Aries doesn't call after a date. What does it mean if a guy (man) doesn’t call or write to a girl? Test “How does the man you love treat you?”

Something that looked like an explosion, a tornado, lightning, and Superman combined just flashed past you. No, no, you're right. This is Aries. If you are the type of woman who needs a constant holiday in life with noise and fireworks, hurry up: your ideal is in front of you. But if you are looking for reliability and tranquility in marriage, then, alas, this is not the hero of your novel.

The Aries man abruptly changes from one state to another. One minute he was burning with passion, and the next moment there is an iceberg in front of you. If you offend him or he simply loses interest in you (or maybe both at the same time), you will feel a dramatic change in yourself immediately. To get his attention again, you will have to start from scratch.

Aries are full of ideas and creative energy, so being with them all the time is sometimes tiring, but not boring. They are fast and swift, and if you are a snail by nature, you will find it difficult to keep up with an Aries; besides, he has no habit of looking back, and you can get lost along the way. Aries usually look younger than their age; maturity and growing up comes to them later than to others, do not forget about this. The Aries man is impatient, determined and self-confident; he strives to get ahead of everyone, sometimes even himself. Sometimes he is generosity itself, shares everything he has with people, and at the same time he can be intolerant, forgetful, unbearably demanding and selfish if his desires are not fulfilled immediately.

The Aries man's attitude towards love is amazing. He gives himself to his beloved with all ardor, sincerely believing that this is the only love in the world (with the possible exception of Romeo and Juliet). When the romance unexpectedly collapses, Aries rushes with the same passion to glue the broken shards, and if he fails, with the same faith and no less passion he starts an affair with the new Juliet, where everything is repeated all over again. Regardless of the serial number of the novel: be it the first or the hundred and first, Aries firmly believes that this one is the true one. In love, Aries is a pure idealist and is so sentimental that he will not miss a single sigh, glance or groan of yours, enveloping your relationship in a haze of sublime poetry. He doesn’t do anything halfway, so he gives himself completely to love, without reserve.

Sometimes among Aries you come across creatures that seem at first glance to be calmer. But don't be fooled. Aries is an Aries, and any Aries is ruled by Mars. Is your Aries not very talkative? Is he calm and not bursting with energy? This is just an appearance. The brain of any Aries rotates at a speed of 200 revolutions per second. If you want to find out something about your atypical Aries, make inquiries about him at his previous place of work or ask his former lovers. In response to your questions, they will laugh: modest? shy? You must have confused him with someone else. Only after communicating more closely with Aries will you understand everything yourself. This is just a mask behind which hides a passionate heart and a hot head.

None of the other signs of the Zodiac is as faithful in love as Aries (if, of course, the love is real). Honest by nature, he will never cheat on you, and, being an idealist, he will not even think about it. No matter what they write about him in books, infidelity and even light flirting are unusual for Aries. And how is this possible - after all, he loves you to the point of insanity. Love for Aries is an ideal, sublime romance, suggesting love to the grave. As for all his other hobbies, they were B.D.T (were before you).

True, listening to the passionate babble of Aries, you must be aware that all his words relate only to this moment. Aries's desire for ideal love can result in the fact that if tomorrow you stop meeting the image of his ideal lover, it will cost him nothing to switch to another object. Therefore, being the lover of an Aries, do not show yourself to him with a thick old scarf wrapped around your neck during a cold; do not force him to be present at your toilet when you do a manicure, brush your teeth, dye your hair, glue on eyelashes, put a mask on your face; do not subject him to the torture of listening to your many hours of conversations with your mother and friends. All these actions are not part of his idea of ​​an ideal lover, a fairy-tale princess. Next to him, you should always look as if you were getting ready to go to a ball or wherever he wants to invite you. If you live alone with him and he, coming to your bed in the morning, like the Prince from the Sleeping Beauty, wakes you up you with a kiss, do not greet him with a snore or an exclamation: \"Why the hell are you waking me up?\" You should fully play the role of the Sleeping Beauty, who, upon awakening, looks at her lover with a languid, sleep-blurred gaze and gently wraps her arms around his neck.

Aries, if his beloved is not romantic enough, first gets upset, then gets angry and, finally, goes in search of a new, less down-to-earth lover. And such an act cannot in any way be called dishonest on his part. He didn't break his promises. It was you who disappointed his expectations. You promised him to be a wonderful nightingale, but in reality you turned out to be an annoying jay. Your voice seemed to him like the voice of an angel, and you scream at him so much that his eardrums burst. And most importantly, why? He just stayed up late two nights in a row with friends, and you are throwing a tantrum as if he committed a crime. What do you allow yourself? Marriage, in his concept, is not a prison, and he is not a prisoner, you must understand this well.

If you nevertheless learn to look at him languidly and try not to lose your charm for him, he will happily prefer you to all other women in the world, especially since Aries is very rarely attached to several women at the same time (unless, God forbid, there were no Geminis in his family or Venus was not in an unfortunate position at the hour of his birth). Several novels at once simply do not correspond to his idea of ​​\u200b\u200bone, unique love. He will never start a new romance without breaking up with the previous one. In any case, you will feel that things are heading towards a break. Aries rarely pretend to be in love and do not strive to do so. But now you know perfectly well what you need to do in order to chain Aries to you for a long time. Don't be boring, monotonous or overly modest. To keep an Aries, you have to be Grace Kelly, Ursula Andree, Marie Dressler, Marie Curie and Queen Victoria at the same time. Try to convince him that you are the best woman in the world, and his loyalty will be limitless. Being an idealist and an egoist at the same time, he will never admit that he was wrong and will not believe that his love has died. He will try to resuscitate her. And yet his patience is not unlimited, and he will consider a situation that most men easily accept unbearable for himself and will try to get rid of it. After the breakup, if you happen to catch him in the appropriate mood, you can start an affair with him again, but under one condition: pretend that nothing happened between you before. To make it easier for you to forgive him for his betrayal, remember that the cause of everything was, first of all, yourself. It was you who ceased to be the one he loved. Adultery is not characteristic of Aries's nature, so the roots of his betrayal lie in your wrong behavior. Remember this. You hold the keys to your happiness in your hands - don't lose them.

If you think you can fix the relationship by making him jealous, get those thoughts out of your head once and for all. Your first betrayal will most likely be your last. Aries will not tolerate not only genuine betrayal, but even light flirting and advances with another man. Aries loves to reign everywhere and in everything, including in your heart; he is a terrible owner and jealous. But, what’s worse, he allows himself much of what is denied to you personally; at the same time, he requires from you absolute faith in his infallibility. You must remember that all his lively conversations with other women are nothing more than a tribute to social decency. But your flirtatious conversation with another will be perceived as a personal insult. Aries will happily put you on a pedestal and pray to you, but God forbid you come down from there or at least pretend that you don’t like it there.

In social and public life, Aries is a born fighter and rebel. He will willingly challenge his superiors, as he is confident in his superiority over them. Perhaps this is so, but who likes it when they tell him about it? Due to the fact that Aries loves to demonstrate his superiority, he often gets it painfully, especially in those cases when he demonstrates this quality in front of his superiors, who will not miss the opportunity to humiliate the proud man. In such cases, Aries will certainly turn to you for consolation and support for his offended pride. Know that behind the self-confidence and aggressiveness in the character of Aries there is often hidden a well-disguised inferiority complex, which a true Aries will not admit to even on pain of death. And if you are able to heal the moral injuries inflicted on him with tenderness and devotion, the heart of your Aries will belong undividedly to you. Never try to prove to Aries that he is wrong, even if you are sure of it. You must learn to see the world through his eyes: to love what he loves and hate his enemies. This is his life principle, and if you cannot follow it, it is better to look for another man for yourself. The nature of Aries is alien to any pretense; you will immediately feel that he has cooled down towards you, by the aloof tone with which he will address you. At the same time, the violent outbursts of anger that he unleashes on you subside quite quickly and most likely indicate only temporary discontent. This is why Aries's coldness is much worse than his anger.

Play is not natural to Aries. He is always direct and truthful in all his manifestations - both in business and in love. Once he understands what he loves, he won't waste a second, but let him play the lead role. Don't stalk him, don't bother him with your calls, and don't declare your love to him until you are sure that your feelings are reciprocated. The best way to lose an Aries is to take the initiative into your own hands. Aries must be a leader, otherwise his interest in you will disappear so quickly that you won’t even have time to blink your eyes. But when he confesses his love to you, put aside your coldness and excessive modesty, otherwise he will look for warmth elsewhere. Love with an Aries man is like balancing on a tightrope, and you yourself are like a tightrope walker. You must keep him in constant tension, maintaining interest in you, but at the same time he must be completely confident in you. As you can see, the game is not easy. But if you want to keep Aries, learn how to play it.

The positive side of a relationship with an Aries is that after a quarrel, he will usually be the first to ask for forgiveness and the first to come to your aid. If you are sick or in trouble, Aries will always be with you. He will spend money on you generously, will not miss an opportunity to compliment you, and will openly admire your appearance and talents. He can be quick-tempered over trifles, but this condition quickly passes. You can become the greatest value in his life, and he will certainly tell you about it, but at the same time, he is pleased when you sincerely share his hobbies and listen to his opinion. Aries strives to be everything to you and at the same time, unlike other men, he will gladly reveal himself to you.

Aries wants his girlfriend to be femininity itself, and at the same time - his boyfriend; he loves independence in you, but still such that he remains the leader. He craves adoration and devotion on your part, but not slavishly, but with dignity. How, after all of the above, do you still want to stay with an Aries? Commendable. Then, at the end of the day, a few more touches of his character. He may lose his temper and say hurtful things (which, however, he doesn’t think about), but you must forgive and forget everything as quickly as he does. You should like all of his friends, although he reserves the right not to like yours. What do you want? You have chosen a real man, and in the person of your Aries you have him. And if you are a real woman, then your Romeo and Juliet romance (without the sad ending, of course) will be the envy of everyone around you. If you become the wife of an Aries, he will be the head of the family. He will not tolerate any comments from you, both in public and in private. Especially when it comes to money. After all, it's his money, he earned it. It cannot be said that he is a good financier, but do not even think about interfering in his financial affairs. If he is a typical Aries, he will never spare money for you and will give you as much as you want. He will be happy to buy you a snakeskin handbag, but only after he buys himself a crocodile case (if, of course, there is money left after buying it). He is, of course, selfish, but by no means stingy.

Although Aries, until he starts his own business, may often change jobs, this will not affect your well-being in any way. He will find a way to earn good money, although it will flow away quickly. The best advice in this case is to manage the household more economically and give the savings when he needs the money most. Aries rarely save “in reserve,” unless, of course, they had someone stingy in their family, or if at the time of Aries’s birth the Moon (predisposing to saving) was not shining, the patroness of Capricorns and Cancers.

Aries is an attentive and proud father, who delights in the birth of a baby (no matter what kind of baby he turns out to be). Later, however, he will try to control the children and dictate their future careers. In this case, he should be reminded that children love independence no less than he does. Fatherhood is a role in which Aries feels excellent. He enjoys playing baseball and football with the kids, talking about birds and bugs, and when the child grows up, he will willingly invite them to a restaurant for a family dinner. All that is required of you is not to let him understand that young Herman or Henrietta means more to you than he does - otherwise his love for children will noticeably decrease.

If you were successful at work before marriage, you can continue to do so after you get married, but (especially if you work in the same field) do not try to outshine your husband with your production or creative success, he will not tolerate this. Aries is the kind of husband who would rather forgive you for a hastily prepared dinner than for losing your interest in him and his affairs.

Don't interfere with his independence, but tactfully try to restrain his impulsiveness. He must lead in life, otherwise it loses all meaning for him; Don't suppress his energy and enthusiasm. As soon as he ceases to dominate at work or at home, his optimism will turn into dull discontent, and then into complete indifference. Remember that he lacks the ability to obey. Don't try to break his masculinity, but don't lose your own individuality. Don't boss him around and don't let him boss you around. An Aries husband will not tolerate a wife who spends every evening chatting in a ladies' club. And at the same time, he will not like his wife, who always hangs around at home, doing only household chores. Try to find a middle ground. And if you succeed, many, many years later, at your golden wedding, you will be the only gray-haired Juliet, and next to you will be the aged, but eternally loving Romeo. For the sake of such a wonderful prospect, especially if you are romantic by nature - and you cannot help but be if you have chosen Aries as your companion - it is worth living.

If an Aries man stops talking to you, then most likely he is embarrassed or dissatisfied with something. Men under this sign are usually open and understandable, they know what they want. Perhaps he expected something more from you, but at some point his illusions were destroyed, the veil fell from his eyes and you turned out to be not quite that person. In this case, you need to give him time, be strong and not cling to him too much.

Aries loves the game of cat and mouse, but if you were too cold with him, he did not see progress from his efforts, he simply gives up on everything and moves on. It is important to note that the more time you go without noticing it, the more difficult it will be to return it later, if you want, if at all possible.

What to do?

If you have caused them deep emotional pain, they will never forget. It's better to leave and forget. These men may pretend to forgive you because they consider anger and hatred to be weakness, they would rather die than show these character traits, it is easier for them to show that everything is okay.

With their entire appearance they will show that everything is in the past, but this is not so, Aries may simply be waiting for their chance for revenge, they will begin to control and manipulate your life, or they will simply abandon you at the most inopportune moment. You will always feel guilty.

Aries men can be amazing partners, as long as you haven't hurt them badly in the past. Whatever it gets into his head, the main thing is to behave with dignity, remain human and he will appreciate it.

If an Aries man stops talking to you, then most likely he is embarrassed or dissatisfied with something. Men under this sign are usually open and understandable, they know what they want. Perhaps he expected something more from you, but at some point his illusions were destroyed, the veil fell from his eyes and you turned out to be not quite that person. In this case, you need to give him time, be strong and not cling to him too much.

Aries loves the game of cat and mouse, but if you were too cold with him, he did not see progress from his efforts, he simply gives up on everything and moves on. It is important to note that the more time you go without noticing it, the more difficult it will be to return it later, if you want, if at all possible.

If you have caused them deep emotional pain, they will never forget. It's better to leave and forget. These men may pretend to forgive you because they consider anger and hatred to be weakness, they would rather die than show these character traits, it is easier for them to show that everything is okay.

With their entire appearance they will show that everything is in the past, but this is not so, Aries may simply be waiting for their chance for revenge, they will begin to control and manipulate your life, or they will simply abandon you at the most inopportune moment. You will always feel guilty.

Aries men can be amazing partners, as long as you haven't hurt them badly in the past. Whatever it gets into his head, the main thing is to behave with dignity, remain human and he will appreciate it.

If an Aries man is silent
If an Aries man stops talking to you, then most likely he is embarrassed or dissatisfied with something. Men under this sign are usually open and understandable, they know what they want. Perhaps he expected

How to understand an Aries man?

Communication with a powerful, impressionable and jealous Aries man does not always give positive emotions. Representatives of this sign are characterized by unexpected actions and sudden changes in mood. Aries can be seriously offended and even break off the relationship, although there is no apparent reason for this. This man is always striving for something, he has a lot of activities and urgent matters, there is simply not enough time for conversations and communication.

When communicating with an Aries man, be extremely careful. Observe your loved one, draw the right conclusions, do not try to “re-educate” him and collect the secrets of establishing a relationship with Aries into your “piggy bank.” This person is ambiguous, sometimes ambivalent, so learning to understand the Aries man is necessary. It is advisable that you grasp the essence of his words and desires instantly, without unnecessary explanations. This is exactly the kind of woman Aries will especially appreciate.

  1. Bossy. It is very important for an Aries man to dominate in the family, team, among his acquaintances, in the company of friends. Everywhere he strives to become the center of attention, wants to win respect and trust. Aries likes to be obeyed. Of course, in a pair he must also be the main one. Remember that in most cases, irritation among representatives of this zodiac sign arises due to any manifestations of disrespect towards them. Do not under any circumstances overthrow Aries from his “throne”. He should feel like the head of the family, an unquestioning authority.

Are you embarrassed by your loved one's jealousy? Remember his loyalty and care for you! Are you tired of maintaining perfect order at home, living with the affairs and aspirations of Aries? Think how much he does for your well-being, how calm you are with him. Most representatives of this sign captivate with their masculinity, ability to find a way out of the most difficult situations, and devotion.

  • A romantic and sensible Aries man. When a woman spends money and time on going to beauty salons and buys a lot of cosmetics, it is difficult for her to understand an Aries man who remains indifferent to her efforts and the impressive results of the procedures. In fact, everything is simple. Aries can be romantic, he is even sometimes capable of unexpected actions, ready to surprise with a sweet surprise. And he also has a sense of beauty. He only values ​​natural attractiveness, femininity, and the ability to present oneself.

How to understand an Aries man?
How to understand an Aries man. How to learn to correctly understand the character and actions of a powerful and vulnerable Aries man. Character nuances of an energetic idealist and reliable head of the family.

How do Aries break up?

Stage one. Bias

Aries are more stubborn creatures than Capricorns, therefore, having fallen in love with their chosen one, they live for a loooong time in a fantasy picture where the prince’s horse is white and with powerful balls, and the princess does not poop, and if suddenly, she smells of hyacinths.

At this stage, Aries seems to wake up a little and is surprised. Oh, not everything is so smooth! But since Aries can handle everything, “we’ll fix everything quickly!”

This is a very short stage. Aries, who suddenly discovered that he had put so much energy somewhere into a blank wall, does not stop applying energy, but now it is very unpleasant. Now, after storm and stress, Aries does not shine like the sun, but is deafly silent or throws the dishes on the table with a crash, noise and ringing. Those who need it will hear. And if they don’t hear, Aries moves on to the next stage.

Educational moments creep into the now rare peaceful conversations Aries has with their still beloved partner. “Vovka helps his wife like a wife, she would just marry him instead of you,” Ovenchikha slashes the truth, while she gazes longingly into her partner’s eyes. Now he’s afraid of losing me, what if I go to Vovka, and he’ll also start helping with the child and bringing money into the house.

The partner is not kicked out or evicted anywhere, but his life at this stage becomes unbearable. They forget about him. They don’t count on him, either for help or for preparing dinner. Since you are not really with us, then even if you are not with us at the table and on vacation, I planned everything separately, but what did you think?

The irreversible has happened: Aries no longer considers their partner to be the best for their union. He needed a friend, a lover, and certainly a comrade-in-arms, but what kind of support did he get from this, if I may say so, sad piece of shit?

Roads: many small and small, but very eventful trips throughout the year.

Money: sometimes it’s thick, sometimes it’s empty, but the flow of finances will thicken and flow in full water by September.

How do Aries break up?
The usual warning - the description of the Signs is spied on and does not pretend to be objective, the forecast was invented in the midnight twilight of consciousness) Aries Stage one. Bias Aries are more stubborn creatures than Capricorns, therefore, having fallen in love with their chosen one, they live for a loooong time in a fantasy picture where...

Help! SOS! Aries man is silent!

Hello, dear forum users! Help me understand the situation with Aries. We met and courted beautifully. I once told him that there are not enough emotions. I collected my things and left. I was silent for two days, then I couldn’t stand it. We argued even more. Didn't say it wasn't needed. After some time I decided to finish it off. I wrote 32 SMS and made 35 calls in one day. I said that I expect him to either refuse me or say some words, but he is silent, I don’t know what to think. Help me to understand. Aries is silent and nothing can break through it. My zodiac sign is Sagittarius, also fire and impulsive. But it seems to me that I fell in love for the first time in 32 years.

My Taurus is also silent.

Don't force yourself, Aries don't like it

Do you still believe this nonsense?

(with zodiac signs)

But to the point: you have already taken the first step towards conversation,

32 SMS and 35 calls in one day!

How can you force yourself like that, it’s so cheap!

32 SMS and 35 calls. well you give it))

My Taurus is also silent.

what size are his feet?

maybe this is the reason?

he went to think, to weigh your relationship, and you fucked him and helped him make a decision. RUN

he doesn't need a lady who LACKS emotions.

32 SMS +35 calls + 32 years old you = 69 / 2 = 34, 5 = 3+4+5=12 - a very difficult situation, immediately engage in self-improvement, self-knowledge and self-development.

hmm, what have you been doing for 32 years?

knocking out a wedge with a wedge

My Taurus is also silent.

I had an Aries, the same ram)))

author, forget it, the easiest thing to do is just not to pay attention to all these quirky things of theirs. Aries men are excellent manipulators; if he wants to return, let him return himself, do not humiliate yourself. But most likely he burned out. They are like that, first they swear their love, and after a week they pack their things)

In general, why do you need a sheep? there will be no happiness

What kind of zodiac bullshit is this? And if your man was a Scorpio or Libra, what would change?

Your vagina is probably dry.

Yes we are. if the vagina is dry, we ignore it.

And you tell him that he is not needed, it will hurt him and he will score a point. That's how it is for me, I'm an Aries)

Well, or you didn’t hook him, then he’ll just exhale calmly.

13.I completely agree with you! In general, ARIES is the worst male sign of the zodiac

And if you listen to some Aries, almost all of their chicks are like crazy.

Well, maybe except for their first love.

I also have an Aries and the same one will write if not. then everything is gone. I write myself all the time and make an appointment. after that, say you are mine and only mine. how to understand?

Good afternoon I am 27 years old. I met a man a month ago. He is an Aries and he is 38 years old. A relationship began immediately. We saw each other almost every day. We called each other constantly. Everything was great. And I ruined everything. We agreed to meet on the weekend. But I found an excuse and stayed at home. He was very offended and said that I didn’t miss him. It's been silent for 3 days now. I understand that this is it, the end. (((

Aries disappear and appear. Mine said when I arrive, I’ll see you right away, what a close and dear person I am. I did so many things for him. Helped and supported during difficult times. Dartla gifts. The sex was amazing. He was very gentle with me. Sweet SMS, etc., etc. Future plans. He called me very affectionately. He conceived a child from me. And one day he disappeared. I didn’t respond to mms or calls, even though I called from a hidden and unknown number. I still don't understand his behavior. But if it’s really impossible to tell everything off honestly? Why torture me by urinating and ignoring me.. It still hurts a lot.

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They say that women are from Venus and men are from Mars. This phrase personifies that invisible barrier between our sexes, the barrier of misunderstanding, which is sometimes not so easy to break through. We do not understand the reasons for their actions, and they do not understand ours. It is difficult for women to understand what it means when a man does not call or write, and how to behave in such a situation.

Reasons for silence

There may be several reasons and it is not always easy to identify the one that applies specifically to your man. If a man doesn’t call after the first date, if someone with whom he’s been in a relationship for more than a year doesn’t call, if he doesn’t call for a couple of days, a week, a month - all this needs to be taken into account, because depending on the reason, the options for how to act woman.

  1. After the first date
    The evening went wonderfully, you returned home inspired and happy, but neither that day nor the next he called or wrote back. This may indicate that the man simply took a short time out. He is afraid of his feelings and wants to understand himself. Psychologists say that for the opposite sex the process of falling in love does not proceed as quickly as for women; they need a little more time before they are ready to “jump into the pool headlong.”

    Important! In this case, the pool is a woman. Of course, we are not talking about several weeks, but 2-4 days.

  2. Excess tenderness
    Another option for the development of events after the first date is that the woman simply scared off her boyfriend with an excess of feelings. Again, men are not used to expressing everything that arose in their souls at the first meeting. And it didn’t arise, but rather began to emerge.

    Advice! If a girl chirps about love, talks about marriage, grandchildren and growing old together, and after the meeting bombards him with SMS declarations of love, then it’s no wonder that the young man will run away.

  3. Not everything is so smooth
    Women often imitate you know what, but men have learned to feign interest and delight. If everything went great on the last date, it was fun and time flew by, this does not mean that everything was the same for him. Perhaps he was simply bored and uninterested in listening to your monologues about equestrian sports or the next TV series.

    Important! Think about it, how often did he take part in the dialogue? Maybe you were the only one who had fun?

  4. After a quarrel
    If a scandal broke out between you the day before, it would be quite reasonable to assume that this is why the man does not call or write. In such situations, they tend to take the position of a victim, turn the tables, so to speak.

    Interesting to know! Not every representative of the stronger sex is able to withstand the attacks of an angry companion, especially if the reason for the quarrel is insignificant.

    Very often, after scandals, men “lie low” and wait until all the passions in the girl’s soul subside.

    Important! They do not like loud showdowns, and if you are not able to do this calmly, be prepared that one day he will disappear for good, and not for a few days.

  5. Not a fan of calls
    Yes, there are such people too. Despite the fact that it is the 21st century, there are still men who do not like to call or write messages. They prefer live communication and will not touch their gadget unless absolutely necessary. In a relationship with such a gentleman, you should not measure the depth of his feelings by the number of missed calls or messages received. Just learn to take it easier.
  6. Busy
    Yes, in most cases this is a banal excuse, but if your chosen one is a careerist or works in a serious company, and even in a responsible position, then you should not be surprised that you have not heard from him. It may well happen that some unexpected difficulties arose at work, or a lucrative contract, or something like that, and your man simply immersed himself in work, temporarily losing interest in all other areas of his life.
  7. Finance sings romances
    It’s no secret that modern girls often have a little more desire than a walk in the park and listen to Yesenin’s poems performed by their beloved. We want a cafe, cinema, bowling or something else, and all this requires money. Every self-respecting man pays for entertainment events himself.

    Interesting to know! If you have been together not long ago, then the guy is simply afraid to admit that at the moment he has problems with money and there is simply no reason for him to take you out for a walk.

  8. Typical Casanova
    Alas, this also happens. If this is your case, then we can only sympathize and advise you to be more careful. He charmed you, got everything he wanted and rode off into the sunset. You won't hear about him again - such men don't go on a second date and don't call back after a stormy night.

    Important! If he told tales about what a successful businessman he is, took you on a yacht or a cool car (most likely rented), then there is simply no point in him continuing to support the expensive legend. As soon as the goal is achieved, he disappears.

  9. Married
    If your boyfriend happens to be married or he already has a girlfriend with whom he is in a long-term relationship, then you shouldn’t be surprised that he doesn’t call after meeting. Serious relationships dull the hunter's instinct in men, and if he nevertheless succumbed to fleeting weakness and flirted with an unfamiliar girl at a corporate party, then it is not a fact that in the morning or in a week he will decide to continue this acquaintance.
  10. No reciprocal feelings
    It makes sense to consider this option only if we are talking about the beginning of acquaintance. The first date, after which the man did not call back, most likely made him understand that the woman was not suitable for him. This doesn't mean you're ugly, stupid or boring. Perhaps he simply realized that he was not a match for you, decided that your demands on a life partner were too high, or that your interests and hobbies did not coincide.

Some more interesting information can be found in the video.

Doesn't call, but always answers

It also happens that a guy does not show initiative, but always picks up the phone if a woman calls herself or enthusiastically answers messages. The reasons for this behavior are no less than ignorance.

It’s impossible to count how many young girls and mature beauties are languishing in anticipation of a call from a gentleman who has sunk into their souls. And how many excuses they come up with for them - and even more so. If a man doesn’t call, then most likely he doesn’t want to. Girls become despondent, they develop complexes and lack of self-confidence due to silent refusals.

The male view of this problem cuts off most of the reasons that young ladies can come up with. According to the survey:

  • 1% don't call because they lost their phone;
  • 2% due to an incorrectly entered number;
  • 7% due to fear of rejection;
  • 11% due to a quarrel or resentment;
  • 79% due to lack of interest.

However, despite the sad statistics, the men also named several other reasons for the lack of calls. They think it's a waste of time. They do not place as much importance on constant communication and gentle SMS as the weaker half of humanity. There is no reason for them to pick up the phone if they have nothing specific to say.

Interesting to know! It takes a little longer for a man to get bored. The girl is ready to dial her lover’s number immediately after separation, but he needs time to get bored.

The second reason that men voice most often is lack of money. Yes, perhaps for romantically minded women this is not a problem at all; she will close her eyes to the lack of gifts and agree to snack on a hot dog instead of a salmon steak, but for men this is a serious reason to “lay low.”

Important! As soon as his financial situation improves, he will definitely call and remind him of himself, if during this time a new beauty does not appear in his environment, eclipsing the previous one, of course.

Often men doubt their abilities, they are not sure that they can evoke reciprocal sympathy from such a beauty, so they remain passive. They don’t know that women need to be wooed and that even the most unsightly man can make a woman’s heart flutter if he chooses the right strategy.

The psychology of men and women is very different, so it is important to learn to look at the situation through “male eyes” and not be afraid to ask direct questions.

Below in the video you can see a man's point of view on this problem.

Test “How does the man you love treat you?”

Does your man pick you up from work?

Does your man give you flowers?

Do you talk to your man about the future?

How does your man react to other people's children?

Do you go to visit both his and your friends?

Do you live together or separately?

Do you often talk to each other about love?

Does your man give you reasons to be jealous?

Does your man sacrifice his interests for you?

Do you often quarrel with your lover?

How does the man you love treat you?

Serious intentions

Your man takes you very seriously, he is making plans for your future together, even if he has not voiced them yet. But he will take out your trash without any reminders and will take care of you, gradually arranging your everyday life. He considers himself responsible for everything that happens to you, and in the future he will take responsibility for raising children.

Hold me if you can

Your man will be with you, but only if you yourself keep him close to you, take the initiative into your own hands and “lead him along with you on a string.” You will have to push and guide him throughout your life, constantly reminding him that he loves you.

Periodic relationships

Your man will never put you first in his life; his own life and work are too important to him. He may appear in your life on rare weekends, but he will frankly make you understand that you should not count on more.

Fleeting attraction

This man is not very interested in you. Are you sure that he treats you as a woman he loves or likes, and not just as a convenient and reliable friend? Although this is not bad - such men know how to value friendship, and if you do not claim his heart, you can become an important part of his life.

What to do as a woman

The main thing is not to fall into despair and control yourself. If a man suddenly stopped calling or disappeared for a whole month, then in any case, this is not a reason to declare the Apocalypse.

  1. The first thing you need to do is calm down - at the peak of emotions it is difficult to sensibly assess the situation.
  2. If you understand that the reason for this behavior was your harsh statement towards him, then why not correct the situation and apologize?
  3. Call first. First you need to come up with some kind of innocent but convincing excuse. If a man intends to break off a relationship, he is unlikely to say so directly, but his tone will say it all. Listen to the voice - is it glad to hear you or is it cold and annoyed?
  4. If a man doesn’t call or write for a month or more, then you can hardly hope that he will show up. In such a situation, you should let go and forget, distract yourself with a new hobby, immerse yourself in work - do everything so that there is no time left for sad thoughts.
  5. Don’t be intrusive - if your chosen one has lost interest in you and stopped paying attention, you shouldn’t bombard him with SMS, calls and leave a bunch of voice messages on the answering machine. Such behavior will only further alienate reserved men, but there will be no positive result.

Psychologists and relationship counselors advise focusing on yourself. If a man has disappeared or decided to break up with you, don’t get depressed, do what you can to become better and more interesting, so that the next gentleman will fall at your feet.

  1. Develop yourself. Find a new hobby for yourself, take up horse riding, try making toys from polymer clay, sign up for cooking classes, draw, sing - whatever interests you.
  2. Change your image. Many women note that changing their style has a beneficial effect on their lives. A new image attracts attention and opens up opportunities for new acquaintances. A bright, well-groomed and beautiful woman will not go unnoticed.
  3. Update your wardrobe. This will not only help you become more attractive and fresh, but will also lift your spirits. Well, what woman doesn’t love shopping?
    You can buy a new dress, bright shoes or radically change your style by filling your hangers with new things - everything is in your hands.
  4. Take care of your appearance. Perhaps the man stopped calling because in a long-term relationship you stopped taking care of yourself. Women often forget that men love with their eyes. You should remain beautiful whether you've been dating for a month or three years.
  5. Vivid emotions. Finally decide to go to Egypt, skydive, go to a rally, do what you always wanted but were afraid of - bright emotions will help you get over the breakup and push bad thoughts out of your head.
  6. Avoid being a recluse. For a day or two you can allow yourself to cry to “Bridget Jones’s Diaries” while hugging a bucket of strawberry ice cream, but no more. This will have a negative impact on your figure in the end. Get off the couch, grab your girlfriends and go in search of adventure!

Psychology by Zodiac Signs

If you believe astrologers, the reasons why a man does not call or write can be found out from the stars.

  1. Aries prefer live communication to virtual communication, but men in love with this sign are ready to spend 24 hours a day listening to their beloved, so if Aries stops calling you, it means he has lost interest. It’s just as easy for him to dislike him as it is to please him. They are fickle and flighty, and besides, they are terribly touchy. If Aries is offended, he will not call first, even if he is wrong.
  2. Calf. Men of this sign are greedy for attention, but will continue to communicate with a lady only if they are really interested in her. It won't work to impose. Taurus are slow and take a long time to think about serious steps, and they like to do this alone.
  3. Twins. This sign is hyper sociable, he will gladly call and correspond even with someone with whom he does not intend to build a serious relationship. If Gemini disappears and does not get in touch, it is only because someone appeared in his circle who interested him more.
  4. Cancer. These men are extremely touchy; they find meaning where there is none. If your chosen one is Cancer, it is better to immediately find out the reason for ignoring him, because over time everything will only get worse, and he will also be offended by the fact that you don’t care about him.
  5. A lion. These men are not used to courtship; they believe that others should seek his affection. He won’t text or call first, and it’s easy to hurt his pride. There is no point in delaying reconciliation; he will quickly find a replacement and won’t blink an eye.
  6. Virgo. Men of this sign are happy to express their feelings and are the first to make contact, but not everyone can understand their inner world. One fine day, this man may decide that the initiative comes exclusively from him, then he will close himself off and plunge into his resentment.

    Read more about the character and characteristics of such a man in ours.

  7. Scales. Needs constant support and communication, he easily writes romantic messages and can spend hours on the phone with his beloved. If he suddenly disappeared, then the reason for this was another woman, to whom all his efforts and emotions are now directed. If he doesn’t call after a quarrel, then it’s better to take the first step - just say that you regret the conflict.
  8. Scorpion. The passion and emotionality of this sign will not be expressed over the phone, but if he suddenly completely stops communicating, then, most likely, this is due to strong resentment. You shouldn’t immediately call him and demand a meeting, give him time to cool down, otherwise everything will end badly.
  9. Sagittarius. These men are sociable, and are happy to do this both in person and on the phone. They are quick-tempered, but quickly move away. If Sagittarius doesn’t call after a quarrel, just invite him to the park - a sincere conversation will settle everything.
  10. Capricorn. This sign only uses cell phones for business conversations and is not one to chat for hours or write explicit messages. If he doesn't call, it means he's busy. Business comes first for him. If the reason is a quarrel, then making peace will not be easy. Capricorn not only demands complete surrender, but will also expect actions from you aimed at correcting the error.
  11. Aquarius will happily text, discussing everything in the world, or call ten times a day. However, he is very easy to offend, so be careful and choose your words carefully if you talk about sensitive topics. Even if the quarrel was his fault, it is better to call and apologize.
  12. Fish. This man will not write poetry or sing a lullaby over the phone; they prefer actions to words. If you had a fight, sad messages and tearful calls only pushed him away, he does not believe the words, he will have to prove his feelings with deeds.

You can learn more about the character traits and behavior with a partner of different zodiac signs from the video below.

Almost every young lady is familiar with the torment over the lack of calls from the guy who has sunk into her soul and the senseless expectation of news from him. Unfulfilled “dreams” cause disappointment, generate resentment and annoyance. Girls begin to come up with many excuses for this behavior of their chosen one. Often the excuses they make up for not calling are quite ridiculous. However, everything is simpler than it seems.

It is necessary to recognize as true the fact that the views of the sons of Adam and beautiful women on similar events are strikingly different. If the gentleman you like does not call back, there is no need to make excuses for him. The probability of finding your chosen one near death is only 1%, the phone is lost – 1%, the number incorrectly “filled” is 2%, and the person does not want to bother communicating with a newly made acquaintance – 86%. If a man is not indifferent to a beauty, he will certainly find an opportunity and take a minute to call her. The remaining 10% are other, so to speak, valid reasons. There are 10 of them. According to the percentage of probability for each reason.

So, option one, why the man doesn’t call first. It’s just that the stronger half does not attach value to such a stupid activity as pointless conversations on the phone. Chatting for hours is considered a woman's prerogative. A man will dial the number of the young lady he likes when he is ready to invite him to a rendezvous or when he decides to tell him something important. Although, here it is necessary to clarify that a gentleman in love, most often, will cut the telephone wires.

Option two – not enough time had passed, so the guy didn’t have time to get bored.

In addition, not all of Adam’s sons are assertive and confident; there are guys who are afraid of seeming intrusive, afraid that the girl doesn’t like them, and afraid of being misunderstood. That’s why they don’t call.

Often the reason for the lack of messages lies in financial difficulties that prevent a man from inviting the lady he likes on a date. However, when material problems are left behind, he will most quickly remind you of himself, unless, of course, another young charmer falls into his soul.

There are also force majeure reasons that do not depend on the guy himself, for example, illness, urgent business trip, workload in professional activities. When the situation calms down a little, the man will call the young lady.

Often the male sex doubts that he has generated reciprocal sympathy from a lady, and therefore they will not become suitors. Such gentlemen have no idea that the woman they like needs to be conquered. It’s easier for them to think that they failed to make an impression, so there is no point in continuing communication, rather than pluck up the courage and invite a charming young lady to a rendezvous.

It’s also not worth discounting the possibility that a new acquaintance is already in a love affair. He met the beauty under the influence of the moment, mood, friends pushed him, but later, thinking sensibly, the guy came to the conclusion that a well-known old relationship is better than the unknown. Men are quite lazy and big conservatives. In order for the male sex to decide to end an old relationship for the sake of a relationship with a new acquaintance, there must be either a frantic passion that clouds the mind, or an arrow from cupid that lands straight in the heart.

Option eight - the guy decided to use the NLP technique called “further-closer”. On a date, he enveloped the girl in warmth and love. This is the “closer” stage. Then the young man practices the “further” stage, that is, he moves away, takes a break, and does not make telephone calls. He wants the young lady to get bored, which would encourage her to take the first step on her own. These guys are professional manipulators.

The guy doesn’t give any news, because he simply doesn’t know what to chat about with his new acquaintance, he’s not a fan of telephone conversations, when he outlines a clear plan of action in relation to the beauty, then he’ll dial her number and invite her to a rendezvous.

When meeting, the boyfriend wrote down a phone number on a piece of paper, a used trolleybus ticket, banknotes and lost the treasured numbers. This also happens.

However, it should be remembered that the probability of each of the above problems preventing a man from calling is only one chance in a hundred. Basically, the stronger half does not call back when the girl is not very interested. Therefore, rather than aimlessly tormenting yourself with the question of why a man doesn’t call first, it is better to devote your free time to self-development, your appearance, self-realization, shopping, meeting with friends, family, sports, walks. There are thousands of ways to spend your time fun and interesting, as well as useful. Against the backdrop of a pleasant and fruitful leisure time, the absence of a call from an unfamiliar young man is a trifle.

Why doesn't a man call first, but always answers?

It doesn’t matter what reason prompted the interested young individual not to attempt to communicate. It is important to behave with dignity. You need to love your own personality and not allow so-called males to play with your feelings.

After several meetings with the guy, the girl had already colorfully presented her wedding dress, picked out her makeup, made a guest list, and he disappeared. How so? Against the backdrop of apparent prosperity, the “betrothed” suddenly stopped calling and writing. What to do? If there were a conflict, then there would be no need to look for an explanation for why the man does not call first after a quarrel.

And if the relationship is good, then why did he take a position of silence? Maybe he fell from the balcony while saving a kitten, or got burned in a fire while pulling his grandmother out of a burning building? The girl does not know for certain what happened. But it is not important. A woman’s time is too valuable to waste it mediocrely looking for excuses for a failed macho. Finding excuses for male behavior is time wasted.

Therefore, if a boyfriend does not give any news for some time, you need to forget him, first of all, by stopping thinking about this person. Waiting for male attention is a fairly common form of female self-torture.

It was written above that a common reason for the silence of the opposite sex is their reluctance to communicate. But there are exceptions. In order to understand why he stopped calling, you need to understand what kind of person he is. After all, every man has an individual set of traits, preferences, and he also evaluates the existence and role of Eve’s daughters in him in his own way. It’s even more difficult to figure out if the chosen one is a strong, self-sufficient and self-actualized person.

In addition to a set of characteristics, it is also necessary to analyze his behavioral patterns in interaction with the lady, the stage of development of the relationship, the degree of manifestation of his interest before the “vow of silence,” and the number of calls from him per day.

If a woman is faced with a strong personality, with a man who is straight towards the goal, then it is likely that the “silence of the gentleman” is a well-thought-out strategy, the end result of which should be the conquest of a woman’s heart.

The reasons for “no calls” may be different, but they lead to uncertainty, to the young lady’s limbo. Women seem to go into a “waiting mode”, in which they cease to be interested in what is happening. In this mode, fantasy works vigorously, drawing all sorts of situations that justify the behavior of the chosen one. In addition, the more often the young lady thinks about her boyfriend and waits for him, the more sharply her heart is pierced by Cupid’s arrow. A woman falls in love, but her head “loses.” The consequence of this is dissolution in a man and becoming dependent. Where there is dependence, there is no room for love, and therefore healthy relationships are impossible.

In order to avoid such a sad fate, it is strictly forbidden to appear in the life of the chosen one. That is, you cannot write SMS, call, or “like” posts. A man needs space in order to realize whether he needs this particular young lady or not. If he makes up his mind, he will call or he will not call.

You need to realize that your own obsessive behavior can force a man to meet a couple of times and have sex, but it will not in any way encourage him to create a strong connection. Demonstrating an overly emotionally charged reaction to the disappearance of a man will only make the latter understand that the woman has been conquered and subjugated. Constantly such reactions lead to predictability. The consequence of this will be a loss of male interest in this young lady. After all, she is manageable, simple, submissive, insipid. And the strong half looks for mystery, rebellion, mystery in their chosen ones. They need obstacles on the way to winning a girl's heart. Coldness will arouse more interest than willingness to do anything. However, when showing external restraint and disinterest in a man, the main thing is not to overdo it. A rare representative of the sons of Adam will pursue to the bitter end a lady who does not reciprocate.

Men, of course, are hunters by nature, but today, due to the influence of feminism, their hunting instinct has somewhat dried up. Therefore, there is no need to play around playing an impregnable fortress. The strength of the fair half lies in maintaining a balance between external detachment and passion, as well as in the timely replacement of coldness with ardor. At the same time, you should not reveal all your secrets. For the sons of Adam, the beautiful daughters of Eve must remain somewhat incomprehensible. Only by periodically challenging their stronger half will women be able to support the fire of love in men’s hearts, and also remain for their partners weak creatures in need of protection.

If an Aries man doesn't call
Why doesn't the man call? How many young ladies and mature girls suffer from insomnia on long summer nights, trying to find the answer. Girls start making up a lot of excuses

What does it mean if a guy (man) doesn’t call or write to a girl?

There are a huge number of reasons for men's silence. If your chosen one does not call or write, serious reasons and boring excuses can become an excuse. In any case, most women strive to understand the motives for such behavior and understand the secrets of male unpredictability.

Men do not like scandals and try to avoid unpleasant scenes. Sometimes this is impossible; not everyone is able to defend themselves for a long time and withstand the onslaught of a raging woman. It doesn’t matter what caused the discord, almost always after a quarrel men feel offended and react with prolonged silence.

If the woman is to blame, the offended partner tries to stimulate repentance. He expects you to admit guilt and ask for forgiveness. You can take the initiative and call first, but if you do this after every quarrel, your chosen one will stop apologizing, even in cases where he himself was at fault.

A person who is ready for reconciliation will definitely write or call. If this does not happen, there may be a more serious reason for such adherence to principles. Either your boyfriend doesn’t understand that he offended you and thinks that everything is fine, or he doesn’t want to continue the relationship. A quarrel, in this case, becomes a convenient reason to stop communicating.

Perhaps in a couple of months he will remind himself, but one can hardly count on that this impulse is associated with deep feelings.

Such timeouts without reasons or explanations will not refresh or renew the relationship. It is better to let go of the situation or look at it from a different perspective. This is not a loss, but a liberation, and you have a chance to meet someone for whom words of love mean something.

After meeting and having a first date, men usually are not offended. Quarrels and showdowns are excluded. But it happens that even after a perfect date, a guy disappears without explanation. He doesn’t call, doesn’t appear on social networks and torments with his silence. Almost all girls, without exception, want to know why he behaves this way.

Psychologists give one very comforting argument in this regard. It turns out that the emotions of falling in love take longer to develop in men than in women. They need time to deal with new sensations and appreciate them, but this is definitely not a month or a week. Maximum 2-4 days.

There are other exceptional situations when a guy doesn’t write or call:

You should not measure your feelings by the number of messages and calls. Many men do not call without a specific reason. Unlike women, they cannot stand empty chatter, do not want to waste time on it and prefer live communication.

Not all men are assertive and self-confident. There are also modest ones for whom an invitation to another date is a serious step, especially if the guy has little experience communicating with the opposite sex. He just doesn't know how to behave or what to talk about. It is difficult for such men to fight their own complexes. The fear of not being liked deprives them of courage and often makes them lonely.

Men are great at faking interest and delight. Even if everything went well on the first date, this does not mean that your chosen one was satisfied. He could pretend, but it is unlikely that after such a meeting the guy would want to again be in a boring and unpleasant company for him.

The man pays for entertainment and bills. This is a classic version of a relationship, although many modern girls are ready to pay for themselves and do not see this as a problem. And yet, most expect male initiative in money matters. If a young man has financial difficulties, his pride will not allow him to admit it. He won't go on a date with empty pockets. It’s better for him to wait out the difficulties, and when everything gets better, remind him of himself with a call or message.

Serious problems do not put you in a romantic mood. If a man is sick or someone from his family needs his help, he will prefer to first sort out his affairs and restore his health.

A man is not always sure that he has made the right impression. Without hoping for reciprocity, he simply doesn’t see the point in calling and offering to meet.

An unpleasant surprise for women can be a meeting with a Don Juan. Such men need another partner solely for a tick in his extensive list of conquered hearts. Heartthrobs don’t care at all about someone’s experiences and future relationships. Having increased their self-esteem, they simply disappear, forgetting about everything.

You shouldn’t rule out that your chosen one is married or already has a girlfriend. Long-term relationships dull the hunter's instinct. In search of new thrills, men allow themselves to make new acquaintances. They decide to continue or end the relationship independently. If the choice is not in your favor, you will not receive calls and messages.

The likelihood of all the identified reasons and problems that prevent a man from calling is low. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to understand the motives for such behavior. It is worth recognizing that a lost phone, a relative who suddenly fell ill, or urgent matters at work are banal excuses. For experienced and confident men who manipulate trust and patience, such a game of hide and seek has no meaning. For a girl in love, such situations become a serious test. Senseless expectations deprive you of sleep and peace, and unfulfilled dreams lead to yet another disappointment.

There is only one truth - only a caring person is looking for opportunities; he does not need reasons for meetings and calls. If you are ignored, most likely there is no mutual sympathy and interest. It is worth accepting, realizing and drawing conclusions. This is the psychology of relationships.

Each zodiac sign has its own style and characteristics of communication. Astrology helps to understand what is going on in men’s heads and is the reason for silence.

The Aries man prefers to date rather than communicate over the phone or via SMS. But if he is in love, conversations and correspondence can last for hours. When pleasant communication stops, the reason may be a cooling of feelings. It is as easy for Aries to please as it is to dislike. The long silence can also be explained by the touchiness of the representatives of this sign. Even if Aries is wrong, he will not come to reconcile first.

Taurus people love attention to themselves, responsiveness and reciprocity. It is almost impossible to force yourself on a Taurus. They continue communication only if they have feelings for the girl. Taurus tend to think about their actions seriously and for a long time. They think a lot, preferring to do it in private. It is for this reason that a Taurus in love may not call or write.

Representatives of this sign are very sociable. Men are happy to write messages and call often. Even if they are not in the mood for a long-term relationship, they will not deny themselves the pleasure of chatting on the phone. If the connection with Aries is lost, and the usual calls suddenly stop, most likely he has found a new object of attention and affection. Aries rarely gets offended, but if this happens, don't bother him for a while. He will be silent, but not for long. Representatives of this sign quickly come to their senses and make decisions.

Cancer men often look for meaning even where there is none. They are picky and picky in choosing their chosen one. Cancers need not only to understand that the feelings are mutual, but also to get used to the woman. They don't like disappointment and unpredictability. Typical representatives of the sign are vulnerable and touchy. This can lead to ignorance and prolonged silence. With such men it is better to clarify the situation immediately, otherwise the situation will worsen.

In all actions of Leo there is a sense of royalty. They are to be admired, praised and adored. If a girl is not capable of this, she is unlikely to wait for news from a man. Leos generally do not like to call and communicate their feelings in messages. In addition, such men are easy to offend; a careless critical word or the slightest doubt about their capabilities is enough.

Men of this sign know how to love and express emotions. They are happy to do this by telephone and with the help of beautiful romantic messages, but only in the absence of more urgent matters. Virgos are workaholics, they are prudent and practical. Sometimes flirting becomes a waste of time for them. In such cases, they stop communicating. A man in love tends to analyze relationships. When doubts arise about reciprocity, Virgos plunge into their complex inner world and prefer to remain silent.

Libras need constant communication, support and understanding. If they don’t call, it means they are cautious and unsure of their feelings. Until a man decides everything for himself, he will make you wait for calls and messages. You may not get any attention, since Libras are very changeable in nature. When a more interesting partner is nearby, they gladly switch their attention, not considering it necessary to put an end to their previous relationship.

You should not expect rapid development of the relationship that has begun from Scorpios. Such men are unstable in mood and behavior. The girl must wait patiently for the decision to be made and try to become the one to whom Scorpio wants to talk about experiences and feelings. Men of this sign do not tolerate leadership in women. He will never call back a girl with commanding tendencies. If Scorpio doesn't write or call, you may be being tested for your willingness to obey.

For Sagittarius, it makes no difference how to communicate. They are happy to do this in real life and virtually. A man can call and write often. But if he doesn't, his expectations probably weren't met. Representatives of the sign are very demanding of women, and as they get closer, the number of these demands increases. Their philosophy of life will have to be understood and accepted. If this does not happen, Sagittarians forget everything, do not consider it necessary to explain their behavior and easily plunge into new fleeting novels.

To express feelings, distance communication is unacceptable for Capricorns. They communicate with relatives and conduct business negotiations over the phone, but everything that concerns personal matters is more convenient and pleasant for them to discuss during meetings. If a man refuses to communicate, he may have a lot of important things to do. The wait-and-see tactic may be due to the fact that Capricorns do not tolerate constancy. They value freedom and do not like to limit themselves.

Aquarians are unpredictable romantics. They can please their partner with romantic correspondence and pamper them with compliments over the phone, but as long as they like it themselves. They do not recognize obsession in all its forms. Aquarius makes decisions and choices independently. He must be interested and captivated; only in such cases can one count on a response and reciprocity.

Pisces will not call and write regularly. These men are very inventive and careful in love affairs. They choose a partner for a long time and carefully. Even when they fall in love, they are in no hurry to call and remind them of themselves. They scan the girl’s appearance, voice, and demeanor for a long time and get great pleasure from their own thoughts. Before dissolving in love, Pisces need to get used to it and understand everything for themselves, and this takes time.