Scenario September 1 with a witch and a witch. Entertainment scenario for older children “Feast of Magic”

Interesting and detailed Halloween script "Unclean Force"

This is a scenario for a Halloween costume party (corporate party, student party, etc.).

The hall is quite dark, only the stage is illuminated.

Hall decoration: paper-cut skulls and bones, bats, grave crosses, torches, etc.

The party is hosted by two people, a girl and a guy dressed as a Witch and a Leshen.

The presenters come out to gloomy music.

Goblin: O powers of darkness! Oh, unclean company! The most important night of the year is coming!

Witch: The most terrible of the worst! The darkest of the darkest! The great and terrible... HALLOWEEN NIGHT!

Goblin: And this night we will be with you, meet the beautiful Witch...

Witch: And the nasty Leshy!

Together: And we start our Halloween!

The solemn intro sounds.

Witch: Every year, from century to century, we gather the real elite of the glamorous unclean world to the main party.

Goblin: What, what? Translate it, otherwise I don’t understand your buzzwords! And in general, you bent: “from century to century”... It turns out that you are already such an old piece of junk?

Witch: You might think, Leshy, you’re young! Instead of being sarcastic, it’s better to announce the topic of today’s party.

Goblin: Our party... Ugh, our meeting is dedicated to a very serious matter. There are rumors that there is someone dishonest among the evil spirits!

Witch: Like this?!

Goblin: And like this! Someone has insulted our unclean thoughts and is secretly doing good deeds!

Witch: What an abomination! But how do we find out who it is? And maybe he’s not even alone?

Goblin: It is necessary to arrange tests, cruel and treacherous. In the end, kindness will come out and be punished!

Witch: Leshy, you are a genius. Begin!

Test one

Participants and participants are called, ten people in total. To the music, they walk across the stage, show off their costumes, introduce themselves (name their characters).

Witch (to Leshem): What a great company! Do you think any of them are good at camouflage?

Goblin: Let's check! Ask them questions.

Witch (to participants): Dear evil spirits, I have a very simple question for you. Remember your most disgusting disgusting thing or the most vile meanness committed over the past year!

Participants respond.

The presenters thank them and consult with the audience how many points each of them earned (for this task a maximum of three points are given - in the form of bones cut out of paper on pins, which will be pinned on the participants’ clothes).

Goblin: No, Witch, let’s come up with a more difficult second task! Look how erudite they all are!

Test two

Witch: Dear evil spirits, imagine that you are facing elections to the Unclean Duma! So, let each of you think and show us your election campaign! And we, as voters, will decide who we will vote for. Get ready, you have a few minutes.

Goblin: This is where they “split”, you’ll see!

While the participants are getting ready, some concert number is going on.

The contestants have prepared and are demonstrating their election campaign. The audience evaluates their performances. Based on the results of two tasks, one participant and one participant with the fewest “bones” are eliminated. They receive small incentive prizes.

An excerpt from the song “Work your magic” (from the repertoire of Dmitry Koldun) is played.

Witch: Listen, Leshy, it turns out that the better the applicants show themselves, the more likely it is that they are hiding something!

Goblin: That's it! You are very quick-witted, Witch. And it's time to announce the third test.

Test three

Now, after each test, two people will be eliminated, receiving small incentive prizes. By the fifth task there will be four left.

Goblin: The third test I came up with myself. This is what I love: crazy dance! Those who want can split into pairs, those who don’t want to dance alone. The main thing is to show all the madness of the soul and the boiling passion!

Witch: Everybody dance!

Energetic music plays and the participants dance. The witch also tries to dance with Leshiy, he groans and grabs his back.

Test four

Goblin: After such wild dancing, we invite you to restore your strength with a bloody drink!

Contestants are given a glass of tomato juice. The goal is to drink as quickly as possible.

Test five

Witch: Our participants are already very few, but this means that the very, very... unclean ones remain! Come on, Leshy, next test.

Goblin: So, the fifth test is the decisive one! It will be held under the code name “Thirteen”. This is the favorite number of all unclean ones.

Contestants will have to quickly and resourcefully answer the question - to each their own.


- name thirteen signs of a real vampire,

- thirteen evil heroes of fairy tales and movies.

For participants:

- thirteen any components of a love potion,

- thirteen magical objects from fairy tales.

Based on the results of the task, the winners are determined based on the number of “bones”. In case of the same number, the audience decides everything.

Solemn music sounds.

Witch: Well, we have decided the winners! Here they are, the best of the best, the worst of the worst!

Goblin: Or maybe the most cunning of the cunning? Addresses the winners. Answer the whole truth: did you secretly do good and good deeds? Helped others? Protected the weak?

Participants say that yes, it happened.

Goblin: I told you so!!!

Witch: And you know what, Leshy... In my opinion, there is nothing bad in good deeds... This means that as long as there is good, evil will always have something to fight.

Goblin (confused): Well, if so, be it your way...

The winners of the competition are awarded prizes and titles “The Most Unclean” and “The Most Unclean.”

The presenters congratulate the winners and thank everyone for their participation.

Witch: Now I would like to make an important statement...

Goblin: You're scaring me!

Witch: But today is the worst night! Listen to the legend...

A long time ago there lived a beautiful maiden. She was so beautiful that it was impossible to look away. And a feisty, disgusting sorcerer fell in love with her. And the girl, of course, refused to marry him. Can't guess who I'm talking about? And the result is obvious: she is me now - old, scary, enchanted. And only the kiss of a beautiful prince can disenchant me!

The goblin asks someone from the audience to cast a spell on the Witch. Many people try, but nothing happens.

Goblin: Eh, guys are the wrong ones these days. As always, you'll have to do everything yourself...

The goblin gets down on his knee and kisses the Witch’s hand. Music is playing - an excerpt from the song “Oh, what a woman” (from the repertoire of the group “Freestyle”), the lights are flashing. The witch takes off her mask and rags and turns into a fashionably dressed young girl. The goblin also takes off his mask.

The presenters perform a song.

Song "Evil spirits" to the tune of the song “Black Cat” from the repertoire of gr. "Bravo"

Evil spirits roam in the forest area,

Everyone is running away from the evil spirits

They are standing up, screaming and squealing

And they are in a hurry to deal with her!

They say you won't have any luck

If evil spirits cross your path,

In the meantime, it's the other way around:

Only the unfortunate evil spirits have no luck!

Apparently, living with evil spirits is not easy:

Do not go to a cafe or to the cinema,

They don't let her into the store

They won't pour gasoline at the gas station!

Year after year on this earth

The evil spirits are crying, sobbing in the darkness.

Tired of being evil spirits - creepy.

Someone have pity on her!

Chorus The disco begins.


Snow Maiden,Witch Megarochka- a boy dressed up as a witch. He speaks in a deep voice and is very timid. Witch Irgola- cheerful witch. Witch of Auda- a strict witch. Three Snowmen- First, Second and Third. Father Frost, Snowflakes- poetry readers.

Preparation for the holiday

The costumes of the participants and the attributes that they are supposed to have during the course of the plot are prepared, and poems and dramatizations are learned. You can also give the participants a home building: independently come up with a continuation of the fairy tale suggested below and remember what other fortune telling on the night of New Year they know. You will need a variety of musical recordings,

Progress of the event

Stands near a decorated New Year tree Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden. Hello, friends! I greet you in the thirtieth kingdom, the thirtieth state! Look how decorated the Christmas tree is in our enchanted country. After all, the most fun and joyful holiday of the year is coming soon - New Year. We look forward to his arrival. After all, everyone is in a good mood for the New Year, everyone gives each other gifts and congratulates each other. We're going to have a great time today. We have a lot of fun competitions and fun guests planned.

Three cheerful ones rush in Witches. One rides on a broom, the second on a mop, the third on a broom. They are in rags, welcome

waving to the audience.

Witches. (They squeal in unison.) E-and-and!

Snow Maiden. Mommies, who is this? Not otherwise, the cheerful guests I told you about...

Witch Irgola. We are witches, the most powerful sorceresses! We came to Mount Blocksberg to celebrate a wonderful witch holiday today - Walpurgis Night! Every year we organize the famous witches' Sabbath on Walpurgis Night - January 1st of the New Year!

Witch of Auda. Yes, we know the Blocksberg mountain is here!

Witch Megarochka. Our map, which we flew on, brought us here; our entire route was marked there.

Snow Maiden. Then I have to upset you.

Witch Irgola. And why?

Snow Maiden. Because you didn’t end up on Mount Blocksberg, or whatever they call it, but in an ordinary school.

Witch of Auda. And who is this?

Snow Maiden. These are the spectators.

Witch Megarochka. And we thought that these were the same respected witches as we were... and that here was a real coven of witches... (cries in a deep voice). And I'm afraid of these spectators!

Snow Maiden. What is it - the magic card has let you down?

Witch Irgola. We don't know...

Snow Maiden. Let me look at your map.

Witch of Auda. Please look as much as you want...

Snow Maiden. (Looks at the map.) Oh, dear witches, you were flying in the wrong direction on your brushes and brooms!

Witch Megarochka. How could it be wrong? The fourth turn to the right, and then at random until the evening!

Snow Maiden. (Shows something to the witches on the map.) You turned in the wrong place. You probably didn't study geography well at school?

Witch Irgola. And at our school for young witches there was no geography.

Witch of Auda. We had witchcraft, fortune telling, divination, cooking all kinds of witch dishes...

Witch Megarochka. But there was no geography! (Roars.)

Witch of Auda. Don't cry, dear friend, Megarochka!

Witch Megarochka. Don't console me, Auda! After all, we will no longer have time for the Walpurgis Night holiday! The Sabbath will pass without us...

Witch Irgola. We won’t have time... (also roars).

Witch of Auda. Irgola, at least don’t cry!

Snow Maiden. What to do? (Addresses the audience) Spectators, what should I do? I feel sorry for them! Now my real guests will come! Winter, snowy! And the witches, excuse me, are dressed like that... In rags...

Witch Megarochka. This is how we dress.

Snow Maiden. Listen, Irgola, Auda and Megarochka...

Witches(in unison). Yes!

Snow Maiden. I wanted to invite you to us for a human holiday, but I’m afraid that you won’t want to stay! Witch Irgola. We want! We want!

Witch of Auda. With pleasure!

Snow Maiden. Excuse me, but could you dress more decently, like a human being, otherwise you’ll scare away our guests!

Witch Megarochka. A couple of trifles! If we are invited to a human holiday, we will dress up so that everyone will be jealous!

Witches they cast spells, wave brooms, brushes and mops. Witches(in unison). Conjure, woman, conjure, grandfather,

Cast your spell, little gray bear!

The lights go out. When it lights up, they see that the witches have thrown off the rags in which they were dressed. Now the witches are wearing very decent elegant dresses. Witch Megarochka she is dressed especially elegantly - she is wearing fishnet tights and a miniskirt.

Snow Maiden. Oh, how beautiful you are! But Megarochka is dressed the most beautifully of all!

Witch of Auda. This is because she is the youngest! The most flirty among us.

Snowmen appear.

Snow Maiden. Hello, snow guests!

Snowmen (in chorus). Hello!

Snow Maiden. These are our winter guests! Snowmen!

1st snowman. Under a beautiful Christmas tree

We stand there useless.

2nd snowman. I'm used to standing for beauty

Fat white snowman.

3rd snowman. We don’t want it to no avail -

We will come to visit you!

Snowmen and Witches bowing primly to each other.

Snow Maiden. Here, Snowmen, as you can see, are your competitors in today’s fun New Year’s competitions. And the competition will be judged...

Snowmen and Witches(in unison) Father Frost!

Appears Father Frost. Around him, dancing, they move Snowflakes.

Father Frost. Well done, how many of you have gathered!

1st snowman. Two teams: the Witches team and the Snowmen team.

Father Frost. Great! The competition will be great: both fun and difficult. We'll find out who wins later when it's over! So, I announce the beginning of the first task.

Snow Maiden. Well, the first task for the teams. Dear Witches and dear Snowmen. You are all wizards

They were trained in all kinds of magical arts. Tell me, who knows what type of New Year's fortune-telling for the betrothed, for the fulfillment of desires, for information about the future? Every Snowman and each Witch must come up with something independently.

They run up Snowflakes. They have trays in their hands for each of the teams. There are candles, mirrors, rings on the trays, glasses of water, paper and pencils, etc.

Snow Maiden. Here are the trays in front of you. Choose fortune telling attributes.

Witch Megarochka. I took the mirror and here it is, fortune telling.

Am I the cutest in the world,

All blush and whiter!

Snow Maiden. Stop, stop! This is not fortune telling, these are poems by Pushkin! You are out of the competition!

Witch of Auda. She is still small and unreasonable.

Snow Maiden. Now it’s the turn of one of the Snowmen.

1st snowman. And I’ll close my eyes, spread my arms in different directions, and move my outstretched index fingers towards each other: will my favorite hockey team of snowmen win the New Year’s match today or not?

Snow Maiden. And you're out of the competition, first Snowman! You don’t know New Year’s fortune-telling with the proposed items!

Witch of Auda. The score is zero-zero.

Snow Maiden. And now it’s the witches’ turn again to answer the proposed task.

Witch Irgola. So, first fortune telling, for the betrothed! You need to take two mirrors. Place one small one opposite the second large one. And put two lit candles between them. Like this. (Shows.) It will look like a long corridor in the large mirror. You need to peer into the reflection at the end of this corridor. That's where the betrothed should appear. You can also say “Betrothed, show yourself in the mirror. Stand before me like a leaf before the grass.”

Snow Maiden. Great, I think that's the first point for the witch team. Now it's the snowman team's turn.

2nd Snowman. And I remembered this fortune-telling. You need to take a glass of water. Place someone's wedding ring in it, after thoroughly cleaning it. Then light two candles. And in the dark you need to peer into the middle of the ring lowered into the water. There you can see your betrothed, you don’t even need to say any magic words!

Witch of Auda. And I took a sheet of paper. Now I remember it well in my hands so that it turns into a shapeless lump, but not into a ball. Now you need to put the crumpled paper on the bottom of an inverted plate and burn it. Without moving the burnt paper or destroying the ash form, we bring it to the wall and light the candle. And by the shadow cast by the paper on the wall, we judge what should happen in the new year.

3rd Snowman. I suggest preparing a small piece of paper and a pencil for the New Year. As soon as the clock starts striking twelve, you need to write your wishes on a piece of paper, burn the piece of paper, stir the ashes into champagne and have time to drink before the clock finishes chiming. Snowmen and Witches They take turns listing other fortune tellings, who can remember which ones. The loser in the competition is the team whose representative, in turn, could not remember a single fortune-telling. The jury members record the points scored by the teams and announce the result of the competition.

Snow Maiden. Both teams coped well with the task. And now the next task. What would New Year be without a festive, beautifully set and delicious table? Let's see what kind of food specialists our contestants will prove to be. You are invited to prepare a sandwich, vinaigrette and decorate a signature winter dish - ice cream. But that is not all. For each dish you will need to come up with some magical New Year's name.

Teams are provided with food and kitchen utensils for preparing meals. For sandwiches you will need: several pieces of bread, sausage, cheese or ham, parsley or dill. For the vinaigrette: boiled vegetables - potatoes, beets, carrots, green peas, hard-boiled egg, salt and sunflower oil or mayonnaise. The vase contains a scoop of ice cream, which needs to be decorated with canned berries, candied fruits, grated chocolate, etc. located here.

Snow Maiden. In the meantime, our wizards will invent incredible and amazing dishes, Snowflakes We will perform an amateur performance number. It is called very mysteriously and in a New Year's way - “Moon Tale”. Quiet, leisurely music is playing. Snowflakes dramatize the poem “Moon Tale”, taking turns reading the text.

Night. And the apartment is dominated by sleep.
The coquette moon yawns sadly.
The snow in the yard does not play pranks, does not rustle,
He tells us a fairy tale in a whisper...

The King of Dreams descended from the stars,
He wants to build a bridge through the sky,
To follow the Milky Way miracle
Guests could come to the wedding.

In crystal roses and all in sables
Wanderer Night on mighty horses
It rushes up at random like lightning.
She has a friend with her, he is furry and horned.

He would give his hand and heart to her,
If only the beauty were more modest.
He could tell her about love,
But I didn’t dare - I was too poor.

A brocade tent is decorated with snow.
The King of Dreams lit a fire in it -
The wanderer Night will never get lost,
And it won’t rush off somewhere!

It's a wedding today! On the Milky Way
The lunar inscription could be found
Those who quietly descended from the bridge:
Happiness, wealth, love, beauty!

A night in wonderful velvet. Black flower
She is presented with a horned friend.
This flower contains both love and sadness.
The night pushed him away... Oh, what a pity...

The King of Dreams is so happy and glad.
His menacing gaze is gentle and affectionate.
If the king is pleased - sweet dreams
They will walk until the moon sets.

The brocade tent shimmers strangely.
Wedding of the Tsar and the Beautiful Night.
Lock the windows and door of the tent,
So that the moon couldn’t peek at them.

The King of Dreams is harsh and rich -
He gives the bride a diamond set in it.
The most wonderful and colorful dream
In the colorful tent he will tell her.

The black flower faded and faded.
The horned dwarf lay down on the snow.
“Star Witch,” he cries, “tell me,
What should I do for my mistress?

The Star Witch rises from the clouds.
Calls trolls and fairies for help.
- You're late, my horned friend,
But you could defeat the king!

There is a stone in the world - Scarlet Ruby!
Know that he is the only master of love.
Everything is subject to his charms everywhere,
Even on the most lost star.

Trolls and fairies fly around the world,
They just want to find the Scarlet Ruby.
The horned dwarf grabbed his whip,
He vowed to erase the lunar inscription.

To remain satisfied with yourself,
He is preparing to enter the battle boldly.
He holds the Scarlet Ruby in his paws,
The King of Dreams is doomed to death!

The witch melted into moon dust,
They brought him a magic stone.
Royal Diamond and Bloody Ruby.
Someone will leave, only one will win...

The night flew by. The moon has disappeared.
Very short sleep time.
The snow outside the window has completely died down and is silent,
He saves the end of fairy tales for tomorrow!

At the end of the performance, Witches and the Snowmen show their cooking and explain to the jury what it is called and what it is called. The names offered for the sandwiches are “Snowman’s Dream” and “Mystery” Witches" For vinaigrettes – “Morozko” and “Northern Lights”, for ice cream – “Chocolate Frost” and “Winter Fruits”. The jury tastes the teams' dishes, gives marks and announces the results.

Snow Maiden. Next competition: who can throw a snowball the furthest?

Snow balls are first made from small throwing balls, which are lined with white felt.

Witch Irgola. But this is a snowman competition, for boys!

Witch of Auda. We don't know how to throw lumps as far as Snowmen do!

Witch Megarochka. Nothing, friends! Do not worry! I will throw this ball so hard that the Snowmen will fall with envy!

Snow Maiden. So, from each team one most powerful participant is selected - the First Snowman and Megarochka.

Snowman and Megarochka are engaged in throwing snowballs. Snow Maiden notices who will throw the snowball next.

Snow Maiden. Now the next competition is who will dance with a broom more gracefully.

2nd snowman. And this is a competition for girls! Not for real snowmen!

Snow Maiden. Nothing. Witches also participated in a competition for boys. Now you try to dance a beautiful dance with a typical witch attribute - a broom!

Team members dance dances learned in advance. The jury evaluates the competitions. It’s good if Megarochka wins the throwing competition, and the third snowman wins the dancing competition.

Father Frost. Snow Maiden, did you notice what sad poems they read to us Snowflakes?

Snow Maiden. Yes, the cruel Dwarf decided to destroy the good King of Dreams.

Father Frost. While I was listening, I cried! It’s a pity for the King of Dreams, he’s kind!

Snow Maiden. Father Frost, Do not cry! After all, the poem does not have a sad ending. It's just snow telling a New Year's tale.

Father Frost. I wish the fairy tale had a good ending.

Snow Maiden. The next competition can be held on this occasion. Witches and Snowmen, in front of you are two sheets of paper with the text of the poem “Moon Tale”, which you just read Snowflakes. Read it again carefully and write your own continuation. Don't be alarmed, the continuation can be written in prose if poetry is difficult for you. Otherwise Father Frost grieving. Write a good ending to the fairy tale, and we will listen...

While the teams are composing a continuation of the fairy tale, Snowflakes They stage the poem “Christmas Tree” near the Christmas tree, depicting the listed toys.

Christmas tree

There’s a lot on our Christmas tree:
Little Snow Maiden, her snowy grandfather,
Nuts, baskets, plus stars and cones,
Balloons, a bell and a tiny bear,

Owl, Cipollino, boat, candy,
Princess, strawberry, icicles, rocket,
More corn, Old Man Hottabych,
Baby in an envelope and boletus mushroom,

Snowflakes, garland, spotlight and mask,
A toy boy on a fragile sled,
Flashlights, rain, colored pendants,
And beads that glow like gold.

Just a view hanging on my Christmas tree,
The flower and the chicken and the lion - the king of beasts,
The horn and the girl who has been spinning forever
Also... someone strange, of unknown breed,

Twins and a squirrel, a hedgehog with a fox,
A dog, a nesting doll and cotton wool with foil...

(Snowflakes cover their faces with black masks or pieces of black cloth and take fighting poses)

In short, if there is a racketeering raid on us,

Then the first thing he will do is peel off the entire tree!

Snow Maiden. Oh no! We will not give our beautiful Christmas tree to anyone, to any racket. No wonder we dressed her up - we tried. But do you know where the tradition of sending New Year's cards to friends came from? The birthplace of the New Year's card is England. One English gentleman was too lazy to write long letters of congratulations to his friends for the New Year.

He went to an artist he knew and asked him to draw a scene related to the winter holiday. Then he ordered a thousand copies of reduced copies of the drawing from the printing house. The entire circulation of postcards was sold out in just a few days. Then the royal artist, whose name was William Lobson, created a series of special New Year's cards a year later. And in 1900, postcards began to appear in other countries. And this is how Christmas tree decorations appeared. First, candles appeared on the tree. The French Duchess of Orleans mentioned this in her letter back in 1660.

Then the Christmas trees begin to be decorated with pies and sweets. And then jewelry made of wood, tin, tin and glass appeared. Christmas decorations reminiscent of modern ones appeared only in 1860. And now I ask the Snowmen team to read their ending to the poem “Moon Tale”. Let me remind you that, at the request of the authors, the ending can be sounded both in prose and in poetry. Teams take turns reading the happy ending to the fairy tale about the beauty of the Night and the King of Dreams.

Snow Maiden. Now I ask Santa Claus, as the chairman of our respected jury, to evaluate this competition and read the final result of today's team fight. Father Frost announces the winners.

Witch Irgola. We are very glad that we got to celebrate the New Year at your school today, and not at Mount Blocksberg on Walpurgis Night!

Witch of Auda. And it doesn’t even matter who won today, what matters is that we all had fun!

Snowmen(in unison). Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden. Happy New Year!

Father Frost. I wish you all happiness and success in the New Year!

Witch Megarochka(intervenes). One minute! Finally, we want to show all the kids the tricks that our magic fingers can do. Look, my finger is about to grow very, very long. (Megerochka puts the index finger of her right hand into her right ear and shakes it, and synchronously runs her tongue from the inside along her left cheek, as if the finger had passed through the ear to the cheek.)

1st Snowman performs the famous trick of “tearing off” the thumb, 2nd Snowman– with “tearing off” the index finger, and 3rd snowman He bent his index finger in half and pressed it in a bent position to his nostril. It looked like he stuck his finger halfway up his nose.

Father Frost. Mischief makers! They made the whole people laugh. Well, that’s what a holiday is for, to have fun! How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend the year, so let everyone be in a good mood at our holiday! Happy New Year!

Here, finally, is the long-promised report on our witch party. After “”, it seemed like there was no need to worry about the success of the event, but there were many more guests than usual, and the children had grown up. In general, I’m writing about how the mystical and fun party for the grown-up children went.

So, for her 11th birthday, my daughter ordered a party theme, no more, no less - vampire. I’m not 100% ready to prepare such a topic, so I decided to do “ coven“, and who will flock to it or come... In general, invitations have been sent out and distributed.

At parting, the guests were given pleasant surprises, balloons and certificates for parents:

Overall, the evening was a success. As the guests later said, “the beginning was not very good, but then it was cool.” I came to the conclusion that the children will most likely spend their next birthday themselves.

Discussion: 12 comments

    1. Answer

  1. As children, we also tried to come up with holiday scenarios in advance, although without our parents.
    Why, I wonder, did the guests not like the mummy’s eye? Although it sounds scary %) 😀


Tatyana Vasilievna Solodukha
Entertainment scenario for older children “Holiday of Magic”


Creating conditions for emotional rest children, relieve mental stress


- Development free communication with adults and children;

- Develop play activity children.

Materials and equipment:

Chest with "flying carpet"- beautiful bedspread

Chest or box with « with magic wands» - plastic cocktail sticks

jar of jam for children,

Clown Gosha: Hello guys, today I would like to meet you (meet the guys)

(Gosha reports that he lives in magical land where miracles happen and magic. Checks with children do they know what it is? magic, miracles.

Children enter into dialogue and put forward their versions.)

Gosha: That's right guys! But what would magic appeared, it needs to be created (do) ourselves. You can? No? And I - yes!

(Gosha tells the guys that he will help, he has magic carpet - airplane, who will take them to a fairyland, where its inhabitants will teach children's magic.)

(takes out a flying carpet from the chest (a beautiful blanket, lays it on the ground and invites the guys to hit the road)

The children accept Gosha’s offer and sit down on the blanket.

Gosha sits on the carpet with the children.

Gosha: But in order for the carpet to fly, you need to cast a spell and be sure to close your eyes while flying.


You carpet, fly, fly, take us to a fairy tale.

You will fly past the rainbow-arc across the sky.

To the sunny land of fairies, where a living stream flows.

Where fireflies sparkle like fairy lights.

Carry us quickly, quickly, so that sparks sparkle in the sky!

(Children cast a spell together with Gosha two or three times.

(a fairytale melody sounds in a quiet background)

Gosha: Oh, guys, look! We truly found ourselves in a fairyland.

Good luck guys!

And don’t forget - only kind and polite children can become wizards! And I am sure that you are like that!

magic words countries: “Cribley, crably, boom!”

(Snow White Entrance)

"Snow White" - (dwarfs are selected from those sitting on children's holiday)

(Gosha checks with children who are gnomes and what do they do).

"Snow White's Dance with the Dwarfs"

The children say together with Gosha magic words for someone from the fairy tale to appear countries: “Cribley, crably, boom!”

(Enter Puss in Boots)

"Puss in Boots"


Why was the cat nicknamed "Puss in Boots"?

Why were they considered unusual? magical?

Answers children:

Because he wore boots all the time.

With their help, the cat could walk and run very quickly.

Exercise "Boots-walkers"

The cat gives Gosha boots (Gosh notices that the boots don’t fit. The children offer to put the boots on their feet, tries to put them on their feet, but they still don’t move)


Or maybe you need to do a little magic? Let's try (Children and Gosha say magic words:“Cribley, crably, boom!”)

To the music of Gosh, unexpectedly for children starts running in them.


Oh guys, I'm tired, stop them quickly!

The children say the spell again. Gosha stops. (the game is repeated 2-3 times)


The cat invites us to dance the dance of his favorite boots. The boots will dance, and you repeat after them (use any cheerful music, dance foot movements).

Children cast spells to stop - “cribley, crably, boom!”

The children say together with Gosha magic words for someone from the fairy tale to appear countries: “Cribley, crably, boom!”

(Samovar Entrance)


Clown Gosha: - Which fairy tale is Samovar from? What he loves most magic samovar?

Answers children:

Jam, sweets, cheesecakes, buns...


IN magical country, even a samovar can sing and dance

Musical accompaniment for the Samovar dance.

The children say together with Gosha magic words for someone from the fairy tale to appear countries: “Cribley, crably, boom!”

(Carlson input)


(talks to the children what cartoon he is from and what he loves more than anything in the world - flying, eating sweets)

I brought you jam - help yourself.

Game with Carlson "It flies - it doesn't fly"

The children say together with Gosha magic words for someone from the fairy tale to appear countries: “Cribley, crably, boom!”

(Little Red Riding Hood's entrance)

"Little Red Riding Hood" "Song of Little Red Riding Hood"

Do you know a song about flowers?

Song "The flowers have grown"

I brought you some gifts. Guess what? That's right, pies.

(treats children)

Gosha: It's time for us to go back. Say goodbye to fairy-tale characters.

They cast a spell to make the carpet fly, close their eyes.

Spell for Takeoff carpet:

You carpet fly, fly,

Take us to the children's center.

You carry us quickly, quickly,

So that sparks sparkle in the sky!


Guys, our journey has come to an end. I am very pleased and glad that everything worked out for us. And it was a pleasure to have such a fun time with you.

Gosha: And now I suggest trying the treat in groups and drinking tea with jam!

Children try the food in groups and share their impressions.

Publications on the topic:

"Mother's Day" Holiday script for Mother's Day Music is playing. Host: Good evening, we say to you. It is no coincidence that we have gathered today on this November evening, in our cozy hall. After all.

“The best holiday is the holiday of mothers.” Holiday scenario for March 8th in the middle group Presenter: Good afternoon, dear guests, mothers and grandmothers. We are pleased to welcome you again to this hall. Finally, after the harsh winter has arrived.

Scenario for the holiday "Mother's Day" Mother's Day Children enter the hall and line up. 1Children today is a big and bright holiday in the whole world. listen, moms, listen, everyone:.

Holiday “Magic and Fantasy” Host (sorceress) Costumed heroes (children of the middle group) Dreamers and dreamers (parents) (Plays.

Since Misha is a Harry Potter fan, I didn’t have to rack my brains about the birthday theme. It was decided to hold the birthday at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

To convey the atmosphere of Hogwarts as much as possible, I hung up pictures depicting various mythological creatures (unicorns, mermaids, centaurs, dragons, etc.), downloaded a coloring book about Harry Potter, music for films about him, and made a stand on which the class schedule hung ( in two languages), Hogwarts plan, Anthem and Hogwarts emblem.

In the room on the wall hung the names of the faculties, photos of the deans and the director of the school, the “song of the hat,” the runic alphabet, and images of the ghosts of each faculty. Stars and white balloons hung from the ceiling—ghosts. Inscriptions were attached to the doors - the names of various special rooms and classes, for example: “potions class”, “great hall”, “room of help”, “prefects’ bathroom”, “trophy room”, etc. There were spiders hanging next to the sign to the “forbidden forest”.

The following inscriptions were also prepared: “Platform 9 3/4” (hung on the gate) and “Welcome to Hogwarts!” (above the entrance to the house).

The invitation was also prepared in the spirit of Hogwarts.

In the invitation, in the list of necessary things, I left 2 items - a hat and a magic wand, but despite this, I still prepared several more hats and magic wands. Prepared high school diplomas.

I am very grateful to my parents and friends, who once again helped me to have an interesting and fun holiday. Thank you all so much!


  1. Prof. Albus Dumbledore. (dad)
  2. Prof. Minerva McGonagall (mother)
  3. Prof. Pomona Stem (friend's mom)
  4. Prof. Serus Snow and Filius Flitwick (friend's dad)
  5. Prof. Rolanda Bibin (friend's older sister)

Before entering the "Great Hall" children are met by Prof. McGonagall (hereinafter M.G.).

McGonagall: Welcome to Hogwarts! The banquet to mark the start of the new academic year begins, but before you take your seats in the "Great Hall", you will be divided into 4 faculties. This is a very important ceremony!
You should also know that during the entire time you are at school, your department will be your second home!
So, please... (to the appropriate music, the children enter the room where the professors and the school principal are already waiting for them).

McGonagall: When I call your name, you will come up to me, sit on a stool, put your hand in your hat and pull out a note with the name of the department. I start!

M.G. calls each child's name in turn. The child whose name is called puts his hand into his hat, pulls out a note with the name of the faculty and gives it to M.G., who loudly reads the name of the faculty.

Children stand by faculties (teams). After the distribution procedure is completed, the floor is transferred to the headmaster of the school, Albus Dumbledore (hereinafter referred to as A.D.).

We probably could have sung the anthem, but we decided not to do so so as not to delay the process.

Props: sorting hat, cards with names of departments.

Albus Dumbledore: Congratulations to everyone on the start of the new school year at Hogwarts! While the banquet has not yet begun, I want to say a few words to you. Today is a special day. Today we celebrate not only the beginning of a new school year, but also the birthday of one of the school students!

HELL. calls Misha and, together with everyone else, congratulates him on his birthday. Wishes everyone a good mood and a happy holiday!

Everyone applauds. The banquet (snack) begins. After the banquet, everyone goes to classes according to the schedule.

Lesson 1. Potions

Pomona Stem introduces himself to the children and says that today they will learn to brew a potion that will lift their spirits and fill them with energy. Distributes recipes and manages the process.

I made several copies of the recipes. Potion recipes hung on the wall, lay on the table in front of the children, and one was read out by the teacher. On the next table were all the necessary ingredients. The potion was an ordinary compote.

I must say that the children were very interested in this activity. The potion was brewed with great pleasure.

When everything was ready, Pomona put the “cauldron” on the fire, everyone together cast the spell “Reducto!”, and the potion began to brew, and the children went to the next lesson.

Props: recipe, “cauldron”, containers with ingredients, spoons, ladle.

I got the idea from the script by Elena T. “School of Magic”.

Magic potion recipe

Pour the boiled jellyfish and dragon eggs into the cauldron. Stir 5 times clockwise and 5 times counterclockwise.

Add mandrake flowers and immortelle leaves. Stir 5 times clockwise and 5 times counterclockwise.

Carefully combine the mixture with toad feet and crocodile tears. Stir 5 times clockwise and 5 times counterclockwise.

Pour in 2 tbsp. l. bat saliva. Stir 5 times clockwise and 5 times counterclockwise.

Add 3 tbsp. air crystals. Stir 5 times clockwise and 5 times counterclockwise.

Place on the stove and cook for 20 minutes.

Let it brew for one quarter of an hour.

  1. Boiled jellyfish - peeled apples, cut into slices;
  2. Dried dragon eggs - dried apricots;
  3. Mandrake flowers - strawberry;
  4. Immortelle leaves - mint;
  5. Toad's feet - dried lime;
  6. Crocodile tears - water;
  7. Bat saliva is honey or jam;
  8. Air crystals - sugar

Lesson 2. Protection from dark forces

Meets children prof. Severus Snape(hereinafter referred to as S.S.). He greets the children, introduces himself to them and says that today the children will study the Cornish Pixies.

To make it clearer for the children who they are, I hung a little information about the Cornish Pixies on the wall. And before starting the lesson S.S. “briefly, about 40 minutes” (joke) told the children about them.

S.S.: In order to be able to cope with them, you need to get to know them better. And to get to know them better, you need to be in their shoes. That's why I'm turning you all into Cornish Pixies! Casts the spell: "Mutenluten Malinpesti!"

Game: Cornish Pixies

All the children turned into Pixies, Snape is the leader. Pixie on the command "Moveman!" begin to run and make chaotic movements. After some time, the presenter casts the spell “Immobilus!”, and everyone should freeze in place. Then Snow gives the command “Smooth movements!”, then “Immobilus!” etc. Anyone who moves or laughs is eliminated from the game.

Command options

  • Smooth movements!
  • Free movements!
  • Let's move like a lion on the hunt!
  • Like a sleepy fly!
  • Like a fast train!
  • Like a hurrying hedgehog!
  • What a funny frog!

After the game ends, Snape says goodbye to the children and they go to their next lesson.

Lesson 3. Transfigurations

Meets children prof. Minerva McGonagall greets them and announces that today in Transfiguration class they will learn to turn an ordinary piece of paper into a frog. Hands out diagrams to the children, and everyone makes a frog together.

We turned a sheet of paper into a frog using the origami technique. For clarity, I printed out a diagram for making a “jumping” frog.

The frog is ready, we press it with a magic wand or finger, say the spell: “Avada Kedavra”, and the frog makes a jump.

This concludes the lesson. The children leave for the next lesson.

Props: sheets of origami paper (you can use regular paper) and a diagram.

Lesson 4. Magic

Children are welcomed prof. Filius Flitwick. Flitwick tells the children that the simplest thing in the art of magic is levitation, i.e. lifting and holding an object in the air. And today they will learn this. But first you need to learn the spell: “Wingardium Leviosa”!

Then practice begins.

Game: Hold the balloon

Children are divided into 2 parts: 2 faculties stand on one side and 2 opposite. Flitwick throws up a balloon with his wand, while pronouncing the spell: “Wingardium Leviosa”!

The first team members must bring the balloon to the opposing teams without letting it fall, but you cannot throw the balloon with your hands. You can blow on it, you can throw it with your head, nose, or, in extreme cases, with your magic wand.

Members of opposing teams pick up the ball and carry it back in the same way. When all children have completed this task, the lesson ends.

Props: 2 balloons, nose, head, etc. etc. participant.

Lesson 5. Quidditch

Meets children

prof. Rolanda Bibin.

Greetings, introduces himself. She says that in her classes children will learn to play Quidditch. Explains the rules of the game.

Game: Quidditch

There are 2 hoops suspended on a rope. Lines are drawn with chalk on one side and the other - special marks. On the one hand, to one line, the “catcher” stands, and on the other hand, to the other line, the one who throws. On the opposite side of the area there is a broom and balls.

Progress of the game:

Children are divided into 2 teams and stand on one side, behind the hoops. When the whistle blows, the first team members run for brooms and balls. At this time, the second team players approach the special line and prepare to catch the ball. The first take the balls, sit on brooms, jump towards the hoops to a special mark and throw the balls into the hoop, and the second players, the “catchers” standing behind the hoop, try to catch these balls.

After the ball is caught, the second player (the “catcher”) sits on the broom of the first player, and together they jump back.

The first player remains in place, and the second (who was the catcher) jumps back to the line with the ball and throws the ball into the hoop, the third team member becomes the catcher. He catches the ball, sits on a broom and jumps with the second player towards the first.

Then the second player remains with the first, and the third returns on the broom to the hoops, throws the ball, and the fourth catches it, etc. Whose team gathers faster on the opposite side of the court wins. This concludes the lesson.

Props: rope, 2 hoops, 2 brooms (with Nimbus 2009 stickers), 2 small balls, whistle.

I had two options for ending the holiday, depending on the amount of time and the desires of the children.

First: after Quidditch, Dumbledore holds a final exam quiz. He congratulates everyone and presents them with school completion diplomas. Then a banquet with a birthday cake and a disco.

Second: preparing for the Triwizard Tournament.

Our children played with pleasure, no one was tired and everyone was ready to continue, so we also played the second part.

Triwizard Tournament

Prof. Dumbledore congratulates the children on finishing their classes and announces that the next Triwizard tournament will take place soon. And he wants all Hogwarts students to be well prepared for him. To do this, all students must pass several tests.

Test 1. Solve the maze

Dumbledore gives out letter mazes to children. And there are forms to fill out. There are letters placed inside the labyrinth. If the children correctly find the way out of the maze, they will get a word that they will have to write into the form. In our case, these were the names of faculties.

The labyrinth and the idea were taken from Tatyana Evtyukova's script "You're fifteen..."

Props: 4 labyrinths with a hidden word, a form to fill out, pens.

Challenge 2: Find the golden dragon egg

Having finished the maze, the whole team sits on a broom, jumps to the balls and begins to pierce them.

The children's task is to find out where the golden dragon egg is hidden. One of the balloons contained a note that read: “Look for the golden dragon egg in the Forbidden Forest!”

The remaining balls contained notes with the inscription "Hello Voldemort!"

For each team, a bunch of balls was prepared (according to the number of participants), which was given to the team on the spot.

Props: balloons according to the number of children, broom (optional), notes, toothpicks.

Challenge 3: Find the House Banner

After the team discovers where the egg is hidden, they run into the Forbidden Forest, find their egg, and crack it open.

She attached a picture of a sleeping dragon to the tree and hung “golden eggs” under it. The golden eggs were golden balloons. To ensure that the team recognized their egg, ribbons with the colors of the faculty were tied to it.

The egg contained a task note: “Find the banner of your faculty!”

In addition to the note, the egg contains one rune and the runic alphabet. The children take everything and return to the castle.

Props: golden balls, rune, runic alphabet, ribbons with faculty colors, picture with a dragon.

With the help of the professors, the children decipher what their rune means by finding it in the runic alphabet. We used the following runic symbols:

e — Ehwaz — “Horse” s — Sowilo — “Sun” k — Kaunan — “Torch” t — Tiwaz — “Arrow”

Having solved the rune, the children receive a map indicating the location of their banner and go on a search. If they correctly identified the place, then there will be a picture and a sign - a symbol corresponding to the found rune.

Corresponding pictures were hung around the territory of our site in designated places, and under them I attached the banner of each faculty.

After the banner is found, everyone returns to the castle.

Albus Dumbledore and other professors congratulate the students on successfully passing all the tests and present them with diplomas and memorable gifts.

Everything was fun and dynamic, the children were happy, and, to be honest, I also received satisfaction from the work done. There was a complete feeling that the time and effort were not wasted. Although I am very tired.

As gifts for each child, I put in a bag: stickers with images of Harry Potter characters, a small badge with a funny face, and a bag of golden snitches. The Golden Snitches were Ferrero Rocher candies.

From unrealized

  1. There was an idea to make the “sorting hat” “talking”. I thought about making a list of the children to be called and, according to this list, in the same sequence, recording literally a few words about each child on a tape recorder in a raspy voice. But then, firstly, a person would be needed to turn the tape recorder on and off in the right place, and secondly, not all the children came, and the sequence would be broken, and they would have to urgently rewind and look for the right child on the tape. Although it was possible to come up with something to implement this idea. I think it would be more interesting with a “talking hat”.
  2. After the ceremony of assignment to faculties, I wanted to take a photo of all the children with their professors on the threshold of Hogwarts. I forgot what I regret.
  3. During the magic lesson, it was initially planned that Misha would show several tricks; he even began to prepare, but then for some reason he changed his mind. Then they decided that Prof. would do it. Flitwick, but this idea, unfortunately, could not be realized.
  4. There were several ideas for conducting a lesson on Transfiguration, namely: buy makeup paints, give the children the opportunity to paint themselves and turn into some mysterious creature; develop some ideas for turning an old teapot into something; turn a blot into a real image, but still settled on origami, it was faster, easier and no less exciting.
  5. You could take up divination, astronomy, tell fortunes using runes, and also find out the number of your name, because... and Ancient Runes, Divination, and Numerology are part of the academic disciplines at Hogwarts.

In general, I want to say that the topic is gracious, and at the School of Witchcraft you can organize not only birthdays, but also other holidays.

All the best to you and good luck in all your creative endeavors!