How to draw a beautiful anime drawing. Anime from scratch: step-by-step steps on how to learn to draw a girl, animals and face

How to learn to draw anime?

Anime characters have long become favorites of millions of teenagers and young people around the world. This cartoon genre, which originated in Japan, is very popular today and has its own characteristics. If you know all the nuances, then learning to draw anime is not at all difficult.

The image of a guy or girl in this style is different from regular pattern large, wide-open eyes, a small, inconspicuous nose and mouth without prominent lips. In addition, anime characters long hair in the form of separate strands and disproportionately long legs.

Stage 1: sketching

Anime style makes very cute girls. Every aspiring artist can learn to draw images of women by following certain rules. You will need a sheet of paper and a simple pencil.

Stage 2: drawing the face

  1. In accordance with the applied markings, clearly draw upper eyelid, pupil and iris of the eye.
  2. An anime girl's pupil should be elongated vertically and have a dark color.
  3. The iris is a little lighter.
  4. The lower eyelid does not need to be drawn out carefully; a thin line is enough.
  5. Eyebrows will be thin. They need to be depicted quite far from the eyes.
  6. Now you need to draw a small sketchy nose.
  7. Immediately below it you should draw a mouth in the form of a thin horizontal line. There is no need to perform lips.
  8. The ears will be at the level of the tip of the nose.
  9. Let's make the chin small and pointed.
  10. Now all that remains is to outline the hairline and draw the strands, loosening them or putting them in a hairstyle.

Stage 3: drawing the body

Let's move on to the body. For an anime girl you need to draw:

  • thin neck,
  • graceful hands,
  • define a thin waist,
  • hip line,
  • lush breasts.
  • your legs will be slender and unusually long.

You need to come up with clothes and depict them on the body. The body, unlike the head, is made according to the rules of the classical design.

When all the details of the drawing have become clear and expressive, you can erase the extra lines and start coloring. Anime characters always have contrasting colors, bright details. Hair can be any color, even the most unexpected. The same can be said about clothes. When drawing anime, you don't need to darken or lighten individual areas.

IN last years Anime cartoons have become quite popular not only among children, but adults also like them. Everyone has their favorite heroes, and many try to copy them by portraying them themselves. How to draw anime with a pencil step by step? This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Anime technique

Anime is considered a special technique Japanese drawings which are performed using a pencil. This picture has several differences from other genres. First of all, this applies to the image of the face and eyes. There are several types of anime. For example, manga or comics.

Anime cartoons attract the attention of many viewers not only with the originality of the drawing, but also with the meaning of their plot. Often this is what causes fans to ask: “How to draw anime with a pencil?”

Portraying anime cartoon characters is quite a fascinating thing. Even if you only use a pencil. Depicting facial details is not a difficult task. So, let's look at a simple way to draw anime with a pencil step by step.

Algorithm of actions

To achieve accuracy and the desired quality of the drawing, it is necessary to adhere to a certain order of execution. Now it will become clear to you how to draw anime. Follow the recommendations step by step.

1. We must remember that all the heroes of such cartoons are characterized by some universal details: huge eyes and small mouths. Noses are usually marked schematically. Some characters have disproportionately long legs.

2. Preparing the necessary supplies. You will need a regular album. The paper should be thick and the pencil should be soft. It is recommended to sharpen it with a knife - the sharpener will not be able to properly cut the end of the lead for more convenient drawing, since you will need to sketch thin lines. Hatching is also easier to apply if the pencil is sharpened at an angle.

3. Applying preparatory markings. A line is drawn from top to bottom in the central part of the sheet - this indicates the growth of the future anime hero. We divide the straight line into six identical segments. The first part on top is reserved for the head. Three segments at the bottom remain for the legs. The shoulders and pelvis are indicated. Then you need to outline the remaining contours of the body. We schematically depict the character's hands.

4. In the place where the head should be, draw an oval and divide it into two even parts using a thin horizontal line. We mark two points on it that serve as the centers of the eyes. We make two transverse strokes (lower eyelids).

5. In accordance with the lower eyelids, we complete the upper lines. Then we do the irises and pupils. It is not difficult. Please note that pupils and irises in anime drawings do not have the correct round shape. In most cases they are extended from top to bottom. Then we outline thin eyebrows above the eyes.

6. Draw a nose in the central part of the face. Most often it is depicted as small and not detailed. We outline the ears. Draw a small mouth - draw a small horizontal stroke just below the nose. You can depict lips, but this is optional.

7. The hairline is located high, at a considerable distance from the eyes. It is recommended to draw the strands in separate curls. Depict the character's hairstyle in accordance with his character. It can be a neat or messy haircut, simple or complex. The main thing is to give freedom of imagination.

8. The contours of the character’s figure are drawn. This drawing stage is similar to the image human bodies V classical genres drawing.

9. Use an eraser to erase any extra lines and color the drawing. He's ready! So we have determined how to draw anime with a pencil step by step.

Character image

Quite often, the main characters of anime cartoons are girls. They are amazingly beautiful, and many people want to learn how to portray them. Let's move on to how to draw an anime girl step by step.

Anime girl

Let's sketch the character's face. We start by drawing a circle. Then we divide it in half. If the girl in the picture is depicted half-turned, then the face is divided into two uneven parts. You can make a bias, as if the heroine lowered her eyes. It all depends on imagination and desire. Another circle is drawn, which will serve as the basis for the character’s head. The chin is marked under the first circle, then you need to mark the points of the cheekbones and outline the shape of the girl’s face. We outline the contours of the mouth, nose and eyes. Let's move on to the hair. Pay attention to the girl’s hairstyle: her hair is tied up or loose, perhaps she has a braid, or her curls are styled in an intricate updo. Pay attention to all the necessary details. Don't forget to sketch out the outlines of the ears.

Eyes are a special nuance in anime pictures. They are usually different large size, compared to classical drawings. The eyes need to be depicted as large and expressive. Let's move on to the proportions of the nose. It is usually not detailed in anime drawings, so it is not difficult to depict it.

When the base of the character is ready, you can draw contours, add hairstyle details, and draw shadows on the face. We draw the eyes so that the main emphasis is placed on them. You can depict only the face or draw a girl in full height. The choice is yours.

Application of skills

Now you know how to draw an anime girl. Next, you can begin to depict stories with several characters. Now you can draw various moments from anime series. IN in this case You will need to depict not only the character, but also the environment and background. The good thing is that it will help you learn how to portray different types of emotions. It's no secret that anime drawings very accurately and quite originally convey the feelings and mood of the characters.

Additional benefits of the lesson

Recently, anime drawing competitions have become popular. Some artists even organize exhibitions.

So learning several ways of how to draw anime with a pencil step by step will not be superfluous. This can bring not only pleasure, but also profit.

This topic is about drawing in anime style. This lesson Applies more to beginners who want to use this style, but it may also be useful for those already experienced. Let's start by drawing the head, carefully follow the sequence of actions shown below.

And so, the drawing is in anime style.

Drawing a face
This tutorial focuses on the shape and structure of the face.
Step 1 Draw the chin and cheeks. Focus on drawing them the same on both sides. Although it may look simple, even the slightest mistake can make the drawing look unattractive.

Step 2 Draw the neck. Notice how thin it is.

Step 3 Draw the nose and mouth. Most anime artists draw the nose and mouth VERY small. However, some people don't do this, so decide for yourself.

Step 4 Add eyes. Notice how far apart and how close to the nose they are.

Step 5 Add eyebrows. Notice how much longer they are relative to the eyes.

Step 6 Add the ears and you have created a face. Pay attention to the hairline. Big head…

Please note: the angle of the ear is directed towards the eye.

3/4 view.
About the average head size (for anime). It doesn't look very attractive until you add hair. Hair is such a big part of anime that it requires a separate tutorial.

The guy's facial structure is different (in most cases). Guys' faces are usually more elongated, their chins are more pronounced.

When drawing a guy's neck, you can draw it similar to a girl's neck (but usually only for young boys, including teenagers). Or, as shown, you can draw it more developed.
Side view
Man and woman - style 1
More realistic and more pronounced. Their noses don't end sharply. Their eyes are smaller. Guys' chins are more prominent than girls'.

Man and woman - style 2
Their head is more round. Their eyes are bigger.
You can draw an almost straight line from the tip of your nose to your chin. (i.e. lips and chin are weakly defined - approx. per.)

Common Face Shading Techniques
There are many ways to shade a face, here are a few.
Try to leave a little space between the shadow and the nose.
Sometimes there are highlights above the cheek and on the lip.

Attach a piece of paper to the photo and translate it. Simplify your hair into patches, enlarge your eyes and create large highlights in your pupils. Anime portrait is ready. But this is enough if you want to know how to draw yourself in

You have read a description of the process of creating many cartoon characters. But the anime style has enough nuances and special details. Manga characters immediately catch the eye, and it is impossible to confuse them with any other regular cartoon characters. Learn this and drawing anime portraits will be easy for you.

Facial expression

Do you want to convey emotions, but don't know how? Drawing a face in anime style is one thing, conveying it is another. Emotions are drawn quite simply, one might even say, with symbols.

For example, pink lines on the cheeks show that the hero is embarrassed, a wide open mouth with a grin when talking - he is angry, two arcs instead of eyes - the eyes are closed, and, most likely, the character is experiencing pleasure.

However, without studying this “ABC”, you can easily guess state of mind hero. If the person in the portrait is smiling, look at how it is depicted in anime style and do the same.


It's easy to draw a head from the front view. But it's boring and gets boring quickly. How to draw yourself in anime style so that your head is dynamic? Imagine that your head is a ball. Draw a line exactly in the middle where the eyes will be located. Now rotate this ball along with the line to change the angle of movement.

Draw lines for the nose and lips and then draw in the details of the face. The work should always be done by outlining the shapes. Draw it in detail - and it turns out that the result is not the movement that you would like.

Main mistakes

Anime in portraits obeys general rules. The nose, eyes, mouth, ears take their position on the head. If you can’t draw a regular head, it’s too early for you to think about how to draw a portrait in anime style. Mastery depends on experience.

Draw more sketches, practice. This helps in identifying errors and eventually correcting them. So, instead of opening a tutorial on how to draw an anime portrait every time, go through the list of common mistakes that you should be aware of and try to eliminate them.

Are the eyes evenly spaced along the line? Many beginning artists fail to draw identical eyes, they don’t know what to do with it and how. Drawing yourself in anime style isn't just about making your eyes the size of a galaxy. Once you draw them, mark the bottom and top extreme points and draw lines through them. This will help you find out if the eyes are drawn evenly.

Is your chin centered between them? Draw a line down the center of the face between the eyes and make sure the chin is on this line. It should also cross the mouth and nose. In the center, third or fourth - it depends on the perspective in which the head is located.

Are the ears level with the eyes? The top point of the auricle is located at the level of the eyebrows. The earlobe is in line with the tip of the nose. But these are individual values, so there may be deviations from the given rules - take this into account.

Watch anime based on manga different authors, so as not to wonder about how to draw yourself in anime style. Explore different styles manga and enjoy watching it at the same time. Many otaku (avid anime fans), without studying the principles, make a good “anime” drawing the first time.

Here are several step-by-step linear constructions of manga characters for exercises in drawing and coloring. Pay attention to the hairstyles - the hairstyles of the characters are a kind of trademark of the manga - often the characters are recognized only by their hairstyles:

1. 2.

3. 4.

Sasami Kawaii

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7.

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8.

Son Goku

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8.

3. 4.5.

6. 7. 8. 9.

Ash Ketchum

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

1) Before drawing the hair, draw the base - head, shoulders, face, etc.
Draw the back of the head so you know where the head ends.

2) Now draw all the non-curly parts of the hair. For example, I drew straight bangs for this girl.
You should already have an idea of ​​what hairstyle you want to give your character. A ponytail, braids or loose hair - to have an idea now is good idea(you can make a rough sketch if necessary)

3) This is the end of my preparations for drawing the curls themselves. I braided my girl's hair into knots (or odangos, whatever you want to call them) and added a few strands to give the appearance of her hair being pulled tight.
You don't have to do your hair like I did, this is just one example of how to prepare your character for the curly phase.

4) Now we start curling. Draw several curved lines that will represent the back part of the first curl. My curl split into a thin and thick section, but you can do one thick section if you prefer.

5) Now let's draw the front part. Make a slight curve on one side to add some weight and thickness. Make sure you cover the lines you drew in step 4 to create a complete curl.

6) Draw the back of the second curl. Because this hair will be very loose and springy, I leave plenty of space between curls.

7) Draw the front half of the curl, this time adding a curve behind it, unlike the previous curl. Notice the different thickness of each curl.

8) Make another set of curls, this time closer friend to a friend - if you want to make tight curls, then draw them close throughout instead of leaving distances like I do.

9) Continue making curl after curl, varying the thickness and distance between them. You can add a few lines to the back of the curl.

10) Continue curling. Make sure you know where to stay (short is good too!)

11) Finish with a small curl.

12) Repeat the entire process on the other side of your head. Draw all the front curls before starting on the back ones.

13) Now let's move on to the rear ones. If you start to get confused, try drawing them with less pencil pressure. This can help if you have a lot of curls.

14) This is the finished version with all the curls! Still missing a few little things. Let's add them now.

15) Just add a few small curls (like the ones we ended each row with).
Finally! The sketch is ready!

16) Now stroke. Make lines of different thicknesses. Just like in the sketch, try doing the front rows first, and do each curl separately to avoid confusion.

17) These are the finished outlined curls. Alternate thin and thick lines.
Here I have completed the drawing of the character to show what the whole image will look like. But you can draw your entire character before you start doing the curls. It would be a shame if, after all this work, you don't like the rest of the picture. ;R

18) Now you can add color!
I use markers for coloring, layer by layer adding more and more dark shades for shadows.
Because This is not a coloring tutorial, I won't tell you what to do. Experiment or find a lesson.

This is what the picture looks like at the moment. Far from finished.
I hope this lesson will help you understand how I draw curly hair to your characters.
Please remember that these are just guidelines. You can use them to practice and develop your own style.
Good luck!

Translation: Nancy aka Lalaokati

1.Let's get down to basics!
What are you doing wrong?

Take for example the three points A, B and C below.
What are you looking at when you draw a straight line - B and a curved line - C - B? For a pencil? Or to points C or B?

When you draw a picture, you must see the direction of the line you are drawing, look not only at the pencil point, but equally at all three points A, B and C. People cannot draw shapes properly if they look only at the pencil point.

Then, look at the 7 random dots below. What do you see?
Just a group of dots? Or can you barely discern the shape?

Let's number the points at random. Still not getting the shape you want?

Let's renumber the points to give them meanings that your eyes automatically follow in shape. Those who can decipher shape from looking at dots in this way are able to draw shapes.

Finally the dots are connected. Random lines connect to create a shape, talented people When drawing, they can sense hidden lines within the picture and trace them. Your ability to draw shapes depends on whether you can actually visualize the points in the correct order.

2. How to paint a “good picture”? "

What makes a good job? Sketch? Interesting detail? Project? Subject? Compound? All these components are important, but if you want to hear positive reviews about your work from others, you must create an impression and convey your feelings. In other words, you must be able to connect in a subconscious way with those who see your work.
Start by drawing a square box. This is a Graphics test.

In rooms 1-6, new information gradually added to the box. The amount of information contained in the drawings done at the absolute beginner level is excellent, from simple box to advanced. This is illustrated by the difference between number 1 and number 8.

The observer (the person who set the task of drawing the boxes) would expect to see only what he asked, square box number 6 - 8 exceeds these expectations. You can't say that number 6 - 8 are mistakes. The effective key is to show individual interpretation.

It is necessary to give the drawing an element of surprise and include Additional information into it, which would make it more interesting. Of course, to do this you must be good at sketching. But on top of that, you must also come up with interesting topic, character pose and design.

Although the character in example 9 and 10 are the same, you can see how they differ not only in design, but also in personality. This is a subconscious premise in the reader's opinion of a major anime and manga character to be attractive. This is what is expected, adding depth to their appeal. We can surprise the reader by exceeding their expectations, that's the first step when someone says your drawing is "good", but the real start is when they say it's "great".

You can also draw according to the reader's expectations similar to circle magazines.
For example, when looking at boxes, although the animator can draw up to level 8, he doesn't because readers expect to see level 6 drawing. Likewise, an animator, instead of drawing realistic illustrations, draws manga with simple lines and creates suitable Simple Distortion (SD) type characters.

First of all, draw square boxes.
What? Again!
We need to learn the basics!

How to draw with accurate perspective is explained in special books, but you do not have to draw with the precision of an architect. Once you get used to it, you won't spend much time drawing or thinking about the disappearing dot.
Draw straight lines freehand (no ruler or template). Draw a line on clean slate paper from one point to another, imagining the end result in your mind. You do the same with your sketches, only on a larger scale.

3. Before you start.
Start drawing! But before that.

It's well said that you will start drawing, but what are you going to draw?
Have you mastered the pencil willy-nilly? Are you going to draw an RPG (Role Playing Game) character? manga character? A hero in the fight? Or, are you planning to draw an illustration or logo? Charts of Basic Character Expressions? It doesn't matter if you draw - scribble. Just make sure you have a specific image of the character, location and pose. Good paintings start with a design.
Once this is decided, you draw the outline of the movement to create an overall image in which you don't have to worry about the cleanliness of the drawing or whether there is enough legroom on the page. good picture has a solid pattern. This is the first step in the sketch

Now outline the outline in detail!

In general, people think that it is very difficult to get a harmonious sketch if you draw simple polygons. Indeed, when you draw an illustration, you don't draw a square. However, you must decide what position each body part is in. And when you figure it out, you will draw well and quickly.

For now you can draw square boxes, but soon you will be able to draw characters.

4. Let's get down to basics

It's time to think about body size.

4. Shoujo Manga (Comic Girls)
A character with a very thin waist and with long legs. For girls, the body contours are defined proportionally, but the head is small. The boys are drawn almost the same, but with wider shoulders.

5. Funny SD character
This guy looks funny with a small body but big hands, legs and head.

6. Realistic type.
The length of the torso, body and legs are proportional - roughly the same as the Girls, except for the exaggerated narrow waist.

The character drawing differs with style. It's not just a change in body proportion, depending on whether it's a manga or an illustration, for example the same character will have different features. Compare various drawings of the same character below, especially look at the way the eyes and hands were drawn. You notice how some details have been drawn in detail while others have been left out.

5. Drawing Details
Character drawing
While you've looked at individual characters, an animation or manga work cannot be produced with just one character. You should also be able to draw support characters.
Also look at how to draw support characters. You must express everyone's individuality with precision. There are two things you need to do, make the leads stand out and provide the supporting characters with enough personality to make them interesting. Think about the personal background (their background, their beliefs, their relationship with the main character, etc.) for each character, and then convey this information in the work through such things as their expressions, hairstyle, costume and accessories.

Characters number 3 - 7 are much more difficult to draw than attractive main characters. Drawing older people will bring life-like realism to your work and characters.


1- Enemy Advisor: Wizard (character #1) An old man with a bent back.
2- Enemy Leader. Stubborn.
His shoulders are narrower than the Strong Soldier's side Positive heroes.
3 - Enemy Advisor: the bad Witch (character #2) is the same size as the witch on the Goodies' side, but she doesn't stand in a feminine pose.
4 – Enemy leader number 2. The head is taller than the Hero's, but thinner than the Enemy Leader. Attractive character.
5- Female enemy character
The power pose is a type of genre independent of me. Slightly taller than Hero.
6 - Enemy Spy. Monkey type (Short with long arms)
Steps like a ninja.
7 – Monster. Huge hands emphasize his strength.
8 - Willens' pet
None specific meaning does not bear any significance in history.
In history to highlight the treatment of the devil.

6. Looking for a suitable pose.

Translation: Alevtina

Step 1: Basics

1) I start drawing from the spine as this helps me define the curves of the body. I start at the top and draw a smooth S-shaped curve down to the place where we supposedly have the end of the spine (tailbone).

2) Then I sketch out the torso with details (head, arms and waist contours). I haven’t outlined the shape of my breasts yet, this is just the beginning.

3) After obtaining a good elastic sketch of the body, we outline the outer boundaries of the breasts with light curved lines (red lines). Don't forget to mark the tiny folds of skin where the arms and chest (armpits) meet.

4) I'm starting to add details. Breast volume can be shown with guide lines. Remember that boobs are attached to the body and if you outline the entire mass of the breast, it will look like a solid mass with the ribcage, and not bulging out.

5 and 6) In these two steps I try to determine the location of the nipples. In step 6 I use a little trick to locate the center of each breast. Representing the breast as a three-dimensional object will help you with this: draw vertical lines, as if dividing each breast in half, from the subclavian dimple through the center of the breasts and converging slightly at the bottom at the base. Remember: only smooth curved lines!!!

7) Since there are no people without fat deposits, I draw the body in point 7 with small roundness on the hips and torso below the chest.

8) Rough sketch big breasts on the same body. I use the same principle for placing the nipples, only with an amendment: the nipples are more massive and have a larger diameter, and are located lower due to the weight and volume of the breasts.

9) Small breasts on the same torso. The same rule applies: smaller breasts, the nipples are smaller and located higher.

Step 2: Angles!

A woman can be large or small, and you should try to draw your breasts in proportion. Even most cartoon styles apply this rule. In the example on the left: the breasts are shaped like baseballs and appear separated from the torso. Right: they look harmonious. Remember that if the curve of the body changes, then the line of the chest changes. Here I sketched out a small diagram: I enclosed the main parts of the body, as it were, in boxes and drew them with midlines, for clarity. And remember: boobs two, and you have to draw each one separately, they are never squeezed into a single mass!

When the arms are raised, the chests stretch slightly to the sides. When one arm is raised, the breasts will be positioned slightly different levels(the closest one will pull up behind his hand). Remember to draw small curved lines under the arms as both arms are raised above the head.

Step 3: Breast Shape and Methods of Influencing It!

People often forget one important thing: breasts are not made of plastic! It's not hard. Its shape is more like a slide than a ball. Think of your breasts as a bubble filled with water: when the bubble hangs freely, it is like a pendulum, but if you press on the breasts, you will get an indentation where the pressure is applied and an increase in volume at the edge of the indentation.

Even certain clothes can put pressure on your breasts or cause them to bulge in various places. Breasts are not round all the time and are rarely round at all. (Unless, of course, they are made of silicone).

In the diagram below I show how hand movements affect the change in breast shape. On the left - chest at rest. On the right - they were squeezed or pressed. The vertical fold between the chest and torso lengthens, the chest is pressed towards the body.

Step 4: Hints

From left to right - small, medium and big breasts. The last drawing is what breasts shouldn't look like. Look closely, the red line under each breast indicates the fold of skin between the breast and rib cage. The outermost breast on the right has almost no weight, so there is no crease there. But remember that even the smallest breasts have weight!

Let's look at what color nipples are. You don't need to make them very pink. They have the same body tone, only more reddish, brownish, or orangeish.
At least I haven't seen any bright pink nipples.
(Translation note: naive author, never pulled girls’ nipples))

Next: side view of the nipple. Keep in mind that nipples do not always stick out perpendicular to your breasts. Typically they can be quite flat and not stand out, but sometimes they stick out quite boldly!
(Transl. note: yeah, the author still has some experience in this matter))

Translation: Chloe

How to draw an anime cat

Step 1. So let's get started. Draw an oval as a base for the head. Then we draw the front guide lines. They will help you arrange the details of the muzzle proportionally. Add small details of the nose, mouth and eyes. Let's move on to the body. Draw an elongated heart, this will be the chest of our cat. From the heart we draw two lines down. These will be the front paws of our kitten. After this, we draw two curved lines on the sides, these are the hind legs. Let's not forget to draw another long curved line on the right, the tail.

Step 2. We begin the step by designing the lower part of the muzzle. We denote the eyes with curved arcs. Next we draw lines - sketches of the paws and tail.

Step 3. Draw the fur on the chest and tail. Add details on the face and ears. Detailing the paws.

Step 4. Add a mustache and draw the eyes. Let's detail the ear. We finish the paws and add marks on the chest. Ready!

Step 5. This is what our cat looks like after erasing the extra lines. Final version. If you want, you can omit the mark on the chest or add something of your own. I tried to make the lesson as simple as possible.