Sayings about Christmas in English with translation. Christmas words and idioms in English you might not know

Everyone's favorite New Year holidays are coming very soon. It is not surprising that preparation for them is increasingly becoming a favorite topic of conversation. But if you are discussing the arrival of Santa Claus with your foreign colleagues, you may hear some New Year's vocabulary that can leave you stumped. Let's see what "White Christmas" is, how you can shorten the word Christmas and what the New Year will be like in English.

Christmas vs New Year

Many people know that in Europe the main emphasis of the New Year holidays falls on Christmas. This is what all the children look forward to. As we know, Catholic Christmas is celebrated earlier than Christian Christmas and falls on December 25th. So it is on the night of December 24-25 that gifts magically appear under the tree.

Traditionally, Christmas in Europe is celebrated with your family. But on New Year’s Day you can go somewhere with friends, or you can stay at home and sleep all night. So it’s not surprising that there are many more interesting Christmas idioms and expressions than New Year’s ones. By the way, New Year will be in English New year's day, and Christmas - Christmas.

English expressions on the theme New Year

We have put together a selection of expressions that will come in handy if you want to chat with foreign friends about the New Year.

English expressions with the word Christmas

First of all, don't be surprised if you notice that someone spelled Christmas as Xmas. This does not mean that a person is not familiar with correct spelling. Xmas is a popular abbreviation of the word Christmas. This abbreviation has already become so established in speech that it is printed without embarrassment on greeting cards and posters.

There are many expressions with the word Christmas. Today we will talk to you about simple phrases that are translated literally, and about phraseological units, the translation of which will have to think about.

Christmas phrases

Christmas phraseological units and idioms

Now you are completely savvy in New Year's vocabulary. Visit our website, read articles about the New Year holidays and recharge yourself with the Christmas spirit with the benefit of your English.

(Christmas is one of the Christian holidays in memory of the birth of Jesus Christ.)

Wise thoughts from the sages about Christmas

"If not Christmas in your heart, you won’t find it under the tree.”

“It's snowing on Christmas,

falls like God's mercy.

It's snowing - and magic

may happen on this day.

Silence and purity,

nothing will disturb them.

Believe: it’s not for nothing that beauty

since she saves the soul..."

Irina Afonskaya

“How many people are celebrating Christmas! How many keep His commandments?”

Benjamin Franklin

Christmas! I look forward to these holidays with their welcoming glow long before they arrive.”

E. Hoffman

“Brightly with star rays

The blue sky shines...

Why, tell me, mom,

Brighter than the stars in the sky

On holy night Christmas?”

Heinrich Heine

Christmas It only happens once a year, but that’s more than enough.”

R. Lembke


This word evokes strong, frosty air, icy purity and snowiness.”

I. Shmelev

“All around Christmas haze.

Bells ring in the darkness,

And the words sound in harmony with them:

“Peace on earth and happiness to all!”

G. Longfellow

Christmas“It’s the time of year when we should buy things no one wants and give them to people we don’t like.”

Bernard Show

“Look through the windows for yourself,”

There's a big celebration there!

The Christmas trees glow with lights,

As happens in Christmas.”

Fedor Dostoevsky

"IN ChristmasWe open not only gifts, but also our hearts.”

Janice Maditer

“... The most beautiful and fragrant word in the world flowed through my soul like a cheerful wind - “ Christmas" It smelled of blizzards and prickly pine paws.”

V. Nikiforov-Volgin

Christmas in my native country.

Kind grandfather with a fluffy beard,

Smells like tangerines and Christmas trees

With guns and firecrackers in your wallet.”

Afanasy Fet

Christmas- not the time of year. This feeling."

Edna Ferber

"Today will be Christmas,

the whole city is waiting for the secret,

he sleeps in the crystal frost

and waits: the magic will happen.”

Irina Afonskaya

“It’s especially easy to feel a spiritual kinship on Christmas.”

V. Kazanzhants

“I would probably give everything in the world for a simple, frosty, snowy Christmas my childhood.”

Charles Dickens

"IN Christmas everyone is a bit of a magician.”

Joseph Brodsky

“Probably in the very airchristmas, in its stuffy, stuffy atmosphere there is something ghostly, something that calls spirits to light, just as summer rains attract frogs and snails to the surface of the earth.”

Jerome Klapka Jerome

Christmas in America it is a great and bright holiday of commerce, which has no connection with religion. This is a huge sale of rubbish, and with all our dislike for God, we cannot in any way accuse him of complicity in this dark matter.”

Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov

“I will honor Christmas in my heart, and I will try to maintain this throughout the year.”

Charles Dickens

“Happy Christmas to all my friends except two!”

William Fields


1. to look forward to the holiday- look forward to the holiday
2. Bethlehem– Bethlehem (a city in Palestine, south of Jerusalem; birthplace of Jesus Christ)
3. The Star of Bethlehem- Star of Bethlehem
4. Jesus Christ- Jesus Christ
5. Christmas holidays- Christmas holidays
6. Christmas card– Christmas card

7.white Christmas– Christmas with snow
8. Christmas Eve- Christmas Eve
9. on Christmas Day- At Christmas
10. at Christmas- At Christmas
11. on Christmas morning- on Christmas morning
12. a Christmas Tree- Christmas tree
13. Father Christmas- Santa Claus
14. Santa Claus– Santa Claus (American Santa Claus)
15.Jack Frost- Father Frost
16. a red robe– red caftan
17. gloves- gloves
18. long white beard– long white beard
19. – reindeer
20. a sleigh- sled
21. chestnuts– chestnuts
22. the fireplace- fireplace
23.the chimney– chimney
24. a Carol- New Year's song with religious content
25. colored lights– flashlights
26. glistening glass balls- New Year's balls
27. a tinsel- garland
28. a holly with red berries– holly (its evergreen branches with red berries are traditionally used to decorate the house at Christmas)
29. Christmas wreath– Advent wreath (in England, a traditional home decoration for Christmas)
30. a stocking- stocking hang up- hang
32. to be hungry with- hung
33. a candle- candle
34. to light a candle- light a candle
35. to decorate- decorate
36. special decorations– special decorations
37. to celebrate(all over the country) – celebrate (all over the country)
38. to congratulate- congratulate
39. to wish each other- wish each other
40. to toast- raise a toast
41. a wish- wish
42. to make a wish- Make a wish
43. to come true- come true
44. to tell a fortune- guess
45. to send greeting cards(Christmas cards) – send Christmas cards
46. Christmas meal- Christmas meal
47. a holiday meal- festive dinner
48. Christmas turkey– holiday turkey

49. Christmas pudding– holiday pudding
50. a treat– treat
51. to wrap up gifts- wrap gifts
52. to leave the gifts under the tree- leave gifts under the tree
53. to sit down to dinner- sit at the table
54. merry- funny
55. midnight– midnight
56. a guest- guest
57. to invite- invite
58. to give presents- give gifts
59. to get (receive) a present– receive a gift
60. to be visiting- to be visiting
61. to visit smb/ to go to see- go for a visit
62. popular– popular
63. popular gifts– regular gifts
(a box of chocolate, books, records, a photo album, computer games, a video cassette, perfume)
64. hand-made gifts– homemade gifts
65. to prepare for- prepare to
66. to put up- put, install
67. to put up a tree- put up a Christmas tree
68. to represent- represent, symbolize
69. to listen to the speech of the Queen- listen to the queen's speech
70. a relative- relative
71. to stay up late- stay up late

So, Christmas (even the Catholic one) is almost around the corner, and you want to wish your English-speaking friends a happy holiday? To do this, you need to know at least a minimum number of words; “Merry Christmas” and “Happy New Year” alone may not be enough.

Dictionary of Christmas terms and phrases

You will need it if you want to celebrate the New Year in the American or British style or not to lose face at one of the pre-New Year conversation clubs based on English language schools.

Christmas Carols Christmas carols. By the way, one of the most famous Ukrainian Christmas songs is also popular in the USA under the name “Carol of the Bells”. It was first performed in New York in 1921 and has since gained unprecedented popularity. You should listen to this composition for 12 cellos by Steven Nelson of The Piano Guys.

We also offer Christmas carols in English.

  • Christmas Eve- Holy Supper, the evening before Christmas.
  • Chimney- chimney. This word is necessary in case you have to show the way to Santa Claus.
  • Reindeer– Santa Claus’s sleigh is pulled not just by “deers”, but by “reindeers” - reindeer.
  • Snowman- snowman. Not a single winter holiday would be complete without it, although not in all states Snowman can be made from real snow.
  • Snowflake- snowflake.
  • Christmas creep It turns out that in the USA there is a special term to refer to the marketing moves of many brands that allow them to produce and launch Christmas-themed products. The launch of Christmas creep (pre-Christmas campaign) is usually scheduled for Thanksgiving.
  • Garland- garland. A word that will not be difficult for you to remember.
  • Christmas buzz- Christmas hum.
  • Christmasomnia- Christmas insomnia.
  • Holiday pounds– extra pounds (in our case, kilograms) of weight that you gained over the holidays.
  • Postsantum depression– a sad, depressive state after Christmas.

English Christmas Idioms

  • To ring out the Old Year- see off the old year.
  • To ring in the New Year- celebrate the New Year.
  • Christmas comes but once a year- a phrase that justifies the amount of food, drink and strange behavior that captures you in a wild Christmas whirlpool. After all, “Christmas only comes once a year!”
  • To be dressed up like a Christmas tree– “dress up like a Christmas tree”, dress too flashy, brightly, provocatively.
  • To cancel someone's Christmas– “To cancel someone’s Christmas” is used to mean “to stop someone’s merry existence”, “to ruin someone’s mood” and in similar cases.
  • To deck the halls– decorate halls, rooms, decorate a room before Christmas.

Happy holidays and happy English lessons in the New Year!

Christmas is Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. For millions of Christians throughout the world it is the happiest and the busiest time of the year. No one knows the exact date of Christ's birth but most Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25. The word Christmas comes from Christes masse, an early English phrase that means Mass of Christ.

People of different countries celebrate Christmas in various ways. People in the United States and Canada decorate their homes with Christmas trees, wreaths and ornaments. City streets are filled with colored lights; the sound of bells and Christmas carols can be heard everywhere.

Children write letters to Santa Claus and tell him what presents they would like to get. Many department stores hire people to wear a Santa Claus costume and listen to children's requests. People send Christmas cards to relatives and friends. Many companies give presents to their employees.

A Christmas tree is one of the main symbols of Christmas in most homes. Relatives and friends may join in trimming the tree with lights, tinsel, and colorful ornaments. Presents are placed under the tree. On Christmas Eve or Christmas morning, families open their presents.

Many children believe that Santa Claus arrives on Christmas Eve in a sleigh pulled by a reindeer and brings presents. Some children hang up stockings so Santa Claus can fill them with candy, fruit and other small gifts.

In many parts of the United States and Canada groups of people walk from house to house and sing Christmas carols. Some people give singers money or small gifts or invite them for a warm drink.

Many people attend church services on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning. They listen to readings from the Bible and singing Christmas carols.

A traditional Christmas dinner consists of stuffed turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and a variety of other dishes. Some families have ham or roast goose instead of turkey. Pumpkin pie, plum pudding, and fruitcake are favorite desserts.


Christmas is a Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. For millions of Christians around the world, this is the happiest and most troublesome time of the year. No one knows the exact date of Christ's birth, but most Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25th. The word "Christmas" comes from "Christes masse", an Old English expression that means "Mass of Christ".

People in different countries celebrate Christmas in different ways. People in the United States and Canada decorate their homes with Christmas trees, wreaths, and various decorations. The city streets are full of colorful lights, bells and Christmas carols can be heard everywhere.

Children write letters to Santa Claus and tell him what gifts they would like to receive. Many department stores hire people to wear Santa Claus costumes and listen to children's requests. People send Christmas cards to relatives and friends. Many companies give gifts to their employees.

The Christmas tree is one of the main symbols of Christmas in most homes. Relatives and friends can gather to decorate the Christmas tree with lights, tinsel, and colorful decorations. Gifts are placed under the tree. On Christmas Eve or Christmas morning, families open gifts.

Many children believe that Santa Claus arrives on Christmas Eve in a sleigh pulled by reindeer. Some children hang out stockings for Santa Claus to fill with candy, fruit, and other small gifts.

In many areas of the United States and Canada, groups of people go from house to house singing Christmas carols. Some give the singers money or small gifts, or invite them inside for hot drinks.

Many people attend church services on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning. They listen to passages from the Bible and sing Christmas carols.

A traditional Christmas dinner consists of stuffed turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and a variety of other items. Some families eat ham or roast goose instead of turkey. Favorite desserts are pumpkin pie, plum pudding and fruit cake.