Miroslava Duma is a social diva, fashion critic and columnist.

UPD: “Miroslava Duma was fired from her own magazine for quoting Kanye on an invitation to a fashion show, which she published in stories. Hundreds of thousands of people have been harassing her non-stop on Instagram for several hours in a row. Although the story was deleted and Miroslava apologized. But who cares about that!” - wrote Alena Vladimirskaya.

Yesterday for all fashion publications, it girls, fashion bloggers and another 1.6 million readers of the profile of Buro 24/7 founder Miroslava Duma began with viewing a photograph of her invitation to the next show as part of Paris Fashion Week, organized by Mira’s beloved friend Ulyana Sergeenko. Everything would be fine if this “entrance ticket” to the front row of the presentation of the new collection Ulyana Sergeenko Hive was not signed in his own hand with the words from the famous song by Kanye West and Jay-Z: “ To my niggas in Paris."

One of the first to react to this post was Naomi Campbell: “Seriously?! Why did you: a) write this; b) published it... It would be better if it weren’t true. Is anyone else going to attend her show tomorrow?”

There was silence... The calm before the storm... And the entire press was waiting for what would happen next. And then the PR company that works for Ulyana Sergeenko and is headed by PR guru Karl Otto is preparing an official apology from the Russian designer.

As soon as possible, it was published on Ulyana’s personal page: “I woke up this morning and saw on my phone a lot of offensive messages: “You deserve the worst in this life,” “Die, you white trash...” and so on. I was born in a small town in eastern Kazakhstan, my daughter is half Armenian, I have never divided people into white and black!

Kanye West is one of my favorite musicians and his song Niggas in Paris is one of my favorites. And yes, sometimes we call each other the N-word when we want to believe that we are as cool as these guys who sing that song. I deeply apologize to all those whom I may have offended. Mira is my close friend, and the fact that she thoughtlessly and naively published on a social network my personally signed invitation, created only for her, can only mean one thing: under these words we did not mean anything wrong and did not realize what the consequences would be after this. I learned this lesson and am grateful for it. There's enough evil in the world, please let's stop it all."

It is interesting that, apart from discussions on social networks and a short news story on the Teen Vogue website, no one else wrote about the scandalous mistake on the part of Russian celebrities. The show was not as loud as expected, and among the guests were only representatives of the designer’s home country. Even her friend Natalya Vodianova did not please Ulyana with her presence. Miroslava Duma was not seen in the front row of the show, just as a post-apology from her was not published for a long time. Only later in the evening did the founder of Buro 24/7 try to explain her attitude towards racism: “I sincerely apologize for what I posted on my Instagram page. This word is very offensive, and I really, really regret that I wrote all this.” In the screenshot apology, Duma also mentions his companies and organizations to save their reputation for the future. However, as it became known, Miroslava has already been expelled from the board of directorschildren's store The Tot, which she launched together with her friend Nasiba Adilova.

In addition, an archived video has appeared on the Internet, which was filmed during the Duma’s presentation of its digital project Buro 24/7. In it, one of the journalists asks Mira a question about her attitude towards such representatives of the fashion world as Andrea Pejic. “To be honest, I don’t feel good about it. Somewhere in a magazine or on TV, a little boy might see it and misunderstand it. React incorrectly. I believe that some kind of censorship and culture should be present in this world. There is such a strange man named

It is interesting that the international press, having forgotten about the main “culprit” of the problem, Ulyana Sergeenko (thanks to Karla Otto), turned all its attention to Miroslava. One of the magazines translated the archived video into English and released it on social networks. The above @bryanboy managed to repost the video on his page with an open desire to draw attention to Miroslava Duma, and his fans launched the hashtag #unfollowmiraduma.

As for Kim Kardashian, after taking the trouble to write her name in the search engine of a famous site, readers are invited to plunge into 296 publications dedicated to the “wonderful” celebrity, which they promised not to write about.

Miroslava Duma - clothing style. She is the daughter of the famous politician Vasily Duma and the most recognized and public fashion consultant, entrepreneur, independent fashion journalist, founder of the fashion portal “Buro 24/7”.

She worked for the famous magazine “Harper's Bazaar” and is also actively developing charity work.

She is widely discussed in fashion circles and is among those who know a lot about fashion. She is adored by all the most fashionable photographers in the world.

Miroslava always looks stylish, bright, harmonious and extraordinary, extravagant and feminine, she easily manages to combine incongruous things.

Miroslava Duma - fashion expert

Miroslava Duma is a fashion expert all over the world, one might say a style icon of Russian fashion, since she is a clear confirmation of the fact that a man has made himself. Miroslava began her career in journalism, then worked for Harper's Bazaar magazine. At first she filmed, was a stylist and producer, then wrote news articles about fashion in other world-famous publications, and later created her own fashion Internet portal.

Thanks to her innate sense of style, extraordinary talent and her experiments in fashion, she can turn any thing into something bright and creative, for which she has gained the love of her many fans. Petite, sweet and gentle, she is the most welcome guest at fashion shows, social and social events.

Miroslava Duma - style

Miroslava Duma characterizes her style as rebellious, experimental, young, bold and innovative, but gradually turning into classics. In her fashion looks, she likes to use a combination of bright prints, shifting proportions, creative elements, asymmetrical geometry and futuristic silhouettes. The main feature of Miroslava’s style is the complete absence of flat-soled shoes.

The girl is petite in height, only 154 centimeters, so it’s hard to imagine her without heels. Miroslava is a girl whose style and fashionable images are followed and tried to be imitated by more than 1 million subscribers on Instagram.

Miroslava Duma's bright clothing style is very diverse; her outfits express not only fashion trends, but also creative individuality and a unique individual style. Lightness and naturalness, femininity and creativity, she knows how to mix different styles and look chic at the same time, ranging from a practical sport-chic style to an elegant classic.

She also knows how to combine clothes from inexpensive brands with luxury clothes, thereby skillfully emphasizing all her advantages and remaining stylish and unpretentious.

Images of Miroslava Duma

Miroslava Duma's looks are replete with details and accessories. Miroslava loves to use knitted hats in her looks and carefully selects them to match her outfits. He is very careful with all kinds of accessories, be it rings, earrings, brooches or handbags. The girl loves high heels, believing that they add subtlety and grace to her image.

A favorite element of her wardrobe is an oversized coat, which immediately feels cozy and comfortable. The fashionista loves to amaze the public and inspire and arouse admiration. She transforms modern fashion, trying to bring a touch of positivity, because she is doing what she loves, which gives her great pleasure.

Miroslava Duma is a young Russian entrepreneur who is developing her own project in the world of international fashion. She is the founder of the Internet company Buro 24/7, which has an audience around the world. In 2018, Miroslava’s name appeared in a loud scandal, after which she was accused by the Western public of racism along with her friend.

Miroslava was born in the Siberian city of Surgut on March 10, 1985 in the family of Vasily Duma, who later became a politician and businessman. Soon the family moved to the capital of Russia. The girl, whom relatives and friends call Mirra, grew up in love, but at the same time received a strict upbringing, including bans on visiting nightclubs and walking after 9 pm.

After school, where Miroslava Duma showed serious abilities in the humanities, the girl entered a prestigious university in the country - the Moscow State Institute of International Relations and received a specialty in economics and a master's degree in international business and business administration.

The young graduate began a career in journalism. The girl was appointed project manager at Harper's Bazaar magazine, and she was involved in major shootings, acting simultaneously as a stylist, producer and art director. Later, Duma, as a freelance correspondent, wrote articles for Russian versions of publications: Vogue, Glamour, Forbes Woman and others.


Miroslava Duma first became known among fashion fans after she appeared as a model on Scott Schuman's popular blog The Sartorialist. In 2011, Miroslava Duma was appointed to the post of creative fashion editor of the Russian publication OK! In the magazine, Miroslava wrote a personal column dedicated to events in the social sphere, fashion and culture.

In the same year, she creates her own official Internet site, Buro 24/7, which is a portal about new products in the fields of art: architecture, cinema, music, and so on. But the dominant role for Miroslava, of course, is played by fashion and fashion style.

Today, the Duma project is in demand in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan and is popular among residents of India, Australia, Mexico, the Middle East and other countries. Miroslava decided not to publish a paper version of the magazine, but opened two other offline Buro projects: the Buro Beauty salon and the Buro Canteen cafe.

Miroslava in the West is considered the “queen” of Russian fashion and, since 2013, has regularly been included in the list of people shaping the global fashion industry. Duma is the owner of an extensive wardrobe. It’s interesting that due to her petite build, which earned her another nickname, “Russian Thumbelina,” the young woman has to customize 90% of her purchased items. Miroslava's height is 154 cm and her weight is 50 kg.

In 2013, Glamor magazine named Miroslava Woman of the Year. Then she was included in the BoF 500 list.

Personal life

At the age of 19, while still a student at MGIMO, Miroslava Duma met a young man named Alexey Mikheev. A year later they got married and began an independent life. Now Mirra’s husband is also a businessman.

It is interesting that young people, in order to be together more often, set up one office for two. Each of the spouses contributed something different to the design of the room, so along with beautiful elements, the office is also decorated with a glove, since Miroslava Duma’s husband is a boxing fan.

Miroslava and Alexey have two children. Son Georgy was born in 2010, and sister Anna four years later. It is noteworthy that the parents of Gosha and Anya believe that publicity is of no use to young children, so most often fans see photographs of the children of Duma and Mikheev only from the back.

August 1, 2017 Miroslava Duma. An expert in the fashion world gave birth to a daughter. The birth of the baby took place in Switzerland. Designer daughter Diana.

Miroslava Duma is a philanthropist. She founded the charitable cultural foundation “Planet of Peace,” which helps children in need of urgent medical intervention and supports exhibitions, theatrical performances and concerts in which gifted teenagers from large families and orphanages participate. In addition, Mirra is developing a charitable organization of excursions for elderly residents of Moscow and the Moscow region.

The Duma has an officially verified " Instagram" The girl shares photos from events and private snapshots with fans.

Evil tongues sometimes say that Mirra made a career thanks to her father and husband, but experts vying with each other to admire the unique images the fashion designer creates. Because taste is either there or not.

Miroslava Duma is a welcome guest at shows and parties. Every year, in the Hall of Columns, a debutante ball is held - girls from famous families. Mirra has attended the Tatler ball more than once, which indicates the high status of women in the fashion world.

Miroslava Duma now

In March 2018, one portal wrote that Miroslava Duma said goodbye to the fashion world. At the beginning of 2017, the fashion diva stepped away from managing Buro 24/7 and turned her attention to new tasks. She began developing FTL, Future Tech Lab.

At the same time, the Duma sold shares of the company and left the shareholders. The process of formalizing the agreements has now been completed. Now Miroslava’s work is not connected with Buro 24/7.


The biography of the public designer was not without conflicts.

In January 2018, a scandal broke out on the Internet involving Miroslava Duma and a friend of fashion consultant Ulyana Sergeenko.

It all started when Sergeenko sent Mirra an invitation to her fashion show. Duma took a photo of the card and posted it on Instagram. The inscription on the invitation read: "To my niggas in Paris". The picture hung on the designer’s microblog for almost a day, until the frame was noticed by photographer Adam Katz Sinding. He reposted Miroslava’s photo and left an indignant comment.

After this, Harperʼs Bazaar, LʼOfficiel, Fashionista, Refinery 29 and other publications responded to the couturier’s invitation from Russia.

Sergeenko and the Duma immediately apologized. The girls wrote that they don’t divide people into “white” and “black,” and the words in the note refer to the song “Niggas in Paris,” which they love.

However, the consequences of the conflict were not long in coming. On social networks, Duma and Sergeenko were attacked with accusations of racism, the supermodel reacted negatively to the publication, and Miroslava was expelled from the board of directors of the children's online store The Tot, of which she was the founder.

Then the social diva was reminded of her past sins.

In 2012, Miroslava, at a speech about fashion, said that Buro 24/7 would not feature transgender models or men dressing in women's clothing. Then she said that she was worried about the face of the project, and therefore no articles about it would be posted on the site.

After this, the woman was accused of transphobia and hypocrisy. Currently, Buro 24/7 contains 300 articles mentioning the name of socialite Kim Kardashian.

Then they remembered another story with Miroslava Duma. In 2014, photographs appeared on Buro 24/7: a girl was sitting on an art chair in the form of a dark-skinned woman. The Western press was haunted by this shooting.

Miroslava Duma is a journalist and fashion connoisseur with a very solid reputation. She is the special projects editor for Harper's Bazaar, a feature writer and an international fashion columnist. And this is not the entire list of the Duma’s fruitful activities. She works very hard and travels constantly. He has his own fund to help people called “Planet of Peace”.

The girl is always in the front row of the most significant shows. At her very young age, Miroslava became an iconic figure for the Russian press. Her “Thumbelina” style image captivates many. Miroslava's height is 154 cm and her weight is only 48 kg.

Miroslava was born in 1983 on March 10 in Moscow. A girl with brown eyes and dark hair. Duma always dresses beautifully and very fashionably, according to the latest trends, although her images are not individual. The girl knows a lot about fashion and always gives advice on the latest trends. Miroslava Duma has been fascinated by fashion since her school days, but her weight and height did not fit the model’s parameters. With such parameters, it is impossible to pass the casting even for magazine covers. But her figure is often noticeable in glossy magazines and the tabloid press. This once again confirms the great interest of society in this girl.

Miroslava’s shoes and outerwear attract a lot of attention. Duma's height allows her to wear high-heeled and platform shoes. The young celebrity's wardrobe contains a huge amount of all kinds of shoes.

The magazine “Gossip” repeatedly writes articles about the images of a miniature girl. Many people wonder how Miroslava manages to maintain her figure. There is no clear answer. In one interview, she admits that she has very narrow shoulders. Most likely, her slimness is due to such a constitution. This is the height and weight of Miroslava Duma.

based on materials from the site http://mur-glamur.ru/

Miroslava Duma is a girl who can often be seen at fashion designer shows, her opinion in the field of fashion and beauty is listened to, and this girl’s sense of style is recognized as a reference. Miroslava's outfits are always the center of attention. And no matter what she wears, everything looks fashionable and impeccable.

  • Real name: Miroslava Vasilievna Duma
  • Date of birth: 03/10/1985
  • Zodiac sign: Pisces
  • Height: 154 centimeters
  • Weight: 50 kilograms
  • Waist and hips: 55 and 80 centimeters
  • Shoe size: 36 (EUR)
  • Eye and hair color: Brown, brunette.

In the Eastern Siberian city of Surgut, on March 10, 1985, Miroslava Duma was born, whose biography began in the same way as many children. She studied diligently at school, but the exact sciences were not as easy for her as the humanities. She read a lot, wrote essays with ease, and was interested in history and social sciences. Already in her school years, Mira was interested in fashion. This hobby was passed on to her daughter from her mother, Galina, who sewed fashionable clothes herself, so even in her school years, the future top model was dressed not in Soviet mass-produced outfits, but in beautiful clothes. Her father was a politician and held important positions in the regional administration.

In 1991, Miroslava Duma’s parents decide to move to Moscow, where the girl later enters MGIMO at the prestigious Faculty of Journalism and completes her master’s degree in International Business and Management. As a student, the girl was always the center of attention, and her inimitable outfits delighted everyone. It was then that it finally became clear that the girl would devote herself to the world of fashion.

Work and creative projects

After graduation, the girl begins working at Harper’s Bazaar magazine, where she runs a column and also promotes creative projects, acting as a creative director, stylist and producer. In addition, she collaborates with many world publishing houses, talking about the world of fashion.

A special place in Miroslava Duma’s activities is occupied by “Family Values,” a project in which she talked about families whose relationships have stood the test of time.

Since 2011, the model has been working with OK! magazine, and later launches an independent project: the Buro24/7 website, which has become popular in Russia, near and far abroad. For the last few years, Miroslava has held the position of Digital Media Director at the Moscow TSUM department store, representing it on social networks.

Miroslava Duma is the organizer of charity projects whose goal is to help those in need. So, in 2007, she co-founded the Planet of Peace Foundation. By organizing exhibitions, staging performances, and promoting literary, theatrical and artistic projects, this foundation funds the education and treatment of those in need. The “Health” project, developed by the foundation, transfers money to orphans and sick people from low-income families.

Fashion and style star

Wherever Miroslava appears, she does not go unnoticed. The girl always has a keen sense of style; her outfits not only express fashion trends, but also represent her creative individuality.

There is no monotony in Miroslava’s clothes: either she is seen in classic outfits, complemented by unique details, or in light-cut sportswear. But it is always an original performance, unique and unusual. Each outfit of Miroslava is a vivid manifestation of creative thinking.

A special place in the wardrobe is occupied by a variety of knitted hats, which Miroslava successfully matches with her outfits so that they become an integral part of the image.

The girl introduced the fashion for sports shoes, making them a worthy extension of her outfits. But high-heeled shoes are also represented in her wardrobe.

The girl has her own jewelry for each item: from small brooches to large earrings and voluminous rings. Even a seemingly simple hair decoration would look amazing on Miroslav.

There was no outfit in which Miroslava would look ridiculous. Everything she wears only emphasizes her petiteness and femininity. Maybe that’s why everyone talks about her impeccable style and delicate taste and admires Miroslava Duma. She is always a welcome guest at fashion shows, social gatherings and social events.

Personal life

In 2005, immediately after graduating from the institute, Miroslava Duma, whose personal life always remains somewhat in the shadows, married Alexei Mikheev. At the moment, Miroslava’s husband is an official of one of the institutions, so he does not like to be in public and does not share the publicity of his wife. He prefers to spend time in his country house, away from the prying eyes of the paparazzi.

Miroslava and Alexey have three beautiful children: son Georgy and daughters Anna and Diana. Despite their busy lives, parents pay great attention to raising their children.