Describe the horoscope sign Pisces. Pisces - characteristics of the zodiac sign

Sign period: (February 20 - March 20)
Sign property:
changeable, fickle

– these are the brightest representatives of the water element. They are born dreamers and quite romantic natures. Characteristics of Pisces shows that there is absolutely no rationality in them, but you can see with the naked eye the constant construction of castles in the air and painfully humanistic aspirations. They are well aware of all the shortcomings of their nature, and can easily be ironic about this. However, never allow others to joke about you.

Representatives of the Pisces sign create the impression of being weak and helpless, and this helps them easily receive the support of strangers. However, they themselves are very kind and sympathetic, and friends often overstep their boundaries, selfishly putting pressure on Pisces' soft-heartedness.

Pisces are very generous. If someone needs their money, they will gladly share it without thinking about the consequences. At the same time, these people are very passive in achieving their plans. It’s good if there is a person nearby who will help bring the fish’s plans to life.

Pisces man - characteristics

A man born under the sign of Pisces usually has a wide variety of talents, but they are always waiting for some opportunity that may never come. Such a man definitely needs the support of a sober-minded person. This could be a parent, uncle, aunt, spouse or close friend. Be that as it may, eh characteristics of a Pisces man speaks of the need to constantly push him to new achievements, otherwise everything will remain at the level of castles in the air.

These water men are big dreamers. They can easily exaggerate their capabilities, even if this is not necessary. They constantly swim in their waters, and cannot feel solid ground under their feet. In fact, this is their nature, and demanding stability and reliability from Pisces is a great luxury.

It is very difficult for Pisces to find their place in the real world, much less build a career and achieve success in the professional field. The most successful option would be if this man has a desire to conquer some niche at a very young age. Then he will easily plunge into a new, not yet comprehended world.

The characteristics of the Pisces man testify to his external secrecy. No one will see the slightest manifestation of emotion on the face of such a man, with the exception of those closest to him. However, the smile of a man born under the sign of Pisces in this case becomes a real gift.

Analyzing the nature of this water sign, one cannot help but mention the boundless sensuality and hidden emotionality that accompanies the Pisces man with a special aura throughout his life.

Pisces do not strive to create a family and have children. They do not tolerate short affairs and are supporters of long-term relationships, but this is not enough to form a family union. Therefore, the ideal life partner for Pisces would be a woman with a little more willpower and reasonable enough, who can skillfully push her lover to choose the right decisions.

Pisces woman - characteristics

Lady Pisces is the embodiment of femininity and romance. She has the talent of seduction and can win the hearts of many men. Such a woman feels good among representatives of high society, and stubbornly strives to get into their company. Characteristics of a Pisces woman speaks of her reluctance to be distracted by minor everyday problems, it’s as if she lives in an imaginary world, and does not want to sink to the sinful earth at all. The sentimentality of this lady makes her painfully susceptible to any manifestations of rudeness and cruelty.

The characteristics of the Pisces woman also reflect the dependence of her internal state on. Like any other water sign, Pisces thrives during full moon periods. They are active, and at this time the widest scope for activity opens up for them. However, in the process of the growth of this heavenly body, Pisces women can fall into severe depression.

Lady Pisces is absolutely non-conflict, it is difficult to bring her to the level of open confrontation, since she always strives for an amicable resolution of conflicts. In addition, she is quite soft and delicate, which helps her find an approach to the toughest and most unpredictable people.

Pisces is a creative person, full of experiences. The characteristics of her emotions affect all aspects of life and are so multifaceted that they amaze those around her. She knows how to truly empathize, but she cannot cope with ordinary everyday difficulties. This suggests that the most suitable partner for Pisces will be the one who will support her in this harsh material world and at the same time be fueled by the powerful energy and magnetism that emanate from this representative of the water element.

Sexual compatibility of the Pisces sign

The young years of representatives of the Pisces sign are full of searches for something mysterious and hidden. They may well be able to help with this. The latter are most attractive to Pisces due to their desire for power and desire to take the reins of the relationship into their own hands. A more mature age is characterized by the achievement of harmony in alliance with or. Libra perfectly balances the dreamy nature of Pisces, and Aquarius is very congenial for Pisces.

All those born under this constellation are protected by the planet Neptune. She also forces her “wards” to remain in the grip of illusions for a long time and be interested in all kinds of hoaxes.

Basic facts about the zodiac sign Pisces

Astrologers depict this zodiac sign in the form of two fish swimming in different directions. They consider it a symbol of limitations, eternity and duality at the same time. This is probably why a person born under the sign of Pisces is destined to suffer under the yoke of conflicting desires. Material well-being is unlikely to interest such people. Moreover, some representatives of this astrological sign have no reason to think about how full their pockets are because they are already rich heirs. Pisces are the most selfless, sincere and devoted people to their ideals. But they trust their feelings much more than the arguments of their own reason and the opinion of a whole staff of authoritative specialists. These are perhaps the most uninteresting facts about the Pisces zodiac sign.

Irresponsible, but incredibly talented

Representatives of this sign rarely find themselves in positions of responsibility, as they are very fond of changing impressions. From birth, Pisces feel a lack of energy. They are always tired and do not have enough strength necessary to overcome the more or less significant obstacles that life places in front of them. Good-natured and carefree, Pisces are indifferent to harsh reality. They rarely worry about tomorrow. Despising hard work, most representatives of this sign prefer “single swimming” to collective work. But they do not consider it necessary to fight for themselves and stop the machinations of ill-wishers. Therefore, real success and recognition rarely find their way to these endlessly talented people.

It is very difficult to list everything in one article. The zodiac sign, which closes the list of twelve constellations, endows a person with many talents. Among them, the ability to foresee events stands out. Pisces often have strange dreams, most of which turn out to be prophetic, and the sudden premonitions that visit them are in most cases unfounded. If such people advise someone not to fly on airplanes, their words should be heeded. In addition, they have some innate ability to resist various diseases to which they are unfortunately susceptible. Pisces are an example of good manners and a sense of style. But getting them to express themselves and start acting is extremely difficult. They are lazy, good-natured, and indifferent to other people's opinions (as well as other important things), although they can be prickly and sarcastic if angered.

Love and Relationships Pisces

Some people, being on the threshold of a new relationship, make attempts to get as much information as possible about their future partner. For example, they find out interesting facts about Pisces and immediately know for sure whether this is their person or not. They have a better chance with representatives of their native element than with people born under the sign of Earth, Fire and Air. Family life will work out well if, while married to Scorpio, Pisces do not “call out the devil” named Jealousy and do not begin to check the fact that their other half has possessive instincts (and they do exist). An alliance with Cancer is tantamount to refusing a leadership position and unconditionally accepting his fateful decisions. They love to lead and appreciate those who indulge them. At the same time, the “air” partner can hurt Pisces with his inconstancy, the “fire” partner will quickly get bored next to them, and the representative of the Earth element risks seeming too prosaic to the dreamy Pisces.

The only exception can be a partnership, which is based on something more than the compatibility of zodiac signs. Pisces man - Pisces woman... This union will only dream of peace and happiness until both learn to do without mutual claims. Then, according to astrologers, they will be able to become a truly happy family and even claim the title of “best couple.” By the way, the main reason for concluding a marriage between two Pisces is almost always almost telepathic mutual understanding. Sometimes the compatibility of zodiac signs (Pisces man, Pisces woman) is almost ideal. They, like two opposite poles, are able to get as close to each other as possible at the right moment. The willingness to provide help to those who need it is their characteristic feature.

Pisces Man

It is difficult for a dreamer born under the constellation Pisces to concentrate on one thing. He prefers to engage in several activities at once. His marriage partner, in order to keep such a man near her, if she is not the heiress of untold wealth, is forced to work for two and be prepared for any surprises. The emotionally unstable husband will provide her with something, and some surprises. The life of a Pisces man (and his immediate circle) who has found his calling is completely different. Then he is guaranteed universal recognition and success. His tolerance towards everyone around him (including his mother-in-law and his wife’s friends) will make him a desirable object for representatives of the opposite sex.

Pisces Woman

Everyone dreams about her. She is beautiful, sensual and feminine. Of course, she has flaws, but they are safely hidden in a cloud of grace. Being impractical, she “floats” in the financial sphere, and the desire to help those in need attracts people suffering from an inferiority complex to her. A woman born under the constellation Pisces is confident that any man can change the world. And representatives of the stronger sex who find themselves nearby feel this confidence and are drawn to it. After marriage, the Pisces woman becomes demanding, but still tender. Trying to mislead her is a waste of time. She sees right through her partner. The Pisces woman has the unique ability to surround herself with influential people. And this quality gives her confidence.

General characteristics of Pisces

Listing the most significant facts about the zodiac sign Pisces, one cannot fail to touch upon such a topic as medicine. Almost all representatives of this constellation have a very slow metabolism, so they eat little. However, stomach and intestinal diseases seem to lie in wait for them. Health problems can also be associated with the liver and lungs.

A distinctive feature of all Pisces is high spirituality, generosity and compassion. Carried away by their dreams, they often forget that in real life events sometimes develop completely differently than they would like. Having a tendency to view the world around them through many representatives of this zodiac symbol, trying to balance the desired and the actual, they immerse themselves in art. And in this field they almost always achieve success.

They are romantic, but subject to the influence of others, kind, sociable and inclined to idealize their lovers, but they are modest beyond measure... Being in an imaginary world and less likely to “surface” - this is the life many Pisces lead. The numbers of the sign are 6 and 7, as well as all multiples of 7. The most significant periods of life include the ages of 14, 24, 28, 42, 48, 56, 70, 72, 84 years.

Pisces themselves are very unusual people, so there are many interesting facts associated with this Zodiac Sign, which a very limited number of people know about.

Before that, we told you about 10 unusual facts about Sagittarius. Remember that it is absolutely not important how you see a person. This is the surface, the tip of the iceberg. Much more important is what happens inside him, what his energy is. This is precisely what the current article is aimed at - to lift the veil of secrecy over Pisces, to show how they see the world around them and how they perceive it.

Pisces character

Many people say about Pisces that they are not from our planet. In fact, these people behave very strangely in some situations. For example, they talk strangely all the time. You never know if they are speaking sarcastically or seriously. They become like all other people only when everything is very bad, but even in this case their sadness will be much more expressive than that of anyone else.

Pisces see the world as an art gallery. They evaluate people as paintings, where not only appearance is important, but also character. This is how they are and they cannot be corrected, and this is not bad, because this is their essence. They are drawn to everything unusual, which is why they often become good artists, actors, and musicians.

10 unusual facts

Pisces are rich in oddities and secrets, which are always interesting to tell about and which are interesting to learn.

Fact one: Pisces are the most unstable people emotionally and energetically. It is very easy to make them angry, upset, offend, upset, please or make them happy. They may be happy about such a small thing as free bus travel, or they may be upset because of cloudy weather. In a word, things that are not important for ordinary people play a huge role for Pisces.

Fact two: Pisces is the drug addict Zodiac Sign. They have many vices and weaknesses. Most drug and alcohol addicts, as well as smokers, are among Pisces. They are drawn to this for some reason unknown even to them. This brings them many health problems, but they know how to cope with it. There is a small percentage of Pisces who, on the contrary, do everything to avoid human weaknesses. Sometimes this really pisses off everyone around, but what can you do... that’s just the way they are.

Fact three: Pisces either constantly put things off until later, or decide to do everything at once and save themselves the pain. They are constantly on the verge of choice. Of course, you may think that everyone is like this, but the fact is that Pisces are equally lazy and equally afraid of problems. They simply don’t need them, so they are constantly in a state of dilemma.

Fact four: Pisces don't help anyone - they just sympathize. You tell them how hard your life is and how terrible the circumstances are, and they will look and look... think, nod and say: “Yes, I sympathize with you, eh.” As always. They often can’t even give practical advice, although sometimes brilliant thoughts pop up. This is not selfishness or stupidity. They also solve their problems this way - they feel sorry for themselves, but sometimes they come up with such a solution that everyone around them is shocked. Moreover, Pisces are really able to understand you, which cannot be said about Pisces themselves. They are almost incapable of understanding themselves.

Fact five: promises, no matter how sad it may sound, mean nothing to Pisces. They promise, and then laugh it off and hide. Again, there is no evil or meanness here, you just never explain to them that promises must be kept. They won't understand it because that's their nature.

Fact six: if you ask Pisces what he is doing on Thursday, three weeks later, at lunch, he will tell you. Of course, this is not entirely true, but they really are constantly busy. Nobody knows whether they are ignoring someone or really planning to take over the Universe. Who knows...

Fact seven: Has the universe been taken over? Okay, now let's make it a complete mess, disorder, chaos. Pisces can turn any house, any apartment, any room into a nightmare. This is some kind of plague, the last stage of a cancer of the domestic order. On the other hand, they also know how to clean up... if you hit them in the neck and yell at them.

Fact eight: Pisces live in fantasies. They imagine a wonderful world in which everything is perfect. It is for this reason that they are so often upset with life, because this world is far from ideal, and lovers of romance and beauty find it difficult to survive.

Fact nine: These people know how to joke. Well, 50/50. There is a complete contrast here. Some are completely deprived of the ability to joke, but they laugh so hard that they infect everyone around them, and some of these difficult people can say one word and everyone will roll on the floor laughing. Their jokes are verbal. They joke with intonation, sounds and wit.

Fact ten: Pisces are more likely than other Zodiac Signs to think about suicide, but they do not follow through with their plans. They are scared, so in almost 100 percent of cases it remains just an idea or a preparation for the future. It's not that they love life too much, but death is not an option for them. But then they will tell everyone that they were just about ready to jump from the second floor balcony, but something stopped them.

Pisces need to work more on their energy so that their genius finds a way out in business. They need to realize their potential, then they can earn money and gain fame. Affirmations for every day will help them with this. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Zodiac sign Pisces (19.02 - 20.03)

There is perhaps no sign more mystical than Pisces. The Zodiac sign Pisces stands alone among all the signs, as its representatives are distinguished by their high emotionality, gentle and sensual nature. Most often, people born under this sign are creative individuals for whom material values ​​do not come first. The zodiac sign Pisces is greatly influenced by the planets Mars, Saturn and Jupiter. The dreams that Pisces surround themselves with often remain unfulfilled due to the numerous whims of the representatives of this zodiac sign. Sadness is one of the constant states of Pisces. They often remain lonely. However, such people combine seemingly incompatible character traits - the desire for everything around them to happen as honestly as possible, and a weak sense of self-defense.

Zodiac sign Pisces: characteristics

Pisces are so absorbed in their dreams that they often cannot understand

your true desires and find ways to make them come true. If they encounter some kind of obstacle, then the solution that Pisces will prefer is to go around the obstacle or turn onto another road. They are easily led by stronger personalities, so Pisces are in many cases influenced by individuals, entire groups or society as a whole. Despite the weaknesses of their character (daydreaming, sensitivity, self-doubt, need for attention), Pisces also have important advantages. For example, they are confidently brave, are not afraid to look their fears in the eyes, and do not panic in difficult life situations.


An ideal job for people born under the zodiac sign of Pisces - without a set schedule. Moreover, Pisces are uncomfortable working under pressure from their superiors. Therefore, among Pisces there are many taxi drivers, freelancers, writers, freelancers, and people working remotely. They take their work very seriously. Thanks to their dreaminess and love of imagining, Pisces are distinguished by remarkable creative potential. It is not uncommon to find people born under this zodiac sign among representatives of culture and art.

Zodiac sign Pisces: relationships with the opposite sex

Pisces men are people dependent on the general emotional background of their environment. They need a practical woman, with a strong character and excellent logic, who can balance the sensitivity and languor of her man.
The Pisces woman is the embodiment of femininity. She will become the ideal keeper of the hearth. Pisces women need care, protection, tenderness and a strong shoulder. Therefore, they need male heroes who can protect them from any troubles.

Compatibility with other signs

Pisces are most compatible with Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer and Scorpio. But life together with Aries and Leos may not seem the sweetest. To understand Pisces people, it is not necessary to know everything about the zodiac sign Pisces, the main thing is to remember that they are always in their element - water. A stormy whirlpool of dreams carries them into the depths of inner hopes and experiences. But they always need a friend, a loved one who will always float next to them. This is what he is - the zodiac sign Pisces. The characteristics of the sign have always caused and still cause ambivalent feelings in people, just like its representatives.

Pisces completes the zodiac circle. This is one of the most sentimental and sensitive signs that truly empathize with the grief of others.

Description of the Pisces sign

Pisces are timid by nature, one might even say weak-willed. They go with the flow and are easy to control. Because of this, they often find themselves in unpleasant situations.

Singer Rihanna fits all the characteristics of a Pisces. Jennifer Love Hewitt, Kyle MacLachlan, Steve Jobs, Natalia Vodianova, Justin Bieber, Thomas Anders were also born under this zodiac sign

This sign is dual. Pisces do not know how to fight for rights, they do not defend their opinions. However, if you make them angry, you can see a completely different person. It is difficult to calm down an angry representative of this sign. Pisces often go to extremes. They can throw a tantrum over little things and remain calm when danger threatens.

Pisces quickly find a common language with people, but cannot only fully understand themselves. Sometimes they seem helpless. I want to feel sorry for them, to help them in self-realization, but Pisces have difficulty accepting help. They are not characterized by optimism; they prefer to live in their world of suffering. Pisces need personal space. Alone, they put their thoughts in order and calm down.

Pisces have a hard life; they encounter many failures and dishonest people along the way. They need a strong partner as a companion who will guide them.

Pisces are unlucky in love, and all because of their melancholic nature. They turn themselves inside out for the sake of their soulmate, but even after this, the relationship ends in a breakup. Pisces fall in love sincerely and are able to preserve their feelings for life. There is passion, respect, dedication and understanding in the relationship. But if the feelings have passed, then it is impossible to keep a Pisces representative near you. They will slip right out from under their noses, and they can blame their debts on their other half.

Strengths and weaknesses of the Pisces sign

Pisces have much fewer positive qualities than negative ones. This is due to their susceptibility to negative emotions.

Sentimentality is one of the negative Pisces

Pisces Strengths:

  • ability to make profitable business connections;
  • high adaptation to any environment;
  • persistence in the face of difficulties, the ability to find a way out of a difficult situation;
  • good sense of humour;
  • developed intuition;
  • the ability to manipulate people when it comes to money.

Pisces are wise, sympathetic and forgiving. They differ from other signs in their selflessness and ability to truly love.

Weak sides:

  • openness and receptivity;
  • exposure to other people's influence;
  • lack of own opinion;
  • uncertainty, inability to stand up for oneself;
  • evasion of responsibility;
  • lack of self-discipline.

A significant disadvantage of Pisces is that they live in a fantasy world. They find it difficult to believe in reality.

Pisces indulge not only others, but also their own weaknesses. In their youth, morality is alien to them; they may abuse alcohol or drugs. It is necessary to guide them on the path of truth in time.

Element of the sign Pisces and their talisman

Pisces are representatives of the water element. They are under the protection of the planet Neptune. They believe in mysticism, so the choice of a talisman is very important for them.

The following stones are suitable for this sign:

  • Amethyst. Protects against witchcraft, disease and delays old age.
  • Moon rock. Fulfills cherished desires, brings good luck and helps improve your personal life.
  • Tiger's eye. Strengthens willpower.
  • Emerald. Brings harmony to life.
  • Pearl. It is a symbol of a happy married life.

Amethyst cannot be worn regularly, otherwise it will lose its potency.

Blue, steel, lavender and sea green bring good luck to Pisces.

Characteristics of the career of the zodiac sign Pisces

In their work, Pisces rely on their intuition. They try to do everything that is asked of them, but it is very difficult for them, because they are used to working at their own rhythm. They themselves do not put pressure on their colleagues and do not like pressure from above. Pisces are conscientious workers, they just lack organization.

They are ready for self-sacrifice and are very dedicated to their work. But not all industries can work. Pisces quickly get tired of hard physical and mental work. They do not know how to make decisions, so they do not like to carry out important tasks.

Pisces are very talented. They are happy in their career if they can realize themselves and feel important to society. Material wealth is not important to them.

Pisces find themselves in the following areas:

  • painting;
  • music;
  • charity;
  • religion;
  • psychology;
  • extrasensory perception;
  • astrology;
  • medicine;
  • pedagogy;
  • the science.

Among Pisces there is an equal ratio of poor and wealthy people, there are many scammers and thieves. Because of their acting talents, they easily deceive others.

Pisces are attracted to everything unusual. They will succeed in those areas where other signs experience absolute failure. Among the representatives of this sign there are many women who are interested in mysticism and magic. They are attracted by everything unknown and otherworldly.

Characteristics of Pisces health

Nature has not endowed this zodiac sign with internal energy. Pisces constantly experience weakness and fatigue. Their performance is affected by poor health, even by weather conditions, such as rain, severe frost or heat. Only some representatives of Pisces are endowed with inexhaustible energy. They can work day and night.

Pisces are susceptible to diseases and get sick often and seriously. If there is a real threat to their health, for example a flu epidemic, then preventive measures are immediately taken.

Pisces take care of their health from a young age, constantly ascribing to themselves diagnoses that do not exist.

Weak points are the liver, heels and limbs. Flat feet or abscesses on the feet are a common problem for them. They often catch colds; representatives of this sign suffer from rheumatism more often than others. Pisces should be wary of skin diseases, varicose veins and anemia. There is a high predisposition to schizophrenia.

Representatives of this sign are more suited to dry and hot climates. High air humidity and dampness have a detrimental effect on their health.

Pisces do not belong to themselves. They are nowhere and at the same time everywhere. Because they rarely feel wanted and loved, they often become depressed. Do not hurt the gentle soul of Pisces, be more friendly with them and treat them with understanding.