The New Year's party will be held at the Pushkin Museum. Reviews about: Family New Year and Christmas balls in an old Russian estate (State Museum of A.S.

New Year tree at the Pushkin Museum 2018-2019 is an unforgettable theatrical holiday that will introduce children and adults to the culture of Pushkin’s time and become a journey into the world of Pushkin’s fairy tales, ancient folk epics and Slavic mythology.

According to tradition, a real fluffy Christmas tree will be installed in the center of the large hall, around which Santa Claus will conduct a ceremonial round dance. The Christmas tree in the Pushkin Museum for children is not only the usual New Year's pranks and surprises. The staff of the Pushkin Museum have prepared a unique program for their guests that will be of interest to both children and their parents.

At the New Year's performance at the Pushkin Museum, you will be able to take part in an interactive game dedicated to the characters of Pushkin's fairy tales and learn how to dance ancient dances. Adults will be invited to play 19th-century parlor games, taste mead and dance a minuet. And of course, the holiday will end with a big ball, in which the heroes of the New Year's performance will take part along with the guests.

You have a unique opportunity to travel back in time on the New Year's tree. Tickets to this amazing performance will give you and your child an unforgettable experience of immersing yourself in the Pushkin era, will be a meeting with the heroes of the wonderful fairy tales of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, and will allow adults to feel like guests at a high society reception.

With the help of our agency, you can now purchase tickets for the Christmas tree at the Pushkin Museum 2018 and attend a unique New Year’s performance with your children.

New Year tree in the Pushkin Museum is an unforgettable theatrical holiday that will introduce children and adults to the culture of Pushkin’s time and become a journey into the world of Pushkin’s fairy tales, ancient folk epics and Slavic mythology. According to tradition, a real fluffy Christmas tree will be installed in the center of the large hall, around which Santa Claus will conduct a ceremonial round dance.

Christmas tree in the Pushkin Museum- one of the most unusual New Year's performances. There you will be able to feel like a participant in a solemn social reception from the time of Alexander Sergeevich and for one evening plunge into the realities of the 19th century. Adult visitors to the New Year's holiday will be able to take part in ancient parlor games, taste real mead, maintain a high-society conversation and dance a minuet.

But, of course, the New Year tree will first of all become a unique holiday for young visitors to the Pushkin Museum. A unique interactive program has been prepared for them, dedicated to the characters of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin’s fairy tales and including training in ancient

Dances of the Pushkin era. The continuation of the festive evening will be a musical performance based on the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” by Pyotr Ershov.

And finally tickets for the Christmas tree at the Pushkin Museum will allow you to attend a real ball, which will take place in the large hall of a wonderful mansion on Prechistenka. This ancient Russian estate at the beginning of the 19th century belonged to the Khrushchev-Seleznevs, who gathered all the Moscow nobility for magnificent balls and receptions. And although there is no exact information about Pushkin’s visit to this house, it can be assumed that the poet visited the hospitable house on Prechistenka.

The final chord of the New Year's evening will be a fancy dress competition and the presentation of long-awaited gifts by Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. Tickets for the New Year Tree at the Pushkin Museum will make a wonderful gift for children aged 5 to 10 years. The performance at the Pushkin Museum is designed specifically for spectators of this age. You can purchase tickets for this unique festive evening right now on the website of the TicketService company.

One of the most prestigious and grandiose holidays in Moscow is held in the museum of the famous poet. For many, the symbol of Christmas is the New Year tree in the Pushkin Museum. We present you with the opportunity to combine business with pleasure. The organizers begin their work long before the event so that the performance leaves an indelible mark on the memory. The holiday is divided into three stages:

  • Excursion.
  • Theatrical production of a fairy tale.
  • Competitions and entertainment program.

The New Year tree in the Pushkin Museum will be interesting for everyone, and the price will allow anyone to attend the holiday.

Progress of the performance in the museum

After the tour, there will be a quiz for everyone, which has impressed visitors for many years. It will contain both interesting riddles for children and facts from Pushkin’s life for the older generation. Immersion in the world of a fairy tale at the performance itself fills everyone present with positive emotions. At the end of the most solemn part, the organizers prepared entertaining competitions for everyone:

  • Round dances, songs and riddles for children.
  • Mead, minuet and quizzes for adults.
  • An evening ball that will not leave anyone indifferent.

As a result, a wonderful holiday in the old style, which will undoubtedly make you want to visit this event again. This opportunity presents itself to Moscow residents every year.

We are waiting for everyone at the Pushkin Museum

The New Year tree in the Pushkin Museum creates the atmosphere of Christmas, as well as the spirit of ancient social events, the culture and history of the country, and Slavic epics. As is customary on such a day, an elegant, delightful Christmas tree will be placed in the middle of the hall, around which children and adults will dance in a circle. Adults will have the opportunity, if they wish, to play parlor games from the 19th century. The New Year tree at the Pushkin Museum provides the opportunity to:

  • Immerse yourself in Pushkin's fairy tales.
  • Play the role of a hero from the books of Alexander Sergeevich.
  • Feel like a guest at an ancient social reception.
  • Get into the spirit of a fairy tale.

Don't miss your chance and book tickets for the New Year's holiday in Moscow online on our website. We are looking forward to seeing everyone!

Buy tickets for the New Year tree at the Pushkin Museum you can visit the website today!

The estate of A.S. Pushkin is one of those few places where you can completely immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the 19th century. It seems that the walls themselves keep “the legends of deep antiquity” and slowly whisper to you the immortal story about Ruslan and Lyudmila. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Christmas ball and New Year's performance at the Pushkin Museum They are especially popular among Muscovites and guests of the capital. The perfectly preserved estate, in fact, is a living backdrop for a fairy-tale production, which helps both children and adults to fully immerse themselves in the world of magic and wonder. It is quite expected that many people want buy tickets to the Pushkin Museum, and therefore they are sorted out long before the New Year's event. You can order tickets for the New Year tree at the Pushkin Museum on our website, and the courier will deliver them directly to your home (free in Moscow).

Every year, directors come up with a special twist for theatrical performances, and 2017 is no exception - small and large spectators are waiting for a new Fairy Tale, in which goodness will definitely conquer all obstacles on the way to the holiday. Professional actors create a unique atmosphere, and viewers find themselves in a world where all the lines between reality and reality are erased. New Year's performance at the Pushkin Museum always charges with sparkling fun and positive emotions, and tickets for it, fortunately, are available to everyone. The Christmas tree in the museum deserves special words - it is a forest beauty, decorated with both modern and ancient toys, and therefore it seems that history itself has come to visit us in our 21st century.

Tickets for the New Year tree at the Pushkin Museum 2017

Buy tickets to the Pushkin Museum You can go to the New Year tree today - an unforgettable experience and a bright mood await you! You can safely go to this holiday with the whole family - not only children, but adults will find entertainment there (for example, historical ballroom dancing, card games). The ticket price includes a tour of the estate, a theatrical performance with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, games, fun competitions and a sweet gift.

For the New Year's ball 2018 - 2019 State Museum of A.S. Pushkin invites you and your children to an old Russian estate for a Christmas tree for children and adults.
This coming year, 2019, young guests and their parents will make an unforgettable journey into a New Year's fairy tale.

Family New Year's balls in an old Russian estate

Season 2018-2019.

From December 21 to January 7, the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin invites
for Family New Year's balls in an old Russian estate on Prechistinka.

We invite you to take part in a wonderful and exciting performance!

In the coming season 2018-2019, during the New Year holidays, the State Pushkin Museum invites children and their parents on a bright theatrical journey through the fairy-tale space of medieval knights. Just like 200 years ago among the noble society, Greeks will again be in great fashion in the halls of the museum, and classical antiquity will become a role model.

Many centuries ago, tales of the exploits of the knight Beva from Anton or Bovo d'Anton traveled throughout Europe. In Russia, this knight was called Bova the Prince; the legend about him was read and retold for several centuries, starting from the 16th century. Popular folk tales about the “precious hero” were published in hundreds of editions until the beginning of the twentieth century. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin also listened to the fairy tale about Bova the Prince as a child. Many years later, the poet, writing “The Tale of Tsar Saltan,” borrows a lot from the ancient legend and even makes sketches for the poem “Bova.” In the 2018-2019 season, we invite museum guests to become wandering storytellers - troubadours, trouvères, buffoons - to try to retell the legend of the knight Beauvais again. At children's interactive areas, young museum guests will get acquainted with the legendary heroes from Russian epics, warrior-heroes from Russian stories and chronicles, learn about the heroes' magical assistants - the hero's horse, an enchanted sword and a wise word, and explore the family tree of A.S. Pushkin, prepare a gift for Santa Claus and dance a heroic dance near a real live spruce tree at the New Year's ball. During the fabulous performance, young guests will not only learn the plot of the legend about Bova, but will also become his faithful assistants in his exploits.
We invite adult guests to walk through the halls of the museum exposition and exhibition halls, as well as to celebrate the New Year with gypsies, take part in a comic “fist fight”, brag like a hero at a festive feast, and also learn a lot of interesting things about the culture and life of Russia in Pushkin’s time .

The New Year's holiday program will be completed by a meeting with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, cheerful dancing around a living nine-meter spruce and, of course, gifts for all guests.

We invite you to take part in a wonderful and exciting celebration!

Christmas tree in the Pushkin Museum.
Season 2018-2019 - schedule of New Year's balls at the A.S. Pushkin:

21 December,
Friday - 10.00, 13.30, 17.00

December 22, Saturday - 10:00, 13.30, 17.00

December 23, Sunday - 10.00, 13.30, 17.00

December 24, Monday - 10.00, 13.30, 17.00

December 25, Tuesday - 10.00, 13.30, 17.00

December 26, Wednesday - 10.00, 13.30, 17.00

27th of December , Thursday - 10.00, 13.30, 17:00

December 28th, Friday - 10.00, 13.30, 17.00

December 29th, Saturday - 10.00, 13.30, 17.00

December 30th, Sunday - 10.00, 13.30, 17.00

January 2,
Wednesday - 12.00, 16.00

January 3, Thursday - 12.00, 16.00

4 January, Friday - 12.00, 16.00

5 January, Saturday - 12.00, 16.00

6th January, Sunday - 12.00, 16.00

Jan. 7, Monday - 12.00, 16.00

Museum address: Prechistenka street 12, entrance to the museum from Khrushchevsky Lane. You can use the metro (Kropotkinskaya station, exit from the first car from the center), from the metro to the right!