Optical illusions for memory training. Brain hemisphere training

As you know, our brain consists of two hemispheres: left and right.

In this case, the right hemisphere mainly “serves” the left side of the body: it receives most of the information from the left eye, ear, left arm, leg, etc. and transmits commands to the left arm and leg accordingly.

The left hemisphere serves the right side.

Usually one of the hemispheres in a person is dominant, which is reflected in the individual properties of the personality. For example, left-hemisphere people are more drawn to science. Right-hemisphere people are more eager to engage in art or areas of activity that require individual imaginative solutions. The vast majority of great creators - composers, writers, poets, musicians, artists, etc. - “right-brain” people.

Test 1

Name colors, not what is written. The right hemisphere of the brain recognizes colors, the left hemisphere reads. This exercise involves balancing the hemispheres and training their interaction. For safety, the test begins and ends with the ‘correct’ word-color combinations.

Test 2

Optical effects - chiaroscuro - form a three-dimensional image. In a picture or photograph you can see a lunar crater, and if you turn it 180 degrees, you can see a mountain, and this is not only an illusion, but a feature of vision, the visual habit of the eye to the fact that the daylight of the sun comes from top to bottom.

Lunar craters (first photo). When you rotate the photo 180 degrees (second photo), “mountains” appear in the picture.

Test 3

Optical illusions (optical illusions, glitches) – image rotation, flickering and other visual illusions. If you look for too long, an aftereffect occurs (by turning your gaze to the side, towards a white background, you can see the same picture). Meditation while looking at a candle has a similar effect - in the central field of vision, within a few minutes, an “imprint” left on the retina and in the visual cortex of the brain will be visible (at first, it resembles a yellow flame on a red and blue ellipse-background with a green halo etc.) In the evening and at night, when the pineal gland (epiphysis, “third eye”) is most active, meditative, including breathing practices of working with energy (yoga, qigong) are effective. In ancient times, this system served as a kind of “night vision device” (“second sight”) and to increase sensitivity.

Ordinary, but regular (morning and afternoon) training of the vestibular apparatus (turns, bends, rotations, stretching upwards, standing on your toes and looking up) - develops a sense of balance and coordination of movements, as well as strengthens the psyche and stabilizes certain field structures of a person (stability the so-called astral body, etc.)

In case of increased blood pressure, headaches and dizziness during training, temporarily concentrate attention on both points E36 (zu-san-li), or perform a light acupressure massage to align your energy along the meridians. Ground yourself in a timely manner - through everyday activities, household chores, physical education and sports, walks in nature.

Note: look at the “Optical Illusions” pictures for no longer than 15 minutes at a time, so as not to weaken your psyche. :)

Test 4

According to rzelulattam ilsseovadniy odongo anligysokgo unviertiset, not ieemt zanchneya, in kokam pryakde rsapozholeny bkuvy v solve. Galvone, so that you pre-avya and psloendya bkvuy blyi on mseta. Osatlyne bkuvy mgout seldovt in a ploonm bsepordyak, everything is torn tkest chtaitsey without wandering. The main thing is that we do not read every book in isolation, but all together.

Test 5

What do you see?

If you are a girl, you have a developed right hemisphere of your brain. If the old woman is left.

Test 6

Find the man's head in this picture (search for no more than 3 minutes).

If you have completed the task:
- in less than 3 seconds, then your right hemisphere of your brain is better developed than most people;
- within 1 minute - this is a normal result;
- if within 1–3 minutes. – your right hemisphere is poorly developed, you need to eat more meat protein;
- if the search took you more than 3 minutes - not good...

Test 7

Below is a picture, when viewed, depending on which hemisphere of your brain is active, the object will move in a certain direction. In this case, either clockwise or counterclockwise. So…

If you see this girl moving clockwise, then your right hemisphere is active at the moment. If it moves counterclockwise, then you are using the left hemisphere. Some may see it moving in both directions.

Try to get it to move in the opposite direction using the other hemisphere. Can you do it.

Look to the side and look at the girl again, after a while she will begin to move in the opposite direction. Also, some people discovered that you can look at her legs and she will again change the direction of movement.

Experiments have shown that two different areas of the brain are responsible for different types of mental activity.

Usually people use only one hemisphere, characteristic of their type of thinking. But there are individuals who work with both hemispheres.

There are schools that favor one hemisphere over the other. Thus, schools that develop the left hemisphere focus their attention on logical thinking, analysis and accuracy. While the right-brain school focuses on aesthetics, feelings and creativity.

And note:

Areas of specialization of the left hemisphere :

Verbal Information Processing: The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for your language abilities. This hemisphere controls speech, as well as reading and writing abilities.
It also remembers facts, names, dates and their spelling.
Analytical thinking: The left hemisphere is responsible for logic and analysis. It is this that analyzes all the facts.
Literal understanding of words: The left hemisphere can only understand the literal meaning of words.
Sequential thinking: Information is processed by the left hemisphere sequentially in stages.
Mathematical abilities: Numbers and symbols are also recognized by the left hemisphere.
Logical, analytical approaches, which are necessary for solving mathematical problems, are also a product of the work of the left hemisphere.
Control of movements of the right half of the body. When you raise your right hand, it means that the command to raise it came from the left hemisphere.

Areas of specialization of the right hemisphere:

Processing of nonverbal information: The right hemisphere specializes in processing information that is expressed not in words, but in symbols and images.
Parallel information processing: Unlike the left hemisphere, which processes information only in a clear sequence, the right hemisphere can simultaneously process a lot of different information. It is able to look at a problem as a whole without applying analysis.
The right hemisphere also recognizes faces, and thanks to it we can perceive a set of traits as a single whole.
Spatial orientation: The right hemisphere is responsible for location perception and spatial orientation in general. It is thanks to the right hemisphere that you can navigate the terrain and create mosaic puzzle pictures.
Musicality: Musical abilities, as well as the ability to perceive music, depend on the right hemisphere, although, however, the left hemisphere is responsible for musical education.
Metaphors: With the help of the right hemisphere, we understand metaphors and the results of other people's imagination. Thanks to it, we can understand not only the literal meaning of what we hear or read. For example, if someone says: “He’s hanging on my tail,” then the right hemisphere will understand exactly what this person wanted to say.
Imagination: The right hemisphere gives us the ability to dream and fantasize. With the help of the right hemisphere we can create different stories. By the way, the question “What if...” is also asked by the right hemisphere.
Artistic abilities: The right hemisphere is responsible for visual arts abilities.
Emotions: Although emotions are not a product of the functioning of the right hemisphere, it is more closely related to them than the left.
Sex: The right hemisphere is responsible for sex, unless, of course, you are too concerned about the technique of this process itself.
Mystic: The right hemisphere is responsible for mysticism and religiosity.
Dreams: The right hemisphere is also responsible for dreams.
Controls the movements of the left half of the body: When you raise your left hand, it means that the command to raise it came from the right hemisphere.

An optical illusion is an impression of a visible object or phenomenon that does not correspond to reality, that is, an optical illusion. Some visual illusions have long had a scientific explanation, others still remain a mystery.

Optical illusions: optical illusion

The information collected by our eyes is in some way inconsistent with the source. Optical illusions can cause serious headaches. Therefore, such things must be treated with caution.

There are three main types of illusions:

1. Literal optical illusions

These optical illusions are considered the simplest. They are characterized by a difference in the image (that is, the perception of the image) and the actual tangible objects that make up the picture.

A literal optical illusion makes us see completely different objects or figures from those shown in the pictures.

2. Physiological optical illusions

These illusions affect the eyes and brain by overstimulating a certain type (brightness, color, size, position, tilt, movement).

3. Cognitive optical illusions

These illusions are the result of our brain's misperceptions and unconscious inferences.

We continue to collect the coolest optical illusions. be careful: some of them can cause tearing, nausea and disorientation.

So, each of the following optical illusions can blow our minds

Do you see three pretty girls?

Now let's flip the image

Our brain rarely encounters upside-down images, so it cannot notice distortions in them

Illusion 13 people

Initially we see 12 people here, but after moving, another one appears, the 13th

Which way is the window open?

You can change direction just by thinking about it

Distortion of perception of movement

These blocks do not move one after another - their speed is the same

Fill color

Look at the black dot in the center. Keep looking at it as the picture changes.

Did you see a color photo? Now take your eyes away from the point.

Contrast simulation

The squares on the left side seem to be darker than the squares on the right

However, they are actually the same color

Ames room

The irregularly shaped room used to create a three-dimensional optical illusion was designed by American ophthalmologist Albert Ames in 1934

Dynamic brightness gradient

Slowly move your eyes closer to the screen and the “light” in the middle will become brighter

Move it back and it will become weak again.

Vanishing points

Focus your gaze on the green dot in the middle

After a while, the yellow dots will disappear one by one. In fact, they remain in place, it's just that static frames disappear from our consciousness if they are surrounded by constantly changing images.

Four Circles Illusion

None of them actually intersect

Droste effect

Droste effect - looping recursive image

Illusion of perception

The color of the stripe in the center is actually uniform and the same along the entire length

moving poster

Roll your mouse wheel up and down and you will see the poster “moving”

Selective perception

There are two photos here, and there is one difference between them

Try to find it, and once you notice the difference, it will be impossible not to see it.

Optical illusions: pictures

Which of these faces belongs to a woman and which to a man?...

Wrong... The pictures show the same face

Is this the same picture? Yes.

There is NO lake in the picture

Tilt your head and look closely at the image

This is not a bird

The picture shows a painted female figure

This floor is flat

These two monsters are the same size

The orange dots in both pictures are the same size

How many legs does an elephant have?

Are you sure of what you see?

What a wonderful picture of cars!

Or are they toy cars?

Vision is the most important of the five human senses. Having seen an object with our own eyes, we will remember it and understand its purpose much faster than by touching, smelling or tasting it.

There is an ancient Indian legend about three blind men who were asked to touch an elephant and say what it looked like. One of them ran his fingers along the elephant's leg and said that the elephant resembled a tree or a column. The one who got the trunk suggested that the elephant was a thick rope. The third came “from the rear” and, having stumbled upon the tail, agreed that the elephant looked like a rope, but not a thick one, but a thin one, with a tassel at the end.

And only a sighted person, having seen the legs, ears, trunk and tail at the same time, will understand what an elephant is and looks like, and will remember it.

What we see makes a much stronger impression on us than with any other form of perception - it is not for nothing that they say that it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times.

Therefore, visual memory, responsible for the preservation and reproduction/recognition of images imprinted in it, is the most important type of memory, making it easier for a person to adapt to the environment. It helps to navigate the area, remember special features of landscapes, objects, human faces, etc.

Such memory is important for representatives of many professions: artists, travelers, military, police.

Experts distinguish the following types of visual memory:

  1. Iconic - information obtained with its help is stored for less than a second, and, if not used in the very near future, is forgotten.
  2. Short-term - it can be used for half a minute, then everything seen disappears from memory.
  3. Long-term - memory that lasts for a long time - for days, weeks, months and even years. Such memorization requires either a very strong impression or concentrated attention and willpower.

The so-called eidetic, or imaginative memory, which is usually characteristic of creative individuals - for example, artists, as well as children, stands out as a separate type.

For most adults, eidetic memory gradually weakens, as they grow up and study at school, giving way to memory for symbols - letters, numbers, formulas, etc., that is, it is easier for them to remember and reproduce what is written in letters or numbers than what is depicted in a picture.

The Russian marine painter Ivan Aivazovsky had an excellent eidetic memory. He could achieve almost photographic precision in his paintings. Intending to depict a seascape, he looked at it for about 5 minutes, and then, closing his eyes, tried to verbally describe it in the smallest detail.

It is generally accepted that traits such as good visual memory and attentiveness are inherent in people from birth. Some people have “tenacious” memory and attention since childhood, others do not, and it is impossible to influence this in any way. But this point of view is fundamentally wrong.

In fact, both can rather be compared to muscles: like muscles, attention and memory can be trained, but without it they weaken. A person can develop these qualities at any age, and for this, as well as for physical training, there are special exercises.

Drawing is an excellent way to train visual memory, as well as what can be called a mental diary. When going to bed, you need to remember as accurately as possible all the events of the past day.

It is necessary to remember in every detail, trying not just to record what happened, but also to visually imagine everything that happened during the day.

In addition to training eidetic memory, this exercise is an excellent way to cope with insomnia. If, after remembering the whole day, you did not fall asleep, begin to remember the events of yesterday.

Training memory and attention using pictures

Another way to train visual memory is to look at unusual pictures. It is of a playful nature and will be interesting to both children and adults. Such pictures train concentration, stamina and attention switching. There are several types of such riddle drawings. They are divided into pictures based on:

  • illusions of image depth perception (a two-dimensional image is perceived by the eye as three-dimensional):
  • illusions of movement (a still picture, if you look closely at it, seems to be moving, “comes to life”):
  • the “reversal” effect - the image changes depending on what position you look at it from. When you rotate a picture 180 or 90 degrees, a different picture appears on it. An example is this illustration for the fable by I.A. Krylov “The Crow and the Fox”:

The picture depicts a crow with a piece of cheese in its beak, but turning it upside down, we see another heroine of the fable:

  • “chameleon” effect - one, two or more images are “hidden” in one drawing, which you need to manage to look at: for example, looking into the face of an old man, you can see a horseman, as well as a lying human figure wrapped in a blanket.
  • optical illusion - this concept means an erroneous visual perception of an image, pushing the brain to incorrect conclusions. In this case, the brain sees in the picture something that is not actually there. for example, when looking at this picture it may seem that it shows an eye, however, upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that the first impression is wrong:

The mysterious pictures known to everyone since childhood, in which the desired image is hidden among many lines drawn, at first glance, quite chaotically (usually under them there is an inscription like: “Here is the hunter. Where is the hare?”), are also among the tests for training visual memory and the ability to concentrate and switch attention.

To make tasks more interesting and more difficult, their completion can be limited to a certain period of time - for example, finding the notorious hare in 1 minute.

One way to practice mindfulness is to look at pictures and then answer questions that will help you determine how carefully you looked at them.

For example, the following picture depicts a tourist camp: a tent, a fire with a pot hanging over it, a tablecloth spread on the grass.

Answering the proposed 9 questions is not so difficult. The number of cutlery on the tablecloth allows us to calculate that there are four tourists in the camp.

The cobwebs twisted between the tree trunk and the tent pole attached to it suggest that they arrived here a few days ago. The oars leaning against the trunk help to guess that they are traveling in a kayak, and the chicken pecking at something suggests that there is a village nearby. There are only five questions left unanswered - answer them.

Scientists claim that different hemispheres of the human brain are responsible for different forms of intellectual activity: the right one “manages” creativity, fantasy, imagination and visual memory, and the left one controls logic and rational thinking.


In the past, both hemispheres played an equal role in the development of human thinking abilities, but due to the fact that in recent decades the emphasis in education has been constantly placed on logical activity controlled by the left hemisphere, the right hemisphere is underutilized and therefore insufficiently developed.

For this reason, creativity suffers, thinking is squeezed within the tight framework of logic and rationalism.

The fight against this should begin in preschool and primary school age, while stereotyped thinking patterns have not yet formed in children’s heads.

But even when we are talking about an adult, such distortions in the perception of the world around us can be corrected. The development of visual memory and attention is the way to overcome them.

They will help you. Complete tasks in between work, in the evening to switch to family matters, and in the morning to awaken creativity. The answers are given at the end of the article. Don't look there until you've spent at least one or two minutes on each task.

Task No. 1

Take a look at the picture. What do you see? This drawing has a double meaning, try to abstract from the first image and find the second image.

Task No. 2

Task No. 3

Task No. 4

Task No. 5

Task No. 6


Task No. 1

The drawing simultaneously shows the face of a man and a rat. Take a closer look: the glasses are the ears, the nose is the muzzle, the ear is the hind legs, and the chin is the tail.

Task No. 2

This is the letter E. It is difficult to identify due to the stretched and bold font. Some people have the ability to see certain symbols in surreal pictures. It seems like it comes out of nowhere, but in fact there is a logic to it too. This construction of images is called hypnagogic. This ability can be trained: try to see something original in familiar images. Interpretation of abstract drawings gives rise to new thoughts and ideas.

Task No. 3

There is a hint in the task itself: if you look at the drawing for one or two minutes, the beetle will somehow end up in the box! And the checkered wall will turn into the floor. Sometimes our superficiality, which leads to haste, prevents us from solving a problem. If you sit down and think about a problem for a few minutes, it can solve itself.

Task No. 4

Possible answers: rope, cobwebs, spilled coffee, McDonald's logo. And any answer you have!

Trying to discern something concrete in abstract drawings is a good exercise in creativity. Come up with as many options as possible. Training your brain in this way helps you get into a creative mood.

Task No. 5

These white and black spots seem meaningless at first. Gradually, consciousness will organize the drawing, and an image will appear in front of you - a bearded man in a white robe stands against the backdrop of bushes.

When the brain makes such non-obvious analogies, creative thinking gets an impetus. This exercise is suitable for relaxation during the working day. You will be distracted from extraneous thoughts and focus on one thing. The exercise is somewhat similar to meditation.

Task No. 6

People with developed intuition quickly give the correct answer. Pay attention to the shape: letters with straight lines are in the circle, letters with oval lines are outside the circle. The remaining letters will follow the same principle.

As you know, our brain consists of two hemispheres: left and right. In this case, the right hemisphere mainly “serves” the left side of the body: it receives most of the information from the left eye, ear, left arm, leg, etc. and transmits commands to the left arm and leg accordingly. The left hemisphere serves the right side.

As you know, our brain consists of two hemispheres: left and right.

In this case, the right hemisphere mainly “serves” the left side of the body: Receives most of the information from the left eye, ear, left arm, leg, etc. and transmits commands to the left arm and leg accordingly.

The left hemisphere serves the right side.

Usually one of the hemispheres in a person is dominant, which is reflected in the individual personality traits. For example, left-hemisphere people are more drawn to science. Right-hemisphere people are more eager to engage in art or areas of activity that require individual imaginative solutions. The vast majority of great creators - composers, writers, poets, musicians, artists, etc. - “right-brain” people.

How to determine your dominant hemisphere

Test 1

Name colors, not what is written. The right hemisphere of the brain recognizes colors, the left hemisphere reads. This exercise involves balancing the hemispheres and training their interaction. For safety, the test begins and ends with the ‘correct’ word-color combinations.

Test 2

Optical effects - chiaroscuro - form a three-dimensional image. In a picture or photograph you can see a lunar crater, and if you turn it 180 degrees, you can see a mountain, and this is not only an illusion, but a feature of vision, the visual habit of the eye to the fact that the daylight of the sun comes from top to bottom.

Lunar craters (first photo). When you rotate the photo 180 degrees (second photo), “mountains” appear in the picture.

Test 3

Optical illusions (optical illusions, glitches) – image rotation, flickering and other visual illusions. If you look for too long, an aftereffect occurs (by turning your gaze to the side, towards a white background, you can see the same picture).

Ordinary, but regular (morning and afternoon) training of the vestibular apparatus (turns, bends, rotations, stretching upwards, standing on your toes and looking up) - develops a sense of balance and coordination of movements, as well as strengthens the psyche and stabilizes certain human field structures (stability the so-called astral body, etc.)

In case of increased blood pressure, headaches and dizziness during training, temporarily concentrate attention on both points E36 (zu-san-li), or perform a light acupressure massage to align your energy along the meridians. Ground yourself in a timely manner - through everyday activities, household chores, physical education and sports, walks in nature.

Note: look at the “Optical Illusions” pictures for no longer than 15 minutes at a time, so as not to weaken your psyche.

Test 4

According to rzelulattam ilsseovadniy odongo anligysokgo unviertiset, not ieemt zanchneya, in kokam pryakde rsapozholeny bkuvy v solve. Galvone, so that you pre-avya and psloendya bkvuy blyi on mseta. Osatlyne bkuvy mgout seldovt in a ploonm bsepordyak, everything is torn tkest chtaitsey without wandering. The main thing is that we do not read every book in isolation, but all together.

Test 5

What do you see?

If you are a girl, you have a developed right hemisphere of your brain. If the old woman - left.

Test 6

Find the man's head in this picture (search for no more than 3 minutes).

If you have completed the task:

    in less than 3 seconds, then your right hemisphere of your brain is better developed than most people;

    within 1 minute – this is a normal result;

    if within 1–3 min. – your right hemisphere is poorly developed, you need to eat more meat protein;

    if the search took you more than 3 minutes, that’s not good...

Test 7

Below is a picture, when viewed, depending on which hemisphere of your brain is active, the object will move in a certain direction. In this case, either clockwise or counterclockwise. So…

If you see this girl moving clockwise, then your right hemisphere is active at the moment. If it moves counterclockwise, then you are using the left hemisphere. Some may see it moving in both directions.

Try to get it to move in the opposite direction using the other hemisphere. Can you do it.

Look to the side and look at the girl again, after a while she will begin to move in the opposite direction. Also, some people discovered that you can look at her legs and she will again change the direction of movement.

Experiments have shown that two different areas of the brain are responsible for different types of mental activity.

Usually people use only one hemisphere, characteristic of their type of thinking. But there are individuals who work with both hemispheres.

There are schools that favor one hemisphere over the other. Thus, schools that develop the left hemisphere focus their attention on logical thinking, analysis and accuracy. While the right-brain school focuses on aesthetics, feelings and creativity.

And note:

Areas of specialization of the left hemisphere:

Processing verbal information: The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for your language abilities. This hemisphere controls speech, as well as reading and writing abilities.

It also remembers facts, names, dates and their spelling.

Analytical thinking: The left hemisphere is responsible for logic and analysis. It is this that analyzes all the facts.

Literal understanding of words: The left hemisphere can only understand the literal meaning of words.

Sequential thinking: Information is processed by the left hemisphere sequentially in stages.

Mathematical abilities: Numbers and symbols are also recognized by the left hemisphere.

Logical, analytical approaches, which are necessary for solving mathematical problems, are also a product of the work of the left hemisphere.

Control of movements of the right half of the body. When you raise your right hand, it means that the command to raise it came from the left hemisphere.

Areas of specialization of the right hemisphere:

Processing nonverbal information: The right hemisphere specializes in processing information, which is expressed not in words, but in symbols and images.

Parallel information processing: Unlike the left hemisphere, which processes information only in a clear sequence, the right hemisphere can simultaneously process a lot of different information. It is able to look at a problem as a whole without applying analysis.

The right hemisphere also recognizes faces, and thanks to it we can perceive a set of traits as a single whole.

Spatial orientation: The right hemisphere is responsible for location perception and spatial orientation in general. It is thanks to the right hemisphere that you can navigate the terrain and create mosaic puzzle pictures.

Musicality: Musical abilities, as well as the ability to perceive music, depend on the right hemisphere, although, however, the left hemisphere is responsible for musical education.

Metaphors: With the help of the right hemisphere, we understand metaphors and the results of other people's imagination. Thanks to it, we can understand not only the literal meaning of what we hear or read. For example, if someone says: “He’s hanging on my tail,” then the right hemisphere will understand exactly what this person wanted to say.

Imagination: The right hemisphere gives us the ability to dream and fantasize. With the help of the right hemisphere we can create different stories. By the way, the question “What if...” is also asked by the right hemisphere.

Artistic abilities: The right hemisphere is responsible for visual arts abilities.

Emotions: Although emotions are not a product of the functioning of the right hemisphere, it is more closely related to them than the left.

Sex: The right hemisphere is responsible for sex, unless, of course, you are too concerned about the technique of this process itself.

Mystic: The right hemisphere is responsible for mysticism and religiosity.

Dreams: The right hemisphere is also responsible for dreams.

Controls the movements of the left half of the body: When you raise your left hand, it means that the command to raise it came from the right hemisphere.published If you have any questions about this topic, ask them to the experts and readers of our project