How old is scriptonite? Scriptonite “House With Normal Phenomena”

Participant's name: Adil Oralbeekovich Zhaleelov

Age (birthday): 03.07.1990

City: village Leninsky, Pavlodar region, Kazakhstan

Family: not married

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Adil Kulmagambetov, aka rapper Scryptonite, was born on June 3, 1990 in the village. Leninsky in Kazakhstan. The rapper's father was also interested in music, but only during his childhood. He wanted his son to become an architect in the future. The family was against Adil's decision to become a rapper. That’s why the guy did things in spite of his loved ones.

The guy began his path to the top of the rap industry when he was young. At the age of 11, he became very interested in Decl’s work, and every day his desire to become famous only grew. All this led to the desire to create tracks personally. I must admit that he does it really well.

Music career

At the age of 15, Adil wrote music for the first time. Already in 2006, he gave his debut concert in front of the public for the first time. He was 16 years old, but the young artist was entrusted with performing at the city festival. The guy was very worried, but when he went on stage he forgot about all his worries and amazed the audience with his charisma and talent.

In the same year, Adil received a certificate in high school and decided that in order to promote creativity, I needed to change my last name. His choice fell on his grandfather’s surname – Zhalelov. From then on, a lull began in Adil’s work. It dragged on for 3 long years.

In 2009, Adil and his friend Anuar organized their own group “Jillz”. It also included: Aidos Dzhumalinov, Azamat Alpysbaev, Sayan Dzhimbaev and Yura Drobitko. The fame of Scryptonite is connected precisely with this composition of the team. At that time, the rapper's fame came exclusively in his homeland.

From 2009 to 2013, Adil became famous in the trap genre. Wide popularity came to him after the release of the video for the track “VBVVCTND” - an abbreviation for “Choice without options - all that you gave us.” The labels “Gazgolder” and “Soyuz” became interested in Adil’s work.

The guy was thinking about which label to continue collaborating with. He talked with the owner of Gazdolier Basta and realized that he wanted to work with a person like him. Together, the rappers quickly found a common language.

In 2014, Adil became a resident of the Gazgolder label. The artist considers this moment fatal in his career. In 2015, Adil gained a lot of fans, but the rapper didn’t think about releasing an album. During the period from 2014 to 2015, the rapper released the following tracks: “Not welcome”, “Curls”, “Yours”, “5 here, 5 there”, “Your bitch”, “Space”, “Accidents”, “Perspective” . Zhalelov took part in the development of the album “Basta/Smoky Mo”. He delighted fans with new singles that occupied significant places in the top charts.

In November 2015, the artist’s first album, “House with Normal Phenomena,” was released. Everything went well and the project took second place on the iTunes chart. The performer became popular, and his album was amazingly successful.

Released in 2016 new album Scriptonite "718 Jungle". In 2017, the rapper pleased the audience with the mini-album “Open Season”, again as a member of the group Jillzay.

The artist gives his solo concerts, touring Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. The halls are full of people, and many people's favorite hits are playing. The rapper is not going to stop there. He writes new lyrics and actively promotes rap in the music industry.

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Personal life and photos

Scryptonite’s personal life is very interesting to many fans of the rapper’s work. But Zhalelov prefers to remain silent about himself in interviews with the press.

In 2016, it became known that the rapper was living with a girl. Adil’s chosen one was Martha Memers, known in circles as an artist. Scriptonite leads the page to social network Instagram. The popular rapper has 1 million subscribers. True, he mostly posts premieres of posters and videos of concerts from the Gazdolier label, leaving facts about his personal life secret.

The answer will not be short (spoiler - because Skrip is damn good, and before bombarding me with dislikes, try reading the long post to the end).

Let's start with the banal - Skrip is popular because it was promoted by Gazgolder, and before getting to Gaz, Adil (real name, Adil Zhalelov) was making such a noise in the underground. But not everything that is promoted in the mainstream gains a loyal fan base and remains popular for a long time. Example - Mushrooms or Pike, whose bangers played from every iron, but a year or two passed and no one needed them anymore. With Skripi everything is different, Skripi is loved, appreciated and respected. And there are reasons for this (and the banal one is “massive promo”, although his debut really had an insanely massive promo, let’s ignore it).

1. Musicality. Let's start with the fact that hip-hop is still music (and battle ms and assholes muttering graphomaniac snot to the beat, drowning for "we are poets", let them go to hell, hip-hop is not poetry at all), but with musicality in Russian hip-hop has been very bad for a long time (it’s hard to say whether it’s been bad since the time when Micah died, or bad since the time when the trend for “lyrics for life” began). And Scryptonite is one of the few who thought of bringing musicality back to hip-hop, since he is a musician himself, a composer, a beatmaker, a producer and a mixing engineer (the kind of people who can naturally do EVERYTHING in Russian showbiz - create two and miscalculated)... and here we come to point number 2

2. Eclecticism. Being a smart musician, Zhalelov realized that he simply couldn’t go out on a rap band (which, by the way, he said in an interview with Dudya - “everyone is looking like their idols on their stage, but we have to look like their idols - classics from the West, otherwise we’ll all sound like like shit"), and began to mix it with... But he didn’t mix it with anything. On the first hip-hop album - barely. Instead, all of it debut album(“House with Normal Phenomena,” which brought him fame) was woven from dancehall (!) and blues (!!), and not just any blues, but real blues in the spirit of New Orleans (!!!). Благодаря этому его музыка не может не привлечь внимание "мимо проходящего слушателя", потому что когда ты слышишь блюз с вкраплениями внезапно эмбиента и трипхопа, да еще и с натурально ниггерскими грувами, и на русском - это удивляет, ошарашивает и впечатляет. But there must be something else here, without which his music would not have entered so deeply into the people. And here is point 3, which is closely intertwined with point 2

3. Availability. While many company musicians who make blues or jazz step on the same rake when their music is incomprehensible to the masses, Skrip solved the problem of accessibility in a most ingenious way. He didn't simplify it musical content, instead, he intertwined into strange half-dancehall-half-blues instrumentals (we are still considering his debut album, then, having gained popularity and status, he began to do whatever his soul wanted) ordinary EVERYDAY STORIES. His first album - as he himself states - is a story about life in his native Pavlodar, a small town on the outskirts of Kazakhstan. But there are hundreds and thousands of such towns throughout the CIS, and millions of people live in them, and these millions are worried about the same simple everyday problems. Thus, moving away from the constant self-representation that is familiar to today’s hip-hop, Skrip talked about the everyday, and told it in such a way that the simple hard worker Vasya would think “yes, this guy is the same as me, I respect him.” So imagine what kind of media bomb a pop product should be, which simultaneously combines eclecticism and dissimilarity from others and the accessibility and clarity of the problems raised in this pop product (the closest analogue I can name is the Belgian Stromae). Scryptonite’s debut turned out to be such a media bomb; this album played on two opposite audiences that would never have crossed paths otherwise - it hooked the aesthete snobs who admired Adil’s blues and musicality, and at the same time it hooked ordinary guys who Only demobilization songs know the guitar; they would like something simple in the style of “for life, from the heart, brother.” But - you should not confuse accessibility with vulgarity, although one often flows into the other. Adil, for all the simplicity of his stories, has no vulgarity, because... because point 4

4. Ingenuity. Let us leave aside his ingenuity in musically(He will fully reveal this on his next records, when he allows himself wild experiments that rival Kanye West’s The Life of Pablo in terms of boldness and indigestibility). Adil is very creative as a storyteller. He literally crammed his debut album on storytelling with small details that create a very dense atmosphere. Here you have the droning diction of a drunken alcoholic in “The Den”, and the choral melancholy howl in “Party”, and - my favorite - one of his main hits - “Dance Yourself”. The song is about a junkie who locked himself in the bathroom, getting high with friends in a den, and whose girlfriend came to take him home; the description seems to sound disgusting and banal, but due to small parts(like "... Turn on the water. DAMN IT, IT'S BOILING WATER!" in the scene where lyrical hero trying to get a half-asleep, half-drunk man out of the bath) she acquires a kind of wit.

The output is a pop artist (don’t twist your snobbish snouts, in our time there is no longer an exact division into “underground” and “mainstream” - with the advent of broadband Internet and universal accessibility of music, the underground has long penetrated into the mainstream, and the mainstream into the underground, so that any artist now is POP, be it Sigur Ros, Machine Head or Arianna Grande, the only question is his demand), which has no analogues Russian stage haven't been for a very long time. So it is equally successful to work for both snobbish intellectuals and the proletariat in last time in Russia only Dolphin succeeded.

P.S. and finally - yes, and he also has a collaboration with Tricky. On the album Tricky. And if this doesn’t tell you anything, then you don’t know anything about modern music.

Scriptonite - real name Adil Oralbekovich Zhalelov (born Kulmagambetov) - Russian-speaking rap artist from Kazakhstan, beatmaker, resident of the Russian music label "Gazgolder".

The musician gained wide popularity in 2015 after the release of his first album, “House with Normal Phenomena,” which overtook Justin Bieber’s disc in the iTunes chart and was second only to the new album of singer Adele.

In 2016, Scryptonite won the “Real MusicBox Award” in the “Outside the Format” category, and GQ magazine named him “Discovery of the Year.”


The future top rap artist was born on June 3, 1990 in the village of Leninsky, located near the city of Pavlodar (Kazakhstan).

His dad, Oralbek Kulmagambetov, was a naturally musically gifted person - he had a beautiful and in a strong voice, played the accordion, and could have become an artist, but he didn’t. Fulfilling the will of his dying father, grandfather Scryptonite, he graduated from a technical university (more precisely, even two) and became an engineer.

The father was strict and hot-tempered, and often brought his wife to tears in front of his little son. As a result, by Adil’s own admission, as a child he often out loud wished for his death, but, having matured, he very much regretted it. He noted that it was from his father that he inherited his love of music.

At school, Zhalelov was an activist and an exemplary student. He drew well, played basketball and judo, and played in the school theater. But one day he still showed his rebellious spirit by showing up to school with his head shaved.

At the age of 11, he “fell ill” with hip-hop, became interested in the work of Decl, then Eminem, 50 Cent, Snoop Dogg, Dr. Dre. By the age of 15, he was already composing beats and rapping his lyrics on them. Special music education he didn't get it, but he played the guitar and listened to a lot of records different directions– jazz, folk, rock, funk, soul.

His father wanted him to study to be an architect. For this purpose, he was sent to Pavlodar College, where he mastered the specialty of a master artist in design.

Scriptonite – Vitamin

Among the hobbies of young Adil was psychology, in particular NLP techniques. As he noted in an interview, “at fifteen it’s interesting to manage people.” Among the books he remembered that he read in those years, he mentioned the novel “The Shining” by Stephen King, “ Godfather"Mario Puzo and two or three books by Charles Bukowski.

After graduating from school, he changed his surname Kulmagambetov to his grandfather’s surname – Zhalelov.

Way to success

The rap musician first appeared on stage at the age of 16. This event took place during the city festival in Pavlodar. The audience was delighted with his bright and unusual performance, and they started talking about him as a talented nugget from the outback.

In 2009, the young performer and his friend Anuar Erikovich (Niman) organized Music band JILLZAY, which also included rappers Strong Symphony, Six O, Truwer, Yurik Thursday. They successfully performed in all cities of Kazakhstan and presented a number of hit singles.

An important step on the artist’s creative path was the release in 2013 of the video “VBVVCTND” together with Niman (which stands for “Choice without options, everything you gave us”). The main part was filmed in the artist’s home village, against the backdrop of a gas station where his mother once worked, abandoned houses, bare steppe and demonstrated the hopelessness of vegetating in the provinces.

The first clip of Scriptonite – VBVVCTND

The success of the video on the Internet exceeded the authors' expectations. Within a few days, his views on YouTube reached half a million. This work also interested specialists. Scriptonite was offered cooperation by the production center “Soyuz” and “Gazgolder”. After communicating with the co-owner of Gazgolder, rap artist Vasily Vakulenko (Basta), the singer received the status of a resident of the label. The rapper performed with the track “VBVVCTND” on the concert tour of this music label in support of the film “Gas Holder”.

The singer presented the singles “Not Welcome”, “Your”, “Curls”, “Space”, “5 Here, 5 There”, “Your Bitch”. In 2015, at a concert of rapper Guf (Alexey Dolmatov) in Voronezh, he, Scryptonite and Rigos (Igor Rylov) presented working together"Perspective". The Kazakh performer was a guest artist when creating the song “Accidents” together with Rigos and BluntCath (Andrey Leman).

The rapper, who has charisma unlike anyone else, participated in the recording of a joint disc between Basta and Smokey Mo (Alexadr Tsikhov). With Gazgolder colleague Dasha Charusha, he released the single “Cosmos”, which was successful on the iTunes charts and took 22nd position in the ranking of the top 50 tracks of the year (according to The Flow portal). During the same period, the composition “Your Bitch” was released - his joint work with Pharaoh (Gleb Golubin).

It should also be noted that the clips featuring Scryptonite “Ice” and “Slumdog Millionaire” have received many views on YouTube. The last of them turned out to be second in the list of the best domestic videos of the year according to the main rap portal of the Russian Federation

Basta / Smokey Mo ft Scriptonite – Ice

In the same year, the rapper’s unusually spectacular debut disc, “House with Normal Phenomena,” was released. Critics compared it to an unusual retelling of an arthouse movie. It harmoniously intertwines tracks of various genres - hip-hop, trap with blues rock, vocals with indistinct whispering, recitative and shouting. It took second place on the iTunes chart, behind only the disc of the British star Adele, and became first in the ratings from and The Flow.

At the end of 2016, the studio disc “718 Jungle” by his group Jillzay (718 is the telephone code of Pavlodar) appeared, in 2017 - their mini-album “Open Season”, created with the participation of the artist.

Personal life of Scriptonite

The musician is not married. Previously, he had a long affair with the artist Marta Merems, which he preferred not to advertise. According to media reports, his composition “Love” was dedicated to her.

Scriptonite – Love

The rapper hates social networks and considers the desire of some users to expose their personal problems to be nonsense. On his VKontakte page there is no information about privacy, including about ex-lovers. He posts the pictures he likes on Instagram without making any descriptions or comments.

In one interview, he called himself a sociopath and stated that he does not like large crowds of people and that people in general annoy him. In order to feel relaxed when “everyone is tugging at him from all sides,” he is forced to constantly maintain, in his words, “contact with alcohol.”

The rap artist, who has his own vision of the genre, practically does not listen to songs in Russian. Colleagues, including Ivan Dorn, ATL, Oxxxymiron, speak positively about his work, and Basta, the main mentor, considers the Kazakh rapper a genius.

Scriptonite now

The second one was released in May 2017. studio album Scriptonite "Holiday on 36 Street". Its release was planned a year earlier, simultaneously with the first disc, but was repeatedly postponed. The rapper initially intended to title the album “Hotel Everest”, then “3P”, that is, “Tripy”, where P is, of course, Pavlodar. He noted in an interview that he did not want to rush into releasing it, working on the quality of each composition. The new album includes 13 songs that were highly praised by experts, including “Drops Down Your Thighs” (feat. Niman), “Remind,” “Definitely Don’t Need New,” “Yeah, Well,” “Dark,” “First” ( ft. Basta). The disc took a leading position in the iTunes chart in Russia, entered the top 10 in South Korea and in Britain.

In June, the rap artist “blowed up” the Internet with a video that collected more than two million views in a day, with frank interview YouTube blogger, editor-in-chief of Yuri Dudu. According to viewers' estimates, in the video Scryptonite used the obscene expression starting with the letter "x" 60 times.

Yuri Dud: interview with Skryptonite

At the same time, the rapper became a participant in the international Tuborg project Open, launched by a Danish beer brand. Within its framework, it was planned to release 3 tracks created by three separate performers from the Russian Federation, China and India in collaboration with American group Major Lazer, whose beat the artists had to use for their own arrangement. The result of this work of Scriptonite can be heard on music festival, which will be held in Moscow in the fall.

Now only the lazy don’t discuss your tracks and videos. How did you come to popularity?

I grew up in Kazakhstan, in the village of Leninsky, eleven kilometers from the city of Pavlodar. At the age of 11 I became interested in rap, at 15 I started writing music, then there were the first groups and creative associations in Pavlodar, Almaty. In 2009, my friend Anuar, who still performs with me, and I created the group Jillz, thanks to which we began to be recognized in all cities of Kazakhstan. In 2013, we shot a video for the song “Choice Without Options” and posted it online, not expecting much effect. But the guys from Gazgolder noticed us, then there were negotiations with the Soyuz record label, but we decided to release on Gazgolder after all. All this time I lived in Pavlodar and only six months ago I moved to Moscow.

And how is life in Moscow?

Well, life is like work. I only recently moved into my apartment; before that I spent all my time at Gaza. And then my girlfriend left on business, and in order not to stay at home alone, I came to Gaz again, spent the night right there, and didn’t leave here. In principle, I am not attached to cities, except perhaps Pavlodar. And since now it’s convenient for me to be physically in Moscow, I’m here. It’s easier to go on tour from the capital; here you need to meet on business, star in videos. And you can sign up anywhere, as long as you have the desire. 70% of the album “House with Normal Phenomena” was recorded in Pavlodar, many acapellas were taken dirty - made at home without soundproofing.

Aren't you afraid that when you move to Moscow, you will stop being a genius from the outback and start doing another commercial project?

My boys are with me, who will not let me become arrogant or change my guidelines in life. I didn’t strive to move to Moscow, I moved out of necessity. I never did music for women or money, as is the case with many. Money, of which there is plenty in Moscow, does not change attitudes towards people, only the scale increases, I am sure. Only now am I able to financially help my parents and sister. I despise one character trait in rappers, and other people have it too: those who cannot make money say that creativity for the sake of money is bullshit. Those who do their business only for themselves simply cannot achieve anything and deceive themselves. I'm not pretending good boy, who only wishes peace to everyone in the world. I want to live a luxurious life and help people. One doesn’t interfere with the other, you just don’t need to force life into a framework.

What American or domestic hip-hop influenced the formation of your style?

Even as a child, I was influenced by Eminem's two albums: The Eminem Show and Encore, as well as the persona of Dr. Dre in their context, because it was he who put the puzzle together, created high-quality sound, and helped keep everything in the same mood. So in my head I formed a standard of what an album should be - not a collection or a folder with tracks, but a whole picture. It was on this principle that I recorded my debut album. Beatmakers - all those who write music and look for samples - need to sift through a lot of material. I myself have studied everything: from jazz of the 1920s to ethnic, rock, blues, soul, and I more or less understand everything. Such immersion is the same school, just like we go to the library, read encyclopedias and gain knowledge. That’s why I wanted to do something Latin, I wrote “Dance by yourself” based on my knowledge. I finally stopped listening to Russian rap in 2009.


Our generation with early years accustomed to perceiving copies of Western music: in the 1970s in the USSR they put up the label “pop music,” and it was the same soul and funk, only with less dynamic chants. We have been conditioned to inferior copies of the originals. Russian rap, even if it does not purposefully copy American rap, is still very similar to the earliest compositions of the founders of this genre from a musical point of view. Nowadays, many boys, if not keeping up with American rap, are very close. But they cannot adapt the meanings to our mentality, so the texts look like a literal translation into Russian. I myself had a period until 2009 with pompous rap and Anglicisms - then we learned to make sound at a Western level. And they spent another five years to ensure that the usual human themes sounded cool and understandable, like the familiar “bitch, bitch, money, money.” We learned. And this became a mark, an indicator for ourselves that we had grown.

What are the themes of your songs?

I talk about women - I like to delve into their psychology. In general, mine main topic- these are people as such. Charles Bukowski said it well: “My genius grows out of an interest in whores, working people, tram conductors - lonely people beaten down by life. And I would like these people to read my writing.” I talk about the life of an ordinary resident of the post-Soviet space with ordinary everyday problems. Therefore, I try to express myself more simply in my texts so that my thoughts are accessible to many. What's the point of writing music if people don't understand you? I don’t understand rappers who rap about their rap. I think they are very flawed people. Where is the rest of their life? Where are the people in it?

Is it important to you which people listen to you?

It was unpleasant when, in a full hall in Astana, I read about young majors spending their father’s money, absolutely not understanding their value, and at the same time, it was precisely these people who stood in the front row, about a hundred, with joyful faces, waving their hands, not realizing that I it was talking about them. At the concert-presentation of the album “House with Normal Phenomena” in Moscow, there were probably not the same people who live the life I’m talking about, but at least they can understand it. There were people from twenty-two years old, which is good news. I want to see older audiences in the hall. Of course, teenagers are the most appreciative audience, but they do not understand everything in my texts. I don't want people under eighteen to listen to my songs, no matter if I lose money doing it.

Actress and musician Dasha Charusha told about how the concert-presentation of the Scryptonite album took place at the Moscow club Red:

Scriptonite has a very clear and despotic in a good way an idea of ​​how his music should sound at a concert, and the whole gang falls under his charm and broadcasts what he needs. It seems to me that the beauty of Adil is that he does not try to please anyone and does what he cannot help but do. He doesn’t go out of his way to sell his work, to drive it to some segment of the audience, and doesn’t analyze the market. In addition, it has amazing taste and sense of rhythm. And of course, he writes amazing lyrics. Anyone who hasn’t understood this yet should just listen to his texts.”

Interview: Natalya Nagovitsyna

The biography of Scryptonite is extremely interesting to fans. His creative journey began at the age of 16, and he received his first recognition at the age of 23. Let's find out some interesting details about him.

Scriptonite: biography of a rapper

Scriptonite is creative pseudonym Kazakh Adil Oralbekovich Zhalelov. Adil Zhalelov was born in 1990 in the village of Leninsky, Pavlodar region. His real name is Kulmagambetov, but after school he changed it, taking his grandfather’s name as a basis.

Adil studied at school No. 33 (one of three in the village), and was a successful student until adolescence. He practiced judo, was a good basketball player, was fond of drawing, and performed in the school drama club.

Adil discovered rap at the age of 11. From Russian performers he then liked Decl, and from foreign countries - Eminem, Dr. Dri, Snoop Dogg, 50 Sep. At the age of 15, he, self-taught, began writing his own music.

For the first time I learned about his passion for rap classroom teacher Gulbana Kapasova. She couldn't believe that such a capable and developed teenager would be interested in rap. In her mind, he was destined for a career as an artist or actor. But the guy surprised everyone by coming to school one day with his head shaved.

As for hearing for music, Adil’s ear for music is hereditary. The ability for music passed to him from his father. However, his grandfather did not see a musician in Oralbek and insisted that he receive a technical specialty. Adil’s father behaved in exactly the same way.

After graduating from school, the aspiring rapper entered college in Pavlodar. His father wanted Adil to study to become a designer, and then to become an architect. The guy entered the specialty “Master Artist”, but did not become a designer or architect, and in general he often missed classes.

The real passion of the future star has always been music. At the age of 16, he performed his first song at a festival in Pavlodar. Young performer They immediately noticed and began to follow his progress.

At the age of 19, he created the group Jillzay, its members included:

  • Anuar (pseudonym - Niman) Erikovich;
  • Sayan (Truwer) Dzhimbaev;
  • Azamat (Six O) Alpysbaev;
  • Aidos (Strong Symphony) Dzhumalinov;
  • Yuri (Thursday) Drobitko.

With the group, he recorded several singles, with which the guys performed while going on tour in the cities of Kazakhstan. Finest hour came when Adil, together with Anuar, shot a video for the song VBVVCTND (the abbreviation should be read as: “Choice without options is all that You gave us”). The clip immediately became very popular on the YouTube channel.

The video was directed by Adil himself. Filming took place in various depressing places (the script required to show the negativity that surrounds ordinary people in provincial towns). On the screen you can see the gas station where Adil’s mother once worked, abandoned two-story buildings in Leninsky. The same depressing pictures were filmed in Pavlodar and Almaty. There is steppe and hopelessness all around.

In addition to the memorable picture, in the song VBVVCTND you also pay attention to the style of its performance. Scriptonite reads it in three tempos and performs the chorus. The song has a bridge, the main function of which is to distract listeners from the main theme and move on to its repeated sound. This is the difference between the work of the Kazakh rapper - he pays attention precisely to the musical component of his works, and not deep meaning texts.

Nevertheless, the lyrics of his songs are topical, but are built exclusively on catchy keywords. Adil’s inspiration is the work of foreign rap stars. That is why, in order not to spoil your ear for music, he is not at all interested in Russian performers.

After the release of the popular video, several people became interested in the work of Scriptonite. music centers. The production studios Soyuz and Gazgolder approached him with a proposal for cooperation.

Negotiations with Basta (the owner of Gazgolder) were successful, most likely due to the fact that the rappers spoke to each other in a language that was understandable to both. In February 2014, Adil became a resident of the Gazgolder label. This moment became, according to the musician himself, a turning point.

Creative successes of Scriptonite (2015–2017):

  • In 2015, his debut rap album “House with Normal Phenomena” was released. The disc took second place in the iTunes selection, beating Oksimiron and losing to Adele. The performer became “Rapper of the Year” (
  • in the top 20 for;
  • in the 30th at Afisha;
  • the first, according to The-Flow and
  • In 2016, the rapper was nominated for the title “Discovery of the Year” (GQ). Won the GQ2016 Person of the Year award.

  • Winner of the “Real MusicBox 2016 Award” in the “Outside the Format” category.
  • Scryptonite's new album (2017) is called "Holiday on 36 Street" (working titles before release - 3P, "Hotel Everest").

Scriptonite: personal life

In Scryptonite's songs there are often words associated with his personal life. At first creative path he used themes that describe school problems, then sang about rap itself. Nowadays one can also find the author’s emotional experiences in songs. For example, the song “Love” is dedicated to his romance with Marta Merems.

Adil has not yet tied the knot. However, he has a child - son Luchi (born in 2016). At first it common-law wife- dancer Ingora (Lucha's mother) - and son lived with the rapper in Moscow. However, they are not together now. Luchi with his mother in Shymkent.

As Adil himself says, he is a sociopath. Constantly being in places with large crowds of people depresses and angers the rapper.

Adil Zhalelov is the most popular rap artist in Kazakhstan and very famous outside of it. His work is highly appreciated by fans. As a result of his work - songs and videos - constantly occupy leading positions in various music ratings.

We wish the performer creative success and inspiration!