - reliability and stability of feelings, but also lack of variety
CROSS - tests of love, tests of feelings.

The word "hearts" comes from the word "chervonny", which means "red". Cards of the heart suit almost always represent love, which, in turn, is associated with the color red.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future with the help of Lenormand cards.

Heart (Jack of Hearts)

Brief meaning: love, romance, emotions, gifts, generosity, friendship, passion.


The Lenormand HEART card is very good. It symbolizes love, true friendship, good mood. If there is already a relationship, then it will receive a new impetus for development; if there is none, then you should expect a pleasant meeting soon. The appearance of this card promises favorable opportunities in other areas of your life.

But with bad cards, the HEART can warn of anger, hatred, the end of a relationship or a serious crisis between partners. As they say, “From love to hate there is only one step” and it all comes from the heart. Bad cards nearby are often a hint that you need to pay more attention to your partner, all is not lost, and if the relationship is really dear to you, then you can save it.

Personality. Lover, psychologist, hopeless romantic, admirer, cardiologist, funny person.

Love. Light flirting, an invitation to a date, a very favorable time for love.

Job. You get satisfaction from your work, your manager supports you in everything and even turns a blind eye to your “shortcomings.” Career advancement.

Finance. Philanthropy, spending money on good causes.

Well-being. Doing what you love gives you good emotions.

Relationships. New relationships, increased feelings. A novel that you will remember for the rest of your life, regardless of its outcome.

Business matters. There is little logic in relationships with partners, much more personal feelings. Decisions are often made spontaneously. In some cases, this can be harmful; business requires a cool head, not a warm heart.

Health. With bad cards it speaks of heart disease.

Combination of the Heart card with other cards

CROSS- Your feelings are about to be tested very seriously. Possible suffering. The current relationship is a match made in heaven.

ANCHOR- Strong feelings, attachment is very strong, you cannot live without your partner (or he without you). These feelings will never go away.

FISH- There is openness in relationships, which has a beneficial effect on their development. A good investment, generosity will be returned with interest in the coming days.

KEY- This combination of cards speaks of devotion. Sometimes hints at unusual feelings.

MOON- There is a strong attachment on the part of the woman.

SUN- In love you can expect good luck, bright and sincere feelings.

LILY- Rich lover, long-term relationship. Favorable period for sex.

WOMAN- A generous person who is always ready to selflessly help. Care from parents.

MAN- Similar to the previous one.

LETTER- A message will come from a loved one. Someone confesses their love. Also, the combination LETTER + HEART speaks of marriage, drawing up a marriage contract.

BOOK- There are secret love relationships.

RING- Wedding.

RATS- Love makes a person yearn. A loved one will betray you, which will make you suffer even more. Possibility of betrayal, sexual perversion. One of the partners is too selfish and selfish, he thinks only about his own interests, and the relationship is actually not important to him.

FORK- Next to negative cards it speaks of an imminent separation. In other cases, this combination foreshadows a love triangle or indicates that one of the partners has not yet decided and does not know who he wants to be with.

MOUNTAIN- There is a heaviness in the heart, a state of depression. There is understatement and coolness in feelings.

GARDEN- The public loves you, a good combination for people who are looking for public recognition. May indicate the presence of friends who can be trusted with all secrets.

TOWER- Romance at work.

DOG- Friendship can become love, take a closer look at your friends of the opposite sex, perhaps you do not notice obvious signs of attention and hints of more.

STORK- The beloved will return. Easy love, romance, pleasant meeting. A new acquaintance that could end in love.

STARS- This union was determined from above, kindred spirits met.

BEAR- Your husband loves you very much. In general, the combination with the BEAR card speaks of feelings that can withstand the test of anything. They are very strong and durable, nothing and no one can destroy love. Sometimes it can indicate an influential and wealthy lover.

FOX- There is self-interest in relationships. A cunning rival appeared, a threat of betrayal.

CHILD- Sincerity in relationships, an atmosphere of mutual trust.

OWLS- Sadness. Nervous due to mental anguish, you have to look again at your relationship and rethink it. Expect a very emotional conversation during which you will learn a lot about your partner