Oksana Stazi lived to read Seryozha. “Now I know how she does it”: interview with Oksana Stazi (“Once Upon a Time Seryozha”)

Remember the movie "I Don't Know How She Does It"? This is a story about a woman who manages to combine important roles (wife, mother, professional), surprising those around her. Everyone around doesn’t understand how she manages to do this?
In fact, there are a lot of such mothers! I really want to introduce them to you and tell you more about the life of successful mothers. I want to introduce you to a project "Now I know how she does it". This is an interview with mothers who were able to realize themselves not only in motherhood, but also in other areas of life. And I will ask questions to understand how they do it?

For the interview, I chose the form of an audio recording (or podcast) so that you can listen to it while you are walking in the store, walking with a stroller, riding the subway or by car, while washing the dishes - in general, wherever is convenient for you.

Guest of the second issue - . Oksana is a teacher, psychologist, author of a series of children's books that I always recommend reading - “Once upon a time there was Seryozha”. This series has been recognized at all levels:

— meets the psychological and pedagogical criteria with the Highest category of compliance with the assignment of the “Golden Sun” sign

— approved by the Expert Council of the Ministry of Education and Science for use in the system of additional education.

- a lot of enthusiastic reviews from readers, rating - 9.2 out of 10 possible on the Labyrinth.

I met Oksana at one of the meetings with readers, and now I will be happy to introduce you too.

What we talk about in the interview:

- as Oksana predicted the emergence of iPhones and described them in a book 14 years ago

- How get your child interested in reading following the example of his son

- what does a normal one look like? real writer's day?

— how Oksana finds additional 15 hours per week for work over the books

- which secrets of success Oksana has it

- which films should be included in the family film library

To receive notifications about next interviews, as well as about new articles and materials, subscribe to the blog newsletter “Motherhood is a Joy” (form below). If you already receive emails from me, I will send you notifications of new publications.

Text version:

Oksana, hello! Thank you for your participation in the interview for the “Motherhood is a Joy” project. Tell our readers a little about yourself.

Hello, Ksenia! I am very pleased that you invited me for an interview. I will be happy to answer your questions.

About myself: By first education, I am a primary school teacher. Later, I received a second education – as a psychologist – at the Moscow Institute, graduating with honors. And I immediately went to an advanced training course to study child psychotherapy. Since now I am also a part-time children’s writer, I pour out my knowledge on the pages of books.

Oksana, can you tell us what you are doing now? What do you do? Maybe write a new book?

Ksenia, you are absolutely right! Currently I am living writing my new book - “The Secret of the Old Cave”. This is fantastic for children 8-12 years old. In fact, this is my very first book. I wrote it for my oldest son many years ago when he was 9 years old. Now my son is 23 years old, or rather, one of these days he will turn 24 - he is a grown guy. And then he didn’t want to read thick books on his own. At the same time, his reading technique was fine, but he just didn’t want to read on his own; he preferred to have his mother read to him. And I also had a younger child. He also demanded attention and reading books. And then I jokingly threatened my elder: “I’ll write a fantastic story, the main character of which will be you, and you will have to read this book from beginning to end, because it will be interesting to find out what happened to you!”

And how did your son react to this?

He really liked this idea, and while my youngest son was sleeping, I started writing a story about my son Zhenya and nephew Yura. I thought I’d write a couple of pages and that’ll be the end of it. But, unexpectedly for myself, I was inspired and wrote as many as 20 pages. Moreover, the story did not end there; on the contrary, it only gained momentum - and I myself could not tear myself away from writing it! I immediately read what I wrote to my son and nephew. They were looking forward to the continuation of the story. While listening, they laughed and then asked me to continue writing more. And I wrote. The story didn't want to end. She was already living her own life, and I myself was already terribly interested in how it would end in the end. So I got stuck into writing a book. My son told me: “Mom, go write, and don’t leave the room until you have 400 pages, like in the Harry Potter book.” I just laughed in response. But in the end that’s what happened. And since I wrote for and about my own people, my whole family was involved in the fantastic story - my grandfather, a former inventor, and my grandmother, who really wanted to look young at 78 years old. I had to rejuvenate her in the book to the age of a 9-year-old girl! It turned out very funny! Our whole family laughed at this book, then the families of our friends, even when they read the book in manuscript. And after I published this book, it was called “a book for children who do NOT read.” Because all those girls and boys who could not swing themselves into reading on their own, having picked up this book, did not let go of it until the last pages!

- How interesting! What's the secret? How did you manage to keep children interested in this story?

Firstly, I started it with simple children's dialogues that I overheard from 9-year-old boys. And the children might have thought that starting to read a thick book was not at all scary. On the contrary, it’s exciting and there’s nothing difficult about it! But despite the simple beginning of the book, I, as a teacher, crammed it with teaching and educational moments. And the children, who fell for the bait of “simplicity” and excitement, had to swallow everything useful that I conveyed to them from the pages of the book. When the children were already involved in the fantastic story, they themselves did not notice that they had moved to a more complex level of presentation and approached more serious, I would even say, philosophical things! In the book “The Secret of the Old Cave” events change very quickly - the children first find a cave with magic potions, because of this they find themselves in an adventure story. Then they discover that they accidentally took magic glasses from the cave, which eventually helped them expose the thief. They decide to return the glasses to the cave and not go there again, but circumstances develop in such a way that they return to this cave again and again. As a result, 78-year-old great-grandmother Olya was accidentally rejuvenated to the age of 9 years. And then together with her we went back in time - 100 years ago.

The fact is that the cave with magic potions, in this story, is located in Moscow in Tsaritsyno Park. It is from this park that the guys go back in time in the same place, but only 100 years ago - and discover ancient Moscow. I am very grateful to Natalya Leonova, a historian of Moscow, for helping me describe old Moscow exactly as it was in those days! And I am grateful to our illustrator Svetlana Makrushina for the beautiful and truthful images of Moscow a hundred years ago!

Oksana, you said that this was your first book, so it turns out that you returned to it and are reworking it, did I understand you correctly?

Yes, Ksenia, that’s right! 15 years have passed since the book was published. And of course, it is outdated in some ways. In addition, that was my first experience in publishing books, and it did not have good colorful drawings, and the book itself was poorly edited. Now I'm completely rewriting it. With the help of our artist, I create new illustrations, and thanks to Natalya Leonova, a new part has appeared in the book, telling readers about what Moscow was like 100 years ago and how people lived in it...

Oksana, did I hear right, you said that the book has not been republished for about 15 years? What prompted you to publish it now? Why did you suddenly take up this book now?

The fact is that this year my beloved grandmother Olya, the same one whom I rejuvenated in the book to the age of 9, passed away. She was 96 years old. She really wanted to live to be one hundred! And in the last days of her life, she was worried that as soon as she was gone, we would all immediately forget her. So, in memory of my grandmother and my grandfather, I decided to republish this book! Let them see from heaven that we remember and love them!

In general, 15 years is a long time. During this time, it turned out that in some unthinkable way I was counting information about iPhones and iPads. Because in my book they are described exactly as we see them now in reality. In the book, the main characters, using a smart device, which according to the descriptions is very similar to an iPad or iPhone, find out the weather forecast every minute, which, in principle, is quite possible in the modern world, but it was impossible for an ordinary person to do 15 years ago. Having sent my children to the City of Fantasy, I put them 15 years ago in cars that did not need to be driven - you just had to press a button and the car itself drove along a given route, overtaking other cars and turning, without driver intervention. But now, in the modern world, we are already talking about the production of such machines. And 15 years ago no one talked about this. In this book I also wrote about flying cars in the future, although today it is no longer a secret that such projects exist and are being prepared for implementation. But 15 years ago I did not know about this and could not have known. There is a lot in the book that has not yet come true, but perhaps will come true after some time.

So the book “The Secret of the Old Cave” will really be interesting to children. My readers say that it is no less fascinating than the book about Harry Potter, but it has much more benefits, and I am very grateful to them for these words! The book “The Secret of the Old Cave” will be published in March 2017.

My sons are wonderful! I love them very much! Thanks to them, I grew as a person and wrote so many books, also thanks to them. Without them nothing would have happened!

As I already said, the eldest will turn 24 one of these days. He works and continues to receive his education. He has been reading various books for a long time and with great pleasure. It amazes me that he can read two or even three books at once! Because for me it is important to concentrate on one thing.

The youngest son is now 15 years old.

Oh, this is a wonderful period of time! Just that teenage age! Tell us how it goes for you.

In fact, it's almost over already. After all, from the age of 16 the son will be considered a youth. And it went very well, despite the fact that my son, of course, showed me the typical behavior of a teenager)))) The most difficult arguments we had with him were about his haircut. The fact is that his hair is curly and grows upward. If you don't cut it for a long time, your head becomes shaggy, as if you haven't combed your hair for a year. Personally, it was inconvenient for me to go out into a decent place with such “hairiness”. This is what I tried to convey to my growing offspring - that at least for the holidays you need to get your hair cut and get yourself in order. Well, my son in response tried to convey to me that the head was his! and the hair belongs to him too! Therefore, he has every right to cut them whenever he wants! Even if this joyful moment for me happens only once a year. Well, after the haircut, of course, all the indignation about the new appearance got to me)) And now they still do)). Although, he goes to the hairdresser without me, chooses the barber himself and chooses the haircut himself. But can you imagine what it means to not have a haircut for six months, and then suddenly have your hair cut to normal length? Any length, in this case, seems very short to him, and he is terribly indignant! Having put on a hood, he walks around the house like this for a day so that no one can see his new hairstyle. After a couple of days he gets used to it and everything returns to normal. But this period, thank God, is already over for us. Since just last week my son told me that he was going to get a haircut for the New Year. This made me very happy! Of course, I supported him)))

Ksenia, you asked how my typical day goes. Do you still want an answer to this boring question?

But why boring? It’s interesting to know how a writer’s typical day differs from the typical day of those who don’t write books.

In my opinion, it’s no different, it’s just that each of us does our own thing and manages our time independently. For example, in order to write books, I have been getting up at 5 am for the past two months.

It’s so nice to meet a like-minded person, I also get up early. What benefits does waking up early give you?

ABOUT! Getting up early gives me a full two hours before getting ready for school and work for my beloved men – my husband and sons. For two whole hours no one bothers me, and during this time I manage to write about 4 pages of text! And then I have the opportunity to have breakfast for the second time with my family - my husband and children, and see them out of the house, kissing each one on the cheek and wishing them a good day. After which I return to writing the book and work in complete calm for another 2 hours. Then the city wakes up, comes to life, and from about 10 in the morning phone calls begin to be heard and emails arrive. And since I have already worked 4 hours according to the book, I have the opportunity to answer calls and letters and switch to household chores.

What about inspiration? Does it really come whenever you want? And even this early?

But let it just try not to come!))) After all, I’m already up, which means it simply has no other options!))) This is work! I have to work - and I work. Does it matter what time it is? I am a very purposeful person.

By the way, I am lucky to have people who are workaholics like myself. I have many friends who either get up at 5 am to devote themselves to what they love, or go to bed late, finishing their work. So, in fact, I have a lot of like-minded people and I am very proud of this environment!

You have already told us how your morning goes; the day, as I understand it, is spent on solving various matters, including household ones. How do evenings go in your family?

In the evenings, as a rule, I’m at home, so I greet my loved ones with a warm dinner and ask how their day went. The only inconvenience with my current work schedule is that I go to bed very early - around 9-10 pm. Although, in fact (when not writing books) I like to sit until midnight, read something, watch some good movie or TV show. This is my legal rest time. And now I really miss him!

With pleasure!

— One of the new Russian good films is “The Ivanovs.” Just watched it recently. It is about the relationship between parents and adult children. Also a very important topic in psychology!

— The film “Me Before You”, 2016 USA – also very good! It should be watched with children, I think, from about 10 years of age. Even more so with older people! It is about very correct human feelings.

In general, in our family it is customary to watch movies with the whole family on weekends. Such family viewings of good, truly worthwhile films are very useful. Through them, parents have the opportunity to talk with their children. In some cases, you don’t even need to say anything - and everything is clear! But sometimes it’s useful to discuss what you saw after finishing the film. In addition, we often express our emotions while watching. And of course, our children learn from us: they approve of some actions and take their example from them, while they remember others as meaningless or unworthy.

We have a whole video library at home with long-watched films that my children grew up with. I remember how I waited until the age of 13-14, first for my eldest son, then for my youngest, to watch the film “Schindler’s List” with them. I think everyone understands that this is a film about war, about bravery, courage, nobility, kindness, self-sacrifice for the lives of others... In general, films about war should be watched with children in order to instill in them responsibility, kindness, courage and other valuable qualities.

Your home video library may also include such old foreign films as “Roman Holiday” with Audrey Hepburn. More modern ones: the Hollywood “The Family Man”, “The Notebook” - about the importance of family life, about fidelity and true love. "The Rescuer" starring Kevin Costner.

And such domestic films as “You Never Dreamed of It,” “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears,” “Cruel Romance,” “Carnival.” Among the more modern ones: “The Barber of Siberia”, “Own Children”. These may be other films you love,

Properly organized joint viewing of films about love, friendship, and life values ​​develops in children a taste for good films, teaches them not to watch everything on TV (for example, action films with violent scenes), and also sets children the right direction in searching for real feelings and in building relationships. with the opposite sex.

Oksana, I was recently interviewed in which I talked about the secrets of planning my working day, about how to manage a large number of tasks in a day. I understand that your secret lies in your daily routine, in clear planning?

Of course, the daily routine is one of the key points! Do the math for yourself: three hours of extra time every day over 5 working days is a whopping 15 hours! But on the weekends you can then sleep off and have a good rest. Watch your favorite TV shows, read, walk with your family in the parks or go to theaters and cinemas, meet with friends. By the way, those extra 15 hours of time per week add up to 60 hours per month! So I advise everyone: if you have conceived some kind of grandiose project and you do not have enough time for it, try to get up a couple of hours earlier, and in a month you will see for yourself how much you have done and how much time you have had! I just warn you that you need to have a good rest on the weekend! And be sure to take a vacation so as not to finish yourself off with such an exhausting work schedule.

In a hard mode, it’s good to work in cycles: get up early for a month and a half, and go to bed no later than 9-10 pm - as a result, we create some kind of product. And then for a week, two, or even a whole month we get up at the usual time, living a full life in the evenings. And having rested, we again switch to an early rise.

Another key point is planning for the next day. For example, I really love colored stickers! In the evening I choose a color that matches my mood and write down my plans for tomorrow point by point on a piece of paper. And when I do them the next day, I make sure to re-read them, checking to see if I missed anything. Monitoring the implementation of your plans is very important!

I completely agree with you here. You know, there are statistics that on average people implement 20% of their plans if the plans remain in their heads, and 80% of their plans if the plans were written down on paper or in a file.

Oksana, listening to you, I understand that everyone who works on some serious project works hard and knows how to organize their work day and set priorities correctly. But I want to change our topic a little and tell you that my son and I and many other readers enjoyed reading your series of books “Once Upon a Time Seryozha.” I have already realized that you draw inspiration for your books from children – both your own and those around you. After all, your very first book, “The Secret of the Old Cave,” was written for your eldest son, and the series of books, “Once Upon a Time Seryozha,” was written for your younger son. By the way, what is his name – also Seryozha?

Seryozha is the name of my beloved brother. The youngest son has a different name, he is not a character in the book, he just became its prototype - the same fair-haired, blue-eyed and curly-haired. Indeed, initially I wrote the book “Once Upon a Time Seryozha” for him. But then I realized that it was interesting to all children of the same age and decided to publish it. Three years have passed since then, and the interest of readers in this book has not waned, on the contrary, it has increased. I have received and continue to receive many of the most wonderful reviews - they made me happy! I am very grateful to all my readers – both small and large!

Indeed, psychologists recommend starting to read with children stories about interpersonal relationships, where there is no Baba Yaga, wolf and other frightening characters. Until the age of 3, a child learns to separate reality from the fantasy world; stories about boys and girls of the same age are important to him. With the help of such stories, the child becomes socialized, he begins to understand the rules of the world around him and feelings - his own and other people.

By the way, speaking about older children: besides the book “Once Upon a Time Seryozha,” what other books do you have?

Well, first of all, there is still something for kids series entitled: “A Book about Nastya”- for children 2-3 years old. The main character of the book was a real girl, Nastya, the daughter of my close friend, with whom we have been friends for about 30 years, despite the fact that we have been living in different cities and even countries for a long time. What I mean is that you, Ksenia, said that the characters in all my books are real children. And this is true: the main characters of my books were not only my sons, but also my nephews, the children of my friends, the friends of my children and, of course, my students!

But to answer your question: I also have very good books for older children - those that sow the very seed that ultimately yields a rich harvest in the form of the spiritual development of our children.

These are books:

— “The Adventures of Club”- fantastic stories for children 4-6 years old. In fact, this is a continuation of the book about Seryozha, in which I changed the style of narration. Because it is impossible to release “Once Upon a Time Seryozha-4”, “Once Upon a Time Seryozha-5” - “Seryozha Gets Married”, “Seryozha Goes to the Army” and so on)))

- “My four-legged friend”- this book contains stories on a behavioral topic and also tells about our little brothers (for children 5-9 years old). This book is, first of all, about responsibility- a very important character trait that not all parents manage to cultivate in their children. Parents often turn to me, as a psychologist, with the question of how to instill in a child a sense of responsibility? To prevent this question from arising, read this book with your child, discuss the behavior of the main characters and jointly draw conclusions about how you will build relationships in your family.

By the way, the book “My Four-Legged Friend” was included in the short list of winners of the “Book of the Year 2015. Chosen by Children” competition. Out of 20 winners, we have 7th place!

— Book “The Land of Unreading”- will help children get inspired to read, stop confusing letters and, finally, start reading syllables.

— “A guide from teenager to adult. You and adult life. Instructions for errors"- for teenagers and their parents. This book is about the responsibility that all young people need to take in their sexual lives. The book tells parents about sex education for children. It gives teenagers a lot of important information to prevent their early initiation into sexual activity and infection with various sexually transmitted diseases.

In this book, Oksana, you raised a very serious topic. Many parents ask questions: what to tell a teenager about sex life and at what age should this be done?

Readers can find out more about this book on my website: www.stazi.ru

I will only say that this book was highly praised by the country's leading experts - doctors and psychologists. Vera Brezhneva and Elena Hanga read this book with their teenage daughters and recommend it for reading by parents and their growing children.

What other children's books can you recommend? Maybe some of your favorite books as a child?

As a child, I really loved it when my mother read poems by Agnia Barto, Chukovsky and others to me and my brother, and often asked me to read and re-read Deniska’s Stories by Dragunsky. I started visiting the library on my own at age 6 and read everything I could get my hands on. “The Little Prince”, “Tim Thaler or Sold Laughter”, “Oliver Twist”, “The Prince and the Pauper”. Later I read all the thick books by Fenimore Cooper - “The Last of the Mohicans”, etc. I really loved the “Adventure Library” series of books: “The Third Eye of Shiva”, “The Moonstone” and others.

Oksana, thank you for the brief review of your books and others that you liked as a child. Readers can learn more about your books on your author’s website. I will definitely provide a link to it at the end of the article and give links to where you can buy them on the Labyrinth and Ozone.

Finally, I would like to ask you, as a psychologist: what do you think is most important for a child’s development?

Ksenia, thank you for the interview! It was very nice to communicate with you!

I answer the last question.

The most important thing in a child’s development is to be loved in his family.! And for parents it is important to love their child so that “your mind is kind and your heart is smart” (these are the words of K. D. Ushinsky)

Understand that true love gives a child wings that allow him to grow up as a confident person, get involved in various activities, and discover his talents! Take off and fly! In the full sense, from happiness! Realize yourself in the professional sphere and in your personal life. Be happy. Love is the beginning of beginnings, the basis of everything positive.

With all my heart I wish you, Ksenia, and all our readers LOVE for your loved ones. Be loved, love yourself and find happiness!

Hi all! I often read reviews of popular children's literature on Airek. And, of course, I am a regular customer of the Labyrinth website. My daughter is almost 3 years old, we love to read. Our home library has a huge number of books. Naturally, I follow new book releases and buy almost everything. And I often “miss” the choice. Nowadays there is a huge amount of low-quality literature for children! For example, I do not share everyone’s love for “The School of the Seven Dwarfs” and many books by Olesya Zhukova.

I am a teacher by education. My specialization is foreign languages. And I am very interested in translated children's literature.

When my daughter was one year and 9 months old, I found information about Oksana Stazi on the Internet. She is a primary school teacher and psychologist. Works in Paris in a Russian-language school with bilingual children. And most of Her books are specifically for bilinguals; they are written in two languages.

So, about the book “Once Upon a Time Seryozha”. The book consists of three volumes.

The first one is stories for the little ones. Here Seryozha is 2-3 years old, it is designed for children of the same age.

Second - the baby is growing. For readers 3-4 years old.

Third - the baby has grown up. For children 4-6 years old.

My review of the first book "Stories for the Little Ones".

The main character is the boy Seryozha. He woke up, washed his face, and then he got sick, walked with his mother, played hide and seek. Each story is a small life situation that happens in the life of every child and parent.

The book has a lot of dialogues, simple sentences, but the situations are psychological. I admit, as a mother, I also learned a few necessary things for myself: a mother can get tired and sleep during the day, and the child and dad treat this with understanding. Mom can wash herself in the bathroom even though the Child wants to play.

For our family, this is a psychotherapy book. She is amazingly lively and truthful.

Now about the book itself.

At the end of each short story there is a task for the child. My daughter enjoys doing them.

The book is hardcover, the pages are very thick and large. Drawings on every page. We have been reading the book every day for two years, we have learned all the stories by heart, and the book is like new.

I bought it from the Labyrinth online store. The cost is about 300 rubles, but there are sales where you can buy for 200-250 rubles.

The book has a small circulation and can be difficult to buy. I hunted for the second volume for three months))).

Honesty check: - Guys, please raise your hands, those of you who like to argue out of nowhere about all sorts of nonsense! The first few seconds are silent. It turns out that NO ONE is arguing among those present 😀​ Then I raise my hand and honestly admit that I argued out of nowhere when I was little😉​ A forest of hands rises behind me😍 - Who do you think won, the one who was able to give in and stop arguing or the one who continues to shout in an argument? ... - To stop an argument, you need to be strong. What force do you think is meant? Physical? - Nooo! - the children exclaim. – Willpower!​ SMART GIRL!!! And so on. It’s interesting to watch the children (and also the teachers😃) during this conversation!


  • 1 month ago

Once upon a time there was Seryozha, the second book "The Baby Is Growing." For children from 3 to 4 children. 🌼🌼🌼 This book is a collection of stories written by a child psychologist, the main character of which is the boy Seryozha.🐁 The purpose of the collection is the development and education of the baby. Each story is dedicated to a specific topic that is important in the development of a child. For example, “Vegetables and fruits”🍒, “Seasons”❄, “Same and different”🎌, “Professions”📚, “Transport”🚃, etc. To organize training and education, didactic materials are placed after each story: educational exercises, poems and riddles. The book will help your child analyze his behavior and form the right relationships with parents and peers. For parents to read to children. #developing activities #developing books


  • 1 month ago

❤️ On April 2, I received a lot of love and positive impressions from my visit to the kindergarten "Bumblebee l'ecole innovante".@bumblebee_l.ecole_innovante The kids were waiting for me, getting ready - reading the books "The Adventures of Club" and "My Four-Legged Friend", drawing pictures, and They also prepared postcards and gifts for me (but more on that a little later)! The meeting was combined - 5-year-olds with first-graders, while the younger ones listened attentively and took part in the conversation along with the older ones. The club (doll) prepared riddles for them, which the guys did a great job with. By the way, it was Klubchik who helped the most shy children who could not find the strength to say their name, get acquainted and introduce themselves according to all the rules, as adults do. And what would we do without this Club (Ani Snejina 😉)? I gave the kids postcards depicting the main characters of my books (thanks to the Bilingua publishing house for this gift!), and they drew me drawings for the stories that they liked the most and made postcards with their own hands in which they wrote entire letters to me, than very much me


  • 1 month ago

In the photo: “Will you come into my arms?” - "No!" - What if we fly like airplanes? - Yes!)))) These are the children: first “no” in response, then: “Come on again!”😀 It so happened that on April 1 - April Fool's Day, my Moscow plans included a visit to children undergoing treatment at the oncology center at the Khabensky Foundation. At the entrance to the hospital I was met by Irina Deryabina (head of the Happiness Therapy program) and together we went to visit the children. Previously, in my posts about similar visits to children, I wrote that a child of any age, being in hospital conditions for a long time, he practically falls out of his CHILDHOOD life - instead of the sandbox, playing with peers in the yard, traveling, going to theaters and cinema - he finds himself in a confined space of the hospital and is FORCED to come to terms with this situation. Some children stay in the hospital for MONTHS, others for YEARS. Just think about it! Fighting an illness requires a positive attitude, plans for the future, and doing something exciting. But where can you get all this in a hospital setting? In addition, basic minutes of rest and


  • 1 month ago

✨Winner of several book competitions ("Balazhan - 2014", "Start-AP - 2014", "Golden Bear? 2015"). Recommended by psychologists and teachers for reading to children. Has recommendations from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. This book is a collection of stories for little ones, written by a psychologist and teacher. She simply and clearly tells the baby about his childhood life: about mom and dad, about games and toys, about the daily routine of a small child and about other children. The book explains complex things to a child in simple words, develops him and teaches him correct behavior. From it, your baby will receive the first information about what is good and what is bad. At the end of each story there are small tasks in which your child will be able to draw or color pictures, talk about himself, about his toys, about mom and dad and other loved ones. For reading by adults to children 2-3 years old.


  • 1 month ago


  • 1 month ago

“You can’t throw words into the wind. Every word matters,” I say and notice how he blushed slightly. Aha! So, it hit him, he finally understood what I wanted from him! I softened, decided to support him and said: “Okay, if you don’t have these books with you, then a little later you will remind me of their names, and I will find them on the Internet and look” - I said this in order to help him fulfill his promise.And then wonderful miracles began. This boy answered my next questions thoughtfully. At the end of our meeting, during the autograph signing, he came up to me and shyly, very delicately (and at first he was quite cheeky, pointedly rolled his eyes up, tried to behave familiarly) said: “Sorry, Oksana, I wanted I would like to remind you of the names of my favorite books," and repeated them to me again. I thanked him for his attentiveness and got carried away with the autographs. Gradually the queue for me cleared up, and I looked - my favorite was standing in front of me! "Excuse me, please, I thought that you probably didn’t remember the names of the books I told you. Let me dictate them to you in order to fulfill my purpose.

The library of our church received from the children's writer Oksana STAZI a series of her books “Once Upon a Time Seryozha”, “The Land of Unreading”, “My Four-Legged Friend”, “The Book about Nastya”. Priest Andrei DOROKHIN interviewed the author especially for our website.

Father Andrey: Hello, Oksana! First let me introduce you to our readers. Oksana Stasi, primary school teacher and psychologist. She is married to a French citizen and has two sons. She worked with children in early development groups, including bilingual children in a Russian school in Paris.

Oksana, I have a personal interest in what you do, that is, in children's books, because I have children myself. This is the first point. And second: one of the important areas of a priest’s work with parishioners is raising children. For example, I try to attract children to the altar. After all, what you instill in them as children will remain in them when they become adults. Childhood impressions are the most vivid. This is not only in terms of faith, but also culture in general. Your books are aimed at teaching morality. Spirituality is integral to morality, which is why your books are interesting to us. Moreover, they are built not on abstract material, but on your personal experience. Please tell us how you started writing them. Are you a professional writer?

Oksana: No, I was not a professional writer. I become one thanks to my books. I started writing the series of books “Once Upon a Time Seryozha” when my youngest son was about 2 years old. He often baffled me with his behavior. With the first child everything was somehow smooth, but this one was so demanding, it really exhausted me, and by nightfall I was already exhausted. I had to explain, explain... And I began to invent stories about him. For example, if he doesn’t want to eat or, say, go to bed, I’ll make up a story about it. This is fairytale therapy, and it turns out that it works well.

Then I noticed that stories about Seryozha had a positive effect on other children. And then the idea of ​​creating a book was born. There are no made-up stories in it, everything is taken from the childhood life of a real boy. That is why the book is liked by almost all children of the same age as the main character of the book. After all, not only Seryozha wants to stand in a puddle and splash his feet on it, not only he throws cubes from the balcony out of curiosity to find out where they went and what happened to them after the fall. Seryozha is not the only one who does not want to share his toys with other children - this is typical for all children aged 2-3 years. Therefore, the character of the book is clear to them, and they feel sympathy for him.

Now I see this from reader reviews. Many children, reading about Seryozha, say: “Mom, this is not about Seryozha, this is about me.” And some mothers, in order to get the desired action from their child, are already making up their own stories about Seryozha. If we were to collect all the stories about Seryozha now, we would see that there are so many writers already!

For example, a mother takes her child to the clinic for vaccination and says that Seryozha also went there and has already been vaccinated. Then the child takes Seryozha’s example, tries to behave correctly and allows him to be vaccinated. Another mother writes in her review: “My daughter, after reading the story about how mom locked herself in the bathroom (but there’s no need to cry, mom will wash herself and come out), she also stopped crying - they say, Seryozha doesn’t cry and I won’t, I I'll play for now." This is the positive effect stories about Seryozha have on children!

Father Andrey: Please remind me what books you already have and for what age.

Oksana: Book series “Once upon a time there was Seryozha” for children from 2 to 6 years old. "The Country of Unreading"- for children 5-7 years old and for everyone who is learning to read. This is a fairy tale about letters, it is recorded on an audio disc and voiced by Children's Radio announcers. It comes with a "reading book". On my website www.stazi.ru you can read an excerpt from the book and even listen to the beginning of the fairy tale and the Alphabet Song, which helps children remember the Russian alphabet in the right order.

Oksana: I also recently published two books: "My four-legged friend", which helps correct the behavior of children 5-9 years old, and “A book about Nastya”- for children 2-3 years old. In it, the same story is presented in two languages ​​- Russian and French, and also contains exercises for the development of logic and attention.

“Once Upon a Time Seryozha” is a trilogy. The first book is intended for children 2-3 years old, the second - for three-four year olds. The third book about Seryozha in two parts. The second part is called “Seryozha-Pochemuchka”. This is a more serious level than in previous books. It contains answers to such serious children's questions as questions about Russia, the president, etc.

Father Andrey: Is moral education alone enough, in your opinion? Or is the spiritual also necessary?

Oksana: I think it is necessary. But as you said earlier, spirituality is closely intertwined with morality. And the foundations of morality are laid in the child’s family. In my books, I teach parents to respect the feelings of a small child - to raise them in love, to feel, to understand. And I also teach the child to understand the feelings of the parents. After all, if both parties live taking into account each other’s feelings, then we can say that they respect, understand, love, and appreciate each other.

But a small child initially does not know how he himself feels and what his parents feel. Everything needs to be spoken out and explained. For example, the baby doesn’t know that mom and dad get tired sometimes too. It’s natural for him that dad and mom are always on the move: walking, doing something... The child falls asleep - mom is still awake, wakes up - mom is no longer sleeping. It doesn’t even occur to him that mom is also tired and she also needs rest. And in the book about Seryozha, the child’s attention is drawn to the feelings of the parents. At the same time, the book explains to parents the motives for the child’s behavior.

And so little by little the book teaches both children and parents to be attentive to each other - this is very important, these are the origins of morality. And then the school and the clergy should be involved in the development of moral actions in children. It’s a pity that not all parents talk to their children about God. I told my friends, especially a lot, when they developed a fear of death (usually it occurs in children at 4-5 years old).

Father Andrey: I was just about to ask about this - you talk all the time about good things, but education is built not only on good things, but on various actually experienced events. My daughter’s classmate, nine years old, died. And all the children thought that they too could die. Fear of death... How can you explain this to them? Only from a spiritual point of view...

Oksana: Yes I agree with you. Only through faith in God. I don't see any other way.

Father Andrey: Do you deliberately not show difficulties in your books? For example, a child became seriously ill... Or a bird was found dead...

Oksana: Yes, indeed, my books describe the life of a prosperous family, with good relationships and a positive way out of every situation that arises. I will try to explain why this is so. Firstly, I wrote the book with my child, and everything was fine with us, thank God. Secondly, many people are now focusing on children with special needs. But there are many different characteristics - intellectual, physical, mental, psychological. How to fit information for children with different developmental disabilities and for normally developing children into one book? This is impossible. There must be some kind of demarcation. Otherwise, it will be incomprehensible to some, and uninteresting to others, if the level of complexity of the book and exercise does not correspond to the child’s development.

For example, they asked me why you don’t have stories about dad being “Sunday.” And I answered: “Because I focused on the children of the norm.” Why should a child from a prosperous family start telling that dad can leave mom and see his beloved son only on Sundays? In my opinion, it is much more important to keep the child’s psyche normal and teach him not the difficulties of life, which may not come, but colors, counting, letters...

Look, we have almost stopped talking about the fact that a normal family consists of a father, mother, children, that normally they respect each other, do not shout, and answer questions. Normally, they enjoy spending time together.

And thirdly, why I didn’t write about difficulties and problems - it is important for a young child to see that the world around him is safe. Then he gains confidence in him and grows self-confident and independent. It is important for a child to see the norm - normal relationships between mom and dad, grandparents and other people. Having learned about the concepts of the norm, he will be guided by it and in the future build his own family in the same way.

And my other books are also about the norm: about mutual respect in the family, about understanding and how to maintain successful relationships with each other. I am not saying that a child should be isolated from difficulties or from troubles that happen in life to the people around him. Of course, he will see this and how others deal with problems is important to him. This is his preparation for adult life; already now he is gaining positive and negative experience of getting out of a problematic situation, for now from the experience of others. These situations need to be discussed. But at the same time, it is important to maintain the child’s faith that difficulties will end and prosperity will come again. Some parents intimidate their children, thereby cutting the ground from under their feet, and the children grow up scared, dependent and lacking initiative. I emphasize once again that my books instill in children the concept of normalcy.

Father Andrey: You lived in France for a long time. Do you see any differences between the upbringing of Russian and French children?

Oksana: In my opinion, in France everything is very structured, and parents are too rigid in their approach to education. It seems to me that we take into account the needs of children more, feel sorry for them more, allow them more. We also attach great importance to friendship - this is a clear difference, we teach to be friends from childhood and maintain our friendship for many years. And in French educational institutions it is customary to reorganize classes in schools and groups in kindergartens every new academic year. Thus, children are deprived of “childhood friends.” The child does not grow up with his peers from year to year. Every year, first in kindergarten and then at school, he makes new friends, with whom he breaks up again. That is, friendship does not last for years, from kindergarten or first grade of school, like with our children. This is done so that the child gets used to relying on himself, and not on a friend, so that he is more independent and independent. The French are more individualists, relying only on themselves and their own strengths.

Father Andrey: My wife and I are now using your book. In general, it’s convenient for us - we have a son, Seryozha. We tell him: “Let’s read about you.” I see that in this book you have more Russian realities. This is true?

Oksana: Yes, I wrote here, on our land. We left for France when our youngest son was 3 years old, lived there for 5 years and came to Russia.

Father Andrey: Do you think your books are intended more for family reading? That is, in a small team, where problems and situations are considered not in general, but based on the example of each individual child?

Oksana: My books can be read both at home and in kindergarten. For example, in some kindergartens, teachers read stories about Seryozha to children and even conduct classes based on this book. First of all, because these stories help develop morality in the child (according to the teachers themselves). And after each story in the book there are developmental exercises for logic and attention. I think for these two reasons, kindergarten teachers read books about Seryozha in groups and recommend them to parents for reading at home.

By the way, the psychological and pedagogical examination of the city of Moscow awarded my books the Golden and Silver Sun (you can see the logos on the covers of the books). This means books of the highest quality category.

In the same way, the book “The Land of Unreading” can be read both at home and in kindergarten. It talks about who is a literate person and an illiterate person, why it is important to be literate, why you need to be able to read. As the story progresses, unfamiliar words are explained to the children. For example, the word “horizon” appears - and immediately there is an explanation of what it is. Or “children gathered for an expedition” - what does this mean? And then comes the explanation. The fact is that I began to compose this fairy tale for my 5-year-old nephew when he was next to me. While pronouncing the words “horizon” and “expedition”, I carefully looked at his reaction and realized that he did not know the meaning of these words. I explained them to him orally and wrote them down in the book so that all children could understand them.

In the same way, all my other books can be read at home, in kindergarten, and even at school.

Father Andrey: From the point of view of a reading person, now children have begun to read less. What is our situation compared to France?

Oksana: In my opinion, we are better. In France, most children do not read books at all, but adults read as necessary if it concerns their work. I drew these conclusions from statistics announced on television while we lived in France. Comparing the literature lists that a public school in France and a Russian school give to children for the summer, I can say that our lists are more extensive.

But I judge only by the situation in which my youngest son found himself. He is now 13 years old and studies at a French school according to the state program. In response to my demand to read every day, he made a claim to me: “Mom, you know that in the whole class I’m the only one who reads books, like a fool!” In response to this, I found for him on the Internet a list of the advantages of a person who reads over a person who does not read, but watches TV, and asked him to choose from this list those statements that could become his motto, the answer to the question “why should you read books?” . The son is now in adolescence, he is dealing with the problems of leadership among his peers and establishing himself as an adult, which is probably why he chose the following statement: “People who read books will always control those who watch TV” ( F. Zhanlis). In any case, after that he stopped asking me why I demanded he read books.

The fact is that in our family there is a rule: children should read every day. I don’t remember which wise man said: “A day lived without reading a single page of a book is wasted.” I absolutely agree with this and often repeat this statement to my children.

Father Andrey: Reading is also literacy. And it is important that parents understand this. When the child grows up and understands, it will be too late. He will blame his parents for why they didn’t teach him to read. You need to get your child interested in reading. This is the problem of talented teaching materials. Can your books be considered methodological?

Oksana: For each of my books, “Once Upon a Time Seryozha,” there are also appendices for parents, which explain the behavior of children and give advice on parenting. But they have not yet been published and it is not yet known when they will be printed. So far I am using these materials in my lectures for parents.

Regarding your words that parents should teach their child to read and be able to interest him in this process, I can say that among my lectures for parents there is one on the topic “How to teach a child to read,” in which I talk about what is very It is important that parents themselves read the books, and that their children see it! It is necessary to share with children your impressions of the books you have read, and reading children’s books together with your child is even more important. Often children do not understand what they are reading, especially if they have just started reading on their own.

For example, if in a book the author’s idea is formulated too complexly and at length, or if there are unfamiliar words in the text. After all, when you don’t understand something, it immediately becomes uninteresting and the desire to read disappears. And here the parents are entrusted with an important task - to explain in time, to give the child the necessary vocabulary so that his interest in reading does not fade away. For example, my youngest son recently read the book “Two Captains” and he really liked it. But sometimes he came to me and said: “Mom, I didn’t understand anything in this paragraph,” and together we analyzed the paragraph, half a page long.

Control is also very important in teaching a child to read. Did he read today? How many pages have you read? About what? What did you like? Again I give an example from my life. My son has a standard of how many pages he needs to read per day (it varies depending on how busy he is at sports practice and time spent on homework). We decide together how many pages a day he needs to read. After he has read, he comes to me and tells me how many pages he has read. I take a book and leaf through it, ask questions, but not like in a lesson at school, but simply wondering: what was said here? What did the character do? After all, I'm interested too. Sometimes our conversation about what we read turns into a joke. Sometimes my son enthusiastically shares what he read and asks questions. Control over what you read should not be boring, it is your common cause, common empathy for the main character of the book, sincere interest in what the child is doing, what he is reading, what he thinks about it.

In addition, reading together is an opportunity to learn more about your child’s life, especially if he has not yet left primary school age. For example, when I read to my son and nephew (they are the same age), our time together with the book lasted about an hour and a half, although the reading itself took no more than 20 minutes. The rest of the time was spent talking. For example, I read to the children about how the main character had a fight with his friend, this immediately evoked personal memories in them, which they began to share with me in turn. I learned a lot from them about their lives, perhaps I would never have known about it if not for a book that described a similar incident. Therefore, I am absolutely sure that reading together brings parents and children closer together.

: So, while reading, my son and nephew blurted out all their secrets to me - which boy said what, where they went, where they buried what, etc. (Laughs.)

Father Andrey: Many families believe that it is necessary to give the child a good education, that he should know languages. Your son is bilingual ( Oksana: It’s already three...) Doesn’t this bother him?

Oksana: No, it doesn’t interfere, on the contrary, he is very happy. After all, this gives him the opportunity to feel confident in any country - to convey his thoughts to his interlocutor and find out any necessary information. In fact, learning foreign languages ​​has a beneficial effect on the intellectual development of children. At an early age, a child masters different languages ​​well; this is a sensitive period for speech development. Learning a foreign language occurs naturally, through play. And already at an older age you have to learn and cram new words. But bilingual children also don’t learn a second language so easily. Imagine what a huge amount of information a small child receives in one language, while bilingual children immediately receive it in two! This is a big load. Sometimes a child understands, but cannot speak, cannot express his thoughts, does not want to go to kindergarten because they speak a foreign language. And some parents at this time begin to teach their child a third language. I am categorically against this! This is a psychological overload for a little person.

Recently I maintained my Internet page in the “Game Workshop” on the “Native Path” website, answering questions from readers. One mother wrote to me: “We move often, the child is 4 years old, we have visited five countries. As a result, the child can speak all five languages, but poorly, and has forgotten his native language.” Just imagine how this baby feels if he cannot understand books, cartoons, parents, or friends in any of the five languages! This is a disability! After all, every person needs to master at least one language perfectly to be happy! And when there are many languages ​​in early childhood, but one, the native one, is not preserved, then how to live further? Often, parents, in the pursuit of knowledge for their child, forget that, first of all, he should be healthy and happy. And only on the basis of this various knowledge is acquired. Otherwise, why are they needed?

If a child was born in a family where the mother speaks one language and the father speaks another, then he is obliged to understand both languages ​​in order to live in a full-fledged family, to understand both mother and father. This is how the Lord ordered it, so it must be so... But in this case, you should not impose a third language on the child too early. It can be studied later, when the child has mastered the first two, native ones, well. If a child grows up in a family where the father speaks one language, the mother speaks another, and the parents communicate with each other in a third, then the father must address the child only in his own language, the mother also only in hers, and the child does not learn a third language, but just hears. The time will come, and he will teach him like a foreigner. But that will happen later, when he becomes psychologically stronger.

For example, in our family, my husband spoke French to his son, I spoke Russian. My husband and I spoke English among ourselves, but our son was not forced to learn English and was not specifically taught this. One day I say to my husband, meaning my son: “it’s time to go to bed.” And our three-year-old son suddenly answers me in Russian: “Mom, I don’t want to sleep yet.” I was surprised: “Did you understand what I said?” He: “No, I don’t understand. But I don’t want to sleep!” You see how interesting it is: the child received knowledge intuitively. He was not overburdened with learning a third language at an early age, but he heard it and developed an aptitude for languages. He started learning English at school at the age of 6 and mastered it very quickly. Now he speaks it as if it were another native language.

This is surprising to me too. I didn’t know that the ability to master foreign languages, developed at an early age, has such a good effect on the development of other languages ​​in the future. (By the way, my son started learning German at school last year and is also quickly mastering it.) But it is important to remember that everything has its time, there is no need to impose anything, and in no case should you overload the child with various knowledge. He should have had a normal childhood in which play plays a central role. And of course, a lot depends on the parents themselves. They should also strive for knowledge and speak different languages ​​if they teach this to a child.

Father Andrey: It’s like with faith - it’s impossible to join faith if you don’t believe it yourself. It is impossible to teach a language if you don’t know it yourself.

Oksana: And morality cannot be taught if you yourself do not follow the rules established by society. For example, in front of your own children, you ride like a hare on the bus, and in words you tell them how important it is to be honest.

Father Andrey: How are things going with faith in your family? After all, your spouse is Catholic? How do you divide between an Orthodox church and a church?

Oksana: My husband’s mother is a believer; it is very important for her that her children and grandchildren believe in God and live according to His commandments. My husband and youngest son are Catholics; they go to church for Sunday sermons, although not every Sunday. And visiting the church on major holidays is a must for the entire French family. So, for example, on Christmas Day, before sitting down to the festive table, the entire French family first goes to the Catholic Church, and only then can they sit down to the table.

My eldest son and I are Orthodox, we go to the Orthodox Church. Our family celebrates Christmas and Easter twice - first with the French family, and then in Russian, with a visit to the Orthodox church. That's how the children were taught. For example, according to French traditions, Easter eggs are chocolate, and they are hidden, and then found and eaten. The kids really like it. But they also like to follow our traditions - coloring eggs for Easter, and then cracking them, testing their strength.

The eldest son grew up entirely in Orthodox traditions. But the younger one grew up learning the traditions of both faiths. When he was little, I read him Orthodox books about the lives of saints - about Nicholas the Wonderworker, about Seraphim of Sarov. Then he was so impressed by these stories that he wanted to go live as a hermit in a cell to constantly pray to God... He then saved up money to buy icons with his own. Now these icons are in his closet. He almost never turns to them, only in the most difficult moments. But I’m sure when he grows up, he’ll definitely return to them...

Father Andrey: After talking with you, I came to the conclusion that children's books should be written by those who are parents themselves, who know children not theoretically and have positive experience in raising them. Otherwise there is no trust.

Oksana: Yes, you are right, I transferred my personal positive experience in raising children into my books. But they are now setting the right example for many children and parents. After all, we must strive for good!

I also have more serious stories for children. So far I have not published them, especially those related to faith. Of course, I had to explain questions of faith to my children, but I grew up in the Soviet Union, when everyone around me was an atheist or pretended to be one. So, for example, my parents baptized me secretly from everyone; for this they took me to Belarus. Nobody taught me to believe in God; there were no conversations on the topic of faith at all in my childhood and youth. Where I grew up, there were no churches in the area. Therefore, I understand that I have many gaps in matters of faith and writing to children about faith in God is not within my competence. Before writing on such an important topic, you first need to gain some knowledge. And I understood a lot about faith intuitively.

Father Andrey: And regarding issues of upbringing, do you have any education or just personal experience?

Oksana: Of course, there is a special education: the first is a primary school teacher, the second is a psychologist. I graduated from the Moscow Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy with honors. I really wanted to study! I received correspondence education while living in Paris, flying to Moscow for sessions, and was very happy that I had the opportunity to gain knowledge!

Father Andrey: Does education help you?

Oksana: Very! For example, the book “Once Upon a Time Seryozha” was written before I received a psychological education. At that time I only had a pedagogical degree. And I constantly felt the need for new knowledge, I knew that my books really needed it. Having received a psychological education, I rewrote the book about Seryozha. Now I'm happy with it. And I am very proud that the respected members of the psychological and pedagogical examination were also satisfied with my books!

Father Andrey: Thank you very much for the interview, Oksana! We hope that your books will be interesting and useful to our parishioners! God bless you and your loved ones!

Interview recorded by Elena TULISOVA

Books for home activities with children by Oksana Stazi: A new series of wonderful books on speech development and familiarization with the world around us has been published for the little ones - children from 2 years old. Books can be used both to develop a child’s speech in their native language and for bilingual children.

Details about the books and their fragments for reading to children at home are in this article.

Books for home activities with kids

from two years Oksana Stazi

Dear friends! Today in this article I want to introduce you all to a new series of books for children by one of our authors of the Game Workshop “Through play - to success!” — Oksana Stasi. Oksana's books are always loved by children and adults, they are colorful and interesting. They teach not only kids, but also us adults, how to communicate with children.

Many readers of “Native Path” know Oksana well and met her at our Games Workshop in the spring of 2015. Or even participated in it. For those who were not at our Games Workshop and did not meet Oksana, I will tell you a little about her.

About the author: Oksana Stazi. Let's get to know each other

Oksana Stasi -

  • Primary school teacher, psychologist.
  • Worked in a Russian school in Paris with bilingual children of different ages, as well as in early childhood development groups.
  • Author of books to familiarize the youngest children with the world around them. Oksana’s books work on the principle of fairy tale therapy and psychotherapy, they relieve many fears and anxieties in children, and provide parents with many tips. The author's books have successfully passed a psychological and pedagogical examination and are recommended by psychologists and teachers for parents to read to their children. In this regard, specialists assigned them the “Golden Sun” and “Silver Sun” logos (books of the highest quality category).
  • Winner of the Start Up Award(April 2014).
  • Oksana's books are approved by the expert council on education and socialization of children FIRO and are recommended for use in additional education of children.

In the spring of 2015, at the Games Workshop, we became acquainted with Oksana’s books “Once Upon a Time Seryozha”. All three parts of this series have now been released in full. These are wonderful aids for developing children's speech, introducing children at home to the world around them, and for the social development of the youngest children - from two years old and older.

And now a new series of books for two-year-old children has been published called “The Book about Nastya.” I'll tell you more about this new series. The books “Once Upon a Time Seryozha” were loved by many parents and children, we hope that the series about Nastya will also become loved by children.

A book about Nastya: a new series of books for children 2 years old

The books in the “Book about Nastya” series are books for children aged two years and older. They can be used by both parents of children from Russia and parents of bilingual children, since the book contains two languages ​​- Russian and French.

There are FOUR books in the series of books for kids: links to the Labyrinth (below in this section of the page there are fragments from these books for downloading and practicing with children at home)

Note: Book in the Labyrinth "Nastya and toys" may not appear in a search by author or in a search by series due to a technical error. Use the order link given above.

The books do not duplicate the content of the previous series for children, “Once Upon a Time There Was Seryozha,” but complement it.

All stories in children's books were written by Oksana from observations of her own children, therefore they are easily accepted by babies. The stories are very simple, but imbued with parental wisdom. They show great love for children and knowledge of child psychology. Situations from stories are situations that occur in the everyday life of any child, which is why the child recognizes himself in them and listens to them with pleasure.

Bright realistic pictures from books created specifically so that they meet all the requirements for pictures for little ones and they can look at the details on them and name them.

Stories from the series of books by Oksana Stazi “Once upon a time Seryozhka” and “The Book about Nastya” allow the child to get acquainted with the world around him, with the world of human relationships.

Fragments from books about Nastya and pages for activities with children aged two years and older

All fragments of the books in the “Book about Nastya” series are published in this article with the permission of the author - Oksana Stazi - and the Bilingua publishing house, which publishes these books (the Bilingua publishing house is the sponsor of our Internet Workshop of educational games project “Through the game - to success! "). This is Oksana’s gift to the readers of “Native Path”.

Examples of pages from books about Nastya

Here, as an example, I will show several pages from a series of books about Nastya.

Page 1. Social development. Let's play together: girls and boys.

The girl came to visit the boy. She doesn't know how to play with cars, but she has a doll. How can children play together? The story “Playing Cars” will help you tell about this.

Page 2. Social development: let's play together. Playing with dolls.

Two-year-old children will learn from the story how they can play with dolls together, and together with their mothers they can carefully look at the bright pictures from the book and name the objects in the picture.

Page 3. Introducing the baby to the parts of the face

Children make a snowman, make his mouth, eyes, nose - a carrot. You can immediately study parts of the face. Children two years old will be happy to show parts of the face on a snowman, on themselves, looking in the mirror with their mother, on a doll.

Page 4. Independent child: what can I do?

Page 5. Independent child: raising a child to be hardworking

Page 6. Example of a task for kids from the book

Of course, these are just fragments from books as examples. The full version of the books is available view and purchase in the Labyrinth store - they are published in small editions and therefore can only be purchased to order.

How to order “Books about Nastya” and the series “Once Upon a Time Seryozha”:

— Going to the book page, either click on the “order” button, or if the book is not available, then click on the “postpone” button,

— As soon as the books arrive, you will receive a message about this by email. And you can get them from the Labyrinth. Books are sent both throughout Russia and to foreign countries.

I wish everyone a pleasant meeting with the new heroes of Oksana Stazi! And with her wonderful books for kids and parents.


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