A new film by Govoruhin and Khodchenkova. Stanislav Govorukhin: personal life

Today, the State Duma confirmed the sad news - on the morning of June 14, Stanislav Govorukhin died. The director, screenwriter, actor and artist was 82 years old. His life was full of impressions and experiences, far from always pleasant.

Stanislav Govorukhin had a difficult character - he was too strict, straightforward, but infinitely charming, he literally captivated, which were always around in abundance. Despite countless rumors, there were only two truly close and dear women in his life - the first wife and mother of his only child, Juno, and the second wife, Galina, who lived with him for more than half a century. But first things first.

Govorukhin met his first wife Juno, who would later appear in the brilliant film The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed, in Kazan. They were both in their early 20s. Their marriage was short-lived, but at that time the first and only son of Stanislav Sergey managed to appear.

The then still unknown director Govorukhin had to move to Moscow to pursue a career, while Juno remained in Kazan, where she soon met another man and fell in love. Despite all this, the former spouses managed to maintain good relations.

Because of life at a distance, Stanislav did not pay due attention to his only child, which he later regretted. But it cannot be said that the relationship between them was bad, no, just not close enough, probably because Govorukhin Sr. was always restrained in showing feelings.

“I always feel guilty before Seryozha, I try to make up for it on my grandchildren,” Stanislav Sergeevich said in one of his interviews.

Sergei Govorukhin with his son

Galina also felt his strict character, and from the very first minute of their acquaintance, which happened under curious circumstances.

Stanislav Sergeevich met his main muse when he was working on his debut feature film "Vertical".

“I could not go to college after school and came to work at the Odessa studio. Everyone told me, they say, now the expedition with the director will return, you will instantly fall in love with him. And I looked at his photograph on the wall - bald, ugly - who is there to fall in love with? - said Galina.

She did not have time to look back, as Govorukhin himself fell in love. As Galina recalls, Stanislav Sergeevich almost from the first minutes decided that "this girl" would be his wife.

Galina did not have to count on romance (at first), Govorukhin was not one of those, for him love and the candy-bouquet period were not interconnected. In addition, there was so much work that I would have had time to exchange a couple of phrases and see each other, let alone go on a date.

“I believe that if there is love, it should not be shown,” said the director.

However, after some time, Govorukhin nevertheless melted and could not do without reading poetry, romantic evenings, all this was in the couple's life, only they had to wait a bit for the work to decrease.

Galina became a real muse for her husband, supported him in any situation and always trusted him. Around the director there were many beautiful ones, with many novels were attributed to him. Yes, he loved and appreciated female beauty, but he always remained faithful to the greatest love of his life - Galina.

Svetlana Khodchenkova in the film "Bless the Woman"

Trust did not disappear even when Stanislav Sergeevich was filming the film “Bless the Woman” with the then aspiring star, 19-year-old Svetlana Khodchenkova. He did not hide the fact that he was attracted to a young beauty, but how else could he have so accurately and vividly written out the intended image in the film. He made the heroine Khodchenkova such that all men fell in love with her and considered her their ideal.

Later, the actress and director quarreled, he was very outraged when Svetlana lost a lot of weight and began to play less deep roles. Without hesitation, he called her a herring, he was angry in earnest, but she was not offended, but was grateful to the teacher and the director who believed in her. Years later, they reconciled, she again starred in Govorukhin's film, so to speak, she got out of disgrace.

Years passed, young actresses next to Govorukhin did not become less, just like rumors about his novels. Galina has already learned not to pay attention to all this, because together with her husband they have experienced a lot that inextricably cemented their union.

Stanislav Govorukhin with his wife Galina

One day, she nearly lost her lover. During the filming of the film "Vertical" Govorukhin took Galina with him to the mountains. He, along with the film crew, went up the mountain by helicopter, and the unexpected happened - the helicopter crashed, only debris remained from it, but the passengers, including Govorukhin, and the crew managed to escape.

Another terrible moment in their lives occurred in 2011. Then, at the age of 40, Stanislav's only son Sergei died after a stroke. The director was able to survive this tragedy only thanks to the work and endless love and care of his wife Galina. However, this stress affected the health of the master. At the end of 2017, the director's lung was removed, and in the spring of 2018, his general condition worsened. On June 13, Galina, being in a good mood, said that her husband was conscious, he was doing well, and on the morning of June 14, reports were received about the death of Stanislav Govorukhin.

The long-suffering and forgiveness of the wife of film director Stanislav GOVORUKHIN, Galina Borisovna, is legendary in the acting world. For 45 years of family life with the master, she repeatedly thought of getting a divorce. And all the fault is the young "muses" of Govorukhin, who appear with him with enviable regularity. Another beauty who charmed the master is only 22 years old! And they have not just a romance, but a whole love triangle.

Everyone knows how much Stanislav Govorukhin loves to open the way to the cinema for pretty aspiring actresses. As a rule, these are girls with a pronounced Slavic appearance: blue-eyed, fair-haired ... Perhaps the brightest movie star that Govorukhin “lit up” was the beautiful Svetlana Khodchenkova. They say that during the filming of the famous painting “Bless the Woman,” the master was so in love with the 19-year-old Sveta that he seriously thought about breaking up with his wife. Then Galina did not allow a divorce, deciding that her husband would “go crazy” and everything would pass. And so it happened. Soon Khodchenkova suddenly changed her image and from a Russian beauty "in the body" turned into an ordinary girl of model appearance.

The disappointment of the master knew no bounds.

I don't even want to talk about her! Turned into a herring, became like everyone else! - then Govorukhin cursed in his interviews and added mischievously: - I have already found better actresses for myself!
And for sure - soon another "muse" appeared next to Stanislav Sergeevich. The director fell in love with the 27-year-old actress Anna Gorshkova with passionate sympathy. He shot her in his film "The Passenger" and appeared at the premiere of the picture, gently hugging Anya by the waist.
Ask how the wife endures all this? In her rare interviews, Galina Borisovna Govorukhina honestly admits that she is sympathetic to all her husband's hobbies.
- A person cannot live life without being carried away. But this does not change the essence of true love. If my Slava is in love with someone, then everything is in order - he is healthy! she jokes.

chance to become famous

Recently, a girl appeared in the life of a 75-year-old director who, it seems, drove him crazy for a long time! Govorukhin's new love was the aspiring actress of the Mayakovsky Theater Elena Dudina.
She was born in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School in Moscow, workshop of Konstantin Raikin. For the first time next to the master Lenochka appeared a year ago - at the Bogdan Stupka Film Festival in Kyiv. But how did it come about! The film world has not seen such a reverent attitude of the venerable director to the girl for a long time. Govorukhin tirelessly kissed Lena's hands, did not let go of him a single step. Yes, and Dudina herself so gently laid her head on the shoulder of her mentor in the auditorium during the events of the festival, that it became clear to those around her that there was clearly something between these two.

As Express Gazeta managed to find out, Stanislav Sergeevich met the charming Lenochka at one of the Moscow castings. And as he saw, he was stunned: in front of him was the young Irina Alferova! The ideal of female beauty. From the signs of attention of the director who shot the legendary film "The meeting place cannot be changed", Dudina, of course, was embarrassed. But how was it to refuse the master when he immediately offered the girl a role in his new film "Hearts of Four"? For a modest aspiring actress, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity.
- No wonder that Lenochka immediately surrendered to Govorukhin's courtship, - they gossip in the movie crowd.
True, as people from the film crew told us, then all the episodes with Dudina mysteriously disappeared during the editing of the picture. The director assured the upset actress, they say, it's okay, it was just an audition in a big movie. And he warmly promised her in the future to participate in every possible way in her fate.

Love triangle In her interviews, Lena naively scattered in compliments to Stanislav Sergeevich.
- Let them say what they want about us! - the actress argued. - Stanislav Sergeevich is a unique person! I have admiration for him. He loves his actresses very much! And they love him too... In addition to the fact that Stanislav Sergeevich is a good director, he is also a gentleman. And, like a real man, he knows how to look after beautifully!
True, after such statements, the actress’s excited agent invariably called the journalists and categorically asked to remove all places where Govorukhin was mentioned from the text of the interview.

Communication with the legend of Russian cinema was not in vain for Dudina. The girl went to memorable roles. The finest hour of the actress was the series “Yesterday the war ended yesterday” on TV. It was on his shooting that the story began, thanks to which the famous director had a serious competitor.
Beauty Dudina's head was turned by 28-year-old actor Anatoly Rudenko, son of actress Lyubov Rudenko. Lyubov Nikolaevna, also involved in the filming of this series, unwittingly brought the young together herself. They say that Rudenko dreamed of marrying her son for a long time. She was too worried about her image of a ladies' man, tightly stuck to the guy after high-profile romances with Daria Poverennova and Tatyana Arntgolts. But the modest Dudina immediately liked Lyubov.

Soon Lena and Tolya became inseparable. According to the stories of cinema gossips, Govorukhin was very worried, but did not show it. He tactfully tried not to annoy Lenochka with attention anymore. The director's last hope for the return of his former relationship collapsed with the appearance of a rumor: Lena Dudina and Tolya Rudenko secretly signed! At least on her Facebook page, the actress recently set a very definite status: "Married." Stanislav Sergeevich had no choice but to return to his wife, who would endure everything and love, no matter what.
- Eh! Jackdaw's character is golden. Forgive me everything! But he knows more about me than I do myself! - Govorukhin is now joking bitterly

Despite his outward severity in life, Stanislav Sergeevich was a warm, sincere person. He loved his actors, and they loved him. Especially actresses. He gave a ticket to the big screen to many. For example, by his own admission, he “gave birth” to Svetlana Khodchenkova. Here's what they said about the director of the actress who starred with him.


I was already quite famous thanks to the film “On the Seven Winds”, when Stanislav Sergeevich invited me to his debut film “Vertical”, - recalls Larisa Luzhina. - I was approved for the role right away, but there were problems with Volodya Vysotsky. The management of the film studio strongly objected. But Govorukhin insisted: only Vysotsky and no one else. Of course he took risks. Who is he? Debut director. He could have been removed from the picture. But they didn't take it off. Moreover, he managed to ensure that Volodya's songs sounded in the film, which also caused protest among the film bosses. It was for the "Vertical" that Vysotsky wrote "If a friend suddenly turned out to be ..." and the wonderful "Alpinist", which, alas, did not make it into the film. "Vertical" - a picture of courage, courage, real male friendship. Stanislav Sergeevich possessed the same high human qualities. He had his principles, which he did not betray. He was in love with the mountains. He was engaged in mountaineering - he had a second adult category. He infected us with his enthusiasm. We filmed in Kabardino-Balkaria, on Elbrus, Cheget. We went hiking with backpacks. Govorukhin is a wonderful, principled person. Not to mention that he was very witty.


Larisa Udovichenko met Stanislav Sergeevich at the Odessa Film Studio, when she was still a schoolgirl in an acting studio and starred in her first film Happy Kukushkin. It was then that Govorukhin noticed her, invited her to his film "The Life and Amazing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe." Not the role of a maid, not the beloved of Robinson. During installation, a tiny role was cut out. But Govorukhin remembered the lively girl. And seven years later he called in "The meeting place cannot be changed" for the role of a positive heroine - a policeman Sinichkina (Sharapov was in love with her). But Udovichenko liked the bright Manka-Bond more. The actress insisted that Govorukhin give her this particular role. After that, Udovichenko became one of the most popular actresses in the USSR. And Larisa had a warm relationship with Govorukhin for life.

For the sake of Khodchenkova he moved MARIA MIRONOV

The distribution of roles in the film "Bless the Woman" was originally different. The stern captain was to be played by Alexei Guskov, his young and quivering wife, Maria Mironova. But a 19-year-old student of the Shchukin Theater Institute Sveta Khodchenkova came to audition for the minor role of the younger sister of the main character. And Govorukhin's heart trembled. She, and not Mironov, he decided to shoot in the title role. Moreover, Guskov did not fit the type of Khodchenkova. And he was replaced by Alexander Baluev.

Two years later, Govorukhin filmed Svetlana in the film Not By Bread Alone. They say that Stanislav Sergeyevich was fascinated by the young actress not only as a director. But, fortunately, the passions subsided in time. Khodchenkova lost 20 kilograms: from an appetizing Russian beauty she became a catwalk girl. “From a beauty she turned into a herring,” Govorukhin once said disappointedly about her. Perhaps it was the resentment of the rejected man. But he still didn’t forget about Khodchenkova and shot her in his last film - “The End of a Beautiful Era”.

FEED Dumplings

Govorukhin opened for the cinema and Anna Sinyakina, the granddaughter of the "Voroshilov shooter" Mikhail Ulyanov. She told us:

Stanislav Sergeevich saw me in a small role in Karen Shakhnazarov's film "Full Moon Day", invited me to audition. But my first meeting with him happened 8 years before. I was 9 years old. I sat at home and switched channels in search of cartoons. Came across a movie. There, an imposing man in a cap was getting out of the car. He said: this train could go somewhere, but instead it is standing and rusting. And ... I connected to his monologue, began to talk to him through the screen. She said that we also have a train at our dacha, once green, but now rusty. So, while talking with the “man from the TV”, I finished watching the film “You Can’t Live Like This”.

On the set of "Voroshilovsky shooter" I turned 17, I studied at the Gnesinsky Music College. New to cinema. And Govorukhin is a mature director. But he listened to the opinion of the actors, including debutants like me. Therefore, I felt on equal terms with everyone. We were going to Stanislav Sergeevich's room. Cooked dumplings. And the three of us - Govorukhin, Ulyanov and I - ate them. This scene made it into the movie.


Tatiana DRUBICH:

He could be my brother, uncle, dad


The actress starred with Govorukhin in Sergei Solovyov's masterpiece "Assa" and in his detective story "Ten Little Indians".

Stanislav Sergeevich was an absolutely wonderful person. He seemed complex, obstinate, but in fact he was very gentle and touching. I don't know why he always wanted to hide these qualities of himself. For me, this is a very big loss. For me, this is the departure of a very close person, almost a relative. Stanislav Sergeevich could be my brother, uncle, father. Somehow it doesn't feel right that he's gone. And his age did not really fit with him. No matter how old he was according to his passport, he was always a real man. About a person in general, most of all explains how he leaves. I know firsthand how it has been for the past six months. His departure explained more about him than his life, all his activities. He was a very courageous person. I look at him now and cry.


Stanislav Govorukhin - "Komsomolskaya Pravda": I just wanted to run away and not talk about this anniversary at all!

- Hello, Stanislav Sergeevich, hello. This is Sasha Gamov from Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Hello Sasha.

- I know that you all refused, and everyone is crying.

Galina Govorukhina, wife of the classic: I love Slava so much that even 50 years old is not enough for me ...

You know, I think this is also all painted in heaven. The Lord God, if he wants to reward a person, he gives him great love. This is something from above, such an unusual feeling. I speak now only for myself. I don't know anything about him, I can't tell you. But the Lord God rewarded me with this feeling of extraordinary love. And then he is still such a person. For example. As a wife, I testify that we have such an atmosphere in our house ... - cats, dogs, it's cozy. After all, Glory at home is felt boots, if it's cold, a bathrobe. And it's always interesting with him, not boring

In Stanislav Govorukhin's new film "The End of a Beautiful Era", the director shot Svetlana Khodchenkova, an actress whom he once discovered and whom he once publicly condemned after she radically changed her image.

In Govorukhin's drama, based on Sergey Dovlatov's Compromise, Svetlana plays the wife of a disgraced writer who went to work for a Tallinn newspaper. Before the premiere of the film, Khodchenkova gave an interview to RG.

The last time you starred with Govorukhin was ten years ago, after which a lot of directors and films happened in your life. Has this decade changed you in any way?

Svetlana Hodchenkova: I hope that I have grown up, become a better actress. In general, I am glad to return to the set to Stanislav Sergeevich - every actress dreams of finding "her" director who would take her under the wing.

You said that during the filming of "Bless the Woman" Govorukhin was a tough director. It turns out that you are a supporter of the "firm hand" on the set?

Svetlana Hodchenkova: And who said that the years somehow changed Govorukhin? He is still one of the most demanding directors. If I suddenly forgot the text, I immediately received a scolding. But all this does not matter, because the main thing in our profession is trust. If you believe the director, then you like any of his style of work - both tough and liberal. And I trust Stanislav Sergeyevich as myself. Another thing is that I have become more confident in myself over the years. My voice cut through - now I can argue with Govorukhin.

Govorukhin wanted to force him to change his surname. How, she says, it's beautiful - Svetlana Yesenina

In which cases?

Svetlana Hodchenkova: This applies to acting cuisine - you can’t just explain it. But such directors as Govorukhin love and know how to put pressure on actors - most often this is beneficial, but it also happens that it is not. So, now I know how to stand up for myself if I feel that the master is wrong.

That is, earlier in the Govorukhin-Khodchenkov tandem, the female part did not have the right to vote?

Svetlana Hodchenkova: I was a debutante who got the first role in life - and immediately the main one. There was only one moment when I rested - Stanislav Sergeevich wanted me to change my last name. It cannot, they say, have an actress with the surname Khodchenkova - you will break your tongue, and no one will remember where to put the emphasis. He even came up with a pseudonym for me - Yesenina. How, she says, beautifully - Svetlana Yesenina. But this idea did not warm me at all. And it seems that I was right when I told him that I would not take a pseudonym under any circumstances.

At one time, your departure from Govorukhin was widely discussed in the press - he said that he would not film you because you had lost a lot of weight and "became like everyone else." When he called to call for auditions, were you surprised?

Svetlana Hodchenkova: Rejoiced! Although everything was a little different - there were no auditions, he immediately gave me a role in his new film. Apparently, now he needs me with such a figure. (Smiling). Although the story of losing weight is greatly exaggerated. Before "Bless the Woman" I was a model, and Govorukhin knew about my thinness. The true reason for going free-floating was the fear of being stuck in one role - and this is by no means the role of "Govorukhin's muse". I read the scripts and realized with horror that the directors offer the same image.

And you went all out, acting in everything indiscriminately?

Svetlana Hodchenkova: Let's just say - many of the points of my filmography today seem superfluous to me, I would have lived quietly without them. These are mostly comedies, but after serious dramatic roles, the comedy genre seemed like salvation to me. I made mistakes, but now it's too late to regret it - in any case, this is an experience.

Is it necessary to understand that now the artist Khodchenkova will cease to endlessly flicker in the new Russian comedies?

Svetlan Khodchenkova: Of course, I now select projects more carefully. And I wish there were more films like End of a Beautiful Era in my career. But I'm afraid to think of anything. I am sure of one thing - if Govorukhin suddenly offers me a role in his film, then I will agree without hesitation.

"The End of a Beautiful Era" is a film adaptation of Dovlatov's "Compromise", around whose figure disputes suddenly began to arise - is he a classic or an average writer. What is your point of view?

Svetlana Hodchenkova: Before and during the work on The End of a Beautiful Era, I rediscovered it. He is stunningly modern - and now we are talking not only about his characters, but also about realities. I don't know how you can argue with that, just re-read Compromise.

This work should be close to the actors - after all, it is about how a person hides behind poisonous irony under the guise of good-natured cynicism in order to protect himself from disgusting reality. And this is perhaps the only way to exist in conditions of endless compromise with oneself.

Svetlana Hodchenkova: But this is not only about actors, but in general about everyone. Artists are no more likely than others to make moral and ethical compromises. At the beginning of my career, I made many statements in the spirit of "I will not do this", "I will not appear on the screen in this form." As a result, she did and appeared. And far from always it was the result of a deal with itself. I grew up and realized that some taboos like shooting in the nude are a problem not worth serious discussion. If it is necessary for the role, I will undress on the screen. It's just a matter of the maturity of the actor and the ability of the director to justify his position.

Personal life of Stanislav Govorukhin causes a lot of talk, but this does not bother him - the director is not going to adapt to someone and lives as he sees fit. There were many difficult periods in his biography, for example, when his mother died early, at fifty-two, and he did not know his father at all - the Don Cossack Sergei Govorukhin was repressed, exiled to Siberia, and never returned home.

Another tragic event in the personal life of Sergei Govorukhin happened in 2011, when his son Sergei, also a famous director, died of a stroke at the age of fifty. There was a strained relationship between them for a long time, they almost did not communicate, but when trouble happened, Stanislav Sergeevich came to the hospital to his son and stayed with him until the end.

In the photo - Govorukhin with his wife Galina Borisovna

Their difficult relationship is explained by the fact that they never lived together - Sergei, Govorukhin's son from his first marriage to actress Yunona Kareva, whom the director left when Sergei was young. For the second time, Stanislav Govorukhin married the editor of the Odessa film studio Galina, with whom he lives to this day. The director's wife understands what a great man fate has brought her together with and forgives him for all his weaknesses.

In the photo - with Anna Gorshkova

Everyone knows that the director, the author of such famous films as "Ten Little Indians", "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed", "Bless the Woman" and many others, is not indifferent to young actresses, and his wife turns a blind eye to all his hobbies. His sympathy for the young actress Svetlana Khodchenkova, whom he literally opened to cinema by filming Bless the Woman in his film, was so serious that for her sake he was ready to leave his wife, but Galina did not give him a divorce, because she understood that all this will soon pass, and it turned out to be right.

In the photo - Stanislav Govorukhin and Elena Dudina

Disillusioned with Khodchenkova, Govorukhin found himself another muse - the young actress Anna Gorshkova, whom he shot in his film The Passenger. However, this novel turned out to be fleeting, and the place of Gorshkova was soon taken by twenty-two-year-old Elena Dudina, an actress of the Theater. Mayakovsky. Stanislav Sereevich invited her to star in his film "Four Hearts", and the aspiring actress, of course, agreed. However, this time Govorukhin again returned to his legal wife Galina Borisovna, who again humbly accepted him.

The director's wife turned out to be a wise and understanding woman, treating all her husband's betrayals as fleeting hobbies necessary for such a creative person as Stanislav Sergeevich Govorukhin - because they give him inspiration and a desire to create something new.