Types of kisses. Passionate kiss - what do you need to know about it? How to tell if your partner likes a kiss

First kiss!

Kiss- touching someone or something with your lips to express love or as a sign of respect (Wikipedia gives us this definition). Well, you and I have known this since kindergarten. As soon as a person is born, they immediately (well, almost) begin to kiss him. Mothers and grandmothers, fathers and grandfathers and everyone who is not too lazy. On noses and cheeks, on tummies and even snouts.

First kiss.

Kisses “good morning” and good night, when people meet and part, are also known to us. But we, stylish and not so stylish girls, are not concerned at all with these kisses. First kiss with the object of adoration leaves everyone in awe. Or rather, not the kiss itself, but its anticipation (the kiss itself can disappoint).

All girls daydream about their first kiss , it seems to us something unusual and romantic, fabulous. This has probably always been the case, I can only interview several generations of women in our family: the wives of two brothers, my mother, my aunt, my grandmother, and my great-grandmother’s aunt (6 women of different generations) and each of them dreamed of the first kiss and everyone was a little doubtful how they can do it.

And imagine, everyone has succeeded from time immemorial, as they say. No matter who you ask, where you read, it’s the same everywhere: “ Kissing is not a complicated science, feel your partner, surrender to your feelings, don’t think about anything and have fun.” Maybe it is so you and I have everything ahead, even if the first experience was not very pleasant (well, how can you relax when your partner, to put it mildly, does not have fresh breath). The kiss will take us to the height of bliss and spin us in a dance called “pleasure.”

Did you know that a whole science called phylematology . These are adults, but they’ll come up with something like this. They, you see, are studying the fundamental physiological and psychological characteristics of a human kiss (this is certainly more interesting than cooking steel). So, according to their research, kissing is one of the ways to express human emotions. A kiss also expresses positive emotions and, most often, a feeling of love. And according to what feelings a person experiences when kissing, philematologists have identified the following types of kisses:

Classification of kisses:

Love kiss!

Love kiss - such a kiss expresses the love and passion of lovers. Such kisses are also divided into tender and passionate.

Tender kisses - kisses are short, on the lips or other parts of the body.

Passionate - on the contrary, these are long kisses. Kissing on the lips, and not only with the tongue, biting with the teeth. In society, such kisses in public are condemned.

Friendly kiss - this kiss expresses feelings such as friendship and affection. And he usually kisses on the cheek or hand.

Respectful kiss - well, it’s clear that such a kiss expresses reverence and respect, as well as admiration for a person or even an object. If the object of such a kiss is a person, then they kiss the hand or the ring on the finger.

Touching kiss - most often such a kiss is addressed to children and animals, who else can make us feel tender?

Fatherly/filial/brotherly kiss - also a very familiar look to us, which expresses a feeling of family love and affection. Usually the forehead and cheeks are kissed.

Air kiss!

Air kiss - a kiss that is transmitted by air, one kisses one’s own palm and, with whatever gesture, is transmitted towards the person for whom such a kiss is intended (by the way, it looks very impressive, if only one could imagine). Expresses love and tenderness, attention and flirting. In my opinion, the safest and most gentle.

Kiss of Judas - have you heard this expression? Expresses ostentatious, deceitful affection and respect.

Kiss emoticon - the new kind. In my opinion, there is no need to explain anything. Who doesn't know what this is?

World Kiss Day.

First kiss.
Did you know that there is such a holiday as World Kiss Day?

World Kiss Day - official international holiday. It is celebrated on July 6th every year!

This holiday was invented by the British, who were simply convinced that a kiss was worthy of having their own holiday as proof of love. By the way, it was invented back in the 19th century. And only at the end of the 20th century it was approved by the UN and became international (probably the UN likes to kiss too!).

Baby kiss.

  • The first mention of a kiss in writing is found in Sanskrit in 1500 BC.
  • Passionate kissing burns 4-6 calories per minute.
  • Kissing is good for your teeth. When kissing or in anticipation of it, saliva is produced and cleanses the teeth of harmful bacteria and protects against caries.
  • People who wake up from a kiss feel good mood and energy throughout the day.
  • What do you say when you find out that people who kiss their partner every morning are less likely to get into accidents on the way to work? Those who don’t kiss in the morning get tired less, and most importantly, live five years longer!
  • When shooting a gun and kissing, the body produces the same hormones.
  • During a passionate kiss, all facial muscles are involved. Kiss more, there will be fewer wrinkles.
  • The average person on earth spends 336 hours of their life kissing.
  • During a passionate kiss, approximately 5 million bacteria are exchanged between people.

There are still a lot of facts and a lot of research. And a lot of funny things related to kisses. I will return to this topic at some point. Bye bye!


Why are we kissing? Some might say that kissing is a cultural stereotype. Everyone around them kisses - on the street, in the movies, in books and magazines. And everyone knows that in a romantic setting you have to kiss.

And someone will say that a kiss is a real merging of souls, and when lovers kiss, an angel is born in heaven. And to this day no one can explain the phenomenon of kissing.

One thing is good: back in Art. BC. in ancient India, kissing was “systematized” and described in detail in the Kama Sutra. Learn all types of kisses and please your loved one!

1. Inato- This is a gentle and romantic kiss on the lips, smooth. This is a kiss with just the lips, you can’t touch your teeth, but you can’t leave not a single millimeter of your lips unkissed.

2. Smooth a kiss is a kiss when a guy takes a girl’s lips in his, folds his lips into a tube and sucks his beloved’s lips into himself, trying to touch her tongue.

3. Do you want to learn how to kiss? Fight of mouths"? Then do this: your lips are parted, you both suck and lightly bite each other's lips. But be careful not to bite too hard in the heat of passion.

4. Playful kiss- he is playful for this reason, so as to arouse passion, as if by chance. During a “playful” kiss, the guy bites the girl’s lips, and she, moving her tongue in his mouth, arouses passion.

5. During " Kissing teeth“In a passionate impulse, he “kisses” the teeth of his beloved, throwing her head lower and lower.

6. Kiss “Samayan” is the kiss of the tongue. The man takes the girl’s tongue into his mouth and, barely touching it with his teeth, sucks. The girl tries to take his tongue as deeply as possible, thus confirming the desire to move on to intimate relationships.

7. Kiss “Tenderness” teaches you to enjoy even the slightest touch of your lips and tongue. Effort is not important here, the main thing is tenderness and lightness.

8. To recreate the kiss "Mill", you need to take your loved one’s tongue by your cheek and lightly twirl your tongue.

9. "Bashful" This is called a kiss when a girl kisses, slightly moving her lower lip, as if trying to “run away” from the guy.

10. Kiss “Sink” is a classic of erotic art. Kiss your loved one gently on the ear, lightly biting the lobe and touching the skin behind the ear with your lips.

11. Sari is a kiss that a man gives to a woman. He kisses her palms, around the elbow and higher on the inside.

12. Exquisite kiss- these are gentle touches of the tongue to the palate of a loved one.

13. Kiss "Petal" - the man should pull back her lower lip and insert his tongue behind her cheek, caressing and arousing her with light movements, while tilting her head back.

14. "Stinging" A girl gives a kiss to a man. She gently and bashfully sucks his lips, and then suddenly pushes her tongue into his mouth for a moment and immediately pulls back, pretending to be scared.

15. “Tsarsky” You should kiss like this: slip your tongue over your teeth, insert it behind your cheek and gently caress it.

16. Passionate kiss is a trail of many kisses below the mouth. These are kisses of the neck, chest, nipples, belly, inner thighs, curves of the arms, legs under the knees. And the return back - along the same path of kisses.

17. Kiss “Enjoying the Bud”- This is one of the types of kisses using fingers. The guy gently squeezes both lips of the girl and kisses her on the lips.

18. "Falling Petals" It’s done like this: the guy spreads the girl’s lips with his fingers and kisses her on the teeth.

19. "Collecting Nectar" is a kiss during which the guy presses his fingers to the girl’s lips and kisses her tongue.

20. Ata is a most exciting kissing game. Play with your loved one: try to be the first to grab his lip and push out his tongue with your tongue in order to insert your tongue into his mouth. And then gently kiss the tip of the nose and chin of your loved one.

It turns out that kissing is one of the most exciting games in the world. And most importantly, there are no losers. So play and kiss to your health!

Usually, when it comes to kissing, the first thing that comes to mind is this touching act between two lovers. This is understandable, because a kiss is one of the most tender and obvious manifestations of mutual sympathy. However, this action does not always have exactly this meaning. What kisses can be like in general and between lovers in particular - let's try to figure it out.

If you put a special meaning into a kiss

A skillful girl has many ways to convey emotions, attitudes and even thoughts. A glance, a turn of the head, movement of the hands and much more - all this helps to create that charming image that drives guys so crazy. But a kiss is an equally effective, and sometimes even more effective, weapon, which not only girls, but also guys can master.

If we talk about kisses in general, then, depending on the situation, facial expression, words spoken before the kiss, they can carry very different meanings. Here are just a few examples:

  • Friendly kiss. The simplest and most sincere, expresses a friendly disposition, and can serve as an addition to a greeting or farewell. Most often it is done on the cheek or crown. Indicates a closer level of friendship; if desired, it helps to highlight the closest friends.
  • Gallant kiss. This refers to the kiss on the hand that men perform when meeting/getting to know a girl. It may seem that this tradition has long sunk into the past, however, even today, some young men use this method with great success to instantly stand out from the crowd of rivals, forever etched in the memory of the girl they like. Whatever men think, women have always loved and, perhaps, will always love this lovely tradition.
  • A social kiss. This category includes all kisses (mainly on the cheek) exchanged by unfamiliar people, and sometimes by people meeting for the first time, those who are in a friendly relationship, or a “casual acquaintance.” At meetings in a wide circle, parties, casual meetings in public places, etc., such kisses are not uncommon.
  • The kiss is hypocritical. Also, unfortunately, not uncommon. It is also committed mainly on the cheek between people who are unpleasant to each other (or even enemies), but at the same time trying to present their relationship as different, opposite to what they really are.
  • Kiss as part of the game. This type of kissing can be used during any dialogue, argument or even scandal. As one of the possible elements of influence, a sharp, short kiss can serve as a point in a conversation or help establish a dominant position. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to experience any tender feelings towards the object of the kiss. Just use it to establish the role of a daring, self-confident person.

You can also comfort a person with a kiss if you put all your warmth and care into the touch. If you imitate a casual kiss, or even a light touch with your lips, you can start a bright, sophisticated flirtation. A kiss has a huge number of possibilities, having mastered which, a person, be it a girl or a guy, can achieve almost anything he wants.

Kiss between lovers

And yet, the main purpose of a kiss is mutual pleasure for lovers. Here a kiss is almost irreplaceable. It can be multifaceted, play with many shades, evoke both passion and tenderness. It all depends on how and when it is done.

Light touches

These kisses carry maximum tenderness and awe. They are appropriate in moments of quiet solitude, during a meeting and at any other moment when you want to express tenderness to each other. Here are some examples of how you can do a similar kiss:

  • A light touch of the lips to the temple. You can drag out such a kiss by freezing for a few seconds and inhaling the aroma of your loved one’s hair.
  • Touching your face. Lots of short, light kisses placed randomly on the eyes, cheeks, nose, chin, etc.
  • Weak touch of the lips to the ears. The lips touch barely noticeably, while the ear of your loved one feels your warm breath.
  • Kiss the corners of the lips. Carefully, gently touching the corners of the closed lips of a loved one with your lips, for example, when he is thinking or dozing off.

In fact, kisses of this type can be done on any part of the face, neck, palm, shoulder, etc. Their meaning lies precisely in the way they are done. You need to put all your tenderness into such a kiss, demonstrate a caring attitude, a desire to simply touch your loved one, to be close. Often it is precisely such kisses that lead to a logical continuation, that is, kisses of passion.

Kisses of passion

This is a huge number of different variations on the “kiss” theme. Sometimes lovers, in a fit of passion, don’t even notice what aerobatic maneuvers they perform. This is understandable, because at such moments people are guided by their instincts and desires. You can learn to kiss “correctly” as much as you like, but only with the advent of real passion will you discover the full depth of your potential and talent.

However, before drowning in this passion, it must be rekindled. And this is where a kiss comes to the rescue. There are many ways to make yourself and your partner dizzy with simple kisses. In this case, it is also important how they are made. And here are some examples:

  • Kissing a naked back is a very clear invitation. You can start with slow, gentle kisses on the shoulders, then down along the spine. It's a good idea to complement this series with a reverse movement using the tongue. Run your tongue from the bottom of the spine along the hollow to the back of the head, then kiss the curve of the neck.
  • Kisses on the chest and belly. It is also advisable to do it slowly, so that your loved one has time to get his bearings and tune in to your “wave.” You can supplement them with light biting and touching the tongue.
  • A deep “French” kiss will serve as an excellent transition from the gently warming stage to the vigorously boiling stage. It will be especially striking if you complement it with a dominant gesture - placing your palm on the back of your loved one’s head, as if pressing his lips to yours, while penetrating his mouth with your tongue.
  • An enveloping kiss differs from a “French” kiss in that it is not directed deep into the body, but is distributed over the surface. With impetuous, persistent movements, it is necessary to grab alternately the upper and lower lips of the partner, pressing against both at the same time, as if wanting to embrace them completely.

Kisses of passion are called such because they convey passion, desire, attraction, adoration at the same time. They can be supported by the language of the body and hands - stroking, hugging a loved one, touching the face, hair, etc. When passion flares up, instinct itself will tell you what and how to do.

Kisses "postscript"

A special category of kisses, available only to really close people who understand each other well. Usually the time for such kisses comes after the passion has subsided a little, and the lovers are tired or want to take a breath. Examples of these could be:

  • a calm, gentle kiss on the wrist;
  • kiss on the temple;
  • a short, confident kiss on the lips;
  • touching the shoulder with lips;
  • kiss a strand of hair, etc.

Such an action demonstrates, on the one hand, tenderness, on the other hand, gratitude, and at the same time, as it were, says: “you are mine” or “you are mine.” These kisses indicate that people have become family and understand each other without words. At the very beginning of a relationship or in the absence of sincere affection, such kisses cannot become organic.

In general, each stage of a relationship is characterized by its own characteristics. Those exciting, timid, exciting kisses that can only be felt at the very beginning of mutual love become a thing of the past along with her. And not because they stopped liking them or the need for them disappeared, but only because the lovers themselves changed. They are replaced by others who are more confident, “knowing,” and exciting. People already know each other well, mutual desires and preferences are known, stiffness and embarrassment are behind them. Feelings become more mature, and kisses change. Moreover, with each new relationship, all these stages can be passed over and over again. And this is their beauty.

Do you know how to kiss for real? And not just kiss each other on the cheek or lips, but kiss each other passionately and passionately for a long time.

Do you know how to kiss for real? And not just kiss each other on the cheek or lips, but kiss each other passionately and passionately for a long time.

Kisses, kisses...

Anthropologists have found that not all peoples of the world love and know how to kiss. For example, among some ethnic groups in the Far North or Oceania, kissing is not accepted at all. Either it’s a taboo, or they just didn’t realize it, or climatic conditions have that effect.

The main thing here is different - ethnic groups that are not familiar with kissing have a much shorter life expectancy compared to those who love to kiss.

What is a passionate kiss?

A passionate kiss is a passionate kiss, during which the lips intensively touch and forcefully suck on the skin, sucking on it for some time. It may even leave a slight bruise.

A passionate kiss is also called a French kiss by many. And it’s not surprising, because many people consider the French to be very passionate and loving. In France, this kiss was called the “kiss of souls.” This is an unforgettable kiss, during which the souls of lovers truly unite. It brings people together like no other. This is why passionate kissing is so popular all over the world.

Although the term "French kiss" refers to a kiss with the tongue and is different from the classic passionate kiss. It is still a variation of it. And there are a huge number of kissing options.

Merging in a kiss, lovers do not notice anything in the world except their feelings. An inexplicable reaction arises between them, like an electric shock, from which they enjoy.

Passionate kiss: learning

It is very important to be able to kiss passionately; such a kiss plays a significant role in the caresses of two lovers. Learning this kiss is not difficult, you need to remember some rules and completely surrender to your feelings. Firstly, fresh breath is important in any kiss, so you should take care of this in advance. Well, the most important thing is to relax and not be nervous, because the kiss is not at all difficult to perform, as it seems.

Your lips should not be too hard and tense, but you should not completely relax them either; find a middle ground between these states. The first touches can be careful and careful, with gentle touches on the partner’s lips. But they can also be passionate and intense. There are many techniques for this kiss, so it’s worth turning on your imagination: you can suck your partner’s lip, lightly suck his tongue, run it across the palate or teeth, etc.

About the benefits of a passionate kiss

Don't be afraid of the bacteria that lovers exchange during a passionate kiss. After all, scientists have scientifically proven the benefits of long kisses. Those who like to kiss are less likely to get viral diseases.

Deep kissing can even treat pain and pain shock. They inhibit the formation of anxiety and stress hormones in the body. Therefore, many doctors, instead of pills, advise their patients therapy in the form of passionate and long kisses with regular partners.

In general, all kisses work wonders. Remember a mother’s kiss, which instantly relieves the baby’s anxiety and pain.

In addition to psychotherapists, other doctors also try to treat with kisses. It turned out that passionate kissing gives excellent results even with such serious diseases as diabetes and hypertension. The main thing is to kiss more often!

American doctors seriously argue that passionate kisses, due to their positive emotional effect and healing effect, are almost a panacea for many diseases that trouble humanity.

A kiss, as a rule, is a harbinger of sexual intimacy. There are so many types of kisses that you may not have even heard of some of them. Many, unfortunately, do not pay due attention to such a pleasant activity as a kiss. so diverse that everyone can choose the method that suits them. The main thing to remember is that kissing, like sex, should be breathtaking.

and their description

The purpose of touching your lips to another person can vary. It could be friendly or just a gentle touch.

French Kiss. This type is considered the most popular. Touching tongues gives lovers a special feeling of intimacy. Lips merge, your tongues meet, and an erotic kiss results. Its duration, depth and nature of movements - everything will depend only on you. “French kiss” is often a prelude to intimacy. This is how people kiss, between whom passion and erotic feelings are raging.

Biting kiss. It is usually used in sexual play. This method involves lightly biting the tip of your partner's ear.

Ice. If you want to experiment a little, put a piece of ice in your mouth and kiss your partner, gently pushing the ice into your partner's mouth. Agree - this is a very exciting kiss. The types of kisses don't end there .

Hot Kiss. Want something special? You can try swallowing some hot drink, holding it in your mouth for a while, and then passing it to your partner while kissing.

Kiss your feet. This method is considered very intimate and is practiced only by very close partners. It's very similar, but the sensations are unforgettable. This sacred action begins with the thumb and smoothly moves to all the others.

Vacuum kiss. The types of kisses between a man and a woman are so diverse that you can experiment every day. This unusual method involves partners kissing with their mouths open and with a hickey.

Licking. Lovers should feel each other's lips with their tongues.

Kiss the forehead. This method is very simple and at the same time very pleasant. In this way, a person expresses tenderness and care for his “half.”

Kiss on my cheek. Touching lips to cheek is most often used by close friends when meeting.

Kiss your hand. Nowadays, such a gesture has almost lost its relevance. If you want to seem like a very gallant gentleman, raise the woman’s hand and gently touch it with your lips.

Wavy. The name itself suggests that the movements of the tongues should be wave-like.

It is quite difficult to say reliably how many types of kisses there are. Touching with lips expresses a huge palette of emotions and Whatever method you choose, one thing will be clear: romance, love and passion exist between a man and a woman. Don't forget to give your loved one a kiss as often as possible. Types of kisses exist so that you can express your love in the best possible way.