A real writer that he sees the ancient prophet more clearly than ordinary people. A true writer is the same as an ancient prophet

A true writer is the same as an ancient prophet. A.P.Chekhov

“A true writer is the same as an ancient prophet.” A.P. Chekhov. (Based on one of the works of Russian literature.)

In the nineties, the following definition appeared in our literary criticism: “unclaimed talent.”
“Unclaimed” by time, era, readers. This definition can rightfully be attributed to M.A. Bulgakov. Why
But the powerful, unique, insightful talent of the writer turned out to be unsuitable for his contemporaries? What is the mystery of today
universal admiration for Bulgakov’s work? According to polls public opinion, novel "The Master and Margarita"
named the best Russian novel of the twentieth century.
The point is, first of all, that it was in Bulgakov’s work that the type of person who actively opposed
themselves to the system with its demand to undividedly submit and serve the totalitarian power. In an atmosphere of general fear and
such lack of freedom human type, of course, turned out to be dangerous and unnecessary, this type was destroyed in the very literally
this word. But today he has been rehabilitated and has finally taken his place in history and literature. So Bulgakov found his second
life, turned out to be one of our most read writers. And we saw in the era depicted by Bulgakov not only
panorama of a certain period of history, but, more importantly, the most pressing problem human life: will the person survive,
will he keep his human principles, if reduced to nothing, culture will be destroyed.
The era of Bulgakov is a time of intensifying conflict between power and culture. The writer himself fully experienced everything
the consequences of this clash of culture and politics: bans on publications, productions, creativity and free thinking in general.
This is the atmosphere of life, and therefore of many of the artist’s works and, first of all, his novel “The Master and
The central theme of "The Master and Margarita" is the fate of a bearer of culture, an artist, a creator in the world of social
troubles and in the situation of destruction of culture as such. The new intelligentsia in the novel is sharply depicted satirically.
Cultural figures of Moscow - MASSOLIT employees - are engaged in the distribution of dachas and vouchers. They are not interested in questions
art, culture, they are occupied with completely different problems: how to successfully write an article or a short story so that
get an apartment or at least a ticket to the south. Creativity is alien to all of them; they are bureaucrats from the arts, nothing more. This is it
environment is like that new reality, in which there is no place for the Master. And the Master is actually located outside of Moscow, he is in
"psychiatric hospital". He is inconvenient for the new “art” and, therefore, isolated. Why is it inconvenient? First of all, because
free, he has the power to undermine the foundations of the system. This is the power of free thought, the power of creativity. Master
lives by his art, cannot imagine life without it!
th. Bulgakov is close to the image of the Master, although it would be a mistake to identify the hero of the novel with its author. The master is not a fighter, he
accepts only art, but not politics, he is far from it. Although he understands perfectly well: freedom of creativity, freedom of thought,
insubordination of the artist's personality state system violence - an integral part of any creativity. In Russia
a poet, a writer is always a prophet. This is the Russian tradition classical literature, so beloved by Bulgakov. Peace, power,
A state that destroys its prophet gains nothing, but loses a lot: reason, conscience, humanity.
This idea was especially clearly and clearly manifested in the Master’s novel about Yeshua and Pontius Pilate. Behind Pilate modern
the reader is free to see anyone, any leader of a totalitarian state, vested with power, but deprived of personal
freedom. Another thing is important: the image of Yeshua is read as the image of a contemporary of Bulgakov, not broken by power, not losing
his human dignity, therefore, doomed. Before Pilate stands a man capable of penetrating the most
deep recesses of the soul, preaching equality, the common good, love for one's neighbor, that is, what does not exist and cannot exist
V totalitarian state. And the worst thing, from the point of view of the procurator as a representative of the authorities, is the thoughts of Yeshua
that “... all power is violence against people” and that “the time will come when there will be no power of Caesars,
nor any other authority. Man will move into the kingdom of truth and justice, where no
power." Obviously, that's exactly what Boo himself thought!
liars, but it is even more obvious that Bulgakov was tormented by the dependent position of the artist. The writer offers to those in power
listen to what the artist says to the world, because the truth is not always on their side. No wonder the procurator of Judea Pontius
Pilate was left with the impression that he “didn’t agree on something with the condemned man, or maybe he didn’t listen to something.” So true
Yeshua remained “unclaimed,” just as the truth of the Master and Bulgakov himself were not “claimed.”
What is this truth? It lies in the fact that any strangulation of culture, freedom, dissent by the authorities
disastrous for the world and the government itself, in that only free man capable of bringing a living stream into the world. home
Bulgakov's idea is that the world from which the artist is expelled is doomed to destruction. Maybe because
Bulgakov is so modern that this truth is only now being revealed to us.

506 rub

Zuleikha opens her eyes
  • Historical drama. Dedicated to all those dispossessed and resettled.
  • The story of the life and love of dispossessed settlers in Siberia.
  • Foreword by Lyudmila Ulitskaya.

    The novel “Zuleikha Opens Her Eyes” begins in the winter of 1930 in a remote Tatar village. Peasant woman Zuleikha, along with hundreds of other migrants, are sent in a heated carriage along the age-old convict route to Siberia.
    Dense peasants and Leningrad intellectuals, declassed elements and criminals, Muslims and Christians, pagans and atheists, Russians, Tatars, Germans, Chuvash - everyone will meet on the banks of the Angara, daily defending their right to life from the taiga and the ruthless state.
    Dedicated to all those dispossessed and resettled.

    About the author:
    Guzel Yakhina was born and raised in Kazan, graduated from the Faculty foreign languages, studies at the screenwriting department of the Moscow Film School. She has been published in the magazines “Neva”, “Siberian Lights”, “October”.

    “The novel “Zuleikha Opens Her Eyes” is a magnificent debut. It has the main quality real literature- goes straight to the heart. A story about fate main character, a Tatar peasant woman from the time of dispossession, breathes such authenticity, reliability and charm, which are not so often found in last decades in a huge stream modern prose".

    Lyudmila Ulitskaya

    Novel, fiction, resettlement, dispossession, exile, Siberia, drama, settlers, history, USSR.
  • 369 rub


    For the first time in Russian - one of the most amazing novels beginning of the XXI century. This refracted artistic form the confession of a man who managed to get out of the abyss and survive, rammed all the bestseller lists and earned enthusiastic comparisons with the works of best writers modern times, from Melville to Hemingway. Like the author, the hero of this novel hid from the law for many years. Deprived after divorce from wife parental rights, he became addicted to drugs, committed a number of robberies and was sentenced to nineteen years in prison by an Australian court. Having escaped from a maximum security prison for the second year, he reached Bombay, where he was a counterfeiter and smuggler, sold weapons and participated in showdowns with the Indian mafia, and also found his true love to lose her again, to find her again... In 2011, a film adaptation of the novel is being prepared for release, produced and performed by leading role in which the incomparable Johnny Depp performs.

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    289 rub

    “A true writer is like an ancient prophet: he sees more clearly than ordinary people”(A.P. Chekhov). (Based on one or more works of Russian literature of the 19th century century)
    “A poet in Russia is more than a poet,” this thought has long been familiar to us. Indeed, Russian literature, starting from the 19th century, became the bearer of the most important moral, philosophical, ideological views, and the writer began to be perceived as special person prophet. Pushkin already defined the mission of a real poet in exactly this way. In his programmatic poem, called “The Prophet,” he showed that in order to fulfill his task, the poet-prophet is endowed with very special qualities: vision “ frightened eagle”, hearing capable of listening to the “shaking of the sky”, a tongue similar to the sting of a “wise snake”. Instead of an ordinary human heart, the messenger of God, the “six-winged seraphim,” preparing the poet for a prophetic mission, puts “a coal blazing with fire” into his chest cut by a sword. After all these terrible, painful changes, the chosen one of Heaven is inspired to his prophetic path God himself: “Arise, prophet, and see, and listen, / Be fulfilled by my will...” This is how the mission of a true writer has since been defined, who brings people the word inspired by God: he must not entertain, not give aesthetic pleasure with his art, and not even propagate some, even the most wonderful ideas; His job is to “burn the hearts of people with words.”
    How difficult the mission of the prophet was already realized by Lermontov, who, following Pushkin, continued to fulfill the great task of art. His prophet, “mocked” and restless, persecuted by the crowd and despised by it, is ready to flee back to the “desert”, where, “keeping the law of the Eternal,” nature listens to his messenger. People often do not want to listen to the prophetic words of the poet; he sees and understands very well what many would not like to hear. But Lermontov himself, and those Russian writers who, after him, continued to fulfill the prophetic mission of art, did not allow themselves to show cowardice and abandon difficult role prophet Often suffering and sorrow awaited them for this; many, like Pushkin and Lermontov, died untimely, but others took their place. Gogol in lyrical digression from the UP chapter of the poem “ Dead Souls” openly told everyone how difficult the path of a writer is, looking into the very depths of the phenomena of life and striving to convey to people the whole truth, no matter how unsightly it may be. They are ready not only to praise him as a prophet, but to accuse him of all possible sins. “And only when they see his corpse, / How much he did, will they understand, / And how he loved while hating!” This is what another Russian poet-prophet Nekrasov wrote about the fate of the writer-prophet and the attitude of the crowd towards him.
    It may seem to us now that all these wonderful Russian writers and poets who make up the “golden age” Russian literature, have always been as highly revered as they are in our time. But even now recognized throughout the world as a prophet of future catastrophes and a harbinger of the highest truth about man, Dostoevsky only at the very end of his life began to be perceived by his contemporaries as greatest writer. Truly, “there is no prophet in his own country”! And, probably, now somewhere near us lives someone who can be called a “real writer”, like an “ancient prophet,” but do we want to listen to someone who sees and understands more than ordinary people, this is main question.

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    Essays on topics:

    1. 15 years after Pushkin wrote the poem “Prophet”, Lermontov, whom many consider Pushkin’s successor, writes a new poem “Prophet” - his...
    2. A. S. Pushkin wrote the poem “Prophet” in 1826. This was the time of reprisals by the authorities against participants in the Decembrist uprising, many of...

    Perhaps one of the most important questions facing artists, writers, and poets is their understanding of the role of art and literature in the life of society. Do people need poetry? What is her role? Is it enough to have a gift for poetry to become a poet? These questions deeply worried A. S. Pushkin. His thoughts on this topic were fully and deeply embodied in his poems. Seeing the imperfection of the world, the poet wondered whether it was possible to change it through artistic word, to whom “the fate of revolution gives a formidable gift.”
    Your idea of perfect image Pushkin embodied the poet in the poem “Prophet”. But the poet is not born a prophet, but becomes one. This path is full of painful trials and suffering, which are preceded by the sorrowful thoughts of the Pushkin hero about the evil that is firmly rooted in human society and which he cannot come to terms with. The poet’s state suggests that he is not indifferent to what is happening around him and at the same time is powerless to change anything. It is to such a person who is “languished with spiritual thirst” that the messenger of God, the “six-winged seraphim,” comes. Pushkin dwells in detail on how the hero is reborn into a prophet, and at what cruel price he acquires the qualities necessary for a true poet. He must see and hear what is inaccessible to sight and hearing ordinary people. And the “six-winged seraphim” endows him with these qualities, touching him with “fingers as light as a dream.” But such careful, gentle movements open up the whole world to the hero, tearing away the veil of secrecy from him.
    And I heard the sky tremble,
    And the heavenly flight of angels,
    And the reptile of the sea underwater,
    And the valley of the vine is vegetated.
    You need to have considerable courage to absorb all the suffering and all the diversity of the world. But if the first actions of the seraphim cause the poet only moral pain, then they gradually join in...
    and physical torment.
    And he came to my lips
    And my sinner tore out my tongue,
    And idle and crafty,
    And the sting of the wise snake
    My frozen lips
    He put it with his bloody right hand.
    This means that the new quality acquired by the poet - wisdom - is given to him through suffering. And this is no coincidence. After all, to become wise, a person must go through hard way quests, mistakes, disappointments, having experienced numerous blows of fate. Therefore, probably, the extension in time is equated in the poem to physical suffering.
    Can a poet become a prophet, possessing, in addition to poetic talent, only knowledge and wisdom? No, because the tremulous human heart is capable of being doubted, it can shrink from fear or pain and thereby prevent him from fulfilling a great and noble mission. Therefore, the seraphim performs the last and most cruel act, placing “a coal blazing with fire” into the poet’s cut chest. It is symbolic that only now the prophet hears the voice of the Almighty, giving him the purpose and meaning of life.
    And God’s voice cried out to me:
    “Rise up, prophet, and see and listen,
    Be fulfilled by my will
    And, bypassing the seas and lands,
    Burn the hearts of people with the verb."
    Thus, poetry, in Pushkin’s view, does not exist to please the chosen few, it is a powerful means of transforming society, because it brings people the ideals of goodness, justice and love.
    All creative life Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was clear evidence of the correctness of his thoughts. His bold, free poetry protested against the oppression of the people and called for a fight for their freedom. She supported the spirit of her exiled Decembrist friends, instilling in them courage and perseverance.
    Pushkin saw his main merit in the fact that, like a poet-prophet, he awakened in people kindness, mercy, and the desire for freedom and justice. Therefore, having come into contact with Pushkin’s humanistic poetry, we feel the need to become better, cleaner, we learn to see beauty and harmony around us. This means that poetry really has the power to transform the world.

    In the nineties, the following definition appeared in our literary criticism: “unclaimed talent.”
    “Unclaimed” by time, era, readers. This definition can rightfully be attributed to M.A. Bulgakov. Why
    But the powerful, unique, insightful talent of the writer turned out to be unsuitable for his contemporaries? What is the mystery of today
    universal admiration for Bulgakov’s work? According to public opinion polls, the novel "The Master and Margarita"
    named the best Russian novel of the twentieth century.

    The point is, first of all, that it was in Bulgakov’s work that a type of person emerged who actively opposed himself to the system with its demand to undividedly submit and serve the totalitarian government. In an atmosphere of general fear and lack of freedom, such a human type, of course, turned out to be dangerous and unnecessary; this type was destroyed in the most literal sense of the word. But today he has been rehabilitated and has finally taken his place in history and literature. So Bulgakov found a second life and turned out to be one of our most read writers. And we saw in the era depicted by Bulgakov not only a panorama of a certain period of history, but, more importantly, the most acute problem of human life: will a person survive, will he retain his human principles, if culture is reduced to nothing, destroyed.

    The era of Bulgakov is a time of intensifying conflict between power and culture. The writer himself fully experienced all the consequences of this clash of culture and politics: bans on publications, productions, creativity and free thinking in general. This is the atmosphere of life, and therefore of many of the artist’s works and, first of all, his novel “The Master and Margarita”.

    The central theme of “The Master and Margarita” is the fate of a bearer of culture, an artist, a creator in a world of social troubles and in a situation of destruction of culture as such. The new intelligentsia in the novel is sharply depicted satirically. Cultural figures of Moscow - MASSOLIT employees - are engaged in the distribution of dachas and vouchers. They are not interested in issues of art and culture; they are occupied with completely different problems: how to successfully write an article or a short story in order to get an apartment or at least a ticket to the south. Creativity is alien to all of them; they are bureaucrats from the arts, nothing more. This is the environment, this is the new reality in which there is no place for the Master. And the Master is actually outside of Moscow, he is in a “psychiatric hospital.” He is inconvenient for the new “art” and, therefore, isolated. Why is it inconvenient? First of all, because he is free, he has the power that can undermine the foundations of the system. This is the power of free thought, the power of creativity. The master lives by his art, cannot imagine life without it! th. Bulgakov is close to the image of the Master, although it would be a mistake to identify the hero of the novel with its author. The master is not a fighter, he accepts only art, but not politics, he is far from it. Although he understands perfectly well: freedom of creativity, freedom of thought, non-subordination of the artist’s personality to the state system of violence is an integral part of any creativity. In Russia, a poet, a writer is always a prophet. This is the tradition of Russian classical literature, so beloved by Bulgakov. The world, the government, the state that destroys its prophet gain nothing, but lose a lot: reason, conscience, humanity.

    This idea was especially clearly and clearly manifested in the Master’s novel about Yeshua and Pontius Pilate. Behind Pilate modern reader free to see anyone, any leader of a totalitarian state, vested with power, but deprived of personal freedom. Another thing is important: the image of Yeshua is read as the image of a contemporary of Bulgakov, not broken by power, not losing his human dignity, and therefore doomed. Before Pilate stands a man capable of penetrating the deepest recesses of the soul, preaching equality, the common good, love for one’s neighbor, that is, what does not and cannot exist in a totalitarian state. And the worst thing, from the point of view of the procurator as a representative of the authorities, is Yeshua’s thoughts that “... all power is violence over people” and that “the time will come when there will be no power of either the Caesars or any other power. Man will move into the kingdom of truth and justice, where no power will be needed at all.” Apparently that's what Boo himself thought! liars, but it is even more obvious that Bulgakov was tormented by the dependent position of the artist. The writer invites those in power to listen to what the artist says to the world, because the truth is not always on their side. It is not for nothing that the procurator of Judea, Pontius Pilate, was left with the impression that he “didn’t agree on something with the condemned man, or maybe he didn’t listen to something.” Thus, the truth of Yeshua remained “unclaimed,” just as the truth of the Master and Bulgakov himself were not “claimed.”

    What is this truth? It lies in the fact that any strangulation of culture, freedom, dissent by power is disastrous for the world and power itself, that only a free person is able to bring a living stream into the world. Bulgakov's main idea is that the world from which the artist is expelled is doomed to destruction. Perhaps this is why Bulgakov is so modern that this truth is only now being revealed to us.